Derniere danse, Baudelaire - Johnnyjon616 (2024)







The world was once dark, imbalanced.. slights of humanity.

During this age became the infancy of morality.

Light through the cracks.. eclipsing the horizon in a fight for good versus evil.

The Crusade Wars. These dark ages of feudal savagery

lasting just over 500 years, have left behind regions of the world,

struggling to find their way, in the wake of it's ashes.


Entire civilizations up rooted, molded anew.

By outright defeat, or retreating into exile.

While power was merely passed along to the next in line,

assumed by way of proxy through the generations.

Corruption assumed it's spoils of war.

Blurring the lines of what's been written,

or burning it entirely.

Driving a wedge between the populace,

the regions grew further apart, disconnected from each other's culture.


The war torn Southern reaches, isolated in time.

Still in ruins, fighting uphill for even common essentials.

While the central lands of Freeport, and Capital City,

flourished in their ill-gotten gains, burying hoards in their coffers,

building high walls to seal themselves in.

Deciding to make their own truths and fictions,

of what happened during the world wide culling.

Gaining allegiances from the smaller houses, spread out through the East,

using deceit, and the power of popularity.


Life moved on in fast pace.

Left behind the old ways of lawless savagery,

racing to adopt this new ideal, of a civilized world.

Full of luxurious refinement, lavish communities,

with citizens thriving from all backgrounds, free to pursue their dreams.

And over generations passing by complacent, quick to forget,

the thrones of deceit it's been built upon.

Capital City engorged itself in it's own splendor,

the teeming masses from all corners pleading to be citizens.

Spanning out miles over the decades, growing it's borders ten-fold,

to become the beacon of the civilized world.


However the Northern reaches, are an entirely different matter.

Even a whisper of it's history, or the denizens remaining,

is met with staunch denial, and glares of trepidation.

King's and their supporting allies, far too powerful,

to give up control so easily, and bend the knee to a newly appointed whelp,

sitting on his safe golden throne without earning it.

Mercenaries, elite warriors and their supporting houses,

even supernatural remnants from the Crusades,

all choosing a different way of life.

To be left alone. Showing nil interest in the new world's,

shallow politics and all seeing eye, a hand out for contribution at every turn.

The northern allies are united, and they wanted no part of it.

Bringing swift justice to those encroaching on their borders.


Protected by the northern climate, and mountainous terrain,

advances on the north throughout the years, have been entirely disastrous.

Warfare atop steep crags in freezing conditions,

with nooks and caves hiding in the peaks, giving a distinct advantage to those born their.

Narrow valleys through the flats, creating bottle-necks for ambush,

the central armies retreated. Deemed to arduous a task to gain 'influence',

over the north.

Having no clear understanding, not even a plotted map,

of what powerful denizens remain in the north,

there is only speculation. From curious treasure hunters,

and adventurers seeking glory. Soldiers telling old war stories,

leading to a stream of constant sightings, and fables,

pulp fiction to the rest of the world, they can't get enough.

Books and songs are written from these stories.

These renegades and war heroes, that live in the icy winds,

greyed out skies, up in the ceiling of the world, like savages.

Spinning these wildly popular tales of supernatural beings.


Until one day the sightings became very real.

Taking this new found world of refinement, and pausing it on axis.

One after another the same sighting kept occurring..

with the same description following, then one got out of the north.

Central denying eyes gazed upon it.

but there can be no mistaking it, and too many witnesses for a cover up attempt,

a Werewolf.


A different breed of Werewolf.

A shambling rogue, with no home. No crest of long family heritage,

to govern their behavior in the pack. Something never seen before.

Shallow green eyes ablaze, void of thought, compelled in it's movements.

The first reports are of brazen ferocity, in broad daylight. Assaulting whole settlements,

without so much as a remorseful pause in it's fury. As more reports start filing in,

in begins reaching a level of panic that hasn't been seen in ages.

This peaceful new era grown soft, and not equipped to deal with such things,

the undeniable proof, makes it's way to Rome.

Where the Vatican takes these matters quite seriously,

the church, immediately dispatches their most prized pupil,

to investigate. And or exterminate.


Life is hard in the north.

You can tell a northerner they say,

they are direct, politely cunning, professionals at asking questions.

As if they've seen so much they assume nothing.

They carry no politics from the central world,

as words, broken promises and stretching goal posts,

don't go very far.. and carry very little weight,

faced with the various supernatural sightings, and very real superstitions,

that reveal themselves quite frequently up here,

people tend to go missing with just a story following.

So they live by their wits.


A few spread out kingdoms scatter the north, in hard to reach places.

Small settlements, in pristine hollows never to be found.

Allowing refuge for those, that don't want to be discovered.

Otherwise, some come to the north for the adventurer's trove awaiting.

Endless treasures and fame, from stories and maps leftover from old.

Gideon, is the main city, that lies on the eastern seaboard.

Acting as a threshold to the north, providing the easiest entry point.

With supplies and lodging on offer, for those looking to stay long term.

Widely considered to be the safest place in the north, it is fiercely protected.

A standing army that never leaves it's post.

To be a permanent Gideon resident, you are required to serve at least one tour,

in their illustrious army. And they are proud to do so.

Gideon's denizens are loyal, god fearing people. They couldn't live anywhere else.

They are respectful of the old-ways, with charming etiquette they mind P's and Q's,

because you never know who might be listening.

A strong united community is the city's backbone, crimes don't just go away,

their methods of justice, sometimes having swift, supernatural ends.



Chapter 1.


The inn's tavern is low lit, just a few lanterns at the tables,

and the warm cornered fireplace, smoldering it's last embers.

Sparse crowd tonight, getting late into the icy northern evening.

Off the beaten path, one of Gideon's more secretive establishments,

the small wooded sign above the door reads 'Raven's delight'.

Written in charcoal on damp dull boards, it's barely legible.

Two occupants inside, in candid conservations, at the back tables.

With maps strewn about in layers overlapping, different editions of the same map.

Lanterns holding down the curling corners, spreading them out flat.

A steady supply of hot toddies coming in.

The much younger gentleman,

making marks along the maps, studying the topography through narrow valleys.

Adding notes, and comparing references to his journal splayed out and close by.

Creating a catalog of all the recent Werewolf sightings,

flagging with a checkpoint which ones are most severe.


The other gentleman adjacent, is a large mysterious man.

That is the most accurate description possible.

He is wearing a gallon high, wide brimmed, single silver buckled fedora.

Indoors no less.

Leaned back in his chair, with a cigar burning next to him,

he is all blacks and greys, he blends in with the shadows.

The winter's trench coat he's wearing is knee length, with buckles and straps,

concealing what he might be hiding underneath.

It doesn't look like he's watching.. but he is.

Seeing his apprentice's wandering hands of the northern maps,

through an oversized magnifying glass.

His fingers following a landmark river, as it's winding up through the meadows.

Then stopping at a peculiar area.


"Van, what's this on the map here?"

Carl asking as he's scanning every inch of the uncharted area.

Noticing that it's wide flat for a mile,

with what looks like border walls, leading to a land bridge behind it,

and a long road through the meadows leading up to it,

a shape like a castle. Only it has no key, or description..

no stencil with references and dates of discovery, it's just blank.

Carl is a young man in his mid twenties,

shaggy blonde unkempt hair, with a permanent inquisitive look on his face.

Since as long as he can remember,

he's had an unrelenting fascination with the supernatural.

Consumed by it, he's had one path his entire life,

leading him directly to the greatest teacher there is,

in his own way.


He doesn't have to look,

"It's Castle Baudelaire."

Van is a man of few words, an intimidating presence.

Stoic and straight to the point, with a large build and chiseled chin,

ruggedly handsome. He seems to always get what he wants.

A gruff in his voice, that matches his always five o'clock shadowed beard.

Other-worldly charm, almost amused in the face of death,

like he's always one step ahead.


Having been delivered to the Vatican as a baby in a crib, with an Angel's first name.

And a survivor's last name. They took special interest in him.

Discovering he does appear to be touched by god, the man is in-corruptible.

Evil's incantations, charms and spells of any kind, have no take, through his 'Holy Armor'.

Van can sense evil he is impossible to sneak up on,

a master tracker, with wits like a supernatural razor.

And at almost two hundred years old, Van has proven himself time, and time again.


Carl laughing as he searches his memory, in on the joke.. he's read this story too.

"You mean Kara Baudelaire?, that witch goddess.. from the children's book?"

A few eyes come alive around the tavern, hearing that name.

Some rustling of ears leaning in closer.

Van can feel it on his back, lowering his voice,

giving Carl the look, to do the same.

"She's real Carl."


That he didn't catch onto,

the smirk still hasn't washed away as Carl leans into the jest,

"And I suppose her protector.. Reesa?,

with the bright gold broadsword, the embodiment of Athena,

she's real too is she?"

Still laughing it out, like they're just spinning drunken fables,

waiting for Van's laugh in return..

but he doesn't get one.



Correcting him, Van leans it in close.

"This is her bar.. that's named after her..

so yea, she's real too.. and they're sisters so ya know."

Van not wanting to give too much,

this is an off-mission line of questioning,

a distraction from their very serious investigation.

But he doesn't want his apprentice, uninformed either.


Carl pauses for thought, his concentration completely de-railed.

More so thinking..

About how Van's face, hasn't dropped eye contact for a second.

Or changed shape in facial gestures by even a millimeter.

The tone and rhythm of his voice, so steady you could set a clock to it.

What he is hearing is indeed fact,

he must know more.

"If Kara is real as you say.. how come we've never had her on assignment?"

Looking for answers now, Carl's mind is an excited sponge for new information.

"Haven't been any sightings."

Van had it at the ready, like he's said it dozens of times.


Carl's co*ckles are spinning.

He's mystified, hearing from his most admired friend and Sire,

that this fanciful character from a children's book!

Might actually be real!?, he presses..

"Have you ever seeen her?"

Squinting eyes sharp to a pierce, studying his response.


Van while ashing his cigar, sitting back more comfortable,

in his very casual nonchalance,

"Lots a times."

Carl actually jumps in his seat!

Only being in his second term of service as a Friar,

most of his time has been spent in libraries, doing study and research.

He's a babe in the woods up here in the wilds of the north.

"Everything I've ever read.. always said she's just a myth,

a legend for putting children to sleep."

Carl's usual scientific demeanor ringing through.


"Maybe she wants it that way."

Van gives it to him square straight.

Then giving a glance over his shoulder at the entrance,

expecting a rendezvous with their late carriage driver,

so they can get underway.


Carl wide-eyed, quickly seeing the logic in her doing such a thing.

A quick stirring comes in behind him, chairs screeching for room..

an eavesdropper butting in!




Breaking through the calm!, of the quiet tavern,

the old man's voice is crying loud as he scratches it out!

Barely sighted, with long greys in his beard,

up on his cane while jabbing points at them!

The whole bar now watching intently.


Van, out of his chair immediately!,

moving fast to diffuse the situation.

Gideon's townsfolk are of his few allies, he can't afford to be misunderstood,

and lose yet more favor to his mysterious reputation.

"My good man.. I would never,

I'm not here for her."

Van trying to offer honest comfort, and calm the man down,

but his reputation will always precede him.



Now trying to rally patrons around him, shuffling from the corners,

a few dark silhouettes going from sitting to standing.

Tension in the air, the room is escalating quickly.

Van quiet.. this is exactly what he was trying to avoid,

he gives a side signal to Carl by hand gesture,

it's time to make their leave.


In true northern fashion,

the dark hooded figure just appeared behind the old man.

With a reassuring hand on his shoulder, whispering something to him,

while handing him a fistful of gold coin,

"He'd never make it passed the front doors..

and you know why, rest easy old friend,

here.. have a few rounds on me."

This new figure's confidently kind presence, brings the room down to him.

He's armed but he doesn't have to use it, not within these walls.


Without another word, Van is gathering his affects,

buttoning up his trench for the outdoors.

For each passing moment in a tavern full of drunks,

can be told several different ways, in various context.

His best solution, is give them nothing.

Don't give them what they need, to use against you.

Hopefully they forget I was here.

Carl taking the cue in stunned silence, out of his depth,

trying to stay in Van's shadow.

The duo in hurried steps, shouldering rucksacks,

in a move towards the tavern doors.

A split second of eye contact between the dark hooded figure,

and Van, that not even Carl caught onto.


Breaching the doors is an icy blast of changing environments,

mid winter, and passed midnight, cold that goes in your bones.

Exposed skin is not an option for anyone not born here.

Coming down the stoop, the night is clear.

Stars blinking like diamonds across the sky, every constellation is visible.

The northern skies are unlike any other.

A layer of ankle deep powder snow through the streets,

the crunches are so bitter underfoot it's wincing steps.

The fluff is feather light, leaving first tracks as they go.

Like a deadening blanket of sound throughout the city,

it is pin drop quiet.. just white noise.

Van hears the two horse carriage approaching.

Coming in slow pace, through side streets it's movements are stop-an-go unsure.

Like the driver has done a few laps and not found it.

Van gives him a few waving flags.


"You're late."

The well worn carriage, pulling up to a creaking halt alongside him,

"Did a bear eat ya?"

Van immediately getting a laugh from the driver!,

as his thick winter's garb, doesn't just look like an entire bear,

from head to toe draping him.. that's precisely what it is.

"My apologies sonny, cold one tonight..

hard to see, with the icy tears comin on so strong."

In his step down from the driver's seat,

he offers a hand with securing luggage on the racks.

"Warm up inside, catch your breath..

I'll take care of the luggage."

Van seeing the man is aged, painful steps,

probably in his mid sixties, yet still braving his dubious employment.

Hobbling his walk, like his heels just don't work anymore.

"Many thanks, lad."

A pat on Van's shoulder as he's leaning open the doors.


The carriage sets off sure and steady.

A well seasoned driver, with horses he's probably raised.

The cabin is cozy with a pellet heater, and easy rocking speed.

Van looking forward to getting some shut-eye,

Carl is nowhere near the realm of possibility, to just fall asleep.

He's re running the entire scene in his head,

of what just happened in that bar.

"What did he mean.. let her rest in peace, has she been slain?"


"No more Kara talk."

Van grumbling through a wide brim over his face,

laid out on his back, taking the entire length of the cramped cabin,

out so fast a snore culminated his request.

Carl has young energy for days.

Peering out the small window of the carriage, while unrolling maps,

marking adjustments, then adding it to his day-by-day journal.

Plotting in new points of interest, with the bathing oranges of sunrise,

now illuminating the peaks and valleys in the distance.


Van lost in darkness, a reoccurring dream.

It's just seconds long.. but stays there in agony.

It's always black and grey, there is never color.

Angry faces.. spitting slurs, with missing teeth,

jeering crowds condemning his name.

A blazing firepit.. a body burning in it, that's not his.

Eyes open fast!, as he hates this dream!,

the morning sun burning through the cabin,

made the dreaming firepit all the more real!

A quick breath getting his bearings,

swinging his psyche back to his reality.

"Driver!, this will do."

A soft bang on the cabin's ceiling, as he's watching out the window.

Approaching one of their plotted points. Familiar with just landmarks,

the shaping of terrain around him. He barely needs a map.


"Is she really as tall as you are?"

Carl still fixated, as the duo gathering supplies for a light endeavor,

heading down the carriage stairs.


Van with cigar in chomp, shouldering a crossbow, lengthwise across his back.

Who stands within up or down inches, of six foot five.

Now leading the duo, not entertaining his topic of discussion anymore.

A quick word with the driver, instructing him to wait, and offering up half of his gold take.

Stepping down from the road's shelf, a Bluebird day.

Crisp and clean air under the dome of perfect blue, with bright rays and small flurries like pixie dust.

To traversing a wide shallow cornice bowl of powder snow,

approaching the forested treeline just off in front of them.

"I don't understand..

if you've been in her presence, how come you didn't apprehend her?"

Carl shuffling up close from behind.


"As if I could."

Under his breath, barely audible above winds through the tundra.

Sharpening his senses, they're getting close to the waypoint,

scanning the landscape like a radar.


Carl right alongside him now.


"Because she isn't E-vil."

Van's had enough, he stops it turning on him,

wheeling a heel towering miles above Carl.

"Carl, I need you focused.

Kara is gone, and she's never coming back,

she's in the past.

Here and now.. this is unprecedented evil,

and we're right on it's tail.

I need you prepared and at the ready if we find something.

No distractions, you understand?"

Stern tones coming from Van, and it's for Carl's own good.


"I do.. my apologies."

Carl hastily organizing his pack, pushing maps towards the back,

bringing small arm weapons to the front.

He's aware of Van's subtleties.. and that IF,

is more often than not.. a when.


Pass a clearing, and into a particularly thick part of the woods, it gets dark,

the canopy broad overhead, blocking out the sun.

As Van is pushing brush aside, clearing a path on his upward hike, he senses it!

Peering a part through the undergrowth,

a smoke trail.. ashy greys, gently wafting from a small chimney,

barely noticeable like it's been smoldering for days.

The hunter's cabin from their map pin!, just fifty yards in front of them.

Nestled at the back of a snow packed meadow.


On approach to the small cabin, Van goes silent.

This report has accuracy, a struggle for life took place here.

The rickety structure's roof, is caved in from the middle.

Support beams from the A-frame, crashing through the walls on one side.

Giving the whole foundation, a topsy-turvy slant,

like it just might fall over backwards.

The cabin door is splayed open, and off it's hinges..

foot tracks!

A fighter's steps.. more than one, ranging all over the grounds,

they were skilled, they tried to vanquish the beast,

possibly entrapping it first.

Blood stains are everywhere. Thick pools of darkened coagulant.

Raking claw marks down the sides of walls!, in deep gashes.

This creature has leveling force.

A layer of soot inches deep,

just off to one side of the cabin, like it was intentionally brought down,

in an explosion of sorts.

More foot tracks.. unfollowed, to the south east,

the one that got away.


Van now scanning from the threshold,

the sun's rays shining through the caved in roof,

illuminating the grisly scene, with an arrow point shaft,

showing the way.

Carl's lost pace, his legs don't want to bring him there,

in a pull he can't deny, lays eyes right on it.

Crushed by the falling wood beams, impaled by it's debris.

Blackened from an explosion of barreled powder,

a very large, strange looking werewolf.

Carl is paralyzed stiff. His first encounter with a supernatural being.

And Van is being awfully quiet.


This doesn't fit my body of research. There is no study here,

Carl doesn't know where to begin.

The tufts of coarse hair, are mismatched colors and texture,

one arm is noticeably larger than the other.

It's left leg is brindle coat, all the way down to ankle,

while the other leg is silver coat.. but in patchwork.

Van moves in close, getting low to it.

His movements are tensing up, severely bothered by what he's seeing.

"This is no werewolf."


Turning over a paw, a quick inspection through it's blackened claws,

"It's more like.. parts of a werewolf..

this is unnatural Carl.. even by supernatural standards."

Van doesn't sound like usual confident Van,

he's off his game. And it's adding to Carl's anxiety.

Moving over to the other side of the beast,

he begins clipping fur, harvesting tissue samples from different appendages.

The teeth are unholy, tar dipped wet. As he yanks one by the root!



It was in-audible. Carl couldn't hear it, but there was a 'Help'.

His fear starts slowly turning to curiosity, as he leans in to do his work.

"Yes, I see what you mean.."

Measuring bite marks, depth.. spacing of the teeth,

the gaping scratch lengths left behind, associated to a beast of this size,

adding it to his journal for the records.

"There can't be soo many!,

there just can't be.. "

Under his breath whispering to himself,

the weight, of just how many of these creatures might be out there,

and the fact that they are spreading out.

Is starting to grate on Carl's fragile sensibilities.

There are hundreds of sightings!

And that's just what's been 'officially' reported.


"Triple what you know, that's the prepared bet."

Van rising tall from behind.. he's seen enough.

Giving a prod to his vigilance,

"We're not staying long.. put a button on it."

Seeing that Carl still has journals, measure rolls,

different vials for samples, still strewn about.

"This is the kind of exposure that werewolves don't do.

They stay hidden, in secret.. this is somethin else,

something.. old."


While the gentlemen are assuming their usual work,

storing their findings away, cataloging the different samples,

keeping a thorough and timely log of their discoveries.

There is a presence above them.. appearing like it dropped from the sky.

A fearless presence. Peering through the caved in roof from the tall trees.

And it looks extremely unhappy, as these 'investigators',

try to undo her glorious conquest.

"SOo, The Golden Boy!.. or is it errand boy!?,

and where!, will you lead me to when you flee!"

Escaping hisses from her twisted face.


Van heels on a dime looking right at her!

His honed in senses, immediately finding the pinging source!

This is different!

A drenching evil! He's never felt the void of life so strong!,

truly a powerful, old world being is nearby!

Green eyes ablaze.. fury behind them,

a blackened smoke outline, of a feminine figure.

Locked in it's menacing hiss, directly at Van.

In the next blink!, she's gone as fast as she appeared!

Watching her just take to flight!, straight up in the air!

The foul stench of death, everywhere in her wake.



Van frantic!, belting loud as he's scooping Carl up,

quickly packing whatever they can in their satchels,

with Van already shouldering him out the door!

Carl is petrified silence. Terrified stiff moves in his steps,

like his legs don't work anymore.

Never hearing this sense of urgency in Van's voice,

his thought process collapsed, he can't keep up with Van's pace!

Charging like a bull!, Van bounds like a champion,

and not some, 'hundred' year old man.

Now pulling Carl alongside him, running for the both of them!


Back the way they came!, with the trail already pushed aside,

and carved out. Dropping samples toppling from their packs,

just to leave them, keep running!

Van catches it fast!, pinging in his senses..

focuses down hard through the undergrowth,

movement, back by the cabin's porch.

Squinting a peer through the flurries,

earth being moved in a small pile, rippling outwards, erupting in the middle!

CLAWS!, Digging there way up out of the ground!

Another one!, summoned from the bowels of death itself!

He can already hear the snarling un-dead growls!



Carl now crippled in fear!, his legs have become rubberized!

Van is barreling him forward!, by the collar, he almost has him clear of the snow!

He has no idea what to think, he's never seen this side of Van.

A scared Van.

Bursting passed the treeline, as they stride over gaps,

casting brush aside or toppling it over!

Falling down a ledge, because it's quicker than scaling it!


Trudging hard through the shallow cornice bowl,

stumbling progress with heavy feet in the gluey snow,

it's catching up from behind!

The carriage is just there now!

Approaching the road's shelf, the driver comes bounding from his seat,

clearly seeing the intensity of what's coming!

"RUN MAN!, RUN!, it's right behind ya!"



Van barking loud at the old man, save yourself!

But this old man is a northerner, and he's no coward.

A quick turn of just hands, not peeling eyes away,

he grabs the double-barreled blunderbuss, always benched on his right.

A quick crack open from the back.. check for ammunition,

he takes aim down range, right at the heads of Van and Carl!


The old man's voice coming alive!,

born and raised just miles away, he is always at the ready!



Van in a flat crawl, with Carl alongside him,

growling at the driver's bird shot!, weaponry. Still barking him to leave!

Buckshot rings out!

The thumping bass of the blunderbuss,

shakes snow off the trees!

A warning shot!, a vain attempt to turn the beast away!


The old man's failing vision..

finally catches the profile of what's coming.

Furred haze from it's hulking shoulders,

those green eyes, that just cannot hide in the brushes.

The howling rage in echo as it gets closer!

Covering ground in huge, on all fours bounds!

Tearing through the undergrowth, leaving small trees toppled behind it!


He locks eyes with it!

'Why man!, why would you do that!'

Screaming in his head!, but any human would look!


Flight panic takes over completely!, he turns his back on it!,

heading up the carriage stairs!

Getting a hand on the reins about to seat his position!,

he can feel it..

like a pit in your stomach. The familiar knotting ache,

that you got it all wrong.


Turning to fire he has one barrel left!

It's AIRBORNE!, and right on top of him!

Leaping the entire gap between them!,

covering the ground over the top of Carl and Van!

POINT-BLANK!, just barely getting his sights up in time!

The buckshot powder keg!, explodes the two of them over the side!

The momentum of it's toothy clawed dive tackle!,

rolling them both down the other side, of the road's shelf.

Shaking off the buckshot, like it's just a sting to it.


Horrific sounds. Once heard they are never forgotten.

Screams reach a pitch you've never heard before,

even from someone you've known your entire life.

Being beneath the full mount of this unholy beast,


Long wet slashes.. gnawing pulls of tendons ripping away,

the cracking of bone under teeth.

The sounds of being eaten alive.


Without a moments hesitation, Van is in the driver's seat!,

pulling Carl up alongside him.

Who's peeling his eyes away, in terrified last looks!

"We have to help him!"

Van with no time for explanation!,



Shoulders him over!, as he grabs the reins and cracks the horses!

"HAAH!, HAH!" Spurring the horses to motivation!

They begin tearing down the road!, in a different direction from which they came.


But a few miles away,

buried deep within the earth's mantle, timeless entombed.

Far beneath the hallowed, deserted grounds of Castle Baudelaire.

Kara Baudelaire.. rips open an eye!, like a dusty rusted seam coming apart!

A far ranging vision of what's coming,

rage from her awakening is multiplying intensities, with each passing second.

Small turns from her neck, scraping the ages of nestled earth off her face.

A dull scratchy hiss, growing from within her.

Unrecognizable from what's been written, she's been buried for decades.


Her skin is the rotted greys of death.

There is no hint, of the angelic ivory sheen described.

Her face is a gothic spider's web, of midnight blue pulsing veins,

completely overtaking it.. in a run down her long neck.

Eyes burning in purple fire, deep set outlines and blackened thick, all around them.

Her high arched scowl permanent, for she is furiously starved.

Her hair has poetic passages, describing different tones of bright silver waves.

Reduced to a charcoal grey matted mess, layered in cobwebs of filthy decay.

Twisting in tendril'd vines down to her waist.


She's wearing what's called the Glen Witch's burial gown.

A long robed macabre ensemble, that is void black and floor length.

Long sleeved to the wrist, the fold over completely closed from shoulder to hip.

Bone trimmed. Across the neckline in a fan,

larger five inch bones, in a vertical tight spaced row, make the belt.

All the way around in a corset of deathly piano keys.

A far cry..

from this angel described, in a sparkling white dress.


Transcending time in her tomb throughout the years,

Kara can feel the world around her. Out of her body in visions of past and future colliding.

Twitching eyes, blinking pebbled debris out of her sight,

so she can finally see terra firma again.

Anger hits another stage, from this rude awakening coming her way.

She's now panting in hisses.

Shoulders begin leaning out clawed hands,

as they regain their powerful functions,

scooping out piles of earthy chunks from above her.

Her anger overflows.


Unhinging her rage!, in flying elbows for softening!,

she's demolishing her earthen walls!

Viciously assaulting earth as she moves upward!,

thrashing hard with all four limbs!

She's at a running pace.

Nothing in this world can burrow like a Vampire.


The gates of Castle Baudelaire lay unlatched.

An ominous peering sightline through the swaying crack,

of what lies inside.. almost a dare to intruders.

In present time it is just considered a haunt.

What started as treasure hunters, adventurers seeking fame,

came back with nothing, but stories of wailing ghosts,

or some were never heard from again.


Stomping loud hooves!, with the cracks of leather!,

the carriage comes thrashing down the road!, up off a wheel!

Careening wild!, as it goes barreling towards Kara's gates!

Van way off kilter!, from being thrown around in the driver's seat,

he's late on the reins!

Yanking on them backwards, while screaming all he's got!


But in their absolutely frantic pace!, it's too late.

The carriage buckles upwards from the back!,

from the weight transfer of hooves digging in!,

the horses can't stop in time!

Crashing the gates like an accordion coming together!,

as the horses go down, the back comes up!

Pitching the men out of their seats!, sprawling them into the courtyard!,

in a horrible wreck!


Carl blinded in stars by the impact!, trying to regain focus,

dazed in confusion, pawing for ground to right himself.

Hearing muffled sounds of Van, as the concussion near deafened him!

Scooped up by Van!, and whisked to the double doors!, leading to the main hall entrance.

Kicking at the doors as hard as he can!, finally on three blasting them open!



The top of his lungs!, echoing down the barren halls,

two more times!, and dragging it out!


Carl still coming out of shock!,

as his memory starts searching for such a name!


He hears a sound like a large wet rag,

snapping like a whip, but you electrified it first.


"Was that the best way to get my attention?,

you know, how much I have to do around here..

it never ends!

And who's gooing to cleean, all that?"

Smooth as silk.

A blue blooded, high pitched tone.


The gentlemen wheel around to face her!

Just a few steps inside the main hall study,

Kazandra in a blink through a cloud..

appears at the threshold double doors behind them.

Perched like a teapot, with outstretched arm leaning the frame,

her other arm doing finger rolls on her hip.

Only standing on the ball of a foot,

her other leg behind, in a relaxed drape along calf.

Wearing a very elegant, bold red dress,

that fits her like a glove. Long sleeved, with silver trim linework.

Full coverage, fastened at the neckline with a smooth drop to the floor.


Carl can't believe what he's seeing!

Utterly lost from such a day!

What is this!, who is this!?.. silken silvered maiden!

She's all of six foot tall, while standing barefoot in the north!

Her skin is polished ivory smooth, without blemish or flaw,

is this Kara using an alias!?

She's smiling at Van like she knows him!

Van still just a stammering stutter!, trying to regain his breath,

Carl staring down this goddess!, he can't look away!


Kazandra drops her flirtatious smirk,

taking things a little more seriously now.

This is a very strange side of Van, it's unsettling for her to see.

He's never looked beaten before, something's amiss.

"It can't be that bad.."



Van gasping breath!,

"It's right be-hin-"

The twitch snap of his head!, get the words out man!



EXPLODING through the stained glass!, from the courtyard balcony above them,

the hulking homunculus of a werewolf!, crashes down to the marbled floors!

Raking claws in a skid for traction!, from it's thunderous entrance!

Coming to a screeching halt, just short of the rear study,

the beast turns on the three!, in full stretch upwards!, howling it's unnatural timbres!

Crazed hollow fury in it's green eyed blaze!, it's parts don't match!

In it's first twitch of a movement towards them..

Kazandra's tiny squeaking gasp follows.

From the very back of the study, through the open side door,

behind the werewolf.

She sees a faint familiar outline.. shrouded greys tall in the dark corridor,

soft crackles of light emanating from the silhouette's shoulders,

the room is now silent, just the pat of her bare feet.


Kazandra cannot move!, she has tears in her eyes already!

The shadowed figure is moving slowly..

but deliberately.

Her glide is rigid tense, fearlessly leaned forward.

Single minded pursuit, she hasn't looked at anything yet,

but this unwanted upstart of Evil!, in her home!

Carl in certain denial!, he knows who that's supposed to be!

But it can't be her!

She looks like a slighting wretch!, of what's been written!

In blankets of decay, with small thin currents of electricity,

forking down her arms!


Beneath her tangle of grey.

Behind the floor length, blackened burial gown,

what looks like a tattoo.. no writing has ever described.

As if it was penned in glowing white ink.

Barely visible celestial patterns, intricate circular symmetry,

only showing through in small windows of reveal,

underneath the haunting blacks and greys of her silhouette.

Begins pulsing in beats!

illuminating more with each tick!, from under her skin!

Burning in bright fast zips to her extremities!,

suggesting the hidden 'tattoo' covers her entire body!


Carl can't look at her anymore!, she is too much to take in!

With a hand up, to try and see her through,

he can't really see her face.. just a fiery purpled scowl,

beneath a lightning storm.

Fixed like grim death on the werewolf.

Like she's set to make an example,

evil will have no foothold to my family.



Kazandra finally got it out!

Bursting it loud!, what werewolf!?

She's giggling and clapping as she's hopping up an down!


Kara doesn't say a word. Doesn't remove her stare.

The werewolf's turn on her is awkward!, limbs compelled before the head!

It squares her up!, on fours!, lowering it's haunches it has no concept of fear!

Pounces the distance full force!, claws akimbo for wanton destruction!


Time stops as she snatches it from the sky.

Captivating all other occupants in the room.

It was effortless.

Her clawed hands growing talons for decades are the size of dinner plates,

and she has it by the neck! Off it's feet, like a child's toy.

Naturally the beast would be in kicking struggles, flailing wild,

but she is digging her long nailed daggers through it's spine!

One handed!, standing straight up'n down, it couldn't put a budge,

on her six foot five, towering dense frame.

Her move so sure and steady, she knew exactly what it was going to do.

Pulls it in close, eye to eye examining this old-world beastly thing.

Clenching fangs with her lips rolled back in disgust!

She begins tightening her grip closed..

she feels a thumb touch a finger.

There's not much left through the middle anymore!,

she is decapitating it!, in her bare hand!



Too quick.

Kara feeling the beast go limp, has some aggressions to take out.

What happens next is too fast, for humans to fully realize,

all they ever do is freeze, and make terrified faces.

The howling spear!, of a werewolf, goes flying off the walls!

Deafening thunks!, and bone chilling cracks following!,

from the impact of this thing being smashed around!

Landing from the ceiling!, to her waiting there!

Only to be sent again!, face first!, howling airborne towards another stone wall!

As she is pitching and heaving the beast around her castle!,

like a rucksack against the walls!

The whole structure!, is tremoring groans from her pounding ferocity!

Whimpering barks!, are blasting from the werewolf like a drum!


Now looking for something truly cathartic..

she gets hold of a fully stocked wall sized bookcase,

up, over and around.

The bookcase evaporates in splinters!, through the air!

As she EXPLODES IT!, off it's head!, she squatted it down like a bug!

Kara rips it off the ground!, by the back of it's neck!,

it's not moving anymore!

Still cussing the lifeless heap,

she drops it with a quick circling duck,

reaching from down low, she turns a massive uppercut!,

her feet leave the ground!

The density and sheer velocity!, of her leaping strike,

colliding with this beast, sounds like STEEL coming together.

A detached torso!, goes right out the stained glass from which it came!

While the lower half of the werewolf's body, folds limp to the floor.


She finally speaks. And it's in heaves of anger.


The tone is disturbing. It's not from this world.

It's ancient sounding.. in reverberating bellows through her castle.

Instinctively a hand goes up, her right hand high in the air.

Summoning her most prized possession, her very livelihood, her staff.

That comes to her hand when she calls it.

The Solist's tooth Artifact quarterstaff,

retrieving to her hand in a gust of wind.

Icy blown splinters form the top hook,

then spiraling a taper, down to the bladed bottom.

Made of un melting ice, called permafrost.

It is indestructible, and as tall as she is.


In their kicking scrambles!, to avoid the howling onslaught of flying werewolf,

Van and Carl have moved back's against the door frame, pinned in silence.

For a human's normal reaction to seeing her in this state, is mal-function.

Without a word of warning, she reaches all the way back to the javelin stop!

Fires the staff at VAN!

INCHES!, sinking just to the left of his head!, dug in halfway through the frame,

and out the other side!


Van pleading for restraint!, trying to back up from her, she's blocked his way out!

"Kara please!, just listen.. let me explain!,

I would never do anything to hurt your family Kara, you know I wouldn't!"

Van trying to get as many words out as he can,

he's seen what she's capable of, and this was just her warm-up.


She isn't listening.

"They're coming for meee now!

You've brought this plague on my doorstep, In my HOME!"

Screeching the ending sharp.. it pained her to say it.

Her hissing words are horrible to his ears,

because he knows she's right.

He is on his knees begging.. and he means it.

"I'm soo sorry Kara.. please forgive me.. I had nowhere to go,

I have all the information on what's happening."



Firing in on approach!, she almost gets hands on him!,

she pauses taking stock.. feeling her home age around her.

The realization of time passed is playing a jarring game of catch up.

It's been soo long, her heart is breaking seeing it's condition.

There's a new person with Van, he's so young, he's an innocent.

He looks terrified like he might have a heart attack,

Kara takes a beat.

Calming her rage with a few long breaths,

regaining her sensibilities, after such a long discombobulating, nap.

The lightshow, of her pulsing 'tattoo' now fading flush against her skin,

almost impossible to see.


She finds Kazandra's eyes already waiting for her's.

Filled with tears of loving shock!, she's bounding on her tiptoes.

Kara's murderous face clears up instantaneously.

In what seemed like one step, of a swooping glide,

they are in a tight, full body embrace.

Unspoken. As if they have their own communication,

tears are streaming down between them.

For a haunted, desolate home for decades,

exiled sisters, living in fear.. was never part of the plan.


"Hey yoouu."

They are forehead to forehead.

Kara comforting her as best she can,

cradling her face in shaking hands, wiping her tears away,

as they are soo infectious.

Just from their touch, she can feel the misery that Kazandra was going through.

A shade of an existence, being a lonely haunt in their castle for ages.

There's a soft layer of innocence, that's just not on her face anymore..

"Pleeaase don't goo agaain."

Still holding on tight. With her big doe eyes begging for confirmation,

a sharp left fang, tugging on her lower lip.


And it's tearing Kara apart inside, seeing her aged with an edge,

"I'M NOT!.. we're not!, none of us are not!,

never again!.. I have a plan!"

Even beneath the gothic masquerade,

her big ruby smile comes shining through,

with a point on Kazandra's nose.


In a mirror's reflection..

Kazandra's wide ruby lips go ear to ear.

She believes in her big sister Kara,

more than anything else in this world.

Being this close to her again, is a rush of new life flowing in.

It's so hard for her to let go, siphoning Kara's love is an addiction.

The years of her banishment, begin fading away..

buried in the relief, of Kara's strong embrace.

She starts making adjusting pawing motions,

at her twisted strands of ashy silver, pushing locks over an ear,

"There you arrre..

that was quite!, the display witch goddess.

You reached the courtyard with it!

I heard it squeaking the entire way!"


Kara catches her own laugh!, far too many urgent matters on her mind.

"It just broke-open, didn't it!?"

Finally now taking notice of her absolutely haunting appearance!,

from Kazandra's subtle nudges,

"OOoo, riight."


Kazandra who is still in bounding toe leaps from her excitement,

"Well I like it!,

but you're scaring the humans to death!

Soo iim the pretty one theen."

She can't help it, and she doesn't mean it.

She is just pining for her sister's loving banter.


"O I bet you like that, don't you!?"

Kara gives right in.

She's missed her soo much.

Starts grabbing lengths of her wild tendrils,

pushing it all back behind her face,

twisting a tie, in a haphazard bun.


Locked in a trance, in a read of each other's minds,

all glowing smiles, this is the start of a new era.

Kara snaps to attention!, urgent matters need attending!

Now settled in her normal blue blood tones, of chirps and sweetness.

"Take our clergy boys to the pantry, please."


It only sounded sweet.

As Kazandra scrunches her face in question,

"The pantry?"

It just seems so cruel!


Kara is already halfway up the stairs.

Motivating further with each step, piecing her plan together.

"Where is Risha!?"

Blurting to herself, as she reaches the top floor landing of her study,

heading to her messenger ravens at the window ledge.

"This place is a MESS!"

Pulling a chair, reaching for her lucky blue quill,

she begins furiously paging letters, unnaturally fast cursive.

The pin of the ink tip never picks up. She just pulls a page,

to the next one underneath it.


The first round of letters, going to track down Risha.

Her other sister, the unwitting celebrity.

Her life long protector, and General of Gideon's Army.

Currently on assignment, she's always on the move.

"You did that!"

Kazandra's squeaking protest up the stairs!

"Luv you baabe."

Barely audible, only Kazandra heard it,

from the very back of the top floor study.


With just a shrug looking at Van and Carl, she points the way.

Carl who has been in violent shaking tremors,

since the moment he walked in here.

Feels his legs give way, as the lights flick off.

Hitting the marble in a plank. Out cold.



Chapter 2.


The pantry door of a vampire swings open.

Beneath the ground, cold and dank, with the smell of rotted woods.

Stone floored and twenty yards squared, it is vast.

Supported by Y-frame arches, against rock walls,

leading to a backdoor, that's barely visible.

The trio come in with Carl dragging through the middle, by the shoulders.

Toes in a dangle behind him, with an arm draped over each of them.

Kazandra breaks the ice.. he is being painfully quiet,

still contemplating what he's done.

"She'l be fiiine."

The two now getting Carl in a sitting prop against the rock wall.

"I hope so."

Van taking a seated position next to him, sulking posture.

An arm over his raised knee, no eye contact.


So she forces it. By giving the wide brim a soft tilt upwards,

"Aww big lug!,

you know herrr, she's already ten steps ahead of you.

She's happy to see you!, and I know these things,

she's just shaking off a fifty year nap."

Affectionately she calls him Big Lug.

Kazandra has seen a lot in this world, even thin veils to other worlds.

Van's doorway size frame is impressive,

and she loves pointing it out.


Van feeling a little more relaxed,

as she is just laying on the charm.

"Guess we'l find out soon enough?"

Rolls over a one-sided smile, for the attempts she's made,

to make him feel better.

Scanning the room, but it's too dark to see..

there's a husk with no definition against the shadows,

slumped in the corner.

A void within the darkened room.

"Forgot one,"



She saw it as he did!

"Well I didn't get much warning."

On the move, she gets the figure over a shoulder,

heading towards the backdoor,

"Back as soon as I can."


The backdoor seals with a thick sounding lock.

The front door is wide open..

Van walks over closing himself in, serving his penance as requested.

Carl coming to, in the pitch black darkness,

senses slowly adjusting to the rusty cellar.

Seeing that Van is being rather calm for such a predicament,

"Is she going to eat us..?"

He has no idea what to think!

"She said pantry!"


"Probably not."

Van's boredom taking hold, at Carl's expense,



Hours go by in silence.

A ticking metronome of time, from the small drips,

streaming water in a filter through rock.

Carl fidgety, While Van looks like he's sleeping.

The backdoor pounds a drum through the quiet,

snapping to!, Carl is nudging Van for guidance.

Three figures emerge from the soft lit entryway,

only in outline against the shadowed room, stuttering steps..

they're being pushed.

Van doesn't have to see anymore.

His senses can clearly visualize all parties in the room,

and which 'alignment' they are leaning towards.

He listens closely to what's being said.


The first one is young, brash sounding,

making blubbering demands, in stuttered yelps.

The second is middle aged, quiet.. he's just following instruction.

The third figure is just outside the pantry,

but calm, in chivalrous tones,

"You want some advice?.. be very polite."

The door slams shut, a thick lock sealing them in.


Cautious steps as they move through the cellar,

he can hear their flailing 'Mummy' movements,

"I can't see anything!"

The blonde headed figure crying out.


"Your eyes will adjust."

Van out of the darkness.


"Who are you!?"

In quick turns, spinning towards the voice's direction.



Van's response is dripping intimidation,

putting a stop on the kid's footsteps towards him.


Where am I!?.. what's happening!?"

Shaking the words out, his voice is pitchy.

Everything sounds like a yelping dart.


"You are in the pantry of Castle Baudelaire."

Van's way too casual answer, as he's folding open an inside jacket pocket,

in a fetch of his cigar sheath.

The other middle aged figure, who just went and sat down quiet,

suddenly sits up tall in attention.

"Was that Kara you're saying?..

the goddess witch?, of those silly old tales?"

Wide smirk across his face,

he's practically laughing at him,

without quite seeing who he's talking to.


"She's a Vampire and yes, that one."

Bored of this conversation already,

he's had it so many times before.

The wide brim off, now perched on a raised knee,

with his head back, leaned against the wall.


"Do you believe everything you hear?"

The braggart pushing like he's a fool.

"I was born here chap,

and no one's ever seeen heerr,

people love to play pretend, don't they?"

Now leaned in closer, trying to get a good look at Van.

Like he's someone to toy with.


"Not your generation, bub.

And by the way.. I'm gonna be right here, when you find out."

Van's confidence from the shadows is as strong as a blow.

Leaving the gentleman shrinking, mulling over his ridicule.


"Ghost stories!?"

The curly headed blonde shaking and pacing!,

"Are you fools!?.. whatever comes through that door,

we're getting out of here.. right!?"


"What's your name, kid?"

Van barks it. Commanding his attention.

Lighting up his last cigar, the two gentlemen can now see his outline.



His tones changeover to more respectful.

Still shaking his words out, growing more intimidated by Van's presence.


"Not from here are ya?"

He knows the answer. It's a reminder,

you are not home, you're the stranger here.



I was just visiting some friends,

I don't want any part of this!

I just wanna go home!"

Wilhelm approaching hysterics!,

whatever it takes, is what he's prepared to do.


"I'm afraid that's not up to you anymore.

Mistakes were made, weren't they?"

Van takes his victim card, and turns it over.


"They started the fight!,

someone was killed, but it wasn't my fault!

Then I just woke up in a black carriage with no windows!"

Wilhelm pleading his case on deaf ears,

"Three people were killed,

a young woman too, child baring."

The sitting quiet one pulls back the wool,

as the full events of the evening start slowly dawning on Wilhelm,

the drunken melee outside the bar,

coming back in blurred flashes of memory.


Van has a long history of run-ins with Kara,

and he is well aware, of what atrocities would have to take place,

for someone to end up in that carriage.

"I think you should follow the advice of that nice gentleman, who walked you in here."

Calm in one breath. With a flick of his cigar, crossing legs out in front of him.


Wilhelm is dying!

Why are they so calm!, why!

Help me tear down the walls!

Demanding in his head for answers!


The front door swings wide, just a push without lock attached.

Kazandra comes skipping in.

Humming to herself, her steps are pointed,

like she's about to turn a pirouette.

Paying no attention at all to the pantry food.

"Oh, you poor things!, you can't see anything!"

It was almost impossible to see, what she lit the candles with.

It was soo fast in the pitch dark.. but Carl saw.

She raked the stone walls, with the tips of her fingernails.

Light bathing the room now,

all parties, can clearly see what's going on.


The sitting quiet one, hits the wall behind him in a lurch!

Sliding up the wall to standing straight,

"Th' strea-king reddress."

He barely gets it out.

Born and raised in the neighboring city of Gideon,

he is all too familiar with the song,

referring to the great War of Gideon.

Where this streaking fast heartless monster,

was wearing the guise of a beautiful silver haired woman.

Dancing through the battlefield, in a blood soaked dress,

leaving blurring lines of destruction.

Her streaking dash, leaves a trail of bodies behind her,

and sometimes a terribly maniacal laugh.

Ripping through shields and plate mail armor like it's paper.

The Butcher's Blade, is the name of the book, that went along with it.

"Yer.. not real.."

He can feel that it's really her.

In total denial, with a double take at Van,

who might as well be winking at him.


Kazandra over her shoulder, turns for the curtsy.

"But I am..

and it's exactly that dress!"

Continuing on her way, she wheels in an assorted market cart,

her interpretation, of what human food is supposed to taste like.

Anything that's traditionally green or reds is browns,

and anything that's supposed to be clear is yellows.


Gliding over to Van, Wilhelm watches her lean low,

whisper something in his ear.

Then head out the front door, locking it behind her.

The gentlemen all hearing her, in dancing glee through the halls.


Wilhelm bursts to his feet!


Pointing at the door like she's nothing.

"Are you northerners alll crazy!?,

she's a little girl you idiots!"

All other voices in the room, loud and at the same time,



The lack of support is only fueling his rage,

Checking his right boot.. he feels it, A KNIFE!

"He didn't search me!, look!.. look!"

Brandishing the blade out in front of him now,

presenting the other gentlemen their salvation.

"When she comes back, we grab her!,

and we make her take us outta here!"


Van is getting tired of hearing this kid. Fills the cellar with his baritone.

"Hey kid.. he didn't search you because you're no threat to them.. so let me get this straight.

You're going to kidnap or kill.. Kazandra Baudelaire, possibly the most powerful being to ever exist,

and after that, find your way through a very large castle,

with probably, TWO other vampires roaming around,

to wander through the northern forests at night, crawling with Werewolves..

and simply stroll back to Gideon?.. last time kid, follow the advice you were given."


"I'll make her give me one of the castle carriages!"

Rolling loud, Wilhelm fires it immediate.

He's not vying for their approval anymore.

The front door latch slides open,

Wilhelm goes quiet as Kazandra comes striding in.

In a move towards Van, her back is to him.


Wilhelm seeing the small window of opportunity,

he springs into action!

Grabbing Kazandra from behind!,

with his left arm holding a choke around her neck!,

and right arm jabbing a knife in her side!




Every other occupant in the cellar, shuffles feet to the ground,

trying to get as far against the wall as they can possibly go.

Expecting to see a body get absolutely obliterated.


She doesn't move.

"Mmhmm.. well isn't, he?

A spirited one.."

Her voice smooth as silk.

Soft and slow patterns in her speech,

she wants to see, how far he is willing to go.

Grazing shoulders against him now,

she taunts him further.

"That's a Sapiarch's dress my dear, there's no way..

you would be able to push a knife through it."

In a compelled fidgit!, he brings the knife under her chin!,

with the blade touching her skin!

She leans back on him.. pushing hips forward,

with her arm going for a drape at the scruff of his neck,

turning her face in his nape!

So he has the perfect angle, and can hear her better.


"Go on then.."

The flick of her whispering tongue practically brushes his ear!

He almost buckles at the knees!, from the lightning bolt!,

she just sent through his nervous system!

Wilhelm realizing she's calling his bluff,

grits his teeth, whatever it takes.


Shutting eyes as he stabs upwards!,

hard as he can!, expecting the worst!

The blade slides the back of his hand,

popping out like a button.

And landing on the floor.



Her turn is un-seeable!, it's too fast!

She has Wilhelm by the neck!, up off his feet!,

carrying him outstretched to the wall.

She sets him down hard, cornered in a wedge,

with his back up against the rocks.

Crouching low to him, she broods inches from his face,

eye to eye.

Kazandra's gaze is now a swirling hypnosis,

of burning pinks over purples, bursting like ink blots in his vision.

Turning in her eyes like a kaleidoscope, then carrying off her lashes,

in a thick glowing haze..

far down the rabbit hole he goes.

Every bit of fear or fight, the desire to flee.. all the anxious contortions in his face,

everything that was once Wilhelm is now gone.

Just a loyal tilt of his head, calm and silent,

staring at her in awe.


"Isn't that better?"

No answer. He's making adoring pawing gestures at her,

she grabs a paw.

Turning over his wrist, a deep sigh comes from her,

she can smell it through his skin.

"May I?"

They are soo close, it's an intimate experience.

Her singing whims, are the only thing in this world available to him,

her victims are willing.

A soft hiss in her voice, from raw desire overtaking her,

ruby lips go rolling back..

fully exposing the long exquisite curve of her fangs!,

eyes shut tight.. just as a kiss. She sinks in.

Clamping down hard on his wrist,

easy as burning knives piercing butter.

Wilhelm has no reaction.

He's simply enjoying being in her presence.



As she un-hooks gasping coming off!

Wide-eyed silence.

Stuttering bliss in her breath, barely breathing,

she is heaving in ecstasy.

Like she is the first person to discover Chocolate.


In the world of Vampires,

Kazandra is what's known as an Assassin. Speed and hypnosis are their inherent gifts.

Although their speed and power, varies from one to another,

her's is slightly different.

A Vampire simply appearing in front of you, is just a trick.

Human vision cannot follow how fast they are.

They moved too fast for you to see, is all that happened,

they are still here in the mortal's realm.

However when Kazandra 'simply' appears,

it's not that at all, and it's no trick. She has one foot in,

and one foot out, of the mortal's realm.

She IS an Assassin, but then something more.

Her sisters by blood, Kara and Risha, are both Brutes.

The warriors of the Vampire's world.


Carl watching Kazandra's rapture, excited giggles escaping her,

"I can't move my eyes from her Van!"

Whispering to Van in overwhelmed confusion,

trying to process all that's happening.

He can't figure out, if he's scared of her.. or in love with her!

"It's her gift, she doesn't always know she's doing it."

Van offering some clarification, getting legs underneath him,

stubbing out his cigar.


Carl needs more.

"You mean everyone who looks at her, falls in love with her?"

Now turned on him, coming his way.

This lithe hourglass.. being hugged in thin silken reds,

she swings the hourglass in her glide.

Her eyes still a burning haze of pinks over purples,

a few matching streaks, dancing through her long silver hair.

"Exactly that."

Van nudging him out of it, lifting him to feet.

"Well then how would you know.. who really loves you?,

if it's all just a spell?"

Carl catching the flaw immediately.


"You'l have to ask her yourself."

Van gathering affects, seating the wide brim where it belongs.

"It doesn't work on you, does it?"

Carl clearly seeing Van's.. lack of fascination with Kazandra's medusa like allure,

but why?, is he hiding something?

Maybe he's been hiding three 'somethings'!

Carl's mind always has the right questions.


Van playing his cards close against his chest.


"It sure doesn't!, and he's one of the very few."

Kazandra eavesdropping her way into the conversation,

still hopping giddy from her discovery.

Distracted in her gestures, she can barely concentrate,

hurrying things along now.

"Kara wants a word."

Leading them out, down the long corridors of her castle,

upstairs to ground level, she can feel Carl's blatant and utter,

confusion over everything he's seen. He's trying to talk to her,

but he doesn't know where to begin.


So she helps him along, over her shoulder rolling a smile.


"Only ten thousand in alphabetical order!,

how much time do you have!?"

Carl enamored to the brim,

she's the only thing in the world to him at this moment.

Matching her steps, keeping up her gliding pace,

while watching the floor sweeping drape of her dress,

that seems to reel in behind her,

"It's resizing to fit you.."

Pure honest, his first thought.


"Well aren't you a clever one!,

Caarrl was it?.. indeed it is!,

it's more than just a pretty dress."

Opening the side door, that wouldn't normally be closed unless Kara is here.

As they have different tidying ways throughout the castle,

Carl brushes by close as she motions them in.

He has to stop himself from pawing,

"I love your hair!, and yes!, pleasure to meet you."

Seeing upon close inspection, the long braided fall of her locks,

is not actually silver.

It's platinum.. but the soft streaks of dark greys,

rolled together in a crown to the sweeping fall in the back,

make it look silver from afar, he's never seen anything like it.


Kazandra and Kara have the same big laugh.

Rolling from the belly, it's infectious, carefree, regal and loud.

Kazandra lets her's out.

"Why thank you!, and it's called a War Braid."

Now right alongside her, studying her subtleties,

her all too easy charm, she's very animated.

Hands are always motoring about her, as she talks with them.

She's rarely standing on two flat feet!, with leans and slides in her movements.

She seems impossibly sweet, but it's not all adding up.


"You're not the Butcher's Blade.. are you?"

A horror fiction, not of his usual reading material, he's only skimmed it.

His mind now flooding with all he's ever read,

of any of the books, regarding Baudelaire..

and this is not what's been described of her.

"Not everything is as it seems, and or written."

Her coy response, ignites like a fire under him.

The magnificent sponge of his mind, just begging for all this, grandiose info,

"Did she really steal a Spanish Galleon?,

and sail it across the open ocean as a teenager?"

Now looking for confirmation, on some of her sister's, grand exploits.


"Ask her yourself."

Kazandra can feel her presence in the room now,

the three of them slow pacing the marble, to center study.

Kara comes down the main hall stairs.

A double stair case, that makes half circles down on both wings,

from the long ledge spanning the distance, across the top floor.

That opens up to a wide study, with a raised deck in the back,

and skylights overhead.

At one time very lavish, brightly lit and well kept,

has seen several years of neglect.


Van and Kara lock eyes first.

Like seeing her for the very first time, all over again.

Years of his repressed memories, come rushing back in.

He wasn't sure if she'd ever come back,

so he buried the thoughts away, out of sight and out of mind.


Sparkling pristine,

she is wearing the very divine, Crystal Tower Gown.

It's her usual attire.

Shining in pearl'd whites, it looks like it's glowing.

It is full length, and very proper, with not much exposed skin.

As she doesn't want humans, or anything else for that matter,

examining the Runes, or 'tattoos' that cover her body.


The top of the dress makes a smooth shallow plunging vee,

across her shoulders, at collarbone level, hanging weightless.

A teardrop window of reveal, through the bustline,

encircles small diamonds, inlaid around it.

Then runs a linework trim, in small celestial sparkling star patterns,

cinching closed at her waist, with a gradual spread as it reaches the floor.

Hooded sleeves are affixed at her wrists, with small ring clasps underneath,

held in place through middle fingers, giving her hands a partially covered appearance.

Atop the sleeves is a firm hug around her biceps, seating them in place.

Leaving her shoulders bare, with a naked strapless neckline.

The fit is beyond perfect, like it was made for her body, and her body alone.

The dress does not drag on her.. or hang off of her in any way,

it is your softest, favorite comfort blanket, enveloping you tightly.

There is a gorgeous stylized flower pattern, that you can't see..

but only in certain light angles, running up from her hips in a bloom on both sides.


The skirt of the dress is even more dramatic than the top.

It is a flat burning sheen of silky whites.

A multilayered floor sweeping drape, with slits along the sides for movement.

Less texturized than the top, it is blinding smooth, where the soft hug around her hips,

gradually lets go.. to a shoulder wide blossoming floor sweep, that's just grazing her toes.

Shining to it's brightest bold white, as it reaches the bottom,

and it never takes a stain.

Her long hair as always, is pinned tight, there are no strays.

Side part rakish over her left eye, with the bun spiral behind her left ear.

And set in place, with her favorite hair pin.

She is a thousand years old, but one could never surmise that.


Her entrance silenced the room. And she's quite used to it.

Just the soft pat of her bare feet, reaching the study's bottom floor landing.

She turns to everyone, and gives a full curtsy like a swan.


Carl gets it now, there is no more selling it required.

This Kara Baudelaire mythos,

he studies her for the first time, up close.

She is the completion of Kazandra. The end result maybe,

everything about her is bigger, longer.. more defined,

her movements are so purposeful, she seems very calculated.

When Kara goes full stretch tip toe, she is in the sky.

Her long swan's neck is athletic, and just rolls to her shoulders,

in a perfect slope.

It creates a primal stir, so firm and exposed.

His long scan of her, finally reaches eye contact.

Her cheekbones are to the moon and back!

With large almond eyes, burning purples over whites!

Her ash black brows, are regally high arched to a point,

with a long bend in her lashes, and deep set in vampire's mascara.

Her face tapering down narrow, to a button of a chin,

has the perfect contrasting 'bowtie' to her striking appearance,

she has deep matte red permanently stained, wide smiling heart shaped lips.

With demure tucked fangs behind them, that are never exposed.

And bright, several shades of gorgeous silver hair.


Carl's vision isn't quite working anymore.

There's blurs and spots, from taking in all these bold colors around him.

His sensitivity to light spectrums in reds and whites, with silvers in behind them,

he didn't know existed, it's like a new affliction invading his senses.

His perception of what is considered beautiful, and powerful,

is crashing down around him.

Halo's now forming around lights through the room,

the world starts a slow spin..

teetering a few wobbles for reach, while glancing left,

the fuzz takes over.

'Ruby lips, an those teeeth!'

Kazandra sliding in with a bite on her lip!

Seeing the inevitable, and catching his out mid-air fall!


Along the west wall of the castle grounds, set back at the halfway point,

then running down the length, towards the rear of the castle,

lay the Baudelaire stables.

Built rugged, with oversized wood beams for the corrals, high walled there are no sightlines,

and sealed tight by sliding iron pole, from the outside.

A crack hits the beams!, as they buckle three times from high to low!,

the dusting plume of neglect following.

"Hey!, that's enough!

Just because she looks like her, doesn't mean she knows how to take care of you, like her!

Now git over here!"

Risha's at her wits end of being kicked around the corral.

Having arrived early in the morning, after receiving the succinctly worded letter from Kara,

-'Well that's enough of that. Please love I need you, come home.'

Now dealing with the fending for themselves, equine situation.


The last of the horses to be herded in, still throwing stomping tantrums,

knows the different levels of Risha's voice, and when reaching a certain pitch,

she's not going to play nice anymore.

"Now come see!

Look, loook.. I made your bed all nice for you,

your toys are all there.. go see!"

Finally winning him over, the horse grazes by close, low head slung to the floor.

Takes pause at her side for affection.

Which she is more than happy to provide, reaching an arm under and over,

with a side muzzling hug.

"Who's a good boy!, yes you!.. you are!, that's my goood boy,

it's gonna be fiine now, we're all here."

A few swishes of his tail, as he trots the bed to a grumping side slump.



Sealing up the stables behind her tight.

Risha heads up the walkway, around the side of her castle,

to the open side door.

Seeing Van and company at center study, she makes her entrance,

and she makes it known. Marching the room like a caped crusader,

"Did you beat-up an old man in my bar?"

Word travels fast in the north.

"That's what I heeard.."

Kazandra giving her passing by hello,

as she slinks off through the corridors,

not quite finished yet with her discovery of Mr. Wilhelm,

heading towards the Baudelaire Alchemy lab.


Van who was sliding Carl by the shoulders,

about to lean him up against Kara's desk, lets go for a second.

"I did what now?"

It's always something. Sometimes it's true, sometimes it isn't.

But he can tell she's joking,

"Robbed him of his cane no less."

Even he can't help from laughing at the absurdity of it,

"Can't wriggle out of that one, now can I?"

The two approaching arms length distance,

Van lets out a sigh.

"Soo good to see you Riish,

are you here to stay?"

Reaching out for the hug, her arms are crossed.


"I-am, no thanks to you."

It was icy. But that's just how she is.

He pulls her in anyway, with arms going all the way around,

he buries her in the size difference.

"I had to.. it was going after the kid, the research..

we barely made it."

Candid conversation now, in close.

She's not the hugging type,

but reaches a hand up around his jacket, for a loving scold.

"Look what you did to my courtyard!,

have you ever ridden a horse before?"

Their sassy sibling like rivalry,

is what they like the most about each other.

Their same stoic demeanor, natural leaders and brutally honest.

Even apart for long spans of time, they click right back together,

where they left off.


With Kara lying dormant a good portion of his lifetime,

Risha has always managed to stay in contact, throughout the years.

Adding up time spent together periodically over their long lives,

is the equivalent of a human lifetime spent together.

And he's not gonna let her just get away with one,

"You need help to even get up, on your stallion, little one."

Risha's head nestled in about Van's shoulders,

although her presence suggests something much larger.

"I can leap it!, it's not the same thing."

Now taking a perching lean on her desk, at the back of the study.

Rocking back on her hands, with legs crossing out straight,

waving him closer.

"It's been a spell hasn't it?"

It was exasperated. She's missed him.

She's missed all of them, and all of this.. she built this castle.


"I'd about given in Riish.. thought she was gone."

Moving in next to her, quietly private. Van speaks more freely to her, than any other.

"Zandy had it real bad.

I had to bury a few.. mishaps.

She was getting bitter Rish.. I'd never seen it,

I just hope she's.. ok."


Risha the timeless, knows her sister very well,

and she snaps him right out of it,

"A few decades?.. psh,

that girl can dance her way through the dark ages,

and speaking of!, she's been a damn ballet,

all through the castle, all day long!

And I'm betting that's partly due to you!

I have a pile of things to pitch at her!,

just to keep her off my desk!"

Roaring a laugh between the two of them!,

settling into their normal banter, joined at the hip.

"That's my new apprentice Carl, by the way."


Pointing at him propped up against Kara's desk,

who is leaned over him, giving small fanning motions.

"O he looks spry."

Risha leaning into it, both literally and figuratively.

Van barrels his laugh!, it's so easy for her to find it!

"Kara's handiwork."


"I figured,

So he got passed your infallible senses did he?"

Risha's smirking nod towards her bright gold broadsword,

that is hung over the desk behind her.

It is called The Huntsman, and searing to the touch,

evil cannot wield it.

"I'm more reliable."

Looking inside a coat pocket, at his empty cigar sheathe,

"How dare you!"

Risha firing in a laugh!

As Kazandra comes flying in!, creeping like a ghost from the wings,

she knows every nook and cranny of this large castle.

"Are you though!?,

what about that time!, a trespassing, evil vagabond scoundrel!,

was squatting in our study!"

She couldn't resist the team up with Risha,

she's missed it soo much, she's too excited to not be awkward,

and didn't quite pick her battle.


"You mean the time where I was right?

and you had no idea what was going on..

is that the time you're referring to?"

Van throws it right back at her, checkmate.

Tilting a sarcastic look over the shoulder,

all she can do is make a scrunched face.

With Risha's giggles in the background,

"You put me in the pantry carriage!"

Kazandra bursting it!, because it's all she's got.

All three in roaring laughter. Years of memories coming back.

Basking in the bliss, of all being in each other's company once again,

it feels.. safe.


The Queen of the castle, finally sits her throne.

The first thing you see upon entrance, at the front right,

is her twenty foot marbled, half circle wrap around desk.

With a hutch that climbs the ceiling, and her oversized,

red cushioned chair.

Having picked up the study spotless,

and sliding in a chair for the downed Carl.


Gesturing for him to take a seat, she's not angry anymore,

but he can hear the tsk tsk tones in her voice.

Kazandra slinks away again like a cat.

In a check on her concoction brewing in the lab,

making sure seeping times, are just right.



With just a nod, respectful as he can be.

"Truly great to see you..

and in your.. not so terrifying state."

He's not entirely sure, how she's going to respond.

His rule of thumb is be honest with Kara, at all times.

Her following giggle is light, chirping forgiveness,

with a singing matter-of-fact.

"You clergy boys, are gooing to get me into trouble one day."

Silky tones, like she's above it all.

"So!.. what do you knooow?"


Carl getting a hand up on the chair for support,

Van giving it a turn more towards him,

slowly plants himself in the seat Kara's provided,

cautious eye contact..

"Welcome back!"

She warms the smile over to him,

melting the scared ice, right off of him.

"P.. pleasure, to meet you.. is it Lady Kara?"

He doesn't know what to call her!

"I am indeed the Lady of the manor,

and pleasure to meet you too."

Her ruby smile is intoxicating, it's inviting.

Carl with full trust, starts exploding his findings on the werewolf encounter.

Going over all the fine details with Kara,

dotting every I and crossing every T.. his research is impeccable.

And Kara finds it very endearing.


"They aren't really werewolves at all..

more like parts of different werewolves, re-animated.

And they don't seem to be coherent,

maybe puppeteer'd."

Kara listening in closely. She's had an idea of what's unfolding,

before it ever got to her castle. For in her burial trance,

she is transcending the meta physical world.

But Van saw more.. that she didn't see coming.

"There was something else Kara.

It was old.. I've never seen the presence of evil so strong.

I only saw it for a second,

but it's flighted.. cloaked in darkness,

it smelled foul, like ancient death."

Kara doesn't have the answer.


"Quite disturbing..

a summoner of sorts?.. reanimating dead parts of werewolves?

They're coming for this house Van, I can feel it.

With me out of the way, they have access to the land bridge,

they could fortify hordes in the uninhabited reaches.

Using the chokepoint of my castle, they'd never be discovered.

They would easily take Gideon..

and be able to seal off the entire north,

they could go anywhere.. down to Capital City, Freeport..

this is really bad, Van."


"This isn't the cute fairytales of the Gideon War,

these creatures are old-world savage.

Human troops bested pathetic Orcs.. banging on swords and shields,

that they know exactly how to fight.

They will have no chance Van.. hordes of these beasts?"

Kara's side-eye catches Kazandra, gliding in fast from the wings,

very purposeful movements. Double fisting wine glasses,

she drops one at Risha's desk, in the raised back of the study.

Then in a move towards the front right, to Kara's desk.


Van about to give his take on matters,

Kazandra swings over, sliding the drink in Kara's hand,

smooth, she did it one motion. Rolling her hand open and rolling it closed.

As one might guess, a beautiful silver chalice,

jeweled ornate, and red to the top.

"Something new?"

Kara can smell it. Her attention span just vanished.

"You'l seee."

She's just ecstatic to see Kara try her new concoction,

studying her reaction.. it's the same.


"WooOOOW!" - Risha from the backroom at the same time!


Kara can't put it down!, tilting small sips,

with hiccups attached following.

"Oof, that is a heavy spike Kazandra,

can you go make sure he's still aliive pleease?"

Kazandra's bursting laugh!,

"He's fiiine."

Pawing the glass away from Kara, before she can finish..

a few of her playful hand slaps accompanying.


"How is it so spicy!?,

that must be Absinthe.. and what else?,

Kazandra it's sOo gOood."

Risha licking lips, while moving towards center study,

coming up just behind her.

"Why thank you, I've had a lot of practice!

It really depends on their.. ability to take in my saucy ingredients!

Trade secrets.. but I always pepper the blood first, it's a catalyst."

Kazandra gloating, as she takes pride in her 'cooking',

Kara steals the glass away!, mid tilt!

With Kazandra returning the playful hand slaps.


Carl is trying to figure out, just what in the hell is going on.

"So that's.. Wilhelm from the cellar then?"

His side whisper to Van, not sure how to feel.

"You'l get used to it."

Van's usual nonchalance, like this is nothing new.

Giving short answers, keeping his cards against his chest as he does.

But it's becoming glaringly obvious to Carl,

that these are not strangers, there is history here.


A few giggles from the huddle of Kazandra and Risha,

amused by his innocence, slink off together towards the rear study.

"I guess we'll call it the Wil-helm then."

Kara stands up, addressing the room as a whole.

"Well, as I said, I have a plan.. there will be no hiding anymore."

Kazandra clapping from the raised back of the study, listening closely.

Risha with her thousand year old's alcohol tolerance, is still tipping the cup.


"I've sent my Ravens out far and wide,

the world needs to know what's happening.

The stakes are much bigger, than just the north.

King Tywin.. must know, he's in the most danger.

So we're going to Gideon first, both him and I will most likely,

need heavy reinforcements, reserves and supplies will not be enough.

Which is why we're going to Capital City after."

Kazandra's, tiny squeaking gasp.. as her chalice rolls the floor.


The only human interaction, Kazandra has ever had,

other than the college where she was raised,

is being a haunt in her castle without being seen. Keeping out, fame seekers

and treasure hunters, bounty hunters and clergy men, zealots and werewolves.


Who after word spread like wild fire all over the world,

about this glorious battle in Gideon.

Where a giant silver haired witch goddess, defeated the army with ease.

They all came for Kara.

One after another.. to see if the stories are true, and what trophies may lie in wait.

The religious masses wanted no part in this abomination.

They hatched manipulative, malice lies of Kara, to further enrage the populace that she's evil.

The sisters were cornered in their home, with nowhere to go..

the hardest decision had to be made.


"Let them in."

Many years ago.. was Kara's response.

Beside her horrified sisters, at just how far their luck had turned sour.

Upon seeing the small caravans of intruders, ever slowly becoming larger caravans.

Turning into well funded expedition parties, in very little time.

To the inevitable circling army of raised pitchforks,

burning crosses marching their grounds, chanting their demise.

It was just getting worse and worse.

Impossible to just keep turning a blind eye, and waiting for it to get better.

They are going to eventually break down the doors!

"Let them in."


Risha knew.

She could see what's coming, there is no fighting out of this one,

speechless, they have all together lost.

A very young Kazandra shrieking mad!,

"We've done soo much for them Kara!, how could they!?"

She had no answers. Rage was her only ally at the time,

"OOuur HOome!, it took so long to build this together!,

we did everything right!, I HATE this Kara!

I will clear our threshold!, every last one of them!,

they won't even see me!"

Trembling in frustration, she wasn't ready to just lie down.


Kara knew what must be done.

And feeling Kazandra's sorrow right next to her,

was a belt tightening around her heart.

As they peered down from atop Kara's main tower,

high overlooking the circling army of raised torches,

and make-shift weapons, swarming their front gates.

"Look at them Kazandra..

can you see them?

Those are not soldiers Kazandra..

they're not Orcs trying to ignite the landscape in pure evil.

They're farmers.. settlers, citizen's of Gideon.. with wives and children."


"Misguided they may be.. but if you go out there,

and they see what we can do.. to just farmers..

then we are every bit the evil they say we are."

Kara was dead right.

But Kazandra's young livid tones,

had to endure a lot, for them to be all together.

And in her perception of time, she just got there.

"So we flee an live underground!?, like rats!?"


"No.. just me."

This is all my fault, I did this. Kara couldn't even make eye contact,

it was too painful.

Risha was hesitant to get involved, 'This isn't our war Kara!'

But Kara's logic overturned the vote.

'If they happen to win!, they will be on our doorstep next!'

Her brash choices at the time, unhinged talent on the battlefield,

spectacular displays of power, the world just wasn't ready to see yet.

"We're going to let them in.

These doors will be open, this castle will be a deserted haunt.

Nothing more than an old.. foolish.. story.

You see that generation down there, camping at our gates.

They will find nothing.. they won't have any stories to tell,

they won't leave with any fame or riches."


"And this is what they will teach, to the next generation,

until they don't care anymore.

Until the interest here just.. fades into obscurity.

And over time.. it will do exactly that."


In Kara's preparation of being buried beneath the castle,

she gave her final instructions.

'Let them in'.. does NOT involve the lower levels of the castle.

Humans are not ever to see what lies in the Baudelaire coffers.

Kazandra was instructed to be the ghost of the castle.

Unseen, to deter treasure seekers from the spoils beneath.

By any means necessary.

If by some far reaching luck, you got passed Kazandra,

wandering too far into the depths of her castle,

you didn't get to leave.


Risha on the other hand,

doesn't have the same presence as the twins.

Much easier for Risha to just blend in with a crowd.

You wouldn't immediately think vampire!, upon first inspection.

The average bend over backwards being nice to her,

and when she's mean about it.. it makes them want to more.


During the War of Gideon, Risha was the presence on the battlefield.

Her orders were the redirect, that essentially saved the city,

and furthermore the entire North.

She was quite literally racing the lengths of the large city,

saving droves of soldiers as she went.

They were screaming her name by the battle's end.

Kara was lying in wait.

For her opportunity to do the most damage.

Turning the tide of the war, in a matter of seconds.

Kazandra was the close. The finisher,

too fast to be seen, just guesswork.


Upon victory, Risha's firm leadership was thunderously praised,

throughout the streets of Gideon for days on end.

Her star was born overnight.

The city's council voted unanimously, naming her General of Gideon's Army.

A key to the city, and her Gideon crested, General's cape.

She reluctantly took up the mantle.

The unwitting celebrity, this is not what she wanted..

she fell into it. But seeing this as a great way to do her part,

and keep all attention away from her castle.


She did her part. And over time, grew into the role.

As written from the soldier's memoirs,

Risha and her bright gold Huntsman broadsword,

ruthlessly cleansed the countryside.

Leading Gideon's army, to chase down any and all, of the fleeing Orcs.

And exterminate them to the water's edge of the continent.

There was no hiding from her. No capturing small settlements to flourish,

no burrowing in caves, while breeding numbers.. she will find you.

Months turned into years, and it felt like days,

until not one Orc remained in the North.


Barely at the turn of seventy years old,

Kazandra is still learning how to interact with humans.

She was raised completely isolated, in a supernatural college,

where people are chosen to be there.

By a council of time keeping priests named the Sapiarchs.

Where those with special gifts, can hone their skills far beyond,

what they can learn in the mortal world.


Kara and Risha are the same age.

Growing up together as children, at the turn of the Dark Ages.

They are approaching a thousand years old,

witnessing heart wrenching times, darkness and plague,

they have lived long enough to see the growing pains of humanity.

Observing culture trends, reach their moral pinnacles, of both poles.

They are the two of them, absolutely stellar, at dealing with humans.


But for Kazandra..

the thought of the sprawling populous mass,

of Capital City, where there is no Gideon acceptance of her family,

is making her VERY nervous.

The pound of her heart is almost audible!

It was a painful lesson, that populace can break up her family!

'I could never do that again!'

The thought almost got to her lips!


Risha is there for her immediate,

spinning her by the shoulders, eye to eye.

"That's not ever gonna happen again."

She can see the worry all over her face.

"You think she climbed out of her hole for nothing?,

we are all three together, and staying that way,

that's whats important.

And besides.. if they get all rowdy over there in tinsel town,

we'll just kill em."

She's only half joking,

which is why Kazandra finds it more funny.

Her giggling shoulders, had a tiny snort attached.

She idolizes her. She's never shaken, she's always so calm,

"I missed you so much."


"Anything you need Kazandra."

Van offering support, as he's standing up.

The princess gloves are always on around her.

But it's not without purpose,

for she was born with a warning attached,

'A loveless Kazandra, is a true threat upon this world.'

And she has teetered through the boundaries,

Van has seen it with his own eyes.

So they all do what they can, to protect her.


She spun so fast, her dress had to play catch up!

That phrase.. he's said it before,

it brings back such a heartwarming memory for her,

it's a miracle she didn't start crying.

"Aww!, big luug!,

I want us all.. to go together, like a big family!"

Going high pitch, in a squeak at the end.


"Indeed we are."

Kara rising tall, as Van tips his brim in agreement.



Chapter 3.


The city of Gideon is on alert.

Guards at every post, in twenty four hour shifts,

with check-in registration at all the gates.

The rogue werewolf encounters have been increasing in frequency.

Settlers on the outskirts of town, have had to abandon homes,

or be destroyed along with it, taking refuge within the city's protected walls.

King Robert Tywin II, is the third in line, to sit the throne of Gideon.

He rules with an iron fist, but is fair to both rich and poor alike.

In his citizen's best interest, the curfew is set in.

Clearing streets of the 'Moving buffet' as he calls it,

the city becomes a ghost town, as evening sets in.

In a moment of peace.. enjoying a relaxing dinner with his family.

The children find it annoying, because they don't yet understand,

he pulls away from his duties, clears his mind of toxic politics,

for this daily tradition of time, to spend alone all together.


"I've seen herr..

right through the streets of Gideon!"

The younger child of the sisters, very much in her tom-boy ways.

Fisting silverware, while she chomps down food mouth ajar.


"You have not!"

The older sister, almost out of her teens.

The studious of the two, well read and speaks like a princess,

because she is one. And keeps up the appearance.

Holding her silverware like a fragile pen,

with graceful dainty bites.


"I have, to!

She's not as tall as they say..

and she was.. clumsy!"

The little one giggling now, she has a firm recollection,

she saw something.

"She cloaks herself from hood to toe,

but I saw her silver braids hanging out!"


"She doesn't wear braids Soraya!,

and she wouldn't sneak around like a drunk either!

Father!, can we teach her not to lie pleease!"

The older one knows these stories.

And doesn't appreciate her teasing ways about Kara.


All sitting in their extravagant dining hall,

the large turtle shell table, only seated halfway on one end.

His wife Helena to his right, his trusted royal court advisor seated next.

And his two daughters, Zansa and Soraya seated to his left, in order.


haven't we had this discussion before?

There will always be imposters Soraya,

can we have one night please?, without a bickering match over Baudelaire."

Tywin discouraging the discussion as usual,

not entertaining the topic one way or another.

However being the only one in the room, who has actually met Kara,

and set down with her in person,

his opinions are taken as final.

"What's an impos-ter?"

Soraya with elbows on the table, playing with her food now,

more than eating it.



Zansa glaring it down her shoulder.

Soraya zings it back!,

"IT WAS HER!, I know it was!"

They say children are more attuned to the supernatural,

and she's in the oh-so stubborn phase.



All voices.. except the royal advisor,

at the same time!, scolding out.


The knock at the dining room chamber doors, as if on cue.

The king's messenger calling through,

as Tywin sends his advisor over.

Getting a glance at what's been delivered,

he calls Tywin over.. instead of bringing the letter to him.

A gesture clearly for privacy first, discretion.

The parchment is old. Thick grainy paper,

that's never used anymore.

The rubber stamp is half dollar size,

in bold maroon with a KB on it stenciled in cursive,

with a large curling K.


Pale to the face. Tywin is too baffled to react quickly,

he knows exactly who it is.

Grief hits his heart first, a physical pain in his chest.

He retreats to deep thought,

she did so much, for everyone.. and she asked nothing.

'She protected the very landscape you all live under!'

And yet she was hunted into obscurity, for a trophy.

He gave this speech on deaf ears,

on more than one occasion. The modern world's sensibilities,

weren't sympathetic to this northern witch's story,

they wanted the fame.


It still turns his stomach to the day, thinking about it.

He flips open the letter to see Kara's gorgeous handwriting.

It reads - Requesting an audience with Lord Tywin and the council.

Promptly at sundown. Lady Kara Baudelaire.

Zansa stealing the look over his shoulder, has to grasp him for balance,

"It can't be.."

Tywin knows very well, how much his daughter adores these books,

"It is."

Now sharing the letter with her side by side,

so she can read the note in full view.

"She doesn't pick up the quill!"

Tears forming fast!, it's definitely her!, no one could copy this.

"Look.. it's all one line."

Father and eldest daughter, have a long moment.

He shares the same appreciation, he just doesn't always show it.


The Baudelaire carriage arriving is nothing short of spectacle.

A six horse carriage with Clydesdale sized monsters.

All of them are midnight black and thoroughbred ripped muscle.

Their shaking manes are the fires of oranges and reds,

with so much torque beneath their blood tipped hooves,

they're not so much moving along the ground, but turning the world beneath them!

There are rumors about the speed of this carriage.

From the very few who've seen it, it's a speech, a soft spur of motivation from Kara.

The result being a thunderous explosion of rush!, from standstill to full sprint!

Skipping gallops and trots, all together!

Where they say the power of these monsters dressed as horses,

pins unsuspecting passengers to the back wall.

Inquired on occasion, just what she's actually saying to them,

"Well I offer them their favorite food of course, if we get there very quick."


The carriage itself looks more like a Galleon than a carriage.

The cabin is thick oaks, that are rolled wide for room through the middle.

Taller in the back, it's shaped like a wedge for downforce on the wheels,

with separate rooms and sleeping areas.

There's windows but you can't see them..

tinted flush, matching the glossy stained blacks of the walls.

There is a driver's bench, but rarely someone seated there.

Pulling up to the King's palace, Lord Tywin and his court,

have all gathered neatly in a line.

Helena, just next to him, Soraya and Zansa next of her.


The air is uneasy.

Other than Tywin, a very young man during the war of Gideon,

few people in present Gideon have ever actually laid eyes on Kara.

Her plan executed.. she is a myth.

It leaves people to decide for themselves whether she is friend or foe,

and everyone has an opinion.

The double doors swing open from the carriage,

steps lowering attached to the doors, in a folding apparatus.


A barefoot pats the first step..

and Zansa is dead fixed on her.

She notices there's a fading white, intricate tattoo on her foot,

hard to make out at this distance.

She reaches the landing and Zansa is struggling to take it all in.

The white dress she's wearing is blindingly beautiful.

Looking closer straining to see, another tattoo on her hands,

a barb down her thumb.. it's so faint she can't see where it goes.

But there's more, concealed by the hooded sleeves of her dress.

These markings have never made it to writings,

Zansa is breaking out in cold sweats, feeling like she's part of the discovery.


Kara is just steps away.

The ground is a cesspool of filth on the cobblestones.

Gaping her mouth wide, she can't believe what she's looking at!

The muck is not sticking to Kara's feet,

it's just gliding off.

Kara is now parallel with Zansa. She is right there.

'She's warm!, I can feel it coming off of her!,

she's not some cold undead beast!'

Zansa's racing mind!, with her body in shut-down!

Two more sets of feet make way down the stairs,

one of them are soft steps, almost imperceptible.

This was unexpected.


Risha reaches the landing with Kazandra slinking in behind,

instinctively they take formation on Kara's wings.

They're not entirely sure, what's going to happen.

Risha on her left just beside,

and Kazandra on her right, a footstep behind.

Tywin coming in for introductions,

calms the air, with his warm genuine smile.

Leading with Helena, Kara engages her conversation graciously.


Zansa is now within grabbing reach, of all three of them.

And she's thinking it over!

She immediately recognizes Risha.

The General of Gideon's army is no stranger.

Rarely making visits throughout the years,

she's only seen her from afar, trotting the grounds on horseback,

or racing off for another assignment, she's always spread thin.

And it's by her own instruction.

Tywin's father at the time, was very sympathetic to their up-turned fate.

And did what he could, to try and help salvage their situation.

He considered the only reason he was still alive, is because of her.


The Gideon's record hall, and libraries,

have thee youngest, and most dedicated curator,

that they have ever seen in Zansa.

Her voracious appetite for reading, keeps her up long hours into the night.

It's really all she ever does.

At barely the age of walking, a bedtime story, grew up with her.

A long series that crosses over into several other books.

Held so dearly, she reads them over and over again.

Even gaining different perspective, as she ages along with the stories.

And seeing Risha standing so close..

her imagination, and glimpses from afar, didn't do her any justice.


Her General's cape is ink black, with the choker chain in solid gold.

The Gideon's army, Striking Angel crest in bright gold on her back.

Hiding an exquisite broadsword, beneath the cape,

just the hilt showing, with a star pattern cross guard, gold tipped.

Her charcoal chain sleeves underneath look like second skin,

made specifically to her proportions.

The warrior's tunic she's wearing is impeccable,

she can't see the stitches, the materials are soo fine.

Zansa's long scan of her from top to bottom, getting lower..

those boots!

Like two sheaths of Obsidian coming together!, in a tight grasp of her calves,

flared like small wings at the top, and above the knee!

Buckles affixing the two sheaths together, in a row going vertical,

roll with a soft click to her movements, matching her stride.


Now seeing Risha introduced to her younger sister Soraya,

her painted face.

No one wears a lip that dark! And it only works on her,

because of that Raven hair!, that contrasting compliments it off her ivory face.

The smirk in her eyes looks permanently chilled from the cold air,

the arch in her dark brows is rolling soft.

Her bottleneck bangs are to die for!

Just a few strays and lazy 'esses' coming down,

from her messy perfect!, tousled tie in the back.

The introductions now moving along,

the other figure that was holding back, brushes passed her.


This new figure is totally cloaked from head to toe,

but she has her suspicions. She's far more versed to this family,

than your average passer-by.

And her sister's argument at the dinner table, is on repeat in her mind.

Just a couple of eyes poking out, behind a shadow, and looking down.

That's all she gives you.

She's barefoot also, and her steps are skippy.

Like she's in her own, happy little world under there.

Zansa is locked in.

Studying this figure un-blinking, waiting to see more.

Right as a little wind gust..

a northern icy draft coming in from behind them,

catches the bottom corner, parting open the outer layer,

it peels back juust enough,



A facade!, underneath is no commoner's garb!

A deep blood red corner, bathing bright colors,

rare in these parts of drab, dull grey fashion.

With silver lining the cornered point, in intricate design.

She only saw it for a second.

But clear to her, that was the bottom multilayered floor drape,

of a very special dress.

She even knows the song,

"The streaking red dress."

Barely a whisper, she just mouthed it in her head.

But it's enough.


Kazandra turns on her from above!, as she goes rigid!

These are her childhood heroes!

Her teeth are clenched!, she's stiff as a board!


Kazandra breaks ranks, and gets right low to her,

eye contact. As she's pulling down the mask of her lips,

"Exactly that dress!.. would you like to seee?"



Because what else would you say!, she barely got it out!

Gasping in a stutter!

Kazandra now inches from her..

something new, her smell, she's peppermint-y!

Not a mention of it in writing.

Zansa would have never known this tidbit,

she's getting the insider's information. And it's giving her small heart attacks!

Kazandra folds open her patina cloak,

even that's a facade, it's pea coat style buttons are dark bejeweled,

it's merely made to look worn.

Revealing full lengths of her Sapiarch's gown underneath,

reaches down for one of the outer layer's silver points,

and brings it in close, for Zansa's inspection.


"It's soo beautiful.."

Her most honest thought coming to words,

as she's feeling the different fabrics, of linework silvers,

and the sheen of silky red, that just doesn't feel man-made.

Kazandra's singing matter-of-fact,

"Every single strand, is the finest ground mithril fiber,

it's totally indestructible!

And it will never change it's shape, or shade,

as it's constantly resizing itself to fit only me!,

forever and ever!"


"I want one!"

Zansa spellbound by what she's hearing!,

she's getting light in the head!

Trying to comprehend having a chit-chat!, with this mythical creature,

that she adoores!, that just jumped out of the book!

And she's so sweet in person!

The book series would have you believe,

that she's a raging heartless monster!, that no one can talk about!

Fact and fiction are crashing together.


"Well maybe you will get one!

Strange things happen, every single day!

You didn't think you'd be standing next to Kazandra Baudelaire,

when you woke up this morning, and that happened!"

Arrogant sounding as it is, she's right.

And her chirping sweet tones, and gestures,

easily disarming, find their way to Zansa's loud laugh.


That Kara hears and turns around.

Time goes to a crawl, as Zansa watches her..

her glide is slow but covers the ground.

She's soo tall in that floor length dress, she is just effortless.

She moves in low, brushing shoulders with Kazandra.


"Well what's your name?"

Kara's angel voice, almost motherly.

She's always been fond of Tywin's family, one of her few human allies,

she's just jubilant!, to see his family now has two daughters.


Blurting it out!, she couldn't wait for it!

Shooting her hand out for the shake,

she immediately remembers from her books,

that Kara, does not let people touch her skin.

She pulls her hand back quick!,

with Kara bursting it out in a laugh!,

"How do you know?"


The little scrapper one Soraya, barging into the conversation,

"She reads your books every single night!, all night long!"


The twins are enamored. They love them already,

she is the Princess of Gideon, and the two of them are soo adorable.

The city they once knew so well, now has sisters in it's Royalty court.

Without hiding affection at all,

"Which one is your favorite?"

At exactly the same time, in the same singing tones.


"The Southern Seas Volume 1!.. is it true?, is it all truue!?"

Firing it out for confirmation!, because there it is!, in the flesh!,

and standing right in front of her!


Kara turns her smile over gorgeous, as she moves in close,

"Actually.. they left parts out!

I'll tell you the whoole stoory sometime."

The sweetest thing. She is happy to inform her.

Zansa is now gone off the rails, and incapable of speech.

There's soo many questions she has!, but none seem good enough!

So she's just gonna stand there smiling instead.


Kara rights herself tall, in a turn,

seeing Risha waving her over.

The court begins ushering in, noblemen and advisors along with townsfolk,

all funneling to the Council Hall doors.

Towards the back of the filtering crowds, and catching up from behind,

Soraya is beaming looks at her sister.

"You were only half right!"

Zansa giving her due credit.


Gathering inside, the auditorium is packed standing room only.

Quiet shuffling, nervous whispers, as everyone is eagerly awaiting what Kara has to say.

Risha scanning back's of the crowds, keeping a perimeter,

towards the rear and blocking the exit.

Kazandra staying right in her shadow, reaching to hook an arm,

fiddling with her hooded cinch, pulling on it tighter.

Even to Risha, these are mostly strangers here.

"Just split, if it goes bad."

Totally straight-faced.


Her whisper went way too loud!, heads turned!

Kazandra almost jumped when she squeaked it.


Risha reining her back in,

"I'm kidding!, she's so good at this..

just watch, she's gonna hypnotize all these people,

I've seen her do it a hundred times."


"She can have it."

Barely a whisper, underneath a shadowed hood,


In a scoffing laugh, she still heard it.


Kara's entrance is deafeningly silent.

Introduced by King Tywin, at center hall,

she glides the room at jogging pace, without bob in her step.

To a full elegant curtsy.

"Good evening, everyone."

Her most gracious tones.

"I see.. so many new faces, but they're not new..

your grandparents and I, defended this very hall.

We celebrated our victory together..

we were once allied so strong.

When the central armies came for me,

It was your great King that held them at bay."


She layers her voice thick, it's bouncing the walls now.

"They would have taken everything from me.

My home, my family..

but now they're coming after your home.

And this new army.. they won't settle for defeat,"

stirring through the crowds..

-"What are they!?"

A yelp from the back!

-"I have nothing left!, they get over the walls!"

Another yelp from the crowd!

-"Ther Wer-wolves ya fool!"

Side talk now scattering through the room.



Tywin silences the room like a gavel.

Kara slows her speech patterns softer, she gave them a little too much,

this is not rehearsed, it's all from the hip.

"This is bigger than the north.. this will be worldwide.

And they are most certainly not, werewolves."

She spots at least two in the crowds,

as your average werewolf is a proud citizen, raising a family.

Just suffering a horrible affliction, and undeserving of linked persecution.

"I am not here to bring you fear..

I think we've all had enough of that.

I'm here to give you hope."

The room is hanging on her words now.


"Does anyone remember the gold and spice runs?,

we were once all so prosperous..

our trade went all the way down to freeport.

I intend to rebuild everything."

Slow and firm at the ending, shuffling from the crowds,

they've been closed off economically for so long.


"There is a new king that sits the throne in Capital City.

He was surprisingly receptive, to our meeting in person.

Perhaps this is a new era I've awakened in."

-"What if it's a trap!?"

A shout from the side!, as Risha eyeballs him.


"If it's a trap, then Capital City will be mine."

She silences the crowd again.

"But I assure you it is not,

and when I come back from forming this allegiance,

we will have the full support of the central armies."

She digs a few spurs in the ends of their seats,

"Your children!, won't have to fight this war!,

I will reinforce both our kingdoms from rampart to rampart!

And purge the lands in between!"

A few cheers from the crowd now,

excited claps with beloved tones of her name.


She gets emotional on the close and it's real, down a few octaves.

"I love the North.. as you all do..

It is our home.. and it's time to fight for it!

I will stop at nothing but die!, never will Gideon fall!"

'I love you Karas' are bellowing through the room.


Walking out of the assembly court, the air is easy.

Light mood, and side by side, Tywin and Kara are the last to filter out.

Catching up on what seems like ages, pointing out towers that fell,

and rebuilt stronger. Where this happened, and remember when that happened.

Taking a walk down memory lane together, on a perfectly clear, moonlit evening.

Tywin personally escorting her to carriage, just like old times.


Kara has so few human allies, Tywin is her most cherished,

she had one request. And he obeys it like northern law.

Kazandra was never to be mentioned, she is never to be seen.

Kara would die. If Kazandra had to live the same brutal life as her's and Risha's.

Ducking and dodging the glory hounds for decades,

constantly looking over their shoulder.

Or at worst.. become the very evil described.

Which is why the world only knows her as a hooded cloak,

only a small handful left alive, have ever seen the red dress.


Tywin fulfilled his role to the T

Never swaying in his argument, keeping control of the narrative.

The only thing you saw was Kara, and you mistook it.

There is no Kazandra, get that name off your lips.

The red dress became nothing more than a unicorn.

There was no freedom of speech, in discussing that name.

It was met with suppression and ridicule, to bury it among the rafters.

Even when the published, cult popular book, of The Butcher's Blade,

showcased her streaking like a spectacle, through the War of Gideon.

The name Kazandra is never actually mentioned.

Although the author was crafty, and clues were left hidden in the text.


"That's gone well hasn't it?"

The two having a stop-an-chat, just at the front row of her horses.

Tywin's usual stoic voice, takes on younger nuances around her.

"Only superb!"

Kara with figurative skips in her glide, feeling her plan come together,

just as she envisioned it.

"Our new, younger council, seems quite fond of you,

how do we feel about capital city though?

A boy will take the throne, you think?"

Tywin referring to her guidance, but only in private.


"The king's illness is severe, a fossil of the old ways,

a tyrant.. I've met him, he won't be missed.

But the apple fell far from the tree,

the child is nothing like him.

The prince will take over Bobby, I can feel it..

and I mean everything."

She is the only person in the world that can get away,

with calling him Bobby, because that's what they were to each other.

He was the little prince Bobby Tywin, and she was big-bad Kara.


"If you're looking for some reassurance,

he quoted one of my books."

She giggles the ending, as Tywin bursts out laughing!,

"Well I see you have your work cut-out for you as usual,

but I must retire.

My children are in no doubt, standing in their beds waiting for me."

"They are adorable!"

Kara firing it in.


"I've prepared your usual suite for you, should you desire."

Tywin's gracious offer, explodes the reaction out of her,

"O Thank you!, uh the memories,

that will do nicely."

She curtsies the ending,

as he returns the bow on cue.

"Truly a pleasure Kara."

Solid eye contact, and he knows not to extend a hand,


Chirping it back immediate.


An absolutely massive midnight black muzzle,

with a small white diamond in it's fur pattern,

goes in a drag up her shoulder, taking a resting cuddle against her neck.

"I missed you too."

Returning the affection, she goes right for the ear scratch,

then a few more itch relievers under his chin.

Watching Tywin saunter off in his usual manner,

she catches the giggling profiles of her sisters,

from the adjacent street corner, on approach to the horses.

They appear to be the same height at this distance,

even though they're not. One is always dangling off the other.

They are lost in their own world,

playing a game, that no one from here knows.


Well at least it's a game to one of them,

"I'm gonna get it one day!"

She barely hears it.

Seeing Kazandra get her hands slapped away,

from the fabled broadsword beneath Risha's cape.

So large it doesn't look made for her,

sitting diagonal across her back.

"Yea yer gonna get it alright."


A small thin flask passing between them,

"The sooner you take off that veil..

the easier it's going to be."

Risha trying to ease her out of so many years of hiding.

"Well then.. ther gonna stare at me!,

aren't they?.. maybe i'm just being paranoid."

Passing the flask to Risha, she starts unclasping a few buttons.


"Nope.. it's not, they are..

but not half as bad as witch goddess over there,

you'l get used to it."

Now passing mid pack of the horses,

a sudden clopping of hooves, the manes start swishing.

Muzzles all start moving Risha's direction.

"I can hear you.. y'know."

Kara making a lounge out of the cabin stairs,

beckons an ivory point, at what's been passing between them.

Even for her large build, Kara's ears are pronounced,

they are rolled back against her scalp, and sweeping upwards.

Partially concealed by her spiraled bun.


"Heloo darlings."

Risha on the receiving end of nuzzling headbutts from the monsters,

whispering their names, she greets each one of them personally.

Moving down the line, at the cabin,

about to take a leaning spot next to Kara,

Kazandra catches up from tow, fiddling off her cloaked veil,

"Well aren't you the popular one!,

they loved you in there!, I may never wear this raggedy cloak aga-AAHHK!"


Scooted from the rear and dragging toes!,

she goes sprawling face first!, into Risha's back!

Making a domino of the three!, with Kara leaning for the Wilhelm pass.

The bump sending it from Risha's hands, overturning it,

going in a dive down Kara's bust, OPEN.

Risha heard the click from her jaw it was so sudden!

This special breed of horses, must be twenty four hands high!

And one got low.. giving her a sweeping muzzle shove to the backside!



Kara immediately going fishing!

A few dark red beads in a run off her dress,

she folds it out of her cleavage backwards.. losing even more in the turn.

A small play growl coming out of her, as there's now a cold stream to her naval.


"It's not my fault!, it's always that one!"

Covering her backside with both hands!,

in a skip to the other side of Kara.


"He just wanted you to say hi!,

didn't yoou?.. aww Gibby yer such a good boy,

who's a goood booy?"

Risha getting the aftermath nuzzles,

rewarding his behavior!

Kazandra swears the horse's neighing sounds like laughter.


Kara and Risha are master equestrians.

There really is no human measure for their skill.

They've had centuries of bonding experiences, raised entire generations of new breeds.

Like a family tree forking, they've had the equivalent of great great grand kids in their stables.

Risha is so good.. she can ride standing on one leg, keeping the balance of a tea cup on her head.

Kara is a mad scientist.

And responsible for the seventeen hand shining white thoroughbred,

one of the most popular breeds in the world!

Kazandra who was raised in a tiny, isolated.. pristine palace of learning,

has never caught on to horseback, she finds them smelly,

and rude.. "He bites my Butt!"


Bursting laughter from the girls!, with Kazandra joining in last.

There is an insider's joke, that they are all aware of,

within the inner circles of the college, Kazandra is known as the 'cheekier' twin.

If you were to put Kara's swan ballerina frame in a figurative press,

certain parts would just become more, horizontal.


The cabin doors wide open, and lounging on the stairs,

the three of them recapping the evening.

Kara is getting flashes of DeJaVu, it's so surreal, them being all together again,

and having a nightcap at the foot of their family's carriage.

"That went almost too well didn't it?,

I figured Risha would drag at least three out.

Tywin is a doll!, he kept our suite for us y'know?"

Wide smiles from Kara, catching the gabs quickly,

from Kazandra's very strong concoction.


"Hah!, there's always next time.."

Risha's cackling coming out,

"I luv that suite!, our little bobby, grew up to be the greatest king in the north!

Speaking of little kings..

did the new beau in Cap city really go sweet on you?,

or was that just part of the speech?

I don't know if you remember last time..

but they were pulling off table legs!,

and grinding down wooden stakes out of them!"

Now exceeding the limits of her vast alcohol tolerance.

Off balance, with a lean on Kazandra for the pass,

in the manner of please take this away from me.


Kazandra's 'keke' laugh through her teeth,

"Wooden stakes.. what is that?,

who thought of that anyway?.. I don't get it!?

What exactly is that going to do, other than pick my teeth?"

Kazandra hooking an arm, but more for steadying this time.

Risha is chained and sword'd, she is not light of weight.

"They'd need a boat mast for yer choppers."

Her jealous nudge, she loves them.

Kazandra has the largest canine fangs of the sisters.

The longest exquisite curve inwards, to a diamond cutting point.

She's been wearing them since birth, growing up along with them.

And she feels no need to hide them away, as Kara does.

Just by the way she speaks..

posture tilts of her head, the way she smiles.

Covering them up in her speech patterns,

instinctively Kara hides them.


Where as Kazandra has no qualms whatsoever,

in front of whomever. Rolling ruby's all the way back,

and brandishing full fanged mannerisms!

All the time!

"He quoted us.."

Kara interjecting, trying to get the last few sips,

a hiccup attached following, with a scrunched tick escaping.


"He did not!"

Risha blurting out!, that is game-changing news!


"He did!, he called us Sirens!,

and said he wishes he could sail with us one day!"

An edified introduction, like taking candy from a baby.


"Aww!, they love that story don't they!?, it feels different Kara."

Risha can sense it in the air.

The fear of her, has died with the last generation,

they are curious now.

"I luv that story too!"

Kazandra squeaking it, in a lazy scoot up the stairs,

not quite on par with their age of tolerance,

looking for a landing on the pillows.

"Tywin's daughters are angels by the way,

do they remind you of anyone?"

Over her shoulder, with bursting laughter from the girls!

"Zansa IS Kara isn't she!?,

and the scrappy one is you!"

Risha belting it loud, it's so obvious.


"I adoore them. And who knows what the future might bring,

speaking of.."

Stumbling up the stairs, to Kazandra who is splayed out face first,

in a drape across the plush cushions.

"The children don't really know, how dangerous it is Kazandra,

please keep an eye on them?"



Out after the S.

Turning over in maroon satin throw blankets,

already mumbles coming from her sleep.

Kara gives her privacy, closing the doors, snuffing out lanterns.

Her and Risha take a drunken stroll through 'their' ghost town city.

Care-free, making jokes as they go, while the world around them is shuttered in.

"I'd feel bad for it.. if one snucks it's way in now."

"Yea becuz u play with yer food!"

Their eastern penthouse overlooking the seaboard,

is a pearl atop castle stones.

While Castle Baudelaire was being constructed, this was their home.

And they can't wait to go see it. They're at a wobbling, jogging pace.



Chapter 4.


Zansa's small personal carriage, sits just outside the western gates.

On the outskirts of Gideon, parked along the road.

With her driver and armed guard on wait.

The afternoon sun burning away on the horizon,

three children, just a short walk from the carriage,

in a small gardener's field, up against the forested treeline.

With her house mastiff 'Babe', doing bird chasing laps around the perimeter.

Are all picking berries, and delectable fruits, for the big dinner tonight.


"She's not reeally pretty y'know?"

Sneering Geoff, as they're all gathering baskets closer together.

One of her neglected nephews, in-bred, and outright ignored.

Who had nothing better to do, but be a tag-along with the Princess.

And try to woefully win her affection.


"She is too!"

Soraya who is hip high!, to him,

dropping her groceries, jabbing a point up at him.

Zansa immediately separates the two.

As seeing on many occasion before where this is going to go,

the two are constantly at each other's throats.

"O shuttup Geoff!"

Dismissing him, it's his normal behavior,

pulls Soraya alongside her, and increases the distance between them.

He closes the gap immediately.


"It's true!, I heard.. it's a spell, just a dumb illuusion..

and she really looks like, a scabby old corpse!,

with probably maggots coming out of her eyes!

I bet you nothing is true about her!"

Geoff is going above and beyond the call of duty today,

seeing their excited, adoring tones talking about her,

he can't wait to try an bring them down, to his miserable existence.

Two hazy firing eyes flashed above him, from the treeline.

A soft hiss the kids couldn't hear.


Soraya turns on him again!,

but this time Zansa takes charge.

"You PIG! You're just a little barnacle Geoff!

No pretty girl will ever have you!

So the only option you have left, is to be mean!"

Like a series of blows, she just leveled him.

The same effect as a punch, she got him right on the nose.


Geoff's father is much higher statured than Tywin.

He is first in line to be a King, even ruling lands outside of the North.

And he's not going to be spoken to like that,

by the two 'weird' girls that hide out in Gideon forever.

Without a hint of warning!,

the backhand flies right from his ego!

With a loud leather SLAP!

Zansa's never been struck before!,

gasping out!, she falls back to her rump, with arms bracing the fall!


The furred haze of bounding mastiff shoulders,

barreling through the garden..

her loyal dog Babe, was in-action at the sound of the slap.

Crushing down hard!, like it's snapping carrots!

It gets hold of the same hand that slapped her!

Geoff screaming out!, as he rips his hand away!,

raking teeth gouges through his gloves from the wrench!


Seeing blood trails..

trickling through the gouges, covering his hand now.

Furious Geoff.

His FENCING HAND!, you stupid beast how dare you!

As young as he may be, he takes his sword fighting very seriously.

He trains every day, and this is months of setback.

Draws his sabre in off-hand!,

while the girls frantically grab on the dog!, pulling it backpedal!,

"Stop it Geoff!, get away from us!"

Crying out loud!


But Geoff isn't listening anymore, a debt must be paid.

In raise of the sabre over his head,

"An assault on the king's family, is the same as an assault on the king himself."

Taking aim at center mass of the large dog, arm raised now behind his head,

he brings it down hard!, with shutting eyes, for a quick bitter end.

But it goes nowhere.

Like a bad dream, his muscles couldn't compel it one inch.


In the speed that which only Kazandra Baudelaire can move,

she caught the blade bare handed!, still raised behind his head!

Then absolutely flattens him!

By taking the sabre, and sinking it in the ground behind him.

So fast he couldn't let go!, the force of her backwards pull-down!,

splashes him flailing on his back!, she did it all in one motion!

She then stomps a barefoot on the hilt,

burying the sabre in earth.


"Why you LITTLE!.. Snot-nosed!, Tenderfooted!, Lemon-eating BRAT!"

Eyes on fire!, as she's growling him down on approach!

He tries to get legs underneath him, but far too scared to hold him!

Now scrambling in crab walk, backing up from her,

"Kar.. Ka-ra?"

The only words he can muster.


"I am not Kara.. but if I was.. I would riip your tongue out!"

Hissing her matter-of-fact!,

she scrunches his entire shirt front, twisting in her strong grip,

and picks him off the ground one handed!, off his feet!

Now eye to eye with her six foot tall frame!

As she's pointing a smokey tipped talon at his EYE,

"If I EVER!.. catch you anywhere!, near these girls again!"

He's peeing.


"Blaeech!, eewww."

She drops him like a soiled rag in the heap.

Glancing over her shoulder, the girls are in total shock.

Backing up from her, trying to process just how fast that all happened.

It was ferociously precise, applying exactly enough to not hurt him,

but still get her point across.

The house mastiff Babe, is nowhere to be seen.


Clearing away her murderous face, this is not what she wants.

She skips her way in.

Bubbly bounce, moving right into a teapot.

Crooking posture with a hipped hand,

her other arm outstretched, and twiddling fingers Geoff's direction.

"Was that guy bothering you?"

Really trying to break the scared ice off of them,

"Yer SOo fasst!"

It's working, the scrapper Soraya exploded it,

for the first time in her young life, she can feel a sisterly bond forming.

It's so relatable now, seeing live what Zansa's always raving about.

"I try."

Kazandra's smooth wink.


Zansa who is still grasping for words,

"Were you, watching us?"

Hesitant, not wanting to offend,

and still not coming on approach to her.


"Maaybe.. and what are you dooing out here?

It's almost dark..

you hear of the ongoing, nighttime werewolf, forest problem going on?"

Twiddling her fingers some more, and laying on the sarcasm,

the little ones can't help but start giggling.


The children, cannot see this. Or hear it.

The driver with armed guard, standing in wait at their carriage,

have no idea either.

They are NOT alone.

Kazandra is merely playing it, very coy. Giving no hints whatsoever.

She can hear them. She is part of the forest.. she can see them.

Spending soo many years as a haunt, nothing escapes her infallible senses.

Perfecting them over the years, with long spans of practice,

as curiosity and boredom during her banishment,

led her on several skulking runs, where she would infiltrate Gideon.

Using the forest as her sanctuary.


With her senses feeling through the forest,

her bare feet on the ground,

she's picking up the bustling of supernatural bodies.

Green eyes through the thickets, pinging from different directions,

and they are circling closed like a noose.


Inky blues coming over the horizon now,

Kazandra quickens her control of the situation.

Still no change in her tones or behavior,

there is no need for alarm yet.

She knows her masterful steps,

in the supernatural game of chess, they are playing at distance,

are far ahead of their shambles.

"Come along."

Winging the girls in, as a quiet for once Geoff,

goes in a pull for his sabre, to unseat it from the ground.


With subtle motivation in hurrying their pace along,

her escort to the carriage stops short, the other one.

Kazandra peers back over a shoulder,

to see Geoff getting nowhere on that sabre.

She doesn't really want to help him, but they need to go.

A bloody massacre of flying werewolf parts,

with screeching howls of terror, echoing through the night!

Is NOT!, the traumatizing image, she wants the children to have of her!


Walking over she squeezes a toe under the hilt,

and in one motion, rips it to her waiting hand.

With a fast ambidextrous flip from hand to hand,

she runs an impressive fan behind her back,

in a figure eight with the point.

Rising tall in a stretch, the sabre goes dancing across the back of her shoulders,

while head ducking forward, it passes whirling behind her neck.

Spinning flat down her arm, to a resting neutral position on her fingertip!

"Perfectly balanced."

Flings it right in his sheathe without looking.


Geoff feeling like he just became man, discovering woman,

is silent, and in total awe of her.

Having the utmost respect for swordplay,

what she just did was other-world beautiful to him.

He's too enthralled to realize how fast she's scooting his pace,

almost in a run, trying to keep up with her ushering fast stride.

The pinging eyes in her senses,

are becoming erratic, confused like they would have already.

A step forward, then two steps back, stuttering progress.

Picking up on Kazandra's presence.


"Ride with us, pleease!"

Zansa begging, while Soraya hops up and down on her arm.

"After you."

Graciously sweet, Kazandra finally drops her guard.

The encroaching threat, looming around in her senses,

has what felt like to her, been called off.

"Baabe!, come girl!, coome on."

The mastiff keeping it's distance, as they're all waiting for it,

filing in at the carriage steps.

Low slung head to the floor, in submission,

passing by up the steps. What felt like being singled out,

in Kazandra's mind.. it wasn't, it's just what dogs do to new people.


Peeking inside the carriage, caught the boop, from his wandering sniffer.

With hands going behind, in a quick turn,

the children's bursting giggle following!,

"Babe stop that!, scoot scoot!"


Bumping along the small road, the carriage ride is painful quiet.

The girls don't know what to say!, Zansa has a million things racing through her mind,

but none seem good enough to actually utter.

"I Luv yer braids!"

Soraya bursting through the silence.

Kara's hair is always tightly wrapped.

In a smooth rake across her face, and pinned set.

Only one eye is fully exposed, with arches an all.

Kazandra's hair is pulled back, she is full face.

Nothing hovers her eyes in battle.

Flowing a braided top weave like a crowned web, held in place by polished opal beads,

and then braided again in the back, over the sweeping fall of platinum's beneath.


"It's called a War Braid!"

She loves it too!, and she bursts it out, in Soraya's same fashion.

"it's a strong braid for battle!, everything stays in place..

and it's still pretty!"

Infectious giggles spreading throughout the cabin,

Kazandra can see what Zansa is asking.

"Come here Zansa."

Motioning for her to have a seat,

turned backwards, right in front of her.


She pulls the pin, fanning out Zansa's long fall of auburn reds,

halfway down her back.

And starts fashioning a war braid, of her ironing board straight hair.

Seeing that Soraya's hair is much shorter,

and won't pull back to fit the war braid,

"Next time i'm here Soraya,

make sure to grow your hair out, so I can braid yours too."

Winking with a smile her direction.


Off the edge of her seat, firing back!

"I do."


Her hands are meticulously precise,

gentle but firm fingertips, easily working the braid in fast fashion,

like she's done it many times before.

Zansa's hair is so pliable, and fine, and there's so much of it!

She's enjoying just seeing how beautiful it's turning out.

A few twists of strands together by pinky,

separating out long bangs down the sides of her chin.

"So why is the Southern Seas your favorite book?,

you don't like the Butcher's Blade?"

Her adoring smile, there is no wrong answer.


"She has to keep wash rags by her bed!"

The scrapper bursting in!

But that was a little too personal,


Zansa scolds a look. Then her eyes hit the floor.

"It's true..

I always cry when I read it."

Kazandra stops what she's doing. Draws a slow breath.

She knows exactly what Zansa is talking about.

For eighteen years growing up in the college,

The Southern Seas Volume 1.

Had a permanent home by her pillow.


Fade to Kara's origin story.



Chapter 5 - The Southern Seas (Flashback)


The Southern Seas is no place for children.

Fractured remnants of the Crusade Wars, leaving the isles in war torn refuge.

A savage land, time has just all but forgotten, left to wallow in it's corruption.

Living pirate legends, thieves and scoundrels, convicts seeking safe haven,

all looking to add to their riches by any means necessary,

under the madcap cloak of this, swashbuckling era.

The un romantic growing pains, in the Age of Sail.


Volcanic mountainous island chains, spread out like fingers in a spiral from the center.

Layers of mist, blanket whole islands invisible, there is no complete charting of the southern isles,

even in present day.

Surrounded by lore induced ocean tides, no sense can be made of it!

Narrow channels through the atolls, where what looks like the midnight depths,

turns to running aground, in only a moments notice.

Uncanny storms, forming only in this humid air, with four seas colliding.

Send squalls across the chains in leaping violence, from one island to another.

What was just a deluge blanket of hail stones in front of you,

turns to a soft chirping sun shower, while your back was turned.

There is nothing predictable, about the Southern Seas.

In the cloak of midnight, at the largest island of Port Royale..


Two seventeen year old best friends, Kara and Risha,

flee the orphanage trying to sell Kara for a fortune, due to her unique almost inhuman beauty.

Word spreads fast around the island chains, for children are a rare commodity.

In Kara's case, it was only a matter of time.

Wise beyond her years Risha, upon noticing eyes start glancing her direction,

whispers in the halls as she grew into her body. Her solution was the only thing at her disposal,

and something there was plenty of.

She layered herself in filth. Begging to be just a rust stained flower on the wall.

Head-long dives in the pig trough, no problem!, a blessing!

The smellier the better!.. please ignore me!

Anything to keep the woo'ish remarks at bay,

hiding away her Raven's beauty like a curse.

For the latter is far worse than just being offensively soiled.


Being out casted as the smelly girl, was a brutal double edge.

A lonely shell, as none of the other girls wanted anything to do with her.

She's always had an edge, about her persona, they didn't want to offend her,

they did worse. Flat out ignored, she didn't exist at all.

Until one day an awkward, six foot five swan arrived.. the outcasts banded together.


Since they met at the orphanage, Risha has been looking out for Kara.

She's just not the type to turn her head in ignorance,

while wandering lustful, old hands of the faculty,

were getting far to familiar with a fourteen year old Kara.

And with Princess Kara not being able to defend herself,

certainly not the type to go diving in pig troughs,


Risha took the lead.

Barreling in on one encounter, fists balled up!, launching her whole body at them!

With zero regard for her own safety!, they just couldn't best her.

Born with her sense of fighting, it is innate.

Hands instinctively grab for her shoulders, tie up her arms!, wrestle her down.

But they missed.. she went low, aiming for the hips, to a grapple ground and pound.

Cussing them as she pummeled their old faces,

a tooth collection followed, with zero percent exaggeration.

Even as a teenager, her faster strides and hard cracking knuckles,

from young strong bones. In no way could the broken down faculty keep up.

It takes five of them!, to actually get her under control.


No matter the disciplinary action, she would never back down.

Upsetting Risha, just became far too much trouble.

Taking a beating, water boarded for the length of a day, locked in starving isolation,

would definitely teach her!

But they would be wrong.


Risha grew up a dreg in the streets with nothing.

So she doesn't count on anything being there anyway.

Having bared witness to desensitizing events, that a child should never see,

she has nothing to lose. Because the 'other-side', has to be better than this.

She's had to fight for mere bread scraps with tooth and nail, since she was a toddler!

But then she found something to lose,

she found love. And Kara's love is an addiction,

because she's good at it. It swells from her like a radiating light.

Enveloping the two during this time of hardship,

the years pass on, growing an unbreakable bond between them.

For Kara the feelings are immense.

Too timid at the time, to speak more than five words in a row,

Risha was a constellation in the sky to her.


They've had to live their young lives, in constant fear and struggle.

Learning to sleep with one eye open, fighting for food or you won't get enough.

Watching, as other girls disappear from the halls, with new ones coming in.

Dreading that one day, where it will be one of them.


War rages in the skyline above them from the west.

With riches littering the seas from Crusade ruins,

the East Indian Armada, and Southern Allies, are fighting for trade dominance.

A massive war in history, slowly baring down upon them from the sea.



Chapter 6.


"Get up Kara!"

Risha tugging at Kara's pajamas, fast asleep in a cocoon'd curl.

Reaching up from the lower bed of their tandem bunk,

"Can't you hear that out ther!, how are you even sleeping?"

Off comes her blanket to the floor,

"Waake up!, Karaa!"

Kara in turning sleepy grogs, clearing her eyes..

to see Risha's jet black hair, getting parallel to her bunk in leaps.


Straight to a stiff arm perch, leaning over the side,

seeing the intensity all over her face,

"What's happening?, are you ok?"


"Not me, you!"

Opening her drawer, she fishes Kara's gown,

balling it up and throwing it at her!

Kara still fighting off sleep, starts a slow tumble out of bed,

adjusting her gown, making the neckline even,

and lining up the seams so they're perfect.

Reaching for a hair tie, to calm down the bed-head mess,

Risha's hand intercepts, with a pull towards the doors,

"Not now princess!, we're outta here."


Risha in lead like she's dragging an anchor.

Whisking her through the halls, sidestepping the lit doorways,

bounding down flights of stairs.

It's the middle of the night, faculty patrols are on time intervals,

she's calculating just minutes to make their leave.


"Are you gonna tell me what's going on!?"

Gasping Kara, while struggling to keep pace,

pulling on her for answers.

"Try and keep it together, but you're next..

In the morning."

Risha not giving eye contact, spotting her route as she goes.


Kara bursting the interrupt.


Risha with her still in tow, can feel in her handhold, just how hard that hit.

"buh.. it, can't be.. how do you know?"

Tears forming, Kara's steps go flatfooted.


"I had kitchen detail, I heard all the nobles and traders,

it's you Kara.. the 'silver haired girl',

they started a damn bid!"

Disgusted as she's repeating it, cussing them under her breath.

Risha leading them away from attention,

alley side widows, through the wash room laundry pen.

Searching for an unbarred window, low enough to drop out of.


Kara hot flashes pale, tears pooling eyelids already.


Hard choking the squeak, she barely got it out.

"I'm scared!, I don't even know my name!

I'm not going anywhere else!"

She's losing it.


The two reaching a window ledge, mostly.. suitable to make their escape from.

"That's right you're not, because we're not gonna be here."

Risha fumbling with the lock, as it's not giving either way without a key,

"Uuhg, this sh*thouse!"

Quickly grabbing a few linens from the pile,

folds over a few wraps, and crashes an elbow through the glass!


Kara can't focus, can't think straight, everything is wrong.

"What, can just us?.. possibly do!, where can we goo!?,

they'l find us!, and lock us up forever!,

we'll never see each other again!

All alone again!"

Her legs are weakening, this is too much.

Collapsing to the floor.

Risha yanks her up to feet!

"You're not ALONE!, yer with me! And we ain't staying here!

They can't catch what they can't see,

now keep up!"


Risha vaults it.

Two stories up, guessing a landing, swinging two legs in a turn, and out!

To crunching the hard landing, that throws her in a roll,

so brutal knees compressed to her chest, clearing all the winds on impact.

Looking up to see Kara,

fully splayed out, long stretches of dangling tiptoes searching for a foothold,

"Juust drop."


"OOoo, ACcK!"

Kara squeaking her thud, as she falls back to her rump.

"Do we have a plaan?"

Asking whilst being dragged again.

"A boat!"

Yelping Risha, with way too much confidence.


"You mean like in the ocean a boat?.. do you know how to sail a boat?"

Being raised in the isles, they have subconsciously assimilated sailing terms,

observed up close the mariner's lifestyle, they know it better than they think.

But that doesn't mean we can just up and sail one!

Kara's mind chattering away, turning pages of outcomes,

trying to find the same one she's on.


"Mostly no, but we're doing it!"

Thriving Risha, this is what she knows best,

racing through dark alleys, with the hope of freedom on the other side.

Avoiding main streets, and lit entryways, sounds of the crashing ocean getting closer.

"The cliffs!?"

Gasping Kara!, as they're not going towards the port at all!

"We have to!, we'l get caught any other way!"

Risha knows, just how dangerous the streets are,

for a young girl in the middle of the night, surrounded by desperation.

Kara goes silent, this is going to take all the effort she has.

Getting caught, is too terrible to think about.


Risha in lead, the two flee the lights of Port Royale, into overcast darkness.

Pursuing a treacherous path along a sheer uneven ledge,

traversing around Port Royale, at the water's edge.

What would be an average stroll, will take them all night.

To coming around the backside of the city's harbor, under the cloak of darkness,

and steal whatever boat is closest cliffside.


Making their slow attempt, at the precariously jagged hike,

is like threading a yarn through the needle's loop,

"Stop looking down!"

Risha pleading!, there are soo many forces against us!

This is really bad, she's not having second thoughts,

but this is really bad! A lot more than she'd counted on,

the moaning winds, are body pushing hard.

With plumes coming up from white water sprays,

making everything wet!

The two inching forward, while hugging the vertical of a cliff face.

Enough room on the ledge for no mistakes, Kara is shaking the lead.

Risha keeping her in front, so without a doubt, she won't outpace her.

"Ri-sha!, I can't see what i'm doing!"


Kara feigning a flinch, to clear water from her eyes,

far too terrified to let a handhold go.

The horrors beneath.

She can't stop scanning it, inky crashes turn to foam,

then roaring up the bluffs!, from triple overhead unrelenting waves.

The tide rising with every demand for clear vision,

her violently shaking leg, searching the best path.

Sobbing out loud, this is way too much for her!

She knows she can't make it!, trying to find footholds in the pitch dark,

catching a slip!, she feels a hand smash her against the wall!

"Stop!, just hold still a minute, caalm doown."

Risha from just behind, plants her against the cliffs,

leaning her body into it, so Kara can't fall backwards.


"I can't do this.."

No eye contact, Kara's confidence is bottoming out.

Risha is mortified, but she won't show it.

"Not with that attitude yer not."

The two huddled tight, waiting for a break in the weather.

But it's becoming worse, the tide is just below them,

with a thunderous swell, inching closer by the drop of the moon in the sky.

And they have a long way to go,

"I'm gonna lead, and you hold onto me, ok?

Step exactly where I step, ok?"

Everything she has to stay calm.

She has to show Kara confidence for the both of their sakes,

project the image and believe that you will make it.



It's all she has.

Switching positions, in a tight crawl over,

Risha goes back up against the wall, leaving her hand trailing for Kara.

Sidestepping together, while gripped firm at each other's forearms.

Making steady progress with Risha in lead,

circle a bend in the face, the soft yellows of the city's harbor lights appear.

To stopping short, along with the feelings of hope on the horizon.


Kara couldn't hear it entirely through the howling winds,

but it was a severe cuss.

Leaning a peek over Risha's shoulder, focusing hard to see where it goes,

a gap in the trail, the length of a man and then some.

Washed out by the waterfall above, with a downgrade landing,

and everything is slippery wet.

"You can make it."

Because she has to.


Kara is approaching hyperventilation!

Speechless, her breath is pounding as fast as her heart.

Risha backs them up a few steps,

"You want me go first?"

-"YES!, NO!, I don't know!"

She's gone. Kara now just mumbling in terrified yelps.

"You can do it!, jump right at me!, and don't look down!"

Risha tries to make it look easy for her,

but it wasn't.

She only got half of what she thought, with the winds pushing on her.

Barely clearing it, had to catch herself from going over the side.

Gathering tall with a hand out motioning,

Kara has the span of a giant!, she can definitely make it!


Her foot slides the slick without a plant!

Kara's body in unsure shakes!, with no jump at all!

Flails out in horrified eye contact!, THIS IS IT!

Risha goes diving flat!, with hands clawing out!

"KARA!, NOOoo!"

Catching the last grasp of her collar from below!,

the weight of her fall, clears them both off the ledge!


Riding the waterfall in screaming drop out!,

through the carved out groove from above.

Kara takes the first skeleton jarring hit!, from jagged rock across the shin!,

with all of their toppling weight combined!

Shrieking out in pain!, they go barreling through the whitewash!

Muffled plunging the depths, it goes quiet as the world switches over.

Survival instinct is all that remains.

The best of their senses available, the feeling of cloth underhand,

desperately trying to cling together.

Strong currents underfoot, rushes coming from different directions,

the caverns below swallowing whale sized gulps, with each rise of the tide.

Pulled and turned, with ups and downs, there is no heading for the surface anymore.

They are passengers now.


The vacuum pulls like a grasping hand.

Opening up wide, the cavern among the caverns.

Risha can feel it find it's way through the currents, grab on strong with a plunging flush!

Sending them in a rag-doll!, down through the cliffside's hidden funnels!

Gaining speed with Risha flailing for resistance, slow us down!

Fighting for the both of them!, side by side together, in a plummeting slide!

Banking a hard concave left, to a crashing up the wall stop!

Risha screams out a gasp!, bobbing her head through a burst of pocket air!

Pulls over Kara so she's face to face, SHE'S UNCOSCIOUS!

Down through the funnels again!, it just broke open like a trapdoor!

Leveling out fast, forming a lip into nowhere!, a vast open space in the cave!

Risha drags a catch on the lip with one hand!, Kara's hand in the other,

over the side and stretching it all out!

"I'll take over from here, my dear."

She didn't hear it, she swears she didn't.

It was just terrified psychosis in her head.


Finally turns a look at what's below her.

It's built like a spiked cage.. and it's beating.

Below Kara's dangling legs, fifty feet down, a giant heart the size of a horse.

The Dark Heart. The beat between twos takes forever, like it ages slower than time.

In the pitch of darkness, she can barely make it out,

what looks like a fan of calcified arteries at the top,

rows of dark vines in layers, trailing like fingers to the walls behind it.

Hues of dark reds, are pulsing off of it, in beat.

Her shoulders on fire, from the aching burn, of Kara swaying in her full wingspan hold.

In no way could she pull her up, seconds left.

In what felt to her like a flick,

a wait, for Risha's slow dangling swing, to be at the right angle of attack.

The handhold of rock at the lip, gives way under her grasp.

To silence. Nothing but the rushing winds of freefall.

Risha shuts down, and off. An absolute overload to her soul,

seeing the unreal as it is, gaining the belief of everything unknown,

then losing everything at the same time.



Chapter 7.


'It's warm..'

Kara's first twitch of awakening, the feel of being cradled in love.

Bent over backwards, and splayed across the top of it, with arms draping in a hang down the sides.

Impaled numerous by the Dark Heart's lancing cage, she lay limp.

With rivers of blood from the sickening gape of wounds!,

running diagonal from her collarbone, all the way down passed her hips!

The beat skips, quickening it's pace, the heart begins growing in diameter,

slowly enveloping her outline away, in fleshy tendrils of cushion, with each tick of it's pulse.

Flashing a bathe to the walls, the room heats up in glowing reds, with pinks in behind it.

Pumping loud now, the pace starts roaring with no pause in between!

The stained rivers of her blood down the sides,

begin forming drops to the floor..

to a course correction!, turning back on themselves!,

feeding the current of life, right back into her body!


This must be heaven.

Consciousness coming back slow, lights in her eyelids go from whites to reds.

I feel different.

First and foremost, her most organic thought.

New eyes come alive.

Fluttering open, to brighter hues, and far greater range of contrast.

Sharper outlines, everything is crystal clear, she can see in the dark.

Ears pinging a symphony,

she can hear the moving air in treble. Space in relation to her body is exact,

ticks and cracks buried deep within the moving tectonics,

she can hear the earth's moans and groans while settling.

The crashing ocean is right there, she could point at it.

There is a pounding drum beat in her senses, that progresses to a close.

Settling tempo to slow and low, a name rings out. 'Baudelaire'

Finally feeling inside this new body around her, lowering a chin for full view,



Flying off the heart!, she can't even process what she just saw!

To landing just beside it!, pause.

The way she landed it.. a toe balance, was all that was needed.

Gasping down in a clutch of her wounds!

Sealing shut!, right underneath her grasp, as fast as she could hold it!

Stuttering breath, and rigid straight!, I'm dreaming.

She can feel that there's another body in the cave,

lying on the floor.

Eyes find her fast! No movement.



The high pitch of her unbridled scream for the first time,

letting it all out. Clears caverns, and explodes to the ocean,

roaring with the tides.

"She's fine."

The voice in her head.. but is it in her head!?

Wheeling in a turn, looking for a body to go with it!,

why does the voice sound so familiar!?,


Risha face down, the awkward stencil of a crashing death fall.

The pool of blood beneath her head, is darkening thick.

"Her mortal body must die, as did yours."

The voice is calm, nurturing. Feelings of trust are strangely there.


Still in hysterics!, rushing over to her.. pause again.

She covered the ground in one bound.


"You will feed her."

-"With what!?"

Interrupting immediately!, waiting for the right answer!

It dawns. Her speed, strength.. the feel of the world around her.

She's not human anymore.

Inspecting the first thing she can see,

her hands, shining like armored ivory, they feel durable.

Curling her grip closed.. claws. Right under her eyes now.

Not simply fingernails as they were, point tipped forever, a talon.

With white halfmoons at the base, the hard gleaming curve,

goes razor sharp to a french pearl colored tip,

they feel like an indestructible tool.

She digs a thumb in opposite wrist.


He had the answer before she could ask.


The dig goes hard, halfway down, easily breaking through.

As she turns Risha's head against her lap, a gasp of tears come bursting out!

Her beautiful face!, I can't!, I can't see her like this!

Tremors starting full body!, she's lost concentration!

"Feeed her."


Answering immediately, she bares down the clench,

releasing a pulsing flow of blood, pouring the gash in her wrist.

Gently opening Risha's mouth, she lays it in.

Sealing off any openings with her other hand, as much as I can give her!,

please come back to me!

"She will be fine."

The impossible calm, brings her down to him.

There was a hint of labor in the voice, that Kara picked up on.

What sounded like it's recovering itself, from the energies passed on to her.

"I can't live without her, she's all I love."

Slowly rocking her in place.


"Precisely this love, my Baudelaire, that makes you two unbreakable."

The voice is now too precise in her perfect ears, it's coming from the walls,

this is not a voice in her head.

"I'm, Baudelaire?"

She's never known who she is, lost in transit, orphaned as a baby,

the small note stowed in her crib only read, 'Beloved, Kara'.

She can feel a connection forming strong with this voice,

it's growing by the second.

Still with a tight fist over Risha's lips, movement in her legs, a few twitches.

The fires of relief burn through Kara from end to end.

"Indeed you are, all but extinct, you are the very last of your kind.

Not meant to leave this world, for the balance it would undo."

The voice feels paternal, soothing tones, in echo around her now.

"Well then who's she?"

It came out sassy, but she can't explain why.

"She was.. Athrisha Saracen. A runaway brigand from Canary Shoals,

with no family to speak of.

She is now your sister, and forever known, Risha Baudelaire."

Kara feels Risha's lips come alive, against the skin of her wrist.


Watching, as a wash of glowing white, clears away the horrors of her fall.

Her new eyes flick open a few times..

In burning shafts of purpled fire!, beaming lights down a low lit hall!

To flying off in a backpedal and scrambling away!

With Kara doing the same thing opposite!

"Kara, what's happened to you!?"

-"No, you!"

Kara's eyes burning on fire also!, she just can't see it!

A booming laugh fills the cave throughout.

"You are at your most powerful, the closer you are to me.

I am Riliss, and it is my greatest honor, to finally meet you both."

The amusem*nt is all love, glowing appreciation at their newborn innocence.

The cavern takes on warming shades of pinks, turning rock all around them.

Weaving in churns he winds the room tighter,

becoming an intimate nest of space for the three of them.


"This whole time..

the path to you was this whole time."

Wise Risha with tears coming down, her powerful awakening.

Thoughts taking words, she can see it, all of it.

Every step, every slip.. every time they went this way instead of that way.

He was here waiting the path.

Kara didn't miss the jump on her own, he gave the ledge a nudge.

"I don't deal in coincidence."


The girls gathering close, immediately start mumbling adoring inspections,

"Risha you look like a paaintiing!"

Kara's squeaking burst!, with hands in a clasp of her own face!

And just like that.. she jumped in her real skin.

The camouflage she wore, her protection as a child.

The smelly girl facade, shed away in an instant, from her psyche to her toenail.

She looks older. Her hair thickened out long down her back,

in lazy waves of midnight esses.

The ivory sheen of her face, against those dark red,

permanently stained lips, with a smoked eye set-in deep,

and that smirrk! She is ravenous.

Kara, can't take her eyes away.


She gives a poke, to her shoulder that feels like iron,

Risha's wide giggle comes out..

FANGS!, they look sharp and they're big!, she looks absolutely wicked!

Wait I have fangs!, with a quick tongue check of her own.

"What are we!?"

Kara gasping out, as realization is peeling open like an onion.

Risha is stunned silence, a child examining a real world angel.


Coming out in breath, turning a hand over, seeing Kara's large octave of grip,

pearl dagger tipped!

Her hand underneath, showing dark nails, slightly shorter with less aggression towards the point.

Maroon at the base to a blackening tip.

"Nothing.. if not Vampires."

The awkward pause in his booming charm, erupts their giggles!,

they know he smiled as he said it!

"What ARE you!?"

Both at the same time!


"I am the binds of Blood.

The keeper of all being's genetic timelines, since the dawn of this world.

And you Kara, are my first born child, in ten thousand years.

Books will be written in your name, a celebration of song around campfires."

The space in between takes on new shape again,

air moving in thick reds around them now, floors moving in mist beneath their feet.

What feels like preparation, and they're seeing only the surface level.

"That's a lot to live up to.."

Brutally honest, Risha side smirked it.


Kara giggling the scold in return!, they are still arm in arm.

"Risha my dear..

you will one day be called the Master of Arms,

the hardest title to hold.

Generations of family heritage keeping intact for spans of time,

are owed to you Risha.. the General."


Riliss sets urgency in tone, as the girls are skittering about!, from what they just heard.

And about to begin bursting, a series of questions!

"My children, time is of the essence.

The East Indian trade wars, are upon us.

The ensuing destruction, will change history forever,

bringing darkness and plague for hundreds of years.

You must flee.

Leave this barren life behind, and head east to Freeport.

Forge your lives together in the new world, learning everything you can,

by each other's side."


"Wait!, we just got here!, I don't wanna leeave!,

where do we even start!?"

Frantic pitches coming from Kara,

she's never had in her young life, the doting authority of a parent.

The feeling that his love is unconditional,

she was about to pull up a seat.

Risha is heeding his every word.

"Kara my love, we will always have here.

You will learn in time, how deep our connection goes,

it grows within you. You will always know where I am.

You will learn to call on me, when your eyes lay rest.

Where we share this space together, beyond the mortal world."


"Now go!

For every moment spent learning from me,

is hinderance, to your adaptation in the real world.

Freewill, is the most powerful, long lasting learning curve."

-"What does that mean?"

Kara in side-talk over the shoulder.

"He wants us to f#$k up."

Risha slinging it back!, with all three in laughter!


A gashing seam!, goes running lengths of the cave,

to sliding a whole shelf down!, slanting backwards in a topple!

The walls begin turning rows, with stalactites being shed!, crashing down all over!

"What's happening!?"

Both girls, in head turns together!

"I must leave the Southern Isles, and seek refuge deep within the North."

Closed in upon by his mountainous ribcage, Riliss clears open a path for the girls.

Slinking down through the collapsing tunnel, to his hallowed earthen curse.


On the run!

The girls striding through the tunnel side by side,

trying to figure out which one is faster!

Yips coming out!, after each burst of a silly question.

"So, where too?"

Kara on the casual.

"Same plan, he just made it easier."

Risha fighting for lead, from a new Kara.

That doesn't wanna play tag-along anymore,

the girls come across a dead end.


Still with human instincts remaining,

they begin searching cracks, wedging rock for an opening.

Risha catches on first.

Having no fear ever of breaking a nail,

her search through a small fissure, went wrist deep.

Earth giving way to the whims of her fingers, with very little effort.

"KARA!, waatch this!"

Grabbing Kara's hand in overlap,

twists a jab!, straight through the granite wall, to elbow!

She feels Kara's strong hand begin opening up,

talons like feelers, exploring around this new world.

Popping loud as fractures in the seams fold over, to her clawing pulls,

she peels out an earthen chunk the size of a child.



Brimming at the top of her mind first,

we are far from human.

Still speechless, trying to calculate what happens next,

Risha interrupts, with a pointing smirk at the ceiling.

One more notch of awakening, smacks Kara's face.

As she leaps it to the roof overhead!

Spread out hooks and dug in deep!

Her left arm easily anchoring her, sunk to the forearm.

Toes holding her body horizontal, with just casual pressure.

Right arm free, she begins slinging down heaps of rubble,

ripping at the ceiling harder with each pull.

Excavating a large hole through the granite above them.


Risha leaps it!

Taking opposite side of the hole, with her right arm dug in deep for stability.

Left arm assisting Kara, drawing piles of earth to the floor beneath them.

The widening tunnel above them,

now big enough for Risha to squeeze herself up and in.

All four limbs against the cave walls,

she begins testing her strength.

Winding up!, and leaning into it, in short bursts from the knees.

Easily scaling upwards, making the burrow in sweeping slashes,

with claws that never face resistance.

She's at a jogger's pace, faster!

Demanding more!, earth coming down in sheets from above her.


Kara coming up fast and right on her heels!

Fighting through the blankets of debris!, Risha's leaving behind.


Takes one the size of a grapefruit!, right between the eyes!

She heard Risha's muffled laugh, before the apology.

The two pause in a moment of overwhelmed excitement,

eye contact.

"Welll.. go on then."

Kara's eyes burning from below, dying to just let loose.

The two, turn it, ON.


Ripping claws at the cave walls!, springing up from easy foot digs,

lengths of a man! Assaulting the earth like it robbed them!

Kara's much longer breadth of body, gaining ground as if no contest.

Bigger hands with more purpose at the points,

she's right on top of her. They are at a running pace.

It's intoxicating.

The power beneath their touch, a driving ground stake that never takes a dent,

they just can't help but start laughing.

Risha coursing adrenaline, feels no limits to her endurance,

'I can do this forever.'

The thought almost reaching her lips,

she feels it start breaking away from above.

Softer earth, with cobblestones mixed in,

spreading open a few trickles of light filter through.

"I see liight!"


Port Royale is desperate.

The statured have already fled.

What remains are the vultures, scouting for quick scores,

looting anything that's not nailed down.

Fearful citizens hunkered in homes, behind boarded windows, clear of the streets.

The booms and bellows in the distance,

from the encroaching war on the sea, now scattering cloud bursts right at the city's door.

Jumps through the skyline, in reddening bass thumps heard across town,

ships are for the first time visible, on the horizon west.

Around back of a no vacancy Inn, on the alley side,

with the city's harbor in eyeline, and just a skip away.

A small rubble pile of cobblestone goes concave,

with poking ivory fingers, clearing from beneath.


Risha pressing herself up and out,

leaves a hand trailing for Kara.

To pulling Kara out straight to feet in one motion,

flatfooted standing right next to her.

"Why thank you."

Her blue blooded charm, Kara's I wanna have some fun tones.

Looking down for a quick brush off,

there is nowhere to begin!

Their simple apron pocketed full length orphanage smocks,

have gone from off whites of canvas,

to dark khaki browns, with swatches of reddish stains,

and a few holes punched for good measure!

"We can't go anywhere like this!"


"What do you wanna dig in a trash can?, c'mon."

Risha already has her in tow.

Making a straight line down the alley, not looking for cover.

Getting a full view peek from the corner turn,

Risha going low, Kara going high.

The ship docks are clear, just fifty yards away.

A few fisherman milling about under lights of the weigh-in,

then circling back for departures.

Risha with eyes all over,

scanning for something suitable, manageable for the two of them,

and far away from attention.

"That one!"

Kara chirps in.


Risha follows her point,

to all the way down at the end of the docks,

the last one in, and the first one to leave.

A three mast Spanish Galleon.

Isolated in darkness, awaiting it's crew.

"Which what?.. that one!?"

Staring down the behemoth, but mulling it over at the same time.

Kara who is still feeling pretty good about her pick,



"I said boat.. that's a war galleon!, we can't sail that just the two of us."

It would have been convincing, if she didn't end getting excited.

Risha in crouch of consideration, she's had to stow away on boats several times,

her seamanship would be considered novice at best, luck IS a factor.

And it is the furthest from attention, it's practically calling out.

Kara notices the first mate, stumbling on over to it,

"And why not?

All we have to do is grab that mate right there,

make him help us raise the sails, and get it underway,

while it's still tied off to the docks.."


Winging her plan from the hip as she goes,

"We bring up anchor, scoot him off, then cut the lines..

and just point it east!, right?"

How hard can it be!?

Still power drunk from her awakening, she's treating it like play-time.

Risha the wise knows better,

"Well.. that depends on things going our way,

sometimes you have to fight for 'east'.

We have to crew that whole deck.."

This is a lot to take in.


Kara's very matter-of-fact, that Risha adores.

"Well we can't stay here.

And sailing across the open ocean, just the two of us..

you want that little dingy getting tossed around?"

Pointing out a scab of a boat, that Risha was scouting otherwise.

"Or that big steady, beautiful Galleon."


"Ok, let's go get em."


The girls making their way beachside, at the halfway point to the Galleon's slip.

Low to the docks in shadows, for a climb spot just next of him.

"He's awfully cooperative in your plan, by the way."

Risha laying on the sarcasm.

"Don't worry, I have an idea, I don't want to hurt anyone."

Kara's response stops her silent.

The first time she's seeing Kara take charge of the situation.


His vision is blurry.

Fades of images washing together, doubles and triples then in blending spins.

His stance is rubbery and swaying, like his legs just don't work on land.

Stumbling for a mooring line, his one hand missing the grope,

while the other one drops a litre bottle of rum, barely clenched around the neck.

The exertion was too much.

Props down on crossed legs, at the very end of the docks,

his back facing the waters. Righting the rum bottle before it all spills out,

took three attempts, he is barely conscious.. and that's just a Wednesday.

His head bobbing a few times, for vision down the docks,

a figure appeared out of nowhere on the last one.


Looking down at the rum bottle in question,

then back up again, gouging his eyes for focus.

This figure is tall.. really tall.

A she. And she is lined in silvers running down her sides.

Barefoot, wearing some sort of tattered full length gown.

Her walk is a graceful glide.. but it's really fast!, wait she's right there!

Paralysis takes over!, this is a hallucination!

Kara just steps away. Pushing locks of hair behind her neck,

then all down on one side.

Drags the neckline of her gown, sweeping off the shoulders,

from each side, one at a time in a smooth slide.

To the covering clutch of a bathing towel, mid bosom.

Bent over, leaning right above him now, with the moonlight beaming off her bare skin.

While batting eyelashes, in her most singing angel voice,

"Heeloo there saailor, can you help me pretty pleease?"

Offers the only currency she knows.


That hypnotic voice!

Her eyes don't look human!

The first mate twitches to life!, scrambling up with no wherewithal!,

his mind reaches for the terrifying conclusion!


Horrible creatures!, that lure you to death!, then rob ya blind,

they never leave survivors!

In his frantic backpedal, he has nowhere to go!

Out on his feet midfall! Goes barreling over backwards!,

slapping through the dark rubbish of harbor waters,

and sinking like a rock!


Kara's squeaky gasp!, as she follows him right in!


Risha racing up the docks in cackling laughter!

What did I just watch happen!,

who is this person that just un-robed to a total stranger!

Burned in the memory book it goes,

she moves down on fours, leaning over the side.

Watching the air bubbles growing rise, bursting the surface.

Out comes his flailing body horizontal!,

clears the parallel, to a soggy wet thump on the docks.

Kara immediately following, kicks out to standing in one motion!

She can feel Risha's look from behind,

"Was that always the plan?.. what if he said no?"

Thoroughly enjoying this.


"At worst case I figured you would just bonk him."

Clearly embarrassed, and joking her way out of it.

Hastily adjusting her gown, covering up at the shoulders,

pulling hair down on top of it.

Moving in low, soft approach to the struggling first mate.

"Good thing you were here to drown him."

Risha isn't done yet.

Kara scolds the giggle over her shoulder!,


Get back in character!

Eye to eye with him now,

she gives a few rosy soft slaps to his cheek.

"Well hello again.. and what's your name?"



Barking through bubbling spit!, he is still fighting for breath.

He pauses for words..

takes a good long look at both of them,

a double take between them!, down at the rum bottle,

then back up at Kara!


His voice is slurred in a grumbling growl,

aged in his latter years, of crotchety salt and pepper.

Kara turns it over her shoulder mouthing the whisper,

"What's a Siren?"


"Pretty pirate fantasies."

Risha's lost interest in him.

Giving the answer without looking,

her eyes in wander, of this magnificent wooden creation.

Mentally preparing herself, for the grand scale of challenge awaiting.

Trying to make notes of which lines are which,

she's on approach to the gangplank.

"Yes!, we're Sirens..

and you mister Gibbons, are going to help us get THAT boat underway,

and point it to Freeport!"

Turning ruby's gorgeous, her smile is all confidence.


"Which boat?"

Mister Gibbons has no idea, he's being robbed.

His bark of confusion, is just not catching on to her subtleties.

So she points it out, "Why that boat."


The spark of life, finally registers in his eyes.

This is no hallucination, this ain't no dream.

And a brazen young woman, is already barging his ship!



Still in propped position on stiff arms, screaming up at her!


Kara kills in kindness, it is her greatest trait.

The meaner it comes in, the sweeter she goes out.

It truly doesn't matter what she's saying, it's how she says it,

and the way she carries herself.

"Perhaps you would like to indulge us anyway?,

I saved your life after all. And keep in mind, I did it with only one hand."

She leans him up standing by the collar, he's in her clutches now.

"Besides, I think we both are going to remember this night,

for a long time coming, so let's just enjoy it!"


She's already steering him up the gangplank like a marionette doll,

her body blocking his options of moving away.

Feet arriving on deck is the change-over.

This is happening fast. And it feels right, it feels like their first home together.

She takes a perch on the railings, legs crossed at the thigh,

with a hand wedging in between. Still batting eyelashes figuratively,

trying to be on her very best behavior, counting on persuasion to do the work.

So it doesn't have to get physical.

"My friend and I are watching, what would we do first?,

pretend we've never sailed before."


Gibbons is very aware of her strength.

He picked up on her subtle threat, that she had one arm swimming,

while her other arm tossed him by collar, like a doll to the docks.

He is indeed enamored by her singing, silver tongue'd charm.

Although he knows what a Siren really is, that's not what he's sensing from her.

He is perversely curious, to see how this encounter plays out,

for a good story to tell, carries weight like gold in his culture.

Fiddling a grope, he fishes out a freshy rum bottle from the locker stash,

and starts going over the beginner's class, of nautical instruction for the girls.


theez lines here be the halyards, running the sheets,

ya wanna be fasst, when yer raising mainsail.

Once th' winds gotten hold of ya, swing the booms for maximum catch."

He gives a few backhanded thumps to the chest,

"Theez ones here run the angles lasses,

need yer heads on a swivel, watching for swinging booms,

ye land-luvers might get cleared off the dec-BAAeeELCH!"


Bringing up some girth from down below,

he absolutely showers!, passing by Risha,

in his disgusting rotting, fish filled rum belch!


Turning her point to his chest in a blink!

Off his feet from the poke!, with scrambling legs in backpedal!

Arms in flail, he has to catch a few rigging lines to keep standing.

"You'd better not let that!, happen again!"


That voice carries deep. It's bigger than her.

It's not pitchy falsetto like the silver haired one, it's sharp tenors.

When she goes loud, he can feel it in his bones,

like a steel drum pounding.

He's having a hard time understanding, how seemingly 120lbs,

overtook 200lbs.. with just a finger point.

Risha eyeballing his response, as he turns sheep right in front of her.

Slinks the space between them larger, turning his focus on the 'sweet' one.

Picks up where he left off,

"Git some hands on the pulleys lasses!,

let's see wut ya tender-foots thinkz ya can do!"


Unfurling sails come spilling down, before he could finish the sentence.

Unnaturally fast, it seems out of place in this world.

Risha in move across the deck on both sides,

has mid sails taught, with two wraps around her hands and ripping through pullies.

Coils building in stacks between her feet.

A leg up on the railings for support,

she ties off the cleat in three throwing loops consecutive,

like she's done it before.

Kara heads the bow.

Trying to copy exactly what Risha was doing,

takes a few wraps around the knuckles, and a way too hard wrench!

Sending the pulley off it's housing!, with accompanying lines spilling into the sea.

"Oop." Silence. A hand to her cheek in question of what to do next.


Risha from just behind, hearing the break, coming to remedy the situation,

"It's ok, we can fix it."

She is shining in reassuring tones, although hardened to the core,

a teacher at heart. Calm and patient with those she cares for.

Kara still in paused contemplation of, what did I just do!?

Risha drags in the lines, pulling up the rigging back aboard,

and seats the pulley back in place. Turning the steel ears of it's housing,

molding it by her fingertips stronger than new again.

"Half that."

Drawing slack through the line, making sure it's seated firm.

Hands the lasso'd coil over, for Kara's second attempt.


Gibbons can only stop and watch.

They are moving efficiency, at the speed of a full crew.

Sails are playing catch up to them, in full length bounds across the deck.

The raven one mostly knows what she's doing,

while the silver haired one is catching on fast.

They're even making jokes about how easy it is.

This isn't real.

A well seasoned man of the tides, he is watching the impossible.

Drops down to a cross legged prop again,

staring into the rum bottle.. maybe I just drink too much.

Fading out of consciousness, while teetering in weeble wobble.

There can't be real, and perception at the same time..

in which nothing is real!, this is definitely a dream.


Blurring through his attention span of sixty seconds only,

a glint of spinning lights arcing through the air.. well that's odd.

Across the nighttime sky, the sound of a whir comes along with it.

And right off the top of his head!

'That felt real!'

Crashing back to reality!

With the pain sensors in his skull!, springing him back to life,

like an adrenaline shot to the heart!


Risha's impatient side-arm flick of a lemon tin,

rung this man's bell. Now crossing arms with a finger roll in taps.


Kara is biting her lip!, to not burst out in laughter at him!

It was the sound like a hollow knock,

and the trailing ricochet, that went just shy of vertical,

it was absolutely hysterical!

Gibbons fleeing from her!, in a sideways awkward shuffle,

to a move cowering behind Kara!

Using her as a peek-a-boo to Risha's sightlines.

"Are you going to be ok?"

Her concealing hand up, she had try so hard to keep the giggle from escaping.

"Keep that one away from me!"


She turns on him from six foot five above, intimate close.

Sultry low eyes, with soft and slow patterns in her speech,

"It's just you and me now, what would I do next."

She closes off his views of anything but her.

Gibbons is inches from brushing a feel of her.

Just a salty old rag in the presence of women usually,

he really, appreciates the attention.

Gawking at her long lean outline hugged tight, in wet clinging fabrics.

Feeling the warmth radiating off of her, has an attention span reset again.

"We've gotta see what the wiinds doin lass."

Licking a thumb and squinking an eye,

gives a few twitching jabs at different points in the sky,

finding the cold spot, and zoning it in.

"It seems, luck be on yer side tonight lassy."

-"You have no idea."

Risha looming in the shadows behind him, barely audible.


In turn at her, Kara swings his attention back by the chin.

"So we have a heading then?"

She is beginning to speed it along.. and he's noticing.

"Therz a thick easterly tonight me young ones,

set in cold and buildin up.

Prolly keep up all night I reckon."

As he's saying it, Risha is already swinging booms,

lining up all three masts with full lengths of sail,

for maximum wind catch east.

Snapping taught the winds begin filling up the sails,

the ship goes on it's keel, in yearn to stretch it's legs.

Pulling in groans the docking lines go arrow straight,

trying to take the entire harbor along with it.


"Are we missing anything?"

She might as well have been looking at her fingernails.

Kara eases behind him again,

a subtle suggestion, that his heading, is now towards off the ship.

A few head scratches trying to figure out what to do next,

he doesn't want the encounter to end so fruitless.

Still playing along..

"Mind you two's don't fall off!

Ye would haul anchor, drag in the lines..

bare down east without a flinch, could make Freeport!"

Barreling his chuckle, he feels Kara's ushering hand behind him.

Pulls arms in close at his sides, concealing what they're after,

turns his full back on her.


"I don't see what all the fuss is about?"

They are already en route in her mind, making excited eye contact with Risha,

turns her attention away from him, for but a moment.

Which is all he was waiting for.

The two approaching the gangplank now, he shuffles forward a few steps,

out of her clutches, then wheels the turn sobering fast.


The sound of a flintlock co*cking!, with a raising arm!


The point stops at her chest!, as Kara freezes cold!

"I'm gonna give yez till the count o' three!

To leave this vessel!, and take your seductress curses with ye!

Before I fill ya both full o' holes!,

and bow drag ya for the world to see!"

Kara for the first time seeing a pistol in her face,

is reduced to gasping for a clue.

I've lost.. he was the one playing me!

Her silver haired singing charm, and batting eyelashes,

were nothing but parlor tricks. Merely passing the time.

She doesn't know what to do.


Gibbons' face turns to wicked in her eyes.

He doesn't look like a hapless drunk anymore.

He looks like a hardened, murderous pirate.

The salt and pepper scruff of his chin,

goes grinning wide across, like he's done it before.

He begins his count.

"Threee.. twoo."

There has never been a one.


Eyes wide shut!, Kara forgets what she is!

Catching only a still frame of his face!, as she goes shock rigid!

He enjoyed it.

The flash bang rings her ears to silence!,

with both girls SCREAMING OUT!

Bursting through the black cloud of smoke from the barrel,

Risha falls back on her!

Shouldering her way in front of Kara!,

not even knowing she was capable of such,

beat the race of a mortar ball to Kara's chest!


Banging off her sternum in whistle!, it takes a piece of the mate's ear!,

on the ricochet back!

Collapsing in shock, Kara catches her under the arms!

Spinning her by the shoulders face to face,

speechless in sheer panic!

Pulls at her gown to see the wound!, she's getting resistance!

Risha in heaves of devastation, doesn't want her to see it!

Fighting off Kara's hands, it's too final! Please don't see how bad it is!

She peeks first.. she has to know.

Under a cupped hand feeling the hole in her gown,

it's dry.. it doesn't hurt.

Kara forces her way in.

Giving a few gentle strokes from her thumb,

a fast lick for scrub reassurance.

Clearing away soot from the powder blast,

to see nothing but a little bit of redness,

quickly clearing up.


The world takes on a filter of reds for the first time.

Relief turns to anger, she can feel something new take hold.

There is no play-time in her face anymore.

Innocence dropped like a mask she was wearing, she looks hateful.

Her glowing eyes pierced in a cold squint, with scowling brows,

glaring at him like death, through waves of messy silver.

Chin down with ruby's curling back,

baring her fangs in full view.. that voice comes out from another world.

Even Risha, locks up at the knees hearing it.





Off his feet by the back of his neck!

She has him up that fast!, with just feet kicking!

His hapless brain in complete shutdown from her ferocity!

He's still trying to process what happened in the blink of an eye!

No reaction, it's too much to consider, he is just a toy in her arms.

As she walks him down the gangplank outstretched,

like she's taking out the trash.


"Lucky I don't pitch you to the ocean!, with a cannon strapped to your feet!"

Still in growling cusses at him!

She sets him down hard on his backside,

with barely any oxygen remaining, from the vice grip of her rear choke,

he rolls forward to pass out.

A front kick!, sends him in a slide up against the outpost sign.

Hipping a coil stack of docking rope just beside her,

she ties him up in several wraps, in a seated position with hands behind.

A leaned over point, about to scold on him some more,

he is bobbing in drool. With a few snores coming out.


She calms it down. Back under the stairs you go for now.

A few slow breaths, feeling her body go relaxed again.

Wiping her hands clean of that, makes the turn for departure.

Heading up the gangplank while regaining her sensibilities,

feet arriving back on deck, she clears the walkway off and over the side.

"We probably needed that."

Risha coming up slow from behind,

still going through several levels of shock on her own.

Witnessing Kara in that state, opened up ranges of possibility.

The term capable, doesn't seem human anymore, it's about finding limits.

And then breaking them apart.

"You are the most terrifying thing I've ever seen..

but the next time i'm insulting someone, please take notes."


Kara warms over the giggle, in a complete wash of her face again.

Slowly realizing how over-powering she can become.

Slips back into her chirping sweet tones easily,

"It comes across just the same."

Winking it back, Kara has never really spoke like the average human anyway.

Her dialect is high brow etiquette, without being taught,

it's just part of who she is.

The two now in turn from the railings,

hearing the struggling Gibbons' frantic shoulder twitches,

as he's coming to again.


He pauses for a moment of reflection..

still catching his breath, while taking stock of what's happening.

And the results are going to be extremely bad!, any which way!




Blasting his protest of desperation, with all he's got.


"Well you're pirates aren't yoouu?..

your crew will come along, and you'll steal another ship."

He is now tonight's entertainment.

The two lounging a perch on the railings,

with Kara in high pitch, twiddling fingers his direction.



I never done nothin to ye, until youz tried to steal me ship!

I'll be shot!, if I tell me capt'n what's happened!"

Gibbons fuming between the ears for answers!

-"Bet that's not the first."

Risha snarked it in.


To his growling acknowledgment.


"So it's shooting people and ship stealing is it?,

well it sounds to me, like that's just something you run into everyday.

I'm sure you'l be fine.

My name is Kara Baudelaire."

In full curtsy. There is the start.

The first trickle of her name through the maritime brigades.

Rumors spread fast from overly dramatic, blabbermouth lips.

And if you're to believe what's been sworn upon,

Sirens are most definitely real.

"Would you like your rum?"

She offers gracious, with a tick of sympathy.


Gibbons feeling like it's his only solace left in the world,

"Hrmph.. if ya please lass."

Slumps in submission.

Kara emerging tall, from a small stash locker by the stairs,

giving a few thumps on the cork for a tight seal.

With a deep lean over the railing for aim,

she casually sends it over-hand top spin!, with very little arc!


Risha seeing the trajectory and wincing for him.


His eyes literally cross to the middle!

Taking the litre lengthwise!, across the bridge of his nose!

Bursting in shards on contact!

With the bathing layers of molasses browns,

in complete cover of his face!, to streaming cold down his neck!

Even beyond the giant golden church bells..

that are on full tilt through his brain,

he can still hear the girls fall-down laughter!

"S'not funny youz!,

and don't be doin me anymore favors, please!"


Risha is dying!, she can't see anymore from laughing so hard!

Kara is in the snorts!, and bent over in belly clutches!

The winds kick up another notch.

A pull hits the ship, like a pull on them as well.

Ripples in the sails flatten out to stretched taut,

the leaning keel of the ship trying to escape the docks,

bares down on the fraying lines still attached.

Eye contact.

Unspoken communication, it's time.

We are leaving this life behind.


Kara in move for the helm.


Risha buckles down, and buries the laughter shakes.

To headlong shoulder checking the arm of the anchor spool!

Following through a sprinting run around between the arms,

dramatically increases the speed of it's tether.

She takes a step just outside of it's spinning radius,

and begins hard slapping arms of the spool.

Chains whirring in across the deck now, she's got it spinning like a top!

The anchor takes on life as it breaches!

In a backwards kick through the surface,

chains gathering taut, then being snap reeled back in again.

Unnaturally she rips up the whole line,

to just a bobbing anchor in it's housing.


Gibbons goes blank.

Exhausted from trying to rationalize what he's seeing,

just watches in awe.

Kara at the helm, getting a feel for the vessel.

familiarizing herself with the weight beneath her fingertips,

as she eases the wheel in slow moves back and fourth.

Making adjustments to the captain's shelf just next of her,

compass up high and angling back, for her height.

"Tell me when!"

Risha from down below, with hatchet at the ready!



Kara sunk nails!, with both hands on the wheel.

She can feel each cut of the lines in succession,

another notching twitch of freedom, as it peels off one by one.

To the tension release..

the lazy cloud float comes alive in her hands, it's beautiful.

Her first thought.

A slow forward roll, as it lumbers alongside the docks.

Open ocean in front of them, only a few yards of Port Royale remaining.

She dials in coordinates, then checking on the lock mechanism,

to keep their course set in place.


Risha tidying up on main deck, doing chores like it's home.

Hauling in loose tailings of rope, then cleaning up the coiled piles,

notices a silhouette, out of the corner of her eye.

Kara far too busy at the helm, with her back turned can't see,

but there is a tall dark figure, coming down the docks.

He's not alarmed.. and he's not really walking.

It's more like a wobbling gait, to his own theme music!

A very strange confidence to it, as he's watching his ship sail away.

Risha leans it over the side, taking a good long look.


He's the Captain!

That's a Captain's hat!, tricorn and tilted forward while raking left.

The jacket he's wearing is knee length, in deep forest greens.

There's gold bouncing off of him, from moonlight hitting all his seams and fastenings.

This is no as described, scallywag. No more than they are sewer skulking vampires.

His style is incredibly dashing. And not just how he dresses, how he wears the look,

the man is figuratively skipping through an about-to-be warzone.

His boots have a soft click, she can hear it getting closer.

A spur to his steps, from glossy buckles rubbing together.

Ooo he is a swashy fellow,

watching his hand gestures, and carefree posture,

as he comes up on approach to his struggling first mate.

"Siirens, you say?"

-"Aye boss!, Siirens!"

Gibbons' immediate repeat, trying to save his own skin.



She's never seen anything like him!

Flinging the whisper over her shoulder, she barely peeled eyes away.

Kara's head comes immediately poking from the helm!

That was a very strange sound from Risha, that she's never heard before.

The sounds of her being wooo'd.

She files in right next to her, shoulder to shoulder,

with a disapproving examination just earshot away,

"Is he smiling?"

Kara in shock. At this Captain's calm cool presence.

"Really?, pick yer jaw up off the floor!"

Turning the whisper in her ear, Risha is captivated.

Staring this man up and down, like he is on a dinner menu.

She would never believe in foolish notions, such as love at first sight.

But there were a-lot of things, she didn't believe in before today.


"He's soo dreamy..

have you even heard of such a thing?"

Risha is not the hiding her feelings type.

And pirates that she's ever seen, are ghastly old men like Mr. Gibbons.

But not this man, he is chiseled and weathered from a hard life on the seas.

However he somehow still looks young. He is animated in tone and posture,

like he absolutely adores his life, people must love to be around him.

That smile across his face is perfectly crooked, he never loses.

Sizing her up n' down, with a smooth wink,

"Good evening maidens,

so.. you'l be stealing my ship then, will you?"


If there was a bing to the top of 'ten' with no stops in between,

Risha just swung the mallet.

His voice completes the package, a swashbuckler's slurry slang, and yet so precise.

This is no ordinary pirate, he has a graceful swagger that's very much his own.

And it's pulling on Risha like a magnet.

Far over the railing she goes,

"Well I guess you're, just gonna have to come find it,

won't you?"

Swinging low passed horizontal now,

giving a mountainous view down the front of her gown.


Are you crazy!?, Kara gasping out!, not whispering!

It's so blatantly forward, and out of her character!


"And what a graand pursuit.. thaat will be."

Grabbing the mallet from her, he douses it in gasoline first.

Flicks a match, and sends the figurative ten o' meter to eleven.

They speak the same love language, two tuning forks becoming one at the same pitch.

He knows exactly how to look upon her,

a crook in his posture that's all confidence, while leaned back,

gazing her through the bottoms of his eyes.

At the same time catching lights from the nighttime docks,

giving her his eyes like they're windows.

Whilst curling his perfectly trimmed, handle-bar mustache,

"So it's Risha is it?, a beautiful name no doubt..

we go quite well."


Almost out of earshot now, the Galleon is slipping away off the docks.

Risha in move down the railings, heading towards the stern,

"Yes.. and you are?"

The Captain hasn't changed his posture by an inch.

Arms crossed in lean, eyes following her down the railings.

Reaching the stern rail, with no more boat left to go.

Gazing down on him for response, so far away she can barely hear,

"Robin, luv."


She hears a nursery rhyme as Kara comes up from behind.

"Sitting in their cute little tree, g."

That sends her in a blushing cackle!

It hits like a wave of emotion as Port Royale begins shrinking.

Fading dark to the distance, along with everything they've ever known.

And the only thing left moving forward is the unknown.

Silent. Too overwhelmed to speak.

Giving their last parade wave, arm in arm.

They watch as the shrinking outlines of Captain Robin,

in a bickering match with Gibbons.

He reaches down,

grabbing a saucer sized shard of the broken rum bottle,

and sips the puddle in it like a tea cup as he goes.

Leaving Gibbons, tied up to the outpost sign.



Chapter 8.



for the first time in who knows how long.

Actual peaceful quiet. The bellows across the sky,

faded away to just a horrible dream.

The bustling city that never sleeps, and the woe's of orphanage chatter,

it's soo familiar they almost miss it.

They are truly alone.

Dimming lights of the Port Royale harbor,

a spec on the horizon, into pitch black darkness.

The sea is glassy calm, with a brisk easterly building slow.

The two in huddle at the stern, just behind the captain's wheel,

reflecting on the most memorable, vivid night of their long lives.

"For the record, this was your idea, incase anything happens."

Kara lying flat, looking up at the sky.

She doesn't mean it for a second.



Risha playing right along, lost in deep thought.

Moves in close, on outstretched crossed legs.

"Can you even imagine what we're gonna do when we get there?"

It's all happening so fast, it's too staggering to calculate.

Kara turning on her side, up on one elbow.

"I think we should get rich, filthy rich."

-"Good plan!"

Risha's blurting agreement!

"The problem solver.. isn't it?

And we have a home now, a moving home!"

Almost swooning from the thought of being so independent.

It's like everything she's ever wanted,

with the only person she loves in the world.

"We most certainly do."


Kara arms her over cuddled in spoons,

she feels the same way. A brand new feeling for the both of them.

The two exhausted mentally and physically,

from truly a powerful evening, that in their opinion,

has never been written to justice.

They drift off in each other's arms,

nestled at the foot of the Captain's wheel.

The peaceful lapping of the hull cutting away through the glassy waves,

with a soft cool breeze, tunneling sleep sets in fast.


The sun is hazy brutal.

Midday direct overhead, in the burning humid open ocean tropics.

Kara's eyes fade through the tunnel in her lids,

burning to whites in her vision, she can't keep them closed anymore.

Fluttering open..

still in daydreaming grogs, curled fetal, with raggedy blankets all about her.

She can't quite figure out, where this uncomfortable feeling is coming from.

It feels like weight, baring down from above and all over,

and triple on any exposed skin!

It's not actually pain, it's just, unsettling at best.


My hands are burning!, the first thing she can see!,

jumping to standing!

A barely noticeable steaming waft, is sizzling off her skin.

Jolting denial!, they go racing behind her back!

Now with eyes down, her feet are doing the same thing!,


She is reduced to an acking, chirping, cha-cha dance.


Risha down on main deck, has already been up for hours.

Deciding to let sleeping beauty get her rest,

she is far too excited to sleep more than short naps.

Wandered every inch of the ship, while learning which ropes to pull,

and more importantly, which ropes not to pull.

Studying the massive array of connecting lines and swinging booms,

constructing a make-shift hub of her own, adding some customization to her home.

She's able to fling a boom in opposite direction,

with just a flick of her wrist.

Two bounds is all it takes to leap the crow's nest,

then falling back long against the sails, in a slide back to main deck.

She is absolutely loving her adventure.

In blind search of testing limits,

pulled apart the steel bars of the brig cage.

"Heey!, that was some good sleep'n."


"My feet are burning!"

Kara squeaking from above, in laps trying to put the figurative fire out.

Skittering down the captain's steps,

to see Risha's skin and hair are doing the same thing,

she's just not caring.

"You too!"

Gathering close, she plops down side by side,

the two with legs hanging off the side, on resting elbows.

"This seems to be the worst of it.. does it hurt?"

Risha curious to know how it might be effecting her differently.


"It tingles like it could hurt, but it's mostly unnerving,

the worst of it? How long have you been up?"

Kara in fear of missing out,

wanting a re-cap on anything she's discovered.

"I tried to sleep, but I'd close my eyes and get second wind.

So I was practicing mah sea-legs,

from our scruffy little scab of an instructor!"

Going into pirate impressions at the end,

she can't help but start laughing, he was quite the character.

And looking back, she feels bad for him!

They were in no danger at all, and more or less slap-stick abused him.


Kara catches the vision of him going cross-eyed,

immediately joining in the laughter!

"That poor man, what do you think happened to him?"

She feels the same, he was just a short lived passenger on their journey.

They were going to get this ship, any which way.

Risha erupts the impersonation,




Every grunt!, every ARRR, Risha is just channeling the encounter.


To Kara's bursting belly laughter!

"Well your sweet beau left him there, didn't he!?

What was his silly name again?, Pigeon?"

O she knows his name.

Gasping out between laughs and snorts!

Kara and Kazandra, have the very same snort.

Only coming out in wild fits of laughter,

they don't particularly like it. But it is there, none the less.

They have the exact same voice. But they don't sound the same.

Kazandra carries the young excited tones of this age Kara,

and she stays that way, so far as permanent.

So in Risha's mind in present time, she gets the best of both worlds.

The young Kazandra that brings back all these fond memories,

and the powerful mature Kara, that can take on anything.

"His name is Robin!"

A blush hits her face, from going a bit over-the-top,

defending his name.


"And who knows.. what if we end up together?"

The first time she's really felt primal desire,

and she has no intention of denying it.

-"He's a SCALLYWAG!"

Kara blurting in immediate!, what are you thinking!?


To Risha's steel drum pounding protest!,

"You got NAKED!.. in front of a scurvy, sixty year old.. piss drunk scallywag!"

Kara's laugh goes dog whistle high pitch!,

"NEVER HAPPENED!, we're never talking about that again!"

She is now in bobs and teeters!, from laughing so hard.


"Keep at it.. it might work the next time?"

Risha is absolutely revelling in her embarrassment,

clearing away the tears of laughter.

-"It did work!"

Kara's protest from the hip with a bounce!

"Did it though?"

Risha following it right up with a scrunched face!


"Well the next time, you can try."

Kara moving in close, the two now leaned in on one another.

Their faces are hurt, from the gaping smiles you can't make go away.

"Not in a million years."

Just peacefully watching their new horizon.

Legs doing small kicks over the side.

The bobbing giggles of their silhouettes subsides,

as their laughter trickles down.

Kara takes hold of Risha's hand, with both of hers.

Draws a long steadying breath.



I can't thank you enough.. even if I say it everyday."

Her most gracious tone. It's as honest as she can be.

It's too painful for eye contact,

"They were so mean to me."

She can only look at the floor, trying to purge all that's fighting to come out.

"No one ever asked me my name..

it was more entertaining to make fun of me!, and grab at me.."

Stuttering for words now, she doesn't want everything to just come exploding out.

"All the other girls called me ugly!, when all I wanted was to be their friend!"

But she can't help it, moaning it out loud, it had to come off her chest.


Risha is struggling with what she's hearing, but let's her continue.

"But then, you..

you gave me a life Risha.. someone I can finally be myself around!

I didn't feel like some silver object for the first time, you made me feel like a person!

You gave me hope, and it's such a precious gift."

Kara is now straining to keep it all together.

Sniffling up her choke, for the courage to go on,

"And I NEVER!, would have made it off that island without you!"

Her voice cracks sharp at the ending, with a sobbing pause.


"I can't live without you..

and i'd just feel lost, if you're not there.

I want to make sure, if there's anything that you ever need,

I'm always here for you, forever.

Because I love you so much."


Tough as a coffin nail Risha.

Breaks down, in a sobbing hysterical mess.

One of the very few times, Kara has ever seen.

"I love you too."

She had to choke it out between gasps of shaky breath.

"They're jealous and scared!, all of em!

That's why they made fun of you!

You're one of a kind Kara!, and they hated you for it!,

those evil bastards!"

Now in firm eye contact, with tears streaming down.

"Everything Riliss said makes sense now..

like the world can't be without you,

It's somehow a darker place if you're not there.

And that's how I feel!"


She breaks eye contact, down at the floor.

"I've never had a stitch of clothing that's mine, or a relative to ask it from.

And when it got really dark.. Riliss saved me but I didn't know it.

He saved me so I could meet you.

Because that was the day the misery ended..

Kara you gave me something to live for.

I would die for you."


Kara is now bursting buckets of pouring tears down her face.

"Well good thing we're unbreakable!"

Her nervous twitch giggle, she won't even entertain the thought of it.

"We're soo lucky Kara!

All I wanna do is just hold on tight!, and be with you forever!

It's like a never ending dream we just walked into, this gift we've been given!

I don't ever want to wake up."

Risha hauling her in, they are forehead to forehead.


The girls pause in unspoken reflection.

Sublime peace, in the moment together and souls bared.

"Just like Riliss said, you and me for-ever."

Kara gazing out at the sunset, relaxed and easy after a good cry.

Admiring the view of their beautiful new era awaiting..

she notices a particularly dark patch in the clouds,

that they're headed towards.

While clearing the last bit of tears away for perfect vision,

"Is that a storm?"


Indeed it was. And understated.

The pitch of night, has spilled ink across the sky,

in the time of your back being turned.

With the notoriously fast moving clouds overhead,

forming in low and thick, blocking out all light from stars above,

or moon horizontal. They are in the eye of it's grasp, with no hope of escaping.

The winds turned angry with purpose, the sounds are howling mad,

switching directions on a dime, there is no chance of keeping a heading.

White water racing across the deck in floods of violence!,

what was once a sturdy platform, is at the bottom pit of the ocean's hand,

closing in upon it!


Risha in a BEAR-HUG!, of the mid mast, just below Kara at the helm,

who is not so much steering anymore, but holding on for dear life!



Kara fighting the wheel!,

growling course corrections at a rudder that won't take hold!

"They always say zig zag!, don't go straight!"

Screaming over the storm to each other, they can barely see.

The sheets of rain coming down, are side to side as well from above.

A bang rattles the decks!, like they grounded the ship!

Risha watches for the sky flash.. waits for the next bang and then counts it.

She got to three. And all she can remember, is that's really bad.


Cussing mad Kara!, eyeing the compass that's in wild spins!

"UHHG!.. WHY!?"

The nose of the bow pitches down hard under her feet,

like a groaning catapult she's on the business end,

and it's going over.



She is now almost directly below her, they are nearly vertical!


Risha with her eyes shut!, these are hundred foot waves!

Now in full mount on the mast, legs too!

Stomachs drop to the floor, as the massive swell easily outpaces them from behind.

Rolling them back to level, then fighting hard angles in the deck sized 'chop'.

Kara dug in deep, wide stance bent at the knee,

she's not focused on heading at all, just trying to keep the masts up straight.

A crack hits the sky so close it's daytime!

Risha saw it.. just a glimpse out to port side in the flash,

illuminated a wall rolling in.


A rogue wave!, it's monstrous!, and it's coming in fast!


Kara frantic!, that was as loud as Risha can go!



Risha screaming all she's got!, we're gonna get rolled over!

Kara full shoulders the wheel to stress fractures!,

straddling low, giving everything she can without breaking the wheel to pieces.

Sporadic catches of rudder, the ship barely!, eases out of sideways,

to flying up the crest of the giant rogue!

The bow breaches in a straight up n' down point at the sky!, the stern cleared!

Time slows to a crawl.. the groans of cracking dull boards, barreling over.

All of sound goes low and behind, to the screeching full blast shriek of the girls!

Over the storm!, as the buckling ship nosedives!, back to level again.

This is endless!, the ship pitching impossible diagonals!, to headlong forward,

then sliding back again!

We're not getting anywhere!


Kara's had enough.

Reserves take hold, a well of the berserkrs endurance,

she still has no real concept of.

Eyes on fire, fangs clenched maniacal!,

'Not without a fight!'

Beaming down to Risha, who is gathering line around her waist,

securing herself tight to mid mast.




Risha in question, but knows where she's going with this.

And the two outcomes don't really have a middle ground.


Kara had it at the ready.


'Here we go'

She lines it up, plotting the route.

Pulling a long stretch of slack from her heaving line about the waist,

so she can move more freely about the deck.

She shows Kara, just how much she's learned, in the time she was sleeping.

At the speed of a full crew. Sails begin unfurling down to her whims,

using her make-shift hub of connecting lines, all fastened to railings midship.

Separating lines out, from layered wraps around her knuckles,

she throws three booms matching, at the same time.

The burst of rush pulls like from a standstill!

The ship squares off in a needle point!, with the screaming winds,

almost ripping sails off the buckle!


Kara takes a spill from the wheel it was so fast!,


Pin rolls it to stern rail!, with claws raking the stop!

The ship goes hard and low forward with a port keel, an unforgiving angle of attack.

The wheel in a flying port turn!, just from her hands off even a second!

Grabbing the stop!, ripping for starboard, notches are coming off in her hands!


Risha's off her feet from the deep lean!,

in a flat skid towards the gangplank opening!

Desperately trying to find the right line!, to mid mast boom.

She gets a leg up on the railings, the swell leaps up!,

directly in front of her!, churning high!, the portside boom digs it tip!

Now a drag on the ship!, pulling them inwards to certain death on their left!


Kara hits the limits of her scream!



She's got it!, with all she's got!, braced by both legs up, in full lean!

Singling out the line to mid mast boom,

she buckles the whole damn thing apart!


The point of the bow is about to dig!, seconds left!


No more notches!

Kara bear hugs the wheel!

Shouldering all of her weight to the floor!,

full stop starboard!, it doesn't have anymore!

As the flying ONSLAUGHT!, of Risha's vaporized bow boom,

goes screaming in coffin stakes!, passed her head!

Catch!, the rudder finally grabs hold,

released from the sunken mid boom anchor,

the battered ship limps a starboard course.

To now surfing down the front,

of the very same churning hundred foot barrel!


Once again..

the ship reaches screaming pitches of cries from the girls.

Their voices matching the speed of it's plummet.

However this time,

there were sprinkles of excitement along with it.

Mostly from Risha.


"We're you laughing!?"

Kara with just eyes peeking over the wheel,

still waiting for the wooded assault to be over.

The compass!, thanking heavens it's still attached.

It's a tighter spread, bobbing a rhythm,

but coming back to east as it's center.

The speed of the ship aiding it to be straight,

piercing an arrow's line through the chop.



Every fable, or long winded story Risha's overheard.

It all makes perfect sense now. The Mariner's love for the sea,

is everything it's made out to be. it's just so frightening and exciting!,

at the very same time! It is soo romantic to her.

This was her baptism, and they were both, thrown to the fires.

She goes on patrol, inspecting the ship while battening down hatches,

repairing whatever she can.

Far more confidence in her sea legs, the life line is an afterthought.

Taking a good long look at mid mast sail,

it's almost a total loss. They are in list, and not sailing proper.

Just some loose rags of sail left behind, batting against the mast.

From the small nub of boom remaining, cracked like an elbow to the deck.


In rather shallow, but well known fashion,

the vicious squall clears away, as fast as it's approach.

Stars blinking through the nighttime sky again,

Kara moans the sigh of relief.

Feeling the ship come alive back in her hands,

in what is barely constituting a full fledged wheel anymore.

A few small moves back and fourth,

feeling the wooded weight respond to her inputs,

"I think we're coming out of it!,

what the hell just happened!?"

Kara skittering repairs around the captain's shelf,

while still yelping to herself!

'Rude, rude, rude!'




She adores it.. she would go through it again, just to do a better job.

"Was that a cuss?..

and the way you handled that Kara,

don't look now, but you're a damn scallywag!"

Risha isn't selling it, she's admiring.


"That's princess scallywag!"

Proud Kara standing tall. Taking the promotion in-stride.

Eyes out long on the horizon, it doesn't feel like such a daunting task anymore.

Her feet feel good on the floor boards of the helm, taking to it like a natural.

Kara does indeed have strong command over the ship,

she was born and raised an island girl, and it stays there in her heart.

Sailing is a life long passion. That she carries with great depth, into present time.

"I couldn't have done it without you!,

but you almost killed me!"

Blurting down from the helm, as she's gathering in course corrections.

Playful tones all about.


"I doubt it."

Bailing water over the side, Risha still mulling over the destruction of their home.

They are more or less limping it to Freeport.

Not even half of original sail remaining,

and several compartments have flooding issues.

"Kara we have to fix it!, we can't leave it like this.."


"Oo we can't can we?..

but why else do you wanna fix it though?"

Kara going in sass.


"Kara!, it's not funny, we're listing!"

It would have been convincing, if she didn't end blushing bright red.

Hiding her feelings is not, one of her strong suits.


"I'm sure you realize.. what Gibbons told him,

and he knows, EXACTLY, where we're going.

Hmm.. if I were to guess, your sweet beau is going to beat us there."

Kara burns it in.


"Ka-rra!, can we focus please!"

Her voice cracked, she can feel Kara honing in on her.

So she went for the distraction..

"Uh-huh, I'm right though aren't I?"

But Kara can't get enough.

She's never seen Risha with the 'hotsies' for anyone, ever.

And it's quite amusing to detect her swooning thoughts.


Risha couldn't help but laugh it, Kara can be a cunning fox when she wants to be.

It's among the things she loves most about her.

Still doing inspection laps around the deck,

pulling down all the loose rags of sail, clearing large heavy ballast over the side.

The ship recovering to a more, masts tall and vertical state.


Kara is easy in the moment relaxed,

both arms up on the wheel to the forearms, with hands draping over.

Crossed legs behind, and leaning into it.

Daydreaming away. Allowing visions of Freeport to go racing wild.

What does it even look like!?, is it charcoal sands like the Southern Seas?,

or is it a beautiful paradise!? Picturing the turquoise blue waters awaiting,

while scanning over her shoulder, trying to visualize it on the horizon.

Hoping to make the two images of dream and reality transpose.

To a double take at the ship's rear shoulder!

A dark mass.

That wasn't there a second ago!,

and definitely not part of a fanciful daydream.

It's ominous. Slicing through the fog in a tilted angle of attack.


Kara fighting reality!, that can't be!

Fishes the shelved spyglass without looking,

scrambles to the stern rail, while stretching it out for maximum range.

She can't find it!, a novice with the spyglass,

her moves are way too fast!

Eye grabs the focus dot, levels it off on the horizon,


A half mile south by southwest!, leaning into their wake!

Using the same wind, and gaining ground rapidly!

Flying hands race for her face!, as she shrieks it out!,


Flinging the spyglass in transit!


Her crying scream in full pitch,

is the trumpet of war in Risha's ears.

Everything she was doing dropped, to racing up the captain's stairs.

Three footfalls made the distance, of halfway across the ship,

striding the full flight of helm steps all together.

To diving flat in a headfirst slide!

Catching the spyglass!, inches from rolling overboard!

Collapsing it down short, eyeball for aim first, then lines it up in small moves,

she finds range on the dark mass approaching.

Prone to the deck, Kara still standing next to her gets a bark,


Squeaking her response!,

Kara moves in low and silent, right next to her flat, shoulder to shoulder.

"They have a spyglass too, if we can see them, they can see us."


Risha through the spyglass, along with her perfect vision,

can see everything. And she's becoming very tense.

"Is it him!?, please tell me it's him!"

Kara in total shock!, begging that it is!

"Fat chance, it's some crusty barnacle up there on the wheel,

Kara this ship.. is somethin else."

Front row seats to the play, she can see them all on every inch of the deck.

Watching their wretched stumbles, they look hungry.. with very little care for life.

And they are moving cannons into position.

Raising multiple floors of porthole firing hatches along the starboard flank.

Half of them are clanging swords overhead, she can almost hear their rallying shanties.



It was quiet, these are young scared tones coming from Risha,

and it's adding to Kara's anxiety, she's speechless.

"They're pirates alright.

If the devil had a ship.. that's what this thing looks like."

Following them in sprints down the railings,

one of the crew members in hap-hazard stumble,

falls overboard!, while Risha is watching!

With zero reaction from the ghastly crew!

"This is really bad."

Risha's seen enough, stowing the spyglass away,

making solemn eye contact with Kara. She doesn't know what to do.


"Weul les just RUN!, full sail lets goo!"

Kara frantic!, in stutters! Risha always has the answer!

How can this be happening!?


"We can't outrun them!, they're right on top of us!,

with twice as much sail! Kara we have seconds!"

Risha's starting to lose it and it's rare, we have nowhere to go!


"We HIDE!.. they can't kill us!, lets just hide in the cargo!"

Kara's got nothin left. Still with human instincts remaining,

we're not savage marauders!, we're teenagers!

She is just reaching at straws.

"This isn't supposed to happen!, we're unbreakable!"


"Yea not undrown-able!, they're gonna sink the ship with us on it!"

Risha in total despair, shrinking in defeat.

"We gonna swim to Freeport!?"

Out of options, and time slipping away.

Hearing this fear come from Risha, seeing the crush on her face.

Grabs ahold of Kara from way down deep.

A backed into a corner Kara, defending everything she loves in the world.


Her young face takes a step through the backdoor,

she is SEETHING in hatred.

Eyes on fire beaming in her scowl, she looks ages of ferocity older.

"How DARE!, you come after my family!"

Her thoughts taking words, in harsh livid tones.

This power is on tap!, she can now feel how easy it is to bring out.

Fear, is slowly leaving Kara Baudelaire, forever.

"The only ones who's gonna be swimming is them!

They can have this hobbled ship!, because we're taking theirs!'


"Do what!?"

Risha begging for clarification, Kara already has her in tow.

Down the captain's stairs, and under the helm through the captain's quarters.

To the very stern of the ship, at the low flying bridge, with a wide opening view.

A private observatory for the captain, with narrow ledge and hip high railing.

The two huddled low out of sight, Kara goes over the plan.

"They're gonna pull along side us, thinking we're a derelict ship.

When the majority of crew rope over to this boat,

we're going to jump over to their boat, throw the remaining crew overboard,

imprison the Captain.. and make him sail us to Freeport!"


"I like it!"

It takes a lot to get an excited squeak from Risha.

And seeing this all too confident Kara, is the path from which it started.

"Want me get the captain?"

Chomping at the bit now!, she's been dying to lay hands on someone,

and test out what she can do. On someone truly deserving of her punishment.


"I want the captain."

This new Kara shining through, off the sidelines and taking charge.

Riliss's words are on repeat in Risha's mind,

she goes silent, happy to be passenger on the plan.

"You start at the bow, I'll take the captain at the helm,

we'll meet in the middle."

Kara's divide and conquer strategy.

"Got it!"

Risha with clear singular focus on the objective.

No distractions, she's visualizing the outcome.


The first volley of spiralling whistles,

come soaring across the nighttime sky.

The familiar scratchy powder booms accompanying,

lead to whirring loud, metallic bashes across the deck!

The girls are braced in terror!, side by side on their tiny shelf!

One hit to the flying bridge!, would end it all together!

The succession ramps it's pace!, as more cannons come into flanking angles.

Coming in threes and fours now!, they're not letting up!

They hear the deafening crunch of mid mast going over!

Punches to the hull so hard, it's sending the battered ship on it's keel!

The horrible finality of sound, hearing salty ocean rushing in,

pulling on them down under.


Kara sliding prone on dug nails to the shelf's edge,

finally lays eyes on this ship, it is stealing the horizon.

Now seeing exactly what Risha meant, while viewing the beast in spyglass,

and how hopelessly outclassed they are,

"I want that ship."

The blackened beauty is four mast long, riding high above the water.

Cutting a tall confident line through the chop, and alongside,

it is almost full broadside to the girls.

So close they can hear them, bragging about shot placement,

competing like it's their favorite game.

Wretched snarls, about what they plan on doing to survivors,

specifically women, and children.

Their demented souls are drooling for it, it's the bonus prize.


Risha is gone.

She is lost somewhere in a triggered childhood trauma.

Fighting for her very life.

Her eyes scream in red. There are no pinks and purples like the twins.


The sounds. Focusing on the closest.

They can't see them yet, hearing grappling hooks dragging across the deck.

In pull for railings to grab onto, some missing flails with crashes through windows!

Reeling in their poor drunken aim, then winding up for second and third attempts.

Disrespectful boots arriving on deck, shuffling heavy boots,

In search through the stashes, as the filthy invaders turn main deck upside-down!

Stealing anything and taking the nails up with it.

There's at least twenty of them!

Kara's nervous peek, watching them scramble from behind the captain's window,

under the helm stairs. A small pack turn her direction!

Coming to plunder the captain's quarters,

"Now Risha!, now!"


Gathering bare feet beneath her, Kara bursts the leap unknown!

Taking the railing with her!, spanning the gap between ships in level stride!

Fanned out body in shape of a claw, she sinks wrist deep into glossy black boards.

To climbing hand over hand, scaling up behind the captain's helm.

Risha following immediately after, drags a catch raking across midship!, animal style!

Just under the gothic railings throughout, she cleared double the distance!

Without her right arm even landing!, she hoists herself up by one arm'd lunge!

To standing flatfooted on their outstretched walking plank!

Kara has to stop and watch.


"Hello boys."

Cold as all hell frozen over, she is standing straight up n' down,

arms crossed like a block of iron.

"Who's first?"

The closest earshot crewman, couldn't process what happened!

She just appeared there from nowhere!

He quickly reaches down, to lift off the walking plank that she's standing on,

and send the whole thing overboard!

He gives her his CHIN, as he's going low keeping eye contact..

to which she connects a zipping the gap uppercut!,

that he hasn't landed from yet!

Gone off the ship like she popped a balloon!,

vanishing through the fog of their surroundings!


She quick turns the bow!, with a small pack of crew coming at her!

Sabres clashing overhead, as four more!, rally in behind and fan it out.

In formation of a flying V coming at her.

No fear!, no mercy!, she launches the lowered shoulder with everything she's got!

She buckles floor boards!, from the strength of her foot dig!

To solid contact!, the overwhelming sound is all at once!

Round on round hitting at the point!, the few furthest back go up-ended!

From her spearing the first two, straight through the V, they all collide at the same time!

It is buckshot!, of crewmen flying across the boards!

Taking out a few others along the way, they go scattering in cartwheels over the railings!


She gathers up knuckles high, a brawler's posture,

hearing the sound of a flintlock, co*cking from behind.

"I got you, bitch!"

Barely exposed, the crewman in peek from mid deck hatch,

taking a long aimed sniper's shot at Risha's back.

He's seen what she can do if he misses, careful pressure on the trigger,

slowly lining up the iron sights against the ship's rocking angles.

Squeezes off the click, as she catches it!

Wedging a thumb in the hammer fall, stopping it mid-flight!

The reactionary blink of his shot,

was the bound of time for her to be on him. Eye to eye with him low,

he is shaking in her grasp.

His wretched howl of pain!, as she wheels the pistol in his hands backwards!

Turning it to a point at his neck!, with the contorting breaks of his fingers along the way!

"This is what you get."

Inches from his face!, scolding the hammer flick!,

she fires the mortar ball from right under his chin!, point blank!


She can feel the displacement of air..

in a fast moving slice from behind,

the sound like there's little tiny hairs attached.


A sabre coming down!, it's all business with no care for showmanship!

She rolls it left!, then leaning out the horizontal return swipe!

Up tall and locking eyes with him now, he is twice her size!

Clearly their best!, and coming straight down with his follow up vertical strike!

"I'll take that."

Impossibly calm!, in catch of the blade in a bare left hand!

The two grappling close!, she flies a knee at his wrist,

sending his sabre in a spin through the air above,

instinctively human his eyes go in follow watching it..

still trying to figure out how he is woefully losing, she's a small woman!

Takes a front kick to the chest like a cannonball!

To rolling out the summersaulting skid, against the bow mast crashing!


Without looking!

She snatches the still spinning sabre falling through the air,

winding it up back to floor boards behind her!

Fires it leading from the hips and following through!

The screaming velocity makes one half turn only!,

that's all it had time for!, as it sinks HILT FIRST!

Lancing the crewman's chest, impaling him to bow mast,

and splintering out the other side!


'She is the Master of Arms'

Kara is lost in time and space.

Going back to the conversation with Riliss and staying there awhile.

Appreciating what his words meant.. what she can be.

Fathers watch their children fight alongside her,

as they did.. whole generations of families staying strong together,

are owed to her. She is the General of the North.

And to receive the most sought after title of,

Master of Arms from the college, means you cannot be disarmed.

And you do not lose any arms contest, regardless of weaponry.

It wouldn't matter if she had a spoon against a broadsword.




The Captain's scratchy bark!, breaking Kara from trance!,

tensing up and back to reality!

He's finally taken notice!

There is a rampaging raven haired woman!, clearing out his decks!

She's dragging them up from mid ship, and hauling them off!

Kara spots her in.

Ups it over the railings, having no idea what to do!

How to pull punches, hit properly or follow through,

none of it!, she's never been in a fist fight in her life!

Comes flying in shoulder, a six foot five barrel of solid steel.

The hit is so crushing hard!, his long feathered tricorn hat stays put!

Off his feet nosediving airborne!

To crashing out cold against the helm's oak sidewall,

the impact so bone jarringly square, some loss of bodily function occurred.



Hands on the wheel now, a far different feel, this ship is fast and responsive.

A different breed of craftsmanship, the polish under her touch is exquisite.

She takes a moment trying to identify differences, of a much more elaborate helm.

The wheel is a double, and it's her size standing, with linework in gold all over the spokes.

The leaning shelf has room for two, and not plated gold, solid gold.


Risha emerging from mid deck with one in drag by the ankle,

skidding the man in helpless flails to the railings,

she casually side-arms him skipping flat across the waters!

Cleaning up the decks in a breeze, she heads for the grappling lines,

raising a sabre.



Kara from the helm, who's already turning hand over hand.

The remaining crewmen aboard the SS Robin,

watching helpless as Risha cuts them free of their mortal coil,

quickly figure out what's happening!

That they have demolished and cannonball'd,

the very same boat they are now stranded on!

Screaming wild with no time for loading cannons into position,

mustering futile small arms fire, as Kara peels them off into the night.

Risha in lean through the railing's opening, relaxed on an elbow.

Who came into this world stealing for neccesity,

simply waves.

"Thank you booys, it's a beautiful ship."


The abandoned crew are now in dead silence.

Trying to contemplate, how they just got robbed and will indeed die.

All at the hands of only two, beautiful maiden girls. Awestruck.

And when the one that got away..

picked up a floating scurvy scab, drifting aimless on wood debris,

was questioned about his ordeal. He gave the only truth he knows,

a Siren and he swore upon it, she was raven haired.



Chapter 9.


The SS Robin now just a dot on the horizon behind,

the girls are brimming with confidence.

Kara in tsk tsk, of hands on hips, scoops up his long feathered hat by her feet,

gives it a quick brush off, then seats it angling with back tilt, while pushing locks behind her ears.

Bent over him now, she glares a long examination of her would-be captor,

who is in a fetal position slump against the helm's railing.

"You sir, are the scuurviest thing!, I've ever seen!

Risha he has barnacles for a face!"

Reaching with just a pluck, of thumb and pointer,

for she doesn't want to get any of him on her.

By the bottom of his pantaloons, and by one leg only,

she drags him down the captain's flight of stairs.

His head!, taking each bonk through the rungs on purpose.


"Kara this ship is a masterpiece!"

Risha making laps around the candy shoppe.

Inspecting thoroughly from corner to corner of main deck.

Everything about it is bigger, more grandeur, not just a simple pulley,

gold plated!

Wait it's not plated!, as a fingernail goes biting in,

it's gold all the way through!

The ironwork of railings is painstakingly precise,

equally spaced out arrow tip spiked rows,

in a gothic run from bow to stern, with an intricate linework trim throughout.

Someone stencil'd this in gold, by hand!


"He doesn't deserve it, does he!?"

Kara feels the same way.

The breadth of the ship is a marvel, twice as wide across,

the bow of the ship seems a mile off.

It doesn't just float the ocean, it dominates a carving path.

Still with the Captain in tow by ankle,

dragging him along to mid deck hatch.

Risha folds it open, then battening it down,

"I Luv that Captain's hat!"

Adorable with it crooked backwards!, the long plumes of reds and blue feathers,

going in a lazy bend behind her shoulders.


"Right!?, if it didn't stink!, i'd keep it!

This ship is way too nice for him, I bet he stole it!"

Kara easing passed her and making way down the steps.

"You weren't kidding he is painful to look at,

uhhg!, he smells!"

Ending in high pitch!, Risha catching the whiff of him dragging by.

She watches the bonks of his head go through two flights, in succession,

Kara skidding him all the way down to low deck.

The brig level, heading for the lock on the cage.

"Probably from admiring your handy-work I suppose."

Figuratively winking it up the stairs.


"Or yours!, I heard that hit,

he sounded like a party favor."

Risha with a jesting head poking from the hatch above,

hears her familiar snorts down below, isn't done yet up here.

She goes for a few practice laps around the deck,

testing the operation of movement in the sails.

It's a much smoother raise, these lines run fast,

every pulley and spool, efficient like they're greased in ball bearings.

This ship must be coveted by all.

She sets shallow angles, with very little surface area,

a slow crawling speed. While they get accommodated with their new,

unwitting guide to Freeport.

Who is still lying comatose, locked inside his own prison cell.


Kara at low deck, takes a moment to appreciate.

Why would the brig and cargo hold, be just as beautiful as the decks?,

you can't even see it! But they are.

The linework of stencil'd gold and polished high gloss blacks,

carry through this ship from top to bottom.

Every nook and cranny, nothing is missed.

In scan about the room.. this ship must be ages old,

but it just doesn't show the wear.

"Can we keep it!?"


Risha's playful tones, in bounds down the steps,

treating it like it's home already, she is giddy off the rails.

Kara detecting something doesn't add up,

"It's a Robin's feather.."

Feeling the long plume in her appropriated tricorn hat.

"You think he stole it from your sweetheart?,

this is far more his style."

The two side by side, scanning the vast hold in turns.


Risha from the side of her mouth, while turning on their prisoner,

who is coming to in the brig cage.

Shoulders rustling, while scooping legs beneath, stifling breath on purpose.

He is spying on their conversation now.



Kara only half paying attention, turned on him also, and taking the lead.

"It's a Rooster's feathers, no Robin gets that big!"

Risha's candid response filing in behind her, mostly out of sight.

Arms crossed, while getting back in character.

Kara goes low to the cage, as he's backed against the rear playing possum.

"Ahh, so this must be our co*ck o' the walk then?,

did he naame it?"

Soft and slow patterns in her speech, she wants him to hear.

"Yep, the puurrl."

Sounding it out long with affection, Risha has seen it written about,

in several places. Always in gold cursive, and in it's entirety.

Never a chip, or half showing with letters missing, and "Ends on an E."

"Oo I luv it.. that's a woman's name, we have to keep it."




That did it.

The Captain firing to, and barking out on stiff arms.

Still trying to figure out where his excruciating migraine is coming from,

and he is quite uncomfortable in his britches.

"Well there you arre."

Kara beckoning him closer, turns a mouthing whisper to Risha behind,

"Maybe we are Sirens?"

She's only half joking, because she doesn't really know what one is.

Maybe Sirens are all mistaken Vampires?

The Captain dragging himself in slow cautious moves towards her.

A few head slaps for clarity, fidgety movements, while fuming in anger!

He's lying in his own cell, imprisoned by young women,

she's wearing his hat, because she thinks it's CUTE!


"What is your naame, Captain?"

Easing off his feathered hat, she casually plops it back on his head,

they are that close.

He grabs her under the arm!, pulling her in to the shoulder stop at the bars!

Setting the pistol in his concealed clutches, directly under her chin!

While co*cking it, in his gnarled bark!,





Risha has him up at the 'Quick!', fully outstretched by one arm!

With his nose smashing broke!, against the ceiling of the cage!

In her full steel drum vibrato,

"We didn't search you because yer no threat!, you little barnacle shrimp!

Now you'd better drop that one-shot, worthless weapon!

Or I will stick it right up yer ASS!"

Now lowering him down to pointing level,

"You listen to every word she's saying."

His hazy brain, receives a few flashbacks of what she did to his crew.

The look on her face is ice cold, like she intends on doing just what she said.

Down goes the pistol from his shaking hand like an afterthought.

Releasing the heap of him back to the floor, she kicks the pistol away.



Kara glaring down her nose at him. Inches from the cage.

These pirate folk really do keep you on your toes,

it wasn't unexpected. But she doesn't appreciate assailing hands on her.

"The name's Rossignol!"

His bark is scratchy deep, his face mostly hiding behind braids of beard,

and shoulder length clumps of dreadlock underneath his tricorn.

The girls quick eye his pluming feathers again, piecing the name together.

French is common tongue in the Southern Isles, they are both fluent.

"An other than stealin me ship!,

was is it, that ye be wantin with me!?"

He darts the eye contact, she's hard to look at being so close.

Those eyes, the messy waves of silver coming down,

he's bashful to her. She is commanding his speech now.


"Quite the ship you have Captain Rossignol,

would you like to keep it?

Because honestly, we kind of like it too.

It would be in your best interest,

to be overly polite, to both me and my friend here,

and we will all see our way out of this, gracefully."

Smooth tones coming from Kara, silky pauses in her singing charm.

All smiles like she can't lose,

he doesn't believe she's human for a second.




Shuffling back from her!, Sirens are horrible creatures, they are certain death!

Inching towards the cage's rear wall,

he doesn't know whether to look at her or not!


"Good answer..

so it's really quite simple then, Rossignol.

We, are all sailing to Freeport together,

and YOU!, are going to take us there."

Beaming her look right through his soul,

with an ivory fingered point at his broken nose.


He laughs it first, the results coming his way dawn a little further,

to then erupting it out.








That was one too many insults,

for an impatient Risha, to just stand by idle and handle.

Rattling a bash to the ten by ten cage!, she almost topples it over!

"Call us wenches again!, I dare you."

Burning her stare down on him, he turns it away.

A hard gulp that's audible, shrinking down away from her.


"He doesn't know any better."

Kara beckons him close again, he has no capacity to offend her.

He came in raging mad, she's returning in chirping kind.

Until being kind doesn't work anymore.

"Well we've gotten this far without you, haven't we?

And besides!, we're not docking at any harbor authority.

We're going to find a nice soft cove next to Freeport,

and beach it! Once my friend and I are both safe on land,

we'll let you go! See!?, it works out for everyone."


"Not for me!

Ya can't just leave me to diie!, on some washed up beach!

Without me ship after killing me crew!

I'm a wanted maan in Freeport!,

what in hell's blazes!, am I supposed to do!"

Fuming his protest!, this deal stinks of raw.


Kara moves in close, both hands on the cage,

she removes all of his wriggle room.

"And what would YOU do.. Rossignol?

If you caught!.. the scoundrel trying to waylay you..

and sink your ship and kill your crew.

What would you do?.. if you caught them?

Because.. I can kill you now if you'd like?.. is that what you want?"

Circling her prey like a shark, this was the only outcome,

she was leading him towards, and he knows it.

Rossignol grumbling contemplations, a double take between the girls.

Wishing he had any other option between horrible and death!


"So we have an accord then?"

Kara leaning in her hand for the agreement shake.

"Erhm.. k."

His barely audible, dull grumble as he reaches for Kara's hand.

She pulls it back fast!

"I'm afraid that's not good enough."



Bursting it back!, she's outwitting him at every turn!


"Kara Baudelaire."

She will never not, give some form of curtsy while introducing herself,

Rossignol gets the short, informal one.

Reaching her hand in again, something happens as they take hold.

Skin on skin contact for the first time with a human, his face washes over blank.

Staring at her like they are somewhere else together, on a different plane of existence.

Kara feeling her mind being invaded!, rips her hand back!

She can't speak.. her thought process doesn't have an answer.

It felt vulnerable, and it's a reminder of where she came from.

"What the hell was that?"

Risha gasping for a clue!, she touches her hands all the time!


"I dunno.."

Kara's perplexing stare down at her hands,

wondering if there's something wrong with them,

trying hard to make sense of it all.

"Risha he could see me.. our inner worlds collided!

My sense of touch is different, or maybe it's just from him..

it was entirely strange.

I'm going to have to be more careful about that."

She views it as a flaw in her hardened shell, a chink in the armor.


And so it was from this day forward.

Kara, does not let humans touch her skin.

The effect is much less on vampires, receiving subtle psychic impressions only.

Befriending someone or otherwise, unspoken. As if you already know them.

The same as thinking of what time it is, and it just is.

It has no take at all between her bloodline sisters,

and they have different feelings about it individually.

Kazandra doesn't mind so much, they are usually just putty in her hands anyway.

For Risha it's more of a challenge, you asked for it, hold on tight kiddo.

Kara's skin however, yields the most dramatic results.

Most humans ever getting the rare chance, end up in tears.

Awakening to the meta physical world, from her touch alone,

is a jaw dropping experience.



Tear stained Rossignol coming out of the trance, seeing the girls with their back's turned.

Heading for the stairs, all but forgotten about him.

"When we need you."

Risha's answer without looking,

the two in a huddled private conversation.

They ascend the stairs closing hatches behind them,

leaving him isolated in darkness.


A day seems like a week, as they pile along.

Hard to keep a realistic track, in the lulls of open ocean travel.

Crewing the helm tandem at the double wheel,

the two taking turns on different sailing maneuvers.

Practicing for long hours together, they are vastly improving as sailors.

"Show me how you throw loops on the cleat like that?"

Kara dying to learn, it's soo smooth when Risha does it.

Three flicks of her wrist, left, right, then wrapping around.

"You gotta snap it tight, each ear, the last loop clamps it down,

then pull up on it. Fun isn't it!?"

Risha showing her the 'ropes' all morning.

How to tie different knots, which lines are quick release,

and how to identify the differences.



Kara missing a few attempts but getting the hang of it.

Both of them growing quite fond of the grand ship,

and even the sailor's life in general.

There's a whole lot of freedom involved, when your gorgeous home,

is a powerful battlement. That can up and move about as it pleases.

Rossignol still lies in his caged, soiled mess.

The girls keeping him rum sedated, the length of the trip.

Only there incase they need him.


"Kara, I'm starrving!"

Risha deck side, hunched over in hunger pains.

Moving towards the mid ship hatch, hoping to remedy the situation.

"I can barely stand up straight!"

A brand new hunger, a sharper pain.

Stomach throbs overtaking her in waves now, something must be done.


"Me TOoo!"

Kara yelping from the helm, there is no escaping it.

She is bracing herself for balance, leaning arms through the wheel,

with exhausted hands dangling atop the spokes.

"I tried eating an apple from the galley the other day,

and it tasted like DIRRT!"


Risha peeling back the hatch,

she is side stepping it down the stairs, making sure to not fall over.

"Gonna have a look around, see if I can find something, anything!

Before my stomach eats me!"

Just a tired chirp of agreement is what she catches from Kara,

as she descends to mid ship, towards the bow.

She really hasn't explored the entire space yet,

because it is impossibly cluttered!

From years upon years of this ship collecting hoards of plunder.

It is a chore, to try and sort through it all.

Pulling back on a few crates and chests, is more likely to send five down toppling.

Nothing is packed in square manor, more like strewn about.


She makes way to the inner point of the bow, the main hold.

Where it's so thick you can't walk a straight line.

It's platforming ups and overs, with sideways wiggles through the narrows.

She doesn't really know what, she's looking for.

But she sees something, and it's pulling on her senses.

Clearing away the path, pushing crates aside..

the sounds of unassuming snoring.

A couple of boots poking free of thick winter flannels,

"What!, how?"

Risha, from right over the top of him, scanning down how far his mass goes.

This is a large man, and he is piled in warm blankets,

with several rum bottles rolling about.

His feet up on boxes like he hasn't a care in the world.

Gently rocking away with the ship.


"How the hell!, did you sleep through all that!?"

Trying not to shout!, while eyeballing this lumbering beast of a drunk.

She gives a few pokes at his feet..

he is unresponsive. She knows what she's supposed to do.

She can instinctively feel it, willing her bones towards him.

But in no way!, is she going to do it alone.


Kara daydreaming again at the helm,

resting on bored elbows. Exhaustion setting in rapidly,

from lack of any sort of sustenance.

With no help to the situation, the sea is glass calm.

A light breeze, it is a gorgeous afternoon of easy sailing,

the ship is more or less steering itself.

She hears Risha not running, sprinting!, up the flights to main deck.

Just a head poking, "Kara!"

Down, then back up again, "Kara, get down here!"

Second wind comes up in a smack from behind.

Hearing Risha's playful tones, she's definitely found something!


Not showing too much concern with their course locked in,

straight as an arrow.

In a skip, she goes heading for the stairs.

"This must be good!"

Kara bounds excited steps to the landing mid ship,

Risha reaching a hand for the tow, just like when they were kids.

"Try and keep it all together!"

Dragging her across the ups and overs,

side stepping together through the narrows.

Risha clears a path in the piles of crates and clutter,

to her ceremonious presentation.


Kara with hands flying to her face!


"How did he sleep through all that!?"

-"That's what I said!"

Risha's bursting immediate, as Kara takes pause..

overlooking this sleeping lummox, with an arm exposed,

pulled free of the blankets in purposeful manner.


Risha gets down right low to him,

on her knees and scooted in close, pointing the spot next to her.

Kara who was still chirping small giggles at him,

finally catches on.

"Ooo, I dunno.. my stomach doesn't hurt that bad."


Kara in tsk tsk, as she's watching this reeking mess of a pirate,

who is most likely half dead from drinking so much.

He rolls a turn giving his back to the girls,

and giving a little jiggle to help set it free,

lets a fart rip like a fog cannon.

So close you can taste it.


Pure disgust!, Kara is grabbing her nose in fan!

Risha can only giggle..

"C'moon, we have to! Can't you feel it?

This is what we do.. Kara we gotta eat!"


Kara still in nose pinch, scowling this ghastly thing,

"Well ok, but you first."

Gives in moving down low on her knees, shoulder to shoulder with Risha.

Inching closer to his hanging lifeless arm.

"No way!, same time!"

Risha grabs hold like she's serving a buffet style hoagie.

Right under their chins.



Kara leans in focus, and another world takes over.

Succumbing to the hunger, her vision goes down the tunnel.

She's not sure if she's visualizing the blood pumping through his skin,

or actually seeing it! The sounds come in hard, in echo between the ears.

Laboring slow, the beats are hypnotically even. Thumping loud in her head now,

the pain goes right in the teeth!

The pulls and pauses of his heartbeat feel like a damn dinner bell!,

I wanna bite something now!

Panting in heaves!, with her eyes firing alive!,

she is shaking from being so overcome!

She glances over at Risha, who is teething on her own lip in convulsions!,

with eyes ablaze in burning red fire!

Matte red lips in different shades, go curling back at the same time.


The realization sinks, as fast as their hooked fangs.

This is the final shed of humanity.

Kara on the man's inner elbow is lost in rapture.

The taste.. taking long pulls of it down,

It's soo sweet, it's like nectar.

She pulls off gasping for air!, it's soo strong!

Ecstasy comes pouring in on every fiber between the pause.

Her previous mindset of what is considered, to be properly human,

or what is food all together. Changes over completely.

It tastes so good to her, without qualms,

she would eat a rat up off the floor.


A quick turn over at Risha who is a total mess!

Feet doing the 'taps!' on the floor behind her,

she is giggling her sucking sounds! On the man's wrist,

and practically gnawing it off!

She didn't just come to terms with what she really is,

she is thoroughly enjoying it.

Kara scoops her up by the shoulders fast!,

not all at once!, wait for me!


Risha heaving it out!, it's the only words she could formulate!

How can this be our food!?, it is so powerful!

Kara can't even speak yet!, she's still trying!

Panting in heaves, her rolling ruby's are out of control wide.


"Riishaa it's sOOoo GOood."

Finally finding some words!, and then seeing them!,

through the air in distorted wavelengths about her!

She might be crawling on all fours, she's not entirely sure..

but she's definitely moving towards Risha!

Who is paralyzed in euphoria, fallen backwards on splayed legs.

Leaning back on elbows while gaping a smile. As she watches Kara go for standing,

something happens, something unexpectedly new.

The princess trying to stand up, and immediately failing it!,

in a clumsy spill. Is the funniest thing Risha has ever seen in her life!


Cackling her rapid fire laugh!, the world takes on a slow spin.

With her back up against the carousel, she is glued in place.

"Wutz, happening!?"

It didn't slur in her mind!, but it did when it came out!


Kara going for a second attempt, scooping legs beneath.

In teeter for standing, the rug comes right out from under!

She didn't get hands up this time!

Just buried a face to floor boards with a rump in the air!

Risha is dying of laughter!, she can't see anymore!

She's rolled over sideways in a belly clutch, with feet kicking!

The both of them, having no remaining balance,

or motor control whatsoever.


Kara's vision has now become a colliding utopia.

Of fantasy and reality splicing together across her plane of view.

Lying flat on her back, watching swirls of pinkish reds in a wash all around her.

Spots becoming shapes, spiralling together and bursting off in bubbles,

from her finger pokes in the dreamlike canopy above.

The disbursing fog of haze about, gathers in low at wading level,

as she turns over the crawl towards Risha, she's a mile away!

"Hiiie!, Ri-iisha!

Wuutre you dooing all th' wayz doown there!"

She can't figure out where her own voice is coming from!


"I Luuv yoouu!"

Risha with knees tucked against her chest, and spinning like a top!

She is absolutely cloud surfing the smile.

It is all the way across her face. And it's the happiest Kara has ever seen her.

Rocks it back against the crates, in a move for standing.


"I luv you too!"

Kara grappling the mountain of Risha!, from down low at her ankles,

and climbing up her!, in impossibly high chirps!

"But u luv Pigeon more!"

-"I dOo not." Risha's immediate on the casual.


Kara reaching the summit of Mt. Risha,

"Yez huh!, you want hiim, to come find us in the middle o' the night.

Like a sneak thief in our bed!, and ravage you!"

All of her weight now toppling eye to eye, in full lean on Risha,

they go toppling backwards through the pile of crates!


A landslide!, of crates come down in their wild flailing cackles!

The few breaking open reveal, that this particular section,

is a veritable treasure trove. Of lost and found,


Kara's screech!, she can't believe it!

Immediately starts teetering pulls and plucks, seeing what's about.

For she hates this tattered, water-logged, orphanage hand-me-down gown so much,

she'd almost rather go naked!

Trying hard to actually see what's in her hands,

she knows exactly what she's looking for.


"Oo thank heavens!"

Risha feels the same way.

These orphanage gowns, they are the last remaining tie.

The last symbol they need to shed, from an all but forgotten, dismal existence.

She's already pulling up on pantaloons.

The darkest black she could find amongst the many.

Three sizes too big for her..

she turns over the waist in rolling wraps,

until it's thick enough to rest low-rise across her hips.

Turning the bottoms into a capri cut, just above her calves.

No need for shoes as they would only slow her down,

dons a full cover top, going for off-whites,

the cleanest one she could find.

Long flared sleeves at the wrist, and just happens to have a plunging neckline,

held together by only lace ties. And she is tucking it in, making a burst of her,

from upwards and out of it.



Kara's honestly drunken seal of approval!

Taking a moment.. just to realize her in fashion, instead of dirty old smocks.

The look is so strong on her, the outfit captures who she is.

The pants are snug across her apple hips, and she is 'wearing' that top!,

even with the laces half tied.

Her calves showing are pearl smooth, athletically hardened.

On primal first you wanna touch em, no matter who you are.


She didn't notice at first!, still reeling in spins, while fiddling adjustments.

Kara, found the only proper dress on the ship.

And clearly being pilfered from royalty while in ocean transit,

this dress is stunning beautiful. Made for a Queen.


It is floor length, vested and soft clasped by embroidered loops from collar down.

The seams are backstitch invisible on the full cover shoulder,

there is very little skin exposed. Two small ring clasps at the corners,

appear to affix a cape, that she's still searching for.

The long sleeves are flared to the cuff, showing a shiny snowflake pattern trim.

The entire ensemble is light and airy, in baby blues over whites in two tone.

A double layered shoulder wide skirt, makes the run for her toes,

but doesn't quite reach the drop.

The same exquisite snowflake pattern trim,

carries up from the skirt's bottom sweep, blending in the higher it goes.

She spins the twirl..

"Wut?, don't like it?"


"I luv it!, but you can't wear it!"

Risha fell into her!

Gathering up close for inspections.. she's not slouching anymore.

Kara being the tallest one in the room on average, doesn't stand up straight.

Her posture has been trained by fear, embarrassed to be looked upon.

Far too self conscious of people thinking, 'Oh my god what is that huge thing!'

In her mind. Even though hardly ever the case.

Fiercely jealous, that the petite girl, is what's perceived as pretty.

Risha was her anchor to latch onto, always in clasp looking for an arm to hook.

Attempting to slouch down, to even height.

Slipping this dress on, was the same as zipping up her real skin.

She is squared up tall and regal, shoulders back with a carved out chin,

pointing upwards. A princess by design, she can only be one.


"Annd, why not?"

Stifling the small burp, with a hiccup attached following,


Just incase Risha was wondering how she really felt.

Kara is at home in a dress.

Protected and warm in it's blanket, since from the crib she was delivered in.

She doesn't appreciate the feel of brushing fabrics between her thighs.

It feels too clingy constricting, or claustrophobic along with it.

She adores the airy, elegant clean lines of floor length dresses,

this feeling never goes away.

"And besides.. yer just tryin to look cute for Pigeon!"



Caught!, to which she didn't have much left to say after.

"But you can't.. move around good!"

-"I can too."


And as drunken make-over hour continues, the wrestling matches break out.

Playfully wild like cubs in the litter!, they are testing what strengths to use.

The poor ship can barely keep up!, screaming like banshees they are bringing down the walls!

Grappling rolls across the floors, to heaving body-slams through the crates!

The girls are having the time of their lives.

While Rossignol..

in low deck brig, watching the ceiling coming down in buckles above him!

Plumes of dust are flying off the rafters, with each pounding hit against the hull.

Is trying to figure out what in the hell is happening!

Eyes darting all over!, trying to keep up with them!

They can't be that fast!


He's having a hard time understanding,

how these dainty girls, are putting a 'move' on his massive galleon.

By merely playing around.

Because they only look dainty.

Kara's frame at 6'5 with her vampire dense,

hardened skin and bones, weighs 340lbs.

Risha stands 5'8, then booted with heel in usual.

She is still rather tall for a woman in these times,

weighs 250lbs.

On top of that, they are both Brutes.

The durable of the vampires, they are meant for battle, to survive it.

Forged all the way through like two steel, fast moving wrecking balls,

in a room surrounded by toothpicks.


The giggling hyenas make way for another round.

Instead of pushing crates and chests aside,

this time they are more so, falling over them.

Assuming the very same spots next to their victim,

the air is too quiet, something's different.

"He's dead Kara.."

Risha in close checking for life signs, coming up with nothing,

a drop of his limp wrist to the floor.

"Well.. I guess ya."

Kara having vague recall of him being a punishment prop,

in their playful struggles.


"You think it's o-k?, maybe we shouldn't?"

Risha hesitant, it doesn't feel right.

"What'd ya mean, it's fiine.. what's gonna happen?"

Kara's total drunken nonchalance.

"A whole lot could happen!"

Risha following it up right after!


Kara leans it in over his arm, with her vision going down the tunnel,

"It's like eating food, that's maybe a little spoiled, no big deal."

Risha's still hungry.. and that was a pretty good rationalization.

Sometimes lessons in life. Must be learned the hard way.

And so it was, for all three sisters.

Nothing in the state of death, or void of life,

can ever permeate their bodies. They must consume the living.

Every soul is entirely different, they never really know what to expect.

Each is their own individual chemistry set of palate to them.

And as the girls take feeding positions,

expecting the very same reels of pure ecstasy,

to Kara's horrible regret! It was not fine!

Not even in the slightest!


"Blaaech!, it tastes like SEWAGE!"

Pulling up fast!, retching at the awful smell in her mouth!,

it's putrid! Doubling over immediately!, in clutch of floor boards below!

She can feel the throb of severe stomach pains, setting in rapidly!

Whimpering down in a crumple, she goes fetal position, flat sideways.

A pawing motion for Risha just next of her,

clearly suffering the exact same fate.

In Kara's mind she called out for her.

But the foggy thought escaping her lips, managed only a "Ri-"


Of projectile spewing blood!, comes following after!

Thick in reds!, almost blacks it's soo dark,

in a sickening splash to mid ship floor! With a blasting loud accompanying,



Risha kicks heels in a backpedal!

Trying to make room for Kara's macabre ever-growing puddle!

Legs gathering underneath, she flies up for standing!

Bad idea. She knew it as soon as her equilibrium caught up.

The change from prone to standing, sends the world swinging way off kilter.

Before she falls over!, quick turns a grasp of the desk behind her,

and attempts to will it away.

"I'm.. ok, I'm ok, juust breeathe, yer gonna be fiine."

She can feel the churning in her gut, increasing intensity,

and it has other plans.

"Ka-ra.. wut's happen-HUUUUAAAaaa!"

Risha's is way worse!, capillaries busted in her eyes!,

from the heaving retch, as it showers the walls!

Being upright and facing the wall, she got it from top to bottom!

Like thrust propulsion!, it flattens her backwards!

To just a kicking squirming, mess on the floor.


Kara hasn't moved!, she's lying in it!

A two face of red and white, meeting in the middle!

Without a word, and only a whimper, the big one!

The one that was waiting, to really clear it out.

She sends one skimming!, all the way down the boards to stairs!

It is a lake on the floor beneath them, from end to end!

Risha peels open the curtain, of her matted jet black hair, stained red.

Flat on her back trying to kick the pains away,

while begging for help from the ceiling,

"Plz no.. I don wanna anymor,

I don wanna, I don wann-HUUUAAAaa!"

The biggest one yet!

She was in too much anguish to move..

so not much changed in her defeated posture.

The fountain of sick!, goes completely and totally vertical!

With a touch on the ceiling!, before course correcting opposite,

and sending the flow in a horrific splash across her face.


Kara didn't think she had anymore.

But seeing this grotesque display right next of her,

the dry-heaves come on strong, as she gets up the last of it.

Reduced to a waterfall of tears now, from the retching strain!

Doubling over the girls try for stand ups, hoping that it's finally cured,

to falling over, back to one.

Clenched tight with only whimpers escaping. Afraid to speak,

for fear of what might follow. Still twitching clutches at belly pains,

they must wade it out.

Mid deck is an absolute catastrophe.

The pools of sick are darkening at the rim, from coagulating thick and drying out.

Walls dripping down from a mass murder scene, and seeping into other compartments.

It's even on the ceiling!

Once again, down in low deck brig,

Captain Rossignol, is in horrified silence of darting eyes.

Trying to figure out, what the #$% did he just hear!



Chapter 10.


Her eyes are soo heavy.

Laboring blinks, like her eyelashes are stuck together.

Fluttering open, the world blurs back in,

right back closed again. Nope not ready.

Passed out comfortable, on the staircase spread along the rungs.

And not in proper upwards facing fashion.

Appearing as if she tried to make her way top-side,

fell down a few times, so just stayed there.

Kara springs to standing in gasp!

Where am I!, what's happening!, wait! Where are WE!?

Dawns the reality of how many intense things are happening right now!

She's been off the wheel for who knows how long!


To racing up the captain's stairs!,

afraid to look at where that compass might be pointing,

and for how much time!?

In peek-a-boo fashion, she sighs it out,

"Oo, thank you."

Just a shade off east, and holding steady.

'Pleease nothing else go wrong, pleease.'

Whispering to herself, while gathering in course corrections.

Hand over hand for east on the dot, movement down below..

in the corner of her eye.

A couple of legs shooting out from the water barrels on main deck.

Splayed out lazy flat, a knee crooks up for standing.

Walking took a lot, so she's done with that for today.

"You ok down there?"



She laughed it.

But only because the macabre vision of Kara's head poking over the helm,

is just far too ridiculous to take seriously.

Her sweet tones coming from that blood smeared face and matted hair..

is quite amusing, even as bad as she feels.

"So what did we learn?, pretty sure that's what he meant.."

Risha's been up for hours.

The rocking child in the cradle,

the one you would find wandering in the middle of the night.

Sleep doesn't come on easily for her.

Fighting off the entire 'hangover', while fumbling chores,

and cleaning herself up on main deck.


"UUhg, it was soo baad!,

well except for that first part.. that was really fun!,

I think Riliss coulda given us that one.

But it's safe to say, whatever our victims are..

we're getting it ten-fold. And if they are..

no longer with us.. maybe it could do the same to us!

Never again, Risha!"

Sails half, a slow move while they regain barrings.

Kara locks it in, moving down for the water barrel bathtub.

"I luv yer hair!"


Risha's full gather of loose tie in the back,

is shooting a fan matted red spikes, in all different directions.

"You look like a murder scene, from some gaudy play!"

Removing the lid on one of the fresh water barrels,

"Yer never gonna get that dress clean."

Kara goes straight up an in, submerged down to the shoulders.

Scrubbing away in circles at her cheeks, wringing out her mess of hair.

"I'm not in any hurry to go back down there."

-"Good point."

The two take a moment in reflection.

Remembering what Riliss said, there will be trials and tribulations.

"Never again, chalk that up as hard lesson number one, I guess."

Risha leaned on resting elbows, at the rim of Kara's barrel.


"No rush on the rest."

Kara's smirk, still trying feverishly hard to clean off her dress.

A cold hits the air, that they've woken up into.

The familiar balmy breeze is long gone.

This new climate is cool, easy temperatures no matter what you're wearing.

With the girls going through the motions of sailing,

completely avoiding mid deck entirely,

Risha goes ballistic!

Full commit, leaping back long from the crow's nest,

riding the sails back to main deck,

and sprinting!, to the tip o' the bow.



Kara is giggling and clapping as she's hopping up and down!


In move towards mid deck hatch,

"Let's go get, you know who."

They plot a slow crawling pace in the sails.

To spend some more alone time with their, disgruntled captor.

Who lies in suspended animation, as he hears hatches opening on the way to him.

A hurried rush through mid ship..

light shafts pour down the stairs, as they peel open the darkness.

The girls reach the landing to see him staring them down, unblinking.

In absolute horror, he has no words, no nothing,

and this is a loud man. He is just mouth agape, in double takes between them.


Kara's casual, as she's reaching for the lock on the cage.


Rossignol leans it in, slow and close.

"That dress yer wearin, was 'riginally bluue..

jus what in hell's blazes happ'n up there last night?"


Kara jerking the reaction!, how could he know!?

Turns her smile over gorgeous, as she points it,

"Well.. probably not, what you think happened."

Still in recovery, an uncovered burp paused the middle.






Stomping his tantrum!, with more insults a comin.

However this time, the girls both found it amusing.


Kara taken aback,

not quite realizing the thin walls of her new dwelling,


well aren't you the clever one.

That's.. pretty much exactly what happened.

Saves time doesn't it!?"

Swinging open the cage,

she ushers him by graceful hand gesture towards the stairs.

"After you."


Legs moving in rubbery twitches, he sidesteps passed the girls,

not taking eyes off of them.

To getting a foot up on the stairs, he violently turns the double take!

Kara leans a take it all in, small curtsy in her murderer's dress!,

making it way worse for him!


Blasting it out!, he wants them to say it!

The girls burst it back in laughter!

Risha's rapid fire yelps, and Kara's long winded belly laugh.

This barking wreck of a junkyard dog, that is figuratively a fraction of their size.

Spins and stomps!, as he huffs and puffs around!

He is hysterical to them now!

"So long as we're not Succubusses!"


Kara guiding him up the rungs,

Risha following close behind, still taming her laughter.

Mid deck is abandoned silence.

Shades drawn shut, no light coming in. Lanterns snuffed out.

The room is a void of blacks with no definition, only stench remaining.

Rossignol cautiously pokes a head, the points of his cap,

then a couple of eyes at level with the boards, scanning about the hold.

With low light from the stairwell shafts coming down,

he can see the shine of glossy reflection,

and it's on every surface.. how is it everywhere!?

The ceiling too!?

His hands reach for steadying, it's wet.


Reeling back in horror!, he misses a rung underfoot,

and topples down on the girls!

His beloved ship, is now just a cursed spoil!

A pirate's worst nightmare!

The girls aren't looking to spend one more moment in here either!,

as they scoot him along up the stairs to main deck.

Essentially shouldering him, all the way to the top,

for he is barely functional.

"Maybe run a rag here an there.. on your free time."

Kara closing the hatch behind them, and battening it down.


Risha still amused by Rossignol, studies him from just out of eyeline.

Watching his filthy pirate swagger, the way he limps a step..

then shuffles feet together, he's never standing up straight!

One eye is always squinked, they're never both open at the same time.

Like a hard life on the seas, under the equatorial sun,

has permanently squinted this man.

She hones in on him, she wants the impersonation of him, perfect.


Rossignol who is clearly struggling with everything he's witnessed.

With feet back on main deck, up out of the dank brig below.

The cool winds breathe life back on his face again, he resumes character.

Realizing that his Siren encounter is coming to an end,

he resorts to what he knows best, sailing instincts take over.

Reaching a hand for his pocket stowed spyglass, shuffles off for the bow.

The back of his pirate mind, thinking of any way to salvage his situation.

A leg up at the railings, with hands on hips scouting the view.

It took him all of a few glances, to know exactly where they are,

and exactly where Freeport is.

A well tenured man of the tides, he has no business on land,

no home amongst the land-lovers. His legs quite literally don't work,

without the rocking motions underneath them.



Risha looming off behind, hasn't taken eyes away from him.

In his stretches and collapses of the spyglass,

as he focused in on different landmass points,

she noticed something on the side of it.

An etching, it was ornate. In forest green with gold trims,

it's way too nice for him.

She moves in silent, as he leans it back in his coat pocket.

Rossignol plotting the course in silence, is oblivious to her presence.

She is right behind him.


The yank is sharp!, it jars his skeleton loose!

His horizon spins around one-eighty,

with legs trying to keep up with her thrashing turn around!,

he falls into her!

As she fistful grabs everything at the chest, including skin!

Rips him off his feet!, without a word!

Walks him to the side with an arm outstretching,

and dangles his legs over the water!

He tries to bark for answers, and she silences him!,

"Not another word!, I don't neeed you.

Pass me that spyglass, right now."


Rossignol immediately obliges.

The other one is sweet and talks a lot,

she just likes the sound of her own voice.

But when this one has something to say,

you'd best believe she means it, and there will be hell to pay.

He fishes the spyglass in a shaking fling to her,

catching it in offhand, she thinks it over a second..

in mid growl, she pulls him back aboard.

The jerk so stiff on his neck, his legs fell behind.

To an awkward child's stumble, he spills out against the stash lockers.


Risha goes low, turning away from him in crouch.

Examining it up against her chest.

As she suspected. It's 'his' without a doubt.

Down full length of the side in gold cursive,

'The Robin' stylized in between the wings that wrap around it.

Rossignol observing her privacy..

the way she clutched it against her chest.

Quickly realizes what's going on.

And that all too familiar, woman's reaction,

to having a run-in with Captain Robin LaRue.


Her head boiling different ways to hurt him!,

she hears his low grumbling chuckle.

Growing louder as he props an arm over a raised knee.

"Leeave it to a LaRue..

to have a trraail of weeping willows behind him.

Do ya think yer the only one lass?"

The Rooster and the Robin have a long history together.

With several ups and downs along the way, but such is pirate life.

He knows this conversation, very well.


"You think it's funny!?"

She's right on top of him!, about to get hands on!

"You stole his ship too!, didn't you!"

Not asking, demanding.

He finally barks her back and it works!





Rossignol barreling some sense into her!


Risha stops cold.

He's right, and Kara was right. She is just too 'unskilled' in this department.

That charm of his, his lucky looks! Of course she's not the only one.

No way in hell, is she going to be one of his wenches in waiting.

Her rage thins away, this is just the pirate's life. They steal.

"I'm keeping this."

Collapsing it down short, she stows it back pocket.

For the first time, she gives him a tug that doesn't hurt.

Physical contact, that doesn't result in something broken on him.

Her apology.

As she eases him up to standing, seeing land get awfully big on the horizon.

"Think it's time for you to take the wheel."


Rossignol can see the desire on her.

These are intense feelings that she has for him,

it's not just gonna fade away so quick. And he's seen it before.

"If'n makes ya feeel any bett'r.. none have been quite so pritty, as you."

Gaping his grin wide, he flashes an entire double row,

of dirty several shades of stained browns, teeeth. All the way across his face.

He extracts the laugh from her,

"Scoot!, before I steal somethin else!"


He begins his long walk of shame.

Confused over the rather personal engagement he's just had with Risha the Fable.

There's something about her, in that pirate's garb she's wearing.

She takes to it so well.

He is convinced, that this is just the beginning's of him hearing about her.

Spins the last glance, he files her image in memory.

"Until weez meet again, me young Siren lass."

She didn't see it, but he tipped his cap.

Approaching mid ship now, a flash of the horrors below!

Stuttering into a sidestep!, and skipping the cracks, no foot on a line!

He soft-shoes passed the hatch, in move for the helm.

Anxiety sets in further, with every aching step.

For he is about to be very alone. With a very recognizable ship,

in hostile waters. And no conceivable way of escaping.


Creeping slow up the captain's stairs..

to see a care-free Kara. Standing at HIS wheel.

Rage balled up, goes in wind.. and knuckles him between the temples.

Taking stock at all his losses! He's lost his crew,

his gorgeous one of a kind galleon most likely.

Left in wanted territory beached!, with low probability of staying alive.

And all at the hands.. of only two, beautiful young girls.

It's way too much for him. He EXPLODES.





"Siren's better.. can we circle back to that?"

He can't possibly offend her, she's looking down on her lap dog.


-"I'm thinking it over."

It only sounded cute. He dials it back.

Her threats are much more subtle. And this one is almost twice the other one's size.

"Kara, please lass.. I gotz nothin left.

Leave me with some dignity.. take me dingy ashore,

and i'll ride me ship until it settles.

Forever indebted to ya will I be."

He called her by name for the first time. And not some horrible creature,

or reference to a maritime curse.


But it's not enough.

Kara is done being convinced of anything, from half-wit pirates.

"And what is that worth?, the word of a pirate?

You think we're going to climb in that tiny dingy..

while you volley cannons at us, rowing away?

O I don't think so."


Rossignol grumbling contemplations, she's clearly not having it.

And being that he's already fired cannons at them,

he's not entirely sure himself, whether he would or wouldn't again.

A defeated sigh, is all he has left.

She gives it back in chipper,

"Just like we planned, find us a nice soft beach.

Once we're safe on land, we're gonna push you right back out into the water."

-"I think."

Scooting the ending in.


Paradise awaits. Kara isn't thinking about him anymore.

Her eyes are on the prize. She can already imagine how serene Freeport will be.

By noticing how the waters have gone from emerald greens,

to crystal clear blues. The overcast is gone, she can see for miles.

The hovering gulls overhead, signalling her to prepare for arrival.

"Alll yoouurs."

Gliding a finger across the spokes, her kiss goodbye.

Makes way for the bow, to be side by side with Risha.

The front row view together.


The ship barrels through the shallows, a massive structure to be threading a reef.

Rossignol thriving in his quick hand turns, this is what he loves.

Rounding the bow, dead through a shoulder wide atoll,

there it is. A white sand pillow of a cove.

Reaching for his spyglass with a grumble..

shrugs it off, only eyeball now.




The girls are bursting in fall down laughter!

Kara's recognizable big long belting belly laugh, that Kazandra shares.

And Risha's rapid fire cackle!, where she can't breathe or see anymore!

Risha could laugh herself to death!

To their own surprise, they kind of like him now!

He's just so full of piss and vinegar, everything he does is smarmy animated.

The girls gladly accepting his challenge,

sails come down so fast, it's an unnatural motion.

Risha doesn't even have feet on deck, she's gliding across the rigging.

About to make land, the spot is secluded with an easy shelf,

the man is a legend behind the wheel.



He can clearly see what's about to happen.


The girls flat-footed, just taking in the scenery,

are gone off the table-top!

The bow slams the shelf!, with a hard pitch upwards!

Crunching so thick!, it sounds like a tree fell!

Careening through whitewater, the massive four mast galleon,

barrels up the shelf, to a digging wake in the sand stop.

Then resting it's keel in groan.

Risha standing foremost bow, goes in swan-dive over the side!

Kara almost sticking a catch, skips down the boat's lean,

with "OooOh's" accompanying, to a cartwheel over at mid ship.


Sloshing up the shore, to see a giddy Risha.

Hugging knees against her chest, sitting hip deep.

Digging her toes in the crystal white sands.

Such a stark contrast, from the charcoal sands which she came.

Seeing Risha soo happy.. that beautiful cloud surfing smile.

Makes Kara absolutely glow. Both figuratively and literally.

She plops down right next to her, shoulder to shoulder.

Digging toes away, speechless it's so perfect.


And gone goes the moment!, an EXPLOSION from the junkyard dog above!

Leaning over the bow, with a few stomps and a shaking fist!






Rossignol has heard the girls going hyena so much,

he knows exactly who's who, he can pick out their laughter now.

He watches as Kara scoops up a drowning Risha,

in loss of motor control, laughing fits are down right dangerous for her.

They take positions on each side of the bow just below him.

Risha on his right, in a four point stance down low, pushing forward.

Kara moves in on his left, leaning back long, with heels digging in.

No way he thinks..

the mass of jolt underfoot, almost knocks him over!, this is happening!

He races off to the wheel!, with no idea what to do next.


The gorgeous Pearle, groans it's pains. She's trying so hard to stay together.

Stressing cracks down the hull, boards are buckling in several compartments,

the sounds of ocean can be heard, rushing in.

The girls carve it in reverse, down the very path it created.

"Put yer back into it, princess."

Risha's side running away with it, she's leaning it over on Kara.

Giving her the spur, test your strength.

Kara is physically the strongest, of all the sisters.

She just doesn't know how to apply her body in athletic ways yet.

But she is very studious, disciplined and thorough.

Her time in the college set the bar, for others to follow.


Feeling her competitive side come out,

she goes flat full back against the hull,

down low under the curve, and digs her feet in like stakes.

Tense from head to toe, for a big strong push.

The ship instantly rights itself masts tall,

and slides the cut pathway. Picking up speed,

the stern goes crashing through the breakers.

Hip deep, the girls can feel the tension release.

Giving it's final groan, the lazy float gives way under their touch.

Kara almost breaking herself through!, from the dent she left behind.

Watches the soft quiet launch in silence. Their beautiful black Pearle.

Rocks on it's keel in list.


Rossignol is going through it.

In the midst, of several staged mixed emotions.

Sails at a stop, and taking on water.

Mostly rage and regret, with a healthy side of Stockholm syndrome.

He watches the fading outlines of Kara and Risha,

fingers fit in five plus five, as simple as can be. Giving a small parade wave.


Kara screaming it from the shore!

To his last encore, stomping EXPLOSION.


In the history of the world this story is famous.

It is repeatedly quoted for several generations,

how two teenage girls, escaped the largest war since the turn of the century.

Newborn vampires, having no idea what they're doing,

stole not one, but two wartime galleons.

Outsmarted being waylaid by deadly pirates, and sending them all to an icy grave.

Sailed the treacherous open ocean from Port Royale to Freeport,

all the while making the veteran captain prisoner, watch a young girl sail his ship.

To hopping off at Freeport, without a scratch on them.

Other than the city of Gideon, this story and other stories of theirs,

are considered fanciful fictions.



Chapter 11. The Capital City ball, present time.


Darkness falls in a curtain atop the overcast, the city of Gideon is filled with hope.

For those who didn't already know, finding out the General of the North has taken refuge among them,

there is a serene calm in the air. The curfew still in effect, but being somewhat ignored.

Zansa's private carriage creaks to a halt, just short of the main hall,

leading to her luxurious tandem suite.

That she shares alongside her sister Soraya.

The group all filing down the steps, Geoff goes in a scamper for the landing,

clearly embarrassed, and still struggling with the option of being a tattletale,

or maybe don't this time.

A few yards away he turns it, in shameful eyes finding Kazandra,

looking for sympathy from her.

"You're only sorry because you've been caught!"

She's not having such cheap tactics, they didn't work for her either.

Only time will tell.


Soraya's run off her scrappy energy, and fast approaching her bed time,

goes in a stumble for the landing, with a missing heel and winding arms backwards.

"Toes work better."

The quick upright from Kazandra right next to her, pulling her in under the wing.

Kara and Kazandra. Do not walk heel to toe.

They find it an ungainly, imprecise stumbling roll of a motion.

Their feet are pointed in step toes first, striding a path instead of rocking it.

With a yawn, Soraya grabs an un-abashed hug of her leg.

"G'night Kazandra."

-"My friends call me Zandy."

The pat on her back with notion attached, almost sends Soraya's smile into tears.

Then scooting off in tom-boy bounce, for the warm hearth of her bedroom.


Zansa and Kazandra make the time.

Enjoying a nice long walk and chat, down the peaceful streets of a snow feathered Gideon.

Hypnotic steps through time and space, as feet and turns already know where they're going.

Her knowledge of all things Baudelaire, is completely disarming to Kazandra.

She just feels, familiar.

Even having keen perspective from both sides mortal, and non-mortal,

she can see interpretive matters, that might sometimes escape Kazandra.

On approach to the Baudelaire carriage, her tones become more anxious.

"When are you leaving?..

for Capital city, is it soon?"

She doesn't want her to go, and it's showing.


"That's a Kara question, sometime tomorrow for sure,

whhy, do you wanna coome?"

Leaning into it, and reading her mind, without any sort of special power.

"She said there's a big to-do, fancy pants ball going on to!"

Passing the horses now mid pack, a stirring from the monsters.

Swishing manes with clopping hooves, a few grunts from the rambunctious one,

Gibby, or short for Gibbons. Kazandra side-eyes the glaring scold on him,

'You wouldn't dare!'


Zansa would have noticed, if her face didn't absolutely drop.

She had no idea, that was even on the table!

"Wait what!?, you mean like, with you..

in that carriage?, with ALL of you!?, are you seerious!?"

Containing her excitement is no option.


"Well no.. that carriage is full,

maybe you can keep up on one of the castle mares?"

Kazandra couldn't say it with a straight face!

Still making last minute adjustments to her braid, fanning out the fall of reds.

Zansa bursts it back laughing,

"That's not nice!"

-"Of course with us!, you're gonna love it!

We all built that carriage by hand!, it's a home in there.

And I think you and I both, need a change of scenery."

She can sense by Zansa's overly polite, librarian manners,

could probably get out a little more.

Kazandra has been cooped up for fifty years.


"I wanna go, I wanna goo!"

And gone goes her perfect princess speech patterns.

Her normally reserved tones, reduced to childish squeaks and yelps.

From the prospect of what's unfolding, a whole new side is coming out of her.

She wants to hug her so bad!, inching cautiously closer.


"You and I can help each other get ready,

it's a gussy affair to the nines, from what I hear."

Kazandra rolls out her ruby's in wide smile,

noticing Zansa's arms go for the afraid half-shoot,

then pulling arms back in at her sides.

Never in her wildest dreams!

Would she be mingling around arm in arm,

traveling the world, with her childhood heroes!

She is exploding giddy off the rails, and doesn't know what to do next.

Kazandra bear hugs her, heels off the ground.


The physical contact upon the lonely,

is just as therapeutic for the both of them.

Kazandra with eyes across the street, kitty-corner adjacent.

Spots out the clergy duo, exiting their rented Inn,

making way on over to the carriage.

"Do you have a pretty dress?"

Zansa on her tiptoes, still not wanting to let go,

with her back turned to the approaching gentlemen,

"I'm gonna go see what I have!"

In her excited turn lost in the moment, she has no idea of her surroundings.

Moving in full sprint!, there's nothing behind her but brick wall, Van.


Hands with no survival instincts at all!,

she squishes a whole face against his chest!, with nowhere left to go.

To squeaking the fall back on her rump!, arms bracing the fall.

He didn't budge.

Now staring up at this, large mysterious figure.. in a thick winter's trench.

Wearing a brimmed hat that is near shoulder wide,

he is more in perspective than the sky above.


"Vaaan!, uhg you big lug, why didn't you catch her!?"

Hipping hands to a smirking finger roll. Only Kazandra calls him big lug.

And it goes back a long way, even to where his first, and common nickname came from.

So many years ago..

when a pinnacle of her power, and 'slightly' arrogant Kara,

was introduced to the new young apprentice, liaison from the mortal world to the college,

"Gabriel Van Helsing the third, seventh rank order of the paranormal,

apprehensions and interrogation division."

Was his long winded opening monologue to just, Kara.

"That must be exhausting.. how about, Van?"

Her snarky response without eye contact, and it just stuck.


"Why didn't.. YOU, catch her."

Smooth Van, instant with wits at the ready.

A gloved point, with figurative wink behind it.

Feeling more at ease than he's felt in a long time,

having so many powerful allies, and more incoming.

All holding up within these walls. He is right where he's supposed to be.

"In point of fact, that was all your fault..

I didn't do anything."


Kazandra's incoherent muttering to herself flying fast tongue,

in barely audible high pitched gasps.

Which she does frequently.


He ungloves to a bare hand offering help,

"Princess Zansa, I presume?"


In short. She pulls the upright with a quick brush off.

Wanting to take a step backwards, but taking the step forwards.

"You're.. Gabriel Van Helsing, aren't you?"


The instinctive pull on his brim.


The air goes still, uneasy.

Zansa is no dummy. She's had to hear stories her whole young life,

rumors spread through dark alleys, about clergy men.

That would brag about hunting for this abomination, Kara.

The utterance of that term is damned knife in her side!

And being the Princess of Gideon, she can easily have someone removed.

"Don't you go around the world, killing abominations for the church!?"

She rolled the accusation sharp in one breath, she wants the straight answer.



Kazandra flabbergasted!, confronts the situation immediately.

Quite amazed that she would square up on such a large mysterious man,

on Kara's behalf. She spins her eye to eye.

"O you'll get used to Vaan, and don't worry about that old mumbo jumbo clergy stuff,

he's been helping my family for a long, long time.

Even turning sneaky eyes away!"

She chirps the ending, as both Carl and Zansa wheel a look to Van in unison,

"True story."

That's all you get.


Zansa drops the attitude as fast as she picked it up.

Clear to see that Kazandra really likes this man, and there is history here.

She's looking for words..

"I misjudged you.. I'm sorry."


She queued up an easy one for him,

"Don't worry about it, happens alll the time."

Van's unflappable charm, like there is no wrong outcome.

Kazandra's stare is burning on him.

He knows it's there, he is well aware.

That when she's around, it's him she's watching..

and that gaze baring down from her is powerful,

he doesn't usually return it. He rarely makes eye contact with her,

and when he does, it's darting at best.


Carl has been waiting for an introduction.

In terms of his type, Zansa is registering across the board.

With him being twenty five years old,

and her about to birthday out of nineteen years old,

they are right in range.

"Good evening m'lady."

Perfect etiquette, no hesitation, right for the hand.

She gives it to him, with a quick knee curtsy, happy to oblige,


-"Carl, and it is my pleasure.

I have all this study I need to compile, we've discovered so much.

Would you be able to show me to the library?"

Aimed well, and swung his shot.


Zansa has two dwellings, study and home.

And she's never seen a boy with genuine interest in the library before,

so she's rather taken aback. His puppy dog eyes and shaggy hair,

are adorable. They drop arms to a hand in hand swing,

eye contact at level, they are the same height.

"I'm the curator!, by default.."

The giggle on the ending, because no one dares take her place.

It's no chore to her, keeping Gideon's records up to date,

is one of her most favorite things to do. She takes pride in it.

As far as she's concerned, Gideon has the most intact and thorough,

documented collection, of all history in the world. Mortal and non-mortal.

"I'd like to help."

Offering the lead, Carl goes bright red, and firing out questions.


Kazandra who was observing the wildlife mating ritual in silence,

watching the cute little couple bopping off into the sunset..

goes on her tiptoes, unnerving fangs in saucy smile, right in Van's face.

While firing her medusa's ineffectual blaze on him,

"Well, it looks like, shee's gotta date for the ball.."

Without control, her raw desire pours the gift out of her,

she is exposed and held captive by emotion.


"Looking forward to it..

Carl and I are leaving in the morning on public transport."

Leaning back on the carriage while in fish for his cigar sheathe,

he never gives her the answer she really wants, he can't.

And they both know it.

Yet through time and time again.

He was there for her, in her darkest hour.

An age of haunting, trying to survive the existence of a half-life.

Unsure if you can un-become this wailing ghost assumed.

The isolated stir crazed misery, of losing all that is loved,

forced her at times into bitter rage. Hatred for the world,

and all who dwell in it. If I can't have love. You can't either.

He was the one.. to track her down and bring her back.

The only one.


She sings the matter-of-fact,

"Well i'm afraid that's just not good enough.

Do you know?.. how often public transport, gets waylaid on a journey like that?

And considering your history, of what carriage you choose to throw me into!,

it's time you take a trip in, MY carriage."


Pulling the laugh right out of him!

Van remembering long ago, when they first met,

"Got us there didn't it?"

-"It smells like sewage and regret!"


'The pantry carriage!, how dare you!'

And that was her reaction on the third time,

slung over his shoulder while in full sprint, and pelting fists on his backside.

'Ehh shuddup Zandy, yer gonna get us both killed one day!'

They've lost count since..

but it's never not funny to them reminiscing the flashbacks,

his laugh goes to a roar, and she's catching the snorts.

"First light then?"

Van making his, walls going back up leave.

"By the way, what's the big secret that Kara tells em?"

He's heard the rumor of lightning speed.


"They're simple.. it's jus food."

She's cutesy on the ending while batting eyelashes,

Gibby cranes around a castle beam sized neck, in full turn grunt.

"First light."

Tipping the cap to her acknowledgement,

with an affectionately restrained last glance.

Van heads off to assist Carl, and inform him of the change of plans.


Kazandra now watching him go in daydream,

thinking of which dress to wear, and how amazing the ball will be,

"You realize, that would probably start a holy war, riight?"

Risha from inside the carriage,

peering out the front window, that you cannot see into.

"Riishaa!, you sneaky fox!"

Kazandra whipping her head to the window with a laugh!

"But I liike hiim.."


Out pops the window, and battening upwards.

"You only like him, because you can't, have him."

Risha's favorite drinking buddy in the world is Kazandra,

and the smell of Wilhelm is wafting from the inner cabin.

"I smell somethiing.. nightcap?"

Two fingers caught the flask without looking,

snatching Risha's fling, right out of the air.

The heavy spike from the powerful concoction,

is meant for sipping. The burning punch is instant upon lip contact.

"Like yer one to talk.. you ran off with a scoundrel for twenty years!

What was his silly name again?, Pigeon of the deepest eyelashes?"

O she knows his name, liquid courage is taking over rapidly.


"Robin!, and that was ages ago. Even Kara was a scallywag!"

She nailed the impression, she even slurred it and put a crook on her posture,

Risha couldn't help but laugh it out.

Kazandra comes swaying up the stairs, keeping up the copy-cat pirate motions,

excited for some gossip time with Risha.

To a headlong diving crash on the plush cushions.

"A princess scallywag maybe, she made it look goood.

How did he find you anyway?, in all of freeport!"

On opposite benches, she reaches out the pass,

back over to Risha.


"Find us?.. he was waiting for us.

And he wasn't too happy to find out we sunk not one,

but two of his ships! So we worked out an arrangement."

Fond memories of these Privateer times, it's hard for Risha to let go.

She feels somewhat out of her era, without a grand ship of some kind,

docked in wait nearby.

"And we all know how that turned out."

Kazandra getting sassy, walks right into it.



"What you mean Van!?, there's no comparison!"

-"Same outcome!"

Risha the wise knows.. but Kazandra is now tipping into,

argumentative, blurring vision territory. And wants to go down with a fight.

"Van is a choir boy!, he wouldn't steal unless he was feeding a starving child!

And he'd take the lashings for it!"

Badmouthing Van right in front of her, will explode a reaction,

and it is vice versa, no one gets a pass.


Risha passing the flask, keeping up the rotation,

"He was created to take the lashes, babe..

that can't be what you want, it's the hardest life."

Risha trying to talk some sense into Kazandra's undeterrable disaster.

She can see the look on her face doesn't have a 'no',

it's a yes.. and as long as it needs to take.


"He's the only one, Risha."

She slows it down, picking her words carefully in the haze,

"Love-stinks!, you know..

they either love me for only the moment, or fall over!

I never get the real person!

But then..

I have you and Kara, I know that love is real, because it feels different.

That's how hee feeels!"

She couldn't help it, she moaned it out.

It's as honest as she can be.


Kara's moan. And it pulls on Risha's heartstrings,

this is no gift. Kazandra's perception of love, is that it's cruel.

Risha takes pause. A long inflection of her life knowing Van.

He's had so many opportunities to betray,

she's given him the rope to hang himself with.

Where she can see if he has ulterior motives, and can be compromised.

The man is a rock.

She doesn't usually let on how much she really likes him,

it is a pain to bare.

Van is a very dangerous man. That lives a very dangerous life.

Although not aging at any sort of realistic human pace,

and strong enough to take on a group of trained men.

He can still be mortally wounded.


She resents the fact that she has to prepare herself,

like so many others in her long life. That Van can just be taken away.

"I love you both. And I'm by your side either way, one thing I've learned..

if you two are meant to be together, you will be.

And nothing's gonna stop it."


"AWww, I luv you tOo!"

Kazandra slurred it, and not intentional.

Now flicking the flask across the floor in pass,

too much effort for a lean.


Risha fishing it off the floor without looking,

it's light. She gives a jiggle for the level,

Kazandra tilted back more than half of it down.

"Ooo, yer about to get sloppy, aren't you?"


To both of them cackling!

"Y'know he saved my life once, maybe more than once.."


"The Pigeon?"

What were we talking about again?, Kazandra's attention span is gone.

Risha in all circ*mstances, can drink her under the table.

But she's having a moment.. and you're in it to!

"No, not RObin!, he woulda sold the kid an ate the food!"


Kazandra being reigned back in, blasts it back!,

"ME TOO!, I wasn't always such a good sneak,

he's whisked me out of trouble a few times, with an army at his back!

Riisha, I think I loove hiim."


"That'l send Kara off her rocker.."

Risha's snark, with Kazandra's immediate interrupt,

-"O she knows."

"Of course she does!"

To both of them in wild cackles again.


"She has it soo easy, doesn't she!?

She doesn't even have to try, no one ever says no to her!

And she never gets attached."

Kazandra pulling up on blankets, settling in for the night.

Tucked in sideways, with knees curling up.

Just her face poking out of a red cocoon bonnet.


Risha lying flat, eyes on the ceiling.

Having been mediator in Kara's relationships over the ages, they are complex.

"She's different.. and she's been through it, believe me.

I think she's too much.. for someone to be with forever,

and she knows it too."


"She just goes with the flow..

I couldn't do that, I wanna get married!

And have a biig wedding, and never do it again!"

Kazandra hitting impossibly high, drunken chirps.

-"Can you imagine your big lug all cleaned up like that?"

A cat must've walked in, because that's the sound that followed,


Back into wild cackles again.


Kazandra fiddling with her braids, in sloppy pulls.

Creating more of a silver bird's nest,

"You think she prefers women, cuz it's easier?"

The sisters all have their own individual preferences.

For Risha, she is hetero, and suffers the horrible affliction,

of only being attracted to the bad boy.

As for Kazandra, she is Van-ero.

-"Who herr?, pssh, I don't think she cares either way.

She just gets whatever she wants.

And I've seen some weeird, unexplainable shiit..

portals opening up to other worlds, walls of stone go breaking to pieces.

Goddesses come down in call for her."


"Well they left that part out o' the children's book!"

Their roaring laughter clears the cabin,

and can be heard droning through the city streets.

Late into the evening, the pass-out phase of Wilhelm begins taking hold.

Slurs go thick, only one eye can be open at a time.

Kazandra is wiping the corners of her mouth,

"Yer coming withz tomorrow, ya?"

She knows the answer, she wants another attempt.


"Do wut?..

you know I can't. Leave our house un-protected!?,

not to mentions, none of these Gideon kids can fight."


Pleading on deaf ears. Kazandra enjoys her company differently than Kara.

Anything is possible when Risha is around.

Trouble usually follows just the two of them, but that is the fascination.

Where as Kara's eyes hold a heavy weight behind them.

And she's more or less, trying to be on her best behavior.


Risha is a General. She owns it because she earned it.

The entire North is her home, and she fiercely protects it.

"And who's gonna take care of yer little winged puffball..

and who's gonna watch the pantry from withering to decay..

and who's gonna traain, and arm thes-"

-"Fiiiine.. SnOwbaall!"

She's heard enough, she knew Risha wasn't gonna go for it anyway.

Blurting out the affectionate call, for her pet bat at the end,

even though not around, she just likes screaming out his name.


Both girls drifting off into satin surfing slumber.

Twisting into body pillows, one with drool coming down the side.

Shades drawn lights out.

"Ima be herez.. u tooz, Huah! Go beez dancy girlz."

-"Wuz tht.. u jus barf on rrr rilloows?"

"Aate it."



Kara cracks the doors..

to see a Risha with half her body on the floor,

and the other half draped across the bench.

and a red riding hood Kazandra in full tuck sideways,

talking in her sleep.


With just a giggle. All three together again.

She locks the doors from the inside, giving them their privacy,

and letting them sleep. Then heading off to her usual,

Gideon's portside penthouse suite.



Chapter 12.


The city miles high to the sun, burns off the icy evenings of Gideon.

A magnifying heat blanket through the overcast, in dull warm greys.

The permanent shade overhead, makes it a popular destination for the nocturnal.

Van the first one up, sipping on a french roast, while gathering supplies

at the carriage stairs,

"You gonna be ok with that.."

Watching Carl struggle with Zansa's luggage, the chivalrous offering.

But it is no bag or tote.. it is a chest.

"Up top."

That stopped him. The top of the carriage is above ten feet,

and he can barely get it off his shoulder.

"Would you?"


Van assuming all the hard work as usual,

with Carl and Zansa chatting about their grand cross-country journey,

waiting by the stairs. Van squares everything off and packs it tight.

Kazandra somehow made it to her front sleeping compartment,

who's taken to her hobby of sawing logs.

Risha was out before first light.

Because the woman can never sleep a full cycle.

Pulling the train-wreck of Kazandra, out of sight by the ankles.

Now somewhere about the halfway point back to her castle,

in full kick sprint, on her gorgeous black stallion.


Van giving the signal, all set to go.

Kara glides in, as all heads turn.

"That tavern dress!"

Zansa's squeal, she's never seen anything like it!

A casual dress, in ruffles across the shoulders, full length strapless.

It's a common cut, a long clean shape that's been worn for ages,

but not the one she's wearing!

The skirt and top are sparkling diamond white,

cinched in by a baby blue corset, with sleeves at three quarter,

she's more exposed than usual.

She spins the perfect blooming twirl,

"Do you like it!?, it's one of my favorites!

I made it myself, it's a Mithril tavern."

She loves it too!, and takes great pride in her dress making.

"The blue is so bright, because I stained it with water runes!"


A seamstress in the college, is not only extremely popular,

it is one of the hardest skills to master.

Taking years of practice, a dedicated surgical hand,

when working with unknown, and sometimes volatile,

supernatural college level materials in your construction.

Some of these one-off fabrications, have life altering potential.

Blueprints are made by instructors, held by the college in highest regard.

Kazandra, and her best friend Ellewyn in the college,

are known as the elite, of dress makers.

Kazandra even draws a crowd, because she doesn't use any special instruments,

she uses only her hands.


"I want one!"

And gone, goes her perfect princess speech patterns,

Kara brings it out of her too.

"How do you make it?"

Eyes exploring down the dress, to the silky floor sweep across her toes.

It brushes the ground, but never takes a stain!

There's an embroidered, barely visible contrasting snowflake pattern,

that starts at the bottom and blends in upwards.

"I luv it."


Kara sings her beautiful matter-of-fact,

"Only the college has spinning wheels for Mithril,

and it's been soo long, I've forgotten how to go back!

So it's a good thing I have a special ship, that only goes in the college's direction."

She moves in close, the joke in her ear,

She's ahead of the conversation, and knows where Zansa is going with this,

"I'm sort of a big deal."



Zansa's blasting laugh!, she's just like Kazandra!

Or maybe Kazandra is just like her!

"Would I ever be able to go?"

This college place she keeps hearing about,

it just seems so far fetched to her.


"Well strange things happen, every single day!

I bet you didn't think you'd be going on vacation,

with Kara Baudelaire today.. and that happened!

Anything is possible."

They are exactly the same!

Zansa twitches arms.. she's a hugger.

But Kara has a much different aura about her,

she intentionally makes personal space, in posture.

Her arms are usually behind her back in conversation.

Body language suggesting that she doesn't want to be touched.


Kara saw the move for a hug, and she's fine with it.

However she has exposed skin all over,

it's Zansa who's not going to be fine with it.

When she's ready.

Kara peels open the doors double wide,

"Ooo booys."

The gentlemen who were giving some breathing room for girl-talk.

And going over their own, plans and 'get up' for the big evening.

Move in with the group by her ushering hand gesture,

all filing in up the steps.

"Take off yer hat.. stay awhile."

Kara jokingly as he's passing by.


He slings it right back.

"Because you're indooors."

-"No one's ever said anything to me before.."

"And who could blame them."


The new people aboard, feel it underfoot immediately, it's solid.

There was no shimmy or settling from all the weight arriving.

There is an un-worldly vibe to the cabin's structure.

Van has seen this carriage several times, mostly from the outside.

He still takes a moment to appreciate, the hours of by-hand effort applied.

This is their labor of love. And the sisters have put in years of patience.

Adding their own personal touches and modifications over time.


Carl and Zansa are speechless.

There is no inch, that's not intentional.

Heads on a swivel as they're taking it all in,

it's so tall inside, that Kara can stand up with room overhead,

for Van's ten gallon hat.

The middle table is ornate, edge carved and looks to be part of the deck.

Bench seating is in surround and plush red, bursting at the seams with feathered down.

The silky drapes that cover the windows, are midnight black in one direction,

and warm maroon in the other direction.

With a soft glow illuminating from the stitching's,

night light flower pattern. Embroidered in on all the curtains and throws.

Someone's painstaking hand did this.


It's quiet.

Muted inside to the world, the walls are thick button center pillows,

creating it's own climate aboard, it's exactly comfortable.

And looks to stay that way.

The chassis does not flex, or lean under load, it corners flat.

Even lowering to the ground, the faster it goes.

Carved out solid, from one piece!, of petrified oak.

It took Kara and Risha a sabbatical of time. Camping it out where it lay,

dug the whole thing out from the middle.

Oversized wheels in subtle dagger spoke,

seem to absorb all impact, unknown to any other carriage.


The group gather seats with wandering eyes,

running hands across what feels expensive under the touch.

Polished woods, and brushed linens,

the doors close.. but Kara doesn't get in.

"What'd you suppose she's doing?"

Carl peering out the front window,

watching as Kara individually greets all the horses,

she's soo kind to them. They are all circling muzzles to get closer.

Gibby unhooks from the pack, as she leads him up to front and center.

Then walking the entire caravan by hand, at her gliding pace.

To just outside the southern gates,

where the road opens up wide flat for miles,

smooth and off the cobblestones.


Van shuffles feet, faster than Carl would be expecting,

and goes back up against the wall. Not a word.

Carl who is an expert on Van's subtleties,

hops up the follow in suit, sitting right next to him.

"Am I missing something?"

-"You'l see."


Zansa is oblivious, fixated on Kara watching her every move.

Whatever she's whispering, is squealing a reaction from the horses.

Their fiery manes are swishing wild, with hooves that begin a stomp in unison.

A sharp jolt rocks the immovable cabin..

followed by a human sized lurch of turbulence.

Passengers are now in grab for handles.

The air inside took a jump from light to serious in a snap.

The progressive drumbeat of the monster's march,

turns to thunderclaps as Kara is headed for the doors.

Finally getting a chance to 'stretch their legs',

it sounds like an explosion is building.


Kara pulls open the doors, to terrified faces.

Panic clutches in hard grip, with eyes darting around..

why is the whole cabin shaking!?,

are those horses outside or are they dragons in disguise!

"Just sit towards the back, for the first part."

Way too calm, she smirked it.

Taking a seat next to Van opposite of Carl,

Zansa slides in next to him, backs against the wall.


No warning!, no let up, and no easing into it!

The cabin squats on it's rear, and goes firing off the line!

Are the wheels even on the ground!?, it's the speed of a cannon shot!,

and that's what it sounded like!

Carl and Zansa can't see the real world anymore!,

it is tunnel vision! Sinking the seatbacks waiting for top-out,

each step from the monsters is pulling it harder and harder!

The freakishly terrified smiles on their faces, is half real..

and half imprinted by the force!


Kara caught a glance, then double takes it bursting,

"Look at all those teeth!"

Wide across ear to ear, the biggest smile she's ever seen on Van.

His distinguished hat propped up in squash behind him,

he looks so fun.. she's loving it,

"I could've got you in this carriage a long time ago."

A two hundred and seventy five pound, stow of sleeping luggage..

goes crashing up against the main compartment's door.


A muffled Kazandra, in splay and upside down.

Hearing laughter from the main compartment.

"You didn't have to.."


"Good morning suunshiine..

would you like to make the ball on time?"

Kara singing it at the door seam,

she saw the grouping of hits on the door,

and can clearly imagine how she's lying,

it was head first.


Kazandra's incoherent, mumbling to herself gasps,

that only Kara can keep up with and understand,

"Ooo she's cranky."

Kara whispering it sideways at giggling occupants.


"Who gets craanky!?"

To bursting laughter across the cabin!

Kazandra rolls back into her tiny nook.

A single sized cot hammock, with a double above it.

Turning over in reds, with a body pillow in between.

-"Luv you, baabe."

"I luv you too."


"What was that she said, about the flower in your hair?"

Carl has heard Kazandra going supersonic,

in flying fast tongue before, he's trying to improve his comprehension of it.

"She likes to think it's her play thing."

The flowers Kara adorns above her left ear, are keepsakes.

Symbols of past loves. They are special to her,

and she wears different ones for different occasions.

The pink rose is her most cherished, and has endured since the days of Freeport.

"Does she ever get it?"

Carl on the edge of his seat for the answer.

-"O she gets it."

Laughter bursting through the cabin again!,

with a few accompanying giggles from the front.


As the laughter trickles down the passengers settle in.

The seems to be flying carriage, resumes a cruising speed.

Several times faster than any normal carriage,

but it rides smooth and level, in long effortless strides.

In the slow descent of horizon, the soft whites and greys of their home,

gradually fade away, to an emerging world of autumns.

Bright oranges and earth tone browns,

in a wash of terrain all around them. At sea level now,

the air is light and pleasant, breathing is refreshing instead of a strain.


Zansa perching the window sill, with eyes scanning the distance,

"Carl!, come look." With a tug on his arm so he's close.

Rolling into sight behind the curve of the earth, it is visible for leagues.

Ivory spires, then the high walled ramparts,

of Capital City's massive sprawl, spread out long in their field of view,

to overtaking the landscape.

He's never been to Capital City before either..

journals go fanning out, as he's scribbling notes,

describing what he's seeing.

While Van and Kara are still having adult conversations,

facing each other sideways, casually close and engaged.

Like they haven't had the time to 'catch up' in awhile.

Kazandra sits lounging in the bench's corner,

with her feet up on Kara's lap.

Knitting what looks to be a tiny little sweater,

and humming her favorite song, called The Last Dance.



Chapter 13.


There is no better foster, in the pursuit of happiness,

then Capital City, and it makes no apologies for how it's achieved.

Acting as the beacon of refined civilization, and the rule of Central lands.

Citizens here are generations ahead, of the rest of the world.

Ahead of it's time, like stepping through a door to the future,

there are winged blimps in transit across the sky,

that ferry citizens from one borough to another. The city has vertical levels,

of skyline, ground floor, and a secretive array of subterranean.

The world's best and brightest,

all seek out the city's thriving academia, and second to none facilities.

Breeding talent, is what the city is known for.

Absolute culture shock, to a Northerner, that lives like a savage

hidden away in the ceiling of the world.


The layout is dominating, visually everything is high above.

On walking path, you can't quite see out..

and it's designed that way on purpose. To be a world within a world.

Depending on where you're standing, it's impossible to know what time it is.

Engulfed by the backdrop of large Victorian tiered towers,

a city that intentionally keeps you inside.

The King's tallest skyscraper spears the middle, exact.

Equal parts distance to the boroughs, to discourage any class divide.

With a round-about for congregating carriages and wagons,

that makes the full circle, having only one way in, and one way out.

Leading to a several tiered stairwell, with formal red carpet approach,

it takes a moment for new visitors to fully realize, the fifty foot arches towering above.

Ascending the summit of steps, it seems to just grow larger and larger.

Arriving on the main floor, is a maze of coliseum style, walkways under the arches.


The entry road is lined with vehicles of different build styles for a mile.

Not just horse-drawn, some of the wealthy and ingenious types,

having steam powered contraptions.

The entire snake long caravan is a basking glow of commotion,

lantern lights in sway, and packed tight in the round-about.

All patiently awaiting their turn in circle pattern, for parking spot assignment,

and single file placement instruction.

Upon arrival, all the guests move in production, you are announced at the door.


The commons area for gathering is buzzing alive with excitement.

With the young Prince, now acting as King. No expense has been spared.

His intention on dazzling for favor, there are hired performers from corner to corner.

Music from marching bands, crooning solo bards dancing through the crowds.

The smells of exotic foods cooking, from all angles.

A veritable smorgasbord of sights and sounds, with guests all filtering through

the double wide merchant row, open air bazaar.

It is nighttime but shooting daytime,

as an endless supply of fireworks are screaming across the sky.

The Baudelaire carriage sits towards the rear o' the snaking traffic.

And only drawing about half the attention as usual,

for being such a grandiose structure, it is amongst the many.


Kara steps out first. Then heading over to guest registration.

Van and Carl take a stroll through the grand festivities.

Zansa with the main compartment all to herself,

is fastening up her favorite emerald green dress.

Long sleeved with a ruffled turtle-neck, properly covered from head to toe.

Trimmed in golden earth tone filigree, a slight pinch at the waist,

then a shoulder wide drop to the floor.

Wearing flats, in shining skin tone beige, with single buckle strap clasps,

polished to a mirror finish in bright gold.


Doing a few last minute pulls and tucks in adjustment.

Over the shoulder, from the front compartment,

she watches Kazandra come twirling in, with her dress on.

"Is there more!?, where's the rest of it!?"

Gasping for air with jaw on the floor!


"What'd you meean?, it's my favorite pretty dresss!,

I thought you'd like it?"

Kazandra spinning the pirouette on the top of one toe.

"It's very popular, it's called the Silvereene gown."

Now with hands at her sides, in swishing adoration,

she loves this dress.


Zansa doesn't know where to begin. Or where to look.

"I do like it.. but it's.. too pretty!"

-"That doesn't make any sense."

Kazandra's immediate jovial response, with a hiccup at the halfway.

"But I can see all of your... well your, laady paarts!"

Exasperated Zansa, how can you go out like that!?


"That's not true.. I'm covered, it's just very thin..

the shape isn't going to go anywhere."

Kazandra's conversation is a little too laid back, Zansa is noticing.

-"What if you give some poor man a heart attack!?"

Her nervous laugh, as she's eyeballing this 'dress' up an down.

"He doesn't have to look, now does he?"

-"But he will!"

Giggles erupting between the two of them.


The dress is a dancing ribbon of air.

It is blood red, and skin tight. with silver trim adorned from top to bottom.

So sheer in certain light angles, it is see through.

The chin high butterfly collared neckline of the vest,

plunges a country mile exposing everything to the naval.

Leaving a full spread open hand of width, in the gap of her bosom.

Horned sleeveless shoulders, make a tapered down vee in the back,

to a single button clasp, holding it all together. Backless.

Her midriff is bare. And riding dangerously low.


To a full length skirt that is breathtaking.

A multilayered hour glass hug at mid hip,

that looks like it might fall if she stepped on it.

The outer layer is silky wind blown, in a drop of deep reds to the floor.

Pinched closed at the top, then peeling open curtains,

gradually revealing more and more of the silver layer beneath,

widest as it's grazing her toes.

The emblazoned silvers run a stitch-less star pattern.

Running down the upturned neckline collars,

then picking up again larger, down the outer layer skirt in trim.

Ending in full circle around the floor sweeping edge.


The dress ensemble is too light, to hold itself together properly,

so there is a hip hugging, curve accentuating, dramatically gothic belt.

That seals the whole outfit together.

Fanged sides of the dark maroon belt, run in a form following curve both up and down.

The bottom points reaching mid thigh, on both sides.

Adding then some, to her already cheeky silhouette.

Anchored mithril firm in the middle, it is a dancer's dress, it stays exactly in place.

"So you want one in emerald green then?"

Kazandra picking up on her favorite colors, she's a greens and earth tones gal.

Perfect with her gorgeous red hair. She's understated yet pristine.


"I would die!"

Zansa's loud gasp, even trying to imagine, having the confidence to wear such a thing.

-"I promise you wouldn't."

Kazandra's subtle burping interrupt, with a hand at the cover.

"Girls dress like this in the college?"

Zansa circling judgement now, long scans low to high.

She can't help it.. she gets hands on the fang belt.

A few soft tugs of it upward, in hopes to close off so much bare midriff.


"But it doesn't goo like that."

Kazandra's playful hand slaps, wiggling the belt down

in a slither of her hips, to where it's tailored to belong.

"It's more for special occasions.."

Her hiccup this time was thick, with a tick attached.

Zansa so close, is basking in her peppermint-y smell,

"Are you drunk?"


"Only a little!, I'm nervous!

Big crowds aren't always nice to me y'know!"

Kazandra's squeaking burst, and it's very real to her.

-"They will be tonight.."

To both of them catching giggles!

Zansa reaches in hands again.

Grabbing hold of the plunging neckline collars,

with both hands. Giving a few pulls inward.

In a futile attempt, to try and cover up her ample cleavage,

which is practically revealed, down the center each!

It splays right back open.


"Told you.. it's not going anywhere."

Kazandra watching her all but give up,

but she pulled back awfully fast..




-"Yer.. so firm."

Zansa under her breath, afraid to say it.

To Kazandra's keke laugh between her teeth,

"O, I don't even workout anymore.."

-"You are unfair!"

Zansa's protest, had a tiny, barely noticeable snort,

and Kazandra caught it!


By Zansa's gloved hand, she gives a raise for the let me see turnabout.

A masterclass in dress making, she's watching how the dress moves about her,

the swish and settle back into place.

it's a heavier dress in crushed velvets, with not much bloom on the twirl.

Conservatively cut in almost box shape, the librarian hides her curves away.

"What a gorgeous green, it's so pretty on you..

those little buckles!"

So cute!, Zansa's gleaming bright sandals,

in spin reveal, as she makes the full turn.


"Thank you!, it's my favorite outfit in the world!

I hardly ever wear it, so it stays in good condition."

Kazandra's approval!?, yes please!

"Would you?"

Grabbing lengths of auburn red locks, down her neck on one side.

"Of course."

Kazandra motioning for her to have a seat.


She's so fast.. her hands are like surgical instruments.

Feeling Kazandra's skillful fingertips fashion the war-braid.

Separating strands with just a pinky, she's not even looking.

Her hands just know how to do it.

She can loop a full braid in each hand independently.

"How come you and Kara don't wear shoes?"

She's always wanted to know.

"The books never go into detail, just stating they slow you down."


Kazandra happy as ever to inform her,

feeling the bond growing with every exchange.

"Well that's half right..

but it's really because Kara and I have very sensitive touch.

And our bare feet on the ground, can feel you coming from behind,

or any direction for that matter."


"That's incredible.."

Bewildered. Zansa still on the receiving end of insider's information.

Storing and gaining more pieces of their mysterious jigsaw puzzle.

"In fact.. here she comes now, she has heavy steps."

Kazandra whispering the last part in her ear.


Kara pulls open the doors to giggling faces,

then rolls out ruby's in smirk,

"That's the dress you landed on.. out of alll of them."

-"I told her!"

-"It's my favorite pretty dress!"

In her usual Crystal Tower attire,

Standing in the backdrop of nighttime at the carriage's threshold,

she is sparkling like diamonds in the sky.

Not one single hair out of place.

Pinned down tight under her favorite pink rose clip,

hiding an ever so slightly, pointed ear tip.

"Well aren't you going to be the popular one tonight."

You are not in the college, little missy!

Is what she really wanted to say. And also what Kazandra really heard.


"Zansa you loook diviine."

She sighed it. It's not far from a style she would wear.

"Thank you!"

Kara's approval too!, Zansa's head lost weight.

"Help me fix it.."

Still with discerning eyes on Kazandra's dress,

while all tidying up the main cabin, drawing shades and lights going out.

-"It's not broken."


"There's no bother."

Kara in lead down the steps, while scanning eyes for the clergy duo.

"That dress can only have one shape forever,

and it constantly goes back to it."


Kazandra hooks an arm, reserved only for those she loves.

"She has one too!, it's goorgeous, in bright blue!

She's soo tall it looks incredible on her!"

The whisper right in Zansa's ear.

"She does not!"

Loving the affectionate gesture, and side by side,

gasping it back in total denial.


"O she does, but I'm not in the market for moore attention."

-"You sneak-y fox!"

-"She is!"

Kara a caravan away, while giving her stop an chat to the horses,

still heard their whispering at the steps.

There is no escaping her hearing.


"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Van admiring the festivities in rare, happy-go-lucky form.

Shed from his monster hunter image,

the wide brim is gone with a brush through the hair, he is dashing out of character.

Cut in vested three piece. Pressed and clean.

Matched blacks from head to toe, with under fabric violet trims.

Referencing the obvious crushing for a princess, from his partner.

"Well you don't do anything at all."

Carl zinging one back, in the playful vibe and just grateful to be part of it.


Van scoffs it, his timing was impeccable,

"Fair point.. and probably your best course of action."

-"But why?"

"Carl, she's not gonna leave the north.. ever. You up for that?"

Trying to shed some light on his fairytale. Zansa will one day rule Gideon.

A monumental, and never ending task.

-"Well I suppose a man could become accustomed to anything."

"Maybe give it a think."

The two making a few rounds through merchant's row,

then heading for a check on the fashionably late.

Van feels it in his eyes like a pull.. they only found her, in all the spectacle.


Kara in the middle, with a primed to the nines Zansa on her left,

walking with the balance of a book on her head.

And the shining red temptress that is Kazandra,

swinging hips in a glide, nestled close on Kara's right.

The air at greeting distance is just perfect, you could eat it.

All smiles, while admiring each other's best collaboration,

there's nowhere else they'd rather be.

"Van has hair!"

Kazandra shatters the murmurs, with loud laughter all around.

She hasn't taken eyes off of him since yards away.

"Zandy.. iii-uh, umm.. I've never seen you soo.."

Van is a stuttering mess, and can't finish the sentence.


So Carl does.


"Even Van is looking!"

Zansa's, I told you so!

"Well it's too late now!"

Kazandra squeaking it sideways, out comes the flask!

Tucked away and concealed, in the small back of her fang belt.

Kara steals it away!, "Good idea."



She had to try her hardest to get it down!

"Kazandra!, are you trying to kill him and us!?"

A spike off the charts. It went from a sip to a needle point.

"But it has to last us the whole trip!"

The flask is tiny, thin. She had to magnify her alchemy.

And sometimes it's hit or miss.


Kara wanting some clarification,

"Just so I understand..

you got him fall-down drunk, on our aged finest..

cut him, then just left him there!?

Risha is probably breaking everything you own."

-"Uhg, she-iis."


Risha's temper tantrums are legendary.

Entire wings of the castle have been leveled, and redesigned for abuse.

Tampering with her eating habits, and very rare menu,

while leaving a mess. Is a sure way to set her off.

Kazandra's beloved phonograph, just went flying out the window.

Trying not to think about it anymore, plucks back the flask in thumb an pointer,

in mid tilt! With Kara's playful hand slaps following.

Turns her diminishing attention span, square on Van.

He almost takes a step backwards, as she goes on her tiptoes,

at eye level, it looks like she's about to bite him.

"You're dancing with me then?, you know that right?"


To say Kazandra loves dancing, would never be enough.

When is she not dancing, would be more quantifiable.

It is ingrained in her every move.

Furthermore, it is the greatest key to her unbeatable fighting style.

She marches to the beat of her own drum, and follows no doctrine,

nearly impossible to learn and counter.

Her particular area of the college, called Elinor.

Is known for blowing off a little steam from time to time.

Hosting all-nighters with dancing till sun up,

is a good way for the students to relieve the stress.

For the combat trials curriculum has a graduation percentage,

of under five percent. It is a grueling harsh lifetime achievement.

And she hasn't had any opportunity, to go dancing proper,

in all this time. Being locked away, a lonely haunt.


Kara nips the situation in the bud, wedging right between the two.

The large group walking in formation, looks like a sweet happy family.

Den mother Kara, sided by the dapper-dan daddy Van.

With the scampering children at their wings.

Blending in with the crowds, all funneling through merchant's row.

Kazandra goes for one last pull before stowing the flask,

Kara steals it away, out of her mouth!

With a barrage of Kazandra's hand slaps following.


"I'm never going to get used to that, am I?"

Carl again trying to make sense of the Wilhelm,

and the powerful hold it has over them.

Witnessing it several times now.


Van takes a moment to tutor his student.

"Carl my good man, think of it like this.

That little tin that they're passing..

holds the finest bone-in ribeye, you've ever had.

It is the best wine, you could ever want.

The best cigar taste in your mouth.

Topped off with an ice cream sundae,

and then bottled in the fountain of youth."


Van watches the statement sink in.

Carl is an intelligent man, and he's already calculating ten times more

than what was uttered.

"And Carl, They don't have any other options.

It's not just blood to them. They're not designed for anything else.

It's all they got, and it's forever."


"She's an Alchemist?"

Carl piecing things together now, the different smells in their presence.

More specifically the castle, which has ages of tinctures, and fragrances.

It's set in deep on curtains, some of the rugs are smelling salts down the halls.

-"Of sorts."



The twins both sighed it, at the same time.

They love that he gets it.

But only Kara has the view of both worlds,

Kazandra was born a Vampire.

She's never known what human nourishment is, a single day in her life.

Except for the occasional mistake she made growing up,

that left her very ill.

"Is that what it's like Kara?, all of your favorite things in one?"

Carl right alongside her now, new information..

he'd be writing it down if had a journal on him.


"He's a sharp fellow, that sire of yours."

Kara's warming up. A few dots from the liquid courage,

she's more on the social side of drinking, and catches the gabs quickly.

"He's seen a lot, maybe a little too much..

but only Vaan, would want to drink a cigar."


"Could be great.. never know till ya know."

Van truly enjoying himself with the group.

Even Carl notices he comes alive in their presence.

Such a stark contrast, from the hum glum somber,

of being on witch hunts, in abandoned cathedrals,

slogging through haunted deathly catacombs,

every single day.

"I wanna try!"

Kazandra spun the turn from Kara,

and over to Van in one slinking step,

to draping his shoulder, and whispering his neck.


Kara in gasp!, she is all over him!



"Don't invite him to your blood-lab of concoctions,

he can't touch that stuff!"

Kara is far more protective of Van, than she will ever show.

There have been countless nights, of tossing and turning.

Because she can predict the worst scenario.

The more he knows, the harder it is to deny.


They have an unspoken understanding, between the two of them.

That in their own, very real way,

they are far better off, in absolute secrecy, and total denial.

Kara has a powerful family. Whether it be fight or flee,

they will make it.

On the flipside of that coin, Kara has powerful enemies.

And she has been around, amassing many over a long time.

A cunning adversary would go after your weakest link,

to get to you. And she'l be damned if that name is ever, Van.

There is only one of him, he is alone. And he can be mortally slain.


The consequences of their alliance would be severe on both sides.

Kara would be shunned, and condemned by vampire covens,

with much longer running, and more illustrious names than Baudelaire.

She would have to answer for her crimes.

Van would be hunted to the ends of civilized earth, by all mankind.

And coming to terms with all of this..

Van is still there. Nick o' time casual, with charm at the ready.

It drives Kazandra, up the wall.

"But ther all bad tho!"


Only half the group really understood what she said,

but the laughter still swayed from side to side.

Tentative now, they switch to indoor voices.

Arriving at the red carpeted, tiered stairwell,

with a sea of people filing in.

Dazzling as they all are, there are gorgeous ball gowns everywhere.

Layered in precious jewels, with long trains and silky ringlets coming down.

Sharp suits with walking canes, top hats two and three heads high.

It is a roar of sound, awaiting the grand assembly line.

Kara with hand written invitation in hand, for the barker at the main hall's entrance.


Kazandra pulls her image in, arms in clutch like she's cold. Shrinking into Van's side.

With eyes shooting all over the crowds,

this young Prince must be popular, because it's more than the royalty and wealthy.

There is a large diversity of folks, some even look like dregs wearing hand-me-downs.

A new message this Prince is sending to the world, in his father's absence.

That all are invited, and everything is free.


A few whispers..

only heard in the burning ears of the twins.

'Silver haired' the key words coming from a few different directions,

with shuffling feet, for better eyeline.

Kara and Van standing right next to each other,

are towering over the crowd, beacons. For reeling in celebrity status stares.

A few going on tip toe for clear view.


Long winded names go bellowing out, with title and stature accompanying.

Line by line up the final tier, they can hear the barker's announcements now.

Kazandra makes herself tall, pulling away from Van's cover.

The vast hall under the arches, opening up in view at main level,

is packed with commotion.

"Kara!, it looks like Elinor's eve!"

Eyes snap-to from all directions, hearing that name.


The pomp and circ*mstance is wall to wall.

Kazandra is exploding in tip toe leaps to see more.

Her imagination painted it, and the Prince delivered.

Hired performers are everywhere.

Laid out dives!, from trapeze artists, swinging their partners

from perch to perch. Exotic dancers with fire spinning torches,

wearing outfits that make her's look tame.

Jesters playing the crowd in full regalia,

using every juggle and comical bauble at their disposal.

It's so overwhelming, she doesn't quite have balance,

over the top. With a bopping turn towards awkward.


"Ooo.. ACcK!"

The velvet rope is not a lean, it's a prop!

Over the side and Van caught her!

Ten tiers of roped railing go toppling back!

"I gotcha."

Van saw it coming for a mile.

You could't pry the information out of him doused in kerosene,

and holding a match.

Her silly ways, is what he loves the most about her.

He hipped her back in an instant. Fast for a human, and she's not light.

Most of the searching eyes in the vicinity,

trying to figure out what just brought down the entire stairway railing!

Aren't quite sure what they saw.


Zansa and Kara at the same time and pitch!

-"I'm, sorry!"


She falls into him.

He shields her close from embarrassment.

Kazandra gently but deliberately,

moves his arm in a hug around her shoulders,

and slides her hand around the back of his vest.

They are now coupled arm-in-arm.

"Yea ya do."

Soft like a purr, in his ear.


Kara heard it, and is mouth agape!, for soo many reasons!

This is not the time. She lets it go.

Coming up on the barker, a few quests away,

she goes in character.

She's not exactly sure what to expect.

But she's definitely expecting a reaction,

when her name goes loud through the halls.


He is a robust fellow, suiting his profession well.

Large lungs under his barrel chest, a trained voice in middle C Soprano.

Probably in his late fifties, with rosy cheeks, and wig ringlets shoulder length.

Normally a true professional, and will never break character.

Awaiting his next guest to announce, with a curl on his handle-bar mustache..

the hand freezes, refuses to come down.

'Kara' she is unmistakable.

The hall seems to go a shade brighter, with each of her steps towards him.

It doesn't look like she's walking.. there's no bob in her step.

To a gliding silver tower in front of him.


"It is my pleasure."

She's used to it. He's bashful and not looking her in the eye.

She gives him the que. In perfect toe pointed curtsy, with a small tug of dress at the hip.

Tremors in his hand, as he reaches for her extended invitation.

Considering himself a literary man, and being a budding writer on his hobby time,

he knows exactly who she is.

The flip of the envelope open, clears his throat, as eyes go wide.

Preparing himself, for the announcement he's about to make.




Her specific instruction, to be the only one named.

A name that is normally butchered in pronunciation,

he sang it out perfectly.


The music in the hall screeches off-key halt,

as baubles hit the floor. Everything stops to a standstill.

Seas of crowds all turning as one, painted in place like mannequins.

Not even the wind from a breath, pin drop silence.

Child's play.

Kara has already broken ranks from the group,

and gliding center hall.

No human can read a room, with her degree of savvy.

She has lived long enough to see the very building blocks of humanity,

from their best to their worst.

It's possible she knows you, better than you.


Kazandra on the other hand..

is willing herself to disappear, with eyes looking for an exit.

While glued onto Van's side.

Her fear is not for her own safety, although it appears that way.

It's mostly for Van's safety.. and I don't wanna kill anyone!

"Aren't you nervous?"

-"Nope, they're all gonna love her, just like we all do.

All she has to do is be herself."

Van felt her rigid tense hold, melt away.

She is curled right under his chin. Spreads an arm over his chest.

"Incase no one ever says it.. thank you Van, for everything."


"Sometimes.. and that's big lug to you."

Glancing bare skin.. to a smack right in the face!

The way she's purring at his side, her touch is soo gentle.

How she perks up when she says it.. all these years.

She was never saying big lug.

Or maybe it was once, and than it wasn't.. it's hazy all of a sudden!

Maybe she slips it subconsciously on freudian purpose.

Kazandra is saying 'big.. love.'

The two are tumbling through time and space together,

forever in the moment.


Carl and Zansa in handheld silence,

watch as Kara slow paces the room.

Arms down behind her in soft clasp. Just the pat of her bare feet.

She gives them time to process, not speaking immediately, listening.

The masses of minds, all searching for answers collectively.

'She's an imposter!, it can't be her!', 'What if she's evil!?'

Her plan executed, she is a myth.

It leaves people to decide for themselves whether she is friend or foe.

However Central culture, is not so forgiving to the supernatural,

and not born of', compared to Northerner's who live with it on the daily.



She didn't need it. But that's how it felt just the same.

A bash of excitement from the wings,

as the proud Prince William, with court alongside him.

come marching through a part in the crowds, the room is buzzing alive.

Addressing the guests as a whole with a few claps for attention,

he is tall. With his sleek heeled riding boots on, he is almost Kara's height.

Broad shoulders back, with chin high, he's not scared of anything.


and welcome to Agamemnon's ball!

I see you all have met my guest of honor, Kara."

O he's a smoothie, there was a wink in tone, with eye contact.

"And I expect you all will show her the same courtesy, you show me.

For we are here not to be judged. Yes?

We are here for the celebration of life,

so kick off those heels, tip a few back, and come on inside!"

The room explodes in cheers, he is popular.

His edification goes a long way.


His court pulling open the music auditorium's doors,

as everything spins back to life, like a switch hit the room.

Bards go up-tempo, giving involuntary skip to the crowds.

This is going to be a night to remember.

Whispers from the corners turn to roaring outbursts!

"It IS really her!", "I told you!", "I've read all of her books!"

These are the sounds she was hoping for.

Through the ushering traffic, and passed all the glad-handing,

he makes a line right for her.


He is a 'pretty' man, with large features.

Hair in a perfect length, sandy blonde indestructible coiffe.

Styled in brights, with blues and off-whites.

His steam pressed three piece, is caped to the knee.

Wearing gleaming white riding boots, above the calf,

with silver two inch heels, giving a clack to his marching strut.

A gorgeous jewel hilted rapier sits his left hip,

struck dull for accessory.


He's so confident.. he's approaching like everyone's best friend.

Kara can see what is about to unfold, and she's not quite sure what to do.

He goes down on one knee, while draping his cape over a thigh.

'His eyes are sea foam green!' Kara is swooning.

While raising a hand for hers..

"The books do you no justice."

Gazing into each other's souls, there's no one else in the room,

she gives it to him.


Kazandra, who was watching the wild life mating ritual in denial!

Almost passes out with the gasp!


-"I know!"

He's never seen it either!


The moment their hands touch,

background music and voices around,

fade to the beat, fingertips, palms..

the barely audible rustle of encompassing tender grip.

Kara watches the change-over on his face,

and it's why she's so opposed to it. Pain, he can't hide it.

Her life flashing before his eyes, is wincing sears of pain.

"Not anymore."

Rising tall he's a large lad at eye level, they physically fit.

"I think it's time your story has a happy ending."

He's the only one that saw, the small tear go rolling her cheek.

Incapable of lies while she's reading right through him,

he means every word.


A current fired.. you'd had to be looking to see it.

Popping a small arc, from her shoulders down to hands.

Glowing in the reflection of his eyes, she can see her rune pumping awake.

It's hard to let go. She's reading the beautiful book of him.

And it's a page-turner, she wants to get to the end..

except for the outburst of Kazandra!

Giggling and clapping as she's hopping up an down!

Even grabbing Van by the chin!, and pointing it out.

Fractures their trance to pieces.. she lets go.

Treading these powerful grounds carefully, with hands going behind.

They are almost forehead to forehead,

"You're soo kind..

thank you William, and it is my pleasure, to finally meet you."

Her most gracious tones.


An experience that has given a lot of her prospective partners the turn-about.

It's too much.. he didn't flinch.

"I am honored, shall we?"

He gives her the que.


Kara is loving it. He is a prince to the core,

his perfect decorum is at the ready, quickly resumes host of the ball.

Her family all gathering for introductions,

"Kazandra, Van, Zansa, and Carl..

just don't ask me how I know,

because I'm still figuring it out for myself."

He breaks the ice from the hip,

to Kara's snort!, he laughed off first contact, he's a keeper.


Under his personal escort, Kara and group all file in behind him.

Giving a small tour along the way, answering questions,

while pointing out various fine arts.

Statues are in row, evenly spaced all the way down,

like a march of wooden soldiers lining the entry.

The tapestries are wall sized and one of a kind, draping from the ceiling down.

William is elegant, his pace is brisk and fun-loving.

He considers happiness can only be achieved, by surrounding yourself with it.

Kara is fawning his every move, it makes her feel young again.

"I have you all seated, stage left, front row.

Best seats in the house!

And only the world's most famous orchestra tonight as well."


Leading to the auditorium's entrance, weaving through the swarming crowds,

"That dress!", "She looks like Kara!"

All eyes are on Kazandra.

Not hiding in Van's side anymore, she is swishing tall, with head held high.

An arm hook on Van, with other arm behind, hiding her talons in curl.

Different from Kara's clutch of pearls, they are darkening maroons at the base,

to a blackened razor tip.

The skirt is a dance of ruby reds about her.

The sequin outer layer, specifically made to be a bounce of lights in spectacle.

She's trying her hardest not to look at anyone,

it will only make it worse!



Wives catching husbands by the shoulders in turn,

wheeling her out of sight, but they're looking too, and it's spring-loaded!

In pass by she can feel the slow scans of her,

top to bottom and pausing a stop through the middle.

To watching her go.. backless nude.

Total bare arm from the shoulder down.



Carl noticed it too. Height aside, they are not identical..

Kazandra across the shoulder blades is rippled flat,

and square up an down, solid.

She is built in upper body, in lean Olympian form.

If you were to put Kara's swan ballerina frame,

in a daily regimen of physical fitness, for eighteen years straight.

"She's quite tone, isn't she?"

-"Like a warrior."

Zansa knows first hand.


Carl and Zansa hand in hand, picking up the rear.

Losing a few steps, because there is soo much to admire.

The hall is decorated in history from corner to corner.

Van and Kazandra coupled arms pacing the middle,

with him keeping a close eye on her anxiety levels.

Watching for signs, where a medusa might come out.

The Prince and Princess leading the pack,

having jovial conversation, he is making Kara feel right at home.

Arriving at the formal seated with name card awaiting,

dining and dancing section.


Serving as the king's most luxurious auditorium, only for special occasion.

The ceiling vaults three stories high, to a hand painted dome above.

Beautiful house banners representing the boroughs,

drape from each rounded balcony overhang at mid level.

Crown molds are solid gold, with ivory walls and marbled floors.

To a sprawl of dance floor.

In two toned checkerboard of woods, in the span of space between all the tables.

And the raised orchestra main stage, nestled on the far back wall.

The king having best seat opposite of Kara's table,

stage right and court sized, crafted into a length of ivory.


Van is famished.

Watching all the platters of champagne go by,

his mouth is giving all the water it has left.

The girls had it covered,

but him and Carl just made the long carriage ride, with no stops.

"Carl my friend.. tonight we will partake.

Have you ever tried a Central Pale?"

Already steering him the bar's direction.

"No better time than the present!"

Carl didn't need much convincing.


Zansa goes in walk-about inspection of their reserved table.

Pushing silver away from the twins' plates, she's not quite sure,

but just doing it anyway. Pulls three chairs close together.

Looking for Carl to sit down, the bar seems like a great idea.

As he's waving her over, a knot tightens in her stomach.

The journey has taken it's toll on her too.

Excusing herself from the twins, who were in private conversation.


"It's never done that before.."

Kara sounds young. At ease like they're having sister-talk at home.

-"What!?, How's that even possible!?"

For the moment without looking, you can't tell them apart.

"It evolves!"

The two turned chairs facing inward, sitting mirrors.

Legs crossed over at the thigh, with a hand wedging in between.

Leaned in close.

-"Well don't turn witch goddess on him!"

"Don't butcher anyone!"

Bouncing giggles off each other,

it brings back the good ole days. It feels complete.



William working the crowd, circles back for one last note.

"I must tend to the festivities,

please let me know, should you need anything at all.

And by the way, I'm sending over a private waiter."

The wink in his graceful bow, eye contact with Kara.

"Find me."

She is very straight forward, when she wants to be.

-"It's a Promise."


Kara watching him go in doe,

can't focus because Kazandra is biting her lip.

"O stahp it."

-"It's SOoo cUte!"

Kazandra hums the nursery rhyme,

tapping talons on the tabletop in kissing beat.

"So what'dya thinks on the menu?..

they gonna bring us chopped sirloin,

and a bottle of red rotten grapes?"


Kara gives a tap on her side for the Wilhelm,

"I think maybe it's you on the menu, little Mrs. popular one."


Kazandra's busting quick, instinctual laugh,

reaching down the small back of her fang belt.

"Remember it has to last us the whole trip."

She smirked it, Kara is a big woman,

with Risha's level of tolerance. She can take down a whole lot.

"Or maybe it won't.."

Kara can smell it in the air.

Watching the older gentleman approach the table,

with pressed clean sheet over a raised crook'd elbow.

A cart behind him in tow.


"Good evening m'ladies, I am Alfred."

A stern man, he rolled the bow with a click in his heels.

No doubt from a family of butlers, and probably went to school for it.

His regal posture so straight, he might have irons down the back of his jacket.

A skyward pointed nose, with a professional's smile underneath,

and thin pointed pencil'd on mustache.


Same time and tone.


"The prince has prepared for you,

a choice of offerings.. as well to be quite frank,

no one here has experience, in your delicacies."

From the cart behind him and covered up,

he presents a small serving platter.

With matching chalices, four of them brassy ornate,

and red to the top.


"We have swiine, buck, murderer annd rrrapist."

Not a hint of hesitation, rolling out the R in perfect ring.

A white gloved hand, pointing out each one accordingly.

The girls are beside themselves,

never has such a thoughtful gesture been made!

Anxiously excited at the same time!,



Kazandra rolling the R to copy him.

Both with a me-right-here finger in the sky.


Without batting an eye, or missing a beat.

Alfred removes the other two chalices back to the cart,

gives a bow before shuffling back to the wings.

"Enjoy m'ladies, i'll be here should you need."


They wait until his back is turned,

then snatching in double clutch, to under the nose.

Small tilts, savoring it. A brand new nectar.

For each individual is their own chemistry set of palate to them.

Reacting differently, and taking on nuances of new flavors.

Depending on what their victim's diet consists of.

And then magnified by the girls' respective favorites.

"Oo my my, this one is swimming in bourbon."

Kara prefers the heavy browns, aged in barrels of oaky tones.


"Karra it's still waarrm.. mmhmmhmm."

Kazandra is a minty gal, light crisp tones but sharp with a bite.

Each of her sips is another notch of culture shock.

A social butterfly in the college, the mortal world has been no such thing.

Until now.. and her filter from brain to mouth, is never fully in-place,

"They're being soo nice to us!"



"What's happening!?"

Kara can't believe it either!, and gulped half of it down!

Both with eyes on each other's, send it by mind only,

'Pass!, lemme try lemme try!'

Kazandra taking a Kara gulp, fang clenches the tick, it's soo strong.

This man is, or was.. a drinker.

"We.. are going to have, a very good time!, tonight."

To bursting giggles between them!


"It's perfect.."

Kara with multiple meaning, taking small delicate sips.

It's a warm savory broth of reds. You would never rush it, it's comfort food.

-"It is."

The two huddled close, shoulder to shoulder, another pass between them.

Just observing the marvelous event together, lost in their own little world.

The dawn of a new era.

"So you think that left-footed old clergy man, is going to dance with you?"

Kara feeling liquid sass.




Chapter 14.


Over at the bar it is musical chairs, if you get up, you lost it.

Standing room only, with full top-shelf open service.

Carl and Zansa indulging themselves from the constant stream,

of hors D'oeuvres on silver plates passing by.

Almost in shouting match, to compete with the commotion about.

Van is face front, elbows on the bar. He looks almost sullen and out of place,

looking down his frosty mug, in deep thought.

Hearing collective assumptions in conversation, go from whispers to shouts,

"You're not seeing double.. yet!, she looks just like Kara."

-"In the red dress.. well who is she?"


Carl feeling chatty, and wanting to add to the conversation next of him,

"That's her sister Kaz-"

-"No, Carl."

Van stops him cold with a shoulder bump.

The drunken fellow caught enough to spin his chair,

turning his attention on the trio.

But not enough to understand Van's warning.

"Well that's the Butcher's Blade isn't it?

The terror under your stairs..

that struck fear in the hearts of a storming army of Orcs.

If you are to believe in such foolish things."


"Am I right young gents!?"

Drunkenly chummy with an arm over Carl, and invading personal space.

This man has a knife point, on Van's perturbed button.

-"She's actually very sweet!"

Zansa interjecting gets a head shake from Van,

quickly understanding why, pipes down silent.


"Y'know I've seen her before.. if you can believe that.

And she steals the eyes from you."

Now turned from the group, gushing his stare at her from afar.

"The juxtaposition is comical..

stunning beauty on the forefront of massacre.

If she killed you, would you even care!?"

His own best audience, laughing at his ramblings.

"That mysterious author of her's,

must have gotten awfully close to write such-"


"Hey bub, you know what she doesn't like?,

people talking about her.

What you might've saw once was a gift,

leave it at that."

Sure lucky there's a lot of people around,

Van is fuming.


"Well you seem to know a lot don't y-"

This man is one-too-many oblivious to social que's,

missing the clear message that Van is sending.

Turning back to see where this gruff bark is coming from.

Facing him. And stopping him in his tracks.

"Good god man.. you're, aren't you?"

-"That's right."

In short.


His face changes over in gulp,

fast switching to more respectful tones.

"Baelish.. honored."

Throws out the hand, with no response from Van.

"You know her don't you?..

the spell that she puts you under, that's her gift.

But the gift isn't really for her, is it?"

The man is educated. He can see what's going on.

However book smart, not street smart enough to run away.


Van was already sitting in heavy heart.

There is only a single string tied to it..

it is weighted, and affixed firmly to Kazandra.

Witnessing her miraculous birth, first hand and of the few.

He's watched her fragile heart grow over the years,

it's soo precious. She loves like it's never been broken.

He would do anything to have that love,

but he cannot. Not in this life.

And it hurts having to be reminded of it,

all the damn time.

Far worse.. she will one day, fall in love with someone else.


He's had enough. Pulls Baelish in by the collar.

"Y'know what I do for a living?

I haul in evil, and I'm damn good at it.

I can see right through you.

If you don't leave my sight in three seconds,

you will rot in a catacomb for eternity."


Shattered oblivion. Baelish has the message loud and clear now.

It's not everyday you take a threat from a Van-Helsing!

Shuffles off with apologies to all three.

Trying to make himself vanish in the seas of people behind.

Carl wishes he could help, it makes him uneasy.

Van has soo many secrets to bare.

He can sense his dear friend's frustration,

but he doesn't have any advice to give.


Zansa listening intently to the whole conversation,

scoots in her chair right next to Van.

"Was that gentleman really evil?"

Trying to gain some understanding of Van's spectrum of guidance.


Just a mutter from the corner of his mouth,

taking a long pull on his pale brew mug.


"There's a grey area!?"

Carl tilting a mug had to choke it out!

"Of course there is Carl, life is complicated.

It ebbs and flows, and so does perspective.

Times change.. and there is a balance."

All in candid conversation, three chairs turned in.

Van breaking out of his funk a little,

giving a bit more information than he usually would.


"So Kara.. is in the grey area?"

Both dying to know.. Zansa beat him to it.

Pure confirmation, from the most noble source.

Carl leans it in, the two of them on pins an needles.

"Both of you.. are closer to the grey, than she is."

Van just lays it out. It's the truth.


Both blasting back, at the same time!

That can't be possible!, she's still an undead monster!


"She's sacrificed more than any human ever could.

When she essentially laid down and died..

she gave up everything she loves in the world.

And she did it, all for the sake of every soul on this continent.

You know what she asked for in return?.. nothing.

Protect someone else. That's just one example.

She might be the closest to the light, I've ever met."

Van gave a lot.

Zansa is bursting, "I luv her soo much!"

The books are nothing compared to being around her.


"She deserves it."

Zansa's eyes watered up as Van said it,

he pulls her in.

Carl is spinning wheels of perspective unravelling.

It's relief on Van's face.. he see can it now.

That Kara must always be there.

Gaining the appreciation himself in the moment,

while rewinding his mind back to Van's early teachings,

even from day one. 'Not all monsters are evil, Carl.'

In his newly found consideration, of what constitutes as grey area,

he remembers that the twins have their differences,

"What about, Kazandra?"


"She's a little grey."

The burst laugh circled the group, and started with Van!

He knew it was the follow-up, and sort of the expected answer.

"She doesn't have Kara's restraint.. her thick skin.

Zandy's young fragile heart has a long way to go."

Van's cards are far from his chest, with peeking eyes.

He loves her. They know.


A boom hits the room!, with excited shuffles from all around.

Streams of guests all making way for the dance floor.

Rounds of applause go in wave, as the world renowned Orchestra,

take their seated positions on main stage.

A few taps from the conductor at his stand.

Starting slow tempo, a gorgeous Waltz begins playing.


Kazandra fires from her chair!

In scan of the room..

over at the bar, she can see that Van is still seated.

With his back turned, having no intention of dancing.

She's not having it.

"Fat chance."

Kara's two cents, knowing the man for only two hundred years!

No way..

he probably could't tap a four by four beat!

Raising a finger for Alfred in the wings.



She strides through the tables with eyes glued on his back.

About to cut across the dance floor, for direct path..

a stream of would-be suitors, burrowing through the crowds,

with waving hands all coming right for her.

Trying to be the first to get her attention.

"Please madame!, may I have this dan-"

Interrupted by another, who knows her name!

"Kazandra, May I?"

The name catches. Coming from all angles now.


She had no idea.

Focused on her prize, this is far too much exposure,

and quite unnerving hearing her name in echo.

The first few are approaching arms length distance!

Zero intention of dealing with this,

but she doesn't want to be rude..

the snap cracks like a whip!, in a smokey red haze!

And she's gone.

To a vanishing blur of what's left of her,

leaving a gasp of men, trying to figure where she went.


Van with elbows on the bar, nursing the last of it.

Carl and Zansa in skipping pace for a spot on the dance floor.

He can't change his mind.. he's fighting a repeat in his head.

What has already begun, there is no turning back from.

And when you are thinking about someone so intently,

then they call for you..

he hears the crackling haze, and he knows the sound so well.


Another crack!, but on his left shoulder now!,

she is practically bouncing around him.



"I'd just step all over ya.."

-"Well I'm not gonna dance with anyone else."

He hasn't even made the turn to face her yet.

And he hates, how sheepish it appears.

"You know I can't.. everyone will see."

-"Let them see."

She's not taking no, for an answer.

"I don't know what I'm doin out ther.."


"Welp, you're gonna learn toniight, biig luug."

Right out of his chair, she has him side by side in an instant.

Guiding his arm in a hug around her shoulders,

while sliding a hand around his waist.

She leads, to center dance floor through a part in the waters.

Making way through a gawking crowd giving them space,

the two have captured the room in silence.

Only the beautiful song of spring mummers' dance,

to become their song.


Kara steadied a hand to not fall out of her chair!,

the other flung a chalice in transit!

Trying not to scream!, with layers of stun!, all over her face.

'Riiishaa!' always her first call, wishing she was there.

Afraid to watch, but can't turn away..

something big is about to happen, she can feel it in her bones.

Carl and Zansa dancing just next of them, stop flat-footed.

Zansa on the receiving end of the flattening.

"I'm seeing things.." Carl's calculator is in malfunction,

there are too many possible outcomes.

-"It's beautiful."


They turn the stop in eye contact, on her tiptoes at eye level.

Teaching a Waltz is something Kazandra can do in her sleep,

and this is a moment she's dreamed of.

Owning the dance position proud and tall,

with her right hand raised, crook'd parallel at the elbow,

and a point at her hips, "Like this!"

She lovingly instructs him close.


The world melts away to nothing behind them.

Kazandra and Van, make full skin on skin contact for the first time.

He's brushed, glanced by accident.. on several occasion before.

Baffled that it's even able to land on him,

he learned quickly to let go, of the strange sensation in her touch.

This is something entirely different.

Sleeves rolled under elbow at three quarter,

he has her entire naked back in the spread of his palm.

Her full body in press against him, a more risque position,

she gently rests her forehead on his cheek.

This is no spell or incantation, it takes hold by her physiology alone.

Down her small back, the exploration is tingling warm ivory's.

Stopping short of a jump off the slope..

that skirts fangs in smooth drop to the floor.


A tear comes down that you would never see,

as she wipes it away. One of the few times she has ever seen.

In a sense, he was born on the same day as her.

The experience so profound, he's never uttered it to anyone.

It would just be lost in translation.

Feeling her thoughts from behind the scenes,

she is raw exposed. Seeing vivid flashbacks of her memories,

like she's giving it to him on purpose.

Their 'encounters' of him being lured to save her from trouble,

were hardly if ever, random. They were planned.

He can hear her saying it..

'If I stir it up a little.. maybe he'l come for me.'

She is baring it all.


Van's instincts put up a fight!

Wait!, she can see me too!, she can't know the truth!

But it's too late, the connection is open at both ends.

Kazandra is holding back tears with all she's got.

His truth at the forefront, it was impossible for him to be around her,

constant struggle at each encounter.

Hiding his love away, and it all makes sense now.

The confirmation she's been longing for, since they first met.


A weight releases from his shoulders.

He's been carrying this around tucked away for so long.

It's a breath of fresh air that she knows,

he couldn't articulate it even if he wanted to.

With a fracture in his heart that feels like it's bleeding,

she has waited for him patiently, this entire time.

Shrugging off foolish advances over the years,

that pale in comparison. She's never been with anyone else.

Van is speechless. And she's tired of playing around.


She purrs him back to consciousness,

"The safest place we can be in this world is together..

nothing can stop what's meant to be, it's already begun.

Let's you and I have some fuun."

The whispering flick of her tongue,

is sending shockwaves down his spine.


Like paddles on the heart, he pulls back to reality.

She's right, and she's worth it. There's no denying it anymore.

That look on her face.. she wants to dance soo bad!,

she's holding back tears, barely clinging to composure.

Her loving gaze that's always smiling,

all he wants to do is make her, really happy.

And he has one more secret to give,

"By the way.. I lied."


He takes lead, and launches her by the hips!

A full spinning 360 degrees in the air!

Kazandra might have just died for a second!,

because the gasp sounded like the last!

Resuming control mid air, she fans out a swan taking flight.

To his soft catch of her waist in one arm,

clasping her right hand, and down to a perfect dip, flat.

In the right-up she can't contain herself!, "VAaAn!"

She's crying now!


No one is dancing anymore, not even hired performers.

They are the main attraction.

Van has stellar form, graceful movements of a trained young man.

In fingertip command, of her every outstretching pirouette.

To snap reeling her back, nestled close under the chin.

The woman is the centerpiece of this step,

and Van is showcasing her like a ribbon'd Ruby for all to see.

Landing from a leap on a turning toe, she is effortlessly light.

Hypnotic form in her long arches, eyes are barely open,

body control so steady she could balance a drop of water.


Cradling her lean back on him,

she reaches up with the turn in his neck,

a loving stroke down his cheek, "I luv you."

If it all ended right now tonight. It was all worth it.

Kazandra is in heaven. His -"I know." Said I love you too.

He pulls his favorite laugh from her.

Admiring couples dancing around them,

gather a little closer to their partners, it is in the air.

Witnessing the dance interpretation of a love story.


Carl and Zansa in awkward two-step just next of them,

"I'm stunned..

it seems I learn new things about Van everyday."

He's trying to dance, but she can see him counting the steps.

His humility makes him brilliant.

"Well he is the master of secrets, and isn't he like a hundred!?"

Zansa is having the time of her life. She never wants it to end.

The bond of Van and Kazandra gliding across the dance floor,

is one of the most beautiful things she's ever seen.

'I came here with them!' It feels like a dream.


"And then some.."

In their dancing turn of tables going round, unsure who's in lead.

Carl can feel her tense up, a quick hand squeeze..

Kara is sitting all alone. Declining offers from various admirers.

Just sitting peacefully, her chalice of murderer near by.

"We can't leave her sitting all alone!"

Gasping in his ear.

"I agree.. but what if she's choosing to be left alone."

Carl's usual scientific demeanor, that she adores.

"Let's go say hi!"

Already dragging him in tow,

like hell she would just leave Kara sitting there.


Serene Kara, she looks like an endearing picture.

Wide smile of Ruby's enjoying her people watching perch.

One of her fears becoming reality..

doesn't quite sting so bad as she thought. It's beautiful.

What they have is very difficult, and that makes it more beautiful.

She can accept that Van and Kazandra are magic together.

But that doesn't mean they're not gonna get an earful.

Still laughing on the inside, from this hidden talent of Van's,

that he's kept secret from her since forever!

"Well heeloo you twoo.."

It was long winded, a slight slur to it. Kara is feeling very relaxed,

watching the cute little librarians shuffle through tables on approach.


They take seats opposite and sandwich her in,

"Aren't you going to daance?"

Zansa asking in plead, but she's waiting for the right dance,

"And compete with those two!?"

-"I know!"

-"They are incredible!"

Kara is glowing, he makes her so happy.

Feeling rather chatty about it,

and she's lost count of how many murderers down.

"D'you know how hard it is to pick her up like that!?,

she probably weighs as much as him!

And who would've thought he moves like the wind!"


Carl flinched it, Zansa already knew.

"She does what?!, that can't be.."

-"She does!, she's not as dainty as she looks y'know.. she is purpose built."

Kara giggled the pause, there is still a great deal he doesn't understand yet.

Carl in calculation of what Kara just said, watching the two embrace,

looks like a doorway swallowing a toothpick.

Then noticing how long Kara's neck is..

the spread of her pearl'd hand makes his look childish.

Kara is in a different league of body compared to Kazandra.

And he's considering he probably weighs as much as her leg,

"But.. what about you?"

He wanted to take it back as he said it,

he just asked a woman her weight!


"He'd throw his back out."

Kara's coy zinger, bursts a laugh from the group!

Carl is helplessly engaged by her conversation,

she is a treasure trove of stories to tell.

Usually her eye contact would dart his off..

he's finally feeling at home in the situation.

"The measure of a man, to sweep Kara off her feet!"

And can't resist but make a joke like they always do.

Raising his glass in toast.


To Kara's delightful surprise, "Maybe tonight!"

Swinging the clink, with flushing cheeks.

She hasn't been waiting around patiently for no reason.

-"But he couldn't!"

"I will help him."

Carl loves how fast she is, her foxy response was instant.

Sending more drunken giggles around the table.

And contact. She leans on him,

in the same manner which Kazandra hooks an arm,

except without the clutching elderly grasp.

She trusts in him enough, that her family's secrets are safe.

His first thought is to remove 'monster' from his vocabulary.

It's an insult. She is a furnace of sweets, and deserves better.


The three in a moment of silence,

watching the dance number culminate to a close.

"Are we watching passages from the book..

I've never actually read it to finish,

but that's the streaking red dress, isn't it?"

Carl poetic in the moment, studying her every move.

More than just dancing..

remembering how she glides down the halls of her castle.

She's never flat-footed, in full command over just inches of contact point to the floor.

Even the way she talks with her hands is part of the dance,

so she must fight that way too. And you'l never see her coming.



Kara's thinking it over, he's on the right track,

while Zansa is biting her tongue.

"Let's just say the author embellished a little..

there's usually a lot mor-"

-"Running, and screaming."

Kara looking for the right words, Zansa finished it.

"Mostly!" To her belting laugh, that goes contagious around the table.

"He's a clever little keeper." Right in Zansa's ear.



Chapter 15.


The Orchestra breaks for interlude, with a standing ovation,

for Kazandra and Van. Inspiring their very best,

watching the two paint the picture of their masterful symphony.

With a handheld bow and curtsy,

they carry the first movement, and rounds of applause on their backs.

The barker emerges, shouting the room to silence.

With guests all filtering back to their respective seats.

Kara knows exactly what is about to happen.

Van arriving at his seat, is being bombarded on all fronts,

with where and how, did he find the time to become a professional dancer!

Kazandra slides in chairs, bumping them all together,

the group in a huddle of gossip.

A drone of matching sound in the electrified room.



Kara's heart stopped and Kazandra felt it. A private dance, all will see.


She let loose. Kazandra's flying fast tongue hit dog whistle pitch.

"I don't know!"

Kara is legitimately scared! And it feels great.

The humans are in pure shock, just waiting to see what happens.


William struts the room alone and vulnerable.

No court alongside him, no body guards, he is wide open.

The crowd goes deathly quiet, seeing which woman he's walking towards.

He's had a quick change,

now wearing an outfit very similar in style, to Kara's tower gown.

Draping in matte whites, extravagant collar flares and diamond cufflinks.

Three piece vested and caped below the knee.

Shining in silver candlewicking seams throughout,

running from his lapels, matching down the sides of his pant.

He is a high polished white glove affair.


Kara is imagining wings behind him, and a halo above him.

He has thrown caution to the wind for her.

Approaching the table he addresses everyone first,

then eye contact with Kara.

"May I?" In soft bow.


Out of her seat and extending a hand, quick to return his faithful gesture.

A swishing squeeze passed Kazandra, who is fang clenching her bottom lip!

'My turn!', -'Break a leg!'


The two are a walking fairytale.

With his arm around her waist, equals in size and side by side.

Reaching center dance floor with a pause for the conductor.

Eyes in a lovers' lock. Gloved with no skin contact, he wore the gloves for her.

A few taps as they take position.

Requesting his favorite song, a young tempo ballroom tango.

Kara knows the step, by his locked arm and spacing,

lays her hips against him, arching her back long in his hold.

Acoustics so perfect in the silence you can hear fingers sliding the frets.

Building in brassy hits so crisp, it's a stroke on your inner ear.

They both stomp it, with his arm's soft dip on que,

they take flight skimming across the pond, in fast sweeping turns.


Marvelling at each other's skill. They are both masters of the step.

'He's actually leading me!'

Kara is lost in the moment, bending the space around him,

to a more familiar, different time.

She can see her college age transposing over the walls.

Where just waking up in the morning, was the happiest she could be.

He gives her a few tugs to go faster,

a flare for the dramatic, let's give them what they really want to see.

"I'll take over from here, my dear."

She mouthed it out of memory.. he barely heard it.

Takes lead over, but you can't see it happening.

Bodies joined as one, has them spanning twenty foot gliding skims,

in her turning leaps.


The crowd erupts in cheers!, a roar from wall to wall!

"She's amazing."

Carl's looking through a different lens.

She's doing all the work, he is essentially along for the ride.

But you can't tell.

"Isn't she!?"

Kazandra curled up on Van, leaning over from her chair.

Watching with both hands in clutch over her heart.


William pulls her in close as tempo slows more intimate.

Cheek to cheek. "I would have."

She can feel what he means, had he been there.

Defending her castle doors, with his bare hands.

Against his father's army.

Loins are awakening in Kara, that are decades dormant.

She lays both arms in drape over his shoulders around his neck,

kissing close. And almost did!

"No one's been so kind to me.. and my family..

thank you William. How can I possibly repay you?"

-"By not going anywhere."


"It's a promise."

Synced together in graceful slow dance,

she sighed it in his ear, wishing the song would never end.

William breaks eye contact, down at her lips.. those lips.

In the moment looking down, he catches briefly what he saw before.

There is an energy under that dress. And it hasn't made it to any writings.

Swirling alive, it pulsed like a battery of white ink.

Then leading a current through her gown, from the shoulders down.

To the connecting buzz at his fingertips.


An arc races across her shoulders, followed by a bigger one!

Kazandra is jostling tugs on Van with both hands!

"VAaAn!" Clicking the talk out of his jaw!

And wouldn't know what to say if he could!

She flails hands!, gimme something, anything..

I need to hold onto something now!

Van taking the steel trap of her clenched grip.

"What's happening!?, she's hurting him?"

Carl has no idea what to think!


"She has no control over that Rune, Carl.

It's completely reactive, it means she reeally liikes hiim!

She never lets anyone touch her!, a lovers dance!?

!..!?,..!..!" And goes flying off the tailing end.

-"Witch goddess?"

Carl slowly but surely, catching up to her hidden language.

"I don't know!, she doesn't either!"

Her feet are off the ground, in full hugging clutch at mid shin.


Playing coy was yesteryear. Kara isn't shying away.

She gives him the loving 'yes you can', with her eyes.

In the gentle tilt of her chin..

he watches it fire from beneath!, in three quick zips!

The pulse races down her extremities!

And bass rocks the room!, three times that rattles the auditorium to silence!

Crashes a high-hat finish!, that explodes a miraculous swirl of oils forming a sphere.

That instantly solidifies, and in total complete,

incapsulates the two with a humming sound!


Patrons in the crowd hit the deck!

Kazandra climbing on top of Van!, crumples his straining chair to pieces!,

and gone from the tabletop!

Carl and Zansa kick out their seats, coming up so fast.

He's speechless for once, she has tears in her eyes!

Awe sweeps the room, gasps but not a word.

There at center dance floor, sealed to solid and gleaming bright.

Defying gravity suspended an inch off the ground,

while in a gently spinning float. A shining mother's pearl.

With the two of them inside, just a silhouette remaining.

Still having her naysayers in the crowd,

presuming that it's not her, and this is all fancy tricks.

Have only succumb left to reach for.


At peace.

Williams' first thought, without any frightful stagger.

The chaos of the world muted from within, and stranded from threat.

Just the sounds of her drumbeating heart.

The heave of her breathing bustline, as she presses against him.

"No woman can live up to you.. I'd rather be alone than without you."

O you smoothie,

-"You won't have to be."

She leans in giving him a soft, deep kiss on the lips,

with a little french tug at the end. That no one can see.

Forehead to forehead, while clearing away wet eyes on both of them,

she lets go.


The roar of sound comes crashing back!,

as the pearl'd bubble of brilliance,

dissipates to nothing in a watery hiss. As fast as it was created.

To the two of them standing hip close, without making any contact.

Him giving a graceful bow, and her in perfect parade wave.

My friends, it was alll part of the show.

The crowd goes absolutely seismic!, now that's an encore!

They are witnessing history unfold tonight.


Kazandra in press of herself on the tabletop,

"O, it can't be that bad."

Giving the smirk at Van, who hasn't moved yet.

Still down amongst the wreckage,

from being rolled over by a few hundred pounds,

of toned angles, hardened ivory.

Taking her entire tumble on his back.

"Compared to a charging bull?"

Van truly in rare form tonight!,

extracts laughter from the whole group.

"That's rude."

She knows, and she'l always make a joke out of it.


Scavenging a new chair while no one is looking,

gathering in bumping close again,

"One day yer gonna catch that charging bull."

She sets off a tiny, exponential explosion in his brain.

That will never go away.

"They love her.."

Zansa watching how the crowd responds to Kara.

There's no fear or anxiety in the room,

even a few enamored shouts of her name.


"She's soo happy."

Kazandra leaned back on Van, using his arms as a jacket.

-"You can feel it, can't you?"

Carl watching her.. a hidden medusa showed for a second.

It's like she's channeling Kara from across the room.

"I can."


William gives the signal for all to dance, the final movement.

Dessert being served, the night is culminating to a close.

Kara hooks an arm, as the royal couple make way to his court.

Being played off by the orchestra accordingly.

The powerful energy of the evening is a drug.

This young prince has sent a definitive message to the world.

His kingdom is united, they are happy with bellies full.

Smashing success for his first big event.

And people from all backgrounds, are enjoying the same glorious party.


Guests begin their withdrawal back to reality,

in the slow usher back to carriages.

Witnessing some truly spectacular events,

that everyone is gossiping about in the shuffling traffic.

Possibly being part of a brand new story in her series.

And depending on witness accounts,

retelling what they saw behind a veil of drunken interpretation.

Two very different kinds, of love stories.

Street lanterns snuff out, pitching darkness over the courtyard.

The circle gathering road, slowly filters out the long snake like caravan.



Chapter 16.


You cannot see her.

She is a bump in the night, until she wants to be seen.

Bold as a racing giant bat, circling a drop through the clouds.

Screaming velocity in the inky darkness that she blends,

to plummeting down on the king's tower.

She taps the landing with a dispatch of two guards!

Barely a sound escaped.

Matte robed in blacks, she is drenched in the macabre.

Gathering up wing-ed long sleeves, that trail off of her,

she pulls a clenching fist at the ground, with her green eyes burning.

"I don't want to be disturbed."

Three come up!, in hallowed snarls of bone popping together,

her werewolves take up sentry positions.


Her move is grotesquely unnatural. There are no footsteps.

A slow deliberate sweep of her blackened garments over the floor.

Light sources hanging from rafters and sconces along the wall,

are struggling to find her. There is no pass-through or bounce reflection,

she is stealing light from the room.

A hovering void of despair, with the shadows in her wake.

She makes the turn for the auditorium's doors,

to see all of them. Celebrating like they've won something.


'You little, bitch! How could you!?'

The lollipop draping all over the golden boy!, how dare you Kazandra!

Seeing the two carefree at bar tables, her sitting in his lap.

Kara at mainstage center with her back turned,

her new allied prince charming joined at the hip,

giving clean up instruction to his court. None of them see her.

Carl and Zansa off to Kara's left, still in oblivious cackles about the evening.

All but Kara disappear in her tunneling crosshair, 'All I need is you, Kara.'

A chill hits the room, as she's passing the threshold,

in move for the dance floor, and right down the middle exposed.

Van launches from his chair!, in late reaction for him!,

and dumps Kazandra in transit! "KARA!"


Flash freeze a phonograph needle dragging off the vinyl,

as everyone turns on this wicked presence.

She has captured the element of surprise that she so desired,

none of them know what to do. Not even Kara.

It's too brazen, this can't be real.

Kazandra thinks she's seeing things.

The quick check for her sister's instruction, she is a blank!

Races over in silence, to be by her side.

Van moves cautious, squared off facing her and sidestepping.

Acting as a shield for Carl and Zansa.

The librarians are neck hairs' standing on end, stiff.

Waiting to be rescued. They could never imagine

Kara appearing fearful, and she does. "Go, please."

Body blocking William in turn behind her,

and instructing all the court members to flee.

William so far out of his depth, he is inching steps through a nightmare.


'She's not human born.'

Kara can sense it. She has little respect for human life,

the attack is imminent. Taunting her stop at center dance floor,

she draws her hood down, and Kara flinched it.

She is a horrifying wretch to see.

Her slender grey face is stained in blackened rivers coming down.

Bleeding out the corners of her mouth, and streaming from her eyes.

High cheek bones that come to a dramatic sharp point,

under a psychotic scowl, with slit closed hateful green eyes.

Hair so matted it's rolled in dark tendrils,

hard to see where the long dreadlocks go, it's all in stick to her robes.

The darkness itself is shuddering behind her.

"Van?" Feigning the look at him, she can't take her eyes away.


He is in throughs of calculation, for the educated answer.

Searching far and wide the grand monsters' compendium,

in his mind. Finally getting a good long look at her,

from just earshot away. "Lilith.. that you!?"

He can't believe he's saying it, this isn't happening!

Lilith is the goddess of death!


"In the flesh."

Her voice is aged thick, in a chasm of ice cold tones.

A grating rasp, that slithered through jagged rows of fangs,

both top and bottom! In a tar dipped wicked grin.

She answered Van, but hissing it at Kara.


Van upends tables!, as humans go diving for cover!

William who's still in danger, gets screamed at to leave!

"Protect the prince at all costs."

Kara is unarmed.. and has drunk her fill, she is flat-footed.

Out of her element and off guard, she begins weighing Lilith's motivations.

She's grand-standing. Lilith wants the reckoning.

And she hasn't so much as glanced at Kazandra.

The first wave of anger sets in. It's obvious now.

She wants me for Kazandra, that's her plan. blood begins boiling.


"Time's up Baudelaire.. you've outstayed your welcome."

Lilith is wound up so tight, she stuttered it.

Her black talon'd point was trembling like a leaf, she can't wait.

She can end their little uppity alliance in one night.

'Kazandra is useless without Kara,

the loathsome twit will more than likely do my bidding,

and unwitting! The humans will just fall in-line as always.

And Gabriel will run, for the rest of his pathetic life.'

Her plan is pure evil.



who is thee youngest, and fastest.

To ever graduate the college's extremely difficult combat course.

Has shattered every record along the way, including both of her sisters'

She has no fear whatsoever. Of this maybe five foot tall,

smelly little girl.. that looks like a waif.

And she really doesn't appreciate her beautiful evening being crashed.

With all these taunts, and rude gestures towards her family.

She laughs in her face. With nose in fan,

"The only thing outstaying it's welcome.. is that stink like sh-"


Lilith caught the words out of her mouth!

She appears as fast as Kazandra!

Covering the gap between them in the blink of an eye.

Snatching her by the chin with digging talons!,

twisting down grooves all over Kazandra's face!

While gnashing her wicked teeth!,







The limits of her scream and she's gone to blackout!,

there is no Kazandra anymore!

You sick little rat! HOW DARE YOU LAY HANDS ON ME!

Her shriek was so loud it's a physical blow to the chest!

Decades of repressed rage pent up, lingering murderous down below.

Explode the surface in a fiery cloak of reds engulfing her!

Come for my family!, I WILL END YOU!

Lips curled all the way back so they're gone,

fangs out like daggers, and she's gnashing back!


Up come the rending blades!,

Lilith stops her by the wrist in the clench, inches from an eye!

Kazandra's hands are no mortal utility,

and she is baring down her height advantage in the grapple.

They are weapons. They are her only weapon.

Each finger a smoke tipped talon,

dripping from reds to black at the tip, and growing with her anger.

Extending the limits of her reaching power by raw emotion.

About to fold Lilith over!, while raking a claw down her cheek!

'DIIEE!' Kazandra is a craze of screaming death!,

she's got her! Skull under tip and sinking in!

It is up close and personal!


Lilith swings opposite shoulder, a step back between her legs,

and hips going under. Pulls Kazandra on top of her,

to a smacking hip toss flat on the floor!

She is in by no means a waif. She is strong and crafty,

easily using Kazandra's own efforts against her.

Kazandra is wide open on the ground and Lilith is rearing back!



She might as well have said thank you, for the positioning.

And there is not a soothsayer born who saw this coming.

Once Lilith caught grasp, of her sister's face.

Kara's hand was already in raise, calling her staff from the carriage.

In the instant that Kazandra screamed out for Kara.

The staff was a burst of icy wind through the air,

making a raucous of the window in it's path,

to materializing solid ice in her closing grip.

Lilith turned the jaw to see..


And in this moment.

Was thee largest, thunder cracking epic swing across the cheek.

That any of these people, have ever seen or heard.

She wound it up from top to bottom in whirlwind,

with both hands together at the very bottom of the staff.

Leading the swing with a broad step and snapping the hip turn!

The follow through sends Lilith flying like her shoes were left on the ground!

Solid contact at full extension, round on round hitting a cheek point!

Resulting in an explosion of prism sparks off the staff,

with an ear-bleeding metallic crack so loud,

down comes the stained glass!, in shatter through the halls!


Lilith hasn't landed yet!, in a backwards nose dive!,

clears the dance floor. She hits the ground tumbling end over end.

To sliding on her face in scorpion!, then back to end over end!

If not for back-stopping the buckling walls, she would have made merchant's row!

Collapses in a heaping moan, with a cascade of debris coming down around her.

Numb from shock. She can't feel anything yet, it's all stun.

Doubled over in clutch of the floor,

she knows she's looking at the ground, but she can't see it!

She can't remember.. much of anything.


Until the pain sets in.

Shooting in sears, down the whole side of her face.

Shrieking the cradle of it!, each move makes it sting more!

'I'M HURT!.. born of a god and I'm hurt!?'

The brand is vicious. A deep set in gash hooked at the top,

above her right temple, and curving low under the chin.

She can feel pieces of the open wound coming down.

"Kar-a!.. was happen to yoou!, what hav you be-COoome!?"

Barely able to speak, righting herself with the wall for assistance.


Kara gives you nothing, for you to learn and defeat her with.

A thousand year old stare of death, is what she has on offer.

Her face has no emotion. She is silent in battle.

Pacing Lilith down, while moving in for optimum range,

the Rune is a pulsing battery of moonlight from beneath.

"A Celes-tine!.. HOoow!?"

Lilith finally getting sight of it!,

regaining vision in distorted blurs forming together.

Terror takes over!, and turns to flee! She has grossly miscalculated!

Without a word, Kara spins the staff rolling over her hand,

to the javelin stop above! Rocking it back for the finish!


Lilith has more than enough!,

and she's way too fast seeing it coming.

Bursting a flighted dive for the doors! INCHES!

Kara leading her lunge stuck a piece of her it was so close!

Sinking an impale of the doorframe, with part of her attached!

Lilith shreds off wings of what might be robe, or might be her!

To fleeing her escape from a bitter end!


Distraction!, pleading for her sentries!, give me the time to go airborne!

Bashing down the hall, the trio of werewolves are in frenzy for their mother.

Bounding right passed Lilith, using walls as well as floors.

In leaping path directly at Kara.


Kara is perfect still in side stance, she looks like a statue.

Tall posture with feet casually close together.

Calculating silence. She has seen countless attacks against her.

Watching this shambling charge come mindlessly forward,

is an offering. 'How convenient.. they're gonna cross the path of my staff.'

Kazandra is side by side in a growling hover of the ground.

She is hunched over low, bounding in heaves on a wide stance.

Blades raised in attack position, protecting her face. Dripping for the kill.

She's not looking at the sacrificial pawns, she could care less.

Her hissing glare focused on the prize, behind them..

that is fleeing like a coward! 'You started this!, and I'm gonna finish it.'


Kara waits for it,

as the trio of werewolves trampling the auditorium's doors,

take position in a simple spread formation coming at her.

Watching the sweep of fur, line up the path of her staff, still dug in the wall.

The two object points find their middle, as she flies a skyward hand!,

with a sharp twist of her wrist at the end.

The gesture kicking out the staff in tail spin!,

racing back to her hand a six foot tall saw blade of ice!

IN TWINE!, the first one goes down in a grisly peel from the center.

Screaming back to her in whoops, the staff took no resistance!

With just a lean like it's easy!, she sidesteps it flying passed.

Grabs it spinning from behind in gesture, without looking!

And sends it back twice as fast in a turning level slap!

Down goes the next one missing a head!

It's body wandered around for awhile looking for it!


Turns eyes over fast!, the third is in pounce on Kazandra!

She watches the grey matter switch in it's eyes, flick off to dead blank.

There are bystanders, witnessing in shock the events transpiring.

But only Kara saw what just actually happened.

Something hit it hard, something too fast to see. A streak.

Which is why the Butcher's Blade is open to soo much interpretation.

In a howling burst of reds in powder keg!

She is so brutally fast there was DELAY!

What's left of the werewolf is a plume of sick!, she passed straight through it!

To a grotesque splash of entrails on the floor!

In pursuit of Lilith with this sheet of paper in her way,

she went HEAD FIRST IN A DIVE!, and popped a blood balloon!

With only the faint trail of her remaining,

streaking a path to the courtyard on the heels of her prize.


"Kazandra, wait!"

Kara pleading her back!, she's wounded

and at her most dangerous! But far too late.

Lilith breaches open air, while cussing at her crippled flight!

In fits of rage that she's losing!

Seeking refuge in the midnight sky above, she scans for safety.

Taking to the air will be turbulent and slow, she needs cover.

A park behind the king's tower, hosting a backdrop of large sequoia trees

just off in the distance, her most suitable option.


Kazandra is in tilt, and one-track minded.

Years of her steadfast training have taken over, she's enjoying this.

Reaching the open air courtyard just behind her, the trail stops cold.

Following the wounded drag of her slither across the floor,

it ends abruptly.. there's no lead in any other direction.


Eyes up!, while wheeling turns for any trace of her.

Spots the outline of a giant racing bat!, in haphazard flight.

Trying to make shelter in the treeline. 'O no you don't.'


She digs in, toes grinding and bares down the crouch.

While plotting a trajectory..

meandering a round through the park, one of the winged blimp

public transport carriers, comes floating in from behind.

Judging the distance of a half mile, she has to be perfect precise

or she'l miss. And take a very hard fall.

She needs to make it in three jumps, all or nothing.

She's losing range by the second.


In the crack of a whip, she goes spiralling up the sky!

To the observer she disappeared. But in reality she merely leaped.

And she can go in any direction she pleases.

When she leaps, she has one foot in this world,

and one foot in another world.

Which she uses as a literal stepping stone between both.

Her next cloud bursting leap is mid-air!,

everything she's got in flailing swan!, she can't miss the carrier!

Once the leaping finds level and turns downward,

the weight of her fall is behind it.

Leaping from this point and beyond, is experimental.

And she's never taken a drop out of the clouds before.


Lilith high in the sky, believing she's out of view.

Approaching the refuge of sky scraping sequoia trees.

Slows to a glide, looking for a nest to recover from her wounds.

In the corner of her eye, twitching in psychotic indicator,

what first appeared as a bad blink of fuzz in your vision.

Sets off the paranoia, I'm being watched.

She turns it scanning back by the tower, 'Impossible!'

Follows the angle of her mid air streaking cloud burst..

towards a winged blimp carrier, floating in from just above.

To see her sprinting down the wing!, and dive bombing off!


"F #K!"

Turning the dime!, for her hardest burst of dashing forward,

Kazandra pitchfork's her out of the sky!

Blades out!, with almost three hundred pounds of screaming drop!

Sending them both!, out of control. In a reeling hurtle towards the ground.

Lilith could barely fly as it is!, now frantic wild trying to fight her off!

The two of them slashing claws for leverage,

trying to gain the sky end of mount, sound like hissing feline calamity!


Kazandra is considering a painful leap!, she's losing!

She isn't fighting so much, as holding onto Lilith for dear life!

'I lost her hands!' Kazandra now just in hug,

screams out in shriek!, from Lilith taking digs at her open flank!

Outmatched in the open air, this is Lilith's domain up here.

Kazandra is pinned shoulders down, in a crashing headlong dive.


The earth has frame skip it's coming up so fast.

Lilith is braced above for impact at terminal velocity.

She has no choice. 'You're comin with me!'

Kazandra fires the leap in full turn a millisecond before contact!

Instantly switching their positions, and bladed out!

With the weight of a leaping meteor on her back!

Lilith just lost her in grasp!, with no idea what just happened.

No being uses these tactics! She fades to black.

The cratering sound is a supernatural smack on the earth,

that was heard dull throughout the city.


Kazandra does not give quarter.

She doesn't have the luxury of a highly versatile staff

to hide behind, or the Master of Arms title beside her name.

She has been thoroughly trained that her greatest fighting asset,

is to be constantly applying pressure.

Sometimes resulting in regrettable circ*mstances.

The impact ring looks like a war took place.

Brush is radius leveled, with a ten foot sink of concave.

Limits and more were broken, taking a fall from such heights,

with a leap combined. She is counting her blessings to still be alive.


The pain throbbing in her eardrums is a full skeletal pulse.

She can barely hear above the vacuum door opening and closing.

Thrown yards away, while trying to regain shaky legs beneath her,

each breath is a horrible sting. Rolling over the crawl to elbow perch,

her fingers begin doing painful inspections.

'My ribs!' At the very least two broken!

'Bitch!' The shredded wound on her side, is worked over raw.

Lilith was digging at her flank over and over, for the heart.

Wincing a pressure hold to stop the bleeding,

Kazandra finally scoops in a leg to stand on,

while flying out inaudible cusses at Lilith!



Lilith is in far worse shape.

Wailing in sick moans, while trying to drag herself to safety.

A writhing-lame, bat on the floor. That can't find it's flight.

The slug's trail of blood behind her, is a stain of corruption.

Inky black and oozing thick like honey, from the multitude of her wounds.

You can't tell what's robe or flesh, that is peeling off her in ribbons.

In a slow digging one handed crawl, moving out for trees between them.

Her only futile option is to get lost in the dark forest.


"Jus where.. do y'think, YOU'RE GOING!?"

Lilith claws up a tree to standing, she's right there!, she never stops!

To see Kazandra ten feet away on her trail.

Favoring her left side, while hunched over low to the ground.

A fistful of blades raised in front of her, bleeding out long with her panting bounds.

Arms stained in black up to elbow, from Lilith's vile blood.

Hissing growls like a wild animal!


Lilith is cornered and poises for the attack.

Defensive posture, while locking eyes

and raising a clenching fist at the ground.

Up comes her Scythe!, it is bigger than she is!

Cracking together in dark bolts of bone, being summoned to her hand.

Brandishing it at Kazandra, she tilts the warning.

"Thiis, is not meant for you, Kazandra!

As much as you want to be.. you are not them!"

Lilith can have her as an ally.. if a few things go her way.

And there are consequences for sending Kazandra to the underworld.

She would become a loveless unhinged terror.

They don't want her down there either.



Kazandra circled fast for an opening, she is primal! Not listening at all!

'Only one of us is leaving here!'

Lilith's psychotic temper, overflows her logic.

Both born of similar circ*mstances..

she has outlived Kazandra, by a few thousand years.

And she's not going to be spoken to like that,

by the snotty little new kid.



She appears more wounded than she is.

Legs are firm beneath, possum is a perfectly valid tactic.


Kazandra dives the streak headlong!, without a word!

Lilith goaded the attack, she wanted it!

From the hip in sling!, she side-arms the scythe,

in a sweeping slice at center mass! At the same time!

They are equals in speed.

Simply streaking through her in passing blade, is slim an none.

Kazandra losing the war of reaches!, to her two handed scythe coming up,

arches flat back in the rush!, dropping to her knees in a limbo position sliding.

Lilith brushes a cheek it's so close!, the sickle's diagonal uppercut,

taking a few silver strands along with it.


Her momentum has her right on top of Lilith!,

in follow through and wide open.

Pointing the toe in slide, with her right arm dragging the ground.

Leaps the planting stop!, to unleashing a double-fisted multibladed massacre!

Lilith spun four times from the ferocity of strikes!, in different directions!

Each gutting rend, flying off pieces of her demonic yarns!

Down goes the scythe and almost losing that arm!

She goes in collapse for the ground..


Kazandra dives the impale, sunk to the elbows!

Carrying her off the ground!, and pins her against the tree.


Anchored down in stakes through Lilith, claws deep in the wood.

Kazandra straightens up tall. Personal.

She's going to watch the light extinguish, they are eye to eye.

Pulling on her right arm free, with left arm acting as stiff-arm barrier.

So she can begin the process, of ripping Lilith into tiny little pieces.

Lilith stops her at the wrist!, with icy cold talons digging in traction!

Not letting Kazandra pull her dicing-hand free!

In panic she pulls out the left!, caught again!

Lilith has her by the hands, she's defenseless!

She can't leap!, they are grossly entwined!,

it would take Lilith along with her!


'What is she doing!?'

Wrenching back on her arms!, in cussing hisses!

She can't pull out of the clench!, 'How is she stronger than me!?'

Lilith grinds in the traction, twisting gouges in Kazandra's forearms.

Pulls her closer.. into her!

And she rolls out the wicked smile.

That registers deep inside Kazandra.

She has underestimated her opponent, focus is shifting away.

Second guessing am I good enough, is the kiss of death.

That wicked grin of her's is widening grotesque,

unnaturally gaping with giant black fanged teeth!


Kazandra catching on late!, goes screeching back in arch!

Lilith rearing the bite!, barely missed her neck!

Sinking her terrifying mouth of fangs!, deep in Kazandra's chest!

She got through collarbone!, with Kazandra bringing up feet and kicking off!

Gnashing the wound splaying open in the break!

Kazandra flails the ground back-pedaling!, afraid to feel the bite!, it's soo bad!

Lilith collapses in a heap. Only being held upright by Kazandra's impalement.

The two of them are reduced to wailing plague on the floor.

Kazandra with her finger in a dam, doubled over on all fours.

Trying to contain the waterfall of her blood spilling below the neck.

Moves for standing, to just fall a writhing mess on the ground.

"OoO i'll get you.. you just wait!"


Lilith is at the limits of punishment, her host body can take.

Folded over in fetal, permanently scarred.

With streams of blood pouring out of her numerous mortal fatalities.

Reaching a collection of blood spilled from the battle,

with pools all forming together, now a lake of mixing swatches of stain

laying the grounds beneath both of them.

Eyes finding Kazandra, trying to judge her condition, she's healing!

Blinking off pain throbs for better focus, there's a fuzzy haze in the distance.

Off behind Kazandra, sharpening down to a squint..

a pulsing light source on the horizon. 'KARA!'

Dead to rights!, as panic ignites her!

Kara is in the park!, following the thump of their skydive,

she is gaining ground rapidly. Lilith has seconds.


Snatching for her scythe, with one good arm remaining,

all she's got! Laying in clearing hacks!, on the very tree she was impaled on!

Slicing out wedge chunks, in a blur of supernatural frenzy!

The entire canopy above goes in shift, she is bringing it all down!

Kazandra hearing the cracking whine of a skyscraper go over,

turns on her back in gasp! 'She's crazy!'

The massive timber, falls in fanning grasp of everything around it.

From a whisper to a roaring sweep of rush,

with surrounding trees in radius, crashing down with it.


She willed to move, but had nothing left.

As a field of twisting thicket, in cover of the area.

Comes down in blankets, double over-head.

Entombing her, in her weakened and wounded state.


Kara reaching the horrific battle scene,

can feel that she's still alive. Buried somewhere in the debris!

Clearing away piles of trunk at the waist, 'There's soo much blood!'

"Where are you!?"

Gasping in clutch of her face!

The perk grabs her by the ear triangulating the sound.. cussing claws.

Kara scoops up both arms full of branches and trunk all tangled together.

Unnaturally moving the whole field in tow.

To a hopping up Kazandra, pausing the take of stock while glaring down.



In livid shriek! She was inappropriate before,

there is barely anything left!

The dress is irreplaceable!, her favorite!

Now just torn to pieces, in tattered shreds hanging from her.

Kara right away moves in as a shield from all view.

"She's gone, babe. She lost.

She'l never use such a bold tactic again."

Seeing Kazandra is still wheeling turns,

looking for traces of her in the sky, that aren't there.

"Does she ever die!?, I killed her three times! That tiny little sh*t!"


Kara winces the inspection turn, seeing her sister's many slashings.

Offering calm comfort at the shoulders, her guard's up, she's clutching.

In a pressure hold of her chest,

"Uhg, I smell like her! She called me, baby Kara!"

Kara would normally laugh, but not in her sister's battered condition.

Having to grow up in the college, under the shadow of celebrated big sister,

'Baby Kara' was a common snicker down the halls.

It is also the main reason Kazandra trained so hard.

She's not ready for recovery, she still wants to fight.

Turning shoulders away from Kara's attempts.


"Lemme see.."

Gently but deliberately, Kara forces her way in.

Guard coming down, the vile bite is rows of fangs wide.

Dark pits across her collarbone, with a gnash of it all pulling outward.

Slowly clearing away scraps of dress, peering through thick stains of blood.

With the soft rub of her thumb, at the tapered corners of the gaping bite,

it is slowly but surely, healing up.

Kara glows the radiation of relief, patting her tatters all back together.

"Nasty little cuss isn't she? I think she wants me for you."

-"She better have an army to hide behind."



"What took you so long!"

Kazandra doesn't mean it for a second.

The two in close huddle of their own unspoken communication.

In hold around Kara's waist.

"Maybe don't run off all by yourself next time?"

Kara playing right along, well aware of her aggressive college teachings.

"You stuck her out of the sky, didn't you?"

-"I did."



Kara shifts her to the side, turning out of view,

they can both feel the scampering footfalls, coming up the path.

Watching the clergy duo, finally reaching the scene.

Kara gives a hand up, it is not appropriate.

Van raises his floor length hooded black cloak, so she can see it.

Instructing Carl, to hold back a minute.


Walking over he drapes the cape of it, over both of them.

With Kara circling herself out of the wrap.

Kazandra rug folded closed, goes in lean under his chin.

He gives the gentle kiss on her forehead, praising she's ok,

and Kara saw it!

"What in the hell is she?"

Kazandra in pulls of shrubbery out of her braids,

feet stomping the ground, my skin won't clean off!


"An unwanted child of death, Lilith.

How she came to take on human form, I have no idea.

Whatever she came for, she certainly didn't get it."

Van shifting eyes over to Kara at the end,

she gives it to him. It was quick.

Her chin down disapproving glare, behind a silver rake.

Seeing the holy war, so unabashedly together.


Carl joining the group on Van's signal, watched every moment of the fight.

While others were cowering under tables or running away.

He was studying the supernatural brawl, with snack under hand.

"You branded her, Kara. She looked absolutely terrified of you.

Is that why you're always in full robe. So they never know?"

-"Such a clever one, Carl!"

Kara pleasantly distracted by his keen observation,

gives a little more information about her rune,

than she normally would. Addressing the group as a whole.


"The Celestine Rune represents life. It is the birth of never ending light.

Taking shape to the world around it, it is constantly evolving.

The exact opposite to her void of darkness, that brings everything to close.

Essentially I am her counter.

All I have to do is get my hands on her, and she knows it."

-"Will she run, you think?"

"Back to her drawing board, and help. I have my doubts she's acting alone."

-"It did seem all for the glory, who would she be trying to impress?"

"That is the real question, Carl. And we're gonna figure it out,

and get ahead of her."

Kara enjoys Carl's refined conversation. His good questions,

lead to her good answers. The two side by side discussing strategy,

with Van and Kazandra coupled at the rear.


Watching the sun come up in stroll through the park,

the group are all absolutely exhausted. From quite the evening.

That can never accurately be re-told,

unless Kazandra was spilling it. And she doesn't.

William graciously offering his private suite to Kara,

while inbound.. a few of the party members are fanning their nose.

"I need a bath!"

She's not happy about it either!



Chapter 17.


A peaceful day of hospitality.

Everyone opting for sleep-in treatment and bedside service.

Making social rounds from room to room periodically,

the group are all taking a nice long, well deserved break.

Young William's ocean spire is a breathtaking penthouse.

Fit for a king. And high overlooking the city's bustling port.

Open floor plan, with sweeping views throughout.

Facing the waters, in one of the truly pampering rooms,

lying thirty feet across, and raised five feet off the ground.

An ornately trimmed in gold, giant beautiful bath tub.


She fans out a sprawl of long unbraided silvers.

Drifting down the steamy surface of her arching back,

reaching the two raised humps of ivory islands in the bubbles.

On resting elbows at the side, with legs out long behind her,

feet doing small kicking motions, in lazy float.

Chin nestled on gently clasped hands underneath,

just gazing peacefully at the sunset across the ocean.

Kazandra choosing to relax and lick her wounds for today.


With her back to the brassy laced double doors,

that have a peering sightline crack, offering view.

Has no reaction while they come swinging open, she knows who it is.

Kara walking in, takes quick notice of Kazandra's appearance,

closes the doors behind her fast.

"Where do you think we are?"

-"I want one!"

Kazandra firing back in laugh!, Castle Baudelaire needs a bath-house!

She's been waiting patiently for some Kara time,

she has soo much she wants to talk about!

"Please come in."

It sounded more like a demand than a request.


Kara is fully attired like she slept in it, not a hair out of place.

Taking a perch at the side, crossing a leg over at the thigh,

with a hand wedging in between.

Her other hand gliding a water test, while admiring the luxurious suite.

"William certainly does have champagne taste, doesn't he?"

She has spent the better half of the day with William.

Just the two of them in private, going through intimate details of their lives.

Forming the bud of a relationship, on strong honest foundations.


"Oo so he's Wiiiliam now?, is it.."

It was the way she said it in sigh.

Kazandra turning a glide across the steamy surface,

floating over to where Kara is perched tub-side.

"Go on.. tell me more about Mr. William the wonderful."


Kara in casual blush while breaking eye contact.


"You kissed him, didn't you!? I saw!

You can't hide from me, you sneaky little fox!"

Kazandra bursting the identical laughter from both!

Kara swings it right back in jubilant smile,

"He is wonderful!, can you see how people warm up to him,

they gather around him.. he is so genuine.

I really had no idea what to expect."


"I'll say.. I thought we were gonna be zooming outta here,

ducking crosses at our backs!"

With a shot at the water for the zoom,

now hovering just below Kara, sassy hooks go digging in.

"He is a pretty man, and very charming. I'll give you that.

He's jus soo.."

-"Soo, what?"

You are in dangerous territory Kazandra.

"Gooody two-shooes!"

Her wide smirk at the water's level.


Kara fires in witch goddess from above!

"No YOU, tell me more..

about the holy war you're trying to start, little missy!

Do you even realize, how many people saw that last night?"

Kazandra cackles a care-free glide in back float through the bubbles.

Remembering the amazing night she had, on soo many levels.

"Lasst niight, Kara..

where do we begin!, it was the best night of my life!

Everyone was soo nice to us!, it felt like home again.

Van is a Greek god on the dance floor!,

I might have fainted a few times, I don't even remember!

I love our little family!, and we owe it all to you."

Piecing together her streams of recollection,

focusing on the fine details so she never forgets.


"How did we meet the stink o' darkness and kick her ass!?

Because that actually happened!

Well you mostly kicked her ass, but I helped!"

Wading in close to Kara's side on return,

she softens her tones, with doe eyes under the perch.

"I feel like, tomorrow I'm just gonna wake up all of a sudden..

and be all alone again, in our broken down castle."


It's a small burn in Kara's heart, hearing those words.

And she swears it down from happening again,

"Never!, promise." Via mind and out loud.

"We will all three go down fighting together,

before that ever happens again."



"Not four!, and it's not broken down!"

Kara's castle is far too much for one person to handle.

She tried her best. With a scrunch in her face,


"Well what?"

-"It's not my fault!, Risha always took care of the stables!,

I don't know what I'm doing!..!?..!" And flies off the tailing end.

"OK, ok.. no wonder Gibby has it out for you."

-"He's rude."

Kara pauses in reflection of a long life knowing Van,

it's hard to imagine a world without him.

"Babe, you know I love Van. He's all alone!, it's just him!

The more he's around us, the more dangerous it is for him."


Kazandra hoists herself up tall on straight arms,

palms down at the side, and right close in her ear.

"He doesn't have to be.

And by the way.. Van has been in this world for a long, long time.

He's capable of making his own, big-boy decisions."

Smooth as silk.


Kara belts the laugh!, if the roles were reversed..

it's exactly what she would have said.

"Did you kiss him?"

Glaring down playfully inquisitive,

the man is a monk! She's never seen it!

She wants details.

"What?.. uhm, noo."

In shy, Kazandra is turning away from the conversation.


Kara fires her attention back!


"I wanted to!, I jusst.."

It's all for show. Although seeming like the enchanting seductress,

that is her gift she uses to survive. She is all thumbs around Van.

In the sea of mannequins, that lose all comprehension,

whenever she feels 'turned on'. He is the only one that feels real to her.

It gives her crippling anxiety being around him,

no doubt contributing to her clumsy awkward ways in his presence.

She tries so hard to hold onto that one thing! That you cannot have.

"Well I guess you're just not good enough for him."

Kara winds up and swings one across the cheek!

In her perfect sweet sass, staring down at fingernails below the chin.


"Uh!, you.. giant BIRD!"

Kazandra in ideal positioning!

Grabs hold of Kara around the waist in bear hug!

Arching her back all the way over, tosses a suplex!

She clears Kara tumbling the length!

Thrashing wild and end over end!, to vanishing in the bubbles!

The rolling wave created by these dense supernatural bodies,

goes in crash up against the sides, and spilling over the floor.



Trying to scold her, but she is dying of laughter!

Standing waist deep, in gasps staring down at the deluge

of her crystal tower gown. Her hair now in tousled bun,

with long strays of silver, twisting out of the spiral knot.

Her beloved pink rose hair pin, hanging on for dear life.

"Your pretty little pin is miine, princess."

Kazandra low in a fighting stance, chin level water.

Eyes erupting with play-time!


"Come get it."

Kara is all business. Focus locked.

The wipe of her nose, then clearing watery vision.

Going lower in her stance, anticipating the charge.

Kazandra can't take her head on, goes diving under the bubbles.

Shark circling in for a flank, comes bursting hands out going for it!

"Remember this?"

Telegraphing it right to Kara's turning hip, and grappling catch.

To a fully laid out!, hard smacking hip toss, flat on her back!

She stretched Kazandra out!, she pulled it over so fast!

Body slamming her through the bubbles,

with both girls laughing hysterically!

Another, larger rolling wave.. goes crashing up against the sides.

And spilling over the floors.


Kazandra comes up circling in changing velocities.

Feigning the charge for confusion, she wants a mistake from Kara.

The lured impatient Kara, flies out for the grab!,

as she cracks the whip!

To an upside down fan of scissoring legs in front flip, just above her!

In the passing by moment, of Kara's head below.

She simply plucks, the pink rose in her right handed thumb and pointer.

All in one motion, to a flat footed proud stick of the landing.

She doesn't even turn the look, still gloating..

affixes the prize behind her ear.


Kara with full commitment to the diving assault!

Grabbed nothing but air, in flailing sprawl under the bubbles again.

The momentum of her heavy charge with nothing to stop it,

barreled a stop against the tub's sidewall.

Sending a veritable crashing breaker!, rolling over the side.

The spills now gathering in large pools across the floor.

Kara shoots up through the bubbles a siren standing on the deck.

Picture on page, of the SS Gibbons. In rare form.

With her waist length long silver locks,

clinging wet down her body in a draping hug.


"Siren, Kara!"

Kazandra adores it. In their own very different ways,

it brings back fond memories for both of them.

There is even a statue of it, in the courtyard of their castle.

Among many, from the Freeport era.

The double doors burst open in rush!

As Zansa comes wading through a lake on the floor!

Turning the glance at Kazandra first, 'O my god!'

Closes the doors behind her fast.

"What's going on in here?.. the entire hallway is flooded!"


The girls stop in time with identical guilt on their faces.

Looking at each other, then over the side.

Seeing the receded water-line of tub left behind,

"Oops." Cutesy together, only Kazandra had a finger in point.

Zansa has to stop for breath, from feeling nine years old again,

"Kara, you really are a siren!"

-"That's what I said!"

Sensing the playful air, panic from the flood goes diminishing.

Skipping over in sloshes, with a tug of dress at the hip.

Immediately wanting to engage in their conversation,

takes a sitting perch on the side, about the same spot Kara was in.


"So long as i'm not a Succubus!"

Kara has been called many a thing, and she plays right along.

Zansa didn't see it because she was laughing..

the twins flashed a look, before parting the waters

to opposite sides of Zansa.

Leaning in with eager focus on Kazandra,

about to weave her way into the conversation.

Kara takes charge of distraction,

"Soo.. you and Carl huh?, you two are so cute!

He's like a little puppy dog around you."

Kazandra circling silent like a shark.


"Isn't he such a nice boy!?

The best worst dance partner I've ever had!,

he was counting the steps!

And he's soo scientific and sweet."

Zansa gushing, is catching on late to what's unfolding.

Turning back the look over at Kazandra,

who is already in position, eyes low in the water.

She is quaking with excitement. "What'rre you.."


Too late!, and caught completely unaware!

By Kazandra's breaching grab wearing kid gloves,

to swinging over a side suplex of cartwheeling Zansa!

She's never been man-handled in her life!

It was so fast, the world just spun over!

Gone through the bubbles in tumbles!,

with all of her proper princess mousey shrieks along the way!

Kara hearing it, is in fall-down laughter!

Another wave! Goes roaring up against the sides and over.



In high pitched gasp, she squeaks like a little woodland creature!

Standing in the same twitching shock as Kara was.

At bust level, staring down at her favorite emerald green dress.

That is now floating around her in fan.

Seeing the identical warm smiles on their faces,

the feeling hits hard down to her soul.

Coming to realization that life will never be the same.

They actually accept me. As one of their own.

She'd be crying.. but she wants revenge!

Throws arms up at Kazandra!, trying to playfully circle her!


Kazandra guides her direction, then another turn leaving Kara behind.

Easily bating Zansa's moves, and lining it up for her sister..

who is now just behind Zansa, in low fighting stance.

All smiles at chin level water.

The doors come bursting open again!

"The hallways are a river!, what's going-"


All three girls screaming loud!


Carl freezes without a blink.

Willing to move, but the focus sharpening is overwhelming.

Trying to decipher what he's seeing, his thought process runs wild amok.

He can't help it, he takes a good, long look.

At a siren, Kara. That fell out of the books,

moving to block view of a stark naked Kazandra!

In a glistening arm squished cover of bosom.

Along with his would-be girlfriend too..

all having a playful bath fight!?

Carl hits the deck!, out cold with a splashy thud.


Their gasps turn to giggles, as Zansa immediately tends to him.

Trying to keep him propped upright and above water,

while wringing out the mess of her dress.

The twins' hopping out, utterly fail a clean-up attempt.

Resulting in the two more or less, just pushing water around.

Their steps are so close they look like right and left,

they lean a peek down the halls for 'coast is clear.'

Then go scampering off in a concealing huddle for dry clothes.

And a bell request for a bailing bucket.


Nighttime closing in, the well rested group must make their leave.

William has been a truly gracious host.

Even shrugging off the last minute fiasco.

"It wouldn't be the first time, that's how we keep the rugs so up to date."

Kara at his side, the two take a moment for good bye, in private.

Kazandra and Zansa after showering William with appreciation,

take seats chatting in the carriage.

Van assuming all the heavy packing work,

with Carl's usual assistance, of just standing there.


Kara filing in the carriage last, hasn't spent the same day

as everyone else. While others were all enjoying the lap of luxury.

She was having intense discussion, with both highs and lows.

Instead of taking her usual seat in between Van and Kazandra,

slides passed them all, for the front sleeping compartment.

"Aren't you going to speak with the horses?"

Zansa turning from her conversation, slightly nervous in tone.

Seeing Kara not in control of their long journey.

"She's really tired."

Kazandra answering for her.

"And don't worry, they know where they're going."


The carriage sets off in easy pace, as they all get comfortable again.

Cozy in the cabin, the feeling from all of them is relief.

As much as they all loved the grand spectacle vacation,

they are Northerners'. Outsiders looking in.

And they can't wait for their comforts of home.

Van lying feet up on the bench, back against the wall.

Arms crossed with brim pulled down over his eyes.

Carl slides in next to Zansa, joining in on their conversation.

"There is no place like it."

Kazandra sitting on crossed legs, wide awake.

Talking about it, keeps the memories alive.

"Will you ever go back to the college?"


Fade to Kazandra's origin story.



Chapter 18. Kazandra (Flashback)


Coming soon.

Derniere danse, Baudelaire - Johnnyjon616 (2024)


Who wrote derniere danse? ›

“Dernière Danse” by Indila was written by Indila & Skalpovich.

What kind of song is the dernière danse? ›

Dernière danse (Indila song)
"Dernière danse"
GenreOperatic pop
LabelCapitol Music Group
Songwriter(s)Adila Sedraïa
12 more rows

What is the meaning of danse danse? ›

noun. dance [noun] a series of fixed steps made in time to music.

How do you pronounce the word yawn? ›

present simple I / you / we / they yawn/jɔːn/ /jɔːn/
he / she / it yawns/jɔːnz/ /jɔːnz/
past simple yawned/jɔːnd/ /jɔːnd/
past participle yawned/jɔːnd/ /jɔːnd/
-ing form yawning/ˈjɔːnɪŋ/ /ˈjɔːnɪŋ/

Who wrote dancing in the dark Bruce Springsteen? ›

"Dancing in the Dark" is a song written and performed by American rock singer Bruce Springsteen.

Who wrote The Dance sung by Garth Brooks? ›

Anthony Michael Arata (born October 10, 1957) is an American singer-songwriter. His best known song is "The Dance", a number-one U.S. country hit for Garth Brooks in 1990 which was nominated at the 33rd Grammy Awards for Best Country Song.

Who wrote the hymn Lord of the Dance? ›

"Lord of the Dance" is a hymn written by English songwriter Sydney Carter in 1963. The melody is from the American Shaker song "Simple Gifts". The hymn is widely performed in English-speaking congregations and assemblies.

Who wrote the French song? ›

Her biggest hit was “The French Song” (“Quand le soleil dit bonjour aux montagnes”), written by American songwriters Harry Pease and Larry Vincent. Sung in French and English, and characterized by Starr's distinctive vibrato, it was popular in 1964–65 in Canada, the US, Europe, Australia, Asia and South Africa.


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.