Fated? Or Forced. - fluffycactus (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introductions Chapter Text Chapter 2: First Order Chapter Text Chapter 3: Beginning to Serve Chapter Text Chapter 4: Swallow Your Pride Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Mr. J Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Look What You've Done Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: This is Gonna Hurt Chapter Text Chapter 8: No Place Like Home Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Spoonful of... Sugar? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Decisions Decisions Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Silly Rabbit Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Pins and Needles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: All According to Plan Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Or Maybe Not Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Tour Guide John Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Winner Winner Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Should Chapter Text Chapter 18: Mr. Becker Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: No Turning Back Now Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Twenty-four and Counting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Prove It Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Questions and (some) Answers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: John's (Many) Mistakes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: He Hurt Her, But Also Made Blueberry Pancakes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: A Moment of Happiness :) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: An Unexpected Visitor Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Introductions

Chapter Text

"I legit cannot believe that asshat came in two minutes before close," Brody said over his shoulder to Lea. Brody slid his backpack off one shoulder as Lea closed the doors to the sandwich shop behind her.

"God, I know. I'm so tired," she sighed as she pocketed her keys. "You know, the icing on the cake was him leaving all his trash on the floor RIGHT after I asked if I could throw anything away for him. Like he watched me throw away all the trash cans and then chose to toss his sh*t all over the floor anyways."

"They really don't pay us enough," Brody said, pulling out his vape. "Want any?" He asked.

Lea hesitated, but shook her head. Brody shrugged and took a long inhale, sighing out a large cloud of smoke away from Lea’s face. He ran a hand through the curls on the top of his head.

"Hey, you want a ride tonight?" Lea asked, glancing over at him with a blush. She loved closing with Brody. He was always so nice to her, and she had to admit his curls had her swooning.

"Again? You sure you don't mind?" he asked.

"I don't mind!" she smiled wide, silently hoping she didn't come across as too eager. "f*cking hell. I left my backpack in the office again."

"Jesus Christ El, what's this the third night in a row?"

"Not even close! Only two of the nights were in a row," she winked at him. Lea unlocked the doors again then tossed the keys to Brody who just barely caught them. "I'll meet you around back, mind locking up again for me?"

"Yeah no worries" Brody nodded, lazily thumbing through the keychain to find the keys to the front door.

Lea gave him a bright smile, "See you in a minute!"


Strangely, Lea woke before her alarm. She had one midterm to take in the late morning, and a tough one too. In a panic, Lea realized she might have forgotten to plug her phone in again. In a mad rush, her eyes flung open and she sat up, turning to her left so she could check the time on her phone. Her hand reached out to where she always placed it on her bedside table, but instead of finding her phone, she found her hand touching the leg of a man.

Lea had grown up hearing about 'fight or flight' but neither really applied to her. All her life, whenever faced with a challenging or scary situation, she froze. One time, she had been standing in an elevator with a friend when a man ran up to catch it, sticking his arm out as the doors closed. However the sensors didn't catch his arm and the metal doors squeezed in on him. Lea heard him scream, watched as the doors continued to tighten, and did nothing. If her friend hadn't been there to press the emergency open button, Lea would have just stood and stared.

So now, even though Lea wanted nothing more than to run, to hide, to go to safety; she froze. Her position was locked in- half sat up with the tips of her fingers touching a complete stranger. Lea could barely see his face out of her peripherals, eyes locked on his knee. The man wore nice black slacks, free of wrinkles and lint. Lea's heart pounded uncontrollably and her breath slowed, as if to be as still as possible. As she stared, locked and unmoving, a slow hand moved and gently took hold of her own.

"You're safe here, Leana." His voice was inhumanly deep, as if he was modifying it in some way. Lea still couldn't move or look away, and now stared at her hand in his. His hands were clean, fingernails trimmed, and not a callus in sight.

"Leana?" the man asked. Lea was beginning to disassociate. She blinked hard to wake herself up, but nothing changed. Maybe she was lucid dreaming in a nightmare, maybe she had taken a sh*t ton of drugs the night before, or maybe some brain tumor was causing her to hallucinate. "Leana." echoed faintly. Lea couldn't accept this was actually happening. Any explanation would be preferable to this.


The man's stern voice caused Lea to snap out of it. She ripped her hand back and scooted away from the man until her back hit a wall, all the while her eyes locked on him. He was young, older than her, but still young. He had curly blonde hair, a beard, and glasses.

"You're safe here," he said, his tone gentle. "I won't be able to stay for long, but I'm glad you woke up before I have to leave. It gives me a chance to explain."

She felt her mind drifting again. It was like Lea stepped out of the driver's seat, now looking on as a passenger. His voice was strange sounding, she noted. He had thin lips as well. In the passenger's seat, she watched his lips move until she was brought back to reality with a hand on her cheek. His touch was gentle.

"Leana?" the man asked. She could hear herself whispering something.

"Hm?" he prompted, but she only mumbled a whisper again. He took a deep breath in through his nose and out again harshly. "Leana I need you to speak up. I have to leave soon and I won't ask again."

"It's just Lea," she said, still a whisper, but an audible one. Her voice did not sound like her own.

"I will call you what I please." The man frowned. At this Lea finally dropped her gaze. "Leana, you are in my home. I was not lying earlier when I said that you are safe here. You are. I will provide for you and take care of you, and in return, you will be my slave."

Slave. The word seemed to hang in the air after he said it. So she had been trafficked. She closed her eyes but couldn't remember even being taken. Lea had left Brody outside and grabbed her backpack on the desk in the manager's office. She left out back and had watched to make sure the doors automatically locked behind her, but then... nothing. It was like waking up without remembering what she had dreamed, just the empty passage of time. She opened her eyes again.

"You're likely in shock. I may have to repeat this after work… but Leana, I promise to be patient- especially during these first few days of your training," he said. His deep voice was cut off by a shrill beeping noise. The man pulled out what looked like a pager from his pocket and cursed. "I want you to know I have no plans to hurt you. I intend on being a doting master, but only if you choose to be a doting slave. Do you understand?"

Lea's eyes slowly looked up and met his gaze. It was like she was looking through binoculars; she was seeing, but not experiencing.

"You're in shock," he repeated with a sigh. "I'll go over this again when I return. And slave? This room has been built deep underground, with thick concrete walls, and soundproofing foam. Do your voice a favor and don't bother screaming."

And with that, the man was gone.


Lea had no concept of time. She sat unmoving in the bed, exactly in the position the man had left her. Minutes, hours, maybe even days passed before Lea slipped out of her dissociative state. Breath shallow, and body shaking, Lea finally took notice of her surroundings.

The room was shaped like a square, with concrete walls and a large metal door. She lay on a white bed positioned directly across from the door. It looked like her friend's dorm bed, skinny and long. Two rectangular concrete pillars blocked off the foot and head of the bed, creating a small nook in the wall. To her left, was a wall of horrors. A wire shelving unit held a wide arrange of torture tools. Various pliers, whips, canes, knives, and other tools Lea didn't even recognize were positioned on the wall in a very organized manner. Directly under the torture wall was an empty metal desk, and a single metal stool underneath it. The other wall was entirely empty, except for two pairs of chains and manacles embedded in the concrete, one in each corner. Various sections of the concrete walls were covered in what Lea could only assume was some sort of sound proofing material.

After carefully surveying the room, making sure she couldn't see any saw-like death traps, Lea slowly stepped off the bed. Only then, notified by the heavy weight and rattling of the chains, did Lea notice the metal cuff locked around her right ankle. She pulled the blanket back, and took the chain in her hands, following it to where it connected with the concrete wall. There was barely enough length on the chain for her to stand up off the bed.

Lea crawled back up on the bed and faced the wall. She planted two feet on the solid concrete, one on each side of where the chain was cemented in. Pushing with both her feet, and pulling with both hands, Lea desperately tried to yank the chain free. After about a minute or two of struggling, Lea realized it was pointless. At twenty-four years old, Lea was 5'3 and 120 pounds, with barely any of her weight devoted to muscle. She knew her chances of winning a strength contest against a huge concrete wall were slim to none.

Instead, she turned to examine the cuff itself. Lea had watched hours of criminal minds and SVU, and even more hours watching true crime videos on YouTube. She was hopeful that she might be able to free herself. But the cuff was strange. It wasn't like a regular police cuff, or even a flat metal cuff. It was very modern looking, sort of spherical in shape, and made of black metal. There was a flattened square on one portion of the cuff and when Lea touched in, a light popped up. After tugging and pulling, she decided that it wasn't budging.

Tears welled up in Leas eyes. Though not in her initial state of shock, Lea still couldn't believe she was here. She didn't put herself in dangerous situations, she knew some self defensive moves, and she always had pepper spray on her at all times. At the thought, Lea let out a gasp and instantly began checking her pockets. Only then did she realize she wasn't wearing her work uniform, but instead the clothes she had changed out of before her shift.

A wave of nausea hit her. The man must have stripped her naked while she was unconscious and put her in the clothes from her backpack. She looked over her body for any signs of bruising or bleeding- any evidence of him touching her. But she found none. 'You're safe here' his words echoed.

After triple checking her body for injury, and tugging some more at her cuff and chain, Lea laid back on the bed. She took some calming breaths. She would need to conserve her strength, she realized. She had no idea what he had planned for her, but she knew it couldn't be good. She was smart though. If she played along enough to appease him, she may be able to gain enough freedom to escape.

Lea closed her eyes, thinking of Brody, her fish, her roommate and mom. She hoped that against the odds they would be able to find her. Maybe the man hadn't disabled her phone, they might be able to track the location. Maybe CCTV footage picked up his car outside her work. There was still hope.


Leas eyes shot open at the sound. There was a large metallic CLUNK and the door opened.

Chapter 2: First Order

Chapter Text

As the large metal door swung open Lea craned her neck to the left. The man's frame covered most of her view, but she was able to catch what looked to be stairs leading upward. The man had mentioned that the room she was in was deep underground.

"They're just stairs," the man commented. Lea pushed herself back against the wall and pulled the blanket up to her chest. The man looked her over as he walked slowly towards the wall with the torture equipment. Lea tensed, and raised the blanket to cover her mouth. To her relief, however, the man simply grabbed the metal stool and placed it next to the bed.

She watched him carefully as he approached. His dark blonde hair looked recently trimmed, his suit was stark and clean, and overall he looked very presentable. His eyes, though... they were dark, like the eyes of a predator. He was a predator, she realized.

"Do you remember what I told you the last time I was here?" the man asked once he sat down.

"Yes," Lea whispered, the blanket still covering her mouth. The man stared at her intently for a moment.

"Slave. How well do you think I can understand you when you cover your mouth and mumble, hm?" He prompted, his tone a careful calm.

"Sorry," she whispered louder, but this time with the blanket pulled down to her chest.

"Answer my question."

"I-" she spoke, using her full voice for the first time since her arrival in the bunker, "Yes I remember."

"Tell me."

Lea swallowed hard. His eyes were small and a very light blue, almost grey. Strange how such light colors could feel so dark.His stare made her feel naked in front of him.

"You-" she began in a whisper, "You told me that the room was underground, and that I shouldn't scream," she said, her voice slowly emerging as she spoke.

"Do you remember anything else?"

She nodded silently, but after his already thin eyes narrowed into sharp slits she quickly spoke up. "You said that- you- you said that you won't hurt me because you want me to be your... slave." The last word came out almost entirely inaudible.

"Not want," he corrected, and then elaborated, "I don't want you to be my slave. You already are. You are in my home, and belong to me."

She said nothing. There was nothing to say that wouldn't leave her in tears, and she didn't want to cry in front of him.

"I also promised you that I would be patient, and I will. But don't mistake patience for complacency. Do not. Test me. Do you understand, slave?" His eyes pinned her against the wall, and his tone felt like he had hands around her throat. She was terrified of him and what he was likely going to do to her. Her voice caught, and she simply nodded.

"I will never punish you for a rule you don't know exists, and I will be more lenient with newer ones that older ones. From now on, slave, you will answer every question I say verbally, honestly, and respectfully. And you must call me master," he said, "Repeat my order back to me."

"You want me to always be respectful, answer with words, and call you master," she said quietly

"And be honest," he said, "Repeat it again. And remember slave, I don't want you do those things. I am commanding it."

"Yes... master... you- you want me to- you TOLD me to always answer honestly, with words, and call you master," she said, "And be respectful!"

He nodded, but his facial expression remained stone faced. "If you forget any of these rules I will remind you with a gentle punishment for now. Do you understand?"

She nodded silently, the fear she felt making it difficult to speak. As she opened her mouth to correct her mistake, the man moved in an instant. His arm raised, and his hand slapped her across the face. Her cheek stung sharply and her own hands dropped the blanket they were clutching to touch her hot flesh.

"Correct your mistake, slave," he prompted cooly.

"Sorry," she said quickly, "I- I- I forgot what I was going to say," she said lamely. She already had both hands holding her cheek and so this time the man grabbed a fist of her hair and yanked down hard. Her body followed instantly to alleviate the pain, and she found herself bent forward and looking up at him. He bent over, lowering his face so it was inches away from hers.

"Tell me again how you are going to respond to me from now on," he ordered.

"Outloud, respectfully, honestly, and- and," she stuttered. Her memory was sh*t to begin with, and with his grey eyes inches away from her own, the pain in her hair, and the stinging in her cheek- she was drawing a blank. A sharp slap landed on her other cheek and tears sprung to her eyes.

"I'm sorry! I can't remember!" Lea cried out.

"Listen closely. Repeat each one after me. You will answer me verbally."

"I'll answer you verbally."

"You will do so with respect and honesty."

"I will do so with respect and honesty."

"And you will call me master."

"And I'll call you master."

"Good. Tell them to me once more," He instructed. She did so, and he had her say them three more times before he finally sat up and let go of her hair. Lea instantly sat up and pressed herself into the concrete corner, blanket up to her chin.

"Why were you at the hospital if your major is Education?" he asked. Lea didn't respond, she had no idea what he was talking about, and the question came out of left field. She saw his arm pulling back and quickly spoke.

"I-I- uh- m-master- I..." she paused and took a deep breath. "I don't know what you're talking about." she said, "...master."

"Nearly one month ago you were with a group of pre-med students touring United Medical Hospital. But your major is Education. Why did you tour the hospital?"

Lea had forgotten all about that. Dumbfounded by his knowledge of the occasion, but also not wanting to earn another slap, she quickly responded.

"I- uh.. master," she said, trying to remember to say the word at some point during her explanation, "My friend is pre-med, but she was nervous to tour it by herself. So I just went to make her feel better."

The man scoffed cruelly, "What kind of doctor does she want to be?"

"Oh- um. She's not really sure.. she's interested in a few areas. General surgery, oncology, anesthesiology-" she started, but was cut off by another scoff.

"If she can't go to a tour without having a nervous breakdown she won't ever finish medical school."

"Yes she will," Lea frowned, "Bon's super f*cking smart and determined. She's the first in her family to even get into college and she's got a 4.0. She's going to make an amazing doctor."

Another harsh slap landed on her cheek, but this time she didn't have a moment to correct herself. The man's hand was in her hair and the other wrapped it's fingers around her neck. He yanked her hair back with one hand and squeezed her neck with the other. He leaned forward, putting pressure on the front of her neck and easily cutting off her airway.

"I gave you very simple rules. And I /know/ you know them," he said. The man's voice sounded unnaturally clear without the sound of her breaths. "Don't ever speak to me like that again," he said, his voice wavering with anger. He continued to choke her for a moment more before letting go of her neck.As she took in desperate gasps of air he rained down slaps on her face. Finally, the man stood and walked over to the wall on the left side of the room.

"Tell me again how you will talk to me," he ordered.

Lea was rubbing her sore throat and nursing a painful cheek as she spoke, "I will answer out loud, respectfully, honestly, and call you master."

"And which of those did you NOT do just now, slave?"

"I didn't-" Lea spoke quickly, but then paused. She watched the man slowly trail his finger along his array of torture tools. The man didn't even turn his head; he simply shot a sideways glare at her and Lea finished her answer with a sputter, "I- I didn't call you master, or... or say it respectfully... master."

"Correct," he said as he pulled some sort of leather paddle off the wall. As he walked back to the stool Lea could see it was a leather riding crop she'd seen people use on horses. "For the rest of the evening, if you respond without obeying all four conditions, you will be punished with this. One hit for each mistake. Do you understand?" he asked, speaking carefully.

"Yes," Lea nodded quickly, "I-I- yes I understand master."

Lea met the man's stare. His gaze was unwavering, and frightening. She looked down almost as soon as she looked up.

Shrill beeping cut through the silence and the man pulled out his pager again. "God f*cking dammit," he cursed angrily. He punched something into the pager, and took a deep breath. He then grabbed the stool and returned it under the desk. He stood on his toes and grabbed at something Lea had missed on the ceiling. He pulled a wire metal gate down from the ceiling and to the floor. With his back between her and the gate, Lea could only hear a click and then some beeps before the man stood. The gate now completely enclosed the wall containing the torture tools.

Her captor then walked over to Lea, who retreated as far as she could into the wall. Without a word, the blanket that covered her legs was throw up and back so it covered her head. Lea froze for a moment, but when she felt his hands on the cuff she scrambled to pull down the blanket. But when she looked down, the cuff was unlocked and the man was gently taking it off her leg.


"Yes? M-Master?"

"I have one last order for you. From now on. I expect you to wait for me by the door," He said as he turned to head for the door.

"Right here." he said, and pointed to the area just left of the door next to the new gate. "Repeat that back so I know you understand me."

"You want me to- you- I- I will wait by the door for you. Right there," she said as respectfully as she could manage. The man sighed deeply and began walking towards her. He picked up the riding crop from the bed, and only then did Lea realize her mistake. The man struck her hard in the face, but this time the blow landed mostly in her hair, which softened the impact a great deal.

"You know what you did wrong," he said and she nodded.

"I forgot to say master," she said quietly.

"Yes you did," he sighed, "I have to leave now. I hope that when I return you will be more obedient."

Leaving the riding crop on the bed, he turned and headed for the door. Unlike last time, Lea watched him carefully. She peered around his body to catch a glimpse of him grabbing the handle. A loud CLACK sounded, and he opened the door. The man glanced back at her once more before exiting with another loud CLACK of the door locking in place behind him.

Chapter 3: Beginning to Serve

Chapter Text

The clang of the metal lock echoed long after the door had closed. Lea sat like a statue, completely unmoving except for her chest taking in sparse shallow breaths. Her ears were hyper aware of every creak of the house; each noise sent adrenaline spikes down Lea’s spine. her entire body was tense and on edge, waiting for the man to burst in through the doors as soon as she relaxed even for a second.

She could feel her muscles begin to cramp, but fear held her fast. One bead of sweat began to drip down Lea’s neck, leaving behind a wet trail that itched as it dried. Lea’s shoulder brushed against her neck to remove the irritant. Her heart quickened with the movement, eyes staring at the door, watching for even the slightest hint of movement. None came. She slowly relaxed, and her breathing came easier. The man had been away for long enough; he was truly gone- for now.

Lea hated her body's reaction to fear. She couldn’t remember the moment of her kidnapping, but if she had fought or ran things may have turned out differently. Even now, logic told her to examine the room and attempt to mount an escape, but she couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. She was in a waking nightmare, one where the bad guy was right behind her, but her attempts at escape were in slow motion.

Lea slowly inched towards the edge of the bed. Logically, she knew her position in the room didn't change what would happen to her. She had been taken to the second location; she knew her chances of survival were slim. Yet the bed felt so much safer than the cold concrete floor.

Fueled entirely on adrenaline and willpower, Lea very slowly sat up, and slid her legs over the edge of the bed. She hovered her feet over the ground as if the cold concrete were hot lava. Eventually, her toes touched the floor, and the rest of her feet soon followed.

Lea began a very cautious and slow exploration of the room. She inspected the door handle first. There was no key-hold and no visible area to type in a code. Lea looked it over, and noticed the same flattened square that her cuff had. She touched it, and the same light flashed. She would need his fingerprint to leave the room, which meant the only way she could escape this room was with him in it.

With this realization, Lea quickly headed back for the bed. Her thoughts raced, but she knew she only had two real options. She wasn't strong enough to break the handle or pop the hinges, so she had to use her brain. On one hand, she could try and gain his trust enough for him to let her upstairs. Once up she could slip out a window or something when the time was right. On the other hand, she could try to take him by surprise and knock him out, use his hand to unlock the door, then escape.

Lea had never been in a fight, and the thought of attacking a fully grown man in his torture chamber wasn’t her immediate choice. The other plan would take time, however, and Lea desperately wanted to get free. Either she would have to bear whatever he had in store for her long enough to get out, or she would have to get violent.
Lea sat with the blanket pulled up tight around her, staring at the door and debating her options. Her whole life, she had avoided conflicts. Her only boyfriend took advantage of her for years, and she let it happen. Growing up her mom would pick fights and Lea would agree just to end the argument. She wasn't a fighter, but the fear she felt right in this moment emboldened her. She didn't want to wait and play along. She wanted to be free NOW.

Even though Lea was leaning towards the more violent option, she would still have to wait for a moment when the man's guard was down, which meant trying to follow his rules long enough for him to make a mistake. Lea had followed orders her whole life, from her mom, from her ex, from her sh*tty manager, and hell even from complete strangers. She could handle it. And there was still a chance someone might find her.

That thought reminded her of the man's warning. He had said the room was deep underground and had told her it was pointless to scream. Why had she taken that on faith? He was probably lying to prevent her from a chance of escape. She could at least try to yell for help.

The gap between mentally deciding on screaming and actually getting sound out of her mouth proved difficult. She had explored the room in complete silence, and she didn’t want to alert him of her presence. But she needed to get free.


As her scream filled the room, her own voice filled her with determination.


She wouldn’t freeze. She would escape. She would fight.


She yelled as hard as she could and ran to the door. Lea beat the metal with her bare fists, knuckles bruising on the solid surface.


Lea screamed until her voice gave out. Throat on fire and knuckles bruised, Lea slid down the wall as her head fell into her hands. She sobbed silently, her voice too hoarse to make a sound. No one came.


Lea woke to a BEEP and the rush of wind on her face. She kept her eyes closed, knowing that if she opened them, she would only be confirming her new horrible reality. With her eyes closed, Lea listened intently as her captor entered.

Footsteps crossed from the entry way into the room; Lea recognized the soft click of dress shoes on the hard concrete surface. Another rush of wind blew her hair back and the door slammed shut. Lea listened intently, but the man made no other movements.

After too long she peaked through her eyelashes. All Lea could see were the man's legs dressed in back slacks, straightened and clean. He seemed to be facing her, just standing there, unmoving.

"Are you done pretending?" He asked, his deep voice cut through the silence. Her eyes opened, and very slowly trailed up his well dressed form to look up at him.

"This isn't exactly kneeling, but I do appreciate the effort," the man said. Lea quickly sat up straight upon remembering his last order. She couldn't stand to make eye contact with him for long, and she found herself staring at his dress shoes.

"Did you fall asleep waiting for me, slave?" the man asked, his voice even deeper than usual.

"Yes, master," she said quietly. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard how hoarse her voice was. He might realize she had yelled for help earlier.

When the man didn't respond immediately, Lea glanced up from her spot on the floor. The man was staring at her intently, and for a moment Lea was sure he knew. Panic seized her and her mind raced with thoughts of punishment. But his intense look passed, and was soon replaced with a more neutral expression.

"That's very sweet," he said. Though his face remained completely flat, Lea thought his voice sounded pleased. "I've made some food for you. It's on a tray upstairs, but I wanted you to answer a question for me before I brought it down," he said, "Should I trust you enough to bring silverware with the meal? Or will that motivate you to do something stupid?"

"You can trust me, master, I'm not stupid." As she spoke, Lea mentally envisioned a checklist for her answer; it was verbal, respectful, honest, and she had said master. The man's lips twitched upward slightly. He reached out slowly, maybe in an attempt to be less frightening, and smoothed down her hair.

"That was a very good answer, slave. I'm happy you didn't need another reminder. I'll be right back," he said.

Lea watched him place his thumb on the square sensor. A light flashed and the door unlocked loudly. The man paused before opening.

"You do know that it would be very unwise to try and run. There is another locked door upstairs you won't be able to get past," he said cautiously.

"I won't try to run, master," she said, going through her checklist.

"Hm," the man said pensively, "I doubt that was a completely honest answer, but I can't really blame you for it currently. Before I go, I want you to kneel properly for me. The only parts of your body that should be touching the floor are your knees and toes. Ass on your heels." the man spoke, giving corrections as Lea attempted to position herself correctly. "Hands on your thighs. Perfect," he said, and with that the door swung open and was quickly shut behind him.

Lea heard the beeping sound again, but then nothing. She knelt by the door on her knees and the balls of her feet. Though the man claimed to return quickly, both her knees and toes began to hurt. Her knees were bony, and the solid concrete floor hurt to put pressure on. In contrast most of her weight was resting on her toes, and the joints on her foot were cramping. Just as Lea was about to drop the pose from pain, the door opened.

"Mmmm. Now that's how a good slave greets her master," the man said, "Whenever I enter the room, you will kiss my feet and greet me in some manner. You will have some freedom in your greeting, within the parameters I've already set for you."

Lea eagerly lowered herself from her painful kneeling position, but paused before doing as he asked. She stared through his expensive looking leather dress shoes. She imagined briefly her return to freedom, before lowering herself to his feet. Very slowly, Lea ghosted her lips onto the top of each shoe and looked back up at him.

"Thank you for getting me food, master," she said after a moment of thought. It was the only respectful greeting she could think of that wasn't a lie.

"You're being a very good girl for me," he said, his lips twitching upwards again, "Wait by the door a moment."

He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. He placed the tray of food on the sheets before beginning to unlace his shoes. He paused, and looked over to Lea.

"Crawl over to me, slave," he ordered. Lea did so, crawling awkwardly to avoid pressing down on the sore part of her knees.

"Take my shoes off for me," He ordered, and leaned back to watch.

Lea looked up at him. He sat on the bed with his legs spread wide, almost walling her in between them. He leaned back on both hands and stared down at her with an intense expression.

It was incredibly degrading, and if Lea wasn't afraid for her life she would have been pissed. But there were plenty of ways for him to not only seriously hurt, but also kill her just two feet away on the wall. So Lea swallowed her pride, and began untying the man's shoe laces. Mentally, she reminded herself that she's only doing it in order to escape later on. Once his shoes were off his feet and sat by the bed, Lea looked up.

The man's eyes seemed darker than usual. "Now my socks," he said thickly. Lea hated every moment of it, but did as he said.

"You're doing very good for me, slave. Another task before we eat. Kiss both my feet," He said. As he spoke, he shifted his weight into one arm and with his free hand grabbed the growing bulge in his pants. Lea swallowed, and willed her body downwards. She could hear his breathing pause, and she gave two quick pecks on his feet before sitting up quickly.

"f*ck," the man said thickly. His hands reached forward and one hand cupped her cheek, the other smoothed down her hair. Lea closed her eyes tightly at the touch, but relaxed some when no pain came. The man leaned forward, slower this time, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"You're being such a good girl for me"

Lea wanted to vomit. If it weren't for her freeze reaction to most situations she would have
instantly recoiled from his touch. She mentally repeated to herself that she was doing this for her own freedom. It was better than pain. Better than death.

"Tell me what you're thinking right now, sweet girl. And because I specifically asked for this, I won't punish you if the thought isn't entirely respectful. I won't restrict your mind."

Lea didn't answer right away, knowing that her thoughts of escape were probably not smart to say out loud. The man sighed.

"Slave," he said in a warning tone.

"I... I was thinking.. about you... e-enjoying me kissing your feet, master."

"Go on."

"I- I was thinking that...I-I...I would rather you didn't get hard," Lea whispered, "Master."

"No?" he asked, mostly to himself. "Look at me, slave," he ordered sternly. Lea's eyes looked up at him, initially feeling a bit brave and glared at him in a brief moment of defiance. But his intense stare quickly melted the braveness she had felt. As she looked at him, his hands began to slowly unbuckle his belt. Leas heart beat faster and harder than it ever had in her entire life.

She knew what was going to happen. The belt slid out from the loops in one fluid motion. The strap passed near her face, almost hitting her, but Lea didn't flinch. In fact she couldn't move at all. She wanted to bolt. Instead, her body locked and she could only stare into his dark eyes.

She heard the sound of a zipper, but she couldn't look away.

As soon as his dick was out, her eyes closed. SLAP. Lea was knocked to the side and caught herself before falling. Before she could put cool fingers on her burning cheek, the man gripped her chin. Her eyes opened to find the man's dick inches from her face. Her breath caught in her throat. The thing was huge and terrifying. He was going to rape her with this, she realized. He was too big to fit her- she would bleed. Tears fell down Leas cheeks. He was going to ruin her.

"You've been very good tonight, slave. This is the last order before you eat, I promise," He said. As he talked, his dick twitched in her direction and she flinched.

"Please don't," she whispered, tears in her eyes and on her face "Please don't make me suck your dick, please don't make me-" she began to repeat.

"I won't make you. Not tonight. I'm letting you choose. Either you can worship my feet or suck my dick. Your choice."

Leas mind couldn't process fast enough. Both choices were horrendous. It was like living in a twisted would you rather game.

"Slave?" he prompted, sounding impatient.

"Feet," she could only say in a ghostly voice, her mind starting to drift. Suddenly an intense pain struck her face. SMACK. SMACK. One on each cheek. When she could see past her tears she saw him holding the riding crop.

"Which rules did you break just then, slave?" he asked in annoyance.

"Oh... I..." Leas mind tried to remember past the fog of fear, "I forgot to say master and ... it wasn't respectful… master."

"Correct those mistakes."

"I-I- choose feet, master," Lea said. He pressed his eyebrows together. This time she was able to bring her hands up in time for the slap, but it was much gentler than the last two.

"You can be more respectful than that. Tell your master what you would like to do for him," he prompted.

"I- I would like to..." She tried to remember his phrasing "I would like to worship your feet," she said with a grimace and quickly added, "master."

"f*ck," he said thickly, and grabbed his dick,"Go on then, slave," he said as he begin lazily pumping up and down on his co*ck.

Lea paused, staring at his feet. She wondered briefly if it was worth it, playing along with his sick fantasies. A quick sideways glance to the wall containing knives, saws, and other weapons reassured her. It was worth it. She'd escape soon and she'd rather do something disgusting than have him torture her.

She glanced up at and found his eyes locked onto her. She knew he had been watching her little moment of indecisiveness.

"Thought better than disobeying, hm, slave," the man said. It wasn't a question; it was like he could read her mind. The man went ahead and placed one foot on her lap. Lea found it strange how one foot could feel so ominous. Just then she realized she had no idea what to do. With his foot in her lap, she couldn't really move to bend low enough to kiss it.

"Sh-Should I... should I lift it up or.." she said, leaving the question hanging in the air. After a short sigh from the man, Lea quickly added "master!" But it was too late. The riding crop landed across her cheek and eye this time. Lea bent over to hide her face, hiding her head between his calves for protection.

While she was bent over, the foot on her lap pulled out, and she then felt a firm pressure on her back. Lea felt him press down hard, and in order to avoid having her spine bruised she quickly moved her legs out to the side, and the man pressed her flat on her belly.

Now laying on her stomach, the man set his other foot directly in front of her face. Before she could begin kissing, the pressure on her back increased to the point of pain, and she felt a hand pulling at her shorts.

"No please!" she protested, trying to force her body to struggle. Between the fear and the foot on her back she only managed to move a bit towards him before her shorts were pulled down and her ass was left bare.

"Please stop!!" she begged. SMACK. The riding crop hit her ass hard, and Lea cried out in pain.

"Listen to me closely, slave. I do NOT." SMACK "Tolerate." SMACK "Disobedience!" he yelled the last word. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK.

"I'm sorry master!!!" Lea cried, tears rolling down her face. It hurt so bad. Knowing it would likely appease him, she quickly began kissing his foot.

He continued to hit her and so she kissed his foot more. It wasn't until she was practically French kissing his foot did the pain end. She didn't want to continue, but was too afraid to stop. She littered the top of his foot with large, wet kisses. She licked up and down and though she couldn't see, she could hear the skin slapping sound of him jerking off.

She continued to 'worship' his foot for a few more minutes, before the man stood suddenly. Lea let out a scared little yelp as he stood directly above her, but she didn't feel any pain. Instead, a loud moan, and then some heavy breathing. Lea had curled herself into a fetal position, with her head tucked behind her knees, eyes squeezed shut.

She was beginning to hyperventilate when she felt his hands on her. He gently lifted her up, and sat her bare ass on his lap. She could tell he was still naked from the waist down and cringed.

"I wish you hadn't disobeyed me," The man said, his voice gentle, "I don't enjoy hurting you like that," he said. Lea was still curled up in a tight ball, ass on his lap and body resting against his chest. She felt a gentle hand circle her back.

"I know you're afraid of me, but I won't ever hurt you unless you make me," He said and she felt him kiss the top of her head.

"Other than your little defiance you've done very good, slave," He said. Lea slowly began to relax in his arms. He continued to sooth her like an infant, rubbing her back and pressing gentle kisses in her hair. They sat like that for some time before Lea finally got the nerve to speak up.

"Could.. Could I please have something to eat now, master..? she asked, prematurely tensing in case it wasn't deemed respectful enough. No pain came, instead, the man's arms wrapped around her as he moved back in the bed. He set the pillow up against the concrete corner and leaned back, still holding Lea in his lap.

"Yes of course my sweet girl. But I need to tell you the rules. You're no longer allowed to feed yourself. I will control your food intake and you are only allowed to eat from my hands, or food placed on the floor. You will be grateful and eat anything I choose to give you. Do you understand?" he asked.

She nodded and gave her verbal, respectful, and honest response to him. He had her repeat his instructions back to him several times, before finally allowing her to eat. He sat Lea up so her back was half pressed against his chest. In this position she could see the tray of food, and her stomach dropped.

What had been an appetizing plate of chicken and veggies was now absolutely covered in cum. She looked up at him in horror, but he didn't seem to pay her any mind. He instead reached around her to cut a piece of chicken for her.

"Which vegetable would you like, my sweet girl?" he asked. Lea sniffled, while looking at the cum coated veggies. There were carrots, peas, and asparagus. The latter of which was on the bottom, and less touched by the man's sem*n.

"Asparagus" she whispered. Almost immediately she let out a strangled "Ah!" at her mistake and quickly corrected herself "I-I- mean could I please have some asparagus, master?" she asked.
Her body tensed and she turned to hide most of her face against his chest.

"Good girl, you're learning." The man seemed pleased. Lea relaxed and turned to watch him cut a piece of asparagus then dip it in a large glob of cum. The fork now had chicken and asparagus covered in a layer of sem*n. Lea almost puked when he brought it to her mouth.

"I-I'm not hungry anymore, master," she lied quickly, trying to be convincing. The man sighed and placed the fork back on his plate.

"Slave. You know the rules, why disobey me now, you've been doing so good," he said. sounding more disappointed than upset. His body language was relaxed, and his voice was calm. Only a split second separated his hands gently holding her and then wrapping a vice around her throat. All she could manage was a little squeak before her oxygen was cut off. He had a firm grip on her neck, and unlike the last time said nothing.

Too much time passed, and Lea's body finally went into fight mode. She kicked and struggled and twisted in his arms, sending the blanket and tray of food onto the floor. Eventually, she resorted to digging her nails into his arm. She has barely scratched him before his free hand roughly pinned both her wrists above her head. Lea was helpless in his firm grip, and all she could do was stare into his eyes.

He could try and convince her that he was patient and gentle, that he didn't enjoy hurting her. But when she looked into his eyes, her vision beginning to blacken around the edges, she knew for certain that he could care less about her. Never before had she seen so much of nothing. His eyes were a void filled with apathy. He was watching her die; he was killing her, and his eyes were entirely uncaring.

Just as her vision darkened, and her extremities were getting numb, the man released her. She quickly scrambled away, coughing and gasping desperately for air. She crawled as quickly as she could to the other side of the bed, and pulled her knees up to her chest in a weak form of defense.

"Now. Tell me what you meant to say." the man said, darkness in his gaze.

"I-I- I don't- I-I'm sorry master" she said. Her throat was already sore from screaming for so long earlier, and now her voice was truly failing. "I-Im sorry if this isn't respectful but... I-I-" she began, her heart beating out of her chest. She was terrified. "I don't want to eat... I don't want to eat your cum, master," she said in a whisper.

The man barely moved an inch, only sitting up slightly in the bed, before Lea broke down. She curled into a tight fetal position, with her back pressed up against the wall. Tears poured down her face and she sobbed freely into her knees. Expecting a punishment, Lea flinched when she felt the man's touch. He instead gently pulled her into his lap, wrapping the blanket around her.

He soothed her for some time, rubbing her back and hair, giving her soft kisses to her forehead. Once her moment of intense panic and fear passed, she slowly relaxed and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, master," she said weakly. Lea winced when his hand approached her face, but he just gently wiped her wet cheeks.

"You are allowed to have opinions, Leana. I'm not upset by the fact you don't want to eat my cum, or lick my feet. But the fact of the matter is, slave, it doesn't matter what you want. You are allowed to voice your own thoughts and opinions, but in the end, you will do what I say. Do you understand?" he asked.

"I understand, master," she whispered.

"Because this is new to you, and because you have been making a good effort to obey me, I won't force you to finish your meal tonight," he said. Lea began to whisper her thanks, relaxing even further in his arms.

"But that means that the food will remain on the floor until you finish it. I'd prefer if you ate it soon. The chicken will only be safe to eat for a few more hours, and I would rather you not get food poisoning."

Lea began to cry again.

"I am being merciful, slave," he said as he continued to smooth down her hair. "Another man would have beat you bloody for not being grateful for his cum," he said, "You're fortunate that I am a patient master."

"Thank you master," she whispered and received a brief 'mm' in response.

They sat like that for some time. Lea knew he wanted her to feel safe. He was rubbing her back and giving her small kisses on the top of her head. But she didn't feel safe; she felt violated and terrified. She stared at the mess of food on the floor until her eyelids began to drop. Her body had gone days without food and water, and adrenaline could only go so far.

Her head had been aching for hours now, but as her body relaxed the pain increased. She felt incredibly weak, and the level of fatigue she felt scared her. Lea couldn't imagine attempting an escape with the pain and weakness she felt. Even if she wanted to try and fight him right now, she knew her body would give out quickly.

"Slave?" the man asked.


"I'll let you sleep for a little, but after that I encourage you to finish your meal before it becomes dangerous to eat."

"Yes, master," she whispered. Laying in the arms of her captor, exhaustion finally overtook Lea. She was soon asleep with her head resting on his chest.

Chapter 4: Swallow Your Pride


Warning- there is some mildly gross cum play and mentions of rape and watersports.

Chapter Text


Lea groaned and turned in her bed, arm reaching out to turn off her alarm. Just like a few days ago, however, her fingertips didn't find her phone, and instead pressed against the chest of her captor. Reality hit her at once, and her lip quivered. She found herself completely devoid of energy and more exhausted than she had been in her entire life. She couldn't find the energy to cry. Instead, she tried to keep her eyes open long enough to see what her kidnapper was up to..

He was looking at his pager, eyebrows furrowed together sharply. His eyes looked so frightening when he frowned. Without notice he stood, still holding Lea in his arms. She tensed as much as she could manage, but no pain came, and the man simply laid her in a comfortable position on the bed.

His hand touched her forehead briefly before he slowly bent down to kiss the top of her head.

"I hope you choose to be a good girl while I'm away, slave. You need to eat, and things would be much better for you if I returned to a clean floor."

"Yes master," she croaked, her voice barely more than a dry whisper. Lea watched as he gathered the tray, plate and silverware off the ground before walking out the door.

Lea groaned and weakly squeezed her eyes shut. Her throat felt raw, and burned from the hours spent yelling for help. She knew there were likely already bruises in the shape of the man's hands on her neck. She could feel the intense soreness of bruising, and the front of her throat still had sharp pains from being constricted. Her head pounded and her entire mouth felt desperately dry. She was dehydrated and starving, and her body was shutting down.

Her eyelids felt heavier than the buckets of oil she always struggled with at work. They were barely half open as she stared at the cum covered mess on the floor. Her mind was revolted by the scene, but against all her mental fortitude, her stomach twisted with a painful ravenous hunger. She had never gone this long without food before. She didn't want to eat his disgusting meal, but she needed to.

She couldn't bring herself to stand or even sit up in bed. Instead she rolled and let herself slowly slide off the bed onto her side. Muscles cramping with each crawl, Lea inched closer to a pile of veggies and cum.

Her body hurt all over. It felt like every muscle in her body seized at once, cramping with blinding pain. Even her period cramps weren't this bad. Lea let out a groan of pain that came out more like a hoarse squeak. She could feel muscles cramping she didn't even know existed before.

Fingers dragged along the concrete and rested just next to the food. Using the muscles that were cramping increased the pain tenfold, and Lea paused with her pinky resting in cum.

Lea lay there for a long while. She tried to think of a way out of it, to avoid having to eat his cum. But her mind felt hazy, and only one clear thought kept returning: eat. Her stomach was past the point of growling, it instead twisted painfully, making her almost double over. In that moment, almost like an instinct, her hand grabbed a messy fist of food and shoved it into her mouth.

She ate mindlessly and ravenously. Both hands grabbed at the food near her. She didn't register the taste or even the texture. She could no longer feel the pain in her head and muscles. In this moment, Lea’s body acted out of survival alone. She wasn't eating to enjoy it, she was eating out of pure need. And satisfying that need was incredibly gratifying. Lea crawled on the floor, not noticing her knees scraping against the rough concrete to reach the last bit of chicken across the room. It felt so good to fill her belly. She had eaten all the large pieces of food, but she had done so messily, and now began desperately picking up the crumbs.

Her mind had almost turned off while she ate. She was focused intently on satisfying her hunger. And then, like the flip of a switch, Lea returned. She was on her hands and knees lapping at a pool of cum with a few bits of chicken. Revolted, she pulled away and spat out the cold, mostly dried mouthful of sem*n.

Her head spun around, the floor was almost spotless. Besides the mouthful she just spat out, there wasn't a trace of food or cum anywhere. She could barely remember eating all of it, the memory was like a blur. Lea glanced back down to the glob on the floor. She knew she couldn't leave it, the man would hurt her without question.

She had eaten everything else without difficulty, but now felt different. She had eaten two chicken breasts, and a large serving of vegetables... and cum. She felt almost /too/ full, and the thought of eating this last large swallow of room temperature cum made her nauseous.

She stared at the mess long enough to notice it begin to harden. The last thing she wanted was to have to chew it, so she acted swiftly. She bent down and ate the glob right off the floor, swallowing it down almost as soon as it was in her mouth.

Once it was down she smiled, relieved she had avoided punishment, but her smile quickly dropped. Her stomach turned, and she vomited. Once it started, she didn't stop. Soon everything she had just eaten came right out onto the floor.

Lea collapsed on her side, the fatigue returning rapidly. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears left. She tried to think against the haze about what to do with the vomit. She needed to clean it, afraid the man might return to a messy floor and make her eat it. There were only two options, the blanket, or her clothes.

The blanket was across the room on the bed, and the distance felt like a mile. So instead, Lea slowly and effortfully removed her shirt and sweatpants. She still had her sports bra, underwear, and socks on. Luckily her clothes were enough to cover the mess she had made.

The effort to clean up had taken what little strength Lea had left. Her headache had returned and muscles began to cramp again. She lay only a foot or two from the door. She knew he wanted her kneeling by the entrance, but she couldn't move. She could barely keep her eyes open. All she could manage was to outstretch her arms to the entrance before she slipped into unconsciousness.


John stood in his kitchen, absentmindedly whistling the song that had played on his drive back home. He set a tall bottle of water on the counter next to the frozen tray of lasagna and selected the longest straw he could find. He twirled the straw between his fingers as he checked on the oven. The damn thing pre-heated so god damn slowly, obviously expensive didn't equal expediency.

Leaning his back against the marble countertop, John pulled out his phone. He quickly opened his security camera app, and pulled up the feed from earlier today. He watched as his girl made the effort off the bed towards the food. John twirled the straw as he watched, his dick growing hard under his scrubs.

He chuckled to himself at the length of time she took to begin eating. Stress and a lack of proper nutrients could do wonders to the human body. John suspected, however, a large portion of her delay was not due to a physical obstacle, but rather a mental hurdle. Small choices like the one she made today were all steps towards ultimate submission.

John watched her dig in right as the oven beeped. He set his phone and straw aside and grabbed the lasagna, carefully putting it in the center of the oven. John began to hit the timer on the oven and quietly chuckled to himself. There would be no chance of him hearing the alarm two stories down. Instead he grabbed his phone, smiling at the feed of his slave licking up his cum on her hands and knees, before exiting the app to set a timer.

He pocketed his phone and grabbed the water bottle and straw before heading downstairs. His slave had already made such progress. She was forgetful, an annoying trait that would likely only get worse with the added stress of training, but she was also eager. Though her motivations of submission were not yet devoted towards his pleasure, he knew she would be the perfect slave.

Her only attempts at escape thus far had been a few hours of screaming, but she had given up quicker than any girl he’d trained in the past. Things were going smoothly. He purposefully dropped his smile before entering. He wanted to remain relatively emotionless for this initial period of introduction. He needed to be patient, but aloof; the girl would have to work for his softer side.

John set the bottle and straw on the bed before walking over to his girl. She was stretched out facing the door, and he couldn't help but smile. Even in her sick and weakened state she still attempted to obey. Her knees were scraped, but not bloody, and John made a mental note to make sure they didn’t get infected. He slid a bare foot under her cheek and tapped her face upwards a few times. He had hoped she would wake to the sight of his feet, but she remained unconscious.

Reminded of the seriousness of her situation, John quickly scooped up his girl and brushed the hair from her face. He pinched the skin just under her collar bone and watched it recede slowly. He needed to get water in her soon or else he would have to start an IV. He shook her, careful to hold her neck as he did so. She woke slowly, eyes barely opening when she blinked.

"There's my good girl," John said, feeling warmth spread in his chest. He was careful not to let any affection show on his face. His slave blinked up at him then recoiled with a start. John half-chuckled with a few puffs of air through his nose.

"Forget me already?" He asked. Leana croaked out an awful sounding noise and winced.

"Drink," he said, putting the straw in the water bottle and holding it up to her lips. Initially she seemed to struggle with the straw, but soon she was sucking eagerly. John quickly pulled the straw back, some water spilling on her chest in the process.

"Not so fast, slave. If you drink too much too soon you'll make yourself sick. Is that what happened down there, hm?" He asked. He knew full well that's what had happened; he had viewed the clip of her eating and vomiting several times over by now. He watched her eyes glance between him and the pool of vomit and nod with a wince.

"Here," he said and let her drink some more.

"Because you are extremely dehydrated and because I came home to a clean floor, I won't punish you for any mistakes you make tonight. All I expect is that you try your best," he said with a soothing voice, letting her have another sip as he spoke.

She had no idea how gracious and patient he was being. Any other man would have already raped and beaten her senseless by now, but he was not like most men. He didn’t just want an obedient slave, he wanted a devoted one. He would get her to love him in time, but he couldn’t rush things.

"Oh… yes master," she spoke, eyes mostly on the straw he had just pulled away from her again. Her eyes were beginning to open more, likely as an attempt to silently communicate a request for more water. He stared at her while she drank. His girl was so beautiful; her bone structure was perfect, with a line of freckles covering her cheeks. Currently, her hair was a complete mess, but still a gorgeous brown that matched her rather thick eyebrows.

He pulled the straw away, and her dark brown eyes looked up at him pleadingly. What a gorgeous girl he had, and someday she'd be looking at him like that for something more than just water. He let her suck on the straw for a bit longer than he should have, imagining her just as eagerly sucking piss straight from his dick. He watched water roll down her chin, hiding a smirk, pulling the straw away only after she began coughing.

“You’re drinking too fast, slave,” he scolded her gently, knowing full well the mistake was his own.

“I’m sorry master, I’m just- I’m so thirsty," she said. Her voice still sounded hoarse and he narrowed his eyes at her. She seemed to recoil instantly but he didn't relent.

“Why is your throat so dry then, hm? You haven't gone that long without water,” he lied easily, “Was someone screaming for help?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He watched her intently; he had been allowing small moments of untruthfulness these past few days so he could gain a solid understanding of her tells. Eventually he wouldn't need the cameras to tell when she was lying.

“I-I-” she began to protest, but after glancing up at his stern expression she hid her face in his chest, “Yes master.”

“I think I remember warning you against that,” he commented, but she didn’t reply. She lifted her head from his chest and stared intently at the straw. He sighed and relented, wanting her to be healthy first and foremost.

John studied her as she drank. He could tell she was terrified of him, but luckily her body was so weak from stress and lack of sustenance that she lay perfectly in his arms. One day he could finish f*cking the sh*t of her, spitting in her face, and degrading her in every way he wanted, and she would beg to be held after. She'd want his affection soon enough.

For now, he would have to be content with her reluctant moments of submission, knowing full well she had every intention of escape. He silently stared at her as she slowly finished off the bottle of water. His phone alarm beeped and he quickly silenced it. He was enjoying holding his girl in bed, and didn’t want to have to get up. His girl needed food and another bottle of water, though, and was in no place to be fetching those herself. He stood with a sigh and placed her on the bed.

“I’ll be right back,” he told her, “You’ve been a very good girl today. No cum with dinner tonight as a reward.” She smiled at that and he paused a moment to admire her beauty before jogging up the stairs for their dinner.


As soon as he left, Lea let out a shuddering sigh. She felt cold, but too weak to pull the blanket up. Instead she stared longingly at it, her eyelids drooping to a close. It hurt just to lay there. Five loud consecutive beeps woke Lea from her half sleep and she let out a hoarse whimper.

“I hope you like Italian,” an inhumanly deep voice said from across the room. Lea’s eyes were glued shut. She felt the man’s weight shift the mattress and her body lolled against his solid chest. One arm snaked around her and locked her in place next to him.

The smell of melted cheese and a wave of warm steam hit her face; Lea opened her eyes with effort to a large plate full of lasagna- no cum in sight. The man had kept his word.

“I’ll feed you this time, slave,” the man said. Lea watched him pick up the fork and knife next to the plate. Her eyelids became too heavy, and she was left with the sound of metal scraping against porcelain.

“We wouldn’t want you to have to clean up two pools of vomit now would we?”

Lea barely registered his words. She felt about ready to pass out again, but she tried to fight the feeling. She desperately needed to eat. Forcing one eye open she peered through her eyelashes to watch him cut up the pasta. He moved so f*cking slow. The man took his time, cutting up the entire plate of food into small bite sized portions before finally bringing a bite to her mouth.

“Holy f*ck,” Lea said breathlessly. The bite was swallowed without chewing, but unlike before she wasn’t allowed to shovel more in after. Instead, the taste lingered, and Lea felt her lip quiver. She had never tasted anything so spectacular in her entire life. The small bite seemed to warm her entire core, loosening her aching muscles and filling her twisting belly. Relief washed over her, and Lea began to break down into painful dry sobs.

“Is my cooking that bad?” the man asked with a chuckle. Lea continued to cry, not from sorrow or fear, but from the release of pain. Her captor held her against his chest, and she didn’t fight against him. He pressed kisses to the top of her head and rubbed circles on her shoulder with his thumb.

“Here," the man said after Lea’s sobs had turned to sniffles, “Drink.”

“Why the tears, slave?” the man asked, giving her another bite to eat after she had taken a long sip of water, “Is it because I didn’t cum on your dinner this time?”

Lea looked up at him, her mind was too hazy to tell if he was joking or not. His face looked completely flat, no smirk or grin to give away his intentions.

“No.. master I- I was just so hungry,” she whispered, her voice sounding less hoarse after the water.

“You should thank me for cooking for you,” the man said, his tone sounding short. Lea glanced back up at his face, but it looked exactly the same as before.

“Thank you for cooking for me master,” she echoed, her voice more empty than he probably wanted.

“Yeah, you sound very thankful,” he said, and this time Lea caught the dry tone to his voice.

“I am thankful, master,” Lea said, and paused to think of how to phrase it in a way he would enjoy. Her brain felt like mush. “Thank you for taking the time to cook for me, master. It’s the best lasagna I’ve ever had," she said after a long delay.

The man kissed the top of her head again. “That’s only because you haven’t eaten anything in several days; but, I do enjoy the way you thanked me,” he said, immediately offering her another bite of food along with his praise.

“You’re making great progress in your training, slave. I’ve invited a friend of mine over for dinner in a few weeks. Perhaps you'll be ready to meet him by then.”

Lea froze, a mouthful of lasagna still in her mouth. The thought of two murderers in one room sent Lea’s heart racing. Almost as if the man could read her mind, the arm around her tightened, and a finger lifted her chin towards his face. She stared right into his small gray eyes.

“He won’t hurt you. I won’t allow anyone to hurt my good girl.”

His gaze and voice were unwavering and intense. The man spoke with such confidence and assurance that Lea actually felt somewhat relieved. She swallowed her food as he held up the straw for her to take another sip.

It was then Lea’s mind fully registered what was in the man’s hands. The plain water bottle had a long, hot pink bendy straw with brightly colored flowers printed along the length of it. Lea laughed out loud at the absurdness of it.

“Y-You have-” she started, but paused as the laughter grew, “You have a pink bendy straw?” she asked, laughing hard enough for her sides to hurt. The man’s face was solid, but the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

“Of course I have a pink bendy straw, Leana. What kind of man do you take me for?” he asked, and Lea laughed even harder. He tilted his head as he spoke, causing loose blonde curls to fall out of place, slightly covering his light blue eyes. She hated that he could make her genuinely laugh.

“Definitely not a pink bendy straw kind of guy,” she giggled, feeling her throat hitch as if her laughter was about to turn to tears.

“Well I hate to give off the wrong impression,” the man said flatly, “Was it the kidnapping or the handcuffs?” he asked, lips giving away a half smirk.

“Probably both,” Lea let out a strange laugh. It felt like a mix between a hopeless sob and a bitter laugh. Her frightening kidnapper was beginning to appear much more human.

“Where did you even get it anyways?” she asked.

“Hmmm, should I answer honestly or…” the man mumbled to himself under his breath.

“Well I have to answer everything honestly,” Lea pointed out.

“Well you are a slave,” the man mimicked her tone of voice. Lea frowned, but the man just rolled his eyes and continued, “I got it at Rainforest Café.”

Lea laughed hard again. “Rainforest Café??”


“You eat at Rainforest Café?”

“Very infrequently. But yes, I’ve eaten there before.”

“Wow, who knew even murderers ate at Rainforest Cafe,” Lea laughed hard. This time, however, the man didn’t share in her amusem*nt; his half grin vanished in a flash. Just as if he had dropped a Halloween mask, the man went from suave and sarcastic to dark and deadly.

“You think I’m a murderer?” he asked. His voice was dangerously deep. His arms tightened their grip around her arm and his eyebrows furrowed, causing his eyes to narrow into sharp slits.

“You think I’m a f*cking murderer??”

Chapter 5: Mr. J


This chapter contains non-consensual sexual acts/references. Please mind the tags and warnings if this isn't your thing as this story WILL get dark. Hope those who choose to read on enjoy :)

Chapter Text

“You think I’m a f*cking murderer?”

John spoke through his teeth, jaw clenched to keep himself from verbally assaulting the c*nt. He glared down in rage at the ungrateful bitch in his arms. She cowered into him and hid her face in his chest. Her body was shaking. Hypocritical bitch, seeking comfort in the arms of her supposed murderer.

He could have killed her easily by now, but he hadn’t. He could have raped, tortured and mutilated her, but he’d done none of that. Instead, he’d taken great care in treating her well, being patient with her many mistakes and soothing her fears. Very few men would have been as patient as he’d been with her. His mind raced with all of the vile and depraved acts he could do to her without very much resistance at all. She should be groveling at his feet, thanking him for his kindness and restraint. Instead, she spat her unfounded insults without absolutely no respect for her better.

“What the f*ck have I done to make you think that, bitch?” he demanded. John could hear the anger in his own voice. The girl let out a muffled scream; she sounded scared, but not nearly scared enough.

“I’m sorry, master!”

Only now did she remember his rules when he let himself get angry. If she had forgotten he may have actually hit her, and not the gentle slaps he’d been reprimanding her with before. He ground his teeth together and he clenched his hand into a fist around her arm. His rage was building.

The metal tray in his lap rattled. John finally tore his attention away from his slave to place the tray of food on the floor to avoid spilling it. The tray was heavy, and John noticed the girl had taken maybe ten bites in total. Ten bites of food in almost three days. He glared at the tray as his anger fizzled out.

“I’m sorry, master,” the girl said again. John could feel the side of his shirt wet with tears. He sat up and brushed his thumb against the small part of her face that wasn’t hidden away. Her entire body flinched at his touch. John sighed; his efforts at presenting a gentle front had obviously been ineffective.

“You’re wasting the water I just gave you crying like that,” he said. This earned another apology from the girl and John sighed once more. He took a steady breath in and out through his nose.

She was ignorant of how lucky she was, and even though it was infuriating, John couldn’t punish her for simply not knowing about a world unfamiliar to her. She had no idea how different a master she could have had, or how different slavery could have been for her. This was a delicate stage in her training. He had told her he was a patient man, and he needed to appear so. If he blew up and hurt her now, the veil of trust would be torn forever.

“I’m not going to kill you, Leana,” he whispered softly, pressing a kiss into her hair. He used her name for two reasons; to make her feel more human and to catch her attention. As intended, she looked up at him with wet eyes.

“You aren’t?” she asked pitifully. John relished in the power he had over her.

“No. You're my slave. Why would I want a dead slave?”

“I-I-I don’t know,” she whimpered.

John sighed again. Her brain wasn’t functioning at full capacity; what with the stress, fear, dehydration, and lack of food- the girl was doing the best she could. It was a challenge to see things through her perspective; she was lucky he was the kind of master to even think of doing so.

“Leana, if I was going to kill you; if I had any interest in murdering you, I would have hurt you by now,” he said.

“You have hurt me,” she whispered. Stupid bitch. She had no idea what real pain was.

“No. I haven’t,” he said, his voice smooth and calming, “Gentle slaps don’t hurt. If I was a man who got off on murder I’d have cut or beaten you bloody by now,” he said, “But that’s not what I want.”

“What do you want?” she asked and looked up at him with wet eyes. It was difficult not to get irritated by the question. Not only had he made it VERY clear what he wanted her responses to include, she also refused to accept that he had good intentions for her.

“What have I asked of you so far?” he turned the question back on her.

“To call you master,” she began. John hid a smile, amused that the order she forgot most frequently was the one she recalled first.

“To be respectful,” she continued, “To be honest, to wait by the door, to… worship you.”

John noted the difficulty and avoidance of describing the foot worship. Her hesitance was expected, as it was a degrading act very new to her. However, if she continued to be unable to speak of the act she wouldn't gain the confidence needed to actually worship him as he deserved. She needed improvement there.

“Those are tasks of a slave, not a dead girl,” he said point blank, “I want you to obey and serve me, and when you do, I'll reward that good behavior,” he said, “I’ve said this many times before, slave, I don’t enjoy hurting you.”

“You won’t kill me?” she asked again. He looked deep into her eyes. Her body language screamed insecurity; she was curled in on herself, legs closed tight and eyes cast down. She knew the answer, but needed his reassurance. Good.



The demand hung in the air for a moment as John decided whether or not to correct the behavior. Instead, he simply let out a breathy chuckle.

“Would that make you feel better? A promise?” he asked, “I will never lie to you, Leana. Every word I say is a promise.”

“Please, master?” she asked pathetically, tears still wet on her cheeks. What a bitch, a natural at begging without even trying.

“I promise I will never kill you.”

She relaxed almost instantly at his words, and he pulled her in for another kiss on the forehead.

“You’ll learn soon enough how good you have it here with me, slave,” he said, bending over to pick up the tray of food from the floor.

“I might have to ask Martin to come over earlier than planned. It’ll be a good lesson in perspective,” he said.

“Is Martin your friend?”

“You don’t know any better, so there will be no punishment, but you are NEVER allowed to address anyone by their first names unless they are slaves. Do you understand?” He asked.

Her body tensed again and she nodded. John watched her carefully. She was so expressive and easy to read. John was a master at reading body language, but her face alone let him know exactly what she was thinking. He could see the visible recognition and panic wash over her as she realized she had forgotten to address him by his proper title. Her body tensed and eyes widened with fear, her mouth hung open as if to speak but no words came out. She nodded silently again and then a strangled, ‘yes master’ eventually followed.

“You may call him sir or Mr. Keamy, but nothing else,” he told her.

“Yes, master,” she nodded, “Is Mr. Keamy your friend?”

“He is of sorts. He is a very… sad*stic man. We have very drastic differences in how we treat our slaves.”

“Is he going to hurt me?” she asked with fear. Her body tensed and she leaned in closer to him. She was strongly motivated by fear of pain, John was gathering; lucky for him as it would be an easy tool to use in her training.

“Absolutely not; I already told you that,” he reminded her. He touched a finger against the lasagna to find it almost cold.

“I’m going to reheat this,” he told her. He was about to remind her of his order to kneel by the door but bit his tongue. She was very weak right now and the effort would be a waste of energy. “Thank me for even caring about what temperature your food is at.”

“Thank you for caring what temperature my food is at, master,” she repeated exactly. John hid his distaste and nodded. If she wasn’t so early in her training he would have punished her for not being original and sounding like a zombie, but he let it go.

“I will be right back,” he said. He kissed her head and slipped out the door.

As soon as the door locked behind him, his phone was out. He jogged up the stairs and muscle memory opened up the security camera app on his cell. A large grin spread across John’s face as he watched his girl slip off the bed and crawl to kneel by the door.


Lea felt her knees bruising against the floor, but she knew better than to piss him off. One glance over her shoulder at the weapons hanging behind the wire gate was all the reminder she needed to obey.

Her mind replayed what the man had just said. ‘I promise I will never kill you.’ Lea didn’t believe him for a second. She knew what happened to girls who were taken to the second location, and that her chances of survival had dropped the moment she woke up in his basem*nt. He might not want to kill her now, but he would eventually. At some point he would either grow bored or angry and then she'd be gone.

She had already been tortured by him for days, and she could barely sit up straight. Her ass and knees were probably bruised to hell, and her muscles were still cramping painfully. If this is how he treated her while being 'patient' she would hate to see what 'impatient' looked like.

Lea wasn’t planning on sticking around till then, though. He had used a knife to cut the lasagna, and all she needed to do was wait for a moment when his guard was down. As long as he brought the knife back with him, he would be bringing her freedom on a literal silver plater.

She would have to fight against her hunger and exhaustion, but all she needed was speed. One stab to the neck or chest and she'd be free. All her life she had rolled over and let others walk all over her. She lived her life like a doormat and it wasn’t until this man used her like a literal welcome-mat, that she felt the need to fight.


Lea’s heart raced as soon as the door swung open. The man entered again and immediately Lea’s eyes were locked on the tray. From the floor, however, she couldn't see anything but the bottom. Lea whispered a quick greeting and brushed her lips against his feet.

“I’m very happy to see you by the door, slave,” the man said, looking down at her with a straight face. Before she could reply, the man bent down and scooped her up with one arm. Lea was never a small girl, and she audibly gasped at the man’s strength. He was able to lift and carry her on his hip with no apparent struggle. She glanced at the arm carrying her and saw for the first time how thick it was. The man was strong. If she wasn’t able to kill him on her first attempt, there would be no hope of overpowering him. She’d have to be smart and patient.

Reminded of her escape plan, Lea’s eyes darted to the tray and she breathed a sigh of relief. The knife sat next to the fork on the tray just as before.

“Happy to be in master’s arms?” the man asked. She quickly looked away from the knife and up at him. She met his eyes briefly, and it was like being doused in ice water. His gaze was truly chilling. Those light gray eyes felt darker than the deepest black.

“Y-” she began to agree, but remembered she had to be honest, “I-I’m happy to eat again, master.”

“I’m sure you are,” he said, his tone dark. He gave her a warning glare as he sat down on the bed. He controlled where Lea sat and eventually they were laying on the bed together again, the tray of food in his lap.

The pair sat in silence for some time. The man carefully portioned every bite of food and sip of water Lea took. Throughout the meal, Lea stole several glances to the knife. It sat on the tray to the left of the plate, unfortunately, the opposite side she lay next to. Her heart had not stopped racing since the moment he walked it. If she was going to make her move she would need to get him distracted.



“You said that your friend’s name is Mr. Keamy… what- what is your name?” she asked, trying to phrase it as innocently as possible. The last thing she wanted to do was piss him off.

“You don’t get to know my name yet, slave. That is a privilege you will have to earn,” he said. His voice was flat and unreadable as always.

“Yes, master,” she responded, disappointed that her attempt at distraction had failed so quickly.

Perhaps he had seen the disappointment on her face, because he added, “Though I suppose you have been making a good attempt at obeying. You are not allowed to call me this yet, but you may think of me as Mr. J.”

“Mr. J?” Lea asked with a slight chuckle, “Like the Joker?”

“No,” he said, his voice stern. Lea’s smile quickly faded at the tone in his voice, but she glanced up to a surprising half smirk “I’m not a murderer remember?”

Lea laughed. It felt strange for her kidnapper to be funny. She would rather he be entirely awful than somewhat good.

“Well that works out, cause I’m nothing like Harley Quinn,” Lea said.

“No? Not the type to fall for your abuser?” he asked, and Lea couldn’t tell if it was a genuine question or another snide joke.

“Definitely not,” Lea frowned, “...master,” she added after a second. The man simply chuckled in response. “What’s upstairs, master?”

“My home,” he said, “And eventually our home, once your training is completed.”

“When will that be?” she asked. He gave her a harsh glare mixed with a half smirk, a highly unsettling combo.

“Certainly not anytime soon, you can hardly handle remembering my title let alone other tasks,” he said with a sneer.

“What other things are there to learn, master?” she asked, unshaken by his comment.

“There are some tasks you might tolerate tonight, but most will take time. You would react negatively and you’re too weak right now to handle training.”

“I won’t react negatively, master,” Lea said, hoping that steering the conversation in this direction would create the distraction she needed.

Her heart sank when he set the tray and water on the floor. Her mouth opened to ask for more food, but his hand gripped her neck hard before she could even take a breath. He began to force her over onto her stomach. Though he was suffocating her, it didn’t hurt her throat like last time, and he moved her without roughness.

He climbed on top and removed his hand from her neck to pin both wrists above her head. His free arm pressed down on her back as he pinned each of her legs out to the side with his own. His hand slid down her back to grope each of her bare ass cheeks. Lea began to struggle now, but the man had her pinned.

Though she had remembered him wearing pants, she felt the tip of his dick brush against her entrance. Lea screamed. The hand on her ass immediately wrapped around her neck, silencing her like a candle being snuffed out.

“Are you sure you won’t react negatively?” he asked. He leaned forward, pressing his dick flat against her puss* and ass. She could feel his beard tickle her ear and she flinched away. “You think you’re ready for everything?” he whispered right into her ear. Her entire body shivered. “Are you ready then, hm? For me to rape you?” he whispered, grinding his dick against her as he spoke.

With his hand still wrapped around her neck all Lea could do was shake her head as violently as she could. The man laughed cruelly and sat up, his arms released her and his legs relaxed. She quickly pulled herself away from him. He glared at her as he pulled up his scrubs.

“Don’t ever assume you know better than me, slave.”

“I’m sorry, master,” Lea cried. She curled into a tight ball and sobbed. How could she get out if he could overpower her so easily. She felt him slide in next to her and reposition her so that she lay cuddled up next to him again. He made no motion to reach for the food, and Lea needed the knife much closer.

“Could- could I have some more food, master?” she asked, “I’m sorry for challenging you.”

“Alright, but there’s not much left,” he said and bent over, this time grabbing just the plate with the fork on it. Her heart sank. She wiped her tears as he began feeding her the last few bites of food on the plate.

“Training isn’t something that happens overnight, slave.”

“I’m sorry, master,” she said, the phrase feeling hollow now.

“You’ll be able to go upstairs soon enough, but it will take time before you’re able to do all I have planned for you,” he explained. She shuddered to think of what he could have planned.

“Why me?” she whispered to herself in despair.

“Because, slave. I knew you would be perfect for me the moment I saw you.”

Chapter 6: Look What You've Done


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I knew you would be perfect for me the moment I saw you."

Lea was forced to digest his comment as 'Mr. J' fed her a forkful of lasagna. She barely chewed and swallowed quickly.

"When was that?" Lea asked immediately, feeling a twisted mixture of dread and curiosity. Her gaze flickered to the knife for a split second, but returned to find Mr. J's eyebrows pressed together sharply. "Master," Lea added quickly.

He slowly stabbed the fork into the lasagna, never breaking eye contact with her. The silence was heavy. She ate as he watched her with a dangerous intensity.


He sounded upset, but Lea had no idea why. If he had told her where he worked, she would have remembered.

"I don't know, master," she said.

"That's a bad guess," he said with a quiet scoff.

Lea paused to give it some thought. The pounding headache and thick fog in her mind made it hard to think. He must have taken her that night she closed at work, so he may have also first seen her there.

"My job?" Lea asked, with a delayed 'master' added on the end again.

"No, not a huge sub guy," he said, "I like Rainforest Cafe remember?" He gave her a smirk and in any other situation he may have appeared charming. Lea gave him a chuckle inspite of the pit growing in her stomach.

"You know where I work..?" Lea asked.

"I know plenty about you, Leana," Mr. J frowned, "Don't get distracted now, slave, where did I find you?" He leaned in when he spoke the last line, and his hot breath on her face sent shivers down Lea's spine.

"Look at me, slave," he ordered harshly. Lea was already staring right at him, and she opened her mouth to protest but he grabbed her face. His hand gripped her chin and tilted her gaze down so she was forced to stare at his body.

He wore a light blue shirt that came to a short V under his neck, letting a small hint of chest hair peak through. She glanced down at his pants, the same shade of blue. Lea frowned, and only then did it click; he was wearing scrubs. So he worked at a hospital.

Lea found herself staring into his cold eyes again. She still didn't know what a hospital had to do with anything, she hadn't been sick in months. He couldn't have been stalking her for that long could he?

Mr. J seemed amused, and gave her a half smirk. He tilted his head to the side, causing curls to fall in front of his eyes. He quickly raked his fingers through his hair, putting his curls neatly back in place. In that instant something clicked.

The hospital. She had toured a nearby hospital with one of her friends almost a month ago. Lea faintly remembered him even asking her about it.

"The hospital?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"I'm disappointed I didn't make more of an impression on you, slave. You don't remember me at all?"

She didnt have the voice to speak. Her mouth was gaping but no sound came out, though her heart beat so loud she felt it pounding in her ears.

She felt reality slipping away as she began to remember more of that day. Her friend, or more like classmate, had begged her to go with for moral support. Lea didn't have many friends and went only to make a good impression on this girl. The day of the tour she barely said two words to Lea, spending more time flirting with the man leading the tour.

Lea didn't even want to go, she almost didn't. She remembered now practically forcing herself out of bed, hoping to make a friend with a girl she thought was cool. She stared into Mr. J's eyes.

"You caught my eye immediately, you know. That pretty little dress you wore… almost like you were begging for my attention.”

“I– I wasn’t,” Lea whispered. Her mouth ran dry and her heart beat faster and faster. “I- I-”

“I was on my lunch, and watched a nurse bump into you quite rudely, but what did you do?” he asked, an edge to his voice, “You looked down and apologized like the good little slave you are.”

Lea shook her head. This wasn’t happening. It didn’t feel real.

“Of course I had to investigate,” the man continued, “I wonder if you remember holding the door open for me? Or maybe you remember bumping into me and making me drop all my files?”

Lea’s stomach dropped. She felt bile rise to her throat.

“That was you?” Her voice was barely audible above the pounding of her heart. She could feel tears on her cheeks but she was frozen still.

"So I did make an impression on you! I was rude to you- a test of course. But you took it so sweetly, so submissively. The way you knelt down to pick up my things, the way you looked up at me- f*ck,” the man laughed darkly, “I knew I had to have you.”

“I- I- I didn’t want to go,” she whispered “I didn’t want to go. My friend made me, I didn’t- I didn’t want to-”

“Well it’s a good thing you did,” the man said, “Imagine, if you hadn't gone you wouldn't be here right now. Lucky me.”

Lea stared at him with horror and hatred mixing in an awful acrid mixture inside her body. She was frozen as her emotions spilled out as quiet tears down her face. She never did want to go to that hospital. Mr. J was right. Lea could have just not gone; one simple choice sealed her own fate. The mixture of horror and hatred bubbled over into rage.

“You know, in a way,” the man said, “You did this to yourself.”

Lea felt something explode inside her. She was filled with blinding rage and hatred. Somehow, against everything in her nature, Lea moved in a flash. She felt the smooth handle of the knife in her hands while she locked onto man’s evil face all at once. Silver eyes. She hated him. Her view was a wild blur of white sheets and cold silver. The knife cut through the air. Then everything stopped.

Her mind reeled, and when Lea finally came to, her eyes settled on the man’s hand gripped in a vice around her wrist.

"Oh no, slave. Now look what you've done."


Sorry for the short chapter this time! I'm having trouble deciding on a properly disgusting punishment for our girl. So I figured I might as well post this chapter while I figure it out haha.

Chapter 7: This is Gonna Hurt

Chapter Text

The hand gripping Lea's wrist tightened and twisted simultaneously, pulling Lea forward into the face of her kidnapper. He wasn't angry, or upset, he looked… disappointed. While Lea leaned forward awkwardly, arm twisted around and hair falling out of place; Mr. J sat straight in perfect calmness- not one curl out of place.

"Drop it," he ordered, "Or I'm going to have to take it and the first thing I'll cut off will be all of your pretty hair." Her face was inches from his while he spoke so she got a good read on him. Strangely, he kept his calm composure, he even seemed relaxed and as confident as ever. He meant every word.

Lea had to look at her hand and force each finger off the knife. Unlike her little moment of rebellion, she now felt frozen, and each tiny movement had to be forced. The knife fell harmlessly on the sheets between them.

"You really f*cked up, you know that?" He sighed, grabbing the knife as soon as it landed, "I've told you this before, I don't enjoy hurting you."

As he spoke he twirled the knife effortlessly between his fingers. He stared deep into her eyes. "But I can't let this go unpunished." His eyebrows pushed together and his head inched closer to hers. She felt his beard brush past her cheek until his lips grazed against her ear.

"I'm going to hurt you now."

Lea shook her head and began to beg but no sound came out. Mr. J smoothed back her hair and whispered calming shushes. He pressed one long kiss to her forehead before pulling back and nodding.

"I won't kill you, but this is going to be very unpleasant."

Mr. J gave her one last forehead kiss before sliding off the bed, knife in hand, and strolling towards his wall of torture tools. Lea watched in fear as he ran the knife over the many different tools. She grabbed at the blanket and pulled it up over herself. She still wore only her bra and underwear, and suddenly felt very exposed. Mr. J began pulling objects off the wall, including the cuffs that had been on her the first day.

"Come here," Mr. J said, not even bothering to glance over at her. Instead, he pulled what looked like a large black dild* off the wall. Lea's muscles seized and she sat frozen in bed.

"Slave," the man said with an unnatural calm, "Every instance of disobedience will make this much, much," he picked up what looked like a garden shears from the wall, "worse."

Lea sobbed as she climbed down off the bed. Her entire body was shaking in utter terror, and each step she took was harder than the last. Eventually, she stood in front of Mr. J, who had thankfully set the shears down to instead pick up a piece of cloth.

"Kneel," he said. Lea dropped to her knees instantly, trying to remember exactly how he had instructed her. The man tossed a handful of items in front of her; the black dild* with some leather straps, the cuffs, and some sort of black cloth. He turned and with her kneeling she got a clear view of the large bulge between his legs.

"Open your mouth," he ordered. Lea squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, sobbing hard. SMACK. Lea was hit hard in the head, and sent sideways onto the ground. She only cried harder and pulled her legs up into a tight protective ball.


The genuine anger in his voice caused Lea to bolt upright and scramble into a kneel. Mr. J squatted down until they were on eye level. Unlike before, where she had found calmness and disappointment, his face was red and tightened in anger.

One of his hands grabbed her chin and pressed his fingers into her cheek, pressing bruises into her skin and forcing her mouth open. Instantly, he spat. Her face and mouth were covered in a wide spray of spit and she recoiled against his grip. He spat again, and again, until Lea could feel the spit drooling down the sides of her face.

"Swallow," he ordered. Lea knew she should, that if she didn't things would only get worse. But the thought of swallowing a mouthful of her kidnapper's spit made her want to hurl. The fingers pressing her mouth open retracted and then slammed shut over her lips, sealing his spit in her mouth.

Lea knew what he was doing, and waited for him to plug her nose to force her to swallow. But his other hand made no movement. Instead his face got close to hers and he spat directly in her nose, sealing her only airway with saliva. She squirmed and struggled in shock and swallowed the mouthful immediately, already desperate for air. His hand didn't move.

"You wanna breathe?" Mr. J taunted, eyes level to her own. "Yeah?" He spat into her eyes and she closed them slightly to late. "Too bad."

Lea twisted in his grip, enough to where she was able to get a small gasp of air in. Mr. J growled angrily and his free hand wrapped around her neck, squeezing tight. He was now choking and smothering her, half bent over her struggling body. As blackness began to creep into her eyesight, she was forced to stare into his uncaring gaze.

He pulled back and air flooded her lungs. She collapsed onto her hands and knees, taking deep desperate breaths. As she tried to catch her breath, Mr. J grabbed the cuffs and hooked her arms in place behind her back. Her ankles were secured next, and by the time Lea's breathing was steady, Mr. J was squatting in front of her, holding the black dild* on straps.

"Please- please-" she sobbed, "Dont- please-"

"I give you so few rules to follow-"

"Master!" Lea corrected herself as soon as she realized, but it was too late.

"Don't ever interrupt me!!" He yelled in a burst of rage. He hit her, the side of his hand making contact instead of a flat slap. She fell to the ground and rolled over in a lame attempt at hiding her face. He hit her repeatedly before he yelled again, "Kneel!"

With her arms bound behind her back and her body's weak state the order was much more difficult to complete than usual, but with the help of extreme adrenaline Lea was kneeling in front of him again.

"Open your mouth," he snapped, holding the dild* up. Lea had learned her lesson the last time, and opened her mouth a crack. His hand grabbed her neck and the other forced the dild* past her lips and teeth until the tip of it pressed roughly against the back of her throat. Bile rose and she gagged hard on the intrusion. Mr. J secured the leather straps around her head, each notch forcing the dild* deeper into her throat.

Her mouth was completely filled. When Lea held her head just right, the dild* didn't touch her throat and she was able to take deep breaths through her nose. Tears flooded down her spit dried cheeks.

Mr. J grabbed her chin once more and forced it upwards. The dild* pressed roughly against her throat and Lea gagged repeatedly, spit bubbling out the tiny openings left by the gag. She stared in pure terror at her kidnapper, trying to focus on not choking on her own spit as he grabbed the black cloth. His cool grey eyes were the last thing Lea saw before the blindfold was tied tightly in place.

Lea couldn't see a single thing through the thick black cloth tied painfully in her hair, so instead she focused on what she could hear. Her own terrified heartbeat and breathing drowned out most noise, but she focused her attention to Mr. J. His shoes scrapped against the concrete, the sound traveling in slow circles around her.

The footsteps scrapped into the distance and Lea could hear the movement of metal and leather. The footsteps returned, now accompanied by the grating sound of metal scratching loudly against concrete, and moved around behind her. Lea felt the smooth surface of his shoe plant itself firmly between her shoulder blades, before she was kicked roughly forward. Unable to catch herself, Lea fell face first into the concrete. Luckily, the side of her face took the brunt of the fall, otherwise her nose very likely would have broken.

Rough hands pulled at the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She could feet the cool touch of a metal chain glide on her back as he looped it tighter and tighter between her cuffs. Once he stopped working, Lea was left laying on her belly with her cuffed feet and hands almost touching in the air above her back.

With her chest pressed against the hard floor, and the gag blocking almost her entire airway, Lea was left with very little room to breathe. She took deep breaths in through her nose, but with the ungiving floor below, her ribs could only expand so far. Though fear shook her entire body, Lea's primary focus was on getting in air.

Lea could hear him circling her, but she focused on her breathing. She was just beginning to get a good rhythm in and out through her nose when his hand grabbed her face. Mr. J's palm and thumb covered her only airway, and the side of his hand pressed down the gag. The dild* pressed roughly against her throat and she began to squirm and fight against the chains.

The hand on her face tightened, luckily giving her the tiniest sliver of are to breathe through. With her face immobilized, Lea felt the icy touch of a sharp blade graze across her neck. Her struggles stopped immediately, not wanting to squirm and slice her own neck.

Mr. J chuckled, "Don't want me to cut you?"

Tears poured down her cheeks, but she was too afraid to move or even speak. The knife pressed deeper for one second and Lea almost pissed herself from sheer terror. The knife was removed in an instant, and Lea was slapped hard in the face.

"You are to answer verbally, respectfully, truthfully, and address me with my proper title," his voice traveled in a circle around her as he spoke, "Four rules. Four very simple rules, and you can't even follow those."

WHACK. The painful sting of the riding crop smacked her across the face, Lea cried out into the gag, only causing her to dry heave against the dild*. WHACK. WHACK. Mr. J beat her mercilessly with the crop, not leaving an inch of her body untouched. One final WHACK landed on the gag, forcing the dild* down her throat another inch.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again, and how are you going to answer?" Mr J. asked.

Lea half screamed and half sobbed, but with the gag blocking her entire mouth, the end result was the same- a mess of pathetic muffled sounds.

"Good girl," he said; Lea could practically hear the smirk in voice, "Once more: Do you want me to cut you?"

The knife grazed along Lea's arm. With her body shaking on controllably, every now and then the knife would press painfully into her skin, and Lea was sure it drew blood. She screamed and gagged and sobbed through the dild*, but Mr. J only laughed in response.

"Was that a 'yes master?'"

Lea screamed and shook her head rapidly. She pleaded with him, but only a mess of sounds escaped past the gag.

"Do want me to hurt you?" he asked. As he spoke the knife trailed around her legs and in between her thighs. Lea trembled, sobbed, and let out another string of muffled pleas.

"No?" he asked derisively. The knife trailed down the inside of her thigh to graze lightly across her panties. "But you wanted to hurt me, right?"

Lea shook her head violently, mostly in regret and fear. The tip of the knife broke through the panties and Lea could feel the cold point poke her cl*t gently before it was removed. SMACK. Lea screamed bloody murder into the gag when Mr. J's palm smacked against her puss*. She writhed in pain, but the bindings were too tight.

"Don't lie, c*nt," his voice was right next to her ear, and Lea flinched away. "You we're trying to kill me. And after all the kindness I've shown you."

Lea let out messy ragged sobs into the gag, spit dribbling down her chin and neck. The tip of the knife trailed in swirls across her chest. Lea had never felt real fear until today. She mentally focused on his promise that she wouldn't die, but as the knife trailed back up her throat she began to question the sincerity of those words. Mr. J's beard brushed against her ear and a fist caught the base of her neck before she could flinch away.

"I'm going to need you to stay very, very," he whispered, and the knife traveled over to her back, "still."

Lea couldn't help her trembling, the fear was too great. She held her breath as she felt the knife press harder against her skin. With a rip of fabric and snap of elastic, her bra was cut away, sliding forward off her shoulders and hanging uselessly around her arms. Lea could hear a few more rips before her bra was roughly tugged free from her body.

The knife slowly traced down her bare back towards her panties. Cool fingers slipped into the seem and lifted slightly. Lea could hear the ripping of fabric and feel cold air slowly meet her puss*. Just like her bra, Lea's panties were cut and torn off.

Bound with her hands and legs behind her back, Lea now lay naked on the ground. She tried to tighten her thighs together as much as she could, but that only put strain on the cuffs bound above her back. She took deep breaths in and out through her nose.

Pain hit her as a his fist roughly grabbed at the ends of her hair. He pulled back and the straps holding the dild* in her mouth began to loosen. The gag was pulled out roughly, causing one final intense dry heave and cough.

"No thank you? Hm, I didn't know you liked it so much," he said.

"Thank you master!" Lea blurted out, shocked at how hoarse her voice sounded, "Thank you for taking that off, master."

"You aren't very convincing," he sighed, now very close to her face, "Kiss me."

Compared to what he'd asked her to do up until now, a kiss seemed quite manageable. Lea puckered her lips slightly and leaned forward, blindly searching for his lips. Instead of lips, Lea pressed against something round, warm, and wet. She pulled back immediately, the taste of salt on her lips. Cruel laughter sounded above her, his voice no longer close by.

"You'll have to earn my lips," he said, "Did you enjoy your little taste of my dick, slave?"

Lea's lip trembled as her mind raced to find a response that was somehow honest and respectful. Time past quickly and Lea blurted out, "I-I- n-not really master, I'm sorry." Her body tensed in anticipation of pain, but instead Mr. J only laughed again.

"So ungrateful. You don't deserve me," he spat, "Say it, say you don't deserve my co*ck."

"I-I- don't deserve you, master... I don't deserve your co*ck," she said. Her voice was rough and shakey.

"Louder. Like you mean it, bitch."

"I don't deserve you, master. I don't deserve your co*ck."


"I don't deserve you master!"

"You're worthless without me."

"I'm worthless without you."

"Useless!" He yelled and hit her hard in the face. Lea cried out and pulled away, but his hand still gripped the ends of her hair. "How do you address me!?"

"Respectfully- ah!" Lea spoke, but as she did a hard kick landed on her defenseless ribs. "Honestly-" KICK. "V-Verbally-" KICK. "And- and I have to say master." KICK KICK KICK.

"You need some help remembering, I think," he said, and the hand in her hair yanked forward. Lea screamed in pain as clumps of hair ripped from her head. Using her hair as a handle, Mr. J dragged her several feet across the rough concrete.

His hand pulled at the chains binding her hands and feet together. The metal rattled and then fell loose on top of her. Lea gratefully stretched her arms and legs out, muscles aching from the uncomfortable position.

"Stand up, slave."

Lea obeyed immediately, her legs shaking as she stood. His hands were on her body as soon as she found her footing, moving her around; arms up, feet back. He twisted and moved her until she was standing in an incredibly uncomfortable position. With her wrists and ankles still cuffed, Lea stood in an almost L shaped pose. Her legs were straight, but she leaned forward with her arms extended upwards.

"If you fall, you die," Mr. J said and Lea felt the cool tip of the knife press against her chin. Before Lea could beg, Mr. J continued, "Repeat to me how you're to address me."

"Respectfully, honestly, verbally, and with master," Lea blurted out, almost muscle memory at this point.


"Respectfully, honestly, verbally, and with master."

"Tell me how worthless you are."

"I-Im worthless master, I'm worthless without you."

"Do you deserve me?"

"No master, I don't deserve you, or your co*ck."

"Good girl, that was very good, but don't stop now. Tell me that you're grateful you're my slave."

"I-Im so grateful, master, I'm grateful I'm you're slave and that you're so kind to me."

"You're trying now, good girl. Are you going to fall?"

"N-No master," Lea grimaced. Her arms, legs, and abs were on fire, but she could hold it a bit longer. The knife on her chin was an excellent motivator.

"Apologize, and beg me to be merciful."

"Please, please master, please don't hurt me. I-Im sorry I tried to hurt you, I won't do it again, I'm sorry, please!" Lea sobbed.

"Wow," Mr. J said, and the knife was removed, "That was f*cking pathetic. You really think that's begging?"

"I'm sorry, master! I-"

"Shut up, bitch. You lost your chance."

"No, please master-" Lea began, and then the blindfold blocking her vision was removed in a flash, pulling even more hair from her head. Inches away from her, Mr. J glared deep into her eyes. Her voice faltered at the intensity of his anger.


Lea dropped to her knees instantly, a bit to fast as she slammed hard against the concrete floor. Mr. J stood with his bulge in her face for a moment before slowly squatting down to stare at her once more.

"Tell me what you're worth without me."

"Nothing, master."

"That's right, nothing," he nodded, not once breaking eye contact. "I need to leave soon. So let's get you into position."

Mr. J stood her up, took the chains hanging from the cieling, and wrapped them around Lea's neck. At first the chain hung limply around her shoulders, then he began to tighten them until Lea had to stand on the balls of her feet to avoid being choked. Her arms were still bound behind her back, and her ankles were still cuffed tightly together.

"There we go," Mr. J said and stepped back to admire his work, "One more thing."

With that he pressed his thumb against the door handle and headed upstairs. Now alone, Lea began to break down into quiet sobs. She mentally cursed herself for trying to kill him. She should have just waiting to try and escape another way, now look at what she got herself into. This position was certainly easier than the last, but her entire body hurt from the beatings she took earlier.

As Lea stood on her tips of her toes, crying to herself, the door beeped and opened once more. Mr. J stepped inside carrying a large black plastic bucket with both hands. Lea could see water sloshing over the edge as he used his foot to kick the door closed. Mr. J approached and as he got closer Lea could see ice floating in the water.

He stood in front of her a moment, dead silence in the air, before lifting and dumping the water over Lea's entire body. Ice cold water drenched her from head to toe, and Lea cried out in shock. Her body, which was before trembled from fear now began to shiver.

"I'm going to leave this here," Mr. J said and held up a small black object, "It's a microphone. While I'm gone, I want you to tell me your orders, how grateful you are, how you don't deserve me, anything you can think of. And you are not allowed to stop. If I listen to this recording and hear even a few seconds without you speaking, ha ha. Well let's not find out, shall we?"

"Y-y-y-yes m-master," Lea nodded through chattering teeth.

"I'll be back, slave. Don't disappoint me."

Chapter 8: No Place Like Home


Thank you guys for your kind comments!! It took me a while to write this chapter I hope you like it :))

Chapter Text

Lea's body cried out in pain and the muscles in her legs shook with effort, but her voice was steady as she spouted praise for Mr. J. She spoke as she stood on her tiptoes, shivering and dripping with cold water. Her skin had already begun to form bruises from the beatings, and the pain she felt was an ache so deep and intense it was almost paralyzing.

"I'm worthless. I don't deserve my master," Lea droned out through chattering teeth, her voice raw and shaky. She continued to repeat the same lines she'd be reciting for what seemed like hours now.

Lea's voice filled the basem*nt, but her mind wandered far outside the confines of the concrete walls. Her first thought was of her apartment, her own bed, and of her fish. Of comfort. She pictured her unmade bed overfilled with blankets and pillows lit by rainbow Christmas lights overhead. She smiled at the memory of her struggling to put them up and the bruises she sustained from the fall onto her messy floor.

Her bathroom also had the same multicolored lights, hung over her mirror and cluttered countertop. Lea's cold body cried out for a hot bath. She could almost feel the warm steam rising and sticking to her cheeks, head back with the ends of her hair wet in the water. She took time to think about exactly what soap and bath bombs she would pick out.

She imagined the drive home away from this prison, maybe in a cop car- maybe she'd just take one of his and drive home herself. He would hate that. Lea's uninterrupted speech was cut off by a short chuckle at the image of a furious Mr. J disappearing in the rearview mirror. She pictured driving far far away from this place.

"I'm thankful to be here."

It was difficult to judge the passage of time, but she must have been missing for at least a few days. Her friends would have noticed; her family would have filed a police report. People were looking for her. She knew her roommate would feed her fish, they may not have been close but she wouldn't just let her pet die. People cared about her, they'd be looking, they'd find her.

"I'm worthless."

It was stupid to have reacted like she did. Her plans of waiting for the perfect moment went out the window in a blinding moment of rage. Lea had never felt so angry. His voice echoed in her mind ‘it’s your fault that you’re here.’ Just the memory of it made her eyebrows and chest tighten. He was the one who was the kidnapper, not Lea. He was at fault, not her. As she mentally chanted it a few times, a faint deep voice countered with the knowledge that she could have prevented this. And if she had, she never would be enduring this hell.

"I'm glad you're my master."

Lea’s thoughts were interrupted by a cramp in her right leg. She immediately shifted her weight to the left in order to alleviate some of the pain, but the sudden movement caused her left leg to buckle under her weight. For a few seconds, Lea hung by the neck, the metal chain digging and pinching into her skin. Panic filled her and she was quickly back on her toes, both legs now in much more pain than she had started with.

"I'm grateful that my master is kind to me."

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The metal door swung open and Mr. J walked in, but made no movements towards Lea. He barely glanced her direction as she continued to speak. He had changed from his scrubs, and now wore what looked to be an expensive dress shirt and black pants. The sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, revealing his tensed muscles as he carried in two buckets, one red and one black. Just as before, the black bucket was filled with ice water, which he set by her feet. The other contained what looked to be cleaning supplies.

"Usually I'd leave the cleaning to you, but, seeing as you're a bit preoccupied," Mr. J chuckled, finally looking over at Lea. Lea wanted to beg, but she knew better to stop talking. She shivered and continued to degrade herself, staring at the bucket of ice water at her feet.

Mr. J took his time cleaning up the vomit stained floor and changing the dirty sheets, all the while Lea’s voice and muscles begged for just a moment of relief. Mr. J finished cleaning and moved on to sanitizing every inch of the room, including the blindfold and dild* he had used on her earlier. Once the room was apparently sanitized to his satisfaction, Mr. J walked over to Lea.

"You can stop talking for a moment," Mr. J said as he set the red bucket down. Lea gratefully let her voice fade out, and she was left with her teeth chattering.

"I'll give you a choice, slave. Either I dump this bucket of ice water on you, or I can warm you up with some piss," he spoke, his face expressionless.

"Water, master," Lea shivered, both from the cold and the fear, "I-I choose the water, please master."

"You're choice," he shrugged, genuinely seeming to not give a sh*t. Without much effort he picked up the large black bucket and dumped the icy water over Lea’s still wet body. Just as before the jarring splash of freezing water took Lea’s breath away. The force of the water almost made her lose her balance, but she luckily stayed upright.

"This time I want you to go into detail. In the few minutes I was here you repeated yourself six times. Be original. I'll be back at some point," he said uncaringly.

Mr. J grabbed both the buckets and was out the door.

"Thank you for giving me water master," Lea said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. She continued to list off all the same script as before, the intense cold making it hard to think. Lea knew she couldn’t continue droning on, and stared at the microphone as an incentive to obey.

"Thank you for making me your slave, master," she lied, "I'm glad you kidnapped me, I'm glad you took me away, I'm glad I'll never go back. I'm sorry for trying to escape, I won't do that anymore."

Though every word that came out of her mouth felt disgusting, this order was far easier for her than the pose or the cold. All she had to do was take every hateful thought she had of him and say the opposite.

Lea continued to degrade herself, now going into detail about how pathetic and ugly she was. As her voice continued on, she couldn’t stop her mind from focusing on the pain. This time around, the cold was much worse. For some reason the cold lingered, her bones felt like ice, and her fingers and toes had gone completely numb. Her already cramping legs were beginning to go numb as well, creating painful pins and needles throughout her calves and thighs. The pain was unbearable, but the cold only amplified it, and Lea now had to put conscious thought into staying on her toes.

"I'm sorry for trying to hurt you, master, thank you for teaching me a lesson, thank you for e-" her words were cut out unceremoniously. No time for a cry or struggle as her legs slipped out from under her. She dangled by her neck, lack of oxygen creating a primal panic.

Unlike before however, her legs didn’t instinctively move back into place. Her brain and body both acted in slow motion. It took her too long to even recognize what had happened, and by then dark spots had begun creeping into the edges of her vision. When she tried to stand, her legs cramped up into rigid sticks. She hung for ten more full seconds, with no sound other than the creak of the chain, unable to move her legs even an inch before they slowly slid back in place underneath her. She stood on her frozen toes for a moment, exhausted and drained.

Lea coughed hard and gulped down precious gasps of air as horrible sobs escaped her lips. Fearful of punishment for not speaking, but too upset to actually thank him, Lea let her thoughts flow.

"I'm sorry, master!" She sobbed, "Please! I'm sorry!! I won't do it again, master, please come back!!" She screamed into the empty cell.

No help came. Lea's sobs eventually softened, and her desperate pleas slowly returned to empty praises. She couldn’t imagine freedom, or warmth, her mind had been reduced to one thought: stand. It took every ounce of energy to keep herself upright. Every muscle twitch or wobble sent her heart racing again.

What felt like hours passed before Lea let out a cry of relief at the sound of the three loud BEEPs. The door swung open, and like before Mr. J entered with the large black bucket. Lea’s degrading monologue was cut off by Mr. J’s deep voice.

"Alright, slave. Same question. Either continue freezing your ass off or I could warm you up with some piss. Your choice," he said, setting the bucket on the floor in front of her with enough roughness to splash her toes with the water.

Lea shivered and cried to herself. She was desperate for warmth, desperate for relief, but she couldn't let him piss on her- or God forbid in her And if she learned anything about him so far, she knew he'd make her beg for it.

"I-I'll choose the water, master," she said.

"You'll choose the water," he nodded, "But which one do you want?"

"Want? I- I want," Lea stuttered. She almost said water without thinking, but the words 'respectfully, honestly, verbally, with master' blared in her mind like alarm bells. "I- I want to be warm master, but I don't want to be pissed on."

"We'll see how long you think that," he said, and in one smooth motion drenched her in ice water once more. This time, the weight of the water pushed her legs out from under her, and Lea fell with all her weight onto the chain.

"Funny thing about freezing, it starts to affect your muscles," Mr. J said. Lea’s brain was filled with adrenaline, and she barely registered his words. She tried to stand up, but this time, her muscles didn’t respond at all. Her legs were stuck stiff and still. “Having trouble moving?”

Lea had gone longer without air before, but for some reason she already saw blackness creeping rapidly into her vision. Seconds passed and her muscles continued to fail her. She couldn’t move at all, and so she hung. Unable to do anything but stare into the icy eyes of Mr. J as blackness filled her eyes.

"Wouldn’t take long to die hanging like that," he said. Lea could barely hear or see him, almost to the point of unconsciousness. Mr. J kicked her feet back underneath her, and she regained her footing with his help.

"Hopefully you're still alive when I get back next time," he said, bending down to grab the bucket.

"Master!" Lea cried out, teeth slamming together in violent chatters, "P-please-" she struggled to get out. Her shivering made it difficult to breathe.

"Please what slave?"

"Please- I-Im sorry, please let me down-" she began.

"f*ck no! You tried to kill me, bitch," he snapped in genuine anger. He glared at her before turning to the door and placing his thumb against the handle. The door beeped and before he left Lea cried out once more.

"Wait master!" She cried desperately, "Please- please-" she struggled to get the words out, "Please piss on me."

"You can ask for that next time," he said coldly, apathy in his voice. "Don't die."

The door slammed shut behind him.


She couldn’t feel the pain in her legs anymore, as they had gone almost completely numb. Lea continued to degrade herself, but her voice was barely more than a scratch. She stood, balancing on her legs as if they were wooden beams underneath her. Hours must have passed, and many times Lea heard the three beeps only to look up to an empty room. She would give anything to feel any kind of relief.


Lea half heartedly glanced up through droopy eyelids, expecting yet another trick of the mind. Instead, she was met by Mr. J’s eyes right in front of her. She looked back down slowly, and the black bucket sat directly in front of her feet.

“Good to see you hanging in there,” Mr. J said, his face blank. Lea stared at him in silence for a moment before breaking down into body shaking sobs.

“Please!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Please piss on me, master! Please, I need to feel warm, I-I- I- PLEASE!!!”

Lea could feel snot and spit dripping down her face as she continued to cry and beg for his piss. She didn’t care anymore. She didn’t find the words insulting, or the idea of his piss disgusting. Her body needed warmth, and she’d happily take it in any form.

Mr. J watched her, his face inches away the entire time. Eventually, her begging devolved into silent racking sobs. Only then did Mr. J straighten up and reach for the chain attached to a hook on the wall. He pulled hard and Lea felt the metal pull at her neck a moment, before her entire body dropped along with the chain to the floor. She fell like a wooden board onto the ground, thankfully just avoiding the bucket of ice water.

Lea lay sobbing in a puddle of cool water, her head inches from Mr. J's shoes. She stared blankly at them and wondered if she should be kissing his feet before they pulled away, the bucket moved to the door.

"Kneel," he ordered.

Moving was incredibly difficult, but Lea somehow managed to pull herself up into some semblance of a kneel. She knew her form wasn't right as her legs were still mostly frozen straight, and she flinched when he returned. He took a fist of her hair at the base of her neck and forced her head to look up at him.

"You don't deserve my piss," he said, and spat directly in her face. Strangely, Lea didn't feel much disgust. She knew in the back of her mind she didn't want it, but at this point, she didn’t even flinch.

"Tell me again, what are you worth without me?"

"Nothing at all, master," Lea said without hesitation.

"Nothing, f*cking worthless," he said, walking in circles around her. "Are you happy I chose you anyways?"

"Yes master!" Lea half cried, desperate for her punishment to end, "Thank you for being my master."

"Thanking me, hm?" He asked derisively, "And yet just a few hours ago you had a knife in your hand aimed at my throat."

"I'm sorry master!!!"

"Sorry that you didn't succeed. Sorry that I'm punishing you. Sorry that it's affecting you," he snapped, "Not sorry for trying to murder me."

"I'm sorry master," Lea echoed, her voice much softer this time.

"Sorry,” he scoffed. “And what would you have done if you succeeded, hm? You wouldn’t have gotten very far.”

Lea said nothing, assuming it to be a rhetorical question, but a hard slap told her plainly it was not. “I- I- I could have used your fingerprint to get out.”

“Ha!” he laughed cruelly, “That’s not what I meant, stupid girl. Get out of this room, get out of this house even, you still wouldn’t make it far. Unless you can fly a plane you aren’t leaving Iceland anytime soon.”

Lea took a few seconds to fully register the weight of his words. “Iceland?”

”Oh, sweetheart, did I forget to tell you? You’re not in the States anymore. My home is in Iceland, right in the middle of a few acres of land. Nice and remote”

His words finally sunk in, and Lea dropped from her half kneel onto the ground. She stared at the locked door in front of her, now knowing that even if she were to get free of him, it would be near impossible for her to get home.

"Hm," Mr. J hummed thoughtfully, "Now you see. Even if you escaped, there'd be no way to really get free. It would be a long cold swim home."

As he said the last sentence, Mr. J walked over to the black bucket and kicked it over, flooding the floor and Lea in ice water once more. Lea barely reacted, just curling into a tighter ball. She was numb, both from cold and despair. And at this moment, she was truly hopeless.

"Tell me what you're worth," Mr. J ordered, shoes splashing water into Lea's face as he walked up in front of her.

"I'm worthless, master. I'm worth nothing, no one wants me. I'm pathetic," Lea whispered, and for the first time the words were said honestly.

"Wrong," Mr. J corrected, his voice low. Lea tensed, her entire body clenched in preparation for a slap or an even worse correction. "I want you."

"Even after what you did, I still want you," Mr. J said, voice low, but soft. "I forgive you, slave."

"Thank you, master!" Lea sobbed in relief, "Thank you for being patient."

"You're welcome, slave. I hope you know, however, that if you try to make another escape attempt again, that patience will be gone. You know now there's no point anyways, hm?" He asked.

"Yes, master," Lea whispered, "There's no going home."

As the words left her lips, so did the last wisps of hope. Sobs racked her, and Lea cried pathetic wet gross sobs, forehead resting on the toe of his shoe.

"Oh slave," Mr. J sighed, hand on her back in soothing pets, "You are home."

Chapter 9: Spoonful of... Sugar?


Hope you guys like this Chapter! I apologize for what I am sure is butchered Icelandic, I don't know the language at all and relied on Google translate. I will gladly make corrections if any Icelandic speakers leave a comment :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The slave’s head fit perfectly on top of John’s shoe, eyes closed and breathing steady. She looked serene. John knew that eventually this peace would be the result of contentment rather than exhaustion. Her cheek rested atop the laces of his shoe, hair against his ankle and lips almost ghosting the toe of the shoe. John lifted his big toe up, and Lea kissed it independently.

Though the view of his slave laying naked at his feet was one he would never tire of, John had to get moving. Her shiver’s were only intensifying lying in that puddle on the concrete. Her body was weak, and her skin was littered with far too many bruises and cuts. He would need to monitor those closely to ensure none of them led to scarring or infection.

While John mentally planned his next steps, Lea shifted and yawned, rubbing her cheek against his foot as if trying to find a more comfortable position. With eyes glued to hers, John allowed a smile to cross his face, knowing his sleeping slave wouldn’t glimpse this private moment. She had given in so quickly; just one mere evening of punishment and here she was, groveling at his feet. His smile grew wider, she was proving to be the natural slave he had originally predicted.

His mind drifted from practicalities and indulged in replaying the highlights of the punishment. His dick hardened at the memory of his slave at his feet begging for his piss. It took all his restraint to refuse her, but piss would soon become a regular part of her diet and not something he would want her associating with punishment. John had to rearrange his now half erect dick, and smirked to himself. He might just have to add a taste of his piss to her dinner tonight to satisfy himself.

A convulsive shiver wracked Lea’s entire body, and she curled in closer to him. John knelt down, careful to keep his knees from the water and placed a hand on her cheek. She turned into his hand immediately, and John rewarded the behavior with calming pets.

John rubbed small circles on her cheek with his thumb, admiring the beauty of his slave a moment before carefully removing his foot from underneath her. He placed her head onto the floor, continuing to pet her a moment before stepping back and pocketing the nearby microphone. John stood by the door a moment, ensuring his slave was sleeping peacefully before pressing his finger against the handle and slipping out upstairs.


Lea woke without knowledge of having ever slept at all. World still dark and foggy, Lea felt softness rub her check and neck, moving down her shoulder and then hands. With eyes closed and mind still mostly asleep, Lea enjoyed the feeling as the softness traveled her entire body. Eventually, consciousness finally caught up with her, and Lea opened her eyes to find herself laying in Mr. J’s arms while he dried her with a towel.

She studied his face, and he looked neutral. Once confident he wasn’t still mad at her, Lea closed her eyes and let her head fall back against his chest. For a while she simply enjoyed the warm sensation of the towel drying every inch of her body, grateful to Mr. J for the respite. It wasn’t until the towel drifted in between her legs that Lea realized she had nothing to thank him for. Drying her off hardly made up for kidnap and torture. Strangely though, the feeling of gratitude didn’t disappear with this knowledge; it was simply joined by a strong sense of guilt.

Fearful that Mr. J might somehow sense her thoughts of hatred Lea spoke up. “Thank you, master,” she said. Her voice sounded far too rough and hoarse to be her own. Mr. J didn’t respond, but he instead leaned over and pressed a few kisses to the top of her head and one long kiss to her forehead. Lea hated herself for genuinely enjoying it.

“Such a good girl,” Mr. J’s chest rumbled against her ear as he spoke, “You remembered your rules. I know it’s difficult learning so many new things in such a short amount of time. You’re doing a great job, slave. I’m proud of you.”

Lea’s lip quivered and she couldn’t hold back tears at his words. He had said it so easily, ‘I’m proud of you’, words not one person had ever spoken to her. A warm hand cupped her chin and tilted her face up to be met with gentle kisses along her cheek. His soft beard soaked up the wetness on her cheeks.

“No more pain tonight slave,” Mr. J said and Lea breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m going to get you nice and dry, tuck you into bed, and go make some dinner. How does that sound?”

“Really nice, Master,” Lea said with a sniffle.

“I’m glad,” Mr. J said and kissed her forehead once more. He rubbed gentle but firm circles into her sore muscles after drying with the soft towel. His body surrounded her in heat and comfort. Lea’s lip quivered with guilt at how much she enjoyed it.

“And what would my little slave like me to cook for her tonight?”

“I just want something warm, Master,” Lea answered quickly. She paused, forgetting is she had added ‘master’ or not, but Mr. J responded with a calm chuckle.

“Well, that’s quite easily done. Hmmm, let’s see. How about some soup to warm you up, slave?”

“Yes please, Master.”

“Soup it is then,” he smiled and continued to dry and massage her for a while. Lea relaxed, and let herself begin to doze.

His massages eventually stopped, and his warm hands pulled away as he began to lay her on the bed. On instinct, Lea’s arms wrapped around his waist, not wanting the massaging and warmth to end.

“I’ll be back, my good girl. You need to sleep,” his deep voice was right next to her ear. Warm breath in her hair and fuzzy cheek against her own. She leaned into the feeling. Soft kisses littered her ear, cheek, and forehead.


Lea rubbed her cheek against the warm pillow, and yawned. Her eyes flicked open to find herself laying on Mr. J’s chest, a large tray of food laid across their laps. Lea’s eyebrows pressed together, and she blinked repeatedly. Lea had only just closed her eyes a second ago...

“Venison and vegetable stew,” Mr. J said, blowing on a large steaming spoonful. Still disoriented, Lea found the spoonful in her mouth and she swallowed immediately. A large chunk of meat caught in her throat a moment going down, leaving Lea coughing hard for a bit.

“You need to chew the meat,” Mr. J reminded her with a chuckle and a kiss to the top of her head. The next spoonful was prepped, and this time Lea chewed carefully under the watchful eye of Mr. J.

“Such a good girl,” Mr. J half smiled, “How is it?”

“So good, Master,” Lea answered earnestly, “Can I have another bite?”

“Of course, good girl,” Mr. J. chuckles, “I’m glad you like the taste. I thought you might not like all the ingredients.”

“I’ve had venison before, Master, it’s good,” Lea said, her voice already sounding a bit more like her own. Lea spent her dinner cuddled up next to Mr. J as he slowly fed her the entire bowl along with some pieces of buttered bread. Every few bites he gave her a sip of water, and with the slow pace enforced by Mr. J., the meal took some time to finish.

As the bowl neared empty and Lea took some time chewing on a stubborn bit of meat, she found herself looking up at Mr. J. Objectively, he was a very handsome man; curly blonde hair and a smart pair of glasses framed his bone structure well. If she had passed him on the street before all this, she never would have guessed a man that looked like him would be so twisted underneath.

Another spoonful was brought to her lips, and when Mr. J’s eyes met Lea’s, her gaze dropped instantly. She chewed her spoonful, and not long after the bowl was mopped clean with the last bit of bread. Lea yawned, the act of eating tiring her out much more than it’s ever done before.

“Lay your head here, slave,” Mr. J said, and patted to the part of his chest where hair peaked through his unbuttoned shirt. “I’ll rub your back.”

Lea needed no further prompting, and quickly sunk into his chest. Her face lay against his skin and hair, and her ear could faintly pick up on his deep and steady heart beat. His warm hands pulled her body close to his, and moved her legs so that they wrapped around one of his own.

His warm hands soon moved to her bare back, circling in soft figure eights. Lea fought against her better judgment, and moved in closer, pressing her bare chest against his side. She rationalized that she wasn’t giving in, she was just using him for his warmth. Buzz Buzz Buzz. This close to him, Lea could both hear and feel the vibration, and watched as Mr. J pulled a phone from his pocket.

Mr. J held the phone with his free hand, and rested it on his stomach just a few inches from Lea’s face. From this angle, Lea got a clear view as he pressed his thumb against the screen to unlock it. Lea was greeted by a half cut off image, and she could plainly see her own blindfolded face with her lips pressed against Mr. J’s co*ck. Lea felt nauseous, and her cheeks burned bright red.

Mr. J flicked his thumb up, and began to scroll through a series of text exchanges. Lea tried to catch a few words, but he scrolled much too fast for that. He reached the new message; a picture of a woman covered in blood and bruises, with a large hunting knife cutting a line in her gums.

Lea squeezed her eyes shut and hid her face in Mr. J’s face. She had never been good with blood, and her nausea persisted. Lea could hear the sound of thumbs hitting a screen, and with morbid curiosity getting the better of her, she turned to peek at what he was typing. Just as she looked up he finished deleting a message as a new text popped up.

‘Did she say anything about the soup?’

“Well, slave?” Mr. J prompted.

Lea mentally cursed herself for forgetting to thank him for the soup, worried he may be upset with her again. “Thank you so much for the soup, Master! It tasted so good and I appreciate you working hard on it.”

“You liked the taste?”

“Yes, Master!!”

Mr. J chuckled and pressed a kiss against the top of her head. He typed out a quick reply, ‘All good things.’ He quickly followed the text up with another, ‘Is Vex still alive?’

‘If not dead counts, then sure.’

“Who.. Who is Vex, Master…?” Lea asked tentatively, anxious he may take offense at her reading his texts.

“Vex is Martin’s slave. You remember me telling you that my friend Mr. Keamy would be visiting soon?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea nodded, but no further explanation was offered, and Mr. J’s phone was soon locked and pocketed again. Lea stole a glance, but he didn’t seem irritated by her yet, so she dared another question.

“Was she the woman in the picture, Master?”

“Yes,” Mr. J nodded, “Martin is a good friend of mine, but he doesn’t treat his slaves well. He's gone through dozens in the years I’ve known him. If Vex lasts long enough, you might get a chance to meet her when Martin visits.”

Lea liked the idea of being able to talk to another person besides Mr. J, but based on the photo she just saw, Lea seriously doubted if the poor woman would live long enough.

“Though I’ve heard that Vex has quite a mouth on her. She might not be the best influence on you,” Mr. J said.

“Or maybe I could be a good influence on her, Master,” Lea countered hopefully, not wanting to lose this chance at friendship. Mr. J just chuckled, but said nothing further about the matter.



“...Why are you friends with someone who likes to kill people, Master?” Lea asked, body tensed both in fear from incoming pain and in anticipation of Mr. J’s answer.

“I unfortunately only found out about his tendencies after our friendship began. Though I am not a violent man, I am a loyal one,” he explained.

Lea could think of nothing to say. Though she was partially relieved he didn’t support murder, he didn’t seem to condemn it, seeing as he continued to be friends with such an evil person. Mr. J rubbed soft circles on her back.

Lea’s thoughts drifted back to the picture of poor bloody Vex, and Lea found herself realizing how their situations could have easily been reversed. Lea could have been the one with a knife in her mouth rather than having her back rubbed. If someone besides Mr. J had taken her, Lea may have already been killed by now.

Though happy to still be alive, Lea didn’t have warmth for Mr. J or happiness for being locked away so far from home. The news that her prison was on an entirely different continent still hadn’t fully sunk in. Lea didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t.

“Master, if we’re really in Iceland,” she began, but was immediately cut off.

“We are in Iceland. I don’t lie, slave.”

“Th- Why don’t you have an accent?” she asked timidly.

“I wasn’t born here, slave,” Mr. J sighed, “I’m from the States like you. I only moved here recently for work, and accents take time to develop.”

Lea nodded. He explained it so rationally and confidently, Lea felt herself inclined to believe him. She just couldn’t let herself.

“Hvað með þetta? Sannfærir þetta þig, þræll?” Mr. J asked, tilting his head to the side to look at her.

“What did you-” Lea began.

“Maybe in the future I’ll teach you some Icelandic. If you already know German it shouldn’t be too difficult,” Mr. J shrugged casually.

“I don’t know any German, Master,” Lea scoffed at the idea, “I barely even remember any of the Spanish I was taught in high school.”

“Did you enjoy high school?”

Lea scoffed again, “Not at all, Master. Who does?”

“I want you to tell me something I don’t know about you,” Mr. J said, head still tilted in curiosity.

“I’m an only child,” Lea said after a moment of thought.

“I already know that, slave,” Mr. J chuckled, as if it was obvious he would have known that.

“Oh. Well…. What else do you know about me, Master?” Lea asked.

‘“I know some things. I know that you grew up in rural Washington. You were raised in a home with parents that didn’t love each other, and who took their unhappiness out on their unplanned daughter. I know that you grew up with acquaintances rather than friends, and that didn’t really change much as you grew up. I know that you went to Wahkum high school and then Washington State University college. I know that you were born May 14th, that you’re 22, that you’re 5’2’’, and that you’re allergic to blueberries. I know that you’re incredibly intelligent, reserved, mature, and submissive. And I know that you’re a people pleaser. You want to be wanted.”

Lea was at a loss for words. He knew everything about her, even things she had pressed back into the deepest parts of her mind. How could he know those things? She was in shock.

“And I know you rescue fish from Petsmart,” Mr. J chuckled.

“How do you-”

“Slave, if you think I’d pay someone an obscene amount of money to take you across the ocean without looking into what sort of slave I’d be getting, you’d be dead wrong.”

“How much-”

“You need to answer my question, first, slave,” Mr. J chided gently, “What’s something I don’t know about you?”

Lea couldn't think of a single thing about herself. She shook her head, at a loss. Mr. J just watched her, patiently waiting.

“I guess… Well, I’m not really allergic to blueberries anymore, Master. I only used to be when I was younger, I grew out of it.”

“No? It’s still listed as an allergy on your last annual check up,” Mr. J countered.

Lea was baffled at the fact he had access to her private medical history, and could only shake her head and she struggled to form words, “My- my mom made me tell my doctor that just in case it came back or something, but, I’ve eaten blueberries for years now, Master.”

“Did you always do everything your mother told you to do?”

“No, not everything Master.”

“Not everything, but you did choose your college major because of her, correct?”

“Yes, I- How did you-”

“Why not pick something you actually enjoyed, something you were passionate about?”

“I don’t know, Master,” Lea frowned, beginning to feel defensive, “Haven’t you ever wanted to make your parents proud?”

“Not that she would have told you, even if she did feel pride.” Mr. J said simply. Lea felt a lump rise to her throat and her chest tighten. She knew her parents loved her, they had to… They just weren’t the type of people to show it very often. Lea realized that the only person to have ever expressed pride towards her was the man holding her right now. He pressed a warm kiss to the top of her head.

“If you could study something else, learn something you enjoyed, what would you choose?”

Lea shrugged, unsure, but also confused why he would ask about something she would never get to experience. “Something with animals, I guess, Master. Maybe marine biology?”

“It takes a kind and patient person to devote their lives to animals,” Mr. J said and Lea simply shrugged again. She was never good at talking about herself, and wanted to shift the conversation away from her life.

“It also takes a kind and patient person to be a doctor,” Lea countered and Mr. J gave a knowing smirk, “What area of medicine are you in, Master?”

“Why don’t you guess,” he said, leaning back a bit.

“Umm…. neurology?” Lea asked, but received a silent shake of the head. “Cardiology?” Another shake. “I’m.. I’m not sure, Master.”

“Anesthesiology,” Mr. J finally revealed.

“That’s where you put people under for surgeries and stuff, right Master?” She asked, and Mr. J gave another silent nod. “What do you like about it?”

“I’ve always excelled at chemistry, and I enjoy the precision of my field. One miscalculation and someone could wake up in the middle of surgery, even die. Every person in the surgical room depends on my accuracy.”

Lea nodded, but said nothing. She felt disturbed by his answer. For some reason she had expected the typical ‘to help people’ response. This man, however, was not a typical person. He’s a kidnapper and a man who gets off on her misery, but also somehow the person saving lives every day.

“When do you have to go back to work, Master?”

“Going to miss me, hm?” Mr. J smirked. “You enjoyed your dinner?”

“Yes, Master” Lea nodded emphatically.

“You enjoyed the way I kissed you and rubbed your back?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea said, but didn’t nod this time.

“Then you’re going to keep being good for me right? No more escape attempts?”

“I’ll be good, Master. I’ll obey.”

“Good girl,” Mr. J said with an actual grin that soon disappeared with a kiss to Lea’s forehead.

“It’s time to continue your training, slave. I’ll let you choose what you learn about next: my feet, my dick, or my piss?”


Ooooooo, I wonder which one she will pick! Let me know your guess with this survey! :) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5LY2H5J

Chapter 10: Decisions Decisions


Apologies for taking so long on this! I enjoyed seeing what everyone wanted in the poll :) Let's see what Lea ended up choosing...

Chapter Text

Lea’s hair was still drying from the ice water, and it clung to the sides of her neck and chin. Though the plate of food was finished, it felt ineffective against days of hunger. Her brain was hardly able to process the three choices, a part of her still unable to accept her new reality.

Of the three, feet seemed to be the least horrible; and had she not just been tortured for hours, she very well may have blurted it out. But even in her half cognitive state she knew better than to speak without thinking. She must answer verbally, call him master, speak honestly, and respectfully.

It was the last rule that was difficult to judge. Lea had no idea what would be deemed ‘disrespectful’ to Mr. J. Did he expect her to beg for whichever choice or would she be allowed to simply pick one? Or what if choosing anything would be seen as being ungrateful… Whichever option she picked, however disgusting or terrible, it would be far preferable to another round of punishment.

“Which- whichever… Whatever you want, Master,” Lea decided finally. She had decided that to be the safest course of action, though she knew his choice would almost certainly be his dick. Lea had felt the monstrous thing half hard against her leg the entire evening.

“Oh really, now? Whatever I want, hm?” he asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.

Before Lea could begin to regret her decision, she found herself face down against the mattress. Her body barely registered Mr. J rolling her over and pinning her arms above her head. She could feel his knees dig into her thighs as he held her down with his own body weight.

Lea half struggled, but at this point she knew there would be no hope of overpowering him. She simply fought to angle her face away from the sheets to get air in. Through a mess of tangled hair, Lea could see him grinning down at her. She had never seen him smile like this before- a wide toothy grin stretched out across his face and sent a shiver across her entire body.

“I’m not entirely sure you’ve thought this through, slave. Whatever I want? Mmmm,” he groaned, and the protective layer of tangles was pulled back, revealing Lea’s face and ear to Mr. J’s smirking face. She winced as his face neared hers. “There’s a longgggg list of things I want to do to you.”

Lea’s body shivered again, but this time didn’t stop. She trembled beneath him, now mentally berating herself for not simply begging for his feet. Mr. J’s face pulled away from Lea’s, and for a moment silently stared at her.

“Alright. I’ll choose. Tonight you’ll learn all about… my feet,” he said, and Lea’s heart soared. “My piss,” he continued, his devilish grin widening as Lea felt her despair wash over her once more, “and my dick. How does that sound, slave?”

Lea couldn’t meet his gaze, and she buried her face into the bed, her lip trembling. “It sounds… I-” Lea stuttered, struggling to find a respectful version of her honest answer, “I don’t know, Master.” She couldn’t think of anything to say as tears wet the sheets.

Lea felt his arms move from her wrists to her waist, and she squeezed her eyes shut, ready for him to begin the horror. Instead, Mr. J gently pulled her back into his arms, smoothing her hair away from her face and wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Please, Master-” Lea cried, hands weakly clinging to his shoulders as she felt a hand rubbing circles on her back, “Please-.” The mental image of his dick flashed in her mind, and Lea cried harder realizing it would soon be inside of her, “I-I-I- please!”

Mr. J shushed her, and cupped the base of her neck with one firm hand, the other continuing to rub her back.

“I’m so scared, Master!” Lea sobbed, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

“Why is that?”

“Because I-I-” Lea paused her frantic sobs to remind herself of the rules, “Because it’s going to hurt- it- I- I don’t want-” she started, but Mr. J cut her off.

“Are you being punished?”

“N-no, Master?”

“No,” Mr. J echoed with much more confidence, “You’re not being punished, you’re learning. It won’t hurt, slave.”

“Promise?” Lea whispered to herself.

“Every word I say to you is a promise, slave. Trust when I tell you that,” Mr. J said.

Lea looked up at him with tears drying on her cheeks. He spoke with such authority and finality that Lea found comfort in his words. Logically she knew she couldn’t trust him, but even still, her cries subsided and her muscles relaxed in his arms.

“Are you ready to learn now?” Mr. J asked, his tone gentle. Lea’s hands tightened their grip on his shoulders.

“I don’t know, Master,” Lea whispered.

“I do,” Mr. J. said with a half smile. “You’ve done so well so far, slave. It’s time to continue learning how to serve me.” He pressed a few more kisses to her forehead before pulling her off his chest. After a short order from Mr. J, Lea slipped from the bed to sit on the floor.

“Kneel for me, good girl,” Mr. J ordered, sitting so that his legs trapped Lea in between them. Lea obeyed immediately, kneeling as he had previously instructed her- butt on heels and hands on thighs.

“Look at that perfect form. It will be difficult seeing as you’re so weak, but try to hold that as long as you can,” Mr. J said. Lea grimaced, as her muscles were already finding difficulty with the pose.

“Look at me,” Mr. J said, his voice suddenly stern. Lea snapped her head up, eyes locked onto her master. “Tell me what you see, slave.”

“I…” Lea started, but paused as she took him in. He wore clean expensive clothes, only disturbed from the crying and clinging she had just done. Perfect curls framed his handsome face, and his glasses were somehow unsmudged from the evening. He sat very straight, and held her gaze without difficulty. “I see my Master.”

“Look again, what kind of man do you see?”

Lea looked at him again, this time for much longer. His shoes were placed by the bedside, still slightly wet from the ice water he had dumped on her. His folded hands rested carefully on his lap, hands that had been used to choke and beat her. Lea met his gaze briefly and found little warmth in his gray eyes. She didn’t see a man… she saw a monster.

“I see…,” Lea focused to make sure her answer was appropriate, “I see power, and wealth, and confidence.”

“Hm. Hold still, slave,” Mr. J said, and pulled out his phone. He pressed his thumb against the screen and held it up above her a moment before turning the screen to her. “What sort of woman do you see?”

Though Lea knew the photo was of herself, she didn’t recognize what she saw. Tangled hair in uneven knots clumped against her skull, her face ashy and sunken in. Bruises littered her pale skin, and bones poked out in places she had never seen them before. The girl’s shoulders were folded in, and her head hung low, eyes to the floor. She didn’t see a woman… she saw a slave.

Lea shook her head, lip trembling, “I- I-,” Lea stuttered, finally squeezing her eyes shut, but the image of the slave was seared into her eyelids “I- I don’t, Master.”

“You don’t see power? Or wealth? Or confidence?”

“No, Master,” Lea grimaced. Her muscles gave out, and her kneel collapsed into a sit. Lea felt hateful rage flush her cheeks; she should have been able to at least kneel correctly.

“Do you think you deserve a Master like me?” Mr. J asked, and before Lea could respond his tone shortened, “Open your eyes.”

Lea snapped them open, the picture of the pathetic girl still in front of her. She looked from the photo to Mr. J, who still sat calmly above her. For a moment, Lea truly hated herself. The image of Mr. J’s evil smile flashed in the back of her mind, bringing back the memories of her night of torture. The moment of self hatred passed, and Lea realized the only person to hate sat in front of her.

“No,” she said, looking up at him with more defiance than she’d intended. Mr. J held her gaze without flinching. His head tilted forward, and eyes narrowed in a way that Lea felt her blood run cold.

“No,” Mr. J echoed in a dangerous tone, “You don’t. You don’t deserve any of me. Not my dick, not my piss, not even my feet. I’m being gracious enough to let you worship them. Thank me for it.”

“Thank you, Master,” Lea said instinctively, mind numbing over as praise spilled past her lip, “Thank you for being kind to me, for letting me learn how to please you.” Lea continued the mindless praise until she couldn’t think of anything more to thank him for.

“Take off my socks.”

Lea’s fingers pulled off his socks immediately, folding them and sitting them in a line next to his shoes. Mr. J ordered her to pick up his foot, which she did without hesitation. Lea eagerly followed each of his orders, licking at his soles and sucking on each toe without shame. Though she knew the act was degrading, his feet were pristine, and there were no bad tastes at all. This she could handle, and if she did perfectly on his feet, he may be inclined to let her off easy for the other tasks.

Once both feet had been thoroughly worshiped and licked and kissed, Lea was instructed to kneel again. With the first task down, Lea watched Mr. J carefully as he pulled his socks back on. His hands moved from socks to belt, and her body began to tremble.

“Are you thirsty, slave?”

Lea looked up at Mr. J, tears in her eyes. “Please don’t, Master.” she whispered and shook her head. If he pissed in her mouth, Lea knew she would lose her dinner, and she couldn’t bear another night without food in her belly.

“Stop that,” Mr. J chided with a frown. Lea began to apologize, and shut her mouth quickly as Mr. J leaned forward.

“This is new and frightening, I understand. You’re going to kneel while I piss on your chest, and for the last bit I’m going to piss on your tongue. I want you to taste it. I don’t expect you to swallow it just yet.”

Lea already wanted to hurl, and she continued to shake her head in fear and disgust. Mr. J sat back, continuing to unlatch his belt and then lower his pants to reveal his half hard dick.

“Kneel, slave,” Mr. J said firmly, and Lea slowly resumed her pose, eyes locked onto his dick. Her heart beat loudly in her chest, and her stomach twisted painfully.

Mr. J stood, one hand on his dick, aiming it at Lea. Piss hit her chest without warning, and Lea squinched her eyes shut as light splatters sprinkled her face. She didn’t breathe, and didn’t move as Mr. J pissed on her.

“Open your mouth now, slave,” Mr. J ordered sharply.

Her mouth opened on instinct, though her mind tried to will against it. Piss traveled up her neck, splattering lightly against her cheek, before a few final drops landed on her tongue. Her mouth closed once the piss finished, and only then did the smell and taste hit her. It was intensely bitter and acrid, and she dry heaved instantly, putting two hands against her mouth to keep her dinner inside.

“Such a good girl!” Mr. J smiled, “You did so well for your first time, slave, I’m very proud of you!” he praised with exuberance. Lea felt a smile creep on her face as well, the rush of adrenaline sending out waves of endorphins. Never before did she feel more happy to have not thrown up.

Mr. J took a nearby towel and gently cleaned off the piss, praising her efforts the entire time. He showered her with kisses and pets, rubbing her back and smoothing her hair. Lea relaxed into his arms as he scooped her up and laid her back in bed.

“You’re almost done with your training, sweet girl. Are you ready for your last lesson?” Mr. J asked. Lea’s naked body was sat purposefully on top of Mr. J’s lap, and she could feel him harden underneath her. Though tasting his piss had seemed disgusting and horrible, Lea would gladly have swallowed every last drop to avoid being ripped open by his co*ck.

She felt her shoulders shake, but no tears fell as she dry sobbed in Mr. J’s arms. “It won’t hurt, Master?” she asked, looking up at him pitifully.


His answer was far from comforting. His dick twitched underneath her, and Lea’s entire body flinched in response. Her eyes squeezed shut, and Lea’s mind raced with images of his dick, her puss*, and blood.

“Leana,” Mr. J said with a firm grip on her chin, “Did you hear my last order?”

“No- I–” Lea said, panicking and trying to remember what he had said, but her mind drew a blank. “I’m sorry, Master- I-”

“You’re terrified, I know, it’s alright,” Mr. J said, though his tone was anything but gentle, “I ordered you to take my dick out. Now.”

Lea was terrified to disobey for an apparent second time, though she had no memory of ignoring him to begin with. Her fingers tugged at his zipped and wrapped around his dick, pulling it free from her pants. She had been so eager to avoid punishment, it wasn’t until she was holding his dick with both hands that the thoughts of blood and pain returned.

“Tonight I will let you kiss it, but nothing else. In the future, if you’re good enough, you’ll earn more privileges. Once every inch of my dick has been kissed, you’ll be finished with your lessons tonight.”

“Just.. just kissing it?” Lea asked in complete shock. Mr. J’s face twisted in an instant, and he hit her with a closed fist across her cheek. “I’m sorry, Master!!!” Lea cried out, hand cupping her cheek.

“I’m so sorry, Master, I- I didn’t mean to- I’m so sorry, please, Master, please, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please-” Lea rambled incoherently, the words beginning to string together into sounds of terrified sobs. Her heart seemed to beat past her ribs, and she placed a hand over her mouth to avoid having her dinner return all over the angry Mr. J.

“You’re not allowed to touch it, anymore,” Mr. J said, dually disappointed and disdainful. His fist gripped her wrist tight enough to bruise and twisted it backwards off of his dick. Lea cried out in pain and had to twist her entire body to avoid having her wrist snap. Mr. J did not let go, and instead tightened his fist.

“Can I please kiss your dick, Master?” Lea pleaded, eyes darting from the vice around her wrist to the rage on his face, “Please Master, I’m a stupid slave and I know I don’t deserve to, but please let me kiss you dick.”

His glower softened slightly and he took a few deeper breaths. “You aren’t allowed to touch it,” he snapped. He continued to squeeze her wrist painfully.

“I’m sorry for not obeying your orders, Master. If I’m not allowed to touch it…” Lea tried to think against the pain, “Could I lick it?”
His grip relaxed ever so slightly at the question.

“Please could I lick your dick, Master? Please? I know I don’t deserve to, but I really want to. Please, sir, please?” she begged, and each plea seemed to calm him further. Eventually, he let go of her arm.

“Lick. I don’t want to see a single inch untouched by your tongue.”

Lea dipped her head down, careful not to touch his dick with her hands or even cheek. She stuck her tongue out as far as it could go and licked at the base of his dick. She glanced up and watched as the remaining anger on his face melted away.

Lea continued to lick up his dick, making sure to avoid touching it while still doing a thorough job. As she went, Mr. J seemed to relax more and more, eventually he lay with his head leaned back against the wall, moaning softly as her tongue licked the final spots along his slit.

Lea finished her task and looked up at Mr. J with masked terror. His dick was rock hard, and his soft moans continued even after her licking had stopped. His fist gripped his dick, pumping up and down. Lea watched, frozen in fear, fully expecting him to use her to finish.

Instead, his hands stroked himself a few more times before gently grabbing her shoulders. He pulled her into his arms once again, leaving his dick to slowly soften as he held her.

“I have such a good slave,” Mr. J praised, “I’m so proud of you.” Soft kisses peppered her hair, and Lea relaxed into his arms, enjoying the gentle massages he gave to her arms and shoulders.

Now that all three tasks were behind her, Lea felt intense relief and, strangely, some confidence. None of the lessons had been as horrible as she had anticipated, and had she not forgotten to call him master, she would have avoided pain entirely. Lea knew that Mr. J would ask her to do all three tasks again in the future, but strangely, the knowledge didn’t fill her with terror.

Chapter 11: Silly Rabbit


Sorry it takes me months to put a chapter up! Hope you enjoy though :))

Chapter Text

Soon after her three trials ended, Mr. J’s pager signaled his departure, and Lea was left alone.

Days or weeks passed, though it was difficult to track with only Mr. J’s visits to mark the passage of time. There were instances Lea was sure he had been gone only moments, and yet he would tell her he had completed an entire shift at work. And still there would be times he would tell her he was just stepping out, and it felt as if days went by.

Though she never stopped hoping for freedom, human nature has a natural tendency to adapt. Lea found herself becoming very familiar with her new normal, like a bonsai tree in a tiny pot. The times spent without Mr. J were extremely dull, and her mind would often drift away from reality.

Her days truly began when Mr. J came to visit, the three beeps of the high-tech door signaling his arrival. Lea was expected to kneel at the door to greet him, and her knees were littered with bruises and scrapes from rushed attempts. She would receive a chastising if he could tell she had only barely made it to the door, but an extra kind greeting or licks to his shoes often assuaged him.

Her greetings had unspoken expectations. Through experience, Lea learned that her master preferred variety and sincerity. If he sensed that what she had to say was neither novel or eager she would be prompted to amend this by a stern scowl.

Once Mr. J had been suitably welcomed into her little cage, Lea would wait by the door until Mr. J gave his first order. This would almost always be a command to remove his socks and shoes, which Lea now knew also included some foot worship. She would crawl over and obey him, giving him massages, licks, and kisses until he ordered her to stop.

She had gotten quite used to this part of her new life, and it had quickly become one of her preferred tasks. Mr. J’s feet would sometimes be sweaty, but never dirty or smelly. He kept himself very clean. Though degrading, a foot massage was much preferable to her other chores involving his piss or dick.

There were a few rare instances where Mr. J asked very little of her other than to lay in bed next to him. She would rub his chest or run her fingers through his beard while they would talk or eat. These types of days were her favorite, as she was able to learn more about him.

Mr. J was a very taciturn and reserved man; the pair could have an entire conversation and Lea wouldn’t gain a single piece of information about him. She would often ask personal questions only to find that not only had he avoided the question, but also managed to twist the topic to Lea’s deepest fears or desires.

Rarely would he tell her much of his day or the outside world. Lea would ask regardless, and every now and then she would get to hear of a difficult patient or a new recipe he learned. It was strange to hear him speak of something so human as getting stuck in traffic as she remained his prisoner in his sex dungeon.

What Lea had learned so far was that Mr. J had been born and raised somewhere in America, but that his family was wealthy and traveled often. He was very intelligent, and was the youngest doctor at the hospital he worked at, though he never gave Lea his age. She learned that he enjoyed cooking, reading, and walking. His favorite color was green, he did not like spicy foods, and he preferred eating home rather than dining out.

He was a strict and formal man, with a mind keen to remember set rules and a perceptive eye to see through any of Lea’s lies. Mr. J was exceedingly arrogant and narcissistic, though not in a grandiose way. He enjoyed control, but not outside attention.

Though he worked in a hospital, it was clear from conversations about his work that he was not in it for the money or the good intentions. In one discussion, he had remarked on what a good day he had, mentioning that a rival doctor had been fired over a mistake they made that Mr. J had caught. Lea had asked how his patients did on his good day, and without a change in his upbeat tone, he had told her all but one had died on the table.

His need to be in control was seen very clearly in Lea’s day to day. He would often train her to sit in uncomfortable positions that served no real purpose other than a show of obedience. She would sometimes be tasked to do blatantly degrading or disgusting tasks, such as drinking water he had just spit in- all to show that he had control over her.

After Lea’s big punishment, she had made no other attempts at escape, and completed all of these tasks within her best abilities.


Lea lay on the bed, eyes closed and mind far from the trapped basem*nt she was forced to call home. Mr. J had been gone for a long time, and Lea had already thought of home, possible escape attempts, her hatred of him, and all her usual ruminations. Now she found herself lost in a world of make-believe.

Lea walked through a small cottage buried in a floral forest settled near a small brook. Running water and chirping birds sung softly as Lea tended to crops growing outside of large windows. She could feel sun on her neck and warm soil between her toes. The crops were healthy and almost ready to be harvested.

She picked weeds and pruned dead leaves, caring to each plant intentionally. As the sun began to set, rays of pinks and purples colored the white walls of the cottage. Lea dusted the dirt from her hands and pushed the old wooden door open to step inside.

She washed her hands, taking care to scrub between her fingers and underneath each nail. She ensured absolute cleanliness before she moved to tend to her fish. An entire wall of her tiny cottage was filled with a massive tank, adorned with plants and coral and a few fish. She dropped some worms into the tank and watched with a smile as her little fish eagerly swam to the top of the tank for their treats.



Lea’s heart leapt through her chest as her body reacted before her mind could process the sounds. Her knees hit the stone floor with an audible SMACK, and her shoulders slammed against the concrete wall from the momentum.


The door swung open as Lea was still trying to get into position. She mentally cringed. This was the latest she had ever been to kneel at the door, and she knew Mr. J would need appeasing. As soon as two legs entered through the metal door Lea bent down to kiss them eagerly.

But instead of two clean black dress shoes, Lea found herself hovering above two worn and blood stained boots. Metal clicks of the heal struck the concrete as a large unknown man entered the room.

Lea froze, awkwardly hunched over but unable to move herself. She knew this wasn’t Mr. J, and it took intense concentration to crane her neck upwards.

The stranger was much taller and larger than Mr. J. He wore dirty boots, cargo pants, and a black tank top. He was absolutely massive, the muscles in his arms alone were thicker than her entire skull. His hair was shaved short, and he had a tattoo of an eagle on his shoulder.

Lea felt her stomach drop as her eyes reached his face. Mr. J’s eyes were often difficult to read, but this man kept nothing hidden. He leered at her with a cruel smirk and malicious eyes. He stared her down like a hungry wolf stared at a hurt rabbit.

“She almost did it,” the man grinned; his smile twisted up at the corners of his mouth, curled to reveal sharp canines.

“Don’t wanna kiss ‘em, huh, bitch,” the man laughed cruelly. Lea only needed these few seconds to know that this was a very bad man. His eyes traced her up and down, licking his lips and openly staring at her naked body. Lea’s arms wrapped around her breasts and she crossed her legs to hide her vagin*.

Her heart soared when she heard a familiar deep voice from just up the stairs.

“I’ve only ever gave her orders to greet me,” Mr. J said, still unseen from Lea’s kneeling position, “I told you she knew better.”

Lea sat up straight and got into a perfect kneel, doubly relieved that not only was she not alone with the terrifying stranger, but that she had made a good impression on her master.

“I think she wants to though, huh, babe?” The man teased, nudging her with the toe of his boot. Lea stared down at a smudge of fresh blood left behind on her thigh.

“Come up the stairs, slave,” Mr. J ordered, voice sounding farther away. Eager to leave the presence of the very scary man, Lea slipped past his legs and practically sprinted up the stairs. Halfway up she heard Mr. J bark an order.


Lea glanced back at the large man and realized his dark eyes were trained right on her bare ass. She dropped to her knees, not planning on getting Mr. J angry.

“So obedient!” The man called, taking a few steps up the stairs behind her. The man paused, only a few steps away from Lea to lean down on her level. In a hushed whisper he smirked, “Now go on up to your master, I was enjoying the view.”

Lea felt sick. Mr. J had stripped her bare, held her naked body, and even made her lick his dick, but in all of that he never made comments like that. For some reason it was in here in an empty hallway with this beast of a man that Lea felt her nakedness the most since her imprisonment.

On her hands and knees, Lea quickly crawled up the stairs, cheeks burning red as the creepy man followed slowly after her. Lea spotted Mr. J not far off, and she eagerly crawled over next to him, placing a few kisses on his shoes before kneeling solidly behind him, purposefully putting a barrier between him and the monster.

“Nervous?” Mr. J asked, and Lea looked up at him. Only then did she realize that she was clutching at his pant legs with balled fists. She let go in a hurry, but not wanting to feel so alone, she scooted over so that her bruised knees were pressed against Mr. J’s heals.

“Yes, master,” Lea whispered, barely audible. Her mouth had ran dry.

“Come kneel between my legs at the couch.” Mr. J ordered with a soft pat to her cheek. It was now that Lea fully processed where she was.

No longer was she surrounded by grey concrete. Instead, her knees pressed against dark hardwood, and Mr. J walked along an old green rug. Lea followed after dutifully, and came to a kneel in front of a leather couch.

The room was much larger than the basem*nt, and filled with warmth. The walls and floors were wooden, with green rugs and curtains accenting the room. The couch was adorned with pillows and blankets, and a nearby coffee table had food already laid out on top.

The couch and sitting area was left to the basem*nt door, and in the opposite corner was a bed filled with fuzzy blankets and rainbow Christmas lights strung along the ceiling.

The room was divided length wise by book shelves filled with books and games. Past the shelves, Lea could just make out what seemed to be a small kitchen and bath, each on one side of a familiar metal door.

The rug Lea kneeled on was lush and thick, a welcome relief to her bruised knees. Lea’s attention was focused in by a firm hand on her shoulder. She looked up at Mr. J, who had his attention directed left. Lea followed his gaze to the horrible man.

He sat on a yellow chair near the couch, separated by the food filled coffee table. The man’s legs were spread wide, and between each boot lay a crumpled and bloodied woman. Her body was in a heap on the floor, hardly moving except slight raises of the shoulders.

“Did you hear Mr. Keamy’s question, slave?” Mr. J asked, sounding impatient.

“I-n-no master, I’m sorry,” Lea looked up in a hurry. Her heart beat rapidly at the thought of punishment, and she could feel tears well.

Mr. J sighed and smoothed her hair down none to gently, “It’s alright; this is new.”

“You’re too nice. She should know to listen,” Mr. Keamy said loudly. Lea’s head whipped back and forth between the men.

“She should. But she should be doing plenty of things that haven’t yet been touched on in training. She’s only just begun,” Mr. J replied calmly. Never before had he sounded so reasonable.

Mr. Keamy rolled his eyes, “I’m just saying this would be a perfect time to use that knife I got you last Christmas.”

Lea’s mouth dropped slightly, instinctively shocked that someone would dare disrespect Mr. J like that. A glance upwards showed a stone faced Mr J, apparently unbothered by the offense.

“The knife is in the kitchen drawer,” Mr. J said calmly, a firm hand petting Lea’s hair. Lea leaned into his touch, relying on her captor to protect her from his horrible friend. A large hand reached out across the table and Lea instinctively flinched away. Mr. Keamy just laughed.

“Y’know’ John, I don’t think she quite likes me yet.”

“Mmm-“ Mr. J began, but Lea didn’t hear any of his response. John. His name was John. Not master, not Mr. J- John. Lea looked up at the man who had held her captive as he chatted casually with another kidnapper. His name was John.

“We’ll anyways, I still wanna know,” Mr. Keamy said, bending down to Lea’s level and gaining her attention, “How many times have you thought about escaping, hm, babe?” Mr. Keamy asked again, eyes trained on Lea.

“I-I-uh-“ Lea stammered, looking up at Mr. J nervously, unsure if the truth would not be well received. He glanced down at her with a blank expression, but she knew him well enough now that the stare was a silent reminder of her rules.

“Lots, sir, but I know better.”

“Except for when you don’t, huh?” Keamy winked, and Lea involuntarily shivered, remembering the picture of her lips on Mr. J’s - John’s dick.

“Look at you too,” he openly ogled her, and tutted with a shake of the head “Not a single cut to show for it. Such a shame your master doesn’t enjoy the beauty of a bleeding babe.”

“I prefer my slaves able to sit up and take orders,” Mr. J replied coolly, and all eyes in the room turned to the bloody crumpled body between Keamy’s legs.

“Mmmmm, but isn’t it so much more fun when they /don’t/?” Keamy grinned, and his smile faded ever so slightly as his eyes unfocused. Lea looked away immediately; the man set off every alarm bell she had.


Lea glanced up and found Mr. J to be frowning, the first sign of emotion he had let slip since his friend had been over. Lea was unsure if he disliked his friend’s brutal methods of owning a slave, or the blood seeping into his rug from the results.

“She‘s been getting into biting recently,” Keamy said, his tone similar to a parent discussing their child’s new hobby. “She doesn’t learn either, how many teeth have you lost, babe?”

The bloody mass stirred slightly and a shaky arm lifted up enough to show a single middle finger raised. Lea’s heart raced, knowing the defiant act wouldn’t end well, but too afraid to look away.

“Not one, Vex,” Keamy grinned, snatching her arm and pulling it up towards him, her limp body half dangling in the air. He pulled her middle finger back painfully, and the woman let out a yelp “Not two…” he said and pulled a second finger past its natural stopping point. “I think it was…. Three” he said, and the third finger let out a sickening ‘pop’ as it was pulled too hard.

Vex screamed and curled back into a defensive ball as soon as her arm was let to. Lea turned and buried her face into Mr. J’s legs, gripping onto his pants tightly, truly afraid by the casual brutality on display.

Mr. J had often told Lea that she was lucky to be his slave. In her mind, Lea had thought the statement to be utter nonsense; why would she be lucky to be his slave as opposed to being free. It was only now as she watched the man laugh at the bloodied woman between his feet that Lea realized Mr. J had not been comparing her fate to free women, but to women like Vex.

“How was finding a plane willing to fly her out?” Mr. J asked.

“Not awful, but f*cking expensive,” Keamy began. The pair chatted for some time about various topics that Lea’s mind mostly zoned out. Her mind had mentally replayed the horrific ‘pop’ of Vex’s finger over and over again, before a tiny wave caught her eye.

Vex had shifted so that she lay on her side, face and hands visible to Lea, and the woman had given Lea a tiny wave with her good hand.

Lea covertly glanced up at the two men, relieved to find them still absorbed in their conversation. Lea waved back, and gave Vex a tiny smile.

Vex smiled in return, though it was a very tired smile, and the wave dropped from exhaustion. Her fingers began to slowly move into different shapes, repeating a pattern before it finally clicked in Lea’s mind.

‘ASL?’ Vex signed.

‘Little’ Lea signed back with very tiny gestures after double checking that the men’s attention was still elsewhere.

‘Me Valeria. You?’


‘I help you’


“Someone’s awake!” Keamy’s voice boomed, causing Lea to almost jump into Mr. J’s lap. Valeria remained unfazed, and slowly looked up at him in open hatred and distain. Lea worriedly looked back to her master, expecting a punishment for the silent act of defiance, but none came.

“She’s a big sleeper, is yours like that?” Keamy asked.

“No. But then again mine isn’t trying to heal from fatal wounds, so it’s not really a fair comparison.”

“Jesus, John, I get it your methods are superior in every way, just let me enjoy my torture in peace!” Keamy joked with a laugh.

Conversation picked up again, and Lea kept an eye on them for some time before turning back to Valeria.

‘How help?’

‘I bite. You run.’ She signed. And slowly turned her head towards the door at the far side of the room. This entryway had a few concrete steps leading up to a heavy metal door just like the concrete prison room had. Lea could only assume this door led to his actual home, and not to another locked door.

Her body shivered with the memories of her ice water punishment. Her last escape attempt had been a disaster, and since then she had been the picture of obedience. Throughout the degrading acts she completed dutifully, Lea had assured herself that she was merely biding time until another opportunity at freedom presented itself. And this may be her best shot.

Lea wanted to think it through. The last time she had acted without a plan it had ended in her nearly dying in the concrete cell. She needed to think of the pros and cons, make a plan, and a back up plan. She wanted to be sure this was the right time to act.

“Alright well, if you’re in town tomorrow we should do lunch,” Mr. J said and stood.

Lea mentally cursed. She locked eyes with Valeria who had a hard lock on hers. It was going to happen, but Lea didn’t have much time to think. What if the outside doors were locked? Where would she go? Even if she did escape his house, what then?

“Yeah I’m down, it’ll have to be a later lunch though, I have a morning meeting till f*cking one or something.”

“Sure, just send me a text, I’m not on call tomorrow so I’ll just be home.”

The men casually made plans as they made their way to the door, dutiful slaves trailing behind them.

As the group neared the door, Lea’s heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. She felt an insane rush of adrenaline and fear. Valeria gave Lea a long look through blood soaked locks of hair.


“I’m coming to lunch too right?” She spoke up, gaining both men’s attention as the door was held open.

“Oh absolutely.” Mr. J said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“How could I not, I’m the life of the party, right Lea?”

Lea could feel the men’s eyes turn to her, and she stuttered to come up with a response. Her eyes darted rapidly before landing on Mr. J’s face. He frowned, obviously able to sense her fear, but confused as to the source. Lea felt almost guilty for deceiving him.


Mr. J screamed out in pain as Valeria bit down hard on his calf, blood already trailing down to stain his socks. Lea froze, watching the scene in slow motion.

Valeria had a deep bite on Mr. J’s leg, her arms and legs moved to wrap around him in a vice. Mr. J was irate, and his arms reached out to free his leg. Keamy was still standing straight, hand on a knife hilt and boot in a still open door way.

Sunlight poured in from up the stairs, and Lea knew then that there was a real chance at freedom. As soon as she moved, the world went from slow motion to rapid flashes-

Wooden stairs left splinters in Lea’s hasty bare feet.

Her eyes squinted and watered as sunlight shone through large windows.

The door was heavy and a dark green.

Loud thuds on wood came from right behind her.

Bruised hands wrapped around a cold metal door handle and turned.

Her feet pressed deep into soft dirt as she ran at full speed out the front door.

Lea could feel her mind catching up, as mental alarms rang out for her to run and hide. She paused only a moment to catch her bearings. The sun was bright and warm, but the air was ice cold. Two expensive looking vehicles were parked on a gravel driveway, one a black sports car and the other a large silver truck. Giant fir trees surrounding the property.

Lea’s eyes locked onto the trees, knowing she could probably lose the men by hiding amongst the thick green leaves. She sprinted at full speed, tears streaming down her cheeks and hair flying in the icy wind.

“Ah-“ a guttural strain escaped Lea’s throat as a vice cut off her air. Her stride towards the trees was diverted by a single hand. It lifted her in the air and with all of her forward momentum, slammed her into the gravel below.

Lea watched through hazy eyes as blood dripped onto the pebbles. She gripped the stones in her fists, pushing herself towards the trees a few feet before collapsing unwillingly. Blood warmed the cold rocks below her, pooling in the cracks and seeping into the earth. Lea heard the quiet crunch of gravel behind her, and she barely caught a glimpse of approaching dress shoes before everything went black.

Chapter 12: Pins and Needles


PLEASE READ: This chapter contains graphic description of violence and elements of gore primarily focused around needles. I am not a fan of gore and hated writing this tbh, so if you're like me and would rather NOT read about violence or needles, feel free to skip this chapter! I will make sure to provide a non-graphic summary at the beginning of next chapter detailing the important plot points. So if violence is not your thing, just skip this and you won't miss out I promise. :) But... if you have more of a stomach than I do, read on... (I'm sorry Lea!)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lea woke to a blinding migraine. She kept her eyes closed and head still in an attempt to adjust to the wave of pain. Eventually she could tolerate enough to open her eyes, grateful that there weren’t many bright lights in her little concrete cell that had become so familiar in these past few weeks.

Only when she finally looked around, there was nothing familiar about this place. The room was easily three or four times the size of her little cage, and the walls were made of a matte metal. Each wall was a horror show, either covered with copious amounts of blood, sets of chains and cuffs, or a wide variety of torture tools. The middle of the room had different types of tables and chairs, with each one equipped with cuffs and straps.

Lea sat in pain and horror, legs pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped in a vice around them. She began to silently cry, head in too much pain to fully sob. Mr. J had moved her to a new room, one obviously meant for serious punishment.

“Lea,” a voice croaked from behind her. Lea let out a yell of tensed surprise before whipping her body around in flash. The sudden movement caused her head to spin in pain and it took a few moments before her vision cleared enough to recognize Valeria just a few feet from her.


Lea crawled over to where the woman lay. She looked very different from the last time the two had met. She was no longer covered in blood, but there were large half open wounds along her body that looked incredibly painful. Her body was littered with bruises and scars, but her face was unrecognizable. Her entire left side was swollen massively, and dark blood was caked in and matted into her brown hair. Against all this however, Valeria gave Lea a grin.

“Happy to see you up,” she said. Her voice had a faint Spanish accent, although muddled by the obvious damage to her mouth.

“You too,” Lea smiled, finding it difficult to speak through the fear and pain, “Why are you still here?”

Lea was silently hoping her stay did not mean that the frightening Keamy was also in proximity. Though Lea was sure whatever punishment Mr. J had waiting for her was horrible, something about his large friend truly terrified Lea.

“Mm? What do you mean?” Valeria asked. She propped herself up on an elbow, and struggled to sit up a moment before doing so with Lea’s help. “What do you remember of yesterday?”

“I-“ Lea began, but frowned. She found it hurt to think, and very few details came to mind. She knew that there had been an escape attempt, that Mr. J had been bitten, and that she had reached the outside. “I don’t remember much other than we tried to escape.”

“Yeah, tried being the operative word,” Valerie sighed deeply. “I could only hold on for so long, Martin stabbed me in the f*cking leg. Do you know how far you made it?”

“Outside. Do you know we’re in Iceland?”

“I believe it, I think last time we visited John he was in Finland or something, he likes cold places I guess. Well anyways, I know that they drugged both of us for the plane ride over.”

“Plane? Wh- where are we now?”

“America, I haven’t figured out which state he lives in, but I don’t think it’s the south.”

“He…” Lea started, a sinking feeling in her gut beginning to creep in.


“Where’s Mr- Where’s John?”

“I don’t know, but not here. I’m sure Martin will be happy to tell you about it, but you’re with us now.”

Lea sat back and shook her head, her chest tightened and breathing quickened. Mr. J had given her to Keamy. She looked at the wounds littering poor Valeria’s body and knew that in the hands of Keamy, Lea’s would look the same in no time.

“No, he- I-“ Lea stammered.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Valeria said with empathy and put a calming hand on Lea’s, squeezing tight and grounding her.

“I-I don’t- I- I wanna go back,” Lea cried. Valeria pulled her close and let Lea cry into her shoulder, rubbing circles on her back.

“Listen, there’s two of us now, we have a better shot at taking him.”

“Yeah, but I mean… look at us,” Lea laughed miserably. The pair were starved and injured, just a quick glance showed they’d be no match for the muscular monster.

“I know, but… I’d rather go out fighting.”

“I don’t wanna die!” Lie sobbed, panic gripping her chest again. At least with Mr. J there was a promise that no harm would come to her if she followed his perverse rules. With Keamy…. Lea began to hyperventilate as she realized that she may very soon be dead.

“Shhhh,” Valeria soothed and lowered her voice to a whisper, “Neither do I, but don’t show it too much. There’s cameras in here and he likes it when you’re afraid. Don’t give him the satisfaction.”

Lea was past the point of rationalizing. She was living a nightmare inside of a nightmare. She looked around the room at the blood and weapons and found her breath coming in shallow gasps. She shook her head rapidly and wrapped her arms around her chest, unable to catch her breath and unable to speak.

“¡Mierda!” Valeria cursed quietly to herself, “He’s coming, calm down- calm down he’s-“

Seemingly without warning a tall door was kicked open, and in stepped Mr. Keamy. He wore a very similar outfit to last time, cargo pants and a tank with the same metal heeled boots. The door closed with a slam, and Lea let out an involuntary yelp, her body shaking with absolute terror.

“Don’t wanna die, huh?” He grinned wide. Valeria was right, the man enjoyed her suffering. He was a monster. “I’m so glad! Don’t worry though, babe, I’ll make sure you’ll last.”

Lea could say nothing, he crouched half on top of her and slowly traced a thumb across her bare shoulder. He watched her with hungry eyes as he slowly ran his finger down her exposed side and hip. She was locked in place, quivering in fear.

“Should I go check and see if the doors locked, Martin?” Valeria piped up, “Don’t think I heard the click. You’re good at leaving doors open, huh?”

Martin laughed maliciously, “That’s adorable, you’re tryna distract me huh? Don’t want me to hurt your new friend?”

“Is it working?” Valeria quipped back, though her tone was less confident.

Keamy simply stared her down before slowly turning his head back towards Lea. “Look at you,” he half moaned, grabbing Lea’s chin roughly as she moved to turn away, “You’re like a blank canvas. I can’t wait to cut you open.”

He looked Lea up and down slowly before continuing, “Don’t worry though, babe, I’ll pace myself. We’ll start with the non-lethal stuff for a few months, or weeks. Depends on how pretty you scream for me- I might not have enough self control.”

Lea shook her head and tried to squirm out of his arms, but he held on painfully tight. Either Mr. J was much weaker than his friend, or he had been holding back, because Lea found herself completely immobilized by the large man’s arms.

“I like to have a theme for my little play partners- makes things more special that way. I thought about it a lot on the plane ride over. Wanna hear your theme, babe?” He curled his lips back in a crooked wolfish grin. Lea was shaking involuntary and otherwise immobilized.

“I’m thinking….” He said, as if waiting for a drumroll, “Needles!” He said with a tone of ‘ta daaaa’. Lea felt hot tears streak down her face.

“Something else I was thinking- Did you know that eyeballs are just filled with liquid? Wonder if I could get it out with a syringe…” he mused, eyes seeming distant. Lea fought uselessly against his grip, “We’ll definitely be finding out together. I hope so- that’ll open so many doors. Just think of all the places I could stick that. I bet eyeball juice to the heart would probably be fatal…”

Keamy continued to ramble on about the various places he could kill Lea with her own eyes, but Lea had almost entirely disassociated. Her mind was blank, body shaking, and eyes staring off far far away.

“Hey!” Martin yelled directly into Lea’s ear, causing her to flinch away and unfortunately snap back to reality. “Uh-uh, no no no, you don’t get to do that. I like my babes nice and afraid- you dont just get to run off to that happy little corner of your brain.”

Keamy’s grip moved from Lea’s chin to her neck, and squeezed to the point she felt her eyes bulge from the pressure. She fought immediately, clawing at his hands and face, but he was immovable. He held her tight, and leaned his face close next to hers, their lips almost touching as he forced her to look into his eyes.

“I’m so happy John doesn’t want you anymore. First time he sent me a picture I had already thought of a million ways I could make you scream. Why don’t you give me a little sample, huh, babe. Scream for me,” he said, and loosened his grip on her though slightly. Lea greedily gasped for air, her fighting renewed once more. “Scream!” Martin yelled.

Lea felt him squeeze her neck hard, and she knew if he tightened any harder her neck might very well break. He loosened the grip, and after a healthy gasp of air, Lea screamed in utter terror. She watched through tear soaked eyes as he rolled his eyes back with a lustful grin.

“That’s really something babe, I can’t wait to hear more,” he half moaned. He choked her for some time, letting her get just enough air to keep from passing out, but never enough to feel satisfied.

Eventually he dropped her, moving his attention to Valeria who had gathered enough strength to walk across the room and try wiggling the doorhandle. Lea lay curled in on herself, breathing erratically as she sobbed hard and attempted to catch her breath.

She couldn’t believe this was happening. Mr. J had told her that he knew he wanted her at the hospital; he had given the impression she was important to him. Now Lea was here. Keamy had said he didn’t want her anymore, and Lea felt her chest tighten. She hated Mr. J, but at least he had rules for her to follow. He would give her back scratches and cook her dinner; Keamy just wanted her to hurt.

“Is he going to take me back?” Lea asked, looking up to see Keamy on top of Valeria. Lea had to ask the question a few times before it caught his attention. He turned slowly, and dropped Valeria carelessly. Lea crawled backwards on the floor as the click of his boots approached.

“Who?” He asked, tilting his head to the side like a dog.

“M-Mr. J.”

“Ha! Mr. J, huh? Well if you mean John, then no. He’s not. He’s too easy on slaves for my taste, but he also knows what he wants. And little girls who keep trying to run away? Mm-mm, nope.”

“If-if you take me back I won’t run away again! I promise! I-I’ll be good!” Lea begged. Her backwards crawling came to a halt when she felt something sharp poke into her back. She turned to find a metal axe hanging from the wall, blade pointed towards her.

“No you won’t. You’re scared and talking bullsh*t cause you don’t wanna die.” Keamy said matter-of-factly. Lea’s lip quivered, knowing deep down he was right. She wanted freedom, not Mr. J or Keamy.

“I don’t want to die,” she echoed.

“I know, sweet thing, that’s what makes this so fun for me,” he said, his tone laced with mock sympathy. “You had your chance with John and his little foot fetish thing, now you get to have fun with me!”

“C-can you tell Mr. J- Can you tell master that I want to come back?” Lea pleaded, though she knew the likely answer.

“Yeah f*ck no,” Keamy said, seemingly bored by the question. He turned and unzipped a side pocket on his pants. “I brought you a little something to get things started.”

Keamy carefully pulled out a tiny syringe filled with an slightly opaque substance. Lea realized that during her pleading, she had unknowingly backed right into a corner. She was now trapped between a wall of sharp weapons and a large Keamy who was flicking the air bubbles out of the needle.

“I’ll be the gentleman just this once,” he sighed, “Which arm would you like it in?”

Lea shook her head, and folded her arms tight in an attempt to hide her veins. Keamy just laughed and without difficulty yanked her right arm free. He wrangled her to the floor, using his heavy boot to lean into her throat. With the threat of a broken neck, Lea held still and could only watch as Keamy stuck the needle into her arm.

“And thereeee we go! All done!” Keamy said cheerfully. He stepped back and Lea yanked her arm to her chest where her heart beat rapidly inside. “And look at this, just cause you were such a good girl with your shot, I brought you…. a Band-Aid!” Keamy grinned and laughed cruelly.

He opened the same pouch and pulled out a small pony themed pink Band-Aid and flicked in Lea’s face. She just pulled her head back and it flittered uselessly to the floor.

“Maybe Vex’ll want it,” Keamy laughed, “Actually- that’s hilarious- Vex!” He called, and grabbed the Band-Aid before walking over to the other woman across the room, “Show me which cut is the biggest- this is gonna be f*cking funny.”

Lea squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to panic at the mystery substance Keamy had just injected into her arm. Lea desperately wanted to ask, but she had quickly learned that avoiding Keamy’s attention was the best way to avoid pain.

She took deep breaths to try and calm herself, but breathing techniques could only do so much to subdue the overwhelming levels of anxiety and terror that gripped her entire body. The first few days with Mr. J she had worried he may kill her, but she had slowly accepted he cared for her safety. Now she had to come to the reality that not only would she die, this monster would make it hurt for as long as he could.

Her body felt heavy, and she laid on the floor in a weak fetal position. Her eyelids drooped and she blinked them open. Lea mentally chastised herself for not trying to distract Keamy from Valeria as the other lady had done for Lea. She felt like a coward. Lea blinked a few more times before her eyes were far too heavy to keep open. The last thing she saw was Keamy unbuckling his belt over Valeria before a dreamless sleep took her.


When Lea next woke, she found herself in a horrible position. She was no longer curled up on the ground and instead laying on a raised platform. Her arms and legs were pinned down by cuffs linking her ankles and wrists to the leather platform. Her chest and belly were entirely exposed as her arms and legs formed the shape of an X.

The effects of the drug were still wearing off, and Lea found her efforts to wiggle free slowed and subdued. She looked around the room and called out to Valeria, but found that she was now alone; neither Valeria or Keamy were in sight.

The drugs began to wear off, but even with the freshness of mind there was no escaping the metal cuffs that held her down. She was trapped, spread eagle in the middle of a murderers torture chamber.

Her mind drifted to Mr. J, and wondered how differently things would have been if she hadn’t tried to escape. She may have been rubbing his feet after a long shift at the hospital, or maybe the pair would have been laying in bed eating breakfast together. Nothing like this.

“Finally!” Keamy’s voice boomed, “You slept way too long for the dose I gave you. Ready to get started?” He grinned and sat down on a nearby stool. “I know I am.” Lea shook her head desperately, as adrenaline rushed in. She pulled against the metal cuffs in a futile attempt to escape.

“Careful, you might bloody your wrists fighting like that. We wouldn’t want that, huh?” He said with a cruel laugh.

“Before we get started, I’ve got a video to show you. Before you and Vex, I had this beautiful babe who had a deathly fear of water. Wanna guess what his theme was?”

Keamy held up his phone to show Lea a video of a starved and bloodied man strapped naked to the same table Lea was strapped to now. A single drop of water slowly leaked onto the man’s forehead, who was screaming and thrashing against the cuffs.

“I think this was day two or something, he was f*cking losing it. And then here’s him being waterboarded, that was fun,” Keamy said with a tone similar to how someone would talk about a recent vacation.

He continued to play graphic videos of this poor man’s fate, each torture session more gruesome than the last. Eventually, he showed Lea a video of the man trapped in a clear tank of water. His skin was wrinkled and in many places peeling away from his body.

“I thought drowning would be too obvious, so I had this cool water tank built. He was there for like eight or nine days I think. I had room for air and I kept him fed of course. It was awesome- took over a week but eventually his skin just sort of… fell of.”

Lea wanted to throw up. She felt absolutely horrified at the goriness of the videos he had shown her, and at the obvious pleasure he gained from it. She fought again against the bindings, but there was no use.

“We’ll start will a classic- maybe a bit cliché- but I do want to hear that beautiful scream of yours,” Keamy said cheerfully and turned to a nearby table, “I’ve got twenty needles here, and guess where they’re gonna goooo?”

Lea shook her head, chest heaving and heart beating hard.

“That’s right! Under your nails, just… like… this!”

Keamy had picked up what looked like a long and thin sewing needle and as he spoke, very slowly inserted it just under the thumbnail on her left hand. Lea let out a piercing scream; the pain was excruciating, and with her arms bound tight, there was no way for her to stop it.

“f*ck yes,” Keamy grinned, watching her face closely as he pressed the second needle under the nail of her next finger. Lea screamed even louder as this needle went all the way past her cuticle.

Hot tears flooded down her cheeks, and she fought miserably against the bindings. Keamy continued until her entire left hand had a single needle under each of her nails. Tiny beads of blood coated each needle and dripped to the floor.

“Five down, fifteen to go!”

As Keamy tortured her, he would often talk about other horrible things that he’d done in the past, or even show off pictures or videos. Lea’s mind wanted nothing more to disassociate to protect her from the trauma, but Keamy was tactfully aware of this. He had her attention the entire time.

It took what felt like hours, but eventually all twenty needles were firmly imbedded into each of her nail beds. It was then Keamy stepped back to take pictures of her while she lay there screaming and sobbing in pain.

“Please- please- tell-tell master I want to come back! That I’ll be good! Please!” Lea begged desperately.

“Mmmmmm…… No. Not a chance. Besides, you really think he’d believe you? Two-time runaways don’t really come off as trustworthy.”

“I promise!!!!” Lea screamed.

“No! Besides you’re getting ahead of yourself. We’re only halfway through- I still have to take the needles out.”

“Noooo!!!” Lea sobbed miserably. She wasn’t able to fight anymore as any movement on her part jostled the needles and sent pain radiating through her nerves.

“Shush now- I’m being nice! You don’t wanna leave these in and get an infection right?”

Lea could only cry in response, helpless to whatever the monster decided to do. As Keamy pulled the needles out, he would often wiggle or twist them to maximize the pain it caused.

“So, babe, tell me,” Keamy said as he finished up with one hand and moved to the other, “When you tried to escape this last time, what were you planning on doing, hm? Vex bites John and then…. what? I mean he lives in the middle of no where.”

“I-I don’t kn- AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Lea screamed and Keamy pressed one needle in deeper before yanking it out at an angle. “I don’t know!!!”

“Maybe should have thought it through a bit, huh? I’m sure this wasn’t part of the plan.”

“If you take me back, I won’t run away again, please!” Lea pleaded, screaming again as the next needle was pulled out. “Please!!”

“No chance. We haven’t even tried to see if I can syringe out your eyeball yet!” Keamy said with a wicked smirk.

He left her crying and screaming as he moved down to pull the needles out from her toenails. After everything had been removed, Lea was physically and emotionally exhausted. Somehow her nails still hurt horribly even with the needles removed.

“Alright, and my beautiful needle babe gets another shot before I go,” Keamy said with a cheerful tone, “Should I tell you what’s in it or no… which would be worse?”

Lea didn’t even bother responding, too drained to bother fighting him.

“I think not knowing would be worse,” he finally decided after already injecting it into her vein, “Alright. Night night!” Keamy squeezed some of her sensitive fingernails to get one last scream before turning off the lights and leaving Lea bound in pitch black.

Lea sobbed miserably to herself in complete darkness. She couldn’t move to alleviate the pain or even to wipe her tears away. She didn’t want to die like this.

“Leana.” A deep voice echoed in the darkness. Lea’s head whipped around, and though it was too dark to see, Lea knew exactly who it was.

“Master! Please! I’m so sorry- Please- I-“ she begged but the voice cut her off.

“Leana,” it echoed again, with an almost ghostly quality to it.

“Master, please help me! I’ll be good-“ she begged. For some reason her master just continued echoing her name in the darkness, nearby but unseen.

Her eyes slowly began to adjust to the light and as soon as she could see, Lea desperately searched the room for her master, but he was no where to be seen. Faintly she could hear her mind echo his voice, and she wondered if she had been imagining him in the dark.

It was then she could hear dripping from behind her. She craned her neck as much as she could with her current position and could see water dripping onto her hair. Above her was the man from Keamy’s videos, skin wrinkled and sagging off in places. A mixture of water and blood dripped from him to the table where Lea was restrained.

Lea was screamed in horror, but no one came to save her. The man reached an arm out slowly, getting closer and closer to her face. Lea tried to pull away, but there was only so far she could lean. As the arm neared closer, the skin began to sag more and more, before a sickening squelch echoed all around her. Lea watched as the skin from the man’s arm fell off, heading straight for her face before disappearing entirely.

Now that the man was gone, Lea felt the strong need to sit up. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that giant needles were going to shoot up out of the table she lay on at any second. She fought desperately against the cuffs, pulling with all her might, but could only sit up a fraction of an inch. Panic gripped her as she knew that very soon she would be stabbed by a million needles.

“Leana,” master’s voice echoed throughout the room. Though not visible, Lea was absolutely certain he was here. He must have be in a shadow or invisible, but undeniably he was here for her.

“Please master help me!!! The needles!!” She pleaded, fighting against her restraints. But master didn’t help, and instead she could only struggle uselessly on the table.


“Seems to be going well,” John said, putting his phone on speaker as he watched his computer screen. Martin had given him access to the camera feed, and he watched as Lea began to react to the hallucinogenics Martin dosed her with.

“Oh yeah, she’s real scared. Just a few more weeks of this and she’d probably eat actual sh*t to get back to you.”

“The needles won’t leave scars?”

“Nope- we talked about this. You didn’t see any scars on Vex right? I already tested all this ahead of time. Needles don’t leave scars- when you get her back she’ll be all set.”

“I just didn’t expect her to bleed that much…”

“Yeah well- it’s torture, John, she’s gonna bleed a bit. You still wanna do this?”

John watched as a heavily drugged Lea pleaded with whatever she thought was her Master alone in a dark room. He wished this wasn’t a necessary step in her training, but perspective was important.

“No, we’ve been planning this for weeks. No backing out now. She’ll be better for it in the end. Just… I hate to see her bleed. I don’t like scars.”

“No scars- I promise.”

“Alright,” John sighed, “I’m sending you an MP3 file I want you to play while she’s hallucinating. The videos seemed to be pretty effective as well. Do you have any more of them?”

“Pshhh, c’mon- you know me. Oh- I know! I have this new box with a bunch of screens I can put her in. That’ll be fun.”

“Alright, sure. I’ll call later if I have any other suggestions. See you in a few weeks, Martin.”

“Yeah, take care. Talk to you later.”


Lea was living a waking nightmare. She had not seen Valeria since her first day in Keamy’s dungeon, and she feared the worst. Keamy had tortured Lea for days if not weeks at this point. He had put needles under her nails and woken her up by dumping a box of them all over her. He’d taken blood with a syringe and forced her to drink it. All of it was horrible, and Lea felt like she was slowly losing her mind.

She would often see the victim’s of Keamy’s past exploits in the room with her, and in brief moments of clarity knew there was something impossible about it. Usually however, Lea fully accepted their presence and could only live in fear as their decayed or bloody state served as a ghostly reminder of her own fate.

There would be moments that master would come to visit as well, though often in voice and not in body. He would come to chastise her escape attempts, or to commiserate with her sufferings, but he never came to rescue her. Sometimes she could have sworn he was there, that she had held him, that he had rescued her. Then she would find herself strapped to a table or laying on the floor in Keamy’s dungeon, finding master more like a dream than a memory.

Something Keamy had taken to doing was leaving Lea in a tiny box; each of the 6 sides would be almost wall to wall with a screen. Every side was turned on, but every side was unique; each screen played a separate disgusting video of horrific violence and gore. The audio was never related to the videos, however. Instead, it was her own voice.

Lea had no idea how Keamy had done it, but somehow he had audio of her degrading herself- hours of it too. Her own voice talking about how she was worthless, didn’t deserve her master, was grateful to be his slave, and much more. It looped endlessly, and combined with the surrounding images of torture and death, left Lea absolutely desperate for her Master.

Keamy had taken her out of the box just a few moments ago to stick her arm with another syringe. She lay on the floor while he circled her like a wolf surrounding it’s prey. Her mind was chaos. On the floor around them lay bodies in shreds. Blood pooled around Keamy’s boots and dripped from the ceilings and walls.

“I think I’ve decided how I’m gonna kill you.” Keamy said, his voice swirling around her head. “I’m gonna stick a longgggg needle right.. here,” he said and stuck a finger deep in her ear. Lea screamed and flinched away. “Once the needles in your brain, I’ll just wiggle it around and scramble everything up.”

Lea cried and clasped her hands tight over her ears, repeating ‘no’ over and over as Keamy continued.

“The fun thing is it might not even kill you- maybe it’ll just make it so you can’t talk or move at all. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“I want my Master!” Lea sobbed, eyes squeezed shut and hands covering her ears.

“Then you should have been grateful and not run away.”

“I want Master!!!” Lea sobbed, mind spinning as Keamy’s voice was mixed with screams of his victims. She needed Master to save her.

“I want my Master!!!”


This chapter is pretty outside of what I’m comfortable writing and darker than what I have planned for most of the series… hope you guys think it’s okay! Don’t worry, Lea will be getting the comfort part of hurt/comfort soon enough!

Chapter 13: All According to Plan


Thank you all waiting for so patiently :) Here is just the beginning of aftercare- yay!

Chapter Text

For those who skipped the previous gore-y chapter:

Lea woke in a new dungeon, this one filled with blood and heavily used torture tools. Initially, Lea was locked inside with Valeria, who attempted to draw Keamy’s attention as much as she could. However, Keamy eventually focused on Lea.

For most of her time with Keamy, Lea was starved, tortured, and heavily drugged.

Keamy’s torture primarily used needles, as John had privately requested that no lasting damage be done to his slave. Keamy used tiny needles, audio, and visuals to slowly break Lea- all while threatening her with a horrible death. Lea believed what the men wanted her to- that her Master had abandoned her, and that Keamy was building up to her horrifying death.

At the end of last chapter, Lea was suffering from the effects of powerful hallucinogenics as Keamy threatened to kill her by shoving needles through her ears into her brain. If only there was someone who might be able to save her…


“Please!! I want Master!!” Lea screamed, looking up at Keamy in desperation. Through wet eyes she saw crossed arms, a stern expression, a long sleeve dress shirt, and… glasses? Lea rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and blinked repeatedly to clear her vision. She looked up to find Master staring down at her, looking very cross.

Without a moment of hesitation, Lea propelled herself forward and wrapped her entire body around his legs like a pretzel. She curled her legs around his ankles and buried her head between his knees, holding on with all of her strength.

“I’m so sorry, Master!!! I’m sorry I wasn’t grateful, I won’t ever run away again!! Please! Please take me back!! Please, Master, don’t leave me!! He’s going to kill me!!!”

“If I remember right, you tried to kill me at one point, isn’t that right?” His voice was stern, and Lea found herself disappointed he didn’t address her as ‘slave’. She needed him to save her!

“I-I- I’m so sorry I tried to hurt you, and run away, and- and-,” Lea began, but found no air left in her lungs. She sucked in air through a tight chest and sobbed hard before continuing, “I know better now, Master, I’ll be such a good slave for you. I’ll do everything you want, I’ll- I’ll- Please!! Please take me back, Master, please!!”

“You want to be my slave?” He asked, sounding surprised. Lea’s bloodied fingertips clutched his previously wrinkle free slacks into tight bunches. She dipped her head low and littered his shoes with kisses and licks.

“Oh yes, Master!! Please let me be your slave! Please, I’ll be good!! I-I’ll be perfect for you!!”

Before she could continue begging, Lea heard the door open and slam shut.

”Got the longest needle I could find!” Keamy’s voice boomed, echoing around the large empty room.

Lea’s chest tightened in panic to the point where her breath caught in her throat. Her Master was here; she could almost feel the warmth of his chest and the safety of his arms. She was so close- and yet so far. He still didn’t want her.

“PLEASE!!!!!”Lea screamed desperately, she clawed at his legs and buried her face as deep as it could go, leaving Master’s pants stained with tears and blood. “He’s going to kill me, Master, please!!!!”

“Kill you?”

“Yes!!! He’s gonna- the-the needle- he’s going to- going to- m-my- my,” Lea stuttered, fear causing her words to stammer and entire body to shake. The sounds of Keamy’s boots crept closer and closer, until they were right behind her. Lea screamed in terror, and held onto Master’s legs with every ounce of strength she had left.

A rough hand gripped the back of Lea’s neck and ripped her away from Master. She had held on with every bit of power, but she was torn away in seconds. He held her against his chest, a large syringe in his hand.

“Nononononononono, MASTER HELP!!! Please!!!! MASTER PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!” Lea screamed in utter terror. Her hands quickly protected her ears, and she turned and kicked at Keamy blindly. A lucky strike hit his balls, and she was able to crawl back to Master with her hands still covering her ears.

“Master!” Lea sobbed, “Master, please don’t leave me!! Please!!! Please please, Master!!! Please take me home, Master, please!!”

She wrapped her arms around Master once again, now knowing just how pointless it was with Keamy’s strength. She knew she was doing a horrible job of explaining things. If only Master knew what was really happening, he’d rescue her.

Lea felt Keamy’s hands on her once more, and she kicked at him while her hands desperately clawed into Master’s pants. Keamy easily wrenched an arm free, and Lea felt a sharp stab in her arm.

In just a few second, Lea felt her body begin to struggle. Her eyelids were heavy, and her hands could barely keep a hold of Master’s pants.

“Master….,” Lea said quietly, fighting against the unnatural sleep, “Please… take me home…”

Her hands fell limp to the floor with a soft slap, and her head lolled back. It now took intense concentration just to keep her eyes open. Her blinks were long and heavy. As darkness crept into the corners of her vision, Master bent down in slow motion.

Lea’s eyes closed and she found that even with all of her strength they could not be opened again. She felt Master’s warm chest and strong arms envelop her. Though Lea knew she would soon be unconscious, she fought hard and kept herself awake. Master’s lips ghosted across the side of her face to press a gentle kiss on her forehead. Lea let out a held breath, and fell asleep in her Master’s arms.


Water splashed against Lea’s cheek. Her body was heavy, as if under ten weighted blankets. She could barely open her eyes, and her mind felt foggy and confused. Water splashed again, and Lea’s heart began to race.

Keamy. Images of his past victim played like a movie in Lea’s mind as panic began to grip her chest. She could barely move, unable to fight against what evil plans he had for her. She tried to scream for Master, but only a soft pathetic ‘mmmm’ could escape her closed lips.

A wet hand pulled hair off her cheek, tracing up the side of her face and then lifting her eyes open. For a split second she saw curly chest hair and pink water before the thumb left and her eyes fell shut.

“Bad dream, I wonder?” a very deep voice said above her. With Lea’s head against his chest, she could hear the vibrations when he spoke. Lea was still frozen, but no longer afraid. She was in Master’s arms.

“Mmmm mmm mmmmmm- Ma- Ma-“ Lea struggled to speak, eyes too heavy to open.

She felt something soft and wet splash water on her arm. The air smelled like flowers.

“Mas…ter,” Lea managed to get out. She felt his warm wet hand on her cheek again, and she gave a tiny smile.

“Waking up? Can you drink some water for me?” Master asked, and she felt both of them lean forward slightly to be in a more upright position. Lea felt something smooth and cold press against her lips before cold water splashed down her chin and chest.

“Open your mouth,” Master said, his tone was gentle. Lea obeyed him immediately, and her jaw dropped as low as it could go. Master chuckled and gently raised her chin so that her mouth was only open slightly.

“Swallow,” he whispered softly. This time when Lea felt the cold water, she swallowed large gulps. She was eager to prove herself to Master.

“Look at that! All gone. Such a good girl!” Master praised, and Lea felt fuzzy kisses pressed against her cheeks. She smiled wide, and finally opened her eyes.

She could see Master’s handsome face, but without glasses. His cheeks and brow were covered in a layer of sweat, and the curls on his head were damp.

“Almost done with your bath, my sweet girl,” Master said, eyes elsewhere. Lea didn’t follow his gaze or even respond, instead she lay with her head on his chest, staring deep into his eyes.

Lea never realized what beautiful eyes Master had. They were a light blue, but not too bright; a soft cool like the blue tint on snow. In fact, all of Master was quite beautiful, though Lea did find herself missing his glasses. Lea stared with curiosity as the blue in his eyes began to swirl around in gentle circles.

“Leana?” Master asked.

“It’s…” Lea said, her voice slow and croaky, “just… Lea.”

Master laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “We’re doing this again, hmm? I can call you what I please, remember?”

“Remember…” Lea echoed thoughtlessly. She peeled her eyes off of Master’s handsome face to look at what was making the splashing.

A white towel covered in suds diligently cleaned Lea’s foot, working in between each toe and scrubbing gently. The water had a layer of bubbles and suds on top of a pastel pink water.

Lea wanted to ask why the water was so pink, but all that came out was a soft, “Pink.”

“Mm-hm, I thought you might like that. The bath bomb was scented… cherry blossom, I think,” Master said. Lea smiled wide and buried her face in his chest as a weak form of a hug.

“Like.. the straw..” Lea giggled, slowly turning her head to look up at Master once more.

“The straw?”

“Bendy straw… Pink.”

Master was silent a moment before laughing, “The one from Rainforest Café?” He asked, and Lea nodded with a grin.

“I shouldn’t show you the PJ’s I have laid out for you then, hm?”

Lea giggled, “Pink?”

“Mm-hm, covered in bendy straws too.”

Lea laughed hard and Master smile down at her. She felt her strength slowly returning, and wrapped her arms around his chest for a proper hug. Master kissed the top of her head and continued washing her in the soapy pink bath.

After Lea had been cleaned, Master stepped out of the tub with Lea still in his arms. He grabbed a large fluffy towel and began drying both of them as the water in the tub drained behind them. As Master gently dried her, Lea watched as flower petals dripped down and formed a small puddle of pink and red at her feet.

Lea found that she couldn’t stop smiling. She tried to think of words to express her gratitude she felt. Master had saved her life; had given her a second chance to be his slave. Lea couldn’t be more thrilled.

“Thank you…” is all Lea managed to say.

“You’re welcome, slave,” Master said. Lea needed up at him, thrilled to hear him call her slave again. This meant she was truly safe from the evil Keamy. Lea could hear the distinctive sound of his boots approaching from behind her; she whipped her hear around wit wide eyes, but found nothing. Master kissed her cheek, and Lea calmed.

“Time for PJs, though… I may have fibbed a bit about the bendy straws,” he said, and Lea giggled.

“That’s alright, Master,” Lea said, “I forgive you.”

Master laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He carried her out of the bath and towards a bed decorated with rainbow Christmas lights. Laid out neatly on top of fuzzy blankets was a set of pastel pink PJs.

“They’re so cute!” Lea grinned, and Master kissed her cheek once more.

“I’m pleased you like what I’ve chosen for you. Would you like some help putting them on?”

“Yes please,” Lea grinned. She knew that if left to her own devices she most definitely could dress herself, but she was enjoying Master’s attention far too much to say otherwise.

“So polite,” Master grinned, “Alright, good girl, I need you to sit up straight now.”

He sat her very gently on the bed, and Lea felt the soft blanket on her bare bottom and on the palms of her hands. She sat nice and tall just as Master asked.

“Good girl!” He praised, and Lea’s heart soared. Master dressed her in a shirt and shorts as well as a pair of long fuzzy socks Lea had some how missed. As soon as she was dressed, Lea reached forward, eager to be in Master’s arms again.

She didn’t need to wait long as she was soon scooped up and nestled against his bare chest. Lea wrapped her arms around his chest and pressed happy kisses into his shoulder and collarbone.

“Such a good girl,” he said and gave her just as many kisses to the top of her head. Lea could feel him walking, but didn’t care to look where to. She was in Master’s arms, and she was safe.

“I’ll have you drink a few more cups of water before we try food. Those were some pretty heavy sedatives in you,” Master said.

Lea heard the words, but didn’t get the meaning. She was focused with something very important. She knew that right now she needed to cover every inch of his skin she could reach with kisses. Master tilted her chin up with his thumb so she could see his smiling face.

“You’re being such a good slave right now, you know that?”

“I am?”

“Oh yes, very good,” Master grinned, “Don’t stop.”

Lea immediately looked down to resume her kissing, but found she couldn’t remember where she had left off. She shrugged slightly and began her kissing anew, still determined that every part of him be kissed.

Master laid down in bed. He gave soft pets to her hair as she kissed his neck and chest. Lea was so focused on finishing her goal, she almost missed the soft moans coming from Master.

She opened her eyes to find his dick very hard, and Lea felt proud that she had done so. She kept her eyes locked on his dick as her hand slowly reached forward to touch it.

“May I?” Lea asked, pausing just inches away. Master’s eyes widened and he let out a much louder moan as he nodded.

Lea smiled and wrapped her hand around his dick, pumping up and down at a slow pace. Lea loved the sounds she was able to get from Master with just her hand. She knew she could get more if she…

Lea pulled away from Master’s chest and took Master’s dick into her mouth. Just as expected, Master let out a loud moan, and Lea felt his hips jerk upwards.

“Such a good girl, slave, such a good girl,” Master praised. Lea smiled with his dick still in his mouth “Do you want to make me cum tonight?”

Lea pulled back while still sucking to make a satisfying ‘pop’ with her lips. “Yes please, Master.”

A gentle hand at the back of her neck guided her back to his dick where she sucked eagerly. Lea felt so happy. Her mind was numb, but good. His hands pulled her hair away from her face and held it gently at the base of her neck while she worked.

Lea had no idea what she was doing. She had given head before, but with her ex she never got this sort of verbal feedback. He had usually just laid silently, came quickly, and let Lea finish herself off while he cleaned up in the restroom. This was completely different.

Lea could feel Master’s dick pulsing in her mouth, and could hear his moans when she made him feel extra good. He wasn’t just laying there, his hands were active. He held her hair back with one, and the other massaged her breasts, teasing her nipples none to gently.

He still maintained control, which Lea found reassuring. He moved her head to different angles to changed her pace when he wanted a quicker speed. He gave her gentle but clear directions to help Lea as she figured out what made him feel the best.

Lea had never enjoyed giving head before, but this was something else. Her puss* was beginning to get wet, and Lea found herself wondering how Master’s big co*ck would feel inside of her.


“Mm? Are you alright, my sweet girl?”

Lea smiled at his concern and looked down as his dick and then up to him once more. “Master, would you like to cum inside me?” She asked, unable to stop herself from grinning. Master’s eyes widened again and she could hear a soft moan escape his lips.

“Do you want that, slave?” Master asked, leaning forward slowly but steadily. Lea soon found herself flat on her back with her Master looming overhead. “Do you want me to f*ck you?”

Lea looked down at his dick dangling above her puss*, and she suddenly felt very afraid. If he shoved inside of her now it would hurt horribly, and Lea shook her head.

“I-I- I don’t want it to hurt,” she pleaded. For a moment she felt as if something evil was standing just next to the bed, and Lea turned in fear, but found nothing but an empty room.

Master shook his head and shushed her softly, “I would never hurt my good girl.”

“You’re too big, Master,” Lea said with concern.

Master chuckled and gave her a kiss on her cheek, obviously not sharing her concern.

“Was that how it was in the past, slave? No foreplay, no prep work to make you feel good?” He asked, and Lea shook her head. Master leaned down to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear, “That’s not real sex, just a man using your body to get off. Have you ever had real sex then, slave?”

Lea thought back to her ex and realized not one time did they have sex where she felt good.

“No? Would you like to?” He asked in just a whisper in her ear. His lips pulled her earlobe into his mouth and he sucked gently. A warm tongue swirled in, curled, and licked her ear. Lea’s puss* throbbed and she couldn’t help but moan. She had never felt this way before.

His lips pulled away from her ear and Lea felt herself missing the feeling almost immediately before they came crashing down on her lips. Lea had kissed plenty before this and would have considered herself a pretty good kisser… until now.

Master kissed hard but not painfully so. His right hand twirled her nipple around between his thumb and finger, and his mouth swallowed all the moans that Lea let out. She stuck her tongue his mouth, her first moment of control, but Master took the lead once more. He sucked on her tongue and swirled his own around it. He kissed her and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking and biting down in tiny circles.

His left hand traced down her chest and side until it pressed against her inner thigh. Lea moaned eagerly, and thrusted forward into his hand.

“What do you want?” He asked. His tongue pulled out of her mouth and his kissed traveled from her lips to her ear. He kissed hard and swirled his tongue in and around her ear expertly. Lea moaned in desperation, struggling to find the words.

“Should I put my fingers inside of you?” His deep voice whispered into her ear.

“Yes please!!” Lea moaned.

Master’s mouth pulled away from her ear and Lea groaned in disappointment. He kissed her lips once more before hovering above her.

“Oh I think you can do better than that.”

Lea leaned forward to kiss him but he leaned back, keeping his lips just out of reach. Lea’s puss* was throbbing and she desperately wanted him to kiss her again.

“Please touch me, Master,” Lea begged, having difficulty putting her thoughts into words, “I want you inside of me… and - and kisses too please!”

“Good girl.”

Master held up to fingers to Lea’s lips and ordered, “Suck.”

Lea obeyed and quickly took his fingers into her mouth, sucking hard and trying to twirl her tongue around his fingers as Master had done to her tongue. Eventually, the fingers were pulled out and replaced with Master’s tongue.

Lea moaned eagerly as his mouth moved to her ear again and she moved some hairs away in a rush. He kissed her ears a few times before pulling back. Lea looked up at him in confusion, wondering why he had stopped when she felt his wet fingers push inside of her.

He looked straight into her eyes as he began to finger her, pushing his fingers deep before curling at the perfect angle. Lea felt jolts of pleasure as his fingers worked expertly. Lea didn’t bother holding back her moans, comforted knowing no one else could possibly hear her.

Master’s lips were on her ear again, and this time she could feel his dick grinding into her thigh. Master added a third finger, but Lea barely noticed the change. Everything felt so good.

Master alternated between curling his fingers inside her dexterously to thrusting in and out. Every now and then his thumb would rub her cl*t and she would almost scream with pleasure.

“Slave,” Master said, his voice steady. Lea, however, was a wonderful mess. She was sweating and her hair stuck to her neck. Her breathing was reduced to moans and gasps; she was so close.

“I have five fingers inside of you.”

Lea looked down in shock to find that Master had all five fingers buried in her puss* up to his knuckles. She hadn’t even felt any pain. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out before pulling out and pumping his dick back to full hardness.

“It won’t hurt, Master?”

Master looked deep in her eyes and gave her a reassuring kiss on her lips.

“Not one bit.”


“Every word I say to you is a promise,” Master said, but then added, “I promise.”

Lea smiled and kissed him again, pulling gently at his shoulders as a silent way of asking for more. Master pulled away instantly at that.

“Do you want something from me, slave?” He asked. At first he appeared very stern, but he couldn’t hold the act for long and laughed with a grin. He was playing with her.

“Please f*ck me, Master!” Lea begged, knowing that he would keep edging her until he heard those words.

He moved his lips to her ears slowly and in a barely audible whisper said, “I told you you’d beg me for it.”

Lea had no time to think about what that meant as his dick pressed against her entrance. She felt her chest tighten, but this time from anticipation not fear. Her puss* desperately wanted to be filled again.

Master just rubbed his dick along her entrance, but not pushing in just yet. Lea moaned in dying pleasure as Master just slowly kissed her ear.

“Please Master! I want you inside of me!”

Only then did Master push forward. He did so slowly, sinking into her at a steady and restrained pace. Lea became too impatient and began thrusting her hips forward. Master chuckled into her ear.

“So eager; do you still want Master to cum inside you?”

“Can we cum at the same time?” Lea asked. Her mind felt numb with pleasure.

“It will be difficult to time… but I think we can manage.”

“Mmmm, yes please, Master!”

Master moaned into her neck and began to thrust into her fully. Lea could feel his dick near her cervix and she tensed nervously, but no pain came as he purposefully stopped just short. He f*cked into her at a steady pace and placed soft kisses into her neck.

“Mmm!” Lea moaned, “Faster, please, Master!”

His pace picked up and his moans filled her ear. Lea grinned both in pleasure and pride as her Master’s head rested in the crook of her neck. His thrusts became less measured and quicker ever so slightly.

“You want me to cum inside of you?” Master asked. Lea nodded with a smile. She was close to finishing herself, but just on the edge. Lea thought Master had forgotten about cumming together as his pace began to quicken.

“f*ck!” He moaned in pleasure. His fingers moved from her breasts down her body before landing on her cl*t. As Master neared completion his fingers expertly rubbed at her cl*t.

Lea moaned loudly, thrusting forward for more pressure on her cl*t as she could feel herself almost about to cum.

“Ask for permission,” Master ordered through gritted teeth.

“Can I please cum, Master?!!”

“f*ck, yes!”

The pair moaned together and Lea’s legs shook hard as she came with Masters dick still thrusting deep inside of her. She felt waves of pleasure for much longer than she’d ever felt before, and could barely think straight when she felt Master cum with his dick thrust fully inside of her.

Master held his dick inside of her before collapsing on the bed next to her, breathing hard. Lea grinned happily and quickly curled up next to Master as they both tried to catch their breath.

“Not quite at the same time,” Master said after a moment.

“That’s alright, Master,” Lea smiled up at him, “Practice makes perfect.”

Chapter 14: Or Maybe Not


Sorry it takes me ages to write anything you guys. I've got the whole story planned out it's just a matter of getting it written down... Hope you enjoy the chapter!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

John grabbed his black rubber bucket filled with cleaning supplies and headed down through the false back-panel in his storage closet. Descending the stairs and entering through the thick metal door, John found his slave just as he had left her, in a deep medicated sleep. Her jaw hung open slightly, letting out soft snores and a trickle of drool.

John’s next shift started in a few hours, and the room needed to be prepped for when she woke. There were some minimal drips of blood trailing to the entry way, but the bathroom required the most attention. John set the bucket down on the counter and rolled up his sleeves.

The tub was in dire straits; a thick line of pink looped the entire way around the white porcelain. A small pool of blood-diluted water sat near the drain, blocked by clumps of the slave’s hair that had fallen freely during cleaning. Almost every towel was stained from a light pink to a deep black red. Those would be burned.

She hadn’t reacted negatively to sight of the bloody water. Either the co*cktail of heavy duty drugs she was under or John’s carefully crafted lies had kept her blissfully unaware. Though she was initially unperturbed, John couldn’t predict how she may react as she recovered from both the drugs and trauma she endured. Regardless, John wasn’t going to let the guise of safety he had so delicately crafted be dismantled by a bloody bathroom.

Though she had come in nearly entirely coated in dried and fresh blood, none of her wounds were activity bleeding. Martin had kept to his word and ensured John’s slave was scar-free. He had noticed some deep bruising on her head, knees, and elbows, as well as smaller bruises and scrapes across the rest of her body. The needle marks were nearly invisible, and every other injury would heal without issue over time.

The only real concern at this point was her reaction to the medication. Martin had used some mixture of hallucinogens and sedatives during her stay to keep her in an altered mental state, and though John had thoroughly researched the side effects of such a mixture, there was still an element of risk involved. Her body may react in a unique way; stress, lack of nutrition, and other variables could increase the severity of negative side effects. John was prepped for such outcomes, and had the necessary medical equipment stored upstairs.

With the bathroom fully cleaned and straightened, John gathered the blood stained towels to be taken out and burned. Before leaving her alone for the next twelve hours, John ensured the cameras were set up at effective angles and that she was resting safely. She would likely sleep for most of his absence, but he wanted to take precautions regardless. It would be incredibly inconvenient for her to die at this point.


Lea hadn’t even opened her eyes before the pain hit. White-hot searing pain radiated across her head, as if her very skull had been lit on fire inside of her. She couldn’t move, couldn’t open her eyes- couldn’t even think properly. Her stomach churned but she willed down the vomit, knowing the act of throwing up would only hurt her head more. She sat completely still, outwardly peaceful, but internally thrashing. Lea had never felt such intense pain before, and through the waves of agony, Lea was filled with a cold sense of dread. Something was very wrong.

She lay in agony for what felt like hours, unmoving and in worsening condition. It became harder to think through the pain. Her thoughts were slow and Lea found herself thinking in circles. It took conscious effort to recall why she was in pain. Keamy did this to her, she knew, but the how and why were hard to grasp. It was hard to remember much of anything- the lights were far too bright, shining through her shut eyes as if they were made of glass.

Something cold and wet appeared on her forehead, and Lea wished it had appeared lower to help her block out the bright lights. A deep voice spoke sweetly in the background, probably from someone she knew. They were here to help her. She needed help badly. She could not remember why she was in pain, and it hurt too much to try and figure it out.

Cold air blew against her body, and Lea struggled to remember when her blankets had been removed. She was too cold. She wanted blankets. She needed the blankets- over her body- over her eyes. She needed help.

A gentle hand took hold of her wrist and pulled Lea’s arm away from her chest. It was her mom. Lea’s mom always took care of her when she was sick. Gentle fingers took hold of her arm, and pressed hard in the middle before disappearing. Lea wanted them back.

The pain ebbed slightly, and Lea dared to peak open her eyes. It was hard to see, everything was thick and blurry. Things seemed to swirl and twist, not staying in one place for very long. Lea didn’t get a good look of things before having to squeeze her eyes shut. The lights were blinding and a wave of nausea hit her hard. She couldn’t even sit up before vomiting into and out of her mouth. For a moment the vomit filled her throat and poured out into her nose. She couldn’t breathe, but couldn’t think of how to fix it.

A rough hand yanked her sideways, sending her head spinning and reeling in agony. Fingers scooped bile from her mouth and a towel wiped the vomit away from her nose. Lea coughed out the rest and sucked in air before letting out a torturous scream. Gentle hands covered her body; on her back, across her hair, against her cheek. They made her sit up.

In an instant she found herself in someone’s arms. An oddly square and plastic piece of their shirt dangled in front of her, and Lea tried to focus on the writing scribbled on it. ‘Ladisilipita Hopstil’ and below that ‘Jhon D-‘ but some of the writing was cut off by a scrape of some kind. The last row read ‘Aenstesilogist, Emgercency Flooor.’

The pain became too much, like an ocean rising Lea found herself struggling to stay afloat, struggling to stay cognizant of what was happening around her. There was something cool on her head, something bitter in her mouth, something touching her cheek. The ocean of pain rose again and for a moment Lea went under; her ears were ringing too loudly to hear, eyes blinded by the too bright light, body numbed to everything but the pain.


Lea woke with the worst headache ever. She groaned and sat up, placing the back of her hand against her temple as she came to. Lea rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blinked the rest away.

The room she was met with was entirely unfamiliar. The walls and floors were wooden, with green rugs and curtains accenting the room. To her left was a brown couch and yellow chair with a wooden table in between. The bed Lea was in had many fuzzy blankets and multi colored Christmas lights strung along the ceiling. The rest of the room was mostly blocked by two sets of bookshelves filled to the brim with books and colorful boxes.

Though the room was unfamiliar, the man perched on a stool directly next to her was definitely not. Though Lea struggled to place his name, she knew exactly who he was, and she knew that he would help her. Just next to him was a long metal pole with a clear baggy dangling from a hook, a familiar looking medical device with a name that currently escaped Lea.

“You’re up,” the man said, turning to face her. He had a very serious expression on his handsome face, “How do you feel?”

“Okay, I think,” Lea said, “A bit hungry… and my head hurts.”

“I’m going to ask you some questions; they may seem silly, but I need you to answer them the best you can. Ready?”

“Ready,” Lea smiled, though a little kick in her chest made her feel like she was forgetting something very important.

“I want you to remember the word ‘fight’, I’ll ask for the word ‘fight’ in a little bit, understand?”

Lea nodded though the movement made her headache a bit worse. Something about him made her feel like it was very important for her to do what he said.

“What is your name?”


“What year is it?”

“Twenty-twenty…. three? I think?”

“Who is the President?”

“Joe Biden.”

“What word did I ask you to remember?”


“Good girl,” the man said, and Lea smiled at the praise. His praise was very important to her, “Just a few more questions. Before waking up just now, what is the last thing you remember?”

Lea opened her mouth, but found it much harder to answer this question than the last few. For some reason her slight headache flared up as she tried to remember anything from before today. She grimaced, trying to recall whatever she could, but her mind was jumbled. Childhood memories from years ago felt as if they had just happened, and memories of this man felt years old. Logically she could piece together the order, but her growing headache made it hard to do.

“I- I don’t know… I,” she frowned, “Ah! My head hurts… I’m sorry, I-”

“Shhh, it’s alright, don’t worry,” the man shushed, “What about the last thing you remember with me?”

Lea closed her eyes this time, and tried hard to think back. She knew his face, she knew she knew him, but couldn’t place any specifics. She had a memory of eating with him, of being reprimanded, of hugging him- but they didn’t feel like memories, more like…. emotions or vague senses all shuffled and timeless. She had no idea which ‘memory’ happened when.

“I don’t know, it’s all messed up,” she tried to explain, “I- I think I remember… you were helping me, I think? I remember being afraid, in a room… like, a- a bad room, and you were there too, but… but you weren’t bad. I don’t think anyways… you aren’t bad are you?”

The man laughed and shook his head, but didn’t answer her question. Instead he continued his questioning, “Do you know where we are?”

“No clue,” she answered honestly.

“What about what country we’re in?”

“Ameri- wait…” she frowned. Lea couldn’t have said why, but somehow she knew that they weren’t at home, but somewhere very far away. “I don’t know… not America?”

“Not America, you’re right about that. Leana, do you remember that word I told you?”

Lea frowned; the word was right there on the tip of her tongue. She knew what it meant, she had the sense of the word, but the name was lost. “Something… bad?”


“Fight!” Lea repeated back, now feeling stupid for having forgotten it so quickly.

“On a scale of zero to ten, zero being no pain at all and ten being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, how much does your head hurt?”

“Like a… four?”

The man let out a deep sigh, “Good. Four is good.”

“Can I ask you some questions?”

The man chuckled, but nodded and tilted his head exectantly.

“I… I’m sorry I forgot, but… what is your name again?”

The man paused, and said nothing for a moment too long. Lea felt the same kick in the chest feeling from earlier, like she had somehow messed up by asking the simple question. So she apologized quickly, and decided to ask something else.

“What happened to me?”

“I will explain that in time. I’m going to need you to remember one very important thing before we move on. Do you remember how we know each other?”

“I think so,” Lea said, “But I can’t think of the name for it.”

“That’s alright, you don’t need a name. Just describe it.”

“Hmm… well, you’re like my boss, mostly, I think,” Lea said, and she could see the man smile a bit, “But also something else… You’re like my boss and my... protector.”

“There’s a word for that, you know?”

“What is it?”

“Master,” he said, “I’m you’re Master, and you’re my slave. Remember now?”

Just like before with the word fight, the word clicked into place. “Master!” She repeated, “That’s what I call you, right? I knew I was forgetting something before.” Lea smiled up at him sheepishly, there was something about him that made her feel a bit nervous.

“Don’t worry, until you're back to normal I’ll help you remember things.”

“Thank you, Master!” Lea smiled at him. Everything was so strange and confusing, she felt grateful to have Master here to help her.

“You’re welcome, slave.”

“Master?” Lea asked, “Can you tell me what happened now?”

“Almost,” he said, “You’ll need another bag of fluids soon, and I want to get some food in you.”

“I threw up before,” Lea said quietly, the sense of familiarity coming over her briefly. This time however, nothing clicked, and she couldn’t remember having ever thrown up, just the gut feeling that she did.

“Yes, you did,” Master nodded, “I’ve got food prepped upstairs for you. I’ll be right back, sweet girl.”

Master left after giving Lea a kiss on the cheek. Lea took the time to try and read some of the things on the bookshelf, but the letters were too far away to be able to see clearly. Master was back shortly with another clear baggy filled with what looked like water and a plate of food.

“Alright, darling, I’ll feed you just to make sure everything stays down,” he said, “Sit up nice and tall for me.” Lea did so obediently, and Master began feeding her bites of the warm meal. “I’ll try to explain the last few weeks the best I can.”

“Roughly three weeks ago you made a very bad choice. You and another slave worked together to attack me and escape. In the moment I was furious, and decided I didn’t want such a bad slave, so I gave you to a man. This man hurt you very badly, and likely would have killed you. While you were away from me, I had found myself thinking of you and decided to pay you a visit.

“When I arrived, you were in poor condition, and begged me to take you back. It was hard for me to see you in such pain, so I agreed and took you back to my home. The man who wanted to kill you wasn’t happy about losing that opportunity, but you were my slave again, so I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.

“These past four to five days have been a difficult recovery period for you. At some point during your stay with that man, you must have received a head injury. You’ve had all the classic symptoms, and are still dealing with a few, namely the memory loss and head pain. Now that you’re here, though, I’ve done what I can to get you back to health. Does any of that sound familiar?”

“I think I remember being with the man. I remember being really really really scared. But… why would I run away from you?” Lea frowned, her head hurt every time she felt close to remembering something of substance.

“I don’t think you understood that other Masters aren’t like me. Not many would take a week off work to nurse their slave back to health.”

“You did that for me, Master?”

“I’m doing that right now,” he nodded. Lea smiled and leaned forward to give him a half hug, careful not wanting to spill the food in between them.

“Thank you, Master,” Lea whispered, “I won’t be bad again, promise.”

Master chuckled and gave her a kiss, “Not bad like that again; I believe you. Slave, I need you to be very honest with me. If you need something or if your headache gets worse, you must tell me immediately. Understand me?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea smiled, and with the same surge in her chest added “Honestly, respectfully, out loud, and with Master.”

Master gave her a big smile at that for some reason, and Lea got lots of kisses on her cheeks, “Such a good girl!”

“Master…?” Lea asked after a few more bites of food.


“Promise you’re not bad, right?”

“Every word I say to you in a promise, slave,” Master said, and after a moment added a quiet, “Promise.”


Head injuries are no joke! That and insane amount of trauma can really mess with a girl's mind...

Chapter 15: Tour Guide John


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The meal Master had made for her was wonderful, and as he fed her small bites of it, Lea could feel some strength returning. Her head hurt less, she found it easier to sit up, and she her mind was clearer. As Master fed her the last bite, Lea noticed a strange saltiness in the back of her throat was wasn’t present in the food itself. She swallowed a few times, but the taste remained.


“Thankful for the meal, slave?” Master asked. Lea knew what he intended with the question.

“Oh yes, Master,” she worshiped, “It was so wonderful. Thank you so much, Master, it was delicious!”

“Good girl,” Master said as he gathered up the plate and fork together on the tray.

“Master?” Lea asked again, waiting for a nod of approval before continuing, “Could I have some water, please?”

“Hmmm, thirsty, slave? I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I’m going to give you another round of fluids regardless. I’ll do that first then get you a cup.”

Lea thanked him for being so thoughtful and watched as he worked. She found it interesting how quickly he switched the old clear bag with a filled one. He barely even glanced at his hands as they finished hooking everything up. Once that task was out of the way, Master passed by through the two large bookshelves across from her. Lea could hear water running across the room and Master returned with a large cup in hand, complete with a long pink straw.

Lea stared at the cup now in her hands, oddly transfixed by the straw bent in her direction. A strange mixture of familiarity, comfort, and unease was stirred up by the straw. Without any obvious connection, a name cleared through the fog in her mind.

“Rainforest Café?” Lea asked, looking up at Master in hopes that he might provide clarification.

“You’re right. What else?”

Lea frowned, staring at the straw with furrowed eyebrows. Nothing else came to mind until she actually put the straw against her lips for a taste. Flashes of memories, disjointed and unordered, swirled around in a confusing mixture. Lea’s head hurt as she tried to piece things together.

“We were in bed… eating food?” Lea asked, but Master only urged her to continue. Lea’s mind sorted through the imagery before a scene played out clearly in her mind, “You’re a pink bendy straw kind of guy.”

Master chuckled and gave her a kiss, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Oh yeah, everything about you screams ‘pink bendy straw’”

“Good, wouldn’t want to be giving off the wrong impression,” Master said with the slightest smirk. Lea laughed and took an eager sip from the straw.

“Master?” Lea asked once the cup was almost empty, “Where did you get the water from?”

“Good question, my little slave,” Master said, and Lea’s heart soared from the praise, “I think it may be time for you to get a proper tour of your new room, hm?”


“Yes, you stayed somewhere else for most of your time with me. Fortunately you are past that point in your training. You’ve made excellent progress, slave.”

“Thank you, Master!” Lea was more than thrilled to hear that her Master was pleased with her.

“I’ll carry you to save your energy. I want you to be careful not to pull on the IV while we’re walking,” Master said. He lifted her slowly, one arm around her back and the other under her knees. He easily shifted her into place, freeing up a hand to wheel the IV stand around alongside them. Lea snuggled in eagerly against Masters chest; she loved the way he smelled.

“I think someone would like a tour of their room, isn’t that so?” Master asked with a playful tone. Lea giggled and nodded excitedly. She got one more kiss on the top of her head before they began. Master started by stepping back and turning so Lea could get the full view of her bed. There were copious amounts of pillows and blankets now messily strewn across the mattress. Lining the ceiling around the corner that the bed was pressed against, hung multi-colored Christmas lights which shone rainbows down onto the white bed.

“I love it, Master, thank you!” Lea said, and sat up enough to kiss the bottom of his chin. Master smiled down at her and slowly pressed his lips against hers. Lea eagerly kissed back, letting out a soft whimper of pleasure. Master pulled back first, ignoring Lea’s noises of displeasure.

“Under the bed there are drawers with spare pillows and blankets. You’re allowed to use them whenever you’d like.”

“Thank you, Master,” Lea smiled up at him. Master walked over to the bookshelf facing the foot of the bed.

“These bookshelves have a variety of entertainment for you while I am away. Books, puzzles, and games. Perhaps there will be time for us to do some of them together.”

“Oh, yes please!” Lea smiled. She was eager to look at everything the two large bookshelves had to offer. Master walked through the space between the pair into the area of the room hidden earlier. Here, Lea could see what looked like a kitchen and dining room.

“To the right is a space to eat, as well as some storage. These drawers have your clothes. For now, I will dress you, but you may earn more freedom with that in time.

“To the left is the kitchen. There’s a fridge, sink, and microwave for you to use, and plenty of counter space to work with as well. For now I will precook your meals to ensure you’re getting a proper balance of nutrients.”

“Thank you, Master,” Lea smiled, “What’s in there?”

Lea pointed to a large metal door dividing the kitchen and dining area. It was quite an imposing sight as it stretched from ceiling to floor with a high-tech keypad near the door handle.

“That is for later. Through this door, however,” Master continued in through a smaller door in the kitchen, “Is the bath. It’s a bit small, but it has the essentials.”

Master’s definition of small must have been different than Lea’s, as in this bathroom was a full sized standing bathtub, sink, mirror, toilet, and a generous amount of cupboards.

“This is amazing, Master! Thank you!” She smiled.

Master took her back through the kitchen and past the bookshelves into the area Lea could see from her bed. Here were a set of chairs and a comfortable looking couch divided by a wooden table. Just like on the other side of the room, a large metal door with a glowing keypad divided the room.

“May I ask what’s behind this door, Master?” Lea asked

“You may respectfully ask anything you’d like, though, I won’t guarantee an answer.”

“What’s behind that door?” Lea asked cautiously. Master said nothing, and simply stared at her with a silent shake of the head. She dropped the topic, but stared over Master’s shoulder at the door as he carried her back to bed. Master tucked her carefully under the covers before sliding in bed next to her.

“Did you enjoy your adventure, slave?” Master ask. As he spoke he settled the blankets on top of both of them and carefully laid the IV chord across his lap.

“Yes, Master, thank you again.”

“You’re welcome, slave. Now, time for you to rest.”

“But- Im not tired!” Lea protested; she was enjoying spending time with Master far too much to go to sleep now.

“It’s time for you to rest,” he repeated, this time with a stern tone that dared Lea to defy him. She looked down and nodded, sullen but accepting.

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl. I’ll be here when you wake. Sweet dreams, my slave.”

Master helped her settle in comfortably without twisting the IV and turned off the lights overhead. Once Lea was lying on her back with her face pressed against Master’s arm, she suddenly felt quite tired. It wasn’t long before she found her thoughts drifting.

Thoughts of the room, Christmas lights and bendy straws, swirled in her mind. She felt happy, protected, and safe. In between the feelings of warmth stood a large and imposing structure. The metal door was cold in a room of warmth, and it began to leech the color from around it. Rapidly the door stood alone, ominous in the darkness.

With nowhere to go but through, Lea tentatively reached for the door, but found it swung open before she could touch the metal surface. Behind her was darkness, but through the door was nothingness, somehow worse than the black. A cruel laugh echoed just behind her ears, and Lea flinched, accidentally sending herself tumbling through the doorframe. She fell through the nothingness until she hit solid ground with a hard hit to the head.

She lay still and squeezed her eyes shut to cope with the pain. Lea must have fallen at least two stories, but after a while the pain dulled. Lea groaned and tried to sit up, but found that she couldn’t move. Panic gripped her chest, sending shivers down her neck and spine. She couldn’t even open her eyes.

Cruel laughter boomed into both ears and from beneath her a warm liquid began to rise. The pace was rapid, and in seconds Lea was submerged in the unknown substance to her neck. The cruel laugh turned into a taunting voice, daring her to sit up and save herself. The liquid filled her ears, then covered her eyes, filled her nose, and eventually flooded her mouth. It was blood.

A large hand yanked her deeper beneath the surface, and Lea sank limply deeper into the pool of blood until she came out the other side. With her nose and mouth now free of blood, Lea eagerly caught her breath. Horrifyingly, breathing was the only movement she could manage to control.

“You and I are going to have so much fun together,” Keamy whispered, his cheek pressed against the back of her neck. Lea was naked, and wet with her own blood.

“Mmmm!!” Lea tried to scream, but all that came out was the faintest whisper of a moan.

“I know you can’t see, so I’ll let you know I finally got that needle I was telling you about. You know, the one that’ll reach allllll the way to your brain?” Keamy said. Lea would have flinched when he stuck a finger deep in her ear.

“I’ll just stick in through here and wiggle it around. It’ll be fun to see how much of your brain I can ruin before you actually die.”

He laughed loudly in her ear, and Lea felt the cold sharp point of the syringe drag a line of blood up her arm, neck, and cheek. Her ears were filled with Keamy’s laughter, and Lea could do nothing as she felt the needle ghost the edge of her ear. A deathly silence filled the air- no laughter, no screams, before the needle sunk down and filled Lea’s head with a blinding and ungodly pain.

She screamed in agony, hands clamped over her ears as she fought to protect them against Keamy’s needles. Her head hurt horribly and she could hear his laughter just behind her neck. Lea screamed in absolute terror.

She felt his hands on her body, roughly pulling her arms down to try and get the needle back into her brain. He was trying to kill her. Lea couldn’t breathe, and felt her stomach turn. He was going to kill her.

“LEANA!!” Masters voice cut through Keamy’s laughter. “Open your mouth NOW!!”

He was yelling at her; he was furious. Still terrified, Lea opened her mouth and felt blood drip down her chin. Master slapped her hard across the face.

“Dammit, slave! What have you done?!”

He was mad at her, Lea was terrified, both that Keamy was nearby to kill her and now that she had done something to seriously upset Master. She clamped her hands down tightly over her ears, the feeling of Keamy’s presence loomed unseen nearby. She peeked her eyes open to try and see what Master was upset by.

“I said open your mouth, slave! Now!!” Master yelled. Lea thought she had already done so, but instead found her teeth clamped down tight. She opened again, feeling the blood trace down her chin once more. This time she felt Master’s hand roughly yank her chin towards him, and his fingers invaded her mouth.

“Dammit!” He cursed again. Lea couldn’t see Keamy, but she could feel him. She could feel the needles in her skin, tracing up to her ears. She could feel his breath on her bare neck as he laughed at her misery. He wasn’t here, she could see it plainly, and yet he was here all the same.

She sobbed miserably. Keamy was sure to kill her now that she’d upset Master again. Why would he want such a worthless slave? Her chest tightened, and Lea struggled to take a breath; instead she resorted to short shallow gasps or air.

“Dammit, slave! This is deep!” Master’s fingers roughly poked inside of her bleeding mouth. Lea sobbed, choked on some blood, and then sobbed all the harder. Through her tears she could see Master pull away from her and run a bloody hand through his blonde curls. Lea had gotten Master bloody.

“I’m so- Im sorry, Ma-Master,” Lea said, her words coming on every rapid breath. She felt suffocated, and the taste of blood only reminded her more of Keamy, “I’m sorry, Master, I’m so-“

“Alright, slave,” Master sighed. He sounded upset. Lea continued her string of apologies and Master let out a long deep sigh

“Alright, slave,” Master said again, but this time his voice was soft, and his hands were gentle as they pulled her into his lap. He rubbed circles on her back and pressed kisses into her hair. He said nothing, only gently soothing her until Lea eventually pulled her hands away from her ears to wrap them tightly around his chest.

“I’m sorry, Master!!” Lea sobbed hard. She was a bad girl; worthless, ugly, and useless.

“You need to take a deep breath. You’re hyperventilating,” Master ordered, and Lea tried to follow his order, “Watch me. In through your nose, and out through your mouth. Good. Again.”

Master walked her through each breath, holding her firmly against him. Her ear was pressed safely against his chest, and Lea found comfort in his steady heartbeat. She found herself timing her breaths with his heart, eventually coming to a calm pace.

“Better,” Master said. Now that Lea’s breathing was under control, she felt a sharp ache on her left inner cheek.

“I’m sorry, Master, I didn’t even know I was doing that…”

“You weren’t responding to me at all. I probably shouldn’t have reacted so strongly… but it greatly distressed me to see you in pain.”

“I’m happy you stopped me, Master,” Lea said, unable to meet his gaze. “I don’t know why I did that.”

“You were panicked,” Master said, “It must have been a horrible dream.”

“I don’t…” Lea said thoughtfully, “I don’t think it was a dream, Master. It felt like he was right there.”


“Keamy, he hurt me.”

Master was silent for a moment, and Lea felt her chest tighten again as she worried she had upset him once more.

“You remember him then,” Master sighed, “I was hoping you would have blocked that out. I’m not sure what was in your dream, but Martin, or Mr. Keamy as you will call him, did hurt you a great deal. Memories of what he did to you may or may not return in time, but know this- he will never hurt you again. Do you know why?”

Lea shook her head and looked up at him tearfully.

“Because you’re mine. I won’t let anyone else harm you ever again.”


“Leana,” Master sighed, and Lea gave a slight smile.

“I know, every word you say to me is a promise. I just…. I like to hear it.”

“So demanding,” Master shook his head and gave her a reassuring wink, “Well my slave, I promise.”

Lea smiled, and pulled herself deeper into Master’s chest, pressing many kisses into his chest hair. She felt so safe with him.

“Come now, help me gather the blankets to be cleaned and I’ll get us both cleaned up. The fortunate side of a mouth wound is that they tend to heal quicker than others. The unfortunate side is they are prone to infection. I will have to give you a detailed schedule of oral care.”

“Yes, Master, I’m sorry I did that.”

“I’m sorry too, but what’s done is done. Let’s not hurt yourself like that ever again, alright?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Promise?” Master asked with a smirk and Lea giggled.


Master set aside the IV that had been ripped out in her struggles, and carried Lea into the bathroom. There he washed the blood from out of her mouth and off their bodies. He gathered the bloodied blankets and formed a pile by the door. Master helped her get changed into a new pair of comfy PJs before helping her back into bed.

“I’m glad you’re here, Master,” Lea said, still happily holding onto his chest. “In the dream I was all alone with- with-“

She could feel her chest tighten and breathing rapidly increase. Lea pressed her ear against Master’s chest to listen to his soothing heartbeat.

“I’m here, slave, it’s alright,” Master said, a gentle hand on her back, “I have an idea; let’s play a game, hm? Why don’t you go and pick one out for us.”

“Really?” Lea smiled, sitting up immediately and turning towards the bookshelves.

“Really,” Master chuckled, “Go on, you choose.”


Let me know what game you would like to see Lea and our neighborhood psychopath play in the next chapter! :)

Chapter 16: Winner Winner


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The options were endless. Each of the bookshelves stretched just shy of the ceiling, and each row was brimming with a wide array of games, puzzles, and books. Lea didn’t even recognize most of them. She glanced over her shoulder at Master who was gathering some new blankets from the storage by her bed. Hopefully Master would enjoy whatever she chose.

Lea grabbed a few games she recognized; Monopoly, Twister, and Scrabble. She returned to Master with the pile tucked under her chin.

“We’re playing all three?” he asked with an eyebrow quirked upwards.

Lea giggled and shook her head, “I couldn’t decide. Will you help me pick?”

“I will always be happy to make decisions for you, slave,” Master chuckled, “Lets see what you have. Hmm… Monopoly is good, I like that game. Scrabble is not my favorite. Twister could be fun as well, but I’m not sure you have the strength.”

“I do!” Lea said quickly and Master laughed.

“Is this the one you were hoping I’d pick?”

“…Maybe…” Lea giggled.

“Alright, but I’ll have to unhook your IV. You go get this set up over there,” Master said, gesturing to a bit of open space in the area between the bed and the couch, “I’ll get you some water.”

“Pink bendy straw, please,” Lea smirked and Master laughed. He unhooked her IV and gave her a few kisses before heading to the kitchen.

Lea grabbed the box and headed to the open space Master had pointed out. She grabbed the mat out of the box and laid it onto the hardwood. As she did so, she found her eyes darting over to the large metal door dividing the room in half.

The door was imposing, and made Lea feel very small. She found that though she very much wanted to, she could not take her eyes away from it. Something felt oddly familiar about that door…

“Having trouble with the mat, slave?” Master asked. Lea jumped and she spun around to find Master standing behind her and the half laid out mat. “The pink bendy straw was dirty so it’s purple this time.”

“Close enough,” Lea smiled, “Thank you, Master!” She took the cup and took a few eager sips as Master finished setting up the game.

”If we’re both playing, who will spin the wheel?” Master asked, laying out the paper wheel that contained the directions for the game.

“We’ll have to spin it ourselves, I guess,” Lea shrugged, “If you can’t spin it, you lose.”

“Makes sense. Who should go first?” Master asked.

“-Master first-”

“-Ladies first-,” the pair said in unison. Lea and Master both cracked up and Master pushed the wheel over to Lea, “You go.”

“Thank you, Master,” Lea smiled.

She spun the wheel, giggling in excitement as she watched it spin around. It came to a slow stop, and Lea put her right hand on a green circle. The first few rounds went by without much difficulty; Master and Lea placed their hands and feet on random colored circles on the mat.

Eventually, things got difficult. Master had his arms and legs stretched out across the mat, looking as if he was doing a yoga pose. Lea had her legs crossed, and arms twisted over each other, looking like a human pretzel.

Lea carefully reached out to spin the wheel, and both Lea and Master laughed at what it landed on. She had to put her hand on the color Master’s body was fully blocking. Carefully setting her balance with her feet, Lea reached forward and just barely caught herself from falling.

Now Lea’s face was smushed right against Master’s and she couldn’t stop giggling. Master pressed kiss after kiss against her cheek and Lea didn’t dare pull away lest she risk losing.

“No fair!” Lea giggled, “You’re going to make me fall!”

Master just chuckled and kissed her all the more. Lea laughed and wobbled, but her balance stayed strong.

“Your turn, Master!”

Both of them watched the wheel spin round and round.

“That one’s so easy!!” Lea protested with a laugh as Master shifted to a more comfortable position.

“Your go slave,” Master laughed, seeming quite pleased with how the game was going.

“Can you spin it for me?” Lea asked, knowing it would be very difficult for her to reach it with her body twisted as it was.

“Hmmm….” Master mused, “I might be convinced… if you’re persuasive enough.”

“Could you please please please spin the wheel for me, Master?” Lea asked, trying to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes she could, though with her head halfway upside down it must have looked pretty strange.

Master laughed, but reached over and spun it.

“Yes!” Lea grinned at the result, now able to move her arm back to a far easier spot, “I was so close to falling.”

“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” Master said. Lea peered over his shoulder to see what he had to do and laughed when she saw.

“Good luck, Master,” Lea giggled. Master looked at the mat with a tilted head before reaching his leg under Lea’s arm.

“Move, slave,” Master said, but his tone held no authority.

“Hmmm,” Lea said in a mock deep voice, “I might be convinced.”

“Ohhhh, slave,” Master said, leaning forward so that his face was close to hers, “Are you teasing your Master?”

“Not teasing, Master, imitating. It’s a form of flattery.”

“Smart ass,” Master laughed, and kicked her arm out of his way as he stepped on the color he needed. Lea wobbled, but Master reached out a hand and caught her shoulder before she fell.

“Careful, slave.”

“You kicked me!”

“Your turn,” he winked. Lea spun and giggled maniacally as she moved to an even easier position than before. She watched as Master took his turn and realized he would likely not be able to reach the needed color from his position.

Lea suddenly felt quite nervous. Master’s brows furrowed and head tilted as he looked at the mat, clearly coming to the same conclusion. Lea wondered if she should fall, throw the game, and avoid upsetting Master.

She didn’t move fast enough, as Master reached for the needed color, but lost his balance and fell against the hardwood. Lea dropped her position instantly and nervously looked over, trying to read his body language for signs of anger.

He rubbed the elbow he landed on, but sat up otherwise unfazed. He must of saw her worried expression, as he co*cked his head, “What’s the matter, slave?”

“Nothing! I just… I thought you might have been upset?”

“About what?”

“Losing the game…”

“Oh slave,” Master laughed harshly, “I’m not losing the game.”

Lea frowned, unnerved by his laugh and confused by his words. Master put the spinning wheel back in the box and began to refold the mat. Lea yawned loudly, surprised at how tired she felt.

“Finish your water. I want you to get another cup in you before bed.”

“Yes, Master,” Lea said. Master cleaned up the game and Lea finished up her water.

With Master’s help Lea brushed her teeth, washed her faced, and got ready for bed. In no time at all Master had helped her into fresh PJs and was tucking her under the covers.

“You aren’t sleeping with me, Master?” Lea asked, worried she had somehow upset him.

“Not tonight. I’m going back to work in a few hours,” He said. Lea felt sorely disappointed, and even felt tears well up in her eyes. “Oh my sweet girl, it’s alright. I’ll be back before you know it.”

”Can you cuddle for a little bit?” Lea asked.

“I wish I could, but I need to write instructions for when you wake up. You’ll need to eat, drink plenty of water, and keep your mouth cleaned while I’m gone. That list will take time to write.”

Lea nodded and pulled the blanket up to hide her frown.

“I’ll tell you what,” Master said, “When I get back, we can lay in bed and play Monopoly together. How does that sound?”

“I might be convinced,” Lea smiled and Master chuckled. He kissed the top of her head and Lea felt her heart soar. “Thank you so much, Master. I’m really happy to be your slave.”

“I’m really happy to be your Master.”

Lea tried to stay up as late as she could. She watched Master clean up the room for a bit and sit down to write the list. Lea felt so happy, she couldn’t remember ever feeling so wonderful in her life. Before long, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


When Lea woke, Master was gone. Even though she knew he would be, she still felt sad. She had enjoyed her time with him so much, it was difficult to be alone. She looked for the note he had written her, and found it folded neatly on the stool near her bed with her name written in messy cursive on top: ‘Leana’

She quickly unfolded it and read through each line. Master had left detailed instructions on how and when to clean her mouth and drink water. The note also said he left a pre-cooked meal in the fridge that she could heat up whenever she needed. At the bottom of the instructions was a tiny added note: ‘Be good. - Master’

Lea smiled happily and immediately hopped out of bed. She was already hungry, but needed to make sure her mouth was clean before her meal. She took the note with her to the bathroom so she wouldn’t mess up a single step.

Once her mouth was thoroughly cleaned, Lea eagerly opened the fridge to find a glass container filled with meat, veggies, and potatoes. Her stomach growled. As the food spun in the microwave, Lea poured herself a large cup of water from the sink.

Too hungry to wait, Lea didn’t even bother moving the food onto a plate, instead she opted for shoveling the meal down straight from the reheated container. With food in her belly and time on her hands, Lea felt the urge to stretch her legs.

She started by looking through the bookshelves. With each shelf practically overflowing, she felt slightly overwhelmed by the options. Instead she turned to look at the corner of the room that had felt off earlier. It was just a living room; brown couch, wooden table, yellow chairs, green rug, and giant secret metal door.

The door held a sort of negative energy; Lea could barely look at it, but at the same time, took a few slow steps toward it. Her eyebrows furrowed, feeling a deep sense of familiarity amongst a sea of negative emotions. The door drew fear, anger, hopelessness, pain, anxiety, and desperation.

Lea was standing right in front of it. The top loomed over her and the sides stretched out just a little too wide. The keypad glowed a faint blue. Cautiously, Lea reached out a shaking hand towards the handle. Her finger tips barely ghosted the metal, when the fog in her mind cleared like a ray of sun parting storm-clouds. Lea remembered.

She remembered the other room; cold, dark, and barren, lit only by an overhead florescent bulb. She remembered being chained, naked and dripping wet. She remembered Master taunting her, hitting her. She remembered him forcing her to touch his feet, to drink his piss, to worship him. She remembered the first feelings of absolute terror when she first laid eyes on him.

Not only did the memories of all the horrible things Mr. J had done rush back in an instant, Lea also recalled memories that felt centuries old. Her fish who she loved so dearly, Mr. Bubbles, swimming in his tank after she had stolen him from the pet store. She didn’t have any cash on her at the time, and couldn’t leave him once she saw him suffering in the tiny cup. He was probably dead now that she wasn’t there to feed him.

Lea felt tears run down her cheeks. She remembered her mom. Not a perfect mother, always criticizing her about something, but still loving. Lea remembered their annual birthday tradition of trying to make a cake without a recipe and failing dramatically each year.

Lea remembered the last conversation she had had with her mom before being taken. It was just a simple phone call on her way to work. She had seen a dog that had looked just like the one they had growing up. Her mom complaining about the price of gas. Lea complained about having to pay for parking. That was it. At least they had said I love you.

Lea remembered being little and in school. She had a collection of pencils that she brought with her everywhere. She had a different pencil for each subject and a different color for each day of the week. She remembered throwing the pencils away after being teased about them.

Lea crumpled to the floor. She had had a life; a good life, a life before all of this. How could she have felt so happy just hours ago? She had cuddled the man who took her away from everyone and everything she loved.

Lea felt disgust and hatred burn inside of her chest, fighting violently against the waves of gratitude and affection. More strongly than anything, however, she felt confusion and guilt. This man had trafficked, tortured, and hurt her. She hated him for it. But this man also saved her; he didn’t have to take her from Keamy but he did. As bad as he was, he wasn’t the worst.


The sound triggered another memory, an order she had not obeyed since her arrival back at Master’s home. Even though she was not by the door, Lea felt it was still in her best interest to come into a kneel. Master entered and sighed deeply.

“You remembered, hm?” Master asked, though his tone was not a question. He knew.

“Yes, Master.”

“How much?” He asked from across the room; neither of them moved to bridge the gap.


Master was silent, his face difficult to read. “I suppose you don’t want to play Monopoly in bed, then, hm?”

The idea she had been so eager to accept the night before now filled Lea with disgust. She had every right to feel disgusted by the man, and yet she felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. He had saved her; he was Master.

“No thank you, Master,” Lea said respectfully, still kneeling. Master sighed once more, but this time deeper and lengthier with his head hanging low. Lea couldn’t tell if he was genuinely disappointed or not.

“Well, “ Master said, “Alright then. Crawl to me, slave.”

Lea did as ordered, now knowing the consequences of disobedience. She crawled on her hands and knees. The hardwood was difficult for her already bruised knees, but the soft pajamas he had given her made the trip more comfortable. Lea stopped and knelt by his feet. She needed no prompting, and leaned down to kiss his shoes.

Master smiled down at her, and Lea hated that she smiled back.

“We will continue you’re training now, slave,” Master said, “Though your memories have returned, you are still recovering, so I don’t expect perfection. If you forget to follow an order we have already established, I will remind you before jumping to punishment.”

“Thank you, Master,” Lea said, feeling genuinely relieved. Though her head felt clearer, she knew there would be mistakes made and she wasn’t eager to repeat any punishments. “What is there left in my training?”

“I plan to review everything you learned before Martin, and then teach you knew skills and rules moving forward.”

“What are the new rules and skills, Master?” Lea asked. She hated the feeling of some unknown horror waiting for her in the near future. She would much rather know what to expect.

Master chuckled, and shook his head.

“What is it, Master?”

“You know, I can’t tell if you’re asking that to test me, or if you genuinely believe it would be helpful.”

“I think it would be helpful, Master!” Lea answered, perhaps a bit too eagerly as Master gave her a quizzical look, “I don’t want to be in training forever, I think it would be good if I knew what I have left to learn.”

Master hummed thoughtfully and regarded her for more than a few moments. “Alright, slave. I agree that having clear goals and milestones can be helpful. I don’t see any harm in being transparent with my expectations for you.

“We will begin by reviewing the skills and rules previously established, and build on them in time. You’ve already been trained on how to speak to me, how to greet me when I enter a room, and how to kneel properly. That one needs reviewing,” Master said, kicking her feet into position.

“You’ve learned to worship me, drink my piss, and worship my feet. We will review these skills and add slight variations to them. You will learn how to address other men who are not me, more extensive foot worship, drinking piss without spilling, and how to kneel in different positions. Questions?”

Lea didn’t know what she expected, but hearing everything laid out so plainly left her feeling frightened. Her mouth was too dry to speak, so she just shook her head.

“If this is not going to be beneficial for you, slave, I suggest we stop this conversation now.”

“No, Master,” Lea said after a few swallows, “I want to know.”

“What are your thoughts so far, slave. Do these goals sound achievable?”

“Some are… some are more achievable sounding than others, Master,” Lea said tactfully.

“Be specific, slave, as long as you aren’t rude I won’t take offense to your distaste.”

“I think I can handle the worship, the kneeling, learning how to speak properly… it’s the… the foot worship and… piss that I- I- I don’t know…”

“Unsurprising. Those tasks are degrading and difficult, but you’ve done them before and I will be here to help you do them again. Shall we continue?”

For some reason, Lea found his words reassuring. Her memory of the foot worship was unpleasant, but not horrible. If Master was there to help her, Lea thought it wouldn’t be so bad.

“Yes, please, Master,” Lea said. She wanted to know.

“These things will be frightening and impossible sounding, but know that they will take time,” Master prefaced, “Eventually, you will learn to pleasure me, different positions and skills- you’re panicked. I won’t go into detail, slave, I don’t intend on upsetting you. Know that I won’t ever touch you unless you ask me for it.”

Lea’s breathing was ragged, despite her attempts at taking deep breaths like Master had taught her. The thought of ‘pleasuring’ him made her panic. She breathed in through her nose, but her throat hitched and she found she couldn’t quite catch her breath.

Master knelt down in front of her and very slowly reached out a hand. His palm ghosted across her cheek and very gently tilted her chin up so that she looked up at him. He smiled at her kindly, concern plain on his face.

“I won’t touch you unless you ask me for it,” Master said, “Have I touched you yet?”

“No, Master,” Lea said, calming down ever so slightly with the knowledge.

“I haven’t touched you yet, because you’ve never asked for it,” Master said, his grey eyes somehow warmed by his tone, “I know this is hard- impossible even- but you’ve done so well! I’ll be right here the entire time.”

“I- I don’t want to… I don’t-” Lea struggled to find the words to make her disgust respectful.

“I know, and I don’t blame you for feeling resistance to being a slave, especially now that you remember what it was like before. You remember freedom, but I’m sure you also remember enjoying these past few days of servitude.

“Training will be difficult. Learning new things is never easy especially when some of those things are admittedly … gross. We will go as slow as needed, I won’t push you any more than necessary- and I will always be here for you. I care about you, Leana, and I’m so proud of how well you’ve done so far.”

“I- I- I-” Lea sputtered. She hated him. She hated that he pulled her away from her mom, her fish, her life. She hated him for making her do things she didn’t want to. But most of all, she hated that he was kind. She hated that he was patient, that he looked out for her, that he cared for her. She hated even more that she felt the same way about him.

“I think I need a hug, Master,” Lea whispered, tears in her eyes. Master’s strong arms easily pulled Lea from the cold floor into his chest. He was warm and like always, smelled wonderful.

Lea’s chin quivered. She wanted to bury her face in his chest, seek the comfort she knew he could give her so easily. But she knew she shouldn’t want it, not from the man who had done so many awful things.

Looking up at him, Lea glared through confused tears. His blonde curls were messier today, falling down in front of his glasses. Without thinking, Lea reached up and brushed them back.

“I don’t want this,” she whispered.

“Hm. I don’t think that’s true,” Master said, “Not all the way.”

“I… I-” Lea started, but the lump rising in her throat caught her voice.

“You need a hug.”

“Not from you,” Lea said angrily. This is how she should react, with anger and spite. She should fight like Vex, she should hate him. When the words left her lips, however, Lea knew it was a lie, and she shoved her face into his chest and sobbed.

Master said nothing about her moment of defiance, probably seeing right through her facade of hate. Lea wasn’t lying when she had told him she didn’t want this, but Master was right too. Lea didn’t want this, but a small, horrible, disgusting part of her needed it.


Just for clarification purposes- there are things that Lea has not fully remembered or is remembering incorrectly. (Rn this includes the sex/rape after coming home from Keamys!)

Chapter 17: Should

Chapter Text

She hated him.

Lea crouched between his knees, perched precariously on the balls of her feet with her back straight, head forward, and eyes down. Sweat dripped down her brow and stung her eyes. She flinched, but didn’t dare risk falling again. Her eyes were staring at his socks, but her peripheral vision captured the riding crop he twirled around his thumb. Her bare ass still stung.

“What position is this?” Master asked.

“Position three, Master,” Lea said, her voice tight as she used every bit of strength and coordination to stay upright.

“Good,” Master said, and gave her the tiniest peck on the top of her head. Lea fought the smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Position two.”

Lea eagerly dropped down, her naked chest hitting the soft green rug and her chin resting perfectly between his toes. Lea pulled her knees up under her hips and thrusted her ass high in the air. She remembered what must have been days or weeks ago when he first taught her this position, how embarrassed and uncomfortable it had made her feel. Now, after learning positions three, four, and five, this one Lea performed eagerly.

Master stood, his socked feet rubbing against her cheek as he walked behind her. Lea felt the riding crop trace a line up her back and circle figure eights along her ass. She felt no fear. She had done everything correctly.

Over these recent days of training, Lea had learned that Master was a very strict man, and followed a firm rulebook. Lea was still learning all of the rules, but she took comfort in knowing that punishment would never come undeserved. He would never hit her without cause. So even as he moved the crop to rub against her cl*t, Lea knew he would not hurt her.

“Position five.”

Lea stifled a groan. She sat up, twisting her back slightly for a brief moment of relief before pulling her feet under her ass. She lifted up onto the balls of her feet, but kept her ass hobering just above her heels. The tricky part was using her elbows to spread her knees wide without losing balance. She moved slowly, stretching her legs as wide apart as her body let her.

Master circled her once more, and this time when the riding crop ghosted her cheek, Lea felt nervous. Her body was shaking, ready to collapse from exhaustion or a muscle cramp at any moment. This form was still new to her, and Lea could have easily missed a step.

“Very good. I can see your legs shaking,” Master said. Lea couldn’t drop her concentration even for the moment it would take to respond. “Position zero.”

Lea’s heart rate spiked. She could not remember anything about a position zero. Her knees dropped, and she looked around for anything to help trigger a memory. Master’s chuckle drew her gaze.

“I’m sorry, slave, I was only teasing,” he grinned, and with one hand under her arm, easily pulled her off the ground and into his lap.

Lea found herself routinely surprised and frightened by his casual displays of strength. Though his arms didn’t appear to be Rock-sized, she could tell where they bulged against the sleeves of his shirt. Lea swallowed awkwardly, and struggled to make eye contact.

“I’m all sweaty, Master…”

“Oh,” Master laughed, “Is that what you’re worried about?”

“I don’t want to ruin your shirt,” Lea said, looking down at the sweat stain she had already left on his shirt collar. Master grabbed the loose ends of his shirt and rubbed it all the way across her forehead.

“There, now it’s ruined- totally unusable actually,” Master smirked, and Lea laughed.

“Hopefully it wasn’t your favorite,” she said, “Since you’ll have to toss this one.”

“This is incredibly unfortunate. How can I ever forgive you for this, slave?”

“I dunno if it’s possible,” Lea chuckled and Master gave her a warm smile. Lea grinned back. His eyes wrinkled at the sides when he smiled; and when he laughed, every now and then his tongue would poke out just slightly between his teeth. His blue eyes sparkled as he looked at her. Lea’s smile faded, and her eyes dropped.

She hated him. How could he make her spend hours on her knees, hit her over and over and yet still make her feel so … giddy. He was charming, and Lea found it harder and harder to resist the feelings she was trying so desperately to deny.

“I think it might be time for a bath, slave, what do you think?”

“And a cup water, maybe, Master?”

“That sounds doable. I’ll get the bath running, go ahead and grab a cup from the sink.”

Master gave her a kiss on the lips before setting her down and heading for the bathroom. Lea fetched herself some water and took eager gulps. Eventually, she met Master outside the bathroom door.

“Let’s review your expectations for the bath before we go in,” Master said, taking a knee to be on her level. “No punishments if you forget, this review is to set you up for success once inside.”

Lea truly appreciated moments like these. She felt that Master was actually invested in helping her learn and grow, rather than just jumping on any possibility for punishment.

“All of my regular rules for speaking,” Lea started, “And I…. don’t… crawl?”

“Be more specific,” Master prompted with a nod.

“I… I don’t remember, Master, I’m sorry,” Lea said, and her shoulders dropped.

“That’s alright, slave. The bathroom floor is hard tile, and because your knees are stilll healing, I’m letting you walk temporarily. However, once these cuts are gone…” Master let the end of the sentence hanging.

“I’ll crawl, Master,” Lea smiled.

“Good girl, what else is expected of you once we’re in the tub?”

“I wash you first. I do it… I do it good,” Lea said, unable to find the words to describe how he had taught her to clean him.

“You’ll worship me. Clean every inch as if it was the most pleasing thing you could be doing.”

“I can do that, Master!” Lea said eagerly. So far today, Lea had worshiped his feet without needing correction, drank half a cup of piss without vomiting, and practiced the new positions with only a few smacks on the ass to show for it. If she could finish the bath on a high note, this may be a near perfect day.

“You will do that, slave. After you,” he said and stood, gesturing forward with the palm of his hand. Lea stepped inside. The tile was cool on her feet, but the rest of her naked body was warm from the hot steam created by the running water.

“Help me undress,” Master ordered.

Lea swallowed nervously, and stepped toward him. Inches away from his body, Lea could feel his eyes looking down at her. She was never able to match his unwavering eye contact.

She started with his shirt, unbuttoning from the bottom up. Once the buttons were free, Lea pulled the shirt back off his shoulders, having to step even closer to his chest to fully reach. Once the shirt was off, Lea folded it and neatly and placed it on the counter.

Without needed any prompting, she kneeled. With slightly shaking fingers, Lea unfastened the belt directly in front of her face. She pulled it out of each loop, and set it next to the shirt. Lea then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.

She paused, and swallowed hard before pulling his pants down. Lea dropped her head instantly and busied herself with folding and refolding the pants until they were perfectly neat. When she straightened up to place them on the counter, her face was almost touching his bulging underwear.

Lea couldn’t look at it, and instead skipped to taking off his socks, folding them and placing them on the counter. With nothing else to preoccupy herself with, Lea pulled on the seam of his underwear, revealing a partially hard and yet still massive co*ck.

With it just inches from her face, Lea folded his underwear and placed it neatly on the counter. Master didn’t move or say anything, and so Lea sat with his dick nearly touching her face.

“Good girl,” Master said, “You treated my clothes very respectfully, I appreciate that. In the future you might improve by not being so frightened of my dick. Remember my promise?”

“I do, Master,” Lea nodded. He wouldn’t make any sexual advances without her asking first. He’d kept his word so far, but even a quick glance at his co*ck made Lea feel nervous.

“Good. Now,” he said, and in an instant swooped Lea off her knees, “Is my little slave ready for a bath?”

“I’m ready,” Lea said, mentally planning how she could meet his expectations. Master stepped inside and lowered them both into the hot water.

Lea immediately got to work. She grabbed the nearby loofah and used Master’s bar of soap to get it all sudsy.

“Should I go top to bottom or bottom to top tonight, Master?” Lea asked. Master grinned, and chose the former.

Lea worked very slowly, scrubbing each area of his body firmly but not roughly. She worked in tiny circles to ensure Master was cleaned thoroughly. She started with his shoulders and chest, both were broad and muscular. Once they were scrubbed and rinsed, Master lifted up his left arm for her to reach his armpit. Lea wondered why this gave her a throbbing feeling in her puss*.

She scrubbed each of his armpits, arms, and hands, before scooting back in the large tub. Master helped her reach his leg by lifting it out of the water and resting his foot on her shoulder. This also made Lea’s puss* throb slightly. She ignored the feeling, and continued cleaning Master.

The process was long, but once Master was entirely cleaned, he pulled her into his arms and littered her with tiny kisses. Lea smiled and felt her chest swell.

“You have done incredibly well today, my slave, I want you to know that I am so,” he said, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek, “so” he kissed her other cheek, “proud of you.”

Master’s lips descended on her own. He kissed her slowly but never let Lea take control. He parted her lips with his tongue, and quickly filled her mouth. Lea let out the tiniest moan, barely audible, and Master only kissed her harder. His tongue swirled deep into her mouth, and his hand held a firm grip on the back of her neck.

Just as Lea began to lean into it and kiss him back, Master pulled away. Lea leaned forward, mouth open and eyes closed for a moment before she caught herself and quickly regained her composure.

“Your turn, slave.”

Master rinsed the suds from the loofah and grabbed a separate bar of soap just for Lea. It smelled of cherry blossoms, jasmine, and vanilla. He positioned her so that she lay in his lap with her head resting against his chest. Lea closed her eyes, and let herself relax.

He scrubbed her gently, more gently that she had cleaned him, but far quicker. Every now and then Lea would get a surprise kiss or two to the top of her head.

Sadly, Lea was eventually cleaned, and the two drained the tub and dried off. Lea enjoyed the next part; Master always let her pick out her own pajamas. He had quite a lot of options, and tonight Lea chose a long sleeve shirt with matching pants. They were both a light blue with pink and purple flowers all over. Master dressed in a brown long sleeve shirt, and green boxers.

Once in bed, Lea cuddled in close. The air always felt cold after a hot bath. She had been taught almost immediately that if she were laying in bed with him, her hands needed to be doing something to make him feel good. So once Lea found a comfortable spot with her head resting on his chest, she busied her hands by gently running her fingers through his beard.

After a moment or so, Master pulled out his phone. Lea quickly closed her eyes and turned her head into his chest. Lea was never allowed to look or use his phone without special permission.

“Tomorrow you’re going to meet a friend of mine,” Master said. Lea’s fingers froze. Her heart dropped.

“M-M-Mr. Mr. K-Keamy?”

“No, you’ve already met him. No, someone else. You will address him as either Mr. Becker or Sir, understand?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea whispered. The last time she had met one of Master’s friends it had ended in disaster.

“I think you’ll like his slave. She’s a few years younger than you, but very sweet.”

For some reason, Lea felt almost angry by his words. Up until this point, the only woman he had called sweet was Lea.

“You’ve met her before?” Lea asked, almost forgetting and adding a hasty, “Master?”

“Yes, multiple times. She’s been Hans’ slave for close to two years now, I think.”

“What’s her name, Master?”

“Miku. Like I said, she’s a very sweet girl, I think you two should get along well.”

Lea seriously doubted that. She found herself wrapping her arms around Master’s chest and frowning deeply. Lea wondered if Master thought this other woman was sweeter than her. Was this Miku trying to steal her Master?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Master’s phone vibrating.

“Good timing. He’s video calling me. You can look.”

Lea heard the sound of the call starting, and Master gave a quick hello. Her head turned slowly, nervously peaking out to get a glimpse of the stranger on the phone.

The man greeted Master back, his voice gravely, but not as deep. He spoke English, but had a noticeable German accent. His hair was dark brown, cut short along the sides and straight on top. His chin was dotted with recently shaven down stubble, and he had a thick mustache that reached the corners of his mouth. He looked angry.

“Where’s Miku?” Master asked.

“She’s here,” Mr. Becker said, and the video tilted downwards to reveal the slave curled up against his chest, almost exactly how Lea was currently laying.

As soon as Lea saw Miku, she realized how misguided her initial feelings to the girl had been. Miku had long pink hair tied into pigtails by frilly laced ribbon. She had light freckles on her chubby cheeks and looked up to the camera with large eyes. Lea felt a wave of guilt and shame. This poor girl was a prisoner just like Lea; no threat at all.

A man’s finger reached into frame and flicked her between the eyes. She blinked, and looked off camera. A man’s voice barked, “Don’t be rude, say hello.”

“Hello, Mr. John,” Miku said, smiling wide to reveal white teeth with a large gap in between the front two, “And hello, Mr. John’s slave.”

“How are you enjoying the trip, Miku?” Master asked. The slave pouted, and looked off screen. The video raised once more back to Mr. Becker.

“She’s a bit annoyed because she’s not allowed to wear her outfits or collars out in public, but she’s being a good girl about it. You got to wear your favorite PJs though, hm?”

Lea noticed his general angry tone and demeanor lifted as soon as he addressed Miku. He clearly cared for her.

“I get to have my collar on inside when we’re alone,” Miku stated.

“That’s right, kitten,” Mr. Becker praised, “Are you excited to meet Leana? I hear she’s very sweet. I’m sure you two will have fun.”

“Yes, Master,” Miku’s quiet voice piped up off screen. Lea smiled wide.

“I’ll be in the hospital all morning, but I’ll be back well before you’re due to arrive.”

“Miku hasn’t eaten yet, so I’m gonna go. See you tomorrow, John.”

“Alright, good night.”

The phone call ended, and Lea snuggled in closer to Master.

Each night since returning from Keamy’s, Lea drifted off to sleep with the same mixed bag of thoughts and emotions. In his arms, Lea felt safe and protected, but also vulnerable and scared. He could so easily send her away if she made a single mistake. The thought of being returned to Keamy made her breathing quicken, and she pressed her ear against Master’s chest.

She should hate him. She did hate him- at least, that’s what she told herself. Every day, every night, she repeated it to herself. She hated him. Not because she felt intense anger or resentment, but because Lea figured that if she thought it enough, it might actually come true.

She didn’t hate him, but she should. She knew exactly what kind of horrible man he was, and what he was capable of. He had hit her and made her drink piss today and yet she found herself snuggling in closer when he kissed her forehead.

She hated him.

She hated him.

She should hate him.


Chapter 18: Mr. Becker


For those that would like , I'll have my Pinterest board linked in the main summary for this story! Hope you all enjoy meeting Mr. Becker and Miku!

Chapter Text

When Lea woke, Master was gone. White sheets crinkled around her as she stretched and turned about in bed, eyes blinking away the foggy sleep to reveal a rainbow of lights hung above her. Lea yawned, and swung her legs out to dangle off the side of the bed as she twisted and popped her back. Lea grabbed a thick book tucked under the sheets between the wall and the mattress.

She flipped through the first 8 pages, each one of them dog-eared, the corner turned in to point towards the page number. Lea didn’t bother reading any of the words written as she carefully dog-eared page nine.

Just as Lea went to close the book, a tiny slip of paper fell into her lap. Lea cringed, stomach twisting as she gently picked up the familiar piece of paper. She slowly turned the blank sheet over to reveal Master’s handwriting; ‘Be good- Master’.

As she looked at the writing for the umpteenth time, Lea recalled how different things had felt when she had first gotten this note. A simple list of instructions with this written at the bottom. She had been so blissfully happy, ignorant really, but happy. Though the rest of the note had been tossed, she had yet to find the will to throw this bit away. Lea tucked the note and book safely behind her pillow.

Nine. Not nine days per say, as Lea had no real way of tracking time in the traditional sense, but rather nine visits from Master. Lea knew he worked at a hospital, so these visits were likely twelve or more hours apart. It was the best she could do to have some semblance of time in a room without windows or clocks.

Lea headed to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water from the tap. It was ice cold. Only after was half way through, did Lea notice the neatly folded note on the counter with her name written in cursive on top. Lea almost dropped the cup in her haste to read the note.


Hans and his girl will be here this evening. I expect you and the room to look absolutely spotless. There is food and drinks prepped in the fridge. You will set the them out when the timer beeps. Pick out whichever lingerie you’d prefer, they are in the top right cupboard. Do NOT disappoint me tonight, slave.

See you soon- Master’

Lea looked around for the timer, only just now noticing a small plastic timer set underneath the paper. Her heart began to race. Either Master had a shorter shift today, or she had seriously over-slept. The timer read fourteen hours, nineteen minutes, and counting. Though the room wasn’t dirty by any means, Lea knew Master was expecting perfection, and four hours left her barely any time to achieve it. She needed to get moving- now.

Letting the note drop back to the counter, Lea bolted to the bed. She knew that in order to get the entire place cleaned in just a few hours she would need to work fast. There’d be no sense in bathing now only to work up a sweat later.

As Lea finished smoothing out every wrinkle on the freshly made bed, she tried to take deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Tonight was going to be a test, there was no question. After her horrible mistake when meeting Keamy, Master would undoubtably be watching her closely. She needed to impress.

Once the bed was made, Lea moved to the living room, using a wet rag to clean off every surface in sight. As she cleaned the wooden table, Lea tried to mentally prep herself for whatever test Master would present her with. Likely he would ask her to do the positions, as they had drilled them almost every day so far. Lea hoped the test wouldn’t involve piss.

Lea wondered what Miku would be like. Lea could hardly remember Val- or Vex as the men called her. The woman was brazen, rebellious, and the driving force of the escape plan. Though Lea felt a deep burning resentment at having been pressured into running, she couldn’t help but also feel a strong sense of loyalty.

The pair had gone through nights of blood, fear, and torture at the hands of Keamy. It wasn’t something Lea could so easily set aside. Not only had they shared in intense misery, but on multiple occasions Val had purposefully antagonized Keamy, taking on additional pain to give Lea a few moments of precious respite. Lea would never forget her kindness.

Miku had seemed very different to Val, seeming completely relaxed in her master’s arms. Val didn’t take a moment of peace, fighting against Keamy every way she could. Miku seemed to be treated far differently as well, with no obvious signs of injury.

Once the living room was done, Lea returned to the kitchen to find that nearly two hours had passed, leaving only half the initial time to clean the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and get herself ready as well. Lea grabbed a clean rag, and began on the kitchen.

She needed to impress Master tonight. Though a part of her was like Val, longing to return to her previous life, a good portion had already moved on. Her old life seemed so far away, and memories felt decades old. Her new life was with Master, and if anyone had to own her, she was fortunate to have him.

Master wasn’t sad*stic or murderous like Keamy, and there were times that Lea genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. She resented him for ending her freedom, but she would always be grateful for him giving her life. Lea knew without a shadow of a doubt that if Master had not come for her, Keamy would have killed her. And he would have made it hurt.

The kitchen and dining room were cleaned in record time, leaving just around an hour and a half for Lea to get herself cleaned up and finish the bathroom before the food needed to be set out. As the time drew near, Lea’s anxiety about it rose.

She had no idea what kind of man this Mr. Becker would be, or what Master had planned for the evening. She paced the bathroom as the bathtub filled with water. Lea mentally rehearsed each of the positions, whispering Master’s instructions aloud.

The bath was very short. Lea scrubbed and shaved, careful not to nick herself, but not wasting any time either. The timer read one hour, and Lea began cleaning the bathroom as her hair dried in a towel.

Finally, every room was cleaned, and Lea had time to get herself prepped. She rubbed lotion on her arms and legs, brushed her teeth, put on deodorant. Lea removed the now wet towel from her hair and used her hands to scrunch her natural curls to life. Now all she had left was to pick out the lingerie.

There were six options. Two were black and lacy; one a revealing two piece, and the other a more full coverage set. Third choice was pink, with white frills and polka dots along the sides. The fourth Lea discarded immediately, it was bright red and looked like a handful of thin strings. Fifth was a lingerie maids uniform, and sixth was a lilac set with pink and blue flowers.

Lea set aside the most revealing pieces, leaving the second black lacy one piece, the maids outfit, and the lilac set. Though the maids outfit was covering, Lea knew she would feel uncomfortable wearing it, and so put it back in the drawer. After a moment of thought, Lea decided on the lilac.

It was a two piece, made from a delicate silk. The cloth was mostly purple, decorated with soft pink and blue flowers as well as blue lace trim. She slipped it on, making sure that her more sensitive areas were fully covered by the silk.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bee-

Lea turned off the timer and opened the fridge. Inside she found premade trays containing various finger foods, most cheeses and fruits. Lea set them out on the counter, along with a few chilled drinks.

Almost as soon as she was finished organizing everything, Lea heard the all to familiar beeps. She dropped to her knees immediately. Heart racing, Lea watched the large metal door swing open, and a pair of black dress shoes step inside. But this was not Master.

Mr. Becker enter the room alone, the door slamming shut behind him. He stood at an impressive height, taller and more slender than Master. He wore sharp toed dress shoes, purple corduroy pants, and a long sleeve shirt. His hair was slicked back, and he smoothed his mustache down with two long fingers. Lea’s heart beat out of her chest.

“Hello, Leana,” Mr. Becker said. His voice was gravely like a smoker’s, but still higher pitched than Master’s deep baritone. He walked languidly over to the dining room table, and pulled out a chair with a long scrape. He sat slowly, facing Lea the entire time, and leaned back with his legs spread wide.

“Hello, Mr. Becker, sir,” Lea said, her voice shaking only slightly.

“Crawl here, now, girl,” the man ordered. His German accent was present, though far more subtle than it had been last night. Lea crawled along the hardwood floor until she was only a couple feet away from him.

“There’s a good girl,” he cooed, “Don’t be shy, now, come here.”

Lea swallowed, and crawled until she was just a few inches away from his long legs. This close to him, Lea could smell smoke and cologne. He grabbed at the noticeable bulge in between his legs, and stared at him wordlessly for a moment.

“Before our little chat last night, the last time I’d seen you, you were tied down with needles in your gums. Do you remember talking to me on the phone then?”

Lea’s heart was out of control. Her chest tightened and her breath caught in her throat. Lea’s mind flashed red. Blood, needles, and Keamy’s wolfish grin. Only after her chest began to burn did Lea realize she hadn’t been breathing. She took rapid breaths to compensate.

“That was when Martin had you a few weeks ago,” the man prompted. Lea squeezed her eyes shut, imagining Master’s heartbeat and forcing her breaths to match.

“I don’t remember, sir, I’m sorry,” Lea finally managed to get out.

“Nothing to feel sorry for; it’s probably for the best. It seems he left quite the impression regardless,” Mr. Becker chuckled. “Now, did you pick this out yourself?”

Mr. Becker leaned forward, elbows on the edges of his knees. He stretched out a finger and traced it along the lilac silk covering her collarbone. Lea swallowed loudly, still as a statue, until his hand began to drift lower. Lea flinched, and pulled away from him.

Mr. Becker reacted immediately. His hand shot out and fingers wrapped all the way around her jaw. He forced her head up, eyes meeting his own. His head slowly inched forward until she could smell his warm breath against her cheek.

“Are you scared of me, girl?”

“A little, sir,” Lea answered honestly.

“You have nothing to fear from me,” Mr. Becker said, “Like John, I don’t enjoy hurting girls.”

Though his tone signaled an end of the conversation, he did not release his grip on her face. Instead, Mr. Becker pulled Lea toward him in a sudden jerk, sending her falling forwards. Her hands shot out to save herself, and Lea ended up with her hands on his knees and their faces mere centimeters apart.

“I would have you any way I liked,” Mr. Becker whispered, tilting his head and ghosting his lips along her cheek but pulling back slightly so their lips were barely a hair’s width apart, “Your lips would fit perfectly around my co*ck, do you know that? If you were mine, the only thing you’d think of would be your next opportunity to drain me dry. You’d spend your entire life giving me pleasure, and you’d love it.”

Mr. Becker’s lips parted, and Lea could smell smoke and cinnamon on his breath. He tilted his head once more, and Lea thought for sure he was going to kiss her. Instead, he shoved her back without warning. Lea fell on her side, looking up at the man breathlessly. She ducked as one of his dress shoes swung at her, but he instead easily stepped over her and walked into the kitchen.

“You have drinks, yeah?” He asked casually.

“O-on- on the- they’re on the counter, sir,” Lea faltered. Her was mouth suddenly very dry.

“Ah good! These are my favorite!”

Lea could hear the sound of glass gliding against the counter top and the pop of a bottle cap. Still lying on the floor, Lea touched her chin where his fingers had been. ‘and you’d love it’ his voice echoed in her mind.

“M-Mr. Becker, sir?” Lea asked, finally turning to find him leaning against the kitchen counter.


“Do you know where Master and Miku are?”

“They’re upstairs. Why, girl, did I scare you?”

“I, uh,” Lea stuttered, “A little, sir.”

Mr. Becker laughed and set the bottle on the counter. He curled one of his long fingers at her, and pointed at the ground in front of him. Lea crawled forward, kneeling just by his shoes.

“Look up, Leana. I like to see those pretty eyes of yours,” he cooed, “My words are just that, girl. Words. Your Master won’t let me or anyone else touch his belongings, including you. Though, if things were different…”

His words trailed off, and he now seemed to stare through her. His hand drifted from the bottle to his right pant pocket, and fumbled around with something hidden inside.

“Well, let’s just say that John and I have a different approach to our girls. If you were mine, things would bevery different.”


Lea’s head whipped around and she couldn’t hide the smile that spread across her face. Mr. Becker was certainly an improvement to Keamy, but she was relieved to have Master here with her. Master entered, and Lea watched in anticipation as he slowly scanned the room. He turned to her, gave the smallest hint of a smile, and nodded.

Miku crawled in behind Master. She wore pink lingerie, lacy and frilly, though hardly covering any of her sensitive areas. She wore long white stockings with pink bows, and a long fluffy cat tail that dragged along the floor between her legs. Her pink hair was pushed back by a fluffy headband with two large cat ears, each with pink heart clips along the sides. She had on a thick pink collar with a white bell dangling against her throat.

“The room looks good, slave,” Master praised, and Lea’s smile grew wider.

“Thank you, Master!” she beamed as she quickly crawled over to his side. She pressed her lips against his shoes, littering them with more kisses than usual. She was doubly happy that she was no longer alone with his friend and that she had pleased him with her work. Miku’s bell jingled softly as she crawled over to great her master.

“Very cute, kitten! Do a little spin for me,” Mr. Becker praised, watching intently as Miku crawled in circles at his feet. Lea noticed then that the tail dangling from Miku’s ass wasn’t attached to a belt or strap of any kind. Mr. Becker reached down and gently stroked her cheek.

“Alright, girls, why don’t you go play for a bit while the men talk?” Mr. Becker said. Lea frowned at the wording, but Master said nothing to challenge the order.

“Can you two play with us, please?” Miku asked. Her voice was very high pitched, and Lea noticed a barely perceivable English accent.

“Hmm, we’ll see. You up for a game, John?”

“Damn,” Master cursed, but chuckled slightly, “I should have anticipated this. Alright. Why don’t you both pick something out while Hans and I catch up.”

“Yayyy!! Thank you Mr. John!” Miku smiled. She crawled over to Lea with a big gapped-toothed grin, and without pausing a moment pulled Lea in for a hug.

“Miku! You can’t just hug people!” Mr. Becker snapped from across the kitchen.

“Oh,” Miku frowned. Her entire demeaner shifted in an instant. Her head hung low, shoulder slumped, and her arms wrapped around themselves.

“It’s alright, sir,” Lea spoke up quickly, not wanting to be the reason Miku got punished. “I’m, uh, I’m a hugger.” To emphasize her point, Lea pulled Miku in for another hug.

“I don’t remember getting any hugs,” Mr. Becker laughed, but not to Lea. In fact, he wasn’t even facing her anymore; instead talking casually to Master who laughed in response.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” Miku sniffled.

“Its alright, really,” Lea assured her, giving Miku an encouraging smile until the girl gave her a tiny grin back.

“Well, if you say so. Thanks, Leana,” Miku said.

“It’s just-” Lea started, “… you could call me Lea, if you’d like.”

“I love it! Like a nickname! That’s what friends do!!” Miku smiled, voice almost squeaking with excitement. “Want to go pick out a game with me, Lea?”

Lea nodded and smiled. It felt nice to hear her real name again.

“How old are you, Miku?” Lea asked as they both crawled over to the far bookcase. The men were still chatting in the kitchen, drinks in hand.

“I don’t know,” Miku shrugged, not even glancing at Lea as she poured through the games, “Oh they would hate this one! Charades! Have you played before? It’s very fun.”

“You don’t know how old you are?” Lea asked again. She found it odd how unbothered Miku seemed at this lack of crucial information.

“Nope,” Miku shrugged.

“Well, how old were you when you were taken?” Lea asked. She recalled Master had said Miku had been with Mr. Becker for about two years.

“Huh? What do you mean taken? From where?” Miku asked, now pausing to give Lea a quickly look and an exaggerated head tilt.

“From…” Lea started, and glanced over to make sure the men were still busy talking before continuing in a hushed voice, “You know, taken. From your family… your home, well… your life.”

Miku shook her head, her bell jingling softly against her neck, “Master is my life! Nobody has taken me from him ever!”

Lea looked at Miku with a sad expression. Mr. Becker must have done something horrible to this girl to make her so resistant to talking about- or even acknowledging her life before him.

“Girls!” Mr. Becker called from across the room, “Come here!”

Miku crawled to him without hesitation, a blissful smile on her face. Lea followed closely behind, eyes darting between Master’s and Mr. Becker’s face. They didn’t appear to be upset. Lea knelt by Master’s side, and Miku sat almost on top of Mr. Becker’s shoes, rubbing her face into his leg.

“How long have you been with me, kitten?” He asked, rubbing one of the cat eats in between his fingers.

“I don’t know, Master,” Miku said cheerfully.

It was then Lea noticed what sounded like the ticking of a clock. It was quiet, but enough to make Lea look around the room for a clock she knew didn’t exist. When she turned back, Mr. Becker had knelt down next to Miku. His hand was in his right pant pocket.

“Close your eyes, Miku,” Mr. Becker ordered, and Miku obeyed, still smiling happy as ever.

Mr. Becker slowly pulled his hand from his pocket, and placed an object on his knee nearby Miku’s ear. Lea craned her neck to get a better look at the thing before it clicked. It was a pocket watch. Mr. Becker raised his other hand slowly, and snapped five times directly in front of Miku’s beaming face.

Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.

Each one of them striking along with the tick of the clock. On the fifth snap, Miku’s smile dropped, her shoulder’s relaxed, and her kneel fell into a more natural sit. Mr. Becker grabbed Miku’s chin with his long fingers and tilted her head up.

“What is your name?”

“Miku,” she replied. Her voice was deeper, monotone, and with a strong English accent.

“Who am I?”

“You’re Master.”

“How long have you been with me?” Mr. Becker asked, and without waiting for a response he said, “Three years.”

“Three years,” Miku echoed.

“How long has it been since we met? Three years.”

“Three years.”

Mr. Becker continued, asking different variations of the same question and feeding Miku the same two words. As he spoke, the tick of the clock felt louder and louder. Lea’s anxiety rose, and she held on to the edge of Master’s pants for comfort. Eventually, Mr. Becker put the pocket watch away, and snapped again five times.

Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.

Miku’s face lit up, and as if the entire exchange had never occurred, nuzzled her face into Mr. Becker’s leg. She looked just as happy as she had been before he had snapped.

“Kitten, I think Leana asked you a question. Isn’t that right?” Mr. Becker turned his head slowly and pinned Lea down with his stare. Lea was more than disturbed at the scene that had just played out, but Master seemed unbothered, so Lea swallowed down her fears.

“I was uh, I had asked how long you’d been with Mr. Becker.”

“Three years!” Miku smiled wide, looking up at Mr. Becker with unashamed affection.

“I had thought it was two,” Master commented.

“Well, two and nine months, but I rounded up,” Mr. Becker laughed and Master chuckled.

“Did you girls pick out a game?” Master asked.

“I think Miku had mentioned Charades, Master,” Lea said.

“Of course she did,” Mr. Becker chuckled, “She likes those kind of games that don’t involve any real competition.”

“We don’t have to play if you don’t want to, Master! I just thought that-” Miku blurted out, only stopped by a flick between the eyes.

“I know we don’t have to. We’re the masters,” he scolded her.

“I think Charades is fine,” Master said to Lea’s surprise. She couldn’t picture Master on all fours pretending to be a dog or a horse. He was too dignified for Charades. But then again, Lea almost giggled out loud, he was a pink bendy straw kind of guy, so maybe Charades made sense.

“Yeah, that works. I doubt we’ll play for long anyways,” Mr. Becker shrugged.

“Alright, go grab it, Miku. We can play in the living room. Slave, wait here.”

Master waited until the two guests were across the room to bend down and brush a hand through her hair. He took her chin between a finger and thumb and lifted her lips up for a kiss.

“You’ve done very well so far, slave. The room looks good, but you look wonderful. You’re beautiful in this,” Master said between kisses. His hand traced down her neck to gently cup her breast. Lea moaned softly and leaned into him. Master pulled away, gave her one last quick kiss, and stood.

“I’m sure you have questions, and fortunately for you, Hans loves to talk. If there’s an appropriate time later on, I’ll let you know when you can ask something- respectfully, of course.”

“Of course, Master. Respectfully, verbally, honestly, and with…. well for Mr. Becker it will be ‘sir’,” Lea said.

“Very good girl,” Master praised, “Lets go join them, now, hm?”

Lea felt a tightening in her chest. She paused out of guilt for even wanting to ask, but the urge was too strong.

“Master? Could I… could.. could I have a hug?”

“Hmm…. no; not when you ask like that. Next time you’ll ask much nicer, won’t you, slave?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea mumbled. She had felt guilty for even wanting a hug in the first place, and now seriously regretted opening her mouth. She crawled on the floor behind Master he headed into the living room.

Master sat on one of the yellow chairs, and had Lea kneel in between his legs. Mr. Becker sat on the couch, Miku curled up on the couch next to him. Her head rested on his thigh, and one of her hands massaged the large bulge under his pants.

“This game uses teams, yeah?” Mr. Becker asked as he shuffled the deck of colorful cards.

“Yes,” Master nodded, “One person to act out, the other to guess.”

“Yeah, thought so. I think we should make things interesting and switch girls. Would make it a challenge, yeah?”

Lea’s head snapped up to look at Master, hoping he would say no.

“Alright sure. Come here, Miku,” Master ordered. Miku gave an audible whine in protest, but after a flick from her master, Miku crawled over to Master. Mr. Becker curled a long finger at Lea, and she dutifully crawled over to kneel by his legs.

“Hello again, Leana,” he grinned, tilting his head almost upside down to look her in the eyes.

“Hello again, Mr. Becker,” Lea said, feeling a bit more confident with Master just a few feet away.

“Now! What will the winner get?” Mr. Becker asked.

Master rolled his eyes, “Satisfaction? It’s charades, Hans, not poker.”

“Ah! Come on!” Mr. Becker exclaimed, “If I win, I get a kiss from your girl- wherever I’d like.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Fine. A kiss on the cheek, yeah?”

“No. Her lips are mine alone.”

“Bah! Fine!! You’re no fun, John. Let’s say… if I win, I get a hug. You did say you were a hugger, yeah?” Mr. Becker smirked over to Lea and gave her a wink.

“Fine, a hug,” Master sighed, “And if I win, Miku will give Leana a lesson on a skill of her choosing.”

“How fun! Let’s do… four rounds. That way everyone get’s a chance to act and to guess, yeah?”

“You’re going to act?” Master asked with a laugh.

“It’s the game, yeah? You’re acting too! Otherwise no prize!”

“I wonder where all these rules are coming from,” Master sighed with an eye roll and Lea giggled quietly. “Alright, fine. Everyone gets a turn.”

“Now, who to go first…” Mr. Becker hummed, “Ladies first, yeah? Leana! You’re the newest addition to our little group, would you like to draw a card?”

Mr. Becker leaned in close, eyes locked on to hers. He placed the deck of cards on his knee in the same spot the ticking pocket watch had been just moments ago. Lea looked between him, Master, and Miku before taking a steeling breath and drawing a card.

Chapter 19: No Turning Back Now


This is a very important chapter :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lea read the words on the card: Doctor. She almost burst out laughing, glancing between the card and Master. Lea placed the card face down on the table and paused a moment, before miming putting on a stethoscope. She reached her arm near Mr. Becker’s chest.

“Too easy!” Mr. Becker grinned, “Doctor.”

“Yes?” Master smirked, and Lea giggled.

“One point to me!” Mr. Becker grinned, and pushed the deck of cards across the table.

“Mikuuu, pick one and act it out. You are not allowed to talk.”

Miku did so, and after reading the card, suddenly collapsed limply on the floor. Master tilted his head.


From the floor, Miku shook her head and drew a line across her neck with a finger.

“Dead? Death?” Master guessed. Miku sat up and shrugged.


“Yay!!! You got it!!” Miku smiled wide.

“You go, John, if you get it you’ll be in the lead.”

Master pulled a card, reading it with a blank expression before rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

“I should’ve known better than to let you shuffle,” Master chuckled.

“Are you accusing me of stacking the deck?” Mr. Becker asked in mock indignance.

“Absolutely,” Master said, “It’s fine; I’ll do it.”

Mr. Becker leaned forward eagerly. Master placed one finger on the arm of the chair just about eye level in front of Miku, and inched his finger across the chair like a worm.

“Worm!” Miku guessed immediately.

“Yup, worm,” Master said.

“No!” It said the worm, you have to do the dance!” Mr. Becker protested.

“Cheater,” Master laughed, and flicked the card at Mr. Becker’s face, “Your turn.”

Mr. Becker dodged the card laughed. He drew the next card, barely even glancing at it before pointing at Miku with a smirk.

“A… slave?” Lea guessed.

“I’m not a slave!” Miku protested indignantly, crossing her arms and sticking out her bottom lip. Mr. Becker sighed and feigned licking the back of his hand, rubbing it against his ear.

“Cat?” Lea guessed. Mr. Becker winked and squeezed his fingers close together.


“Yeah!” Mr. Becker grinned wide and Miku clapped excitedly.

“Well, John, who could have predicted this,” Mr. Becker smirked wide, “A tie.”

“I can’t believe it,” Master said sarcastically.

“Looks like we both win,” Mr. Becker said, moving his hand onto Lea’s shoulder, his long fingers draped over her collar bone.

“Or both lose,” Master shrugged.

“Bah! You’re no fun at all, John!” Mr. Becker grumbled and Master laughed. Lea could tell Master was messing with him, “Let’s be, ehh, optimistic, yeah?”

“So we both get our prizes, is that what you’re after?”

“That’s a bingo!” Mr. Becker cheered.

“You just say bingo.”

“Bingo! How fun!” Mr. Becker grinned, “Can she come up on the couch for a moment?”

“No slaves on the couch,” Master said firmly. Lea frowned, since Miku had been up there not ten minutes ago. Why would Master favor her?

“Fine! You and your rules, John, you’re-“

“-No fun at all?” Master finished the sentence with a knowing smirk.

“None!” Mr. Becker said with an eye roll. “Now, Leana. Come here, girl.”

Lea was already almost touching his leg. Without being allowed to stand or get on the couch, she wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted her to do. Her confusion didn’t last long, however, as Mr. Becker leaned down to her level.

His face brushed against her cheek and spindly fingers wrapped under her arms and around her shoulder blades before lifting her off the ground. He sat her on top of his lap, feet dangling in between his legs and just barely touching the ground.

“She’s on my lap, not the couch,” Mr. Becker shot over to Master, but Master said nothing. He was watching the two of them very carefully.

“Now, Leana, why don’t you congratulate me for winning?” He smirked wide, clearly very pleased with himself.

“I mean, I won too, right, sir?” Lea asked. Master chuckled, but Mr. Becker looked none too pleased. He brought a long arm up and flicked Lea hard between the eyes. It didn’t hurt, but Lea snapped her head over to Master, who said nothing in protest.

“Congratulate me.”

“Congratulations sir, it was uhh…. It was a close one,” Lea said awkwardly, earning another chuckle from Master and another flick from Mr. Becker.

Lea went to smile over at Master, pleased he enjoyed her tiny jokes, but Mr. Becker caught her jaw in his hand.

“Listen here, girl,” Mr. Becker started. This time, his grip on her chin was tight enough to force her lips to part. He pulled her closer and closer towards him.


Master only said one word, but both Lea and Mr. Becker looked over. Master’s eyebrows were furrowed together tightly, and his arms crossed over his chest. Mr. Becker slowly peeled his fingers away from Lea’s face, lifting one finger at a time before holding up both hands.

“Let’s get that hug, now, yeah?” Mr. Becker asked to Lea, though she knew better than to actually respond. He dropped his arms, and waited for Lea to make the first move.

Lea swallowed and glanced over to Master. His arms were still crossed, but he said nothing to stop her, so Lea leaned in towards Mr. Becker.

She wrapped her arms around his chest awkwardly, and before she could get away, Mr. Becker’s long arms pulled her in close.

“A real hug, yeah?” He said, words muffled by her curls. With her face pressed against his chest, all Lea could smell was smoke and cologne. She cringed as she could feel a growing bulge between his leg. Lea wanted Master.

Almost as if he was reading her mind, Master gave a warning, “Hans.” And Lea was released. She looked to Master, who wordlessly pointed to the floor next to him. Lea practically fell off of Mr. Becker’s lap in her haste to get back to Master. Miku jingled her way back to the couch.

Lea knelt nicely beside Master’s leg, hands fidgeting with themselves on her knees. She desperately wanted a hug from Master, though knew she shouldn’t. Guilt and shame made a lump rise in her throat.

“You get your prize as well, yeah?” Mr. Becker asked. Miku was back on the couch, and Mr. Becker was playing with the tail coming out of her ass, “What should my Miku teach your girl?”

“Miku decides,” Master said, “What do you enjoy doing the most, pet?”

Lea frowned deeply. She had noticed that Miku was allowed on the couch, and now Lea knew why. Master addressed her as pet, but Lea as slave. No slaves on the couch.

“Oh that’s easy!!” Miku smiled, hands already on Mr. Becker’s belt.

“Watch, slave,” Master said, but didn’t take his eyes off Miku. Lea’s chest and cheeks burned.

Miku’s thin fingers unbuckled and unzipped Mr. Becker’s pants almost without looking. She stared up at her master with adoration. Though Mr. Becker’s hands were no where near his pant pocket, Lea could almost hear the ticking of his watch.

“Good girl, kitten,” Mr. Becker cooed, and stroked her back as Miku pulled his co*ck out.

She looked between him and his co*ck, and Mr. Becker bent low to give her a quick kiss. This must have been what she was waiting for, as Miku immediately wrapped her mouth around his dick.

She didn’t move slowly. Miku took him down her throat immediately, burying her nose into his dark pubes. She bobbed her head up and down, spit flying every which way. It was messy and loud. She barely paused for a breath as she sucked his dick at a rapid pace, bell jingling constantly.

Lea frowned, disturbed and uncomfortable, but didn’t dare look away. Mr. Becker was not nearly as large as Master was, but he was certainly longer than average. Lea knew it couldn’t have been easy for Miku to take all of him in her throat like that.

Mr. Becker moaned, deep and gravely, almost like a growl, and Miku moaned loudly around his co*ck. She was enjoying it. Lea took a tiny glance up at Master, and saw his a hand rubbing the bulge between his legs.

It didn’t take long with Miku’s pace. Mr. Becker grabbed her hair in a tight fist and shoved her head down, sealing her face against him as he groaned loudly. His legs shook slightly as he came deep down her throat. When he released her, a long line of spit connected Miku’s lips to the head of his dick.

Miku grinned up at him, and with just a glance from Mr. Becker, began licking up all of the spit and drool on his dick and balls.

“Learn anything, Leana?” Mr. Becker smirked and laughed cruelly. She couldn’t speak. Miku had done all that so eagerly, and her moans were genuine. She truly enjoyed pleasing him.

Out of no where Master slapped her hard across the cheek. Tears welled in her eyes as Lea looked up at him in shock.

“A man asked you a question, slave. Answer him,” Master corrected. Lea’s lip quivered. Miku lay in her master’s lap littering kisses along his belly as both of his hands showed her with affectionate rubs and pets. Lea knelt on the cold floor, with her Master glaring down at her.

“I’m sorry, Master,” Lea said, her voice breaking as the lump in her throat became hard to swallow, “Yes sir, Mr. Becker, I learned something.”

“Yeah? And what was that something?”

“How- how-“ Lea started. Tears pooled in her eyes and threatened to pour down her cheeks. Lea’s lip quivered. She was useless. Worthless. Who would want a slave like her? Miku was on the couch. Miku was getting kisses. Miku was a better girl.

“Leana,” Master said in the same reproachful tone he had used Mr. Becker’s name. She needed to answer.

“I learned how to be a better girl, sir,” Lea said softly, shoving her eyebrows together. Anger was easier than pain, but who here to feel hatred towards but herself. Lea wished she was different. She was too scared to be good like Miku, but not rebellious enough to be like Valeria. She was just… Lea.

“Don’t you want to say thank you, slave?” Master prompted.

“Thank you for the lesson, Miku,” Lea said, her lip quivering again.

“You’re welcome, Lea,” Miku smiled at her.

“Well John, I hate to leave so soon,” Mr. Becker sighed, reaching over and finishing off the glass on the table.

“I understand,” Master shrugged, “It was nice seeing you again.”

Lea followed after Master, eyes on the floor as the group headed towards the door.

“You’re coming to the party, yeah?”

“I’m not sure. It’s still early on in her training…” Master sighed.

“It’s been months! If she was my girl she’d be practically in love with me by now!”

“Probably,” Master said, “But it wouldn’t be real, would it, Miku?”

“Huh?” Miku asked with the same confused head tilt she gave Lea earlier.

“I don’t know, John, that felt pretty real,” Mr. Becker laughed, “It’s still a month out.”

“Three weeks.”

“I rounded up,” Mr. Becker winked, “I think seeing the others would be good for her, yeah? Miku would be happy to have someone to talk to besides Juliet.”

“We’ll see,” Master said vaguely. Lea knew what he meant. We’ll see if Lea gets good enough.

Mr. Becker knelt down in front of Lea, and gripped her jaw once more. He gently lifted her head, though this time her eyes took a while to follow.

“It was nice to meet you in person, Leana. Do be a good girl, now, yeah?”

Lea swallowed hard and blinked away some tears.

“It was nice meeting you, Mr. Becker, sir. Thank you for the evening… and the hug, sir.”

Mr. Becker smiled and stood without saying anything else to her.

“Sweet girl, you have there John,” Mr. Becker grinned.

“Bye, Lea!” Miku whispered around her masters legs, “See you around, yeah?”

Lea smiled, unable to blink away all the tears in her eyes and just nodded. The men chatted by the door for a few more minutes, before Master left with Mr. Becker and Miku up the stairs, leaving Lea alone.

Lea took deep breaths, still fighting against the urge to cry. She hated herself. Useless. Ugly. Worthless. She wasn’t good like Miku. She wasn’t allowed on the couch. She wasn’t allowed upstairs- or even in Master’s lap. She wanted to deserve it. Until now, Lea hated that she enjoyed being his slave. Now, she hated that she hated it.


Lea stayed by the door as Master entered and headed into the kitchen. The room was silent save for the clinking of glasses as master put the drinks and trays of food back in the fridge. Lea was barely holding in tears.

Lea hoped that Master would praise her, say anything to make her feel like he actually wanted her. No one wanted her. Ugly. Worthless. Useless.

“Slave?” Master asked, suddenly right behind her. Lea gasped and turned around to look up at him.


“It’s late. I want you to finish cleaning up. I’m going to head to bed.”

“Yes, Master,” Lea nodded with a quiet sniffle. She turned to the kitchen, mentally prepping how she would ask nicer for a hug once she was done. As she found a clean rag, the door opened. Lea’s head whipped around, mouth gaping.

“Where- where are you going, Master?” Lea asked. Her chest tightened and the lump in her throat made it hard to talk.

“I told you, slave. To bed.”

He didn’t want to sleep with her. Lea’s cheeks burned in embarrassment. Tears fell down her chin. She was stupid for thinking that he would want to sleep anywhere but his own bed anyways. Stupid. Ugly. Worthless.


She wanted him to stay. She desperately desperately wanted him to stay. But she was just a slave. It didn’t matter what she wanted. If Master wanted to sleep upstairs, he would.

“I hope you sleep well, Master,” Lea barely managed to get out, tears now flowing freely down her cheeks.

“Oh my sweet girl, come here,” Master said, voice soft. Lea dropped the rag on the floor, crawling with her head hung low over to the door. She knelt by Master’s feet, hair falling to cover her eyes so that all she could see were his shoes turning to face her.

“Do you want me to stay?”

Lea held back all the tears she could and nodded. How pathetic she must look, crying at the feet of her kidnapper. “Yes, Master, but- but-“

“Shhhh, deep breath. But what?”

“But you’re Master. You get to sleep where you’d like.”

Lea found herself in Master’s arms before she could even finish speaking. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and buried her face in his chest. She wanted him to stay more than anything, and clung onto him as if her life depended on it.

Lea found herself being placed in bed, with Master pulling up the covers. She looked up at him, tears blurring his face. She wanted to be better.

“I think I should stay, hm? It looks like my sweet girl needs seeing to,” Master said. He cupped her cheek with his palm and used his thumb to wipe away some of her tears. As soon as Master was in bed, Lea latched herself to him again.

She moved so quickly that Master barely had a chance to get settled. Her arms wrapped around his chest, pinning his right arm between their bodies. She buried her face into his side, taking deep breaths of his smell.

“I’m your sweet girl?”


“I’m your sweet girl?”

John looked into his slave’s eyes carefully. He could see everything so plainly; insecurity, longing, fear, doubt, and shame. Every component of her training had culminated to this moment. She was incredibly fragile; he almost had her.

He moved his hand away from her cheek very slightly and internally grinned when her face followed. She craved his touch. With his other arm pinned exactly where he wanted it, Master balled that hand into a fist.

His slave whimpered and closed the distance between them, going for a kiss eagerly. Master pulled back. He had no intention of letting her gain the affection she so desperately craved without her giving him something first. He needed her to give him that final piece.

“You don’t think so, hm,” John observed, “Well, if you aren’t my sweet girl, then who are you?”

“I’m just a slave, Master,” she whispered, looking up at him with sad eyes. The words poured so freely.

“Not ‘just’ a slave. You’re my slave. Mine,” John said, and leaned in just close enough for their lips to graze each other, “Do you even want that?”

His slave’s face twisted in pain at his words. Tears poured from her eyes and she cried freely. Either his words or the truth had hurt her deeply.

“I- I shouldn’t- I-“ Lea stuttered, wincing and turning away from him. John’s free hand quickly caught her chin. He wouldn’t stand to have her pull away now.

“Shouldn’t? Says who?”

“You- you- I shouldn’t want this! I should hate you! You- you took me away from everyone I love- from my life! I should- I should- I…”

“You what? Should or shouldn’t, slave, what do you want?”

“I… I want you, Master,” she said, though her voice was filled with doubt. She winced visibly at her own words, cheeks red with shame. The words were so sweet and her face hid nothing, John could see the truth behind them.

“That works out well, slave,” Master smiled, and ghosted his lips across hers, “Because I want you too.”

Only then did he close his mouth on hers. She leaned into him hard, her teeth smashing against his and tongue pressing against his lips, silently begging for more. John pulled back only slightly, opening his eyes for a brief moment. She looked far too vulnerable now to correct her.

His slave moaned and cried into his mouth. Her nails clawed into his shirt, balling into fists and pulling him even closer. John swirled his tongue around the slave’s, pushing deep into her mouth to swallow beautiful moans of pleasure and pain. His slave’s hips rocked forward and were met with John’s perfectly positioned hand.

She froze then, and John pulled back. She was so close to accepting- to letting herself submit. John needed to tread very carefully, but he knew she needed a little push. With his face still near hers, John rubbed the back of his hand against her puss*. She squeezed her eyes shut with what looked like agony.

“f*ck ‘should’,” John said, watching her carefully. He knew she wanted it; he could see it so clearly. But she was hesitating, “No one can tell you how to feel, Leana; you know what you want.”

She needed to say it; to hear herself admit it would push her over the edge. But she was too ashamed.

“Who’s my good girl?”

“I am,” she answered, unable to meet his gaze. John didn’t press the issue, he just needed her to answer him.

“Who am I?”

“My Master,” she said.

“Who are you?”

“A slave.”

“Oh, really? Just any slave?”

“I’m your slave, Master.”

“Yes you are. And before you were my slave, who were you?”

His slave looked up at him then. Her eyes were pools of tears, cheeks flushed and wet. He just needed her to say it, to admit her true feelings and give everything to him. She was so close.

“I was Lea,” she whispered.

“You were. So, what’ll it be, hm? What do you want?”

“I want-“ she started, words flowing easily as John had hoped, but then she stopped and looked down.

“What if you don’t want me anymore? If you… if you get bored or upset or-“

“Shhhh,” John said and smoothed away the stray curls that had stuck to her wet cheeks, “Leana I risked my freedom to bring you here. You tried to kill me and run away. But I couldn’t live without you. I will always want you. I know what I want.”

“You want me?” She asked, and John was genuinely surprised to find her questioning him. Surely after everything she’d know how he felt. “But I’m- I’m- I’m worthless, and stupid, and-“

The words she had repeated for hours, and then listened to for days more flooded from her lips- every insecurity on full display.

“I hate myself,” she whispered, “I- I’m not strong like Val and I’m not good like Miku- I’m just- just-“

“‘Just’? You don’t get to use that word to describe yourself, slave. You are beautiful,” John said, and she shook her head, “Vex is strong because if she wasn’t, she’d be killed. And Miku is good because Hans has given her no other choice. But you do have a choice, Leana. No one is forcing you to feel anything. You have to decide what you want. That’s harder than anything those two girls will ever do.”

“You won’t leave me? You want me?”

“I want you,” he said with full confidence, not breaking eye contact for a second. He pulled her in for another kiss, taking her mouth forcefully. She moaned sweetly, rocking forward to rub her puss* against his hand.

“What do you want?” He whispered into her mouth. His slave only moaned and kissed him harder, John dared to turn his hand so that his thumb could circle her cl*t. Her moans increased and she pulled him closer. John gave it a few moments before pulling his hand out from between them and leaning back.

“What do you want?”

“I want you,” She said, still pulling desperately at his shirt.

“You want me… what? To make you cum? Is that all?”

“No! I- I- I want to be your slave. I don’t want to leave- I don’t want you to leave- I want… I want you

John grinned, watching the shame melt away as she said the words. He knew they needed to be said.

“I want you, Master. Please… please kiss me?”

“A kiss? Is that all?” He asked, hand drifting back between her legs. His slave surprised him once more by shoving his hand out of the way to slam her face against his chest.

“Promise, Master?”

“Promise what, slave?”

“You won’t leave me? You want me?”

“I promise all of those things and more. Now tell me, slave, what do you want?”

“I want you, Master. I want you to sleep here tonight. I want to stay with you. I want you to kiss me and hold me and- and-“

“If it would be easier, you can whisper it in my ear,” John said to her. She smiled gratefully and leaned in close.

“I want you to touch me, please, Master,” his slave whispered beautifully into his ear. John stifled a moan and traced a line from her naval down between her thighs. She kissed his ear, and John quickly grabbed her chin. He couldn’t have her taking the lead like that.

He kissed along her neck and licked up her ear. John whispered words that he knew she so desperately needed to hear.

“I want you,” he whispered, and kissed her ear. She moaned, pulled at his shirt, and rocked forward onto his hand. John took the opportunity to stick one finger inside of her.

“You’re mine. All mine,” he whispered between kisses. He slipped another finger in. Her eyes were squeezed shut and mouth hanging open. He stuck a thumb in her mouth and she sucked without prompting. John rewarded her with a third finger.

“I will never leave you,” he whispered.

“You want me?” She asked, no more tears this time. John hesitated. This was a delicate moment for her. He had let plenty of her improper utterances pass by so far without correction, but he would have loved for her to call him Master with this one especially. She was lucky he was such a patient man. John knew that she needed to hear it, to reinforce the narrative that was so difficult for her to accept.

“I want you, slave,” he said, kissing her hard on the mouth. He sucked in her bottom lip and bit down hard, not enough to bleed, but enough to make her cry out into his mouth.

“You’re mine,” he growled, and watched her face twist in pleasure and pain as he stuck a fourth finger in, pumping hard now. He kissed her ravenously. This was his slave, now more than ever.

“You will never leave me. Ever.”

“Mmm!” She moaned, looking up at him with a pleading expression. Still so needy, craving affection and reassurance. He kissed and whispered those words into her ear over and over. Her moans were sweet, but impatient, and she pulled at his shirt.

“Mmmm!! More-“ His slave pleaded. Fortunately, she could not see the flash of anger on his face at her disrespect, “I- I want more, please, Master.”

John pulled back so she could see his genuine smile, very pleased at her for correcting the mistake without being asked. His fingers were already buried to the knuckle, but he knew exactly what she wanted. He had already pulled his dick free, and Lea’s hand rested against his thigh.

“Beg for it,” he ordered, his tone carefully controlled.

“Please, Master, I want you. I want to be your slave, I want to make you feel good, I want- I want you inside me.”

“Come here then,” John growled. Other men would have raped her a dozen times over by. Other men would have ruined her. John had been patient, and this was his reward. He watched as she climbed on top of him, removing her silk top without prompting. She was lucky to have a man like him.

“Master!” She pressed, squirming as his fingers continued to edge her. Impatient and disrespectful, but eager. John enjoyed eagerness. He made sure his dick was coated in his spit and her wetness before guiding himself in gently.

Lea moaned and fell forward, ear pressed against his chest and arms wrapped around him tightly. Though everything in John craved nothing more than to f*ck the absolute sh*t out of her, he moved at a controlled pace, watching her face for any signs of pain. If he hurt her now, even accidentally, it would make things much harder for him moving forward.

“You want me?” She asked again. John buried himself inside of her and she moaned, turning her face into his chest and hugging him uncomfortably tight. She knew the answer, surely she knew, but to know and to hear were very different things. Reassurance would be a valuable motivator. Now, John knew, he could push.

“Look at me, slave,” he said, and her eyes met his instantly, “How do you speak to me?”

“Verbally, respectfully, honestly, and with-“ she listed off blankly, and recognition set in when she reached the final requirement. She looked about ready to cry again and her chest stilled, “I’m sorry, Master!! I’m sorry! Please don’t- please- please don’t get rid of me! Please- I- I-“

John pulled her against his chest to hide his uncontrollable grin. She was perfect, just what he had hoped for. So eager to please, so desperate for his attention. He began to rock his hips.

“Shhhhh, slave, it’s alright,” he soothed, “A master- well, a good master is there to help his slave learn, not to get rid of her for a simple slip up. Who are you?”

“Your slave, Master.”

My slave and my good girl. I would never get rid of you so easily,” he said and before she could inevitably ask he added, “I want you.”

“I want you,” she echoed and John shook his head. She wasn’t going to puppet him like Hans did with his brainless girls.

“Use your own words, slave. What do you want?”

“I want… I want more kisses, please, Master.”

John chuckled and rewarded her with his tongue down her throat. He picked up the pace then. One hand kept a firm grip on her throat and the other on her waist as f*cked deep inside her.

“Roll over,” he ordered, “I’m getting on top.”

His slave held on to him tightly, not letting John pull out for a second as they rolled over in unison. She lay on her back, curls a mess on the pillow and eyes looking up at him with a deep need.

“Such a good girl,” Master whispered, littering her with kisses, “Your mine.”

“And I’ll never leave you.”

“Never,” he agreed. John’s pace faltered. He was close, barely holding back as he f*cked into her.

“Please, Master,” she begged sweetly. He pressed his forehead against hers, eyes closing to focus on not cumming just yet. She felt so good.

“I want to be your slave, Master, I want you!” Her words and moans were too much. John came inside her with more of a growl than a moan. His fingers were on her cl*t in a flash, swirling around with a merciless pace. His dick was softening, but still large enough to stretch her, and she moaned his name.


Her legs shook underneath him and her back arched. John grinned at her pleasure, rubbing her cl*t until she squirmed away from the touch. He didn’t pull out, and instead rolled her over so they could both lay on their sides.

“I knew you would be perfect the moment I saw you,” John said, smoothing her hair back and covering her cheeks with small kisses.

“You did?” His slave asked, and John gave her a tiny reproachful look and she quickly added, “Master.”

“I did. You were always meant to be my slave.”

She smiled and pulled herself in to hug him tightly.

“Thank you, Master,” she said into his chest. John grinned and held her close.

“You’re very welcome, slave.”


Hope you all enjoyed the slow build to Stockholm Syndrome cause like the title says, there’s no turning back now! For everyone who wanted more info on John’s friends, that will come in time don’t worry :)

Chapter 20: Twenty-four and Counting


Sorry it takes me so long between updates sometimes. I want to give you guys good chapters and spend too long in the editing stage I think. Oh well. Enjoy!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lea hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep until she woke up. Her legs and arms were wrapped around Master and her face pressed against his chest. His palm lay across her face while his thumb rubbed her cheek. She smiled and wiggled in even closer.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep, Master,” Lea said, unsure if her carelessness would be taken as disrespectful. Master said nothing. His hand moved to cup the back of her neck and pull her close enough for him to press a long kiss to the top of her head.

“It wasn’t for very long,” he whispered. His arms were wrapped around her, muscles flexing ever so slightly to press her into his chest. She felt so safe in his arms.

“I’m so proud of you, slave,” Master said while he pressed another kiss to her hair. Lea tried to pull back to get a proper kiss, but Master’s arms held her fast. She could see the definition in his muscles.

“Going somewhere, are we?” Master said, and though she couldn’t see his face, Lea could hear the playful edge to his tone.

“I doubt it,” Lea said as she pressed against his chest with all her might. Master chuckled and held her in place, even wrapping both of her legs under his knee. Lea pressed against his chest, turned and twisted, but Master held her against him. “I don’t think I’ll be winning any arm wrestling competitions against you any time soon, Master.”

“That’s right, slave,” Master grinned and Lea found herself face down on the bed. Master was on top of her with one leg locking both of hers in place. She tried to push up, but Master quickly grabbed her wrists and pinned them by her sides, “I could overpower you so easily.

“Do you know how patient I had to be, slave?” Master asked and Lea could feel his dick hardening against her ass, “I waited months for something I could have taken easily.”

His words were frightening and dark, but oddly, Lea felt no fear. She knew he was a good Master. He wouldn’t hurt her.

“Do you think Mr. Keamy or Mr. Becker would have waited?” Lea asked, though she felt confident in what the answer would be. She flinched when Master let out a harsh laugh too close to her ear.

“f*ck no,” he laughed, “I can’t think of a single man I know that wouldn’t have raped you on the very first night.”

Lea quieted at those words, it was difficult to hear it spoken so plainly.


“Yes, slave?”

“Now that we had sex… will you still wait like you did before? Or will you just… take it?”

“You mean take you?” Master asked and chuckled to himself, “No. I’ll speak plainly, slave-“

Master released her wrists and legs and rolled off of her, flopping onto the mattress by her side. His curls bounced loose and he had to brush them out of his eyes with a quick swipe of the hand. Master grabbed her and pulled her easily against his chest. Only when she was released did Lea realize how tight his grip on her wrists had been. He lifted her chin with a single thumb.

“I want you to trust me- to enjoy being a slave. At this point, if I were to ‘take it’ as you said,” Master said with a chuckle, “If I were to rape you, slave, you would lose all trust in me.”

Lea didn’t know what to say. She was, at the very least, grateful that he didn’t plan on having sex with her whenever he wanted. Though there was a strange mixture of negative emotions brought up by his words she couldn’t place.

“When I come home, I want to see you kneeling on the floor and smiling up at me. Raping you now would sour that. I never want to enter a room and find you cowering from me.”

“But… what if I don’t want to do it again for a while..?”

“Hmm, well, I’m not an obstinate man. If you are reluctant for a while out of fear or unease, I won’t pressure you. Though, if you begin to refuse as an act of defiance or some attempt to have control over me-“

“I wouldn’t do tha- ah!” Lea cried when Master slapped her hard on the face.

“Don’t ever interrupt me! You know better than that, slave,” Master snapped, a flash of anger in his eyes that melted to disappointment. Lea would rather him slap her again than look at her like that.

“I’m sorry, Master, I knew it was wrong once I started,” Lea said, feeling her chest begin to tighten. Her mind raced with what sort of man he might give her to.

“What were you so eager to say, hmm? It must have been important,” he challenged, eyes narrowed.

“I wanted to tell you that… I wouldn’t want to have control over you, Master,” Lea whispered.

“Not letting me speak is controlling,” he pointed out, still a look of disapproval on his face. Lea winced at his words and looked down. Master grabbed her chin painfully and yanked her head back to look up at him, “If you ever withhold sex out of a grab for power, I will rape you.”

Lea felt her body begin to shake. His eyes were grey slits, piercing her with their intensity. He wasn’t threatening her for show; Lea knew he meant every word.

“How will you know, Master? What if- what if I don’t want it because I’m scared and you think that it’s actually because-“

“Do I look like an idiot to you, slave?” Master sighed, and let go over her chin. Lea rubbed the skin gently, wondering if the area would bruise later. Master’s powerful arms pulled her close. “You don’t need to answer that. My point is, I am fully capable of knowing your intentions. You’re quite easy to read.”

“I am?” Lea said, dumbfounded, and then before Master had a chance to correct her, she quickly added his title.


“What are my intentions now, Master?”

Master smirked and looked her over for barely a second, “You’re frightened of me. Not that I’ll hurt you, but that I’ll give you away. You’re anxious about making a mistake and upset at the one you already made.”

As he spoke, his hand trailed to the small of her back and pressed her against him as he slowly rolled over. His words entranced Lea and she hardly noticed that he had pinned her underneath him.

“You’re quite on edge, slave,” Master smirked. He pressed his knee against her puss* and pinned her wrists against the pillow with one hand. “I can feel your heart racing.”

He smirked at her, beaming with arrogance. He knew he was right, and Lea didn’t dare dispute a word. Master’s head dipped low to ghost his lips on her neck. Lea closed her eyes as she remembered how wonderful his tongue had felt on her ear. She was lost in thought when his teeth dug into her neck. He bit hard and sucked roughly at her skin.

“You’re mine.”

His voice was inhumanly deep, and his words came out as more of a growl as his teeth dragged to her throat. He sucked and bit all across her neck. It was frightening, but Lea found herself rocking her hips so that her puss* rubbed against the knee pressed against it.

Master pulled back and sat up with a self-satisfied smirk. He groped her breasts and grabbed her chin, turning her head in different directions for seemingly no reason. He dipped in low and kissed her hard. His hand held her throat too tightly, cutting off half her breathing. He bit her bottom lip and pulled it into his mouth to suck it painfully. His tongue delved deep, swirling around hers expertly.

When he pulled back, Lea realized she had been grinding against his leg.

“If I were to take you now, slave… You’d want it.”

He smirked down at her with his chin in the air. It wasn’t a question, he truly believed it. Lea felt nervous, but her body had responded so intensely to him that she was almost convinced. She certainly wanted him to kiss her again.

“Are you going to, Master?” Lea asked breathlessly.

“I’d like to, but no,” Master chuckled and laid down next to her once more. When he didn’t pull her close, Lea did so herself and snuggled in by his side, “Unfortunately, at my age, I need more than just- what has it been- half an hour, I think, to recover.”

He brought up an interesting point. Lea had no idea how old he was. She looked up at him. He was certainly older than her, but by no means unattractively so. His hair was a dark blonde, though she realized now he could have been dyeing it. There were defined creases in his forehead and cheeks, but not fully formed wrinkles.

“Is it rude to ask how old you are, Master?”

He chuckled and looked over at her.

“No, I’m not sensitive about it. Take a guess. How old do I look to you, slave?”

Lea frowned, wondering if it would be more of an insult to guess too high or too low. She thought about the most strategic answer before realizing who she was talking to. Master would want her honest guess.

“Mid to late thirties? Thirty-seven, Thirty-eight?” Lea asked with a shrug. She had never been good at judging other people’s ages. She was clearly off on Master’s, as he let out a loud scoff.

“Well thank you, slave,” he laughed, “I’ll take it.”

“How old are you, Master?” Lea asked, now even more curious from his reaction.

“Older than thirty-eight,” he winked with a smirk and continued before she could ask again, “Does that bother you? That I’m so much older than you?”

“So much? You don’t look ‘so much’ older than me, Master,” Lea said, “You look…”

She found it difficult to say, and Master tilted his head expectantly, “You’re very attractive, Master,” Lea said, unable to meet his gaze.

He laughed again, “I appreciate that, slave. I take care of my health,” he said with a tone of finality. Lea frowned, still wanting to know how old he was.

“Are you in your forties, Master?” She asked and Master looked down with a chuckle.

“So curious, hm? Be careful, little cat, you know what they say…” he teased as he rubbed a thumb over her lips.

“You know my age, Master,” Lea pointed out.

“Twenty-four,” he nodded, “I know a lot about you.”

“I’m not allowed to know your age, Master? Does it bother you?”

“No,” he smirked, “And no. I don’t care about my age, but it is fun to see you so eager to find out.”

“Will you give me a hint?”

“Hmmm… a hint…” Master said and lay back in bed, eyes to the ceiling and fingers rubbing his chin, “Has she earned a hint…”

“I’ll tell you a secret if you give me a hint,” Lea offered and Master’s head whipped over at that. His eyes were wide and dangerous but his mouth curled into a grin.

“My little slave is keeping secrets, hm? Let’s hear it then. A secret for a hint.”

“I’ve…” Lea started and then found herself looking away in embarrassment. The man had kidnapped, enslaved, and f*cked her, yet she still felt nervous to say it, “I’ve kind of always been into older guys.”

“Hm… I’m not sure if that qualifies as a secret,” Master shrugged and Lea looked up indignantly.

“How could you possibly know that!?… Master.”

“Well, the Leana from five years ago posted plenty of pictures online of her and her boyfriend. You were barely legal and he was… what, twenty-six? That’s assuming he wasn’t lying about his age.”

Lea froze at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. A pool of regret filled her belly and her arms wrapped around her middle. She had been too young to understand, too young to have everything taken from her from a man who hadn’t even cared enough to stay. Tears fell down her cheeks.

“Oh my sweet girl,” Master said, pulling her into her arms and cupping the back of her neck to hold her firmly in place.

“I- I- I-“ Lea stuttered, for some reason finding herself bawling at the memory of losing her virginity. It should have been with Master, “I’m sorry, Master!”

“There’s no rules against crying, my slave, it’s alright,” he soothed, but Lea shook her head.

“No mean… I’m sorry I ever dated him. I- I wish that- I- I should have known better. I’m sorry, Master!”

“You were eighteen, and I’m assuming he started planting seeds at an even younger age. How could you have known better?”

“I don’t know, Master, it’s just… I don’t… Do you still want me after… that?”

“This isn’t knew information to me, slave,” he said and kissed her gently then smiled, “This may come as a shock to you, but… today wasn’t my first tine having sex either,” he whispered with a gentle smile. Lea laughed through tears and Master kissed her forehead.

“I thought you would have been disappointed I guess… or thought I wasnt pure enough or… I don’t know, Master,” Lea sighed, struggling to find the words.

“Virginity is… eh,” Master shrugged, “I suppose the concept of taking something they can never get back is fun, but… It feels valueless to me. I’d rather take something more important than a mere concept.”

“What would you rather take, Master?”

He turned his entire body to look at her. His eyes scanned her face and he said nothing while regarding her.

“Everything. I want everything from you.”

His words were intense but his gaze even more so. His head was propped up so that he stared down at her, unblinking. Lea couldn’t hold the unwavering eye contact and looked down to fiddle with her hair.

“You already have everything, Master.”

“You think so, hm? I can promise you, slave, there’s far more that’s left for me to take. But!” He said the last words with an upbeat tone and grinned. His arms wrapped around her chest and pulled her tight as the rolled over together to the other side of the bed. Lea giggled and he kissed her softly.

“You are doing so well, and are nearly ready for something very very special,” he said. She lay on his other side with her head tucked under his chin.

“What’s that, Master?” Lea smiled eagerly.

“Before I tell you, I want you to understand the significance behind it,” Master said, “What are you worried about more than anything else?”

“That you won’t want me anymore, Master,” Lea answered quickly. It was an easy question.

“What if there was something I could give you, something that if you had, you’d know that I would never give you away. It would be a guarantee that I wanted you, that you weren’t going anywhere, that you were mine.”

“That sounds wonderful, Master!”

“It gets better, slave,” Master said, “Once you have this thing, you wouldn’t be in training anymore. You’d be free to go upstairs into my home.”

“What is it, Master?”

“Something that Miku has that Vex never will, and not because of a coincidence, but because Vex will never earn it.”

“What is it, Master?!”

“A collar.”

Lea pictured Miku’s soft pink collar with the large silver bell dangling over her throat. Lea wondered if the collar was why Miku had been allowed on the couch and Lea had not been. If a collar meant she had some guarantee that Master wouldn’t abandon her, she wanted it. More than gaining access upstairs, Lea wanted to know that Master wanted her.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Master ordered.

“So, if I had a collar on, you wouldn’t get rid of me? You’d have to take it off if you wanted to give me away, right, Master?”

“Exactly right. As long as you have a collar around your neck, you’re mine.”

“I want that very much, then, Master,” Lea smiled. Master smiled back, and not a smirk or a sneer, but a genuine smile. He seemed excited by her words.

“I want to show you something,” Master said, and rummaged through his pocket until he pulled out his phone. He unlocked it at an angle Lea could not see and tapped and swiped along the screen, “I’ve been looking at collars for a few weeks. Perhaps prematurely, but… I always knew you were going to be the perfect slave.”

Lea beamed up at those words, and hugged him tightly.

“Look. What do you think? Which ones do you like? And be honest, slave, you won’t hurt my feelings.”

Master rested the phone on his chest so that Lea could see the screen. It looked to be some kind of sex toy website, with the logo made from handcuffs and roses. The page showed a shopping cart, with several collars on women’s necks. Lea wondered if this was something on the dark web, but she doubted it. The women looked like models posed in a way she’d seen in Victoria’s Secret stores.

“I bet most people who buy these don’t even have real slaves like you do, Master,” Lea said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“You know, like BDSM or something. Most people probably just buy them for that, not for real slaves like me.”

“Oh slave, you’re still so knew to this world, but you couldn’t be more wrong. There’s far more men like me out there, well- perhaps not like me, but… you get my point.”

“I’m glad that it was you, Master, and not Mr. Keamy or someone else. Thank you for not hurting me,” she said.

“You’re very welcome, my good girl, now look at the collars. I want to know which ones you like best.”

“They’re all black, Master,” Lea pointed out. All were black and leather, though each had a different adornment; diamonds, bells, lace, or fuzz.

“They are. Would you like something more colorful? Like Miku’s?”

“No, I want my own,” Lea frowned. Master chuckled at that and lowered the phone.

“That’s the most attitude I’ve heard from you in a while,” he said, “And you forgot to call me Master. Did that touch a nerve, slave?”

“I’m sorry, Master!” Lea said quickly, and held him tight.

“Answer my question,” he said sternly. He kept the phone lowered and his arms by his sides.

“I don’t know, honestly, Master, I just… I guess I… I want to be your slave.”

He chuckled at that and finally wrapped his arms around her, “Well that’s a relief,” he joked, “But I’m not sure what that has to do with Miku.”

“I don’t want you to… I want to be your only slave, Master.”

“Ahhh I see. You don’t want to be like any other slave, hm? You want to be special.”

“I want to be yours, Master.”

Master squeezed her tightly at that and pressed a dozen kisses into her hair.

“f*ck,” he said thickly, “You’re such a good girl. Let’s see what kind of collars my little slave wants, hm?”

Master lifted the phone and exited the shopping cart. He went to the main menu, where Lea could see options for lingerie, bondage, dild*s, and other options she didn’t get the chance to read as Master tapped on the section for collars.

“No black,” he noted, and entered the filter section to remove it.

“I don’t want a bell either, please, Master.”

“No bell,” he nodded, and made the selection.

Master scrolled through countless collars all on women far prettier than Lea. There were plenty of options; soft pastels with little hearts or metal with spikes. Lea was wondering why none of them were catching her eye when Master almost scrolled passed one.

It was white leather on the inside, but the outside looked almost like a smooth disco ball. The metallic surface glimmered in a beautiful rainbow, almost like how the sun glimmers if you look at it underwater.

“Shiny,” Master commented, “Oh, looks like there’s matching cuffs. What do you like about this one?”

“It’s so pretty, I love the colors,” she said with a smile, desperately wanting to swipe through the different photos of it, but knowing better than to touch his phone.

“There’s a rainbow of colors in there,” Master agreed then chuckles and looked up, “Sort of like your lights, hm?”

Lea looked up at the rainbow fairy lights and smiled. She had loved rainbows ever since she was a kid. As an adult she loved to wear bright colors with shiny glittery accessories.

“Can we get it now, please, Master?” Lea asked eagerly.

Master chuckled and shook his head, “Not quite. You’ve yet to earn it.”

“But… I had sex with you… I thought that-“

“The collar would show that I trust you enough to give you access to my entire home. The upstairs windows would be easy to shatter and escape through. The kitchen has the knife you tried to stab me with. I would like to believe you’d never repeat your past mistakes, but… Slave, I’m very proud of the progress you’ve made, but you haven’t done enough to earn the collar just yet.”

“How can I earn it, Master? What do I not know how to do yet?”

“You’ve learned all of the skills. Now you must apply them. A slave takes orders and obeys dutifully. But a pet, someone who deserves my home and a collar, a pet doesn’t need to be asked.”

“Pet?” Lea whispered to herself.

“Yes, but not like Hans and Miku. I don’t need you with a tail up your ass,” he said and Lea giggled, “No, a pet is someone who is cherished, treasured, and cared for. For now, little one, you are still my slave.”

“I can do it, Master. I can do things without you asking; I can obey you and- and- I can do it. Whatever you want me to do, Master, I’ll do it!”

Lea was confident in her abilities. She knew what he would ask of her, and though the tasks weren’t always enjoyable, they were never painful. He never asked more than she was able to give.

Master looked at her hard, “You really want that collar, don’t you, slave?”

“Yes, Master! I’m ready for it, I promise!”

“You may be…” he said thoughtfully, as if he hadn’t considered it until now, “I do have one question for you, slave…” he said as he wrapped a hand over her neck, squeezing on the areas he’d bitten earlier.

“Are you ready to prove it?”


I would LOVE to hear how old you guys think John is!! Comment your guesses!

Chapter 21: Prove It


For those not interested in reading about watersports, scroll until you see the page break (---). It's a slightly shorter chapter than usual, but a kinky one. The smut is primarily focused on degradation.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Yes, Master!”

His slave beamed up at him, eyes bright and body practically falling over with excitement. She believed her words, whether or not she could follow through on them was another thing. John smirked, and after looking her over, predicted she would likely do well until he initiated the more sexual tasks. It was still very new for her, and she would likely struggle. He was excited to push her and discover just where her boundaries still existed.

“Good,” he said and shoved her off the bed. She slammed onto the floor and rolled about a foot before scrambling up into a kneel. He could already see fear in her eyes.

“I’ve needed to piss for a while now,” he lied, not really having any urge to go at all. However, if he planned to test her eagerness to please, piss was almost certainly a requirement. It was the embodiment of degradation, and it clearly demonstrated her ability to do an undesirable task purely for his sake. His slave made no move toward his dick.

“How disappointing, slave, seems as I’ll have to spell it out for you,” he said. He put on a scowl and shook his head slowly. She practically melted at his words; her eager smile drooped to a worried frown, shoulders sagged, and head dipped low. She responded so wonderfully to his words alone that John doubted he’d ever need to use the punishment room again.

“I need to piss, slave, what should you do about that?”

“I…,” she started and John could hear the panic in that one word alone. Prior to now, it had always been John who initiated piss-related tasks, either by pissing on her body or into a cup. It would be unlikely for her to guess at what he had planned. “Should I go get you a cup, Master?”

“That’s a good suggestion, but I need to go now. I think your mouth will do just fine.”

Her brown eyes bulged, but she began to inch towards him ever so slowly. John barely managed to hide his glee when her hands guided his dick into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and looked up at him with wide eyes. He barely stifled a moan at the sight of her.

He closed his eyes to get the stream going, but immediately opened them again to watch. Her eyes squeezed shut as soon as he began to piss, and she let out a groan of disgust. John could only imagine how horrible in must taste as she swallowed several mouthfuls in rapid succession. Drops of piss dripped from the corners of her mouth, and then a steady stream as she struggled to keep up.

Once he was done, John pulled out. He shook off the last few drops of piss directly on her face and used her hair to dab off the rest. He stood unceremoniously and headed towards the kitchen.

“Get yourself cleaned up, you’re disgusting,” he ordered. He kept his back turned but watched her in the reflection on the microwave. She looked at him with large sad eyes before crawling in the direction of the bathroom. He watched as the drops of piss began to drip towards the floor.

“Walk slave,” he called, “I want the piss on you, not my floors.”

His slave stood, and he watched her walk slowly into the bathroom. She had done well, and with no immediate reward. Her next task would be easier, though now that she was uncertain of reward, it may make her more reluctant. John smirked and grabbed himself a plate of food. He was having a blast.


John was sitting on the couch when he heard the bath water begin to drain. He rubbed his dick with anticipation. The door opened, and John heard the soft sound of her knees scraping on the wood floor. He quickly pulled out his phone and began recording. He mimed typing with his thumbs to avoid her knowing his true intentions.

She crawled to him slowly, and came to a perfect kneel between his legs. She looked up at him, silently pleading for reassurance. Just a few words of praise would likely be all she needed, but John said nothing. If she wanted to earn the collar, she needed to be able to do what he wanted without an ulterior motive, even one as adorable as praise.

“I worked eighteen hours last shift,” he said, and it was actually near the truth, “Go into the bathroom and get the lotion from under the sink; my feet are killing me.”

She obeyed dutifully, and he zoomed in the video onto her ass as she disappeared behind the bookshelf. He rewatched the clip a few times before sending it to Hans.

‘Told you. As soon as you left she was begging me for it.’

John didn’t get the chance to read Hans’ response has his slave crawled back up to him, lotion in hand.

“Slave,” John sighed, “Do you think I appreciate having my lotion bottle scraped along the floor like that?”

“Oh- I… No, Master, I’m sorry,” she said, eyes already filled with tears.

“Go and do it again. If you need to bring me something while you’re crawling, either put it on your back or hold it in your mouth,” he said. He grabbed his phone to read Hans message, not looking up as she crawled away.

‘What a good girl. Does this mean I tell Gary that you’re coming next month?’

‘No. I’ll just call him. I want to know who all is coming.’

John could hear his slave’s approach by the sound of her knees rubbing against the hardwood, but he didn’t look up from his phone. Instead, he leaned back and read Hans’ message.

‘Well Gary obviously, me, you, Martin, and Viktor. Not sure if Adonis or Ryker are coming, but they went last year. I heard Adonis is getting a new boy soon, I guess Christopher didn’t make it.’

‘He had a mouth on him anyways.’

‘That’s how Adonis likes it though. Miku’s already asking to see Leana again, she’ll be thrilled to here you’ll both be at the party.’

‘Three weeks. Leana should be collared by then.’

“How long will that have been, four months?’


John swiped out of the text messages and began to scroll through his contact list to find Gary’s number. As the phone began to ring, John stood without even a glance to his slave and began to pace about the living room. Eventually, Gary answered.

‘I take it this call means I should add you and Leana to the list?’

“It depends on who else is attending,” John said, keeping his tone neutral.

He's not invited, if that’s what you’re hinting at. It’ll be at a new address too to avoid any… unexpected visitors, I’ll send it to you later.’

“Who has confirmed so far? And who are they bringing?”

‘Well Juliet will be here, obviously. You and Leana, Hans and Miku, Viktor and Theta, plus Martin and whatever group of girls he drags in. I heard he’s kept one for almost half a year now, that may be a new record.’

“Adonis and Ryker? Hans said they might attend.”

‘Adonis yes, but I’m not sure who he’s planning on bringing. Christopher’s gone, but he hasn’t given me an update on any replacement as of yet. Ryker declined.’

“Keep me updated on Adonis’ next boy,” John said. With friends as dangerous as these, knowledge ensured John never found himself blindsided. Before bringing himself and his slave anywhere, John would ensure he knew exactly what they were walking into.

‘I’ll give you a call if anything changes. Looking forward to finally meeting this new slave of yours!’

“Thanks, Gary. Bye.’

John quickly pocketed the phone and finally turned his attention to the slave kneeling a few paces away from him. She had kept her kneeling position, but her torso was half turned in his direction. Once his eyes were on her, she immediately snapped back into a proper kneeling form. John had never forbade eavesdropping, though he would have assumed it to be a common form of decency, so he couldn’t correct her for the behavior just yet.

“Which lotion did you pick out, slave?”

“The unscented one, Master, I wasn’t sure if you had a preference, but the others seemed a bit… floral.”

“Good choice, slave,” he said, and dropped onto the couch. He leaned back and stretched his arms as he placed both feet into the lap of his slave, “You’re allowed to begin now.”

John rearranged some cushions until his back sunk into the most comfortable position. He watched as his slave opened the bottle of lotion with a quiet ‘pop’. Then, oddly, she paused. John tilted his head, curious as to why a simple foot rub would be the task that pushed her over the edge. She popped the bottle close and sat it down on the floor.

His slave bent down to press a soft kiss against one of his big toes. John almost moaned in unexpected delight. She had handled his piss better than anticipated, did a decent job of waiting patiently during his call, and now initiated foot worship entirely independently. He held back a grin of pure delight as she showered his feet with kisses. He would continue to push her until she could obey no longer, and then she would earn all of his affection to reinforce this wonderful behavior.

She moved from kisses to licks, working from the bottom of his heal all the way up until she swirled her tongue delicately between each of his toes. She held each foot with care, and her mouth felt soft against his skin. John’s dick was hardening rapidly.

He began to palm at his dick, one hand rubbing it lazily while the other loosely massaged his balls. John placed one of his fleet flush against her face, rubbing and pressing her spit into her face and hair. His foot was just slightly larger than her face, allowing him to curl his toes in her hair. Despite this, she continued to kiss and lick his feet.

If she despised the foot worship, John wouldn’t have known. She kissed and licked his feet tenderly, and every now and then sucked gently on his toes. Though he may have encouraged a more intensive or enthusiastic approach, he was thoroughly enjoying watching how she independently approached the foot worship.

With on hand pumping slowly on his now fully erect dick, John began to secretly take pictures of his slave’s first impendent foot worship. She worked primarily with her eyes closed, only opening if her mouth missed where it was aiming. He took a few pictures before tossing the phone aside to resume massaging his balls.

As she began to lick from heel to toe in long hard licks, John began to jerk off in earnest. He picked up the pace on his dick, and gave his balls more attention. He pulled them slightly and massaged them with his free hand as his slave licked all along his foot. It was time to push her further. Even if she failed this next order, John was still more than pleased with her performance.

“Enough of that, slave,” John ordered, “Come suck my balls.”

He watched her hesitate, eyes darting between the feet in her lap and his balls still being massaged by one of his hands. She was unsurprisingly frightened. He could feel her hands on his feet tighten as she deliberated.

Half a minute passed in complete silence, before his slave crawled in between his legs. She placed two small hands on his inner thighs, and drooped her head near his balls. John cursed under his breath and quickly moved his hand away from his balls. Though she had claimed to be ready for the collar, John certainly had not anticipated such a wonderful performance.

With one hand still on his inner leg, his slave used the other to very gently scoop up his balls. His jerking off slowed as he watched her lift his balls up to her mouth. She sucked one in, and John let out and long moan. She sucked gently, a bit too gently, though he certainly preferred that to the alternative, and her mouth was perfectly warm and soft. Her tongue rubbed along the underside of the ball and then swirled circled around it. She sucked like that for a moment before giving the other ball the same treatment.

“f*ck,” he moaned, resisting the urge to grab her hair or neck. Though John more than enjoyed controlling how she pleased him, he was curious to see how she approached the situation. Just as with the foot worship, she sucked his balls delicately, and her touched almost tickled his inner leg. In the future he’d instruct her on how to improve, but for now he leaned back and enjoyed her mouth.

“Enough with the balls- go lower,” he ordered.

She had already exceeded expectations, and so John continued to test her. He craned his neck slightly to get a good few as he could feel her sucking halt at his command. She pulled his balls out of her mouth with a wet ‘pop’ and dipped her head lower. He closed his thighs slightly so he could feel her soft cheeks against them as her tongue swiped across his taint.

John moaned, and continued pumping his dick. Her first few licks were far too soft. It was likely she had never gone below a man’s dick before, especially near the ass. Some me were oddly insecure in this area, and entirely avoided anything to do with it. They were missing out.

As her licking grew in confidence, John began to moan louder, and precum started to ooze from the top of his dick. He pumped hard, and his free hand grabbed the cushions beneath him. Her tongue felt absolutely incredible, and he very sincerely hoped she would continue her trend of obedience.

“Lower,” he ordered.

If there were to be an task that would break her resolve, licking his asshole would likely do it. He was an incredibly clean man, but the act was inherently degrading and he doubted if she would follow his command. To his surprise and utter delight, her tongue lowered to lick against his hole.

“Oh, f*ck,” he moaned, head rolling back to rest against the couch. Her tongue was soft, wet, and warm. Unlike with his taint, her licks did not begin tentatively. She licked his hole in earnest, and John moaned freely.

He pumped his dick fast, and his hips bucked reflexively as her tongue swirled in circles around his hole. Waves of pleasure coursed through him and his pace on his dick began to falter. He was getting close.

He had cummed hard only an hour ago, and it would be difficult to cum again so soon, but her tongue felt wonderful, and her eagerness to please him brought John right to the edge. He had anticipated her to stop, to beg for forgiveness, to be too frightened to too disgusted to continue. Yet here she was, face buried between his legs with her tongue on his ass. John let out a whimper of a moan.

As his hand moved to massage his balls, John’s thoughts moved to fantasy. He pictured life years down the line. She would turn out to be the perfect slave, he had full confidence, and she would spend every waking moment of her life dedicated to his pleasure. Her old life would be over, any aspirations or goals would be no more, and she’d be entirely devoted to him.

John moaned loudly at the thought and the feeling of her tongue licking from his ass to his taint, her nose pressing against the underside of his balls. She would do anything for him, everything he wanted, and she would do it whenever he asked. John moaned as he felt his climax building.

Eventually, she would do absolutely anything, regardless of how degrading or depraved. Even in fantasy, she wouldn’t enjoy it, but she would do it regardless. Knowing she didn’t enjoy what she did for him was somehow even more enjoyable.

Sweat dripped from his brow as his hand pumped wildly, flinging strands of precum off the tip of his dick. He was so close. Her tongue pressed harder, and the tip of her tongue entered him ever so slightly. Though just an accident, it was enough to send him over the edge.

John moaned loudly, and cum sprayed over his belly and his slave's hair. He continued to pump throughout the org*sm, as his slave continued to lap at his hole. He moaned hard, and eventually his hand slowed and stopped. His slave, however, continued licking and sent out waves of painful pleasure.

“Stop stop stop stop stop.”

His slave’s head yanked away, her worried eyes looking up at him. Her cheeks were wet with her own spit, and globs of cum dripped down her curls. She looked absolutely beautiful.

John was thoroughly spent, and he struggled to think of another task that would test her further. She looked up at him expectantly, and despite having been buried between his legs for half an hour, still waited for his word eagerly. He could have hardly asked for more out of her.

“Did I do something wrong, Master?” she asked, and her voice wavered as if about to cry.

“No my sweet girl, you did so wonderful, come here,” he said, and easily scooped her up into his arms. He was tired and sweaty, and she was covered with his cum, but they both held each other tight.

“I did good, Master?”

“f*ck, slave,” John chuckled, “You did so f*cking good.”

He held her closed and showered her with gentle pets and kisses. She kept her face buried in the crook of his neck for a while before looking up at him with a beaming smile.

“I did good, Master!” she said again, though this time not as a question.

“You were such a good girl, do you know that? I’m so proud of you, sweet girl. So so proud of you.”

Her already radiant smile somehow widened, and she slammed into his chest for another hug. John chuckled and squeezed her tightly.

“I think it’s time for a bath,” John said.

“I just took one, Master,” she mumbled as she kissed his chest and neck.

“You’ve got cum in your hair, slave,” John chuckled. She sat back and patted a hand to her curls, pulling away to reveal cum covered fingers.

“Oh,” she chuckled, “I didn’t even notice.”

“I suppose since you did just take one, I could enjoy a bubble bath to myself,” John said, struggling to hide a smirk.

“I can take a second bath, Master!”

“Hmm…. I don’t know…” he said, and failed to repress a chuckle. His slave giggled along with him.

“Pretty please, Master?”

“Ohhh, pretty please? Well you must really mean it then! Alright then,” he said and smacked her lightly on the bottom, “Go on and get the water running, good girl.”

“Thank you, Master!”

“I’ll make us some water; the bubble bath is under the sink in a pink bottle. I’ll be in shortly.

“Thank you, Master!!” his slave repeated a bit louder. John smiled down at her and chuckled.

“You’re very welcome, sweet girl, you’ve more than earned it today.”


Almost all of our characters have been either mentioned or introduced at this point now! Who are you most excited to read more about?

Chapter 22: Questions and (some) Answers


I'm sorry for the delay in this chapter!! I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about John and his friends :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Steam and bubbles rose from the tub as Lea sat naked on the hard tile. Her arms were wrapped around her knees and fingers were busy twirling a curl in rapid spirals. She rocked mindlessly, only cognizant of the warm steam that hit her face when she neared the bath water.

Her heart beat rapidly and out of sync with her slow rocks, and she took shallow breaths each time she felt the warm the steam. It was thick and wet in her lungs.

Her ass began to hurt as her bones pressed against the tile for too long. Though she could easily move just a half inch to relieve the pain, Lea continued to sit and rock. The pain did not feel real.

“What’s wrong, slave?”

Master’s deep voice cut through the steam and haze. Lea jumped and scrambled into a proper kneel, heart beating even faster now that Master was towering above her. She spared a glance up only to find his eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed.

“I don’t know, Master,” Lea answered honestly.

“Take a moment to think about it,” Master said. He placed a full glass of water on the tub’s ledge before kneeling down in front of her. His hand cupped her chin and lifted her into a gentle kiss, “I want you.”

Lea’s throat hitched and her chest tightened out of no where. She had done well; Master wanted her, and she was getting a bubble bath. The night had gone so well, and yet- Lea felt tears run down her cheeks.

“Oh my sweet girl, come here, Master’s got you.”

Master swept her off the cold hard tile and into his caring embrace. He cradled her in his arms, swinging her slowly as he pressed kisses all across her cheeks and hair. He whispered words of praise, telling her everything she didn’t know she needed to hear.

“I’m sorry for crying, Master,” Lea whispered, only now feeling the tears subside. Master wiped the wetness from her face with a smile.

“I’m not,” Master shrugged, “You shouldn’t feel the need to hold back tears around me, slave. Promise me you won’t.”

Lea smiled up at him, wondering how she got so lucky to have a Master like him, “I promise I won’t hide my tears, Master.”

“Good girl.”

“I still don’t know why I cried though, Master, I’m s-” she started, but was cut off by a stern glance from Master. He left her question hanging momentarily as he stepped into the bathwater, slowly lowering them into the bubbles.

“It isn’t uncommon, you know,” Master said. He kept her secured in his lap with one arm while the other turned off the tap, “I’ve put you through a lot, slave. I’ve made you do very many difficult and degrading things. Even on good days, you may simply need to cry.”

She stared up at him as he spoke. One of his strong arms was wrapped tightly around her waist and the other around her back so that his hand could rub soothing circles over her bruised and tired skin. His words were gentle and face kind, but Lea felt the need to cry all over again.

“But,” Master said with a cheerful tone, “That’s what Masters are for, hm? I may push you farther than you think possible, but I’ll always be here for you when you need me.”

Lea smiled back and hugged him tightly, squeezing as hard as she could. Master chuckled and squeezed back just as tight. “I have a very serious question for you, slave,” Master said, though Lea could read his voice well enough by now to know it would be anything but serious.

“I have a serious answer, Master,” Lea giggled and sat back.

“Who’s my good girl?”

“Me, Master,” Lea smiled wide. Master grinned and grabbed her throat, pulling her against him for a deep kiss.

“You’re mine.”

He kissed her roughly before pushing her back by the throat. Water splash as Lea fell back underneath the bubbles, but she surfaced quickly. Master laughed and gently wiped the bubbles from her face.

“Tell me, slave,” Master said, “Out of all the things I had you do tonight, what task did you like the least?”

Though her gut reaction was the piss, as it was by far the most disgusting task of the night, Lea knew that would be untruthful, “I didn’t like how… how you… you weren’t very nice to me, Master…”

Master’s eyebrows raised and he tilted his head slightly, “Interesting. I thought you were going to choose the piss.”

“I still don’t like that, Master,” Lea added quickly, not wanting him to make any false assumptions.

“No I imagine not, but the lack of praise was worse?”

“Yes, but… it was more than that though. There were times you would look at me, and… and it was like you had changed. Your eyes they- you- It was like you didn’t care about me at all- I could see it in you eyes you just… didn’t care.”

“Do you really think I don’t care about you?” Master asked, as his hands raised a towering pile of pink bubbles.

“No of course not Master! I know you care about me, it was just- I had just thought that- that-” Lea struggled to explain herself as Master continued to frown, “I know you care about me, Master!”

“Good,” Master nodded, “I certainly wouldn’t do all this for someone I didn’t care about, you know.”

“Yes, Master,” Lea nodded.

“What about your favorite part then?” Master asked.

Lea’s mind flashed with happy memories; Master laughing genuinely at her jokes, Miku smiling and waving at her, Master’s arms holding her close. Lea remembered Master f*cking her for the first time, and how wonderful it was to know he wanted her. Lea thought through the very long day as she popped a few bubbles against Master’s chest. The truthful answer would be difficult to admit aloud.

“Can I whisper it, Master?” Lea asked sheepishly.


Lea swallowed her nerves a few times before taking a deep breath, “I liked… I liked when you had me underneath you and I was licking your… I was licking underneath you…” Lea said vaguely.

Master’s eyes widened for a brief second before he furrowed his brows and shook his head, “I’m not sure what you mean, slave; you’ll have to be more specific.”

“I liked…,” Lea started, but her voice broke off. It was far harder to speak of it than to do it. She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut before blurting out, “I liked eating your ass, Master.”

“This time look at me when you say it- and tell me why.”

Lea let out a short sigh of exasperation and her tensed shoulders sagged at the command. He stared down at her with an odd expression, not angry but… absorbed. Lea moved her leg inwards across his thigh until she could feel his dick, rock hard as she suspected.

“I liked eating your ass, Master,” Lea said with ease this time, smiling at the way his eyes widened when she spoke, “You moaned so much, it made me feel like I was doing a good job.”

“Was it the moans or actually licking me that you enjoyed?” Master asked, eyes still focused on her. Lea couldn’t help but smile at how she had somehow gained full control over his attention.

“Both I think, Master, but mostly your moans.”

“Hmmm,” Master hummed with a growing smirk, “You enjoyed hearing my pleasure?”

He asked the question as his lips trailed across her jaw towards her ear. He gripped her throat and cut off some of her air. His beard brushed against her neck as he breathed loudly into her sensitive ear. Lea closed her eyes with anticipation and mumbled a mindless ‘yes Master’ to his question. Master chuckled lowly, his voice a deep baritone, before moaning directly into her ear.

Lea could not hold back a groan as his voice sent waves of pleasure straight to her puss*. Her pulled back, and Lea cried out in disappointment.

“Don’t whine, slave!” Master chided, his words were harsh but he smiled wickedly as he spoke, “If you want something, you may beg me for it.”

“Please moan in my ear again, Master,” Lea begged, but Master made no movement towards her and even feigned a yawn. Lea began to get desperate, “Please, Master! I love hearing your voice. I- I- I’m so happy to be your slave; I love making your feel good, Master, please. Please let me hear you again. I love worshiping you and I-”

Lea’s stream of words were cut off in an instant as his lips crashed into hers with an almost painful kiss. His hand on her neck tightened into a vice, cutting off all her air as he kissed her hard. His tongue swirled in circles inside her mouth as his teeth dug deep into her lip. He pulled back to look at her as she became desperate for air.

“You’re mine,” he growled, “You’re my slave. Mine.”

With the last word he let go of her neck. Lea felt a rush of relief and a strange wave of pleasure as air filled her burning lungs. Just as she had taken that first heavenly breath of air, Master’s fingers were inside of her. She could barely catch her breath as he curled three fingers in her puss*, pumping in and out at the perfect angle while his thumb swirled her cl*t. His hand around her neck cut off a building moan.

“You wanted to hear me, right slave?” I’ll make sure you don’t say a word,” he grinned fiendishly. Her chest began to burn much sooner than before, but Master seemed not to notice as he kissed hard along her neck up to her ear lobe. As Lea began to kick and struggle for air, Master let out a moan.

His hand relaxed slightly, and Lea sucked in air through a tight throat. Master moaned into her ear and finger f*cked her puss*. Her chest burned painfully, but the air Master let her breath felt so wonderful, it was worth the discomfort. She knew Master would never hurt her. With Master’s fingers inside of her and his moans filling her ears, Lea found herself surprisingly close to the edge.

“You made me feel so good tonight, slave, you’re such a good girl,” he moaned into her ear as his thumb swirled her cl*t at a ruthless pace. Lea pressed her knee against his chest. Her need for air became more than she could resist, and her body began to fight against his grip. Master ignored her struggles, and continued to choke her, all while moaning words of praise into her ear.

Just as Lea felt she may actually lose consciousness, Master let go. Air filled her lungs and brought with it a wave of pleasure that sent Lea over the edge. She moaned loudly through desperate gasps for air. Master’s fingers did not slow their pace as she rode out her org*sm in his arms. He kissed her ear, then cheek, and finally reclaimed her mouth. He fingered until the pleasure became pain, and she cried out for relief.

“How was that, my little slave?” Master asked his a smirk. He pulled his hand out from between her legs and shoved them into her mouth before she could reply. Lea sucked without prompting and took many more breaths of needed air before answering.

“Amazing, Master, I’ve never- that was-” Lea sputtered and Master laughed.

“That good, hm?”

“f*ck yes,” Lea laughed breathlessly, she could barely think straight, “Thank you, Master.”

“You made me feel just as good earlier,” he whispered into her ear and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “You’re turning into quite the slave.”

“You really think so, Master?”

“Absolutely. There’s very few who could have done as well as you did tonight. I’m so proud of you, slave.”

Lea smiled so wide her cheeks began to cramp, and she almost threw herself at Master for a hug. “I’m so lucky that you’re my Master!”

“More than you know,” Master chuckled, “There are plenty of men far worse than I out there.”

“Like Ryker?” Lea asked inquisitively.

“Where did you hear that name?” Master frowned, and Lea felt panic grip her entire body.

“Tonight, Master, when you were on the phone…” she said, struggling to keep her breaths steady as her heart beat out of control.

“I thought you’d have enough manners to know that my calls are private. If I wanted a slave listening in I’d have put it on speaker,” Master frowned. His tone was severe, and he held Lea’s gaze without blinking. Lea teared up at the intensity of his reproach.

“I’m so sorry, Master, I didn’t know- I won’t ever do it again, I promise! I’m sorry, Master!”

“I appreciate your apology slave. It was very rude of you to snoop. That being said, I had never expressly told you not to, so I’m not upset, don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” Lea reiterated, and Master kissed the top of her head.

“You’re forgiven, slave,” Master said. Without saying anything more, Master grabbed a nearby cloth and rubbed a bar of soap against it until suds began to form. He took Lea’s arms and began to clean her, touches gentle but thorough.



“I was wondering… could you tell me about who is going to be at the party, please?”

“Oh, the party you’re not supposed to know about?” Master asked, with only the feintest hint of sarcasm. Lea looked down in shame, but Master let out a chuckle. She looked up to see him smirking at her.

“Yes, please, Master,” Lea smiled back sheepishly. Master let out a deep sigh as he continued to bathe her.

“Alright, slave. Because you asked so nicely, I’ll answer one question about each guest. I assume you remember their names?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea nodded, unable to stop a smile from growing as he lightly placed a bit of bubbles onto her nose.

“Ask away, slave,” Master chuckled.

“Mr. Keamy is coming?” Lea asked, and after a silent nod from Master, asked, “Why are you friends with him, Master?”

“Hmm,” Master hummed, “That isn’t exactly a question about Martin, are you sure that’s the question you want answered?”

Lea nodded immediately. The question had lingered in her mind ever since Master had rescued her from Mr. Keamy’s hell-hole. If Master was good and kind, why would he be friends with someone who was so evil? How could he sit by and let a ‘friend’ torture and murder innocent people?

“Alright, slave, I’ll answer. Martin and I have been friends for many years, long before he became the man you know now. He wasn’t always this violent, but he spent many years as a Marine and… well, he was never the same after he saw combat.

“I still care about the man I knew before, and I’m not one to just abandon someone I care about. Loyal to a fault, I suppose. I understand your worry, slave, but you have nothing to worry about. I’m nothing like him, you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” Lea nodded. Things always made sense after Master explained things.

“What’s your question about Vex?”

“Will she actually be at the party? He hasn’t killed her?”

“To answer both questions, she will likely be alive to attend. For some reason he hasn’t killed her yet.”

“I have a question about Miku, Master, how did she and Mr. Becker meet?”

“He reached out to her online. They chatted for a while and he got her to trust him enough to get on a plane to Germany. She left without telling anyone, and when she arrived, he took her.”

“How does he get her to be so… so… good?”

“You didn’t see the watch? He hypnotizes his girls.”

“Hypnotism? I thought that was just pretend, Master.”

“It most certainly is not,” Master said. He submerged the soapy cloth under the water and hung it to drip from the faucet. The once fluffy bubbles that had piled high over Lea’s shoulder had flattened into the edges of the now still bath water. The steam had ceased rising from the tub and collected on the mirror in a white fog. Lea’s upper body began to shiver, and she pressed her face against Master’s warm chest.

“I think my good girl is all clean now, hm? Ready to get into your pajamas?”

“Can you pick them out this time, Master?” Lea asked. Her day had felt like an eternity, and the thought of making any sort of independent decision felt like far too much weight to bear.

Master began draining the bathwater and stood with Lea in his arms before setting her on a fluffy bath mat. “Why don’t you dry off while I make my selection,” Master said. He grabbed a towel for himself and began to dry his dripping wet frame. Lea took the moment to appreciate how muscular he was before he slipped out of the bath and into the common area.

She dried herself quickly, but thoroughly, not wanting to irritate Master with accidental puddles on his floor. After some time, Lea crawled out to find Master already in bed.

“Come on in, slave,” Master said, “I looked at the pajamas, but couldn’t really decide on one. I guess you’ll have to go naked,” he said with a smirk.

“Oh no,” Lea said with mirrored sarcasm, “How unfortunate, Master!”

“How unfortunate indeed,” Master chuckled, “Now, I do believe you had a few questions left?”

“I’m not really sure what to ask, Master… Could you just tell me a little about the people I haven’t met yet?”

“Alright, that seems fair,” Master said. He laid against the messy bed before patting his bare chest, “Come lay against me here.”

Lea needed no further prompting and quickly scrambled up the sheets to cuddle closely against her Master. He began to pet her hair softly, going at a smooth pace. She mirrored his touches with her hand on his chest.

“Let’s see. Gary’s hosting this year, but you’ll call him Mr. Miller, or Sir. He’s a man with very… traditional values. He’ll treat you well because he respects me, but he’s sure to think very little of you. He believes women inherently inferior to men.”

“Do you think like that, Master?”

Master frowned and gave her an odd look, “Is that really a question you need answering?”

Lea began to answer but Master cut her off, “Of course not. I work alongside plenty of female doctors that are highly capable. I don’t treat you like this because you’re a woman; I treat you this way because you’re a slave. In Gary’s mind all women should be chained collared.”

“You don’t, Master,” Lea said, and this time it was not a question.

“No. Slaves should be collared,” Master said and traced a finger of Lea’s bare neck, “When they deserve it.”

Lea could say nothing. Though she had never thought of Master as sexist, there had always been unspoken undertones present in their relationship. Her question had clearly struck a nerve, but a part of Lea was somewhat surprised that Master did not agree with his friend.

“Gary’s slave is Juliet. She’s been his slave for nearly a decade and she’s also the oldest slave- thirty-five or thirty-six I believe. Juliet is…” Master said, voice trailing off and eyes turning away from Lea’s. He stared off into space with an odd expression that ignited a spark of jealousy in Lea, “She’s incredibly intelligent, perhaps too smart for her own good. But she understands her place, and she’ll be welcoming to you.”

“There’s Viktor and Theta. Viktor is a… strange man. He’s similar to Martin in the way he treats his girls, but he’s a tad more… creative about it I suppose. You’ll see when you meet him. He’s interesting.

“You’ll like Theta the most, I think. She’s funny like you, and plays by the rules. She loves to cook so she’ll probably ask for your help in the kitchen if you can stand her singing.”

“She sounds nice, Master,” Lea smiled. It would be nice to meet more slaves.

“Then there’s Adonis. He’s a piece of work; believes he’s a demi-god of some sort. Really he’s just a full blown narcissist- even more than me,” Master chuckled, “But he’s delusional, believes he’s an actual deity. He had a slave named Christopher, but I guess he died so I’m not sure if Adonis will bring anyone to the party.

“And then Ryker, he’s the newest person to be invited to one of these, but it sounds like he won’t be attending. I’ve met him a few times before. He’s got a violent streak, but insists he wants a long-term slave, like you are to me. I doubt he’ll attend.”

“Is Mr. Ryker the man you don’t want to come, Master?”

“Hm? No I don’t care about Ryker,” Master chuckled, “What are you referring to, slave?”

“On the phone, you were asking to make sure he didn’t attend, or something like that.”

“I can assure you, slave, I care very little if Ryker attends or not. Sure he can be a tad hot-headed, but he’s a great conversationalist.”

Lea shook her head, “Okay, so not Ryker, but, I remember you talking about someone you didn’t want coming. Who’s that person, Master?”

Master chuckled and shrugged, “I never mentioned anything like that slave. What do you remember me saying exactly?”

“You asked Mr. Gary- Mr. Miller if he was attending, and then Mr. Miller said he wasn’t and then something about it being at a different place so that this guy wouldn’t know where to go.”

“Oh, well I do remember that. We always change the location of our meetups to avoid any potential run-ins with the legal system. I’m sure you can imagine with friends like mine, we don’t exactly want the police joining in on the fun.”

“You were just talking about the cops? I thought you had been talking about someone-”

“Slave,” Master sighed shortly, “I’m not sure what else you want me to tell you.”

Lea could tell he was beginning to get annoyed, and she certainly didn’t want to ruin such a great night, “I’m sorry, Master, I was just remembering wrong. I’m looking forward to the party.” She smiled up at him, trying to use a happier tone of voice to mask her rising anxiety.

Her efforts seemed to pay off as Master smiled back at her, putting all her worries to rest, “I’ll be honest with you slave; there will be a great deal of the party that you won’t enjoy at all. I think for the most part it will be quite difficult or even frightening for you. That’s why I was hesitant to bring you so early on in your training.”

“I’ll be good, Master,” Lea said.

“I know you will try to be good, at the very least. I don’t plan on making you participate in all the activities, that would be far too much too soon, but I do expect you to watch.”

“I’ll be good, Master,” Lea repeated, though this time will less conviction.

“You were certainly very good tonight, slave,” Master grinned, and Lea smiled back.

“Did I earn the collar, Master?” Lea asked eagerly. Master kissed her with a smile, but shook his head.

“There are a few more things we need to address before you earn the collar. But I want you to know that I have every confidence in you. Who’s my good slave?” Master asked, pulling back to look her in the eyes. Lea smiled back in adoration.

“I am, Master!”


Open for Requests! There’s about two weeks in the story before the next major plot point occurs so I’m open to requests on how to fill that time. It will have to make sense for both the story and characters so I may decline some that I feel don’t make sense in context. What would you like to see happen for Lea's last few weeks of training in this room?

Also feel free to check out the Pinterest I made for this story: https://pin.it/6TjQCzm

Chapter 23: John's (Many) Mistakes


This chapter includes a request from @gummyworms who wanted to see more of Lea surprising John. Honestly, this ended up turning into one of my favorite chapters so far! Hope you all enjoy :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

John watched Lea sleep until 5am when his alarm buzzed softly in his pocket to alert him that his next shift would start soon. He had spooned his little slave for hours, with his arms wrapped around her like a secondary blanket. He slowly slipped his right arm out from underneath her neck, and began to pull his left out from between her arms when her grip tightened.

She looked almost entirely asleep, save for the feeble grasp on his arm. John grinned, remembering how just a few months ago his mere touch had sent her cowering in a corner.

“I have to leave for work, sweet girl, let go.”

“Mm-mm,” his slave mumbled and rolled over with his arm still in her grip, pulling John forward as she turned.

“Let go, slave,” he repeated himself sternly at a louder volume.

“No,” his slave protested in a sleepy mumble with her eyes still closed, “Cuddles.”

John blinked rapidly. He couldn’t remember the last time she had so blatantly defied him. His eyebrows creased and his fists balled tightly, before he relaxed with a short sigh. To his great surprise and mild concern, he wasn’t actually angry. John easily pulled his arm free from her grasp, and stood up straight.

“I’ll be back in twelve hours. Sleep well, slave,” he said. She mumbled incoherently and blindly groped around the bed until she grabbed hold of a pillow and held on tight. John slipped out and shut the large metal door slowly as to not disturb her rest.

As he showered and prepared for work, he couldn’t take his mind off her brazen ‘No’ and how unaffected he felt by it. Any defiance should be corrected, but he hadn’t corrected a single thing. He replayed the moment over and over in his mind, curious as to why even now he felt no urge to punish her.

He wanted to be angry for the sole reason he should be angry. He had set clear rules for his slave; she had to live in a world of black and white. Only trouble could come from bending his rules, especially so early on in her training. She couldn’t just get away with defying him simply by being cute.

John clipped his name badge to the front pocket of his scrubs as he poured himself a large cup of coffee. He couldn’t picture any punishment he’d want to give her, certainly not ones meant for refusing an order.

As he stepped out the door and headed along the gravel driveway towards one of his cars, he decided that he’d have a discussion with her after work. She’d been asleep, and innocently wanted more time with her Master. He certainly didn’t want to discourage that behavior.

As he backed out of the driveway and turned onto the backroads that zigzagged through his property, he found himself still wondering how he could be so unbothered by his slave’s little ‘no’.


Lea yawned as her eyes traced along the page of the book for the third time, scanning but not actually reading the words on the paper. Every line or so her eyes darted up to the metal door, briefly convinced she had heard footsteps or the beep of the lock.

She’d been awake for hours, though it felt much longer. The tiny room had been cleaned twice over now in great detail, and Lea was left to attempt to stave off boredom with a book she used to love. She’d been at it for what had to have been an hour, but was barely halfway through the first chapter. She couldn’t stop thinking about Master.

Lea tossed the book aside and began her dozenth trip around the room, searching for any bit of dirt or dust she may have missed in her previous trips. Ever since Master had left, Lea’s heart would not stop racing. She felt almost scared, though she couldn’t think of a reason why. She knew one thing clearly- she couldn’t wait for Master to return.

With another yawn, Lea pressed her ear up against the metal door, listening closely for the sounds of Master’s shoes on the stairs. After a long moment of silence, Lea decided to wait by the door for him. He’d likely arrive soon, and she wanted to be ready in a perfect kneel.

She held out for as long as she could, but her bruised knees cried out against the solid ground, and Lea collapsed against the wall. She slowly straightened her stiff legs and stretched briefly. She yawned and sat more comfortably, determined to wait by the door for him.



Lea’s eyes flew open to the sound of the final beep. Cool air blasted curls away from her face as the metal door swung open. She quickly scrambled into a perfect kneel as Master entered.

Unlike most days, Master was not wearing shoes. Lea pressed kisses against soft white socks, and smiled up at him. To her surprise, he was dressed quite casually. He had on grey sweatpants and no shirt, with a white towel draped around his bare shoulders that he was using to dry his wet hair.

“Hi Master!” Lea said, eagerly smiling up at him. She had knelt perfectly for him, but Master barely gave her a single glance.

“I worked eighteen hours,” Master sighed deeply. His usual deep voice sounded gravely and rough. Lea crawled after him at a distance as he shuffled his way towards the bed. He very rarely spoke of the outside world, and Lea was eager to hear more. Though, quite hesitant to ask too much.

“You must be so tired, Master,” she said, deciding it was better to empathize than to pry.

“I’m exhausted,” he sighed, “Five surgeries today and one of them lasted eight hours straight.”

“Eight hours?!” Lea blurted out without thinking. Her heart skipped a beat as she immediately realized her mistake, but Master appeared unbothered.

“Yeah,” he groaned, and fell backwards onto the bed, “The sh*tty thing is the guy died. It was a complete waste of my time.”

“What happened to him, Master?”

“TBI, hemorrhagic stroke, his thoracic cavity had pretty much caved in, right arm basically pulp,” Master listed off dully as if he was reading through a grocery list, “He crashed his motorcycle in a t-shirt and jeans.

“He was dead the moment they wheeled him in, but we operated because of course we had too- the asshole had to stay alive for eight f*cking hours. Almost nine really. Eight and a half. Ugh,” Master sighed deeply. He lay on his back with his arms splayed out and his legs sprawled out off the edge of the bed. Lea crawled and knelt in between them. Master pressed his palms into his eyes and dragged them down his face, “I wanted to come and check on you, slave. How are you?”

“Good, Master,” Lea smiled, “I missed you.”

Master groaned loudly and put his palms to his eyes once more, “Slave,” he sighed, “I need sleep.”

Lea’s heart began to race, “No of course, Master! I wasn’t trying to- I didn’t mean to suggest- I mean… Are… Are you going to sleep here, Master?”

“I wasn’t planning on it. Why? Do you want me to?”

Master propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at her blankly. His hair was dark from wetness and the curls stuck against his forehead. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he stared down at her with an expressionless glare.

“Yes, Master,” Lea whispered in a tiny voice.

“Ugh,” Master groaned loudly before letting his elbow drop and flopping back onto the bed, “I need to buy a new bed for this room. This one’s like a brick.”

“Or- or you could sleep upstairs if you wanted to, Master!” Lea immediately back-peddled.

“I know I could, slave, it’s my house,” he said shortly. “Slave? Did you eat today?”

“Not yet, Master,” Lea said with a smile. She had hoped to eat dinner with Master, though that was looking increasingly unlikely. Her smile dropped as Master groaned loudly.

“f*ck me, alright. I’ll get you something,” he sighed and sat up slowly.

“Wait! I can get it, Master!” Lea said hurriedly, putting a hand on each of his knees, “I just wasn’t very hungry that’s all.”

“You know you can eat the food in these cupboards whenever you need in my absence? The water as well,” Master said.

“Yes, Master, I just wasn’t very hungry- I’ll eat later, I promise.”

“Alright,” Master said with a loud yawn that forced Lea to stifle one of her own.

“What if… what if I rub your feet to help you sleep?” Lea offered hesitantly. Master’s eyes shot open at that, and he eyed her carefully, “Could you stay then, Master?”

He nodded with a growing smile before snatching her up off the floor. He kissed her roughly and painfully before tossing her towards the end of the bed.

“Don’t use your mouth,” Master ordered as he repositioned the pillows. He laid down and set his feet in her waiting lap, “I need to sleep and that’ll turn me on too much.”

Lea giggled but agreed, and pulled off his white socks carefully before happily rubbing his feet. She had waited all day for Master, and was beyond relieved he had chosen to stay. Maybe once he fell asleep, Lea could get more cuddles.

Master yawned loudly, and Lea looked up to see him on his phone. She wondered if he was taking pictures of her to send to his friends; she remember how he’d shown her pictures he’d taken in the past. Though, he seemed far too tired for that tonight.

She rubbed his feet as her mind replayed the events of the day. Master had spoken to her so casually, and told her much more about his job than he’d ever talked about in the past. Lea had to assume it was due to fatigue, but a large part of her hoped he was beginning to trust her more.

Lea continued the massage until her fingers began to cramp and she was forced to pause and crack her knuckles. She glanced up at Master to find him fast asleep, face lit up brightly by the white light emitted by the phone left face up on his chest. He must have really been exhausted!

Abandoning the massage, Lea began to crawl across the bed. She moved slowly and carefully so as to not disturb Master. It took a few minutes, but she had eventually curled up next to Master’s chest, who was still fast asleep.

This close, she could see that his phone had been left unlocked and opened to the alarm app. Lea saw two alarms set, and assumed that was when he needed to wake up. Though it felt wrong to look, Lea leaned in close to peer at the tiny digits at the top of the screen that read 04:23. She had never learned to read military time, so she was unsure if that was AM or PM. Lea yawned silently before laying her head on Master’s shoulder and resting her eyes.



Lea woke to Master’s phone beeping repeatedly. Her heart raced wildly, and she took a few deep breaths to calm down. She waited a bit for Master to wake up, but he remained fast asleep. Lea glanced between the blaring phone and her still sleeping Master with growing anxiety.

She didn’t know what was expected of her in this situation. She was either supposed to respect his sleep and let him wake up on his own time, or ensure he didn’t miss whatever he set this alarm for. Lea decided that Master must have set the alarm for a reason, and she didn’t want him to accidentally sleep through something important.

Nervously, Lea shook Master’s arm lightly. She mentally reassured herself that she was making the right decision before shaking his arm harder. His eyes flicked open halfway before blinking rapidly as he woke up.

“Master, your phone is-” Lea started, but her voice was cut off as Master’s hand slammed into her throat. He squeezed painfully, and Lea looked at him in shock and fear. He sat up in a rush, phone still beeping as it tumbled to the floor.

“What did you do?” Master demanding as his already painful grip on her neck somehow tightened further. His palm pressed deep into the front of her throat, and Lea began to panic. Her legs kicked and thrashed, but were mostly trapped underneath the blankets. She pulled at his wrist and tried to peel his fingers away from her throat.

She wordlessly mouthed apologies and pleads, but Master was unmoving, and growing angrier by the second.

“What the f*ck did you do, slave?!”

Lea felt her back and skull slam against the floor with a crack. As the phone blared its alarm near her ear, Lea’s vision went black.


John’s hand trembled as he crouched over his slave’s unconscious body. His heart beat a million miles a minute and he felt on the verge of throwing up.

He remembered being exhausted after that monster of a shift, but couldn’t imagine himself so tired as to make such a careless mistake. His eyes darted between his unlocked phone and his unmoving slave. She had had access to his phone for hours. Hours.

He snatched the phone of the ground and quickly cleared the alarm. He checked for any calls sent within the past few hours or text threads opened while he slept, but found none. His slave wasn’t that idiotic. She’d likely made the call or text and deleted the thread to avoid suspicion.

Johns chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. If she had called 911 the police could be minutes away. He grabbed his glasses off the bedside table and darted for the door. A sharp pang in his chest cried out as his fingerprint unlocked the door. He turned back to look at her.


Her voice was croaky and raw, and John knew he had likely damaged her throat with how hard he had choked her. He felt a wave of anger threaten to overcloud his judgement. He clenched his teeth until his jaw popped painfully.

“Tell me what you did, slave!”

“I’m sorry, Master!” her voice breaking as she spoke. Her apology confirmed his suspicions- she had done something. After months of patience and careful planning, after years of experience- one mistake and John’s life was over.

“What did you do with my phone?!” He yelled and closed the half open door shut with a loud SLAM.

She cried hard now, and coughed repeatedly with a pained wince. Her hand was on her throat as she spoke, “Your phone? What? I- I- I didn’t-”

“You really expect me to believe that?” He snapped with venom, striding with heavy footsteps in her direction. She cried out in fear and scrambled backwards until her back hit the far wall, “You have to think I’m a complete idiot, slave. You expect me to believe that you had access to my phone for hours and didn’t touch it once?”

“I didn’t touch it, Master, I-”

“LIAR!!” He yelled, and kicked the wall near her head. She screamed and flinched away, pressing herself into the corner.

“I-I- I’m sorry, Master! I know I shouldn’t have but I- I-,” she sputtered uselessly. John’s anger was almost uncontrollable as his slave sobbed out, “I just wanted to know the time! I know I’m not supposed to look, but- but I just- I’m sorry!!!”

John blinked in silence as his brain fully processed her screams, “You just… checked the time?” He asked dumbfounded. She sobbed hard and every now and then let out a dry and ragged cough. She pressed herself against the wall as far away from him as possible, with one hand wrapped around her throat and the other pathetically raised in front of her face.

“You didn’t call anyone? 911? Your parents? No one?”

“I’m sorry, Master!”

Had she really just checked the time? As the anger began to melt away, he realized he had almost a dozen cameras in this room alone. As his slave continued to cry and apologies beneath him, John scrolled through the past few hours of security footage. Most of it was of the pair sleeping together, phone unlocked but untouched on his chest. One of the camera’s caught her peering at the screen for a half second, and then footage of her at his feet.

“I’m so sorry, Master! I promise I won’t ever look at your phone again! I know it was wrong, I’m sorry!!”

John’s heart finally began to slow, and he took a shaky breath. He stood above his little slave who cowered and sobbed between his legs. She had only looked at the time. John bent low to scoop her up, frowning deeply when she pushed away from his chest. He had gone too far.

“Slave, I-” He started, but when her face grimaced as he spoke, he quickly softened his tone, “Sweet girl, look at me.”

She did not obey, and though John could hardly blame her after having been choked to unconsciousness, he still needed to maintain control. He mentally counted ten seconds before repeating the order with a hand on her chin.

Her eyes flicked up towards him, red and bloodshot.

“I misunderstood the situation. I overreacted. I should not have punished you so severely for what you did,” he said.

“You thought I called my parents?” She whispered. She had left out his title, but John chose to ignore it. She had a dangerous look in her eye. He should have never mentioned her parents.

“I though that… I-” John faltered with a loss for words. Her eyes drifted away and stared off into space.

“Do you think they miss me?” she whispered.

f*ck. He couldn’t imagine how much more he could ruin things tonight. Not only had he fallen asleep with his phone unlocked and then immediately misread the situation, he had now put ideas of the past back in her mind. He had isolated her for months, creating the perfect environment where she had to depend on him for everything- and with one comment he may have ruined it all.

“What do you think, slave?” he asked to avoid answering.

“I don’t know… I mean, I hope they do- or maybe it would be better if they didn’t… we weren’t ever that close.” She said, eyes distance and glazed. John’s mind was tired, and could hardly think of how to get her back on track.

“Do you think my fish is dead? It’s been a long time since I last fed him- do you think-“

John mentally cursed himself and looked up at the ceiling as he took a steadying breath. He didn’t give a damn about her fish, but she did, and he was the one who had brought up her past.

“I’m sure your roommate has been feeding him,” he tried to use as soft and as empathetic tone as he could manage.

“She never really cared, though. She probably just stuck him in a tiny bowl without a filter or a heater,” she said and began to cry once more. John winced as the situation quickly devolved, “Do you think he misses me?”

“Well it’s a fish, Leana, so probably not,” he snapped without thinking.

She looked up at him as her bottom lip shook uncontrollably and tears pooled in her eyes. He immediately regretted the comment, but there was no taking it back- no taking any of this back. He had left his phone unlocked, he’d yelled at her, brutalized his poor slave, and now insulted something she clearly cared deeply about. He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he could restart the day.

“Leana, I-” John started, but couldn’t think of anything that could undo all of his mistakes tonight. He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes with two fingers.

“I’m sorry for looking at your phone, Master,” she whispered.

John stared down at her with his mouth gaping, completely taken aback. He could hardly believe it. Even as she trembled in his arms, neck turning every shade of blue and purple, she still forgave him. John held her gently, rubbing her back in soft circles and littering her hair with kisses.

“Look at me,” he ordered, and she obeyed without pause. She looked awful, scared and battered like one of Martin’s girls. He couldn’t have her showing up to the party like this. What would the men think of him?

John leaned back to get a clear look at her. She had slimmed down significantly from when he first got her, likely from the trauma and stress. Her hair still looked healthy, though currently knotted in places, but her skin was in far worse condition. Her knees and elbows were scuffed and bruised. Green and yellow bruises dotted her body in random places, along with tiny superficial cuts. Her neck was horrible to look at, and her face looked pale and hollow, still wet from her crying.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” John whispered to himself. She had done so well, surpassed even his highest expectations. He couldn’t hardly blame himself for choking her; how could he have guessed she would be so obedient? No other slaves he’d trained in the past would have acted as she did.

“Master?” She asked, hand on her throat again.


“M-my throat hurts a lot, Master,” she whispered, body tensing visibly as she spoke.

“Let me see,” he spoke softly, matching her tone and mannerisms to put her at ease. He reached out to put his fingers on her throat but she cried out and pulled away, hiding her face behind both her arms.

“No please!” She cried out, barely audible, but John caught it nonetheless. He sighed deeply; he didn’t want to have to give corrections with her in such a fragile state.

“Get that word out of your mouth slave, and no more shaking your head at me either. You aren’t allowed to refuse me,” he said as gently as he could manage without losing the importance of the message. She looked about ready to cry again and so he pressed a few kisses on each of her cheeks, “You know you’re still my good girl right?”

She shook her head with wet eyes before looking up at him in fear. “I-I mean- I- I’m sorry, M-“

“Shhh,” John cut off a string of barely coherent apologies with gentle shushes and pats, “You’re still allowed to have opinions, sweet girl. I just meant you aren’t allowed to refuse an order I give you. Understand?”

“Yea, Master,” she mumbled.

“Good girl, now look up,” he ordered and she obeyed, though her trembling increased tenfold, “I’m going to need to press down on your neck slightly. It won’t feel comfortable, but I need to make sure nothings hurt inside.”

She looked terrified of him, and flinched away as his hand neared, but otherwise gave no resistance. He lightly placed his fingers on her throat and pressed slowly until he could feel the cartilage of her trachea, “Swallow.”

She winced visibly as she swallowed, and thankfully, John felt nothing out of place. “Good girl! I know it must hurt; I just need to check a few more places. Swallow again.”

She obeyed wonderfully, and John felt no signs of damage beneath the skin.

“It will probably be very sore for some time, but I can bring you something to take for the pain.”

“Thank you, Master,” she whispered roughly. John winced for her. He truly did not enjoy causing her pain. Her head fell to rest against his shoulder, and he pressed a kiss to her hair.

“You know you’re my good girl, right?” he asked again.

Lea looked up at him sadly, and silently shook her head before adding, “I don’t feed like a good girl right now, Master.”

Anger boiled in his chest, furious with himself for making so many careless mistakes in one night. First with the man in the hospital and now his slave. He was more than fortunate to have such an obedient girl.

“I have an idea; you go wash up, brush your hair, put on some nice pajamas, and I’ll go make you something to eat. I have ingredients for blueberry pancakes, does that sound good, sweet girl?”

“You’re going to leave again?” His good girl asked, holding on to him tightly. How she could stand to be around him after what he did was baffling, but a testament to his excellent training.

“Only for a moment. You won’t even realize I’m gone,” he smiled, but she remained sullen.

“I‘ll realize, Master,” she whispered, “Could I just come with you? I promise I’ll be a good girl.”

John hesitated. He felt the need to reward her exceptional behavior tonight, but he had already set a previous rule that she’d have to complete her training before going upstairs. He pictured her on the kitchen floor sucking his dick as he made breakfast for them both and groaned audibly as he let the scene play out for a moment.

“Please, Master?”


This chapter is the first time we really see John lose control for a moment. He does NOT handle that well! Yikes! Let me know what you guys think of this chapter in the comments :) I'm still open to requests until Lea finishes training.

Chapter 24: He Hurt Her, But Also Made Blueberry Pancakes


This is kind of a sad chapter in a way. This includes the request from @Monicaporsiempre for a game.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

She needed him. She couldn’t stand to be alone now- not after ruining everything- not in this much pain. Her fingers wrapped in a vice around his arm. She needed him.

“No,” Master sighed, “I want to, slave, I really do, but I have previously established rules we have to follow. Collar first, alright?”

“Alright,” Lea croaked out. It hurt to talk very much to talk, but she grimaced and added, “Master.”

Master was talking. His voice nice and sweet, but his words held no meaning as Lea stared through his moving lips. It would be nice if he kissed her. She liked his kisses. Lea looked down to find her hands shaking a lot.

Master pulled her forward and her face hit his chest. His arms wrapped around her middle and squeezed. He smelled nice. Master kissed her forehead and she let out a long held breath.

When the bedsheets touched her feet and Master pulled away, Lea let out a painful sob. How could he leave her now. She cried endlessly, laying in a limp ball where he left her.

Master made the door beep and she watched through tears as he opened it and stepped forward, but did not leave. Instead, he paused with one foot on the stairs.



“I think I may have an idea… stay right there,” he said. Lea obeyed and watched with guarded hope as Master re-entered the room. He went to the cupboards at the foot of the bed and dug around for a moment before coming to her with a piece of black cloth in his hands.

“You’ll still need to earn your collar before you can see the upstairs,,” Master said and held up a silk blindfold, “But this will let you come join me this morning.”

“It’s morning?” Lea asked blankly as Master tied the blindfold around her eyes and behind her ears.

“It is; early morning.”

Lea swallowed down what felt like a large stone inside of her throat, and winced at the sharp ache it caused. She could remember checking the time on his phone- how stupid she had been- but she couldn’t remember what she had seen. All the memory held now was the bright glow of the screen.

“There, that’s not going anywhere,” Master said. Lea’s eyes were closed underneath the blindfold, and the smooth cool silk felt maintained a comfortable pressure on her head. “Are you ready to go upstairs with me, little slave?”

“With you, Master?”

Master laughed at her question, though Lea could not see how it was funny.

“Well I’m certainly not staying down here!” Master chuckled, and Lea nodded. As long as she was with him. She couldn’t be alone.

Master picked her up and Lea’s arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing hard in case he changed his mind. He carried her across the room, and Lea jumped when the door beeped loudly near her. She hugged him tighter.

She rocked side to side as Master walked up the stairs. Her heart began to pick up the pace, and she found herself almost gasping, unable to take a full breath. She held on to Master, finding his warmth and smell comforting.

A furry coat brushed along her side and Lea gasped audibly. Memories flashed in her mind. Val’s urgent face staring at her from between two pairs of legs, mouth signaling to run. She felt splinters as she pushed past a wall of coats. She turned a corner and was blinded by light.

“What’s wrong, sweet girl?” Master’s deep voice brought her back to reality, and the memories slipped from her mind as jarringly as they had come.

“I- I- I don’t know, Master, I- I think I feel scared.”

“That’s okay to feel scared, you know; I felt scared earlier. Just know that I’m here. I will keep you safe.”


The question hung in the air and Master paused among the coats. The pair stood in silence for a moment before Master continued walking.

“I promise, slave,” he whispered.

She had little time to react before she found herself alone again. Master was nearby, as she could hear his footsteps and the opening of cabinets. She sat where he had put her for a moment before crawling over to where she last heard him make noise, compelled by a desperate need to be near to him.

She crawled across the hardwood until her cheek brushed against his leg hair. She turned and wrapped her arms around both legs.

“There’s my good girl!” Master called out with warmth, and Lea almost smiled. She held onto him tightly.

“I have an idea, slave. While I make us both something to eat, how about you and I play a little game?”

The idea of a game didn’t really move Lea one way or the other. She held on tightly, hoping his game involved her being near to him.

“Open your mouth,” Master ordered, and Lea’s jaw slacked open without thinking. Her jaw hung limply for a moment, before her open mouth was filled by Master’s co*ck. Lea pulled back in surprise and let out a muffled cry.

“The game is this- you keep my dick in your mouth while I cook our meal. It may be a challenge as I have to grab ingredients from across the kitchen, but I know my good girl will do wonderfully. Ready to play?”

With the moment of shock gone, Lea nodded and sucked at a steady pace.

“Good girl!”

Master’s praise made her hum happily as she sucked. She was lucky to have a Master with such good hygiene, as his dick tasted clean, and the pubes her nose were buried in smelled nice.

For a while, Lea sat in a half kneel between his legs as he cooked, finding the game quite easy, only having to move as he occasionally leaned left or right. She wondered if she could get him to finish before the game did.

Without warning, Master walked away, and his dick left her mouth with a pop. She knelt with her mouth still open a moment as her body struggled to react in time. Eventually, she scrambled across the wood floor. She could hear Master open the fridge, and with her hands to guide her, Lea quickly sealed her lips around his co*ck.

No sooner had she gotten back in place did Master begin to move again. This time, however, Lea was ready. Master walked back to where they had been, and Lea scrambled with him. She couldn’t move fast enough on just her knees, and so she half crawled along the floor in a mad scramble to keep up with Master’s pace.

Lea wondered what the punishment would be for losing this game. Master paused only a moment before setting off once more, and Lea tried desperately to keep up, his dick barely inside of her mouth as her knees scraped across the floor.

“Alright, slave,” Master said. Lea wondered if she had won or lost, and she tried to catch her breath with his dick still in her mouth, “I have all my ingredients prepped, now I can actually start cooking.”

Lea’s heart sank, having thought the game was over only to find out it had just begun. Master instructed her to get into a proper kneel while he cooked, and Lea struggled to do so. Her knees hurt terribly, and her whole body was sore. Her throat hurt the most.

Time passed very slowly while Master cooked. She could hear the scraping of kitchen utensils, at one point the cracking of a few eyes, and the sizzling of some type of meat. Master said nothing the entire time. Lea had kept a perfect kneel all while sucking him off, but Master offered not one word of praise. She wasn’t good enough.

Lea tried to up her game, trying to suck his dick down into her throat, but as she leaned forward, the tired muscles in her legs failed her. Her perfect kneel gave out in an instant, and Lea let out a cry as she fell blindly to the floor. Her chin hit the wood and her teeth slammed together in a painful clash.

“That’s a shame, slave, I was very nearly done,” Master said coldly from above her. Lea fought back tears as she sat up against fatigue, pain, and exhaustion. She opened her mouth for his dick, but Master moved away.

“Come over here, slave, you can suck me off while I eat breakfast.”

Lea listened to his footsteps and followed after at a snails pace. She hated herself. Master gave her such a simple game and she had failed miserably. Why would he still want a slave like her? She was no good.

Lea crawled over until she found Master, who guided her under a table and between his legs. He ordered her to suck once more, but Lea knew what to do. If she could get him to cum, that would at least make up a little for how poorly the day has gone so far- she owed him that much.

She sucked dutifully, swirling her tongue around the head and bobbing up and down. She used her free hands to her advantage; with one she gripped the base of his co*ck to jerk him off while she sucked and with the other she massaged his balls.

Master’s hand gripped the ends of her hair and pulled back. So far from her roots, it hurt a great deal and she could actually feel several strands ripped out by his yank. She opened her mouth to tell him, but was silenced as he came all over her face. He let go of her hair and resumed eating.

Lea sat naked underneath the table, freezing save for the still warm cum coating her face, mouth, and hair. She fell out of her kneel, muscles now barely able to keep herself upright. Master said nothing, and she was forced to listen to the sounds of him eating as her stomach twisted into knots.

Master’s chair scraped against the floor, and Lea listened to his retreating footsteps, but felt no desire to follow after. Instead she lay on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest, sniffling away her tears. Master was making some noise in the kitchen as Lea’s mind began to drift.

Butterflies flitted in the an open window as Lea kneaded wet doe. Freshly picked berries glistened in a glass bowl in the sink, still wet from the wash. The air was cool, but the large sun warmed Lea who wiped a bit of flour from her hands onto a goldfish printed apron.

With the dough properly kneaded, Lea covered the tight ball with a cloth and set it aside to rest. She rinsed her hands before happily journeying outside.

The sun was warm in her cheeks and hair, and Lea stood basking in the light until a breeze whisked yellow leaves up and tickled her nose. She giggled and darted through the soft clover yard, headed for a large oak tree.

Climbing was easy, and Lea deftly placed hand after foot until she had climbed all the way to the top. The branches swayed with the wind, but Lea felt no fear. She was safe here.

From up top, Lea had an excellent view of the cottage, tiny and covered in ivy. Her garden, kitchen, and aquariums would-

A foreign hand touched her cheek, almost lifting the blindfold off her face. Lea flinched away, scattering back across the ice cold hardwood until her back hit a sharp corner.

“It’s me, sweet girl,” the voice said. It was too deep and for a moment Lea felt very afraid. She let out a choked sob and pressed her palms against the blindfold. Master would punish her.

Strong hands grabbed her ankles and with little difficulty slid her across the smooth floor. They secured her wrists and pulled off the blindfold. They made her look up to see- Master.

They were both sitting on dark hardwood floor, underneath a large table Lea looked at Master’s face. He looked… sad. Lea closed her eyes. She felt something warm and wet on her cheek, and opened her eyes a crack to find Master wiping away globs of cum with a soft towel.

Master pulled her out from under the table and into his arms as he cleaned her. The towel felt nice, and she relaxed into his arms. She kept her eyes closed as he told her sweet kind things he did not believe.

“Ready to eat?”

“I’m not very hungry, Master,” Lea whispered, afraid her words would be taken as ungrateful.

“Maybe you’ll change your mind when you see what I’ve made for you, hm?”

Lea stared blankly at him before hiding her face in her hands and pressing herself against him chest. She just wanted to go to bed. Master carried her out from underneath the table, and sat down with her in his lap.

“Look,” he instructed. Lea turned her face and looked out between her fingers. There was a full plate of food on the table; sausage, eggs, and pancakes with blueberries arranged in the shape of a heart. Lea smiled at that and couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.

“I know we didn’t have the best start to the morning, but you’re still my good girl.”

Masters words brought a painful lump in her throat and she pressed her face back against his chest.

“You still want me, Master?”

“More than you know, slave, more than you know. Do you want me to feed you or would you rather do it yourself?”

“I thought I wasn’t allowed to feed myself, Master?”

“Not usually, but I’m giving you the option because you’ve been such a good little slave for me. What would you prefer?”

“I…. I…” Lea started, but struggled to figure out what she actually wanted. She paused to weigh each option, but could only really decide on one strong feeling, “I think I want the blindfold back, Master.”


“Mmhm,” Lea nodded, face buried in his chest.

“And why’s that?” Master asked. Lea held back a groan at the question. Her brain was too tired, and she had only barely figured out that she had even wanted the blindfold. She seriously doubted her ability to find out why.

“I don’t Master,” Lea said, “It’s just… it’s… it’s too much.”

“I understand, here, let me help you.”

Master let Lea keep her eyes closed as he gently tied the blindfold back over her eyes. As soon as he finished with the knot, Lea felt herself relax completely in his arms.

“Can you feed me too, Master?”

“Of course, slave, but first I need you to drink this,” Master said. He put a straw against her lips and Lea sucked down a few painful gulps before pulling back.

“I know it’s probably uncomfortable, but you need to finish this glass now, slave,” Master ordered, and pressed the straw back against her lips. Lea was confused as to why he would need her to drink it all now, but did as he wanted. Her brain was too tired to do anything else.

Once Lea finished the cup, Master began to feed her small bites of delicious food. It was still warm and tasted absolutely amazing. Master was truly an excellent cook. Lea found that she wasn't nearly as cold with her belly full of warm food.

As her fed her, Master told her how good she was, how he was proud of her, how he wanted her. Though they didn’t change the fact she was worthless, ugly, and stupid- his words were nice to hear.

As she ate, Lea began to lose strength. Her body swayed in Master’s lap, struggling to balance enough to sit straight. Eventually she had to lean against Master, head limp against his chest. It began harder to eat, and her mind began to drift once more to her safe little cottage in the sun.


Poor Lea :'( I tried to change the writing style to reflect how broken her mental state is rn. Also I'll say requests are semi-closed for now as I move towards the party. If you have something though, I can try to fit it in with my plans. Doesn't hurt to ask!

Chapter 25: A Moment of Happiness :)


I don’t usually write so quickly but the words were flowing with this chapter! I guess I needed some aftercare after that last chapter haha. This is a bit shorter than usual too. Enjoy! :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was like she had been in a waking sleep and only just now truly opened her eyes. Lea was sitting with Master a large bed, much larger than the one in her tiny room, as he combed through her hair. She watched little droplets of water drip from the ends of her curls onto her bare breasts and trickle down into her lap.

She was cold, and wrapped her arms around her waist. How could she be wet without having ever taken a shower?

She looked around the foreign room, nothing about it seemed familiar at all. The poster bed was large and topped with a large fluffy green blanket. The furniture that lined the walls were all made from what looked like hand-carved wood- nothing like the flimsy IKEA furniture she had in her apartment.

“You have a few knots; I’ll be as gentle as a can,” Master said. Lea knew she knew him, and yet his voice seemed unnaturally deep. She turned to look at him, and though she was aware she had known him for a long time, she was struck by his handsome features as if she had never seen them before.

“Are you alright? I didn’t mean to pull too hard,” Master said.

“I- I don’t know, I’m- I-“ Lea struggled to put the strange sensation into words, “Where are we, Master?”

He chuckled a bit at that, and tilted his head. Lea thought the way his curls dangled over his forehead was cute, and she tilted her head to match.

“We’re in my bedroom.”

“No,” Lea said, shaking her head and accidentally sending tiny water droplets off the ends of her wet curls.

“No?” Master chuckled with his eyebrows raised, “I’m pretty sure this is my bedroom. I could be wrong, but I’m quite certain this is the room I sleep in every night.”

“No,” Lea said, “I’m not allowed to go upstairs. I need my collar from Master.”

“Well, I’m Master,” Master said, “And I’ve already given you a collar.”

Lea frown and her fingertips grazed across the leather collar she only just noticed hanging from her neck. How could she have forgotten this?

Lea grinned up at Master and propelled herself up off the bed and into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and showered his cheek with a million kisses. Master laughed and held her close.

“Having some trouble remembering, little slave?”

“Yeah, it’s really weird,” Lea said, “It’s like I know what happened but I can’t remember it… kind of… but not really…”

“Trauma can have interesting effects on the mind. Gaps or lapses in memory is not uncommon.”

“Trauma? What trauma?”

Master smiled and kissed her forehead. He grabbed the comb and continued to work through her tangled hair.

“Well,” Master said, “You went through considerable trauma during your training, but that’s all over now. There may be skills or new rules for me to teach you moving forward, but you know how to be a slave- and an excellent one at that.”

Lea grinned wide and kissed him again, more than content to let him brush her hair while she cuddled him in his lap.

“What does my collar look like, Master?”

“It’s black,” Master said, and before Lea could finish wrinkling her nose he added, “You already told me you don’t like the color. This is the collar I picked out. Sometime soon I will let you order one that you prefer.”

“When I’m a better girl?”

“No,” Master said curly, “No, you’re already an amazingly good girl. It will be for some special occasion. I know that’s vague, but trust it will happen soon, slave.”

“Of course I trust you!” Lea laughed and shook her head.

Master continued to brush her hair until her curls were fully detangled. He let her pick out a cute pair of pajamas before getting dressed himself.

“Ready for breakfast?”

Lea frowned in confusion, watching Master slip on some boxers, “But we already had breakfast… the pancakes, remember?”

“Hm, interesting,” Master hummed with his back turned as he rummaged through his dresser drawer, “That’s what she remembers last.”

He turned as he slipped on a simple grey blue tee, “That was several days ago, sweet girl. I have leftovers from dinner yesterday already heating up for us.

“Soup?” Lea asked, though she had no real memory of what it had been, that felt right.

“Mhm, tomato soup. No grilled cheese leftover sadly, but I’ve got some toast we can use instead.”

“Grilled cheese and tomato soup,” Lea echoed to herself quietly.

“Do you remember my tour of the house, sweet girl?”


“Slave…” Master prompted with a sideways glance.

“Oh sh*t. I mean- I- I’m sorry- I forgot to say Master.”

Master laughed and picked her up, not seeming upset by her error, “I don’t think I’ve heard you curse in a while, slave.”

“Is it bad to curse, Master?”

“Not necessarily, though you certainly aren’t allowed to direct it towards me.”

“I wouldn’t ever curse at you, Master!!” Lea said, shocked at the idea of it.

“I know, you’re a good girl aren’t you?”

Your good girl,” Lea corrected with a wide grin and a hand on her collar.

“That’s quite right!” Master smiled with a kiss, “Now, let me give you the tour.”

Master’s house was not as large as Lea would have imagined. He didn’t have 20ft ceilings or an indoor bowling alley, and there weren’t lavish decorations strung about.

Master’s home had a total of six rooms, not including the closet containing the entrance to the training room. The living space was the largest area, containing a long brown suede couch and a stone fireplace. The kitchen was directly connected, with only a kitchen island and barstools as the clear divider between the spaces.

Masters room had a large bathroom and walk in closet that contained a small dresser for Lea’s belongings. The door to Master bedroom was connected to the living are, and directly across was the closet containing the training room. The leftmost wall was made entirely of windows that looked out into the gravely front lawn.

The kitchen was on the opposite wall from the massive windows, and had one door on each side of it. Master showed Lea one door, it contained a desk with a nice computer and some gym equipment. The other door was locked, and Lea was not allowed inside.

Master let Lea ask any questions she wanted, though she admittedly had very few. She was just happy to have her collar and to be allowed up in Master’s home. He must really want her.

As the tour came to an end, Master carried Lea into the kitchen, “Ready to eat?”

Breakfast was delicious, and Lea was grateful for his skills in the kitchen. Even his toast tasted amazing! After she did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, she came to kneel by Master’s side.

“I’d like to show you my garden,” Master said. She was only on the ground for a moment before Master scooped her up into his arms.

Master walked out the front door and followed an unmarked path along the outside of his house. The air was quite cold, and with only her thin pajamas on, she pressed herself against Master for his warmth.

Master’s house looked very modern from the outside, though the inside felt almost rustic. His cars were parked in the open air, and the house was surrounded by a small patch of lawn that led directly into a densely packed forest of firs.

“Here we go,” Master said as the approached the back yard, “I always keep this gate unlocked. There’s no one around for miles anyways.”

“Oh wow!!” Lea gasped as Master entered through a tall wooden gate. Master’s garden was gorgeous. He carried her along a stone pathway through overflowing flowerbeds filled with a dazzling display of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. The corners held large fruit trees surrounded by bushy shrubs.

“I’ll admit that it’s a bit overgrown. I haven’t had much opportunity to tend to it since getting you. Training is… quite demanding.”

Lea felt a pang of guilt at having kept Master from this beautiful place, but she quickly smiled with an idea, “I can help you Master! I love gardening- and yours is the prettiest I’ve ever seen!”

Master smiled. He cupped the back of her neck with his hand and pulled her in for a deep kiss. His lips were soft, and Lea moaned into his mouth. He chuckled as he pulled back.

“That sounds wonderful, slave.” Master grinned, “You wait here; I’ll come back with some water and sun screen.”

“Thank you, Master!”

Master left Lea on a small wooden deck shaded by a small offshoot of the roof, but Lea had no intention of sitting in the cold shade. She eagerly slipped off the deck and sat in the dirt that was warm from the shining sun.

The air was cold, but with her fingers and toes buried in warm earth, Lea wasn’t shivering. She closed her eyes and smiled wide, enjoying the sun that shone brightly overhead. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect day. Though she would have cared for more kisses…

The bright sun was cast into shade. Lea opened her eyes and looked towards the gate, but found it empty. Her heart raced as she found herself sitting in a tall human-shaped shadow that loomed just behind her.

“Hello Lea,” came a strange and unfamiliar voice.


Who could it be…?

Chapter 26: An Unexpected Visitor


Idk how I’m writing so fast, but here’s another chapter! It’s a bit shorter like the last one… Hope you all enjoy :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

She wanted to turn around, but her body was frozen in place. Lea was forced to stare at the shadow as it began to move and a pair of long legs came into view.

The man wore what looked to be expensive dress shoes and black slacks. As he moved to stand directly in front of her, Lea slowly looked up at him, body shaking in terror. The face she saw was long and older, with minimal wrinkles and hair speckled with grays. She had never seen this man before in her life.

“I said hello, Lea.”

“H-h-h-,” Lea faltered and the man chuckled. He crossed his arms and stared down at her with a look that made her tremble, “Who ar-“

“Get the f*ck off my property,” Master growled, voice seething with rage. Lea’s head snapped up towards the gate where Master stood with two bottles of water and a container of sunscreen.

“Good to see you to, John,” the mysterious man smiled.

“How the f*ck did you get past-“

“Does it really matter? I wouldn’t be telling you the truth regardless.”

Lea’s eyes darted between the two men. Master’s face was beginning to turn red- she had never seen him this mad before. The stranger looked calm and collected, smiling playfully at Master’s angry expression.

“I was just saying hello to little Lea here, I have to say, John, she looks a little worse for wear.”

Go. Away.

“I bet those bruises hurt hm, Lea?” The man addressed her casually, “The ones around your neck look fresh, did he strangle you two or three days ago?”


“Leana! Shut up!” Master snapped angrily. His words stung, but Lea knew he was more angry at this strange man than her, “Don’t believe a word this man says! I’m warning you, Adan, get the f*ck off my property or-“

“Just two waters, John?” Adan asked and let out a sharp tsk. Master looked almost ready to explode as the man shook his head, “Go get us another.”

Lea’s jaw dropped wide. This man clearly had no idea who he was talking to; Master wouldn’t stand to be interrupted or talked down to like that. Master was in control and wouldn’t let this ‘Adan’ talk so brazenly!

“Adan, don’t-“

“And put mine in a glass. I don’t like to drink from plastics.”

Master was going to yell at him, going to storm him off his property and Lea couldn’t feel an ounce of remorse for the man. How dare he speak so rudely to Master?! Master was practically shaking with rage, his fists clenched into tight fists. With a pop and a splash one of the bottles of water burst from his grip, sending water spraying across the flowers nearby.

“Now, John!”

Lea’s jaw dropped even further as Master simply turned and left without another word. Her eyes followed him before slowly moving up to the man who had somehow been able to give Master an order.

“He sure is frightening when he gets angry like that, hm?” The man asked in a soft tone. He crouched low until he was near eye level with Lea as she sat in the dirt. Lea could say nothing.

“God, he creeps me out. I think it’s the eyes, they’re just… empty. Lea,” the man held her gaze with deep concern, “I’m so very sorry you have to be here. I want you to know that I will do anything I can to get you back home.”

“I am home,” Lea answered with a glare. Master warned her not to trust him, and she wouldn’t. This man was up to no good.

“You don’t even know where you really are, Lea,” Adan sighed with his fingers on his temple, “Your mother hasn’t lost hope. She’s doing everything she can to get you back.”

Lea shook her head, frowning. She was happy with Master- he kept her safe- Lea didn’t want to leave.

“Here, look,” Adan said and held out his unlocked phone, eyebrows raised in concern, “Look before he comes back!”

Her eyes darted down for only a second. She saw her childhood living room, the old wooden table scratched with doodles she’d gotten a beating for carving in as a little kid. On top was a fish tank overgrown with algae, but clean enough for Lea to see a tiny little fish inside.

“Your mom’s been taking care of Mr. Bubbles. They both miss you, Lea.”

“How do you… why- no- no- it’s- it’s fake! You’re lying!!” Lea snapped with tears in her eyes.

“I’m not lying. She posted this to her Facebook last Tuesday. Caption says ‘Happy Thanksgiving, my sweet girl. I will never-“

“Stop!” Master yelled, causing Lea to jump nearly a foot back in fright.

“Master, I-“

“I said SHUT UP Leana!” Master snapped as he paced across the lawn to yell in the man’s face, though Master was nearly a foot shorter than the older man, “Why do you always have to ruin everything, Adan!?”

“Wow that was pretty convincing, John. For a second I almost believed you actually cared.”


“I have a game for you, little Lea,” the man smirked, turning his back on Master to grin down at Lea. Master seethed with rage but otherwise did nothing.

“I’m going to give you four pieces of information. I want you to tell me which one you think is true. Are you ready?”

Lea said nothing and looked up to Master for approval. He gave her no indication, simply glaring with open hatred to the man who knelt in front of her.

“One- When your Master was a little boy, he liked to take little baby animals, puppies and birdies and kill them. He’d grab them around their little tiny necks and squeeze,” Adan said, squeezing his fist just inches away from Lea’s face, “Sort of like how you got those nasty bruises under that collar of yours.

“Two- John has a dark secret that he would never admit to, not even to me; but, I know it’s true. He gets off on pain; next time he hurts you check his dick and I guarantee it’ll be hard.

“Three- He doesn’t care about you, Lea. He’s incapable of caring for anything besides his own best interest. When it came down to it, he wouldn’t care if you lived or died.

“And four- Your Master back there, Lea? He’s a murder. Killed plenty of people that I’ve watched with my own eyes and more that I haven’t. He’s got plenty of innocent blood on his hands, more than just yours.”

Lea listened in silence and disbelief, eyes flicking between Adan and Master. Her heart beat out of her chest and she found it hard to take a full breath.

“So, which is it, hm? Pick one,” Adan grinned with a sinister gleam in his dark eyes.

“She doesn’t have to. I’ll tell her,” Master snapped, “She knows I would never lie to her.”

“Oh, so you’re about to do what? Tell the truth? Ha!! Alright, well this should be good.”

Master shot him a glare as he approached Lea and sighed shortly.

“I’m sure you can understand why I wouldn’t want you to know this, but… I was a troubled child. Adan’s story was almost entirely exagerated, but my parents did find that I had killed some chickens that lived on our property. I was immediately put into therapy for… obvious reasons… I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me. This isn’t exactly how I would have brought it up…”

“It’s alright, Master,” Lea whispered.

“Well, thank you for enlightening us with that 100% and definitely not fabricated story, John; it was really spectacular. Really something,” Adan laughed.

“I need to speak with you,” Master snapped with a glare, “Now!”

The playful attitude from Adan was gone, instead replaced by a look Lea had seen on Master many times; something that Adan had commented on just moments earlier- blankness. The pair of men walked across the lawn until they were almost entirely out of earshot. Lea knew she shouldn’t, but she did her best to try and catch what bits of the conversation she could.

“Why do you always- …- on- …!?” Master snapped angrily, fist gripping Adan’s shirt. Lea only managed to hear the first few words, though Adan spoke with clarity.

“Oh please, John, don’t pretend to actually give a sh*t. It’s fun!”

“I-… -…- this one!”

The pair of men both turned to look at Lea with unsettling expressions.

“Why? She - …” Adan still stared at her, but lowered his voice like Master’s to where she could only catch a few words, “So-… covered in- … gotten bored- …”

Master said something Lea missed completely then let out a loud exasperated sigh, “That was- …-.”

“The understatement of the year!” Adan laughed.

“I’m serious, Adan!” Master yelled. He glanced over to Lea once more before turning and speaking so quiet Lea couldn’t catch a single word. What she could see was Adan’s face, his eyes looked onto her’s as Master spoke. His uncaring smile slowly dropped as Master spoke, turning into a curious frown.

“This one?” Adan asked and Master nodded. The two shared a moment of silence and some serious glared before Adan burst into laughter.

“Oh, that was good, John! You’re getting much better at the whole ‘caring’ shtick that was pretty convincing!”

“Adan!” Master yelled, “I do care!- …- Please, just- ….- …-”

Adan’s smile dropped in an instant and his head tilted to the side. His eyes darted across Master face before pulling back with a frown.

The pair of men exchanged a few words that Lea couldn’t hear before nodding. Master paced back to Lea, followed shortly by the taller man.

“Lea go inside. We’re done here,” Master snapped. Lea immediately began crawling across the dirt until Adan stepped directly in front of her.

“John, please. She’s filthy. Why don’t you get things set up for us inside and I’ll get her cleaned up. Wouldn’t want to track dirt inside.”

“Do you really think I’m going to let you touch her?”

“Oh so you can torture and rape her but God forbid I dust the dirt off her knees.”

“Adan!!” Master yelled and Adan sighed.

“Right, sorry,” Adan sighed, “I guess Lea doesn’t know me well enough to know when I kid. I like to give your Master a hard time sometimes, Lea, but we’re old friends. He knows I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our friendship. I wouldn’t dare touch her.”

Master looked between Adan and Lea, before sighing shortly. Lea desperately hoped Master wouldn’t leave her with this man.

“Fine. I’ll be watching on the cameras.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Adan chuckled and gave a little wave as Master left through the fence. Once Master was gone, Adan turned to Lea.

“Well, stand up then let’s get you cleaned off. Here stand on the deck it’s clean there,” Adan instructed. Lea was surprised he actually intended on just dusting her off, but did as he said and stood on the wood deck.

Adan used the back of his hand to wipe the dirt off her hands, arms, and legs.

“Hm… your feet are still filthy…” Adan sighed with a frown.

“I could-“

“I’ll just have to carry you,” Adan sighed.

“Wait, n-“

Lea barely got a word of protest out before she was swept up off the ground into the strangers arms. He looped one arm behind her back and the other under both her knees, his hands gripping her shoulder and knee respectively. The pair walked in silence out of the gate before he paused and glanced down.

“I want to know something, Lea,” Adan spoke softly, “If John hadn’t interrupted, which one would you have guessed was true?”

“I… I thought they were all lies…,” Lea said, and Adan grinned wide.


Ahhh you guys this was a super important chapter! Adan is a very interesting man who had plenty of things to say... Let me know what you all think in the comments!!

Fated? Or Forced. - fluffycactus (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.