(you're so) pretty, please - nightmaremode (metalgr3ymon) - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

“and then do you know what he said? he said: ‘you’re cute and I’m very flattered, but I just don’t know how to dom betas’, like. what the f*ck does that mean?”

jeongguk pauses mid-rant to grumpily shove a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. it’s half-melted now, more liquid in his spoon than anything solid. now it tastes less like the praline and vanilla goodness it’s supposed to be and more like a big watery disappointment.

just like his ‘date.’

the worst part? jeongguk has only himself to blame for both.

“that’s the stupidest bullsh*t I’ve ever heard. as if domming betas is any different to domming someone else at all. just say you’re an asshole and go, god ,” taehyung spits, curling his hand into a fist while the other plays gently with jeongguk's hair.

taehyung’s anger makes him feel vindicated. whenever he starts feeling like all they’re saying about him is true, talking to his best friend and roommate always helps. he’s not ‘overreacting’. his anger and frustration are valid and justified.

he just wants to let go , leave the decisions to someone else for once and trust that they will break him down and bring him back up like he so desperately craves.

instead, he gets some asshole alpha pretending he doesn’t know that they are supposed to be on a date and then naming all the reasons why he doesn’t think betas can truly be submissive. at some point, he said something along the lines of, ‘l’ll always feel like you’re questioning my authority and that’s not the energy you want to carry to a scene, y’know?”.

jeongguk could barely resist stabbing his own eyes out with a fork.

he even tried to pin it on him, he should have expected it though after, "what do you mean this is a date? he chuckles nervously. "alphas don't date betas? I thought you were just being friendly." it's always the same, all the other alphas and the occasional omega he's met up with in the past few months have done the same - why did he expect this dude to be different?

he’s heard it all, from the most repeated phrases of “ you don’t have a knot / you don’t leak” to “knotted dild*s? they just aren’t the same”, “ sorry / you’re cute but I want the real deal” and the very worst of them all, which include lovely sentiments such as, “ oh, ew, you’re a beta? bye / no self-respecting alpha would ever f*ck a beta / sorry but I just think domming betas is boring as hell. you aren’t naturally submissive like omegas are and gettin’ you there is so tedious and not worth it at all.”

it’s just not fair. he thought things were going well. the alpha in question, seojoon, didn’t immediately turn tail or make an obviously fake excuse to curve jeongguk upon realizing he was a beta. he was funny, charming, and seemed to be as into jeongguk as he was into him.

as he got ready to see him less than an hour ago, jeongguk was convinced his dry spell was finally over: after the continuous rejection he’s suffered, tonight would finally be the night he got slapped around and called a good boy while he hung off a fat knot.

jeongguk wishes he could go back to those happy times - an hour and a half ago, respectively - instead of stewing in the bitterness of his present time.

“it’s just not fair. why does this keep happening to me?” he groans, pressing his palms against his eyes. he won’t cry. not again. “I must be the unluckiest beta on earth, holy sh*t.”

taehyung immediately moves to gather him up in his arms. “their loss. none of those motherf*ckers deserve you,” he grunts. “they can only dream of having the privilege of being with such a sexy, talented, smart - “

“stop,” jeongguk huffs, weakly hitting him in the chest, but he can’t deny his words please him greatly. taehyung is a great friend. the best alpha jeongguk knows. “I’m just - I guess this is hitting me a lot harder than usual because I’ve been so stressed this week,” he sighs. “I was really looking forward to some thorough destressing, y’know?”

he had two big pieces to hand in on wednesday and thursday, respectively, had to work two double-shifts in a row on monday and tuesday because some of his coworkers are inconsiderate to the bone, and for the cherry on top of the sh*tty cake, there was the group project presentation fiasco from friday with the whipped cream -

he had been looking forward to saturday all week. dragged himself through it all thinking, “things are pretty sh*tty now but at least you’ll have this good thing at the end of it all”.

if only he’d known.

hey, maybe I’ll actually cry after all.

"none of that. that humongous asshole doesn't deserve a single tear from you," taehyung tsks gently, stroking his cheek with his thumb. then his finger stops, and he sits up a little straighter like something just came to his mind. "hey, why don't you come with me to filter next week? I’m sure there are tons of alphas there who would be more than glad to rough you up like you deserve.”

jeongguk’s heart speeds up significantly at the mention of filter, the bdsm club taehyung had first brought him to a couple of weeks ago. it opened fairly recently, a little over a year ago, but it quickly became a hotspot for people from all kinds of kinky walks of life: veterans and beginners alike. they were LGBTQIA+ friendly too, which jeongguk guessed contributed a lot to their (well-deserved, in his humble opinion) popularity.

he was nervous, at first, nervous and terribly excited. he’d played before, and he’d also done it with taehyung specifically (because nothing strengthens a friendship like getting wrecked with your best friend), but he had never gone to a bdsm club before.

“you don’t have to worry about a thing,” taehyung said to him that first night as they sat on a taxi on their way there, a comforting hand on his thigh. “everyone is super friendly. today’s thing is more focused on socialising than anything else. you don’t even have to do anything if you don’t want to. you can just watch and if you’re uncomfortable at any moment, tell me and we’ll leave, okay?”

jeongguk nodded quickly, grateful for taehyung’s presence by his side. he probably would have never gathered the courage to go on his own, or it would have taken him a lot longer to get there. he clutched the bag on his lap a little tighter (full of his favorite toys, lube, a deck of cards of uno and cards against humanity) when the car finally stopped. this was it. the moment of truth.

he would say there were butterflies in his stomach as they got off the car, but they felt more like an angry swarm of wasps. the outside of the building looked elegant yet simple: two stories, the word ‘filter’ spelled above the entrance overhang in a pretty cursive font and shining purple. the row of windows scattered floor level along the wall were completely blacked out. no way to see what was going on inside.

jeongguk made sure to wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans as discreetly as he could before they reached the bouncer standing guard at the door. he was sitting on a tall stool, watching as they approached while he rested his elbows on the wooden stand in front of him. he was in all black: boots, jeans, crop top and elbow-length leather gloves.

if he noticed the way jeongguk’s fingers were slightly trembling while he signed the liability release forms and paid his fee, he was kind enough to not comment on it. taehyung was guiding him with a hand on the small of his back next, and then they were inside.

every two weeks of the month during wednesdays, filter held an event called nerdgasm: in which attendees were encouraged to bring in their favorite tabletop games to ‘sexify’ them. while the smaller private rooms were still available for traditional play or even scenes with a nerdy touch, the main room was set up exclusively for the event: full of laughter and loud talking.

and moaning.

jeongguk had an absolute blast. once the initial shock of seeing people engaging in sexual activities out in the open wore out, jeongguk felt himself loosen up and he started to enjoy himself. his favorite part of the night was definitely sitting around on the floor with a bunch of people while they played a much more enjoyable version of truth or dare than the traditional one, which included dares such as: "I dare you to come on your favorite vibrator in less than five minutes" or, "I dare you to give a ruined org*sm to the person you are most attracted to from here"

on the way home, he couldn't possibly thank taehyung enough for bringing him along. he didn't even mind the cum currently drying in his boxers, a bit loopy still.

"I'm really happy you had fun, jeonggukkie," taehyung said, squeezing his thigh. "I take it you wanna do it again?"

taehyung laughed at how eagerly he nodded. unfortunately, life got him by the throat the two weeks after his first visit to the club, which meant he couldn't go back with taehyung like he had originally planned to do.

jeongguk pulls away to look at taehyung in the eye, mulling it over

"you mean like… nerdgasm? but that was last week, wasn’t it? I missed it” ,jeongguk says, frowning. he’s still a bit more bitter about it than he’d liked to admit.

“no, I don’t mean nerdgasm. I’m actually talking about a different event,” taehyung’s eyes glint with excitement as he speaks. “this one is on friday. they lovingly refer to it as ‘all holes in’ because you’re allowed to like, take dick in your ass or in your mouth alongside toys and stuff. we could go take a look and see if we can find a nice someone to throw you around and stuff you full.”

taehyung’s words put a mental image in his mind that has his cheeks feeling warm: jeongguk, on his knees for an alpha with a hand in his hair, keeping him away from tasting their knot because he hasn’t earned it yet. yes, he thinks. I would really like that.

however, seojoon’s words still resonate in his mind. being with a beta is boring. betas aren’t good submissives. boring, boring you’re boring you’re -

“do you really think so?” he asks in a small voice.

“think what?”

“that there will be… alphas there or - or even omegas that will be like. into me?”

taehyung’s eyes soften. at the same time, he clenches his hands into fists.

“of course, jeonggukkie. you’ll see. we’ll find you a nice someone who’ll make you forget all about that asshole .”


for better or for worse, the days leading up to friday are rather uneventful. jeongguk is able to relax, if only a little, and sleep more than four hours a night. the downside of it is that his mind has less to think about and therefore more time to mull over friday. it stays buzzing in the back of his mind, sharpening the need bubbling under his skin.

he sees seojoon again sooner than he would have liked. he’s wiping down the counter in the coffee shop he works at, catching his breath after the hecticness of rush hour when the little bell that signals the arrival of a new customer goes off. he doesn’t even need to look up to know it’s seojoon; he would recognize that smell anywhere, even when it’s clearly intertwined with someone else’s, with an omega’s scent.

of course, he thinks, and then he disappears towards the back as swiftly as he can manage, letting his coworker handle it. he knows it’s not a coincidence. it cannot be a coincidence: seojoon knows he works there and out of all the coffee shops he could have chosen to take his new… fling? to, he chose the one jeongguk works at. to do… what? to rub it in his face that his new omega gives him what jeongguk didn’t even get the chance to?

their coffee is not even that good, for god’s sake.

it makes him long to go back to filter with taehyung even more. friday seems to come too fast and not fast enough simultaneously. he finds himself standing in front of his closet, hands on his hips, trying to decide what to wear before he even realizes it. he can hear the faint sounds of taehyung moving about in the bathroom as he too gets ready; it makes the nerves coiling tight in his stomach fizzle up with excitement.

what kind of vibes do I want to give off? , he asks himself. something like I'm ready and willing, please bend me over the nearest surface available’ with a little ’ I'm a beta and I can and will give you a good time’ sprinkled on top, perhaps.

he trails his fingers over the sleeve of a stripes/leopard print combo shirt, humming in consideration. then he skips the next few shirts to land on another striped shirt in black. it doesn’t have the deep-cut cleavage the first one does, but it is pretty much see-through, and if he leaves a few buttons open he can achieve the same effect…

“how are you not dressed yet?” jeongguk turns at the sound of taehyung’s voice, does a double-take when he spots him leaning against the doorway of his room, looking drop-dead gorgeous in a thin-strapped crop top and a pair of leather leggings that looked as if they were painted on him.

jeongguk is blatantly staring, but then again, what else is he meant to do? he’s only human, after all, and his best friend is a very attractive alpha. he approaches jeongguk slowly, his socked feet barely making a sound. he’s carrying his trusty beauty bag with him, ready to do jeongguk’s makeup like he said he would do, only to find him still standing in his boxers in front of his wardrobe, struggling to decide what to wear.

“uh - which one?” he pulls both shirts out at lightning speed, holding them in front of his body, hoping he doesn’t look as flustered as he feels. taehyung hums, leaving the bagon jeongguk’s bed and coming even closer to examine the shirts.

“the black one,” taehyung says, after a pause. “definitely the black one, with your leather pants, the ones that make your thighs look extra good.”

jeongguk hums in agreement. shirt in hand, he begins to dig through his closet for the aforementioned leather pants. he dresses as quick as he can, patiently tugging them up his thighs with a little shimmy when they get stuck, then he walks over to the full-sized mirror next to his desk to take a look at himself; at the way his thighs strain against the material, how the lace hugs his pecs while his pierced nipples peek through the material, completely on display.

it’s not like jeongguk thinks he’s unattractive; he looks good , he knows he does. however, he will admit that as of late his confidence has taken a hit.

he looks good, sure. they will flirt with him, sure. maybe get a few drinks out of him. dinner and a movie? sure, but then they don’t follow through with it. the movie finishes, the food gets eaten, and then it is: “ah, I - um, look I had a lot of fun but I just don’t think this is gonna work?” and then jeongguk has to go home, have a sad jerk off session or get a toy out if he felt hornier than sad. rinse and repeat.

he tentatively cups his pecs as he looks back at his reflection, scratching absent-mindedly at a nipple. from where he’s perched on jeongguk’s desk, taehyung says, “damn straight. make sure you make those tit* pop. we love to see it.”

jeongguk’s cheeks go about as red as his hair, which had been a shiny platinum blond as of sometime around last week, but bumping into seojoon left him itching for a change, so he impulsively dyed it cherry red the day afterwards.

“do you think this color looks good on me?” is what he offers as he self-consciously ruffles his hair in the mirror. he doesn’t say what he’s really thinking, that even then, his nice tit* didn’t seem to be a good incentive enough for other people to look past his inability to leak or his distinctive lack of a knot.

jeongguk shakes his head as if to rid himself of those thoughts. he can’t keep thinking like that. he won’t keep thinking like that. tonight will surely be his night. he’s got a feeling.

taehyung hops off his desk. by the pinched look on his face, jeongguk thinks he knows exactly what just went through his mind.

“oh, absolutely. red is a total banger on you, jeonggukkie,” he places his hands on jeongguk’s shoulders and gently guides him towards the vanity sitting opposite of his desk. “now, sit down and let me do your makeup.”

jeongguk goes obediently. taehyung works with the quickness and sureness of someone who does it for a living and soon enough his eyelids are shining pretty in red glitter, framed by a thick, black wing. he pops his glossy, black lips as soon as taehyung steps back to signal he’s done and he thinks to himself, “I look damn good.”

“let’s get it,” he says as he stands up. giggles when he hears taehyung groan behind him.

the taxi ride to the club is quiet. jeongguk feels fine up until the point where the vehicle pulls up right in front of the club and he looks out of the window to see that familiar purple sign staring back at him.

taehyung squeezes his thigh reassuringly, and then they’re out.

there’s a bit of a crowd gathering at the entrance when they get there. it stirs up a feeling in the pit of his stomach he cannot quite describe; he’s equal parts relieved, because not going in immediately means he has more time to prepare himself and what he’s going to say, and feeling slightly impatient, because now that he’s here that itch under his skin he’s been dying to scratch for weeks now seems to have gone from mildly irritating to unbearable.

“do you remember what we talked about last time? what to do if you find someone you wanna play with?” taehyung says, shivering slightly as he wraps his arms around himself. he didn’t grab a jacket before they left their apartment, because, ‘we’re barely gonna spend time outside, anyway, and then I’ll have to carry it everywhere when we’re inside’. jeongguk huddles in his own leather jacket, grateful for the protection it offers against the chilly wind of the night.

“yes, hyung, I remember the list,” he says, shuffling along as the crowd advances. “what I like, what I don’t like and what I’m willing to do and have done to me. the universal safeword in the club is red,” he recites dutifully. he mentally went over the list during the car ride a couple of times, making sure he didn’t forget anything.

he wouldn’t admit it to anyone but himself, the amount of times he had to start over because he got… distracted, by the fantasies the words brought afloat in his mind. all of this, a tempting voice whispered in his ear, in public . people could sit and watch as you fall apart, just like last time.

if taehyung noticed the way jeongguk squirmed and shifted to cross his legs, he didn’t bring attention to it. bless him.

there’s a different bouncer at the door when they approach it. tall, dark-haired, with elbow-length leather gloves and a leopard print shirt with a few too many buttons popped open. they smell like tangerines (an omega, maybe?) and they totally check jeongguk out as they take his ID. it gives him an extra boost of confidence, makes him preen a little.

“tsk, how selfish of taehyung to keep you to himself all this time,” they tell him, dipping his eyes down just for a brief second. “although I can’t say I blame him for it. I would’ve done the same thing.”

jeongguk blushes and mumbles something that he hopes can pass off as a coherent response, and steps aside. at least the night is starting out well. he makes sure to sway his hips as they head inside.

“I think they’re out in like, three hours or so,” taehyung whispers to him conspiratorially. “if you’re interested.”

he hums, considering. says, “maybe” and whatever else he’s gonna say next evaporates from his mind as he takes in the atmosphere of the club: the familiar red neon lights, the tables spread out around the space instead of pushed up against the walls to create space. his eyes trail over the people sitting by the bar and on the row of booths to the left, dancing on the makeshift dance floor at the back of the room, near where the two (unused, for now) crosses sit in the corners. to the right, a little further down the bar, there’s an open door space that jeongguk knows leads to a narrow hallway where the bathrooms are, with a set of stairs that goes up towards the private rooms and another one that goes down towards the backroom.

“why don’t you go grab us a booth? they’re better for… surveying the crowd,” taehyung says, mouth against his ear so jeongguk can hear him over the music. “I’m gonna get a drink. you want anything?”

jeongguk is already looking around, trying to find them a seat. “ah, get me a beer? whichever they got is fine.”

taehyung claps him on the shoulder, says he’ll be right back and sets out to get their drinks. he stands there for a few seconds, looking uncertain, before his eyes zero in on an empty booth somewhere around the middle of the room.

good as any, I guess, he thinks, and heads straight for it. he straightens his back as he walks, trying to appear a lot more confident than he actually feels. fake it ‘till you make it, right? he even lets his scent waft out a little as he goes, rose and lavender, just enough so that the people in the tables he passes by can smell him.

it feels good to feel eyes on him as he sits down. he breathes in the scents being sent his way and tries not to smile. resolutely pushes away any and all stray thoughts of, they’re only interested because they think you’re an omega. you smell too good to be a beta. he hasn’t heard that one in a while but it is, somehow, one of the little jabs he finds the most insulting; the implication that betas don’t normally have nice scents. that he’s supposed to take it as a compliment.

jeongguk lets his eyes roam around the room as he waits. he finds taehyung easily, where he’s standing by the far right end of the bar, paying for their drinks. he continues looking around, surveying the crowd, as his hyung so eloquently put it.

he gets distracted watching a person with long, dark hair wearing a rather daring see-through catsuit (opaque only in the middle) as they leave the bar. they make eye contact. they wink at him, then grin when jeongguk ducks his head, cheeks aflame.

“see someone you like?”

hearing taehyung’s voice so close to him all of a sudden startles him. he turns to look at him as he slides on the opposite seat in front of jeongguk, sliding his beer over to him.

he takes it and brings it up to his lips, intending on taking a sip. the words, maybe I have, are right there, resting on the tip of his tongue, as he surveys the crowd distractedly. he tries to find the catsuit person again to no avail.

he’s about to turn back to tell taehyung as much when, through the corner of his eye, jeongguk catches sight of a figure that makes him pause mid-sentence - mouth agape, the rim of the bottle pressed against his bottom lip as he stares unabashedly.

they’re leaning against the bar, their back to jeongguk. white blond-hair pulled into a small ponytail and dressed in all leather: crop top and slitted pants. jeongguk’s eyes fly over their figure, trying to absorb as much of them as possible, like the colorful swirls covering almost all of the stranger’s back or the big gaps right under their ass that leave… a lot of thigh skin exposed. there’s a smaller slit right above their knee, connected to the fabric in between both of them by a thick strip of leather, but jeongguk barely dwells on that.

his eyes are drawn right back at the way the material seems to be straining to keep all that ass in. it looks like some of it is half-hanging out anyway or very close to.

it makes jeongguk wonder: if the view is that good from the back… looking at them from the front must feel like a goddamned blessing.

“ - guk? jeongguk?”

he blinks. taehyung’s voice effectively breaks whatever trance the stranger and their magnificent ass put them in. now he’s back to being well aware of the bottle he’s still holding halfway to his mouth.

taehyung is still looking at him expectantly. eyebrows raised in an expression that screams, what was that? ’ jeongguk takes a long swig of his drink, at last, well aware that he's stalling; he just needs some time to compose himself. the stranger left his mouth both wet and dry.

"I've been trying to get your attention for, like, a solid minute," taehyung says, eyes glinting. "so I'm gonna go ahead and assume the answer is 'yes', tae, someone totally caught my eye just now. who is it?"

jeongguk takes a peek again to see if the stranger is still there. they are, so he gestures with his head towards their general position.

"um. bleached blond hair. leather. a little over to the left. ass to die for."

he didn't look long enough to see if they were looking back or not, if they perhaps felt jeongguk's eyes nearly burning a hole in their back and felt the need to turn around. his heartbeat kicks up thinking about looking by the bar and locking eyes with them.

so he focuses on taehyung instead. he can tell the moment he spots them because his eyes widen and lets out what jeongguk assumes is an impressed, low whistle.

"ah, yeah. I see what you meant. I've seen them around before, I'm pretty sure. they - yeah, they're exactly your type," taehyung's eyes widen all of a sudden. he meets jeongguk's eyes with barely contained glee. "oh, they're looking this way. jeongguk, they're looking right at you ."

jeongguk, who is still processing taehyung's words and the enticing images they've put in his head, nearly knocks over his drink. " what? are you sure?"

"positive," taehyung smirks. "I mean, they would have to be unable to smell anything at all for them to not notice you right now, you - uh - " he makes a hand gesture that encompasses all of jeongguk. "- let's say your pheromones are currently working overtime to make sure they know you’re interested."

jeongguk covers his eyes with his eyes (careful not to mess his makeup up) and makes a vaguely distressed noise. he hadn't even noticed he had started to scent so aggressively. there are /definitely/ more than one pair of eyes on him, now. whether it is because they're interested or they're wondering why the beta by the corner seems to have forgotten his manners entirely, that's a different question.

"hey, no, this is a good thing!" taehyung rushes to say. "they're still looking this way. I think they're waiting for you to look back, jeonggukkie."

his words fill jeongguk with urgency. he slowly raises his head to look the stranger's way and when he meets their eyes, he nearly chokes on his own saliva. they're perched upon a stool now, an amused tilt to their smile as they give him a very obvious once-over.

they spread their legs invitingly when jeongguk's eyes settle on their thighs and all the skin the gap on their pants expose, mind foggy with thoughts of what it would be like to sit on their lap. why don't you come and find out? , the stranger’s eyes seem to say, as they tap their fingers on the side of their glass.

he's halfway out of his seat before he realizes that he's moving.

"I'm gonna go talk to them, " he says, determined, refusing to listen to the little voice in his head that tells him that he's wasting his time. how fast will that pretty smile slip from their face when they find out you don't have a knot and you don't leak either? you really think someone that gorgeous would waste their time with a beta?

"I'll be around," taehyung tells his retreating back."have fun! remember your list!"

jeongguk thinks he mumbles something that vaguely resembles words before downing the rest of his beer and slipping out of the booth. it feels kind of cliché the way time seems to warp around him as he crosses the small distance between them, making it seem like it takes longer than it does. before he knows it, he's standing in front of them, trying not to appear as nervous as he feels inside.

the stranger breathes in deep when jeongguk stops in front of him as if they’re trying to fill up their lungs with as much of jeongguk’s scent as they can. they puff out their chest when jeongguk meets their eyes, growling appreciatively.

jeongguk is not one for alpha posturing stuff, usually, but somehow… somehow this stranger is making it work. he feels… wanted. and terribly attracted to them. he feels flattered, even. jeongguk has never had an alpha want his attention bad enough to posture for it.

“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come,” they say, a fake pout on their lips and oh. their voice is high and airy, with a melodic lilt to it that trickles down jeongguk’s spine, sending goosebumps all over his skin. “what’s your name, darling?”

“jeongguk,” he says, a little dazed, a little lost in the shine of the alpha’s glossy lips. “I’m jeongguk. what about you?”

“a very pretty name. as pretty as you are,” they say, tracing their lower with the tip of their tongue. the corners of their mouth lift as they watch jeongguk’s eyes trace the movement. “I’m jimin. may I know your pronouns, cutie?”

jeongguk is immensely proud of himself when he manages to get the words out without stuttering. "I go by he, his and him. what about you?"

"oh, so do I. thank you for telling me," jimin then pats the seat in front of him. "and please take a seat. I promise I won't bite - yet, and only if you're into it."

"what if I am into it?" jeongguk says in a rush of boldness as he settles in the stool with what he hopes is not an excessive amount of eagerness. although jimin seems to like it. he also seems to like jeongguk's answer very much.

jimin leans forward, voice dropping to a lower tone that has /want/ stirring deep in jeongguk's gut. "oh? is that what you like, jeongguk-ssi? biting?" jeongguk nods, a little shy. jimin looks /delighted,/ but in a way that promises trouble. "how wonderful. what else do you like, hm?"

the list, jeongguk, he tells himself. remember the list. stop staring at him like a young pup about to cream their pants at the first sight of flesh.

"I like... I like pain. like it when it hurts," he says, biting at his lower lip. "biting, like I just said. I like - I like being tied up. I, um - I like doing service stuff. being told I'm good but also..." he squirms a little in his seat. "I also like being made to work for it, y'know? and - and being called names. I like it mean."

he wriggles his hands nervously as he finishes speaking. he chances a glance at jimin and his mouth goes dry when he sees the way jimin is looking back at him, like he wants to eat jeongguk right up.

"can I touch you, baby?"


jimin leans forward, a little more, right into his personal space, and puts his hands on jeongguk's thighs. he squeezes hard, running his fingers along the hard muscle there appreciatively. jeongguk whines softly, spreads his legs as much as he can to give jimin better access.

this close, jeongguk can smell him a lot better. he feels slightly drunk on it, his eyes trace the enticing curve of jimin's neck, the glint in his ears from his dangly earrings and down to the three little jewels protruding from each of his collarbones. god, that's so hot.

"these are so nice. I'm feeling so damn so lucky tonight," he sighs, squeezing them again before moving up to grip at his chest. "pretty boy like you, telling me he likes pain... if you let me, darling, I'll make it hurt until you cry. how’d you like that, hm?"

jeongguk doesn't manage to swallow the whimper crawling up his throat down in time on this occasion. he pushes up against jimin's hands, shameless in the way he begs for more.

the edge of jimin's smile glints with a predatory shine that has jeongguk feeling a little dizzy. the way their scents are intertwining around them doesn't help; despite the fact that they're surrounded by an elevated number of different wolves, when jeongguk breathes in, his senses are flooded by the intoxicating blend that his own floral scent and jimin's fruity one make; he smells like peaches. soft, for an alpha, but jeongguk loves it.

it's messing with his head in the best way possible.

"that would be lovely," jeongguk breathes out. jimin's fingers are so close to his nipples. it feels like he's deliberately ignoring them, which only makes him ache for it more. "I - yeah. been craving it for so long, but, y'know, people realize I'm a beta and then suddenly they're not. interested anymore, because I don't have a knot and I can't leak out of my ass or whatever. "

then he cringes, just a little, internally because who says that? why did he say that? in his defence, something about jimin makes him feel at ease, so much so that apparently he feels comfortable enough to spill all that on someone he's known for a grand total of ten minutes.

this is the part where he gets up and leaves, jeongguk thinks, except that jimin doesn't. he misses his hands on his chest the moment jimin takes them away, but he doesn't keep them away for long; he wraps jeongguk's hands in his, intertwining their fingers. he's wearing fingerless leather gloves, and the pebbled yet cool texture of them feels nice on jeongguk's skin. jimin's hands are smaller than his, his fingers are shorter as well, but jeongguk doesn't doubt for a single second that he could curl them around his neck in a heartbeat.

jeongguk looks up and finds jimin frowning. he braces himself for it, for the, ’sorry, darling, but -’. he's so busy mentally planning his exit that it takes him a while to register jimin's words.

"how awful of them," he spits. "and how utterly tasteless. imagine skipping the chance to have such a gorgeous beta writhing under you because of something insignificant as that," jimin tsks. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, jeongguk. none of those people deserve you."

he feels... very touched, actually, by jimin's words. even if he's only really being a decent person, it's a lot more than jeongguk normally gets. it feels good to hear.

"so... it doesn't bother you?"

jimin raises his eyebrows, "why would it bother me?" a pause. "do you want it to bother me?"

"no, no, of course not," jeongguk rushes to say, holding on tight to jimin's hands as if that will prevent him from leaving. "I like you a lot. if your offer is still on the table, jimin-ssi... I would love to take you up on it."

"of course it is. I like you a lot, too. it would be my absolute pleasure to take you... upstairs, or downstairs, wherever you prefer. treat you like you deserve," jimin brushes his thumb where jeongguk’s fingers still hold him. " how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-three," jeongguk says, cheeks a little red at the mention of going upstairs and downstairs and all that implies. "and I think I'd like to go upstairs today, if that's okay?"

"oh, I'm older than you, then. I'm twenty-five. you can call me hyung," jimin grins impishly, pressing his tongue against the side of his cheek. "upstairs is fine by me. we'll get a room. I was hoping you'd say that, actually."

jeongguk smiles. "is that so, hyung?” he bites at his lip as he considers jimin’s words. he feels warm all over.

"mhm,” jimin puts a hand on jeongguk’s knee and leans forward and out of his seat a little so he can whisper directly in jeongguk’s ear. “I, ah, I can get... a little greedy sometimes,” he traces an invisible pattern on jeongguk’s bicep with the tip of his finger. “I’d like to have you all to myself, at least for tonight, if that’s alright with you?"

“yes, yes, that’s more than fine by me,” jeongguk says, a little spellbound. he’s all but drowning in jimin’s intoxicating scent and from this close he’s able to get a glimpse of something silver glinting inside jimin’s mouth. he seems to have a lot of piercings and jeongguk is one-hundred per cent here for it. his favorites, for now, are the jeweled scorpion on his belly button and the twisty ring shaped like a snake he’s got right in the center of his lip. jeongguk aches for a taste.

“my eyes are up here, cutie.”

jeongguk’s eyes shoot up, feeling blood rushing to his cheeks at being caught staring so blatantly. in his defense, he’ll say he’s truly trying his hardest to look anywhere that’s not jimin’s defined stomach and the jewelry glinting there. he’s just not… succeeding.

he attempts to plead his case. “sorry, ‘m sorry, you’re just - “

“I’m just what?” jimin questions, trying to appear innocent, but the grin on his face betrays him. he pokes his lip ring with the tip of his tongue, and jeongguk knows he's doing it on purpose.

"you're very - well, you're... hot, " there, he said it. jimin's looking at him like the cat who got the cream. jeongguk can tell he's enjoying teasing him over this, so he decides to quickly change topics. "you have a lot of piercings."

"that I do," jimin says, tracing the rim of his glass with the tip of his finger. "you like them?" jeongguk nods. "hm. y'know, you haven't seen all of them just yet."

jeongguk's mouth goes dry. "I haven't?" he rakes his eyes over every inch of jimin's skin that's covered as if he's gonna be able to see through it. his mind races with possibilities, each one getting him a little hotter under the collar. there are only so many places and so many piercing options that could be and jeongguk has a very active and vivid imagination. "will you show me?"

jimin tilts his head to the side as if he's considering it. "hm… but you’ll have to earn it."

jeongguk feels himself shiver; not only because of his words but that gesture left the side of his neck where his scent glands are exposed. it feels like a deliberate gesture, showing off his neck to him, and so jeongguk finds himself leaning forward instinctively. he glances at the alpha for permission and jimin gives it to him with a rumble low in his throat while he tilts his head back so that jeongguk can scent him properly.

he presses his nose against the column of jimin's neck with a whine. his scent is ten times stronger so close to his glands; jeongguk feels like he could get high on it. he rubs his cheek against them, slowly at first, a little stronger when he feels eyes on him. on them . jeongguk noses at the underside of jimin's jaw and sighs, "alpha. smells so good."

jimin growls - jeongguk can feel the vibrations where he's got his cheek pressed against jimin's neck and he whimpers in response, craving the alpha's attention. he may not be able to leak slick, but he feels like he may be just as wet: his underwear uncomfortable and sticky around his half-hard dick.

he doesn't know what kind of sound he makes when jimin pulls away, but it must be pitiful enough for jimin to cup his cheeks and coo at him sweetly.

"this needy already? you're so precious," jimin strokes his cheeks with his thumbs as he speaks. "don't worry, darling, 'm not going anywhere. I just want a turn."

jeongguk blinks. he tries not to sound too hopeful when he asks, "hyung is gonna scent me back?"

jimin rumbles his affirmation and jeongguk loves how expressive he is. maybe it's because he's not used to alphas using their vocal cord sounds with him like they would with an omega or even another alpha, because they either think it doesn't have the same effect on a beta or that it doesn't affect them at all.

jeongguk never really said anything, because it felt a bit weird to be like, ’hey, can you like... growl at me a little more? please?’ and so he always felt a bit... disgruntled, with it all. dissatisfied. if he'd asked seojoon to growl at him he would have probably laughed at his face.

his loss. jeongguk is now clinging to the bare shoulders of a gorgeous alpha who wants him, actually wants him, that growls and rumbles at him without jeongguk having to even consider begging him for it. he gladly bares his neck for him, letting jimin scent him to his heart's content.

jimin's lips brush against his scent glands for the briefest of seconds when he moves his face up so he can whisper in his ear and, hell, if he wasn't fully hard before he sure is now.

"how about we move this somewhere else, hm?"

jeongguk shivers full body when he feels jimin pressing a kiss to the shell of his ear. he nods, but then jimin tuts and says, "use your words, little beta."

"yes," he doesn't even have to think about it. "yes, I would like that very much, hyung."

jeongguk misses jimin's proximity as soon as he stands up. he offers him a hand and jeongguk takes it without hesitation, feeling inexplicably shy when jimin laces their fingers together and gives them an encouraging squeeze.

"before we go," jimin says, looking over towards the booths on the left side of the room as if he's searching for something. "does your friend need to know where you're gonna be?"

taehyung. jeongguk had completely forgotten about him. he would feel a lot worse about it if— well. if jimin wasn't still standing in front of him looking like he does. jeongguk doesn't think anyone would blame him for being a little... distracted .

"he knows that I was - " he starts to say, patting the pockets of his jacket and pants with his free hand, looking for his phone. cuts himself off when he finds it. "but I should text him, just in case."

jeongguk quickly realizes, much to his disappointment, that he's not going to be able to unlock his phone, much less type at all, with just one hand. he lets go of jimin's hand reluctantly, resolving to make it quick.

he has no new messages from taehyung, which means he's still somewhere in the vicinity; he wouldn't straight up leave without telling him. jeongguk tries scanning the crowd, to see if he's able to catch sight of a familiar mop of dark hair— to no avail.

oh, well.

"there," he says, after sending a quick text to taehyung, letting him know he's gonna be upstairs for an indeterminate amount of time and that it is okay for him to leave if he wants. "all done. wait," he pauses, fingers hovering over the screen, and decides to send jimin's name as well. taehyung has seen what jimin looks like. he should be able to identify him easily enough if anything were to happen. "okay. now I'm done."

jimin is still there, waiting patiently, when jeongguk looks up.

"alright, cutie," he reaches over to tuck a stray strand of hair behind jeongguk's hair. "do you need a spotter?"

jeongguk shakes his head no.

"and you know what the universal safeword for the club is, right? the traffic light system?"

"I do. it's red . and then the traffic light system is green to go, yellow to pause and reevaluate and red to, well. to stop.'"

"very well, darling. is 'red' okay with you or do you wanna use something else?" jeongguk is perfectly fine with using red, and says as much. jimin rumbles his agreement. "okay, okay. sorry about that. i've had... experiences in the past, so I always prefer to ask." he offers jeongguk his hand again. "c'mon, then. 'm dying to see you on your knees for me."

jeongguk chokes up a little. he wants to say he doesn't mind jimin being attentive at all, but the visual those words evoke in his mind put a stop to it.

it has certainly been a while since anyone has made sure that jeongguk is okay and comfortable like this.

as he holds onto jimin's hand tight with both of his while he weaves them through the crowd, heading straight for the stairs, it hits him that this is happening. for real, this time. he's finally gonna get the sweet relief he's been craving.

jeongguk's bones almost feel like they're rattling with anticipation. he's so excited he has to physically restrain himself from covering his ears with his hands. his scent changes accordingly, becoming lighter at first, and then ramping up when his excitement gives way to a... different kind of excitement.

he feels more than sees jimin turn to look at him. he may even growl, but jeongguk is a little distracted trying not to come in his pants like a pup smelling his first alpha when jimin's scent flares up as well, reacting to his. their scents combine so well together, jeongguk feels nearly dizzy as he breathes them in.

they take the stairs two steps at a time. jeongguk gets the inexplicable urge to start giggling. jimin leads them down a dark hallway strategically illuminated with little red lights moving in clicks.. they set the mood— and it’s working. the darkness and the neon have him feeling... some kind of way.

jimin stops before one of the very last doors at the end of the hallway. he turns to jeongguk, and for a second they just stand there looking at each other, letting the tension between them reach boiling point. before jeongguk knows it, his back is up against the door and jimin is at his throat, nosing at it as he purr-growls loud enough for jeongguk to feel the vibrations of it in his own chest.

"when we walk through that door," he whispers, his breath hot against the skin of jeongguk's neck. "you will address me as either sir or alpha. if you slip up I will be mad, and it'll get worse for you if I have to correct you," he raises a hand and rests it at the base of jeongguk's neck. he's not applying any kind of pressure, but it gets to jeongguk's head all the same. "but I know I won't have to, because you'll be good for me and remember how to address me properly, isn't that right?"

"yes, alpha," jeongguk says, without missing a beat. he's not quite there yet in terms of headspace, but he knows he will be soon if jimin continues speaking to him in that tone of voice. "I'll be good."

"I know you will, baby," he purrs, ducking his head to press a wet, open-mouthed kiss to jeongguk's neck. he shudders, both from the feeling of jimin's hot mouth on him and the implicit warning in his words. be good, or else. "how do you feel about marks?"

jeongguk groans. "want them. love them, please," jimin raises an eyebrow and his heart nearly drops all the way down to his guts. " sir. please, sir."

jimin hums, rubbing his thumb along the soft skin in the base of this neck. "slipping already? that's disappointing," he sounds almost... detached. jeongguk burns with it, delicious shame eating away at him. "what were you thinking about, hm? did someone get a little distracted thinking about getting marked up?"

head swimming, jeongguk nods. " 'm sorry, sir. it's just - it's been a while since I got marked up and I love it so much - "

jimin bites down on the spot he previously kissed, sucking on it until it pulsates with the ache of a blooming mark. jeongguk has to bite down on his lip until the skin breaks to muffle the sound that pulls out of him, trembling in jimin's arms at the feeling of his lip piercing and the two barbells on his tongue brushing against his skin. his hips kick up, seeking friction, but jimin draws back before jeongguk can find any sort of relief.

"hm. not as sorry as you will be if that happens again," jimin coos, thumbing at the tears gathering at the corner of jeongguk's eyes. "but at least you're polite, so I'll let it go this time. say thank you. I'm not usually this considerate."

"thank you, sir. thank you."

jimin pats him on the cheek, once, twice. "you're most welcome, darling." he leans down again to suck a couple of more marks on jeongguk's neck, like he can't help himself, still avoiding his scent glands where jeongguk wants his mouth the most. "sh*t, let's go in. before I bend you over and take you right here."

you can take me anywhere you want, alpha is what jeongguk thinks but doesn't say. although it doesn't really seem to matter with the look jimin gives him before he pushes the door open, like he's seeing right through him. a bit like he knows what jeongguk is thinking and he's got him exactly where he wants him.

it's not as dark inside as it is in the hallway, but the lightning is just soft and low enough to grant vision and set the mood at the same time. to his immediate left, next to the entrance, there's a st. andrews cross and a spanking bench a little further down in the corner. a massive four-post bed sits against the middle wall, sheets an enticing red to match the color of the walls. a wide variety of bondage and other related bdsm paraphernalia hangs on the wall and rests on low tables right in front of him: from cuffs to riding crops to leashes. there's a door right in the center of the wall, although jeongguk doesn't know where it leads to. a bathroom, maybe?

as jeongguk's eyes find jimin, he finds himself near breathless with a mixture of anticipation and pure, unadulterated want . he looks almost untouchable like that, standing in front of him with his piercings and his pretty tattoos and the purple lightning from the mood lights placed along the walls reflecting on his skin.

and he's all jeongguk's. if only for tonight.

"jeongguk," jimin says, breaking the silence. he cups one of his cheeks with his hand. "sweetheart, give me a color."

his head is starting to feel fuzzy, but in the best kind of way. he's aching with the need to just /drop/, to let himself go and have someone catch him. "green, sir," he murmurs, leaning into his touch.

jimin allows it, briefly, before pulling his hand away. "very good. strip for me, baby."

jeongguk doesn't waste time. he starts with his upper body, letting his jacket fall to the floor with a soft thud before reaching to unbutton his shirt.

"slow it down, darling. put on a show for me."

he shivers. "yes, sir," he says, letting his trembling fingers dance along the buttons for a while before popping them open, puffing his chest out to give jimin a better look of it as he lets his shirt fall from his shoulders to his elbows and then to the floor.

jeongguk reaches for his belt. his hair hangs in his face, and he takes a peek at jimin. he's sitting at the foot of the bed, resting his weight on his palms, legs straightened out before him and crossed at the ankle. he watches jimin gazing at him, eyes hungry. his tongue comes to poke at his lip, piercings glinting. the marks on jeongguk's neck ache with the phantom reminder of jimin's mouth on him.

he kicks off his shoes, pulls down his pants and underwear and stands there, stark naked and rock hard, in front of jimin.

“get on your knees.”

jeongguk sinks down on the cold, porcelain floor without a second thought. the way jimin is looking at him has his next breath catching in his throat: like he’s desirable. like he’s wanted. like he’s enough.

it brings tears to his eyes. jeongguk cannot remember, for the life of him, the last time someone looked at him and didn’t find him lacking. not jimin. his eyes rake over jeongguk’s body like he’s a meal jimin cannot wait to feast on.

jeongguk doesn’t miss the way jimin hisses a curse under his breath when he notices his pierced nipples. he’s beyond himself with happiness and something akin to pride. he made jimin react like that. the prominent bulge in those tight leather pants of his is because of him.

“ah, look at you, darling,” jimin grunts, a hand coming down to rub at his crotch. “I almost feel so sorry for all those morons who passed you up. tight little body like yours? they should be thankful you even considered giving them the time of the day,” he spits, eyes rimmed red. “come here, little beta, come to me. let me show you just how pretty you are.”

jeongguk goes to stand up but a single raised eyebrow from jimin stops him in his tracks.

“uh-uh, I didn’t say you could walk. hands and knees for me, angel,” he pats his thighs, encouraging him like he’s a shy puppy. jeongguk’s dick twitches hard.

he didn’t mention his budding interest in petplay as it is something he’s still coming to terms with, but now he almost wishes he had said something, seeing as the mental image of jimin calling him pet and puppy and telling him to walk on four legs like the dog he is nearly made him come on the spot.

he thinks, next time, and immediately feels like he’s getting a bit ahead of himself. there’s no guarantee jimin will want to see him again. although there’s no guarantee jimin won’t want to not see him again either.

jeongguk crawls his way over to him and sincerely hopes this won’t be the last he sees of him.

jimin tangles a hand in his hair as soon as jeongguk is within reach, on the floor between his legs. his other hand comes up towards his face. he presses a thumb against jeongguk's bottom lip, rubbing it slightly.

"so pretty, baby, so good for me," jeongguk parts his lips, almost instinctively. he licks at jimin's finger shyly, moaning gratefully when he pushes it into his mouth. jimin tsks. "so greedy, too. wanna get your mouth filled that bad?

jeongguk hums, looking up at jimin as he swirls his tongue around his thumb and sucks on it like he already has jimin's dick in his mouth. jimin releases a sound from deep within his chest that's a mix between a hiss and a growl, using his grip on jeongguk's hair to tilt his head all the way back, making his thumb slip from jeongguk's mouth. there's a thick string of saliva connecting the tip of it to his bottom lip. jeongguk whines.

"I asked you a question, dumb slu*t," jimin tightens his grip on his hair, shaking it a little, as if he's trying to clear jeongguk's thoughts. "I expect an answer when I ask you things, is that clear? you won't like what happens if I have to repeat myself."

jeongguk whines again. " 'm sorry, sir," he rushes out. his beta cringes at the thought of having disappointed their alpha. "sir, please, I want - want my mouth filled. wanna suck you off. please."

"of course you are," jimin scoffs. "co*ck-hungry little thing like you, I'll bet you'd say anything just to get your greedy little mouth f*cked, hm?"

he says, "yes, alpha," and then "please" again. he feels... light. from where he is on his knees between jimin's legs, he's close enough to his crotch that the musky smell coming from it is driving him crazy. it's where jimin's scent is the strongest—apart from his neck—due to the scent glands located on his groin. if he didn't have such a strong grip on his hair, jeongguk would feel half-tempted to lean forward and just bury his face right there, take a deep whiff too while he's at it.

jimin chuckles. " 'yes, alpha' 'sorry, alpha' is that all you know how to say? poor empty-headed baby, can't think of anything else other than co*ck?" he brings up two fingers up to his mouth, presses the tip of them against his bottom lip. "very well, then. you said you like working for things? show me how much you want my dick in your mouth, and I'll consider giving it to you."

jeongguk barely has time to speak before jimin is shoving his fingers in his mouth, pressing them down on his tongue to choke him and make him drool. jeongguk gives it is all, wrapping his lips around them and bobbing his head like he's actually sucking dick.

"god, look at you. working so hard just to taste your alpha?"

he tries his best to answer, although he can't be too sure the garbled sound that comes out of his mouth even resembles the "yes" he was going for. however it seems to be enough for jimin, who coos at him and pulls his fingers out, wiping them on jeongguk's cheeks. he also lets go of his hair; jeongguk misses it as soon as it's gone. it leaves his scalp tingling with pain in a way that he just loves.

"am I - " he coughs. " - am I getting sir's dick now? I did good?"

jimin hums. "mhm. you did, darling. a little sloppy and a tad too eager, but it will do. I'm feeling generous today, anyway, and I really want to f*ck your pretty little mouth." he stands up. "be a good boy and get on the bed for me, will you? I'm gonna grab... a little something that I think you're really going to like."

jeongguk is unable to hold back the sad little whimper that comes out of his mouth when jimin moves away from him, taking his warmth and his scent with him. jimin turns to him, halfway to the equipment tables on the other side of the room, and clicks his tongue.

"so needy. I'll be with you in a second, baby," he frowns. "can you stand up? what's your color?"

his legs are a little numb after being in that position for so long, but jeongguk thinks he can manage.

" 'm good, I'm okay," to demonstrate his point, he slowly raises himself to his feet. "green, sir."

seemingly satisfied, jimin turns back around. jeongguk climbs up on the bed, taking the opportunity to stretch his legs a little before settling back on his knees, hands fisted on the sheets next to him as he tries not to touch himself. his poor neglected dick is flushed red, dripping with precome. he bites down on his bottom his lip. jimin technically didn't say he wasn't allowed to touch himself. his fingers twitch. he can just give himself a couple of strokes, some relief. jimin doesn't need to know.

"oh, I just know you're not trying to touch yourself without asking for permission right now."

jeongguk startles. he slams the hand he had halfway to his dick back down on the mattress so hard it hurts a little. he straightens his back, widening his eyes as much as he can to try and appear as innocent as possible.

"I'm not - I wasn't , sir," he says. "I was just - itchy."

jimin levels him with a pretty unimpressed look. "your dick is itchy?"

jeongguk swallows. "no! no. it was... my... um... my bellybutton. my belly button is itchy."

it's when jimin goes to cross his arms that jeongguk notices that he's holding /something/ in one of his hands. it looks... circular, thick and black. his heart speeds up. could it maybe be -

"well, go on ahead then."


"you said your... belly button is itchy," jimin says. "you can scratch yourself, you know. go on right ahead. do it." he walks forward until he's standing in front of jeongguk on the bed. "unless you're lying to me right now, in which case... I wouldn't want to have to punish you."

they stare at each other for a second. jeongguk lifts his hand, and scratches his supposedly itchy belly button, cursing at himself in his head. why couldn't he have said something else? like his thigh, or something.

"feel better?" jimin deadpans. he totally knows jeongguk is lying. he has to know.

"y-yeah, sir. yes. thank you."

jimin snorts. "you know, you almost got me there. naughty slu*t, you really were trying to touch yourself behind my back, weren't you? and then you have the gall to try and lie to me about it," he uncrosses his arms and shows him what he has in his hands: two pairs of handcuffs, joined by a chain link. "I get these nice restraints for you, and this is how you decide to repay me? by being an impatient, lying bitch?(?)"

"sir," jeongguk tries, lip wobbling. "sir, I'm - "

"don't you dare tell me you're sorry," jimin growls. "here's what we're gonna do: we're gonna put your stupid mouth to good use. I'm gonna put these on you," he lifts the handcuffs as if to illustrate his point. "and then I'm gonna sit on your face. if you eat me out good, I'll f*ck your face. how about that?"

"yes, sir," jeongguk sniffs. "I'm sorry, sir."

"I don't wanna hear it. on your stomach, facing me."

jimin approaches him once he's lying on his stomach. he runs a hand through his hair, and leans down to asks, "color?"


jimin makes quick work of the restraints: he bends his legs and puts the handcuffs on his ankles, then moves to do the same to his arms and wrists. the chains connect both sets of handcuffs to each other, leaving jeongguk completely immobilized.

"how's that?" jimin asks, slipping a finger between each of the cuffs and jeongguk's skin, testing to see if they're too tight. "is anything uncomfortable?"

"n-no, it's fine, sir. thank you."

"you're welcome, slu*t. now, if you want me to stop but you're not able to use your mouth, snap your fingers three times in quick succession, okay? let me see you do it."

jeongguk follows through obediently. pleased, he reaches down to take his boots off first and then take off his pants and underwear. he's not ashamed to say his mouth /waters/ at the sight of jimin's co*ck, all big and thick, with an enticing drop of precome leaking from the head. his knot looks /big/, too, even when it's only half-inflated. jeongguk's hole clenches around nothing. he feels strangely empty.

"like what you see?" jimin wraps a hand around his dick, giving himself a couple of strokes. jeongguk whines, more tears slipping down his cheeks. "you could have it in your mouth already, if only you'd been good." he shakes his head, as if saying, what can you do? "I'm gonna move you, alright? get you into position."

jeongguk only cries harder. jimin flips him so he's lying on his back instead, and then climbs up onto the bed to reverse straddle jeongguk's face. he opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, moaning appreciatively when jimin lowers himself down on his tongue. it isn't as easy when he can't use his hands, but he still tries his hardest to make it good for jimin: alternating between flattening his tongue to lick him from perineum to the top of his crack and tracing his hole with the tip of it, trying to push it in.

"that's right, darling," jimin sighs. "just like that."

he definitely sounds pleased, so jeongguk doubles his effort, trying to f*ck jimin with his tongue to the best of his ability. he feels... boneless, almost. he feels right, like this is where he's meant to be: underneath jimin, being good, pleasing his alpha like he should.

jeongguk feels the way jimin leans forward to place his hands on his thighs, giving himself leverage so that he can ride his face better. he must notice the way jeongguk's dick twitches at that, because he says, "you've got such a pretty dick. big and thick, bet it feels really nice, mhm? bet all those other alphas wished they had a dick like yours."

jimin wraps both hands around it, stroking slowly. jeongguk nearly screams; he's /so/ close he won't last very long at all if jimin keeps doing that.

"so red, too," he rubs the head along his palm, gently. jeongguk's thighs shake. "bet you wanna come real bad, huh?"

he lets him go, then, pulling up and away from him. jeongguk is left in a daze, jaw aching pleasantly. he feels jimin's hands on his face, wiping away at the mess of spit and tears on it.

"look so f*ckin' gorgeous crying like this," he snarls, squeezing at his knot with his other hand. " god , wrecking pretty bitches like you until they're sobbing and their makeup is all ruined gets me so hard. 'm gonna ruin you worse, baby, until all you know how to do is beg me for co*ck."

"yes," jeongguk says, because he wants that. he wants it so bad. "yes, alpha, please, want you to - want you to ruin me for anyone else. want you to make me come s-so hard your name is the only thing I remember.

"oh, don't worry, sweetheart. I'm gonna make damn sure you're not able to feel satisfied with anyone else ever again," jimin words come out with a slight vibration at the end, and it takes jeongguk a second to realize it's because he's speaking through a growl. "and I'm gonna start with this little mouth of yours. gonna make sure you feel me there for days ."

jeongguk is ready when jimin stands up and drags his body a little further down the bed, so that his neck is resting right on the edge. he moans and opens his mouth, sticking his tongue out, begging for it. jimin slaps his dick against his cheeks a few times, laughing when jeongguk tries to reach him with his tongue and whining when he realizes he can't do it.

"slu*tty little beta, look so good gagging for it like this," jimin says, spreading the precome around the mess in his cheeks with the tip of his dick. "beg sir for it."

"please," jeongguk croaks. "please, sir, want your co*ck so bad, want it so far down my throat I can't breathe.

jimin snarls and, in his next breath, jeongguk is choking around a mouthful of co*ck. he groans, trying his best to breathe through his nose as jimin f*cks his throat with deep, slow strokes. letting him get used to it before he picks up speed, pulling back and thrusting in until his knot is pressing against his teeth.

jeongguk goes limp against the mattress, body thrumming with happiness. the only sounds that he's able to hear are the wet, squelching noises of jimin using his throat like it's a fleshlight, his little huffs and moans, the way the bed squeaks under him. yes, he thinks, half out of it. yes, this is exactly what I needed. not thinking about anything else that's not lying here and taking it, tears streaming down my face, feeling so good with a fat co*ck down my throat.

for a second there, he almost wishes jimin would just go all the way in and slip his knot inside too. filling his mouth up so much it spills from the seams of his lips because he cannot swallow it all. jeongguk just knows it would make his jaw ache so good, mess him up so bad. he will definitely have to look into it in the future. he wonders if jimin would be interested in training him to take his knot in his mouth.

jimin pulls back then, letting him breathe. jeongguk breaks into a coughing fit as soon as jimin's dick is out of his mouth, gulping in air greedily as he continues coughing and spitting out precome, bile and saliva.

"f*ck, look at you," jimin grunts. "taking it so well, looking all pretty and ruined for me. are you close, slu*t? I bet you are. tell you what: if you can last long enough until my cum is all over your pretty face, I'll reward you. how's that?"

jeongguk blinks repeatedly, trying to get rid of the tears long enough to see jimin's blurry form, stroking himself as he watches him.

"yes, sir. thank you."

jimin's eyes are fully red when he slips his co*ck back inside his mouth. jeongguk wonders if his are blue. it's never happened to him before, feeling so good that he loses his grip on his beta, even if it's only a little. it makes him feel... wanted. appreciated. jimin is so into f*cking him he's willing to let a bit of his control slip.

of course, jeongguk should have known jimin wouldn't make it easy for him. he doesn't quite understand why jimin is leaning forward until he feels hands squeezing at his pecs, first, and then jimin's fingers rubbing at his nipples, flicking them.

jeongguk all but screams , as much as one can scream with a co*ck down their throat. there's no way in hell he's going to last much longer if jimin keeps doing that. he tenses against his restraints, squeezing his eyes shut tight as if that's gonna be able to stop his impending org*sm from crashing into him.

"oh, would you look at that ," jimin sounds delighted, but in a mean way. "these are real sensitive, huh?" he says, flicking one of his nipples quickly and laughing when jeongguk's co*ck twitches in response. "you're so responsive, baby, that's lovely."

he's breathing hard, choking on jimin's dick repeatedly, squirming. jeongguk didn't actually think he was going to make it there, but then jimin pulls back with such a rough snarl jeongguk's skin breaks out into goosebumps, and a couple of seconds later he's getting shots of warm come all over his face.

jeongguk's chest heaves with dry sobs as his org*sm recedes. he was so close he could taste it behind his teeth.

"f*ck, god, wish you could see yourself right now," jimin pants, kneeling in front of him. "covered in cum and tears. you did so well, baby, 'm so proud of you. your tight, wet throat almost made me knot. gonna move you again, okay? can you give me a color, sweetheart?"

it takes jeongguk a few seconds to come back to himself. he says, "mhmm - green. want to come. want sir's knot," licks his lips to try to get as much cum as he can in his mouth. jimin manhandles him until he's lying on his stomach, facing the foot of the bed. jeongguk looks at him and feels like it wouldn't come as a surprise to him if jimin suddenly pointed out he's got hearts in his eyes.

"sir will give it to you, baby, you've earned it," jimin coos, stroking his hands through jeongguk's messy hair. he's pretty sure there's cum and spit there as well. "but first: your reward. I'm gonna pick something up from the table. I'll be right back. I'm not going anywhere."

jeongguk appreciates the warning because his beta whines unhappily as soon as jimin moves away from him. jimin makes a calming, rumbling sound in response, which helps his beta settle. rationally, jimin is only away from him for less than a minute, and it's not like he was completely out of sight either: if jeongguk craned his neck to the left just a little he could see jimin perfectly well, but with his instincts in such a raw state, the fact that his alpha wasn't near him right now, skin to skin, hurt and not in a good way.

"quit whining, sweetheart, I'm right here," jimin says. as soon as jeongguk focuses on him, he shows off what he's holding in his hands: a bottle of lube, a vibrator and a paddle. "look what I got for you. you mentioned you liked pain earlier and I did say I was gonna make it hurt, so I thought I'd hit you a little. as a treat. what do you say?"

" oh , please, please, alpha," jeongguk says, eyes zeroing in on the paddle. it's made of leather, from what he can see, and he has a little heart shape carved at the tip. "thank you, thank you, thank you."

"that's alright, baby, I like rewarding pretty, ruined slu*ts just as much as I like making them cry," jimin climbs on the bed, settling jeongguk's body over his lap. "let's get this vibe in you, shall we? let me just get these chains out of the way first so I can get better access to your ass."

jeongguk's limbs were starting to cramp, so he's grateful for it, but at the same time, he misses the helplessness of being restrained in such a position. however, the feeling doesn't last; he's quickly distracted by jimin's hands kneading at his ass, giving it fast little hits, not to hurt but to warm up the skin. he dips a finger between his cheeks, rubs it dry over his hole. jeongguk shivers.

he moans when he hears the sound of a plastic cap being opened. does it again, louder and strung out, when he feels jimin's fingers rubbing at his hole again, dripping wet this time.

"can't wait to be inside of you," jimin mutters, slipping one finger in and f*cking it in and out of jeongguk's hole. the leather of his gloves rubs against him when jimin goes all the way in, pushing him a little closer to the edge each time. "you feel so tight around me. bet your little hungry hole is gonna swallow me right up."

jeongguk hums. "mhm. want it, alpha. want your co*ck," his head feels a little empty, but in a good way. he doesn't have to do anything right now. doesn't have to prove himself, doesn't have to argue that yeah, I don't have slick but we can still use lube and it will feel just as good. he can just lie there and let jimin prep him for his dick, without overthinking himself to death about how maybe he's a terrible person for wanting someone to want him just the way he is. how dare he try to deprive an alpha of their needs (wet omega ass) to try and convince them to f*ck a beta ass that they have to make wet themselves?

these f*cking betas, they’ll say. always want everything their way. they never want to think about anyone else's feelings or how they may feel like being with them is a chore and they're not enough because their ass doesn't get wet. ugh.

jimin pulls his finger back and comes back with two, then three, scissoring them, getting him all nice and stretched. he continues to spank him with his free hand, and jeongguk moans after each hit. first comes the sting of pain, then the rush of pleasure. jimin started with soft hits and slowly worked his way up, but it feels to jeongguk he's not using his full strength. he gets the impression that jimin can hit very hard. jeongguk wonders what would it take to make jimin hit him with all he's got.

"I think that should be enough, for now," jimin muses, reaching for the vibrator. "what do you say, slu*t? ready?"

"yes, sir, I'm ready," jeongguk whimpers. "please, give it to me already."

when jimin slips it inside and turns it on, jeongguk thinks he has actually come for a solid second from the sheer burst of pleasure rushing through his body. it's pressed right up against his prostate, set to a moderate vibration that's not quite enough to get him there immediately, but to slowly work him up to it.

"thank you, sir," he says. "mhm - ah , feels so good."

"yeah? you're welcome, little beta. now - "

jeongguk chokes on his tongue when he feels jimin press the cold length of the paddle against his ass. he pushes back on it instinctively, which earns him a warning hit.

" - let's make it hurt good. let's do... ten. I want you to count after each hit, and thank me for it. ready?"

"yes, sir. please."

jimin lifts the paddle and brings it back down on his left cheek.

"one. thank you, sir."

jimin does the same thing, but hits his right cheek this time.

"two. thank you, sir."

jimin hits both cheeks. he hits a little harder.

"t-three. t-thank you, sir."

the hits start to come harder from then on. jimin doesn't stick to a pattern, so jeongguk is in a perpetual state of tension, not knowing what to expect. it hurts so good. he's pretty sure he messes up a couple of times, mindlessly drooling on the sheets and unable to mutter any other sound that's not a moan or a whine, but jimin must be feeling indulgent because he doesn't bring attention to it.

the tenth hit is the hardest. jeongguk doesn't have to wonder anymore what it feels to be hit with all of jimin's strength. it stings. he could swear he felt it in his teeth. he's downright screaming as he calls out, "ten, sir, thank you sir" or the closest thing to that he can vocalize, and then, "wanna come, need to come, pleasepleaseplease,"

"okay, okay, pretty slu*t, let's make you come."

jimin flips him over, then dials the vibrator up. he wraps a hand around jeongguk's co*ck, strokes it a couple of times, and that's all it takes. jeongguk comes with a senseless chant of jimin's name, sir and alpha in his mouth, shaking through it, feeling like jimin dragged the org*sm out of him from the very tip of his fingers all the way down to the pit of his stomach.

he's not sure, but it may be entirely possible that his vision whites out for a second or two. when he comes to, the vibrator is no longer inside of him and jimin is hovering over him, stroking his hair and muttering sweet nothings in his ears. he's purring, too, jeongguk's disjointed mind notes. that's where the vibrations next to his throat come from.

"darling? you with me?"

jeongguk blinks, then looks over at jimin. his lipstick is a little smuged. it makes him realize, with a start, that he's gone this entire time without kissing jimin.

"yeah, 'm good. green all the way. best org*sm of my life, ten out of ten would recommend," he slurs. jimin snorts. "want' a kiss."

"baby wants a kiss?"

jeongguk nods, then realizes jimin has taken the cuffs off so he can actually make grabby hands at him. jimin laughs, and swoops down to catch his lips in a kiss. they spend a while doing just that, letting their mouth catch over and over. jeongguk parts his lips with a sigh, gladly letting jimin slip his tongue inside. he moans quietly when he feels the barbells of jimin's piercings on his tongue, the way his bottom lip piercing brushes against his own as they kiss. he's really good at it. jimin's lips are soft, and plush, and jeongguk should have definitely asked for a kiss a lot earlier.

jimin shifts, and his half-hard dick brushes against jeongguk's thigh. his eyes snap open.

" sir, " he says, reaching for his dick. "your knot. I still want - please?"

he groans when jeongguk wraps a hand around the head and starts stroking it. "are you - ah, are you sure, baby?"

jeongguk nods enthusiastically. "yes, yes, alpha, please. want you to f*ck me full so bad."

"aren't you an insatiable little slu*t," jimin says. "I've already spoiled you way too much tonight, but since you asked so nicely... 'm not gonna say no to a pretty beta offering me his hole for breeding like this."

he makes jeongguk lie on this stomach, head on the pillow, as jimin fingers him again to make sure he won't hurt him. jeongguk moans when he feels jimin's lubed-up dick dragging along his crack next, raising his ass to rub his hole along it.

jimin barks out a laugh. "that hungry for co*ck, baby? a bitch in heat still wouldn't be half as desperate as you are."

jeongguk moans his agreement. whatever it takes to get jimin's co*ck in him. "yes, alpha. breed me, please, please, please. "

jimin pushes it in slow, as if he wants to let jeongguk feel every inch as it goes, presses his half-inflated knot against his rim and grinds, a mean tilt to his laugh when jeongguk cries and pushes back against, trying to get it inside to no avail.

"you want it, hm? you want my knot that bad?"

" yes, " jeongguk cries out.

"let me hear you, then. nice and loud for it."

jimin pushes back until only the tip remains inside and then f*cks back in, repeating the action until he's established such a brutal rhythm he's moving jeongguk's body up the bed with each thrust. jeongguk tries his best to match jimin, arching his back and trying to f*ck himself on his co*ck, but jimin is quick to shift until his legs are pressing over jeongguk's, successfully rendering him immobile.

"you'll take what I give you and nothing else," jimin barks in his ear. "understood?"

jeongguk whimpers. he nods. the shift in angle allows jimin to f*ck him deeper, his chest to jeongguk's back, mouthing at the scent glands on his neck. jeongguk lets himself go, lets jimin f*ck him like he was born to take his co*ck.

"harder," he begs. "harder, harder , sir, want it harder."

he's not expecting it when jimin hauls them both to their knees, bending his back at an angle that allows jimin to f*ck him much faster while also being able to kiss him. hands squeezing at his face, jimin bites at his lips and sucks on his tongue while he pounds into him hard enough to make jeongguk's legs shake.

"is this hard enough for you? hm?"

jeongguk says something back. or, he thinks he does. he definitely means to, but his words trail off into a sob when jimin's knot starts to catch on his rim. he's worried, for a brief second, that jimin won't actually knot and he'll be left with the definitive proof that he's a failure. it feels a bit irrational, considering jimin's knot feels like it's about to pop, but he guesses old habits die hard.

it only takes a couple of more thrusts for jeongguk's fears to disappear, when jimin's knot grows far too big to pull out anymore so he grinds in deep, the tip of his dick is pressing right against jeongguk's prostate. he doesn't think he's ever felt this used, this good , ever before.

jeongguk clenches tight around jimin's knot. "alpha, it feels so - so big inside. 'm so full."

"gonna make you even fuller," jimin pants against his neck. "gonna pump you so full of my cum, sh*t , alpha's pretty cumpdump."

jimin's knot pops alright. he c*ms, and c*ms and c*ms, buried deep in jeongguk's guts, so much that his stomach distends with it. he doesn't come again, but he doesn't need to. jeongguk is feeling perfectly content as he is, with jimin gently lowering them down and moving them to their sides so they can wait for the knot to go down in a more comfortable position.

jimin nuzzles his nape affectionately. "took me so well, did so well for alpha, 'm so proud."

"I - I did? sir - sir is proud?"

" so proud. if you want, I can run us a bath after my knot goes down, get you something to eat. how's that sound, cutie?"

"mhm, so good," jeongguk hums. his ears are still ringing. "we can cuddle?"

jimin presses a kiss to his shoulder. "mhm, we can cuddle as long as you want."

jeongguk bites his lip. he feels happy and safe, lying here in jimin's arms. everything feels perfect, except for one little thing. there's no harm in asking, right?



"could you... purr? for me?"

jimin doesn't say anything at first, so jeongguk starts to think that maybe he's said something he shouldn't. he's about to apologize when he feels jimin starting to purr behind him. softly at first, and then gaining a little more strength as the minutes pass. jeongguk sighs, pleased, sinking back into the warmth of jimin's embrace. his purring and rumbling soothe him, helping immensely in bringing jeongguk back down. by the time jimin's knot has gone down fully, his mind is mostly clear, if a little fuzzy at the edges.

jeongguk makes a joke about wanting jimin to carry him to the bathroom because "it's your fault I can't feel my legs. take responsibility." he's not expecting jimin to follow through with it. however, a few minutes later he witnesses jimin pushing open with his foot the door he saw earlier, jeongguk safely held in his arms.

"stooooop," jeongguk protests, half-heartedly at best. " hyung , put me down."

"hey, you were the one who asked me to carry you," jimin says, playing along, but he dutifully sets jeongguk down on the floor so he can turn the faucet of the shower on.

it's a pretty small bathroom, equipped with only the basics: a shower and a bathtub side by side, a toilet and a sink. there are bottles littered around the edge of the tub and over little shelves on the shower wall. while they wait for the water to warm up, jimin washes his own face and then helps jeongguk take off what's left of his makeup.

they step into the shower afterwards to wash the rest of the grime off, all the sweat and the cum and the tears (in jeongguk's case, at least). jimin washes his hair, so jeongguk insists on doing the same to him.

"you don't have to, really," jimin says, but goes along with it when jeongguk turns him around and gets his shampooed fingers in his hair. he looks a little softer like this, makeup off and hair down, standing under the shower spray.

"I wanna take care of you, too," jeongguk muses. "alpha treated me so well. it's the least I can do."

jimin coos at him. "you're too sweet, darling."

as promised, he draws them a bath next. he pours something in the water that smells like vanilla, and then he climbs in behind jeongguk for some well-deserved cuddles (for both of them) until the water has gone cold and their fingers are pruny. he purrs the entire time, too. jeongguk truly feels like he’s in heaven, resting his head on jimin’s chest, tracing some of the tattoos on his arms.

once they’re both dry, they go on about locating their clothing, which is for the most part lying in random parts on the floor. they just slip their underwear on for the time being. there’s a minifridge directly in front of the spanking bench that jeongguk hadn’t noticed before. jimin is in the middle of getting a couple of energy bars from it when a familiar packaging catches jeongguk’s eye.

“oh,” he says, as if he’s never seen it before. “that’s - banana milk.”

jimin looks over where jeongguk is sitting on the bed. “you want it?”

jeongguk nods, feeling shy. they settle side by side on the bed, jimin’s arm around his shoulder as he takes little bites of a chocolate flavored bar and washes it down with banana milk. they don’t speak, but the silence is not uncomfortable. they’re simply soaking in each other’s presence - perhaps, stalling a bit.

until -

“I wanna see you again.”

jeongguk’s eyes are fixed somewhere on the wall in front of him when he says it. he feels jimin’s eyes on him when he turns his head to look at him.

“I’ll understand if you don’t - um, if you don’t want to. but I had a lot of fun tonight, and you made me feel good beyond just, y’know, the physical.” shut up, you’re rambling, just shut up. “so… yeah. maybe we could do it again? sometimes?”

jimin doesn’t say anything right away. jeongguk has an apology ready at the tip of his tongue, for… overstepping, or something, but jimin speaks before he can.

“I’d like that. I enjoyed making you feel good, too. we can swap numbers and I’m sure we’ll figure something out. how’s that sound?”

feeling strangely warm, jeongguk nods. “okay. yeah - okay, that sounds good. let’s do that.”

“you sound… relieved,” jimin frowns. “did you think I’d say no?”

“well, I haven’t had much luck with alphas, or anyone else for that matter lately, so,” jeongguk says, playing with the now empty energy bar wrapper. “I didn’t think you’d be like that, but just in case, I didn’t wanna get my hopes up. y’know?”

jimin’s gaze softens. “oh, honey. stupid f*ckers. not a single one of them deserve you. if you ask me, I was the one who got the luckiest tonight because I got to have you.”

when they leave, they do it together. they exchange numbers before they part ways, right at the entrance of the club. jimin gets in his car while jeongguk gets a taxi, too tired to walk home or take any kind of public transport. he checks his text messages. he has two from taehyung, hours ago, that read: “dw about me GET THAT DICK YES” and “text me when you’re on your way home so I know you’re safe <3 love you” respectively.

Jeongguk texts him back, a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks as he recalls his time with jimin. they tentatively settled on sometime next week.

he can’t wait.

(you're so) pretty, please - nightmaremode (metalgr3ymon) - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 5797

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.