Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (2024)

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E-Learning ist eine flexible und kostengünstige Möglichkeit, Schulungen und Schulungen anzubieten, erfordert aber auch eine sorgfältige Planung und Verwaltung von Ressourcen. E-Learning-Ressourcen umfassen Inhalte, Technologie, Personen und Zeit, und die Art und Weise, wie Sie sie zuweisen, kann sich auf die Qualität, Effizienz und Effektivität Ihrer E-Learning-Projekte auswirken. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie einige Tipps und Best Practices zur Zuweisung von E-Learning-Ressourcen basierend auf Ihren Zielen, Ihrem Budget und Ihrer Zielgruppe.

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  • Ravi Pratap Singh Co-Founder @ Learnnovators 🔆 Multi Award-Winning E-Learning Solutions Provider🔆 LinkedIn Top E-Learning Voice

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  • MOHAMED ALZAGHIBI, PhD, GRCP Chairman | Board Member | Growth • Governance • Partnerships |GRCP | Dip Corporate Governance

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  • Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (7) Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (8) 5

Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (9) Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (10) Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (11)

1 Bewerten Sie Ihre Bedürfnisse

Bevor Sie mit der Zuweisung von E-Learning-Ressourcen beginnen, müssen Sie Ihre Anforderungen ermitteln und Ihre Einschränkungen identifizieren. Was sind die Lernziele und Ergebnisse Ihres E-Learning-Projekts? Wer sind Ihre Zielgruppe und was sind ihre Vorlieben und Erwartungen? Wie viel Zeit und Geld haben Sie, um das Projekt abzuschließen? Was sind die technischen Anforderungen und Standards für Ihre E-Learning-Plattform und -Inhalte? Durch die Beantwortung dieser Fragen können Sie den Umfang und die Spezifikationen Ihres Projekts definieren und die wichtigsten und relevantesten Ressourcen priorisieren.

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  • Ravi Pratap Singh Co-Founder @ Learnnovators 🔆 Multi Award-Winning E-Learning Solutions Provider🔆 LinkedIn Top E-Learning Voice
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    Effective allocation of e-learning resources involves a strategic and learner-centric approach. First, assess specific learning needs and goals, then prioritize content that aligns with organizational objectives. Invest in a user-friendly platform to ensure seamless accessibility. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of courses and update content to stay current and relevant. Foster collaboration between teams for knowledge sharing. Lastly, leverage analytics to track progress and refine resource allocation for continuous improvement.


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  • Victor Fitzjarrald Proven Product Manager and Executive | Father | Lenape | Google Innovator | Educator | AIPMM CPM/M/IL
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    Most of the time, I find you can boil the needs assessment into two questions: 1) What do I want them to learn? It could be something as trivial as how to login to the network or as complex as orbital dynamics. This should also give you an idea of the types of media you will use. If you want them to lean python, you will probably need to display code, etc. 2) What will the student do? Will they click a button and read information? Will they watch a video and take a quiz? What will the student actually do with the information they learn? Then lastly 3) how will they prove their learning? Most folks tend toward a quiz or assessment with a minimum passing threshold. If you can answer these three questions the rest will come.


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    From need analysis for identifying knowledge and skills gaps to devising your Learning Objectives, Learning Assessments, and Learning Activities; make sure you assess all that in your initial stage, for example, your learners (audience), age group, learning styles, or personas, interactivity options, course length, LMS, authoring tool, etc. you have searched everything according to your environment.You can use the ADDIE model in general or the Backward Design Model if you are in the corporate sector.


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  • Mahshiyeh Moayeri Freelance Instructional Technology Specialist | Empowering and developing Learning and Education Through Innovation and Technology 🚀
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    • It can help you plan and manage your project more effectively and efficiently, by setting realistic and achievable goals, milestones, and deliverables, and by allocating and distributing your resources accordingly.• It can help you avoid or overcome potential challenges and risks, by identifying and anticipating the possible issues, gaps, or conflicts that may arise during your project, and by finding and implementing solutions or alternatives.• It can help you evaluate and improve your project quality and impact, by measuring and comparing your project results and outcomes with your initial needs and expectations, and by collecting and analyzing feedback and data from your stakeholders and learners.


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  • Dan Casey EdTech | eLearning | Instructional Design | Growth Mindset | Lifelong Learner
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    To assess your needs, keep the end user in mind. What does success look like for this project? Once you can identify the scope of the project, ensure that your are balancing the budget and timeline appropriately against it. Between the three (scope, budget, and timeline), if one becomes tighter, then the other two must have some flexibility and slack to make up for it. Understanding the expectations of each of these will help you decide how to allocate your e-learning resources accordingly.


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2 Wählen Sie Ihre Inhalte

Der Inhalt ist der Kern Ihres E-Learning-Projekts und sollte auf Ihre Lernziele und -ergebnisse abgestimmt sein. Abhängig von Ihrem Thema, Ihrer Zielgruppe und Ihrem Budget können Sie E-Learning-Inhalte erstellen, kuratieren oder kaufen. Das Erstellen von Inhalten bedeutet, eigene Materialien wie Text, Bilder, Videos, Audio, Animationen, Quiz und Simulationen zu entwickeln. Das Kuratieren von Inhalten bedeutet, vorhandene Materialien aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Online-Kursen, Artikeln, Podcasts und Webinaren auszuwählen und zu organisieren. Der Kauf von Inhalten bedeutet den Kauf von vorgefertigten Materialien von Anbietern oder Anbietern, wie z. B. Kursbibliotheken, Vorlagen oder Autorentools.

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  • MOHAMED ALZAGHIBI, PhD, GRCP Chairman | Board Member | Growth • Governance • Partnerships |GRCP | Dip Corporate Governance
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    In today's increasingly diverse and interconnected world, it is crucial that educational content reflects and embraces the cultural diversity of its learners. The relevance of educational content to culture goes beyond mere recognition and celebration of different cultural backgrounds; it plays a fundamental role in fostering inclusivity, engagement, and effective learning outcomes.


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    With a variety of way to leverage content, including off-the-shelf and in-house made, you must acknowledge the difference. The use case of these are different because you will find content that is created by in-house ID’s much more aligned to the “training” scope while purchased content tends to be heavily valued in the “development” landscape. Library assets are intended to provide the “Baskin Robins” experience by having a content style and topics for everyone. Don’t get stuck with paralysis by analysis and choose content that adds value to both prescribed and elective learning.


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    Content should be aligned with the learning objectives. Include examples and case-studies as they enable better understanding of content


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  • Dan Casey EdTech | eLearning | Instructional Design | Growth Mindset | Lifelong Learner
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    It’s important to remember regardless of the content that is chosen, the content should be selected based on the needs of the target audience - not the needs of the client. Hopefully, the needs of the client and target audience are one in the same, however, that’s not always the case. As the expert, to create the best quality product, the content should subjective. An objective approach tends to lead more towards the “one size fits all” methodology of learning, which is not the case for either children nor adults. This doesn’t necessarily mean that content must be custom or that purchased content isn’t a good fit. This simply means that each case is unique (since each target audience is unique) and must be treated as so.


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    Be specific about creating or curating your content and it should support the Learning Objectives that you have identified (as per the Backward Design Model) in your need analysis.You need to make sure that your Learning assessments are in line with your objectives as well as the Learning activities that you are going to layout for the learners.Tip would be to also use formative assessment (knowledge checks) to keep the retention of the knowledge.


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3 Wählen Sie Ihre Technologie

Technologie ist das Medium Ihres E-Learning-Projekts und sollte Ihre Inhalte und Ihre Lernenden unterstützen. Abhängig von Ihrer Plattform, Ihrem Format und Ihrer Bereitstellung können Sie verschiedene Arten von Technologien für Ihr E-Learning-Projekt auswählen. Sie können zum Beispiel ein Lernmanagementsystem verwenden (LMS) um Ihre E-Learning-Kurse oder eine Lernerfahrungsplattform zu hosten, zu verteilen und zu verfolgen (LXP) um eine persönlichere und sozialere Lernumgebung zu bieten. Sie können auch verschiedene Tools und Software verwenden, um Ihre E-Learning-Inhalte zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und zu verbessern, z. B. Authoring-Tools, Video-Editoren, Grafikdesign-Tools und Gamification-Tools.

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  • Oluwatobi Awoyemi, MBA, PGCE, MCIM, BSc. Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing | UK Teacher Training Consultant -I help you find the best Qualification or Pathway to Teaching | SDG #4 - Quality Education Advocate
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    In my experience, I have found that the eLearning platform chosen is of utmost importance - it must have provide a great user experience for users, which can in turn, improve and facilitate the learning experience.


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    There are many Learning Management Systems available at your disposal but never even overwhelm yourself with what to choose. Your audience will help you identify the LMS you are going to choose. Make sure the LMS that you choose has customizing options and more options to control the online environment.For developing your courses, it is only and highly recommended that you choose Articulate suite as it is the best authoring tool available for you.Selecting your technology initially will help your journey with less hurdles onwards.


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4 Verwalten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter

Menschen sind der Schlüssel zu Ihrem E-Learning-Projekt, und dazu gehören Ihre Stakeholder, Ihr Team und Ihre Lernenden. Je nach Größe, Komplexität und Dauer Ihres Projekts können Sie verschiedene Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten für Ihr E-Learning-Projekt verwalten. Sie können beispielsweise einen Projektmanager haben, der die Planung, Durchführung und Bewertung des Projekts überwacht, einen Fachexperten, der das inhaltliche Fachwissen und die Anleitung bereitstellt, einen Instruktionsdesigner, der die Lernstrategie und -struktur entwirft, einen Inhaltsentwickler, der die Lernmaterialien erstellt, einen Qualitätssicherungsspezialisten, der das Produkt testet und überprüft. und ein Support-Spezialist, der die Lernenden unterstützt und Probleme behebt.

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    For a successful e-learning project, it's essential to have the right team in place: a project manager steering the ship, a subject matter expert bringing the content to life, an instructional designer crafting the learning journey, a content developer creating engaging materials, a QA specialist ensuring everything runs smoothly, and a support specialist there to help learners. The key is clear communication, support, and recognition for everyone's hard work. We keep an eye on progress, adapt as needed, and always stay connected with our team and learners. This human-centered approach makes our e-learning projects not just successful, but also enjoyable for everyone involved.


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5 Planen Sie Ihre Zeit ein

Zeit ist die begrenzteste und wertvollste Ressource für Ihr E-Learning-Projekt und sollte mit Bedacht und realistisch eingesetzt werden. Abhängig von Ihrem Projektumfang, Ihrem Budget und Ihrer Frist können Sie für jede Phase und Aufgabe Ihres E-Learning-Projekts unterschiedlich viel Zeit einplanen. Sie können beispielsweise ein Projektmanagement-Tool oder ein Gantt-Diagramm verwenden, um die Meilensteine, Ergebnisse und Abhängigkeiten Ihres Projekts abzubilden und Zeitschätzungen und Fristen für jede Aktivität zuzuweisen. Sie können auch einen agilen oder iterativen Ansatz verwenden, um Ihr Projekt in kleinere und überschaubare Abschnitte zu unterteilen und Ihr Produkt im Laufe der Zeit zu überprüfen und zu verbessern.

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  • Brennan Stewart Reaching the World Through eLearning ✈️
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    It's important to REALISTICALLY identify how much time you're able to resource to a project before you begin. If you don't have ample time to resource, an agile approach with elements of rapid design would be a strong path forward. Otherwise, align your time allocation with the unique needs of the project - where high-value areas are given proportional time. Gantt charts are my data-savvy best friends!


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  • Harvey Hanauer Learning Experience Designer | End-to-end ILT and eLearning expert with facilitation and LMS admin experience
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    Be realistic about your timeline, and about the bandwidth contributors may have to dedicate to the project. As a general guideline, a 1-hour interactive e-learning course will take an average of approximately 200 working hours to develop.If the content is particularly advanced or complex, it can easily triple that time or a very simple topic may take as little as about 50 working hours. If you do not have the ability to dedicate time and resources internally, consider purchasing a course or hiring a dedicated consultant.


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6 Hier erfahren Sie, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Dies ist ein Bereich, in dem Beispiele, Geschichten oder Erkenntnisse geteilt werden können, die in keinen der vorherigen Abschnitte passen. Was möchten Sie noch hinzufügen?

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    It takes a balance between storytelling and the resources available to you. You need to understand how to engage learners on this educational journey and then apply the knowledge to the areas that benefit the organization. However, it's crucial to find the right balance; you can't simplify to the point of being superficial, nor can you overwhelm the learner with too much complexity. There needs to be fluidity among all the elements regardless of the resources at hand.


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  • Jeffrey Chen Instructional Designer at CalOptima Health
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    There’s a balance to be found, some kind of mental algorithm, that helps you make this decision. There is the clarity of the content (with more clear items being better suited to E-Learning), there is the likelihood and rate of content change (with lower frequency being better suited to E-Learning). Not everything is a good fit for e-learning. Indeed, if you have more products to flog (instructional videos, online workshops, some variety of self-study materials), you’ll be better able to allocate e-learning to high-value topics.


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Wie verteilen Sie E-Learning-Ressourcen? (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.