Ace of Odds - ShadowWalker1001 (2024)

Chapter Text

The night cloaked Gotham City in a veil of shadows, the skyscrapers looming like silent sentinels against the inky black sky. Atop one of the taller buildings, a dark figure stood motionless, his cape billowing in the cool breeze as he surveyed the city below.

Batman's gaze was fixed on the streets, his jaw set in a tense line. He didn't need to turn to acknowledge the presence that had just joined him on the rooftop. "I was wondering when you'd show up," he remarked, his deep voice cutting through the stillness.

"Aww, you missed me?" Selina Kyle purred, her lips curving into a coy smile as she sauntered closer. Even in the dim light, her emerald eyes sparkled with mischief. "And here I thought you preferred the strong, silent type."

A faint smirk tugged at the corner of Batman's mouth, but he remained stoic. "I have a proposition for you."

Selina arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do tell, Dark Knight."

Batman turned to face her, his expression unreadable beneath the cowl. "It's about Kahlil."

At the mention of her protégé's name, Selina's demeanor shifted ever so slightly, her body tensing. "What about him?"

"His skills could be valuable to the Team," Batman stated, his tone leaving no room for argument. "His abilities, his perspective—they could make a difference."

Selina regarded him warily, her arms folded across her chest. "You want to recruit him."

It wasn't a question, but Batman nodded nonetheless. "His potential is extraordinary, but he needs guidance, structure."

A derisive snort escaped Selina's lips. "And you think the Justice League can provide that?" Her eyes narrowed, challenging him. "I've seen how you operate, Bruce. Rules, protocols, blind obedience to the greater good—that's not what Kahlil needs."

Batman's jaw clenched, but he held her gaze steadily. "I'm not suggesting we strip him of his independence or force him to conform. He would serve as a consultant, joining missions when his abilities are required."

Selina considered his words, her expression guarded. She knew Kahlil's potential was being stifled, that he yearned for a connection with others like him. But the thought of him being swept up into the world of the Justice League, with all its dangers and expectations, made her uneasy.

"And what's to stop you from trying to mold him into one of your little soldiers?" she challenged, her voice laced with a hint of bitterness.

Batman's expression softened, just for a moment. "You know me better than that, Selina."

Their eyes locked, and in that fleeting moment, the weight of their history hung between them, unspoken but ever-present. Selina searched his face, trying to discern the truth behind his words.

Finally, she exhaled a slow breath, her shoulders sagging ever so slightly. "Fine," she conceded, her tone laced with reluctance. "But on my terms. I decide when and where he gets involved, and I reserve the right to pull him out at any time, no questions asked."

A muscle twitched in Batman's jaw, but he gave a curt nod. "Agreed."

Selina held his gaze, her expression resolute. "And let's be clear—I'm not doing this for you or the League. I'm doing it for Kahlil, so he can find his place among others like him."

Batman's lips twitched, the hint of a smile ghosting across his features. "Understood."

They stood in silence for a beat, the weight of their agreement settling between them. Selina took a step closer, her eyes searching his cowled face. "Don't make me regret this, Bruce," she murmured, her voice tinged with a vulnerability she rarely allowed herself to show. "Kahlil may have extraordinary powers, but he's still a kid. My kid," she adds, her tone carrying a hint of protectiveness.

Batman held her gaze, his expression inscrutable. "I won't."

In that moment, the tension between them was palpable, charged with a complicated history and unspoken emotions. Selina's eyes flickered to his lips, and for a heartbeat, it seemed as though she might close the distance between them.

But then the moment passed, and she stepped back, her walls firmly in place once more. With a final, lingering look, she turned and melted back into the shadows, leaving Batman alone on the rooftop, his thoughts swirling with the weight of the decisions they had made.

The apartment was cloaked in silence when Kahlil returned home from his evening patrol. He moved with practiced stealth, slipping through the shadows like a wraith as he shed his Wild Card persona piece by piece. The mask came off first, his features relaxing as he freed himself from the burden of his alter ego. Next, the leather jacket and boots, until he stood in the dimly lit living room in just his sleek bodysuit.

Kahlil took a deep, steadying breath, the familiar scents of jasmine and sandalwood incense enveloping him like a comforting embrace. This place was his sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos that swirled endlessly in the streets of Gotham.

A soft rustle of movement caught his attention, and he tensed instinctively, his senses heightened. But it was only Selina, emerging from the shadows with that feline grace he knew so well.

"You're back late," she remarked, her tone even but laced with a hint of concern.

Kahlil shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "You know how it is out there. Trouble never sleeps in this city."

Selina's lips curved into a wry smile. "Don't I know it." She regarded him for a moment, her emerald eyes appraising. "We need to talk."

A knot of apprehension twisted in Kahlil's gut, but he schooled his features into a mask of calm indifference. "What about?"

Selina's expression grew serious. "Batman approached me with a proposition."

At the mention of the Dark Knight's name, Kahlil's defenses immediately went up. He folded his arms across his chest, his jaw set in a hard line. "I'm not interested in joining his little boy band."

Selina arched an eyebrow, her gaze unwavering. "It's not like that. He wants you to act as a consultant for the Team, joining missions when your abilities are needed."

Kahlil scoffed, his eyes rolling skyward. "The Little League? Please, Ama, they're barely out of diapers. What could they possibly offer me?"

"Resources, for one," Selina countered, her tone firm. "Connections. Avenues to investigate your past, to uncover the truth about where you're from."

That gave Kahlil pause, his bravado faltering for a moment. The mysteries surrounding his childhood, his parents' fates, the sources of his metahuman DNA—these were the questions that kept him up at night, the burning embers that fueled his relentless pursuit of the truth.

He turned away from Selina, his gaze drawn to the twinkling lights of Gotham's skyline visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The city that had been his home, his playground, his battlefield, suddenly felt vast and imposing, a reminder of the mysteries that lurked beneath its glittering facade.

"You know, don't you?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "That I've been looking into my birth, trying to find my parents."

Selina's expression softened, her eyes shining with a mixture of pride and sadness. "Of course I know, kiddo. You're like an open book to me."

Kahlil whirled around, his eyes flashing with a sudden surge of guilt. "It's not that I'm not happy here, with you," he blurted out, the words tumbling forth in a rush. "You've been more than a mother to me, 'Lina. It's just..."

He trailed off, struggling to give voice to the tangled knot of emotions that had taken root within him. But Selina, ever perceptive, seemed to understand.

"You need clarity," she said gently, closing the distance between them and resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You deserve to know where you came from, who you are. And I'm sorry I couldn't give you those answers sooner."

Kahlil's defenses crumbled, and he leaned into her touch, drawing strength from her unwavering presence. "You tried, didn't you? When you first took me in."

Selina nodded, her expression growing pensive. "I did. But I kept running into dead ends, like someone had gone to great lengths to erase any trace of your existence before the orphanage." Her eyes narrowed, a hint of steel creeping into her voice. "But I know there's something there, buried deep. Secrets don't stay hidden forever in this city, not from people like us. But sometimes... even we need a little help to find the truth."

Selina seemed to sense his hesitation, and she pressed on. "I know how much you value your independence, Kahlil. And I would never ask you to compromise that. This arrangement would be strictly on your terms. You'd be a consultant, nothing more."

Kahlil mulled over her words, his mind whirring. As much as he chafed at the idea of working with the Justice League, he couldn't deny the potential benefits. Access to their resources, their intelligence—it could be the key to unlocking the secrets of his past.

"Why are you pushing for this?" he asked at last, his hazel eyes searching Selina's face.

She held his gaze, her expression softening ever so slightly. "Because I want you to have the opportunity to be around others like you. People who understand what it's like to have these extraordinary abilities."

Kahlil opened his mouth to protest, but Selina raised a hand, silencing him. "I know, I know. You can always talk to me about anything. But there are some things I won't be able to understand, no matter how hard I try. Things that only someone with powers like yours can truly comprehend."

Her words struck a chord within him, resonating with the sense of isolation he so often felt, even in Selina's presence. As much as she was his mentor, his guardian, there would always be a part of him that she could never fully grasp.

Slowly, reluctantly, Kahlil nodded. "Alright, Ama. I'll do it. But on my terms, and only because it might help me find the answers I'm looking for."

Relief flickered across Selina's features, and she reached out, cupping his cheek in a rare display of tenderness. "That's all I ask, Kahlil. Just promise me you'll be careful. You might not think so, but being involved with the Justice League brings trouble both inside and out, and I don't want you getting caught up in their games."

Kahlil leaned into her touch, savoring the moment of connection. "I promise," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

The computerized voice rang out, shattering the tense silence that had fallen over the Mission Room. "Recognize. Batman. 0-2. Wild Card B-0-8."

Kahlil tensed imperceptibly as the Zeta-Tube's brilliant light faded, revealing him standing beside the Dark Knight himself. His gaze swept over the assembled members of the Team, taking in their guarded expressions and subtly shifting stances.

Robin's eyes narrowed behind his domino mask, and Kahlil could practically feel the younger hero's scrutiny boring into him. "What's going on here, Batman?" The Boy Wonder's tone held an unmistakable edge, his posture radiating a subtle challenge.

Batman's jaw tightened ever so slightly, and he fixed Robin with a look that seemed to carry an unspoken warning. "Mind your tone," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "This is Wild Card, Catwoman's protégé. He'll be consulting with the Team on certain missions."

A tense silence fell over the group, broken only by the soft whir of the computers lining the walls. Kahlil met Robin's gaze evenly, refusing to back down from the younger hero's silent accusation. He was all too aware of the deception he'd employed outside Cadmus, the illusion that had allowed him to slip away unnoticed. A pang of guilt flickered through him, but he tamped it down, focusing instead on maintaining his composure.

Superboy stood apart from the others, his muscular arms folded across his broad chest. The clone's expression was unreadable, but Kahlil could sense the wariness radiating off him like heat from a furnace. Clearly, the idea of welcoming a new member, even a temporary one, didn't sit well with him.

Aqualad, ever the diplomat, stepped forward, his expression guarded but not overtly hostile. "Welcome, Wild Card," he said, his voice formal but not unkind. "We look forward to working with you."

Kahlil inclined his head in a shallow nod, acutely aware of the distance in Aqualad's tone. The Atlantean's stance was relaxed, but Kahlil could sense the undercurrent of caution, the unspoken questions simmering beneath the surface.

Megan, however, offered him a tentative smile, her amber eyes warm and inviting. "Hi," she said, her voice soft and melodic. "I'm Miss Martian. It's nice to meet you."

A flicker of surprise rippled through Kahlil at her open friendliness, and he found himself returning her smile, if only slightly. Perhaps there was potential for camaraderie here, beneath the layers of suspicion and mistrust.

"Likewise," he replied, his tone carefully neutral.

A movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention, and he turned to see a figure standing beside Green Arrow. Artemis met his gaze, her expression a mix of curiosity and wariness, and he felt a sudden kinship with her, an unspoken understanding passing between them as the newest members of the Team.

"Wild Card," Batman's voice cut through the tension, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "This is Red Tornado. He'll be acting as the Team's... den mother, of sorts."

Kahlil's gaze shifted to the towering android, taking in the metallic figure's imposing presence. Red Tornado regarded him impassively, giving no outward indication of emotion or opinion.

"A pleasure," Kahlil said, inclining his head once more.

The computerized voice rang out once more, shattering the tense atmosphere. "Recognize: Kid Flash; B-0-3"

Kahlil's gaze shifted toward the Zeta-Tube as the light dimmed and resolved into the form of a lanky teenager carrying an armful of beach paraphernalia. "The Wall-man is here!" the newcomer called out, his voice brimming with exuberance as he bounded forward on flip-flopped feet. "Let's get this party start—"

Kahlil arched an eyebrow, taking in the scene as the speedster tripped over his own umbrella pole, tumbling face-first onto the floor with a resounding thud. A beach ball bounced erratically, rolling past a visibly displeased Batman before coming to rest against the far wall.

"...ted," Kid Flash finished weakly, lifting his head to reveal a sheepish grin.

A chorus of knowing smiles spread across the faces of the assembled heroes, their amusem*nt at the speedster's antics palpable. Kahlil felt the corner of his own mouth twitch upward, despite his efforts to maintain a neutral facade.

"Wall-man, huh?" Artemis's voice interjected, drawing Kahlil's attention.

The blonde-haired girl stepped forward, her green costume and bow leaving little doubt as to her mentor's identity. Kahlil's gaze swept over her, taking in the slight curves accentuated by the form-fitting outfit and the confident set of her shoulders.

"I love the uniform," she said, a hint of playful sarcasm coloring her tone. "What exactly are your powers?"

Kid Flash ignored her jibe, rising to his feet and brushing himself off as he joined Robin and Miss Martian. "Uh, who's this?" he asked Aqualad, gesturing toward the newcomer.

"Artemis, your new teammate," she replied, her lips curving into a teasing smirk.

"Kid Flash. Never heard of you," the speedster shot back, matching her playful tone.

As Green Arrow stepped forward to introduce his new protégé, Kahlil found his attention drawn elsewhere. Kid Flash's gaze had landed squarely on him, the speedster's eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and aggression.

"And what's he doing here?" the redhead demanded, his tone accusatory.

Before Kahlil could formulate a response, the Zeta-Tubes flared to life once more, announcing the arrival of another guest.

"Recognize: Speedy; B-0-6"

Kahlil tensed imperceptibly as the stranger stepped out of the glowing portal, his muscular frame radiating an aura of confidence bordering on arrogance.

"Well, for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore," the newcomer stated, his voice carrying a subtle edge. "Call me Red Arrow."

Kahlil regarded the newcomer with a mixture of wariness and curiosity, his senses attuned to the undercurrents of tension rippling through the room. This Red Arrow character carried himself with an air of defiance, his muscular frame radiating an aura of barely restrained aggression. It was clear from the way Green Arrow's expression tightened that there was history here, unresolved conflicts simmering beneath the surface.

As the two archers traded barbed words, Kahlil found his gaze drawn to Artemis. The blonde seemed unfazed by Red Arrow's bravado, meeting his hostility with a confidence that bordered on co*cky. There was a kindred spirit there, Kahlil realized, a fellow newcomer unafraid to stand her ground in the face of adversity.

A flicker of approval kindled within him as she stood toe-to-toe with the older archer, her words carrying a playful edge that belied her true mettle. Kahlil could sense the steel beneath her confidence, the quiet strength that lurked beneath her seemingly casual demeanor.

When Red Arrow's gaze landed on him, Kahlil tensed imperceptibly, bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation. He knew his presence here would raise questions, his dubious reputation as a vigilante casting a shadow over his newfound alliance with the Team.

"Who are you?" Red Arrow demanded, his tone laced with suspicion.

Kahlil met the archer's glare evenly, refusing to be cowed. "Wild Card," he replied, his voice carrying a subtle edge of challenge.

Red Arrow's eyebrow arched, and he let out a derisive snort. "Wild Card? The same Wild Card who's been running roughshod over Gotham, stealing from the rich and powerful?" He shook his head, his expression one of barely concealed disdain. "What's a criminal like you doing here?"

Kahlil felt a flicker of annoyance at the archer's dismissive tone, but he tamped it down, refusing to rise to the bait. "Frankly, that's none of your business," he countered, his voice cool and measured. "Especially since you're not even on the Team."

A ripple of surprise echoed through the assembled heroes, and Kahlil caught a glimpse of Artemis's approving smirk from the corner of his eye. It seemed his willingness to stand his ground had earned him a modicum of respect from the fiery blonde.

Red Arrow's jaw tightened, but before he could formulate a response, Aqualad stepped forward, his calm demeanor diffusing the tension like a gentle breeze. "You came to us for a reason," the Atlantean said, his voice carrying a subtle reminder of their purpose.

Red Arrow's gaze flickered toward Robin, and a silent understanding seemed to pass between them. With a curt nod, he launched into an explanation, his words painting a grim picture of a nanotech weapon in the hands of the League of Shadows.

Kahlil listened intently as Red Arrow outlined the details of the crisis at hand, his mind processing the implications with ruthless efficiency. The League of Shadows, one of the most formidable criminal organizations in the world, had coerced a brilliant scientist into creating a nanotech weapon of unprecedented power. A chill crept down his spine as he contemplated the catastrophic potential of such a device in the wrong hands.

"With this weapon, the Shadows can gain access to any system, any intel they desire," Red Arrow growled, his jaw set in a hard line. "Imagine what they could do with that kind of power."

Artemis's voice cut through the tense silence, her tone laced with grim certainty. "They'll use it for extortion, manipulation, power-broking. It's what they do."

Wally scoffed, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he turned to face the blonde archer. "Like you know anything about the Shadows."

Kahlil's gaze flickered between the two, a spark of curiosity kindling within him. There was an edge to Artemis's words, a familiarity that hinted at more than mere conjecture. His mind raced, piecing together fragments of knowledge gleaned from Selina's tutelage, whispers of the League of Shadows' ruthless methods and far-reaching tendrils.

Artemis met Wally's challenging gaze, her expression shifting into a taunting smile that seemed to unsettle the speedster. Wally's smirk faltered, his brow furrowing in confusion as he struggled to formulate a response.

"Who are you?!" he blurted out, the words laced with a mixture of bewilderment and frustration.

Kahlil's interest in the enigmatic archer deepened, his sharp gaze scrutinizing her every movement, every nuance of expression. There was a hint of familiarity in her words, a whisper of insider knowledge that resonated with the fragments of intel he'd accumulated over the years. Could she, like him, have ties to the shadowy world of the League?

His musings were interrupted as Red Arrow pressed on, his tone grim and urgent. "Roquette is working on a virus to neutralize the Fog, but she's exposed and vulnerable. I've stashed her at a local high school computer lab for now, but we need to move fast."

Green Arrow stepped forward, his expression one of determination. "Then let's do this together, Roy," he implored, extending an olive branch to his former protégé. "Like old times."

“You and I?” Roy questions, sounding both angry and surprised. “Don’t you want to take your new protége?”

Kahlil watched the exchange between Green Arrow and his former protégé with a keen eye, absorbing every nuance of their strained interaction.

Green Arrow went to reply, but Batman intervened, placing a restraining hand on his shoulder. Green Arrow looked torn as he glanced back at the Dark Knight, but eventually turned back to Red Arrow and said, "You brought this to the Team. It’s their mission, which means it’s hers now, too.”

“Then my job’s done.” Roy scoffed and turned to leave, updating his moniker in the system while he was at it.

Kahlil became even more curious about what led Red Arrow to separate from the Justice League and go solo. He expected that the older archer might see the value in working together, in setting aside his personal grievances for the greater good. But it seemed that Roy's pride and stubborn nature had won out in the end, leaving the Team to face this challenge on their own.

Kahlil's gaze shifted to Artemis, taking in the way she seemed to shrink under the scrutiny of her teammates. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, the flicker of doubt that threatened to consume her. It was a feeling he knew all too well—the sense of being an outsider, of not quite belonging.

But as he watched her straighten her shoulders and meet their gazes with a defiant tilt of her chin, Kahlil felt a surge of admiration for the blonde archer. She had a strength about her, a quiet resilience that belied her seemingly fragile exterior. It was a quality he recognized in himself, a shared bond forged in the fires of adversity.

Batman stepped forward, his imposing presence commanding the attention of the room. "The Team will be divided into squads," he announced, his gravelly voice brooking no argument. "One squad will protect Dr. Roquette, while the other tracks down the Shadows' agents and prevents the activation of the Fog."

Kahlil's mind raced, assessing the situation with clinical precision. The League of Shadows was a formidable foe, their resources and reach spanning the globe. If they succeeded in unleashing the Fog, the consequences could be catastrophic, both for the heroes and for the world at large.

As Batman outlined the specifics of the mission, Kahlil's gaze flickered toward Artemis once more, a silent question burning in his mind. Who was this enigmatic archer, and what secrets did she harbor? For the first time since joining the Team, he felt a glimmer of familiarity, a sense that perhaps he wasn't as alone in this world as he'd thought.

Outside Happy Harbor High, Miss Martian and Superboy are on the roof with the BioShip camouflaged over their heads. Inside the school, Aqualad checks the window to the hallway by the Computer Lab.

“Miss Martian, link us up. We do not want the Shadows intercepting our comms,” Aqualad requests.

From outside, Miss Martian finds the other minds with ease, connecting them quickly.

“Everyone online?” she asks.

Kahlil, sitting with his back against the wall in the computer lab, shifts uncomfortably as the connection forms. He doesn't express it, but the mental link feels invasive.

Artemis half-groans, sitting on the desk Dr. Roquette is working at to keep from losing her balance. “This is weird.”

“And distracting,” Dr. Roquette's voice cuts in as she continues to code quickly. “Coding a distributive algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with less RAM than a wristwatch is hard enough,” she stops typing and starts moving her body as if she were speaking aloud. “Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?” She grips her head with annoyance and perceived pain from a headache.

Wally sits on the window ledge, eating a granola bar, while Robin looks out of the partially opened blind of the same window row but hidden by the pillar. “Lady, do you always complain when someone tries to help you?”

“Pot, kettle,” Artemis offers. “Have you met?”

Kid Flash is immediately defensive. “Hey, hey, I do not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the Team.”

Artemis stands instantly and points directly at him. “That is so not on me.” Behind her, Roquette stops typing to give into her annoyance.

“Fate of the world at stake,” she tries to remind without getting too angry.

“She started it,” Kid Flash defends childishly.

Kahlil rolls his eyes, unable to stay silent any longer. “Can you both knock it off? We have more important things to worry about than your schoolyard bickering.”

Kid Flash glares at Kahlil. “Oh, look, it’s the part-time consultant. What do you know about working as a team, anyway?”

Kahlil smirks under his mask. “Enough to know that right now, you're acting like a liability. Focus or get out of the way.”

Before Kid Flash can retort, Artemis interjects. “How about I just help Superboy and Miss Martian patrol the perimeter?” she offers, already walking away from her spot by the doctor.

“Good idea,” Aqualad agrees, his tone formal as ever. “And Wild Card is right, we need to stay focused.”

“You might cut her some slack. It was her arrow that saved your butt against Amazo.” Robin points out, smirking at the last tidbit of knowledge.

Kid Flash’s eyes go wide. “What? No!” he denies instantly “That was Speedy’s—I mean, Red Arrow’s… arrow. Right?” he tries, giving the Boy Wonder a small smile as if that would change his answer.

“Not so much.” Robin admits, teasing clear in his tone.

Kid Flash manages to huff in his head. “Well, still not giving her the satisfaction.” he gripes.

Walking out of the building Artemis is quick to remind him that’s ineffective by adding, “You know, I can still hear you!”

Wally grips his head and groans aloud. “Great, just great.”

“I couldn't get the Justice League,” Roquette grumbles to herself, gripping the bridge of her nose before going back to coding.

“The virus won’t be of much use if we cannot find the weapon,” Aqualad surmises, stepping up to stand behind the doctor. “Can you track it?”

“My utility fog is not a weapon,” she quickly defends, turning towards Aqualad. “It’s science, brilliant science, and of course, I can track it, but I’d have to go online.” She turns back to the computer but doesn’t continue coding. “Might as well rent a billboard with this address and 'assassinate me' written in neon,” placing her head on her fingertips.

Aqualad places his hand on her shoulder. “We will protect you,” he promises, looking into her eyes with sincerity.

She looks back at Aqualad and then hits the enter key to begin tracking the Fog. “Tracking the Fog now,” she tells him, watching as the targeting system moves across the digital globe on her screen. The system comes to a stop on a fully zoomed-in image of a plane sitting on a runway.

Kahlil's brow furrowed beneath his mask as Robin spoke up. "So, Wild Card... care to explain why you disappeared after we escaped Cadmus?" The accusation hung in the telepathic link, prompting Kid Flash to eagerly chime in.

"Yeah, dude, we totally had your back against the League, and you just bailed on us like that?" Wally's mental voice carried an unmistakable edge of indignation.

Kahlil sighed, shaking his head. Did they really think this was the appropriate time for such inquiries? His gaze flicked between Robin's narrowed eyes and Kid Flash's defiant glare. "You two really want to get into this now?" he challenged, keeping his mental tone level.

"Well, how are we supposed to trust you won't leave us hanging again?" Kid Flash shot back, his mental voice laced with suspicion.

Kahlil's eyes drifted past the two boys, settling on Aqualad's stoic expression. The Atlantean said nothing, but the slight crease in his brow conveyed a similar curiosity—an unspoken desire for answers.

Clenching his jaw, Kahlil realized the weight of their combined gazes. As much as he wanted to deflect or dismiss their questions, a part of him understood their perspectives. They had fought side-by-side, risking their lives together. His abrupt departure, shrouded in deception, had undoubtedly sown seeds of doubt.

Even though the timing felt less than ideal, Kahlil supposed addressing this point of contention might be necessary—especially if they were to work together effectively. He owed them at least a partial explanation, one that wouldn't compromise his true motives or allegiances.

Letting out a slow breath, Kahlil steeled himself. "Look, I get why you're upset," he began, projecting his thoughts with measured calm. "But my reasons for leaving were... complicated. I had my own objectives to pursue, ones that required discretion." He paused, considering his next words carefully. "I didn't mean any disrespect, and I certainly don't plan on abandoning you in the field. You have my word on that."

The statement hung in the mental ether, its weight palpable. Kahlil held Robin's and Kid Flash's gazes, allowing the sincerity of his words to sink in. He knew it might not be enough to fully assuage their doubts, but it was a start—a tentative olive branch extended in the name of trust and cooperation.

As the tense silence stretched on, Kahlil found himself hoping they would accept his explanation, at least for now. The mission at hand demanded their full focus, and lingering resentments could prove disastrous. For better or worse, they had to work together.

“Mmm...that boy...” Artemis's voice cuts through into their mental link.

“He can hear you. We can all hear you,” Miss Martian points out, a tense edge to her tone.

Artemis is either oblivious to or just doesn’t care. “Oh, I know.”

“Miss Martian,” Aqualad’s voice cuts in. “Dr. Roquette has located the Fog. Reconfigure the BioShip so that Robin and Superboy can pursue.”

Miss Martian raises her right hand and the BioShip lands in the small field before the fence. “Ready.”

Superboy and Robin run out to it quickly, the open hatch closing right on their heels. The ship takes off smoothly.

Kahlil's eyes narrowed beneath his mask as the mental conversation between Miss Martian and Artemis continued. Their words carried an undercurrent of tension, so much so he couldn't help but pick up on the subtle glare Miss Martian shot Artemis, gone as quickly as it had appeared.

As Miss Martian turned her back, arms crossed in a defensive posture, Kahlil sensed her reluctance to engage further. Yet, Artemis's nonchalant response seemed to strike a nerve, prompting Miss Martian to confront her directly. "You embarrassed Superboy."

Artemis's smile radiated a practiced innocence that Kahlil found unconvincing. "Didn't hear him say that." Her tone dripped with challenge, as if daring Miss Martian to press the issue.

The Martian girl's frown deepened, her exasperation palpable. "Must you challenge everyone?"

Artemis's response carried a hint of steel beneath the surface. "Where I come from, that's how you survive." With those words, she effectively shut down the conversation, leaving Miss Martian's frown slightly softened but the tension lingering.

Kahlil couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine, his precognitive senses sparking to life with a sudden jolt of dread. His gaze snapped towards the door, now cracked open, just as a shuriken came whizzing through the gap, aimed squarely at the back of Dr. Roquette's head.

Without hesitation, Kahlil focused his probability manipulation, willing the shuriken's trajectory to veer off course. The blade narrowly missed its mark, clattering harmlessly against the far wall.

"Aqualad, protect Dr. Roquette!" Kahlil barked, his voice cutting through the sudden chaos.

Aqualad reacted instantly, pulling the startled doctor to the floor and shielding her with his body.

The door burst open fully, and a lithe figure clad in a distinctive green kimono and mask rushed in, taking cover behind the computer desks. Cheshire.

"Well, well, if it isn't the little wildcard himself," the assassin purred, her voice laced with amusem*nt. "Fancy meeting you here."

Kahlil tensed, his hands crackling with energy as he prepared for combat. "Cheshire," he growled. "I should have known the Shadows would send their best and brightest."

"Aw, you flatter me," Cheshire replied, her tone dripping with mock sweetness. "But you know how it is—a girl's gotta make a living."

"By killing innocent people?" Kahlil shot back, his jaw clenched with barely contained fury.

Cheshire's laughter echoed through the room, a sound that sent chills down Kahlil's spine. "Oh, please. Don't act so high and mighty, little hero. We both know you're no stranger to the shadows."

Before Kahlil could respond, Aqualad's voice rang out, laced with urgency. "M'gann, Kid, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab."

The mental link crackled with activity as the Team responded, but Kahlil had no time to process their words. Cheshire launched herself forward, twin sai blades glinting in her hands as she aimed a flurry of strikes at Kahlil's head and torso.

Kahlil ducked and weaved, his body flowing with the grace of a seasoned fighter as he deflected her blows with bursts of concentrated energy. The air crackled with the clash of steel and supernatural power, the combatants locked in a deadly dance of skill and precision.

Kahlil grunted as he deflected another lightning-fast strike from Cheshire's sai, the razor-sharp blade mere inches from his face. Despite her lithe frame, the assassin moved with a fluid lethality that betrayed years of rigorous training.

Sweat beaded on Kahlil's brow as he fought to maintain his defensive stance, his energy shields flickering in and out of existence with each near-miss. He knew better than to underestimate Cheshire's skills; her reputation as one of the League of Shadows' deadliest operatives was well-earned.

Gritting his teeth, Kahlil allowed his instincts to guide him, his body moving with the fluidity of a dancer as he sidestepped and weaved through Cheshire's relentless assault. Selina's lessons echoed in his mind: "Never overcommit. Wait for the opening, then strike."

As if on cue, Cheshire overextended herself, her right sai thrusting forward in a brazen lunge. Kahlil seized the opportunity, calling upon his elemental powers to encase his hand in a sheath of ice. With a deft motion, he caught Cheshire's wrist, the chill of his frozen grip causing her to hiss in surprise.

Capitalizing on her momentary distraction, Kahlil pivoted, using his opponent's momentum against her. He twisted her arm behind her back, pinning her against the nearest wall with a resounding thud.

"Not bad, little Wildcard," Cheshire purred, her voice strained but still laced with amusem*nt. "You've been practicing."

Kahlil grimaced, tightening his grip as he pressed his forearm against the back of her neck. He knew better than to let her taunts get under his skin, but the familiarity in her tone set his teeth on edge.

"Cut the games, Cheshire," he growled, his breath hot against her ear. "Where's the Fog?"

Cheshire's shoulders shook with silent laughter. "You think I'd give that up so easily? Please, I'm insulted."

Frustration welled within Kahlil, his free hand crackling with energy as he contemplated his next move. He knew Cheshire's reputation for lacing her weapons with potent toxins, and the slightest scratch could spell disaster. Physical combat was risky, but his powers offered an alternative avenue of attack.

Focusing his mind, Kahlil willed the air around them to grow colder, icy tendrils snaking forth from his fingertips. The temperature plummeted, frost creeping across the walls and floor as Cheshire's breath misted before her.

"What's the matter, little hero?" she taunted, her voice strained as the chill seeped into her bones. "Too afraid to get your hands dirty?"

Kahlil's jaw clenched, his focus unwavering as the ice continued to spread, encasing Cheshire's lower body in a crystalline prison. "I don't need to lay a hand on you," he murmured, his tone low and dangerous. "My powers are more than enough to take you down."

Cheshire's laughter echoed through the room, defiant even in the face of her icy entrapment. "Oh, I'm counting on it," she purred, her voice dripping with dark promise.

Kahlil's heart raced as he struggled to maintain his grip on Cheshire, the chill of his icy powers seeping into her body. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the unsettling familiarity in her voice, the way she seemed to know him better than he cared to admit.

In that moment of distraction, Cheshire seized her opportunity. With a sudden, violent headbutt, she slammed her skull into Kahlil's face, causing him to reel back in pain and surprise. His grip on her loosened, and she wasted no time in capitalizing on his momentary weakness.

Cheshire spun out of his grasp, her movements fluid and deadly as she fired off another shuriken aimed directly at Dr. Roquette's heart. Kahlil's eyes widened, his mind racing as he called upon his probability manipulation powers. With a desperate surge of will, he redirected the lethal projectile, causing it to veer off course and embed itself harmlessly in the wall beside the doctor's head.

"Tsk, tsk," Cheshire tutted, her voice laced with annoyance. "That little trick of yours is starting to get on my nerves, Wildcard."

Kahlil grimaced, his head throbbing from the impact of Cheshire's headbutt. He could taste the coppery tang of blood on his tongue, a reminder of the assassin's brutal efficiency. As he struggled to regain his footing, Cheshire raised her sai, poised to strike once more.

Suddenly, an arrow whistled through the air, striking Cheshire's weapon with pinpoint accuracy and sending it clattering to the floor. Kahlil's gaze snapped towards the source of the shot, his eyes widening as he saw Artemis standing in the doorway, another arrow already nocked and aimed at Cheshire's heart.

"Don't. Move." Artemis's voice was low and dangerous, her eyes narrowed with fierce determination.

Cheshire merely chuckled, the sound sending a chill down Kahlil's spine. He could hear Aqualad moving behind the assassin, his water bearers at the ready. Despite being outnumbered, Cheshire seemed unfazed, her body language radiating a predatory confidence.

"Her weapons are coated in jellyfish poison," Kahlil warned. "Don't let her touch you."

"I'm largely immune to jellyfish toxin," Aqualad replied unbothered.

"Hm, I'll keep that in mind," Cheshire purred. "This gig's getting interesting," she added, reaching behind her back to retrieve a single-handed collapsible sword. She took a ready stance, her focus locked on Artemis as the archer stepped closer, her bow drawn taut.

In a flurry of motion, Artemis released a rapid succession of arrows, each one aimed with deadly precision. Yet, Cheshire's blade flashed through the air, slicing the projectiles cleanly in half with almost contemptuous ease. Arrow fragments clattered to the floor at Dr. Roquette's feet, the doctor's eyes wide with stunned disbelief.

As Artemis paused, momentarily taken aback by Cheshire's skill, the door burst open once more. Miss Martian and Kid Flash rushed into the room, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. Kahlil felt a flicker of relief at the sight of his teammates, but it was short-lived as he saw the calculating glint in Cheshire's eyes.

"Maybe a little too interesting," the assassin mused, her gaze flicking between the assembled heroes. Outnumbered and outmatched, she seemed to weigh her options, her body coiled like a spring ready to unleash.

Artemis knocked another arrow, her fingers tensing on the bowstring. In a blur of motion, Cheshire deflected the shot and dropped a flash grenade, filling the room with a blinding burst of light and smoke. Kid Flash, ever impulsive, leaped through the haze, his hands grasping at empty air as he stumbled forward.

To Kahlil's surprise, the speedster collided with Artemis, sending them both tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. For a brief, awkward moment, they found themselves face-to-face, their breaths mingling as they stared at each other with wide, shocked eyes.

Kid Flash scrambled back, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson as he realized the intimacy of their position. "She's gone," he grunted, his voice laced with frustration and embarrassment.

"She's getting away! You're letting her get away!" Dr. Roquette's accusatory shout cut through the air, her finger jabbing towards Aqualad. The Atlantean's expression remained stoic, but Kahlil could see the tension in his shoulders, the weight of responsibility bearing down upon him.

"This was all your fault," Kid Flash rounded on Artemis, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "You were on the perimeter! How'd that Shadow get in?"

Artemis met his glare with one of her own, her gaze icy and unwavering. Kahlil could practically feel the animosity crackling between them, a palpable tension that set his teeth on edge.

"That's not really fair," Miss Martian interjected, her voice calm and measured as she stepped between the two. "I was outside too."

Kid Flash's demeanor shifted instantly, his anger melting away as he turned his attention to the Martian girl. “Outside being distracted by her,” he retaliates. "Besides, I can't be mad at you," he said, his tone turning flirtatious and almost sickeningly sweet. "You gave me mouth-to-mouth."

Miss Martian's eyes widened, realization dawning on her face as she comprehended the implications of his words. "We heard that!" Artemis snapped, her voice dripping with indignation.

Even Aqualad seemed annoyed by the exchange, his brow furrowing with disapproval. Kid Flash, realizing his blunder, turned and walked away, his head hanging low. "Dang it!" he muttered, his frustration palpable.

As the speedster retreated, Miss Martian turned to Artemis, offering the newest member a genuine smile. "I didn't do half as well in my first battle," she said, her hand resting on Artemis's shoulder in a gesture of comfort and support. "And I know you can't have been Green Arrow's sidekick for very long."

Before Artemis could respond, Aqualad's voice cut through the moment, his tone firm and authoritative. "Focus, everyone," he commanded, drawing their attention back to the matter at hand. "The Shadows will be back."

As if on cue, the radio crackled to life, a familiar voice filling the air. "Robin to Aqualad." The Atlantean's gaze snapped to the device, his expression intense as he prepared to receive the update from his teammate.

Kahlil's heart sank as Robin's voice crackled over the radio, the grim report sending a chill down his spine. They were too late. The Shadows had struck again, and this time, the consequences were catastrophic.

"We're over Philadelphia," the Boy Wonder continued, his tone laced with grim urgency. "We've located the Shadows' next target, STAR Labs." All Robin and Superboy can do is watch as the building crumbles beneath them. "We're too late." His eyes go wide at the efficiency and completeness of it. "It's destroyed, totally destroyed." Even Superboy's eyes have gone wide with shock. "The Fog decimated it."

Kahlil clenched his jaw, his gloved hands curling into fists as the weight of their failure settled upon him like a lead weight. He had witnessed the League of Shadows' ruthlessness firsthand, but the sight before him was almost too much to bear.

Robin and Superboy looked over the broken remains of the entire lab, everything was sharded and cracked. "This is bad. STAR Labs is cutting-edge science, and now their secrets are in the hand of the enemy." There was a hint of anger starting to show through in Robin's words, and Kahlil couldn't help but share the sentiment.

Secrets, formulas, and cutting-edge research – all of it now in the clutches of the Shadows, ripe for exploitation or worse. The implications were staggering, and Kahlil felt a familiar sense of dread creep up his spine.

"What's our next move?" the Boy Wonder asked, his voice cutting through the heavy silence.

Aqualad's gaze flickered towards Dr. Roquette, the bespectacled scientist's face etched with a mixture of fear and resolve. "Rescan for that Fog. Find it," the Atlantean commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. Then, with a brief glance back at the doctor, he added, "We're moving the doctor."

The buoy bells chimed distantly, their rhythmic clang a constant backdrop to the tense silence that hung in the air. Kaldur's eyes narrowed as he monitored the telepathic exchange between Artemis and Kid Flash from his concealed position in the bushes. Their glares cut through the night like daggers, sharp enough to draw his mental rebuke.

"Stop it, both of you!" His telepathic voice sliced through their silent hostility. "What?" They responded in unison, their unified defiance almost comical if not for the gravity of their mission.

Pushing aside their bickering, Kaldur focused on the task at hand. "I can hear you glaring." He informed them before rising from the bushes, leaves crunching underfoot as he approached the treeline. "Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep."

The rustle of branches betrayed M'gann's silent obedience as Kaldur scanned the shadowed treeline. His gaze narrowed, senses heightened in anticipation of--

Crimson vines lashed out, coiling around his body with startling speed. A sharp cry escaped his lips as he was wrenched into the air, the foliage swallowing him whole. Kaldur twisted and thrashed, water-bearers at the ready, but the vines held fast, their thorns biting into his flesh.

Grunts and impacts echoed through the trees as an unseen battle raged. Leaves drifted to the ground, carried by unseen currents until finally, Kaldur was hurled from the treeline. He slammed into the side of a parked van with bone-jarring force, the metal denting beneath his weight before he rebounded to the unforgiving concrete.

Gasping for air, Kaldur raised his head to meet the cold gaze of his attacker. Black Spider landed in a crouch before him, his purple suit seeming to drink in the shadows. A heartbeat later, a figure clad in green and wielding a massive hook descended upon him. White-hot agony blossomed across Kaldur's shoulders as the curved weapon connected, sending him crashing back to the ground.

Darkness crept in at the edges of his vision as Cheshire emerged from the foliage, her mask's sinister grin mocking his failure. "The Martian could return any second, and I'm not keen on evening their odds." Her words drifted through the haze of pain enveloping him. "We end Roquette now."

The doors of the single-room building bust open. From the doorway, Black Spider flips into the room, landing with cat-like grace on the ceiling. Kid Flash springs to his feet, poised for action.

Kid Flash charges at Black Spider, intending to sweep the villain off his feet. But Black Spider, living up to his name, flips and clings to the ceiling, firing a shot of crimson webbing at Kid Flash. The young speedster rolls out of the way, skidding towards a narrow trash can which he hurls at Black Spider. The maneuver forces Black Spider to drop back to the ground.

Black Spider springs into a crouch, launching himself at Kid Flash with a powerful cross punch. But Kid Flash is faster. He dodges and counters with a swift hit to the ribs.

Meanwhile, Artemis draws her bow, her focus on the sudden threat. She releases an arrow just as a shattering sound echoes through the room and Hook drops from the broken skylight. She changes her aim and fires at the white-haired villain who deftly avoids her arrows by diving between pews.

Artemis notches another arrow, her eyes narrowing in determination. "Don't stop working," she instructs Dr. Roquette who had paused in her typing to watch the battle unfold. The doctor nods and turns back to her computer.

Suddenly, an arrow whizzes through the air from outside, aimed at Artemis. But before it can reach its target, a desk is telekinetically thrust in its path. "Martian's here. It's now or never," Cheshire's voice rings out from the shadows.

Kid Flash pivots on his heel and launches himself at Black Spider once more. But this time, the agile assassin spins under Kid Flash's attack and lands a powerful kick that sends him flying backward.

Cheshire looms over Dr. Roquette, twirling her sai menacingly as she prepares for a fatal strike. But then Dr. Roquette's skin turns green and she twists around to look directly at Cheshire.

"We've been duped!" Cheshire snarls angrily, alerting her accomplices as she pulls back from what she now knows is Miss Martian in disguise.

Miss Martian morphs back into her usual green-skinned form, levitating a good four feet above Cheshire and Hook. Her eyes blaze with defiance as she addresses Cheshire, "You'll never find Doctor Roquette."

"Never's such a long time," Cheshire counters, her tone oozing with condescension. "Pursuing target. Keep 'em busy." She calls out to her accomplices before dashing off.

Hook's arm extends in an attempt to prevent Miss Martian from giving chase. Meanwhile, Artemis is struggling to regain her footing when Cheshire blurs past her. With renewed determination, she quickly springs back onto her feet.

"Pursuing their leader," she declares, darting off in the same direction.

Meanwhile, Kid Flash and Black Spider are locked in combat. Kid Flash parries his opponent's punches before landing a swift cross to the assassin's face, knocking him down. He watches Artemis run out through the double doors.

"Take the rest down," Artemis instructs as she disappears from sight.

"You are so not the boss of me," Kid Flash retorts, dragging out the 'so' for emphasis.

"Just do it!" She snarls over her shoulder without breaking stride.

Behind him, Black Spider rises back onto his feet and lunges at Kid Flash. He wraps his arms around the speedster, pinning his arms to his sides and gripping his hair tightly.

Outside, Artemis trails Cheshire but quickly notices the absence of an unconscious Aqualad. She skids to a halt and notches an arrow, letting it fly towards Cheshire who strikes it out of the air with ease.

"I was hoping it'd be you," Cheshire taunts with smug satisfaction. She takes off again, opting for the rooftops over street level.

Artemis is hot on her heels. She releases another arrow that sticks to a chimney, releasing a cloud of purple gas. Cheshire stumbles, coughing and dropping her sai before collapsing unconscious.

Artemis lands in a crouch, stringing another arrow. As she approaches, Cheshire rolls onto her side, sweeping Artemis's legs out from under her. "Mask has built-in filters," she reveals with a smirk.

Artemis retaliates with a swift kick, but Cheshire blocks it with her arm. Artemis swings again, this time aiming for Cheshire's head, but she misses and stumbles. Cheshire seizes the opportunity to pin Artemis's hands behind her back and knock her bow away.

"Better luck next time, kid," Cheshire taunts as she slams her palm into Artemis's back, sending the archer sprawling onto the ground with a cry of pain.

A muffled thump from above signaled an intruder on the roof causing Aqualad to spin toward Dr. Roquette, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "We have company," he said tersely.

"Uploading now," she snapped, not breaking her frantic pace. "And by the way, you said you'd protect me."

Before Aqualad could respond, a singular sphere rolled into view, rattling along the floor until it came to a stop just within the visible range. He braced himself, but the orb merely released another plume of smoke, thickening the hazy veil surrounding them.

Aqualad's tattoos flickered as he willed the water from his bearers into solid swords, the liquid solidifying with a faint glow. Roquette stood beside him, eyes wide, as the seconds ticked by in tense silence.

Then, without warning, a ceiling panel shifted, and Aqualad whirled, blades at the ready. Three darts embedded themselves in his chest before he could react, and a lithe figure dropped from the opening, landing in a crouch.

"Cheshire," Aqualad growled, recognizing the distinctive mask.

The assassin rose, sauntering towards them with a predatory grace. "Let's test the limits of your jellyfish immunity, shall we?" she taunted, her voice dripping with condescension.

Aqualad shook his head, fighting the disorienting effects of the darts as he charged forward, swords leading the way. Cheshire deftly evaded his strikes, ducking and weaving with feline agility, until a well-placed roundhouse kick sent him crashing to the floor, his weapons dissipating into harmless puddles.

"There, limit tested," Cheshire purred, turning her attention to the terrified Dr. Roquette. "Now, doctor, time for my appointment."

A sai gleamed in her hand as she advanced, backing the nervous scientist away from Aqualad's prone form. Roquette's eyes darted between the assassin and the computer, the upload tantalizingly close to completion.

"Sorry, it had to be this way, Doc," Cheshire said, her tone devoid of remorse as she plunged the sai towards Roquette's chest.

The blade passed through the doctor's form like smoke, and the illusion smirked at Cheshire's bewildered expression. "Did you really think our fight was over?"

The mirage dissipated, revealing Wild Card standing behind where Roquette had been moments before. "Keep this in mind," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "I hate losing."

Cheshire snarled and rushed forward, sai leading the way, but Wild Card unleashed a powerful energy blast that slammed her against the wall. She crumpled to the floor, unconscious, as her mask falls off. Wild Card swiftly binds her hands with glowing energy constructs.

Kneeling beside Aqualad, he checked the Atlantean's pulse, relief flickering across his features as he found it strong and steady. "Looks like the jellyfish toxin didn't work as planned," he murmured, his gaze lingering on Cheshire's prone form. "But I have a feeling this is just the beginning."

The computer chimed, signaling the completion of the upload, and Wild Card rose, his jaw set with determination.

"Wild Card to Team," Kahlil projects, his voice echoing in their minds. "The virus is uploaded. Cheshire is down."

A beat passes before a new presence enters the building, her footfalls barely audible over the hum of the computers. Artemis steps into view, bow at the ready, her eyes scanning the room before landing on Wild Card.

"Where's Dr. Roquette?" she demands, lowering her weapon.

"Told her to hole up in another room," Kahlil answers, nodding towards a closed door across the lab. "Safe and sound until I give the all-clear."

Artemis’ gaze shifts to Cheshire, who's beginning to stir on the floor. Her hands are still bound by Wild Card's energy constructs. As recognition dawns on her face, she inhales sharply. "You."

"I suppose now you bring me to justice. Let your new friends interrogate me." Cheshire's voice drips with sarcasm as she struggles against her bindings. "I wonder if your position's secure enough to survive them learning everything I know."

The air in the room thickens as silence descends. Artemis' grip tightens on her bow, a conflict playing out behind her eyes. Kahlil watches quietly from the sidelines.

"You know each other," he states more than asks.

Artemis lowers her weapon, her eyes locked on Cheshire's bound form. She steps closer, her movements deliberate. "Wild Card, let her go," she says quietly, her voice almost a plea.

Kahlil stays silent, his hazel eyes narrowing in contemplation. Finally, he speaks. "You'll have to explain why later if I do."

Artemis gives a tight nod, acknowledging the weight of her request. Her breath hitches as Wild Card dissipates the glowing restraints binding Cheshire.

Cheshire's eyes widen in surprise and she studies Kahlil intently. "I'm not like the rest of the team," Kahlil quips, a sly smile tugging at his lips, "which in this case worked out in your favor. But don't expect me to make exceptions often."

Slightly confused but not one to question her good fortune, Cheshire takes the opportunity to slip away. A heavy silence fills the room, leaving Kahlil, Artemis, and the discarded mask in an uneasy scene.

Elsewhere, Robin and Superboy successfully neutralize the Fog, the valuable data secure. A tremor of accomplishment courses through the team as they regroup.

Aqualad starts to come to and Wild Card quickly tells Artemis to fetch Dr. Roquette. She nods and sprints towards the closed room where Dr. Roquette is hiding, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Aqualad pants as he’s mostly supported by Wild Card. "Wild Card, where’s the assassin?" he questions, his voice still weak.

Wild Card’s expression turns serious. "I thought I had her subdued, but she knocked me out from behind when I was distracted. She got away, but the doctor is safe and the Fog has been neutralized."

Aqualad nods, his eyes drifting shut momentarily as he processes the information. "We need to regroup with the others. Make sure everyone knows the mission was a success."

Artemis returns with Dr. Roquette in tow, her face a mix of relief and lingering worry. "Doc, you're clear now," she says, offering Roquette a reassuring smile.

"Thank you," Dr. Roquette replies, her gaze flickering between Artemis and Wild Card. "You saved my life."

Wild Card waves off her gratitude. "All in a day's work," he replies, his tone light but his eyes betraying a deeper turmoil.

The team, minus Robin and Superboy, regrouped outside the building. Kid Flash zoomed into view, Miss Martian telekinetically carrying Hook and Black Spider behind him. She lowered the bound villains to the ground, and Wild Card swiftly encased them in glowing energy construct cuffs.

"Cool," Kid Flash remarked, his gaze flickering to Wild Card for a brief moment before shifting to the object in Artemis's hand. "Wait, is that..."

He snatched Cheshire's discarded mask from Artemis's grip, turning it over in his hands. "Cool. Souvenir."

Aqualad strode towards them, his movements stiff but determined as he yanked the last of Cheshire's darts from his chest. Wild Card hovered nearby, ready to offer support if needed.

"Her mask?" Aqualad questioned, his voice tight with controlled pain. "Did you see her...her face?"

Wild Card hesitated, his hazel eyes clouded with uncertainty. "Just... dark hair."

Aqualad studied him for a moment, sensing the evasion, but ultimately nodded. "It is fine. Robin and Superboy neutralized the Fog, and Dr. Roquette is safe, thanks in no small part to you."

Wild Card glanced over his shoulder as Miss Martian landed beside Kid Flash, her expression warm and welcoming. "Welcome to the Team," she said brightly.

Wild Card frowned, his brow furrowing. "I'm not on the team. I'm just a consultant."

"Yeah, and don't forget it," Kid Flash added, his tone laced with suspicion. Miss Martian elbowed him sharply in the chest, eliciting a pained "Ow" from the speedster.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the group until Kid Flash begrudgingly muttered, "Yeah. Welcome."

Though his face remained concealed, a small smile tugged at Wild Card's lips.

Aqualad stepped forward, offering his hand to Artemis. After a brief hesitation, she took it, her grip firm and resolute. Even Kid Flash offered her a tentative nod of acceptance.

"I always wanted a sister," Miss Martian said sincerely, her amber eyes shining. "Here on Earth, I mean. I have twelve back on Mars, but trust me, it's not the same."

Artemis chuckled softly, her gaze flickering between her new teammates. "I wouldn't know. But thanks."

Artemis and Wild Card shared a tentative look, an unspoken acknowledgment lingering between them. Artemis knew she would need to explain her connection to Cheshire, but that was a conversation for another day. For now, she allowed herself a small sigh of relief, grateful that the crisis had been averted and Dr. Roquette was safe.

Wild Card, on the other hand, felt a sense of cautious satisfaction. Despite the bumps in the road, his first mission with the Team had been a success, and he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of pride. He had proven himself capable, even if some members still regarded him with suspicion.

As the adrenaline began to fade, Wild Card became acutely aware of the weight of his decisions. He had defied expectations, choosing to spare Cheshire and leaving himself vulnerable to Artemis' request and the consequences should the team or Justice League discover it. It was a calculated risk, one that could potentially unravel the fragile trust he had begun to build with the Team.

Yet, as he studied Artemis' guarded expression, he knew he had made the right choice. There was a depth to her, a complexity that intrigued him. He sensed a kindred spirit, someone who understood the gray areas of morality and the weight of keeping secrets.

Artemis, too, felt a strange kinship with Wild Card, despite their brief acquaintance. His actions had spoken louder than words, revealing a willingness to trust her, even when it went against conventional heroics. It was a rare quality, one that resonated with her own struggles to reconcile her past with her present.

As the Team began to disperse, Wild Card lingered, his gaze fixed on Artemis. "You owe me an explanation," he said, his voice low and devoid of accusation.

Artemis met his stare, her jaw set in determination. "Tomorrow," she promised, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Wild Card nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. They were both harboring secrets, burdens that threatened to consume them if left unchecked. Perhaps, in each other, they had found an unlikely ally, someone who could empathize with the complexities of their lives.

Ace of Odds - ShadowWalker1001 (2024)


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.