Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (1)

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Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins


May, 1956Valparaiso University Guild

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Recommended CitationValparaiso University Guild, "May, 1956" (1956). Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins. 41.


Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (2)

~Ii P1\J{f\ISO ODI\1€1{,Srry


~ui/J CJition

MAY, 1956

Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (3)

THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE De:i r G ui ld ;-. rernber:

lt is such a hap py thought th at during th is joyo us post-Easter season, in th is fa ir land or ou rs, from northern \ fichigan to Florida, a nd from M innesota a nd Iowa to the Atlan ti c coast, Gu ild chapters have been observing the Silver A nn iversary of the organ i:tation o f the Va lpa ra iso U niversity Gui ld. Jn spirit we have a ll jo ined hear ts and ha nds a nd voices in joyful praise and gra titude to our heaven ly Father.

.\fter ttrnt exhilara ti ng experience, we shall all wa n t to attend the T wen ty-fifth An niver­sary Conven tion to be held on cam pus Sep­tem ber 28-29-30.

Plans are well under way for a most en joy­able progra m. So be sure to remember- i t's the last weekend o[ Sep tember-and plan now to a ttend. \ i\fe' ll be ex pecting you!



T H E COVER depicts the sketch of the proposed new Chapel-Auditorium.

PaJ?C Two

~LPJ\llf\ISO UillV€llSITf

.BULLtTIQ ~ui/J Uition

Official Publicntion of the Valparaiso University Guild Published by Va lparn iso University

VOL. 29 MAY 1, 1956 NO . 13

O F F I CERS Editor ....... Mrs . E. H. Ruprecht, Executive Secretary

Vulpurnit10 University, Valpuraiso. Ind.

President . Mrs. Wm. A. Drews 115 Capen Ulvd., Uuffalu 23, N . Y.

First V.-Pres ........................... ...... Mrs . Roy C. Frank 4316 Stunrord St., Chevy Chuse 15, Maryland

Second V.-Pres. .. . .... Mn<. Charles St. Clair



224 N . Chicai;:u Ave., Ruckrord, lllinois

.................... Mrs. F. J . Schumm 2936 Sherbrooke Hd .. Toledo G, Ohio

Mrs. Wa lter J. Kraus 516 West 7lh St., Munrue, Michiirnn

Field Sec .. Eastern Area .. Mrs. Roy C. Frank 4:!16 Stanford CL, Chevy Chase, WashinRton 15, D. C.

Field Sec., Southern Illinois Mrs. Fred Homan, Sr. 428 Woodland, Mattoon, Illinois

Field Sec., Northern Indiana .... Mrs . Lou is A. Jacobs 116 North Tenlh St., Decatur, Indiana

Field Sec., Southern Indiana ....... Mrs. L. C. Leonard 90•1 W. 5th Sl., Seymour, Indiana

Field Sec .. Michii;:nn .. .. .. . Mrs . Lou is Hei necke 45140 Van Dyke St., Utica., Michigan

Field Sec., lllinnesota ........... .. .. Mrs. W. E. Schmalz 1535 Linculn Ave., S l . Paul , Min n.

Field Sec., New York .......... ... Mrs. E. W. Schroeter 154 W indemere Blvd. , Uuffulo, N . Y.

F ie ld Sec., Wisconsi n Mrs. Lester Wegner North Lake, Wisconsin

Acti vit ies Commit.tee

Chairman .................................. Mrs. Albert C. Moelle r 715 Briar Hill Lane, Saginaw, Michigan

Revisions Comm it.tee

Chairman ........... . .. .... Mrs. W. W. Walker 717 E. River St .. Elyria, Ohio

Par liamentarian ............................. Mrs. W. N. H oppe 17525 Madison, Lakewood 7, Ohio

Historian ............................... ...... l\1iss Louise F. Nicolay 2 153 H ollywood Pl .. Suuth Bend, I ndiana

Entered as Second Class al the Post Office al Va ll)arn.iso, Indiana


Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (4)



FEBRUARY 24, 1956

A regular meeting of the Executive Board of the Valparaiso u·niversity Guild was held in Recital Hall at 1 p.m., February 24, 1956 with .Mrs. William A. Drews presiding.

For the devotional period Kenneth Ahrens, organ­ist, was at the console of the small baroque organ. Following organ numbers, the assembly sang the hymn "O Bless the Lord, My Soul."

Professor Oliver E. Graebner, Department of Edu­cation and Psychology, Valparaiso University, was the speaker. Taking as his text 1. Peter, 4: 10, Professor Graebner stated that the Apostle Peter addre:sed these words to the Christians of Asia Minor encouraging them to share the grace of God with one another. "The efforts being put forth by the members of your Guild," he said, "are an application of this principle of sharing the grace of God. The University desper­atdy needs the consecrated service of those who arc supporting the teachers and leaders of thh ins!itution. You are like Joshua of old, holding up the arms of those who fight for the Lord."

Devotions closed with Miss Katherine Doederlein singing "The Beatitudes."

After welcoming remarks by the president, the minutes of the September, 1955 Executive Board meeting were approved as read.

Mrs. Drews announced 1955-1956 appointments as follows:


Mrs. Albert C. Moeller, Chairman Mrs. R. Roy Peck Mrs. Clarencf" E. Flint

REVISIONS COMMITTEE: Mrs. William W. Walker, Chairman Mrs. Norman E. Bishop Mrs. Herbert B. Fehner

HISTORIAN: Miss Louise F. Nicolay


Mrs. Albert C. Moeller, Chairman of the Activities Committee, brought much material with her designed to assist in planning chapter programs. There is ; a

Mny, 1956

new bridal pageant; a flower and fashion show; and for audiences of two hundred or more-"Mary Gor­don, Travel Advisor for Trans-World Airlines." This last program may be secured without cost.

The chairman of the Revisions Committee, Mrs. William W. Walker, reported that at this time there was no need for changes in the national or state by­laws.

Reports from field secretaries indicated a con­tinued expansion of the Guild.

Representatives from the following new chapters were welcomed and introduced:

Mrs. Harold Rissman ........... DeKalb, Illinois (DeKalb County Chapter)

Mrs. C. H. Siess ............ St. Clair, Michigan (St. Clair County Chapter)

Mrs. Henry W. Heck ••... Greenwich, Connecticut (1st New England Chapter)

Mrs. Karl Nie ........••.... Brooklyn, New York (Queens-Brooklyn Chapter)

The Executive Secreary, Mrs. E. H. Ruprecht, pre­sented four newly-appointed field secretaries, as follows:

Mrs. W. E. Schmalz •............... Minnesota Mrs. E. W. Schroeter ............... New York Mrs. L. G. Leonard •...•..... Southern Indiana Mrs. Lester Wegner .........•....... Wisconsin

Miss Louise F. Nicolay, historian, stat<•d that a continuing history of the Guild is being written and placed in the official records.

A wealth of ideas were interchanged as the secre­tary called the Roll and each chapter president re­sponded by reporting on an outstanding project. Roll Call revealed that six past presidents, five national officers, four standing committee chairmen, seven field secretaries, four state unit presidents and repr<'­sentatives from seventy-one chapters were in at­tendance. Bad weather conditions accounted for some last-minute absenteeism.

The by-law governing the election of a nominating committee was read by the secretary. The following names were proposed:

Mrs. Karl Hendershot, Flint, Michigan Mrs. William Schmeling, Rockford, Illinois Mrs. Paul Krentz, Aurora, Illinois Mrs. Walter A. Ham:en,. Fort Wayne, Indiana Mrs. J. Arthur Koss, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Miss Jane Rock, Valparaiso, Indiana Mrs. Edward Griessel, Hartsdale, New York

The nominations were closed.

Mrs. Drews appointed the following as tellers: Mrs. Clarence Albers, Toledo, Ohio Mrs. Herman Gehrke, Shawano, Wisconsin Mrs. Donald Koehn, Davenport, Iowa

Preesident 0. P. Kretzmann's State of the Uni­versity report contained information concerning in­creased enrollment with its attendant problems. He stated that several generous monetary gifts in the past few months "have broken the university's fi­nancial log jam." "Expansion facilities," he said,

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"will get underway next summer when ground will be broken for the chapel-auditorium, library, deaconess house and ~ new men's dormitory."

Af tcr the tellers' report, the Chair declared the personnel of the Nominating Committee as follows:

Miss Jane Rock, Chairman Mrs. Walter A. Hansen Mrs. William Schmeling Mrs. Paul Krentz Mrs. Edward Gricssel

Mrs. Ruprecht announced that members of the Executive Board would be guests of .the University at dinner in the Union Cafeteria at 7: 15 p.m. Speakers will be the Reverend A. R. Krctzmann who will also show plans for the new ChapeJ-Auditorium and Prayer Chapel, and Mr. Forrest Verdin who will give details regarding carillonic bells.

After a prayer by Mrs. Roy C. Frank, lst Vice­Presidcnt, the mreting recessed at five o'clock.

The second session of the Executive Board m<'et­ing was called to order by Mrs. William A. Drews at 8 a.m., February 25, 1956. Devotions included the hymn, "May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill'' and a prayer by Mrs. Roy C. Frank.

State Presidents gave interesting rrports on the over-all activity in their units.

Our attention was next given to the Executive Secretary's report. Mrs. Ruprecht reported on her many and varied duties. She mentioned that she is especially grateful for opportunities at state con­ventions to meet individually with those Guild mem­bers who cannot come to the Guild meetings on campus. She stated that she has "respect and ad­miration for the women on the local and state levels who sacrifice so many hours in willing service for the Guild."

Much enthusiasm was evidenced when Mrs. Ru­precht stated that a specially prepared souvrnir record would be srnt to each chapter for use dur­ing the local Silver Anniversary observance.

Concluding her n·port, the Executive Secretary rt'­vealed that hC'r "deepest wish is to obtain enough new chapters to reach the goal of one hundred chapters bv Fall."

. Mrs. Walter J. Kraus, treasurer, submitted the fol­lowing report for the period July 1, 1955 to February 15, 1956:

Balance on hand July 1, 1955 •....... $ 449.95 Total Receipts .••..••.•..........•• 22,744.35

TOTAL •••..•...............•..... $23,194.30 Total Disbursem*nts • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,119.71

Balance in bank .•....•............. $16,074.59

Mrs. Kraus reported that an additional $1,248.81 had been received since her report had been printed.

Many profitable hints wcC're given to the chapter representatives when Mrs. Walter N. Hoppe, parlia­mentarian, preesented the topic-"Parliamentary Procedure for Ch,pter Presidents.

Page Four

Slate of Officers PRESIDENT:

Mrs. William A. Drews, Buffalo, New York Mrs. Louis Jacobs, Decatur, Indiana

1st VICE PRESIDENT: Mrs. Roy C. Frank, Chevy Chas<", Maryland Mrs. Dean Arnold, Ft. Wayne, Indiana

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Mrs. W. W. Walker, Elyria, Ohio Mrs. Frank Schumm, Toledo, Ohio

SECRETARY: Mrs. Carl Blomstrand, St. Paul, Minnesota Mrs. Eel. Bussr, Aurora, Illinois

TREASURER: Mrs. Walter Kraus, Monro<', Michigan Mrs. Harold Mcilahn, Chicago, Illinois

President Kretzmann attended this session also, to answer questions on a vari<"ty of subjects. Speaking on the proposed chapel-auditorium, he concluded with the remark, "It is my hope that this building will stand as a tribute to our generation for its devotion to the distinctive type of education we are offering our youth."

It was a pleasant diversion to listen to a trio com­prised of Lenore Nickel, flute, Janice Heinkel, cello and Dr. Theodore Hoelty-Nickel, piano.

It was decided to purchase a new altar cross for use in the prayer chapel of Altruria Hall; its cost to come out of the "Guild Special" fund.

Mrs. Drews expressed thanks to the speakers, the musicians and to all who in their way helped to make the meeting worthwhile.

Following announcements by Mrs. Ruprecht, the meeting adjourned at eleven o'clock.

The assembly joined in praying the Lord's Prayer. -ELSIE ScHUMM, Secretary

With the increasing membership in the Guild, and a larger number of chapters located in areas beyond the confines of the State Unit boundaries, we have become aware of the problem which exists in assign­ing new chapters to a definite State Unit which is now established. Upon further investigation it was discovered that many chap.ters arc unable to send rcperescntatives to the State Unit conventions held in the fall because of the great distance, and therefore receive no direct benefits from the State dues they arc required to pay. As a result this situation was discussed thoroughly in several of the Administrative Committee meetings (see Article XIII, Section 1 of the National By-Jaws), and the decision was reached that permission be grantf'd to those chapters outside the boundaries of a particular State Unit, to either remain or become affiliated, or to abstain from join­ing the Unit according to individual preference.

Since the two chapters in Minnesota had requested that this be done, they have now withdrawn from the Wisconsin-Minnesota Unit, which will henceforth be called the Wisconsin Unit.


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The Buffalo Chapter commemorated the Silver An­niversary of the Guild by presenting. a Musicale at the North Park Lutheran Church, The'·Reverend Eugene Roeder, Pastor, on April 8th at 3: 00 p.m. In addi­tion to organ and violin selections by Ruth and Julius Kovach, and the recorded message of Dr. 0. P. Kretz­mann, a narrative entitled "Mary's Diary of Holy Weck" was most· favorably received. Musical inte.r­ludes were presented by a Chorus under the direction of E. W. Schroeter, with Gertrude Weyand as organist. Mrs. William A. Drews was the narrator. At the Tea table the main interest centered around a large ply­wood bell covered in silver foil, into which the Silver Tea contributions could be dropped.


A pageant titled "Garden of Memories and Dreams", featuring old bridal costumes was the pro­gram for the observance of the Silver Anniversary at the Grand Rapids chapter. This was given at Im­manuel Lutheran church with Mrs. E. H. Tishler as the narrator, music under the supervision of Mrs. Thomas Schaefer and Mrs. Edwin Hcdri_ch acting as stage director, while Mrs. Leland Hoyer served as general chairman of the event. Presiding at the tea table were Miss Ethelyn Baade, Miss Eleanor Heinzel­man, Miss Electa Mimbaugh, and Mrs. Dorothy Anglin.

* * * ROCKFORD The ch.apters of Redeemer and St. Paul's Church

collaborated in presenting:,. a fashion show called "Belles of Fashion" for their participation in the Guild's Silve; anniversary observance, presented by the Coach and Four of Marengo, Illinois. Mrs. Al­bert Schmeling and Mrs. Elmer Mittelstadt served as co-chairman. Music was provided by Mrs. Walter Dierks and Mrs. Edmund Rehwald. The Tea table was in the shape of a V with a huge bouquet of pink snapdragons at the point.

* * * ELGIN

The Sears Art Gallery at the Academy in Elgin was the setting for the "Colonial Silver Tea" held at Elgin. The hostesses and usherettes were dressed in colonial style and si~ members of the Guild, wearing colonial

May, 1956

gowns, presented a program of Stephen Foster songs. Organ music during the Tea hour amid flowers and soft candlelight provided a 'lovely atmosphere for this observance of the Guild's anniversary. The record­ing by Dr. KretZ"rnann and the Chapel Choir was featured on the program.

* * * VALPARAISO The Great Hall of the Valparaiso Union was the

scene of the silver anniversary tea given by the Val­paraiso University Guild Sunday afternoon, April 8th. A Hnen banquet cloth with handmade lace in­serts and edging, covered the table in the center of which was a magnificent arrangement of croft lilies, white carnations, blue Dutch iris, and silvered rhodo­dendron leaves. From this rose the Guild candelabra containing seven white tapers. The centerpiece was flanked on each side by graceful clusters of silver bells. Tiny assorted sandwiches and beautifully dec­orated petit fours accompanied the tea and coffee. Mrs. Carl Gieseler was chairman of arrangements for the tea, Mrs. Herman Grunau was in charge of food and serving, and Mrs. Milton Marten and Mrs. Elbert Fryberger were responsible for decorations. Back­ground music was furnished by three students from the University department of music, Miss Ellen Hall, violin, Miss Germaine Vaag, 'cello, and Gilbert Kickcnapp, piano.


A delicious banquet and intncsting program marked the celebration of the Mt. Clemens' Chapter Silver Anniversary, held at St. Peter's Church, East Detroit, with the Reverend William Leitz offering the open­ing prayer. Mrs. George Reidt, chapter prcsidcnt welcomed over 300 guests and members while Mr. Wm. F. Fenske acted as toastmastrr. Vocal selec­tions were rendered by the Lutheran High School Sextet and community singing was under the leader­ship of Mr. M. C. Grueber, a<'companicd by Mr. A. A. Bathje. Rl'marks were maclt' by both Mr. Harold Heins and Dr. S. J. Roth. The address of the eve­ning was given by Prof. Robert Bertram of Valpa­raiso University.

DETROIT Detroit Chapter is inviting all nwmbers and friends

to a Musicale and Tea on Friday, Mar 4, at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, bC'ginning at 1 o'clock. The program will include organ selections by Maria Schmitz and favorite songs by a Ladies Trio. Mrs. Gilbert Otte will present the highlights of the Guild's first 25 years. Charter members will also be recog­nized. The committee for the celebration includes past presidents of the Guild: Mrs. Harry Eberline, chairman, Mrs. William Hansen, Mrs. Theo. Richter, Mrs. Otto Rosenbusch, Mrs. Gilbert Otte, Mrs. Fenske, Mrs. Harold Graumiller and the president, Mrs. Calvin Gauss.

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LAPORTE A delightful Silver Anniversary supper at St. John's

Church, LaPorte, was held on April 24th. The hall was beautifully decorated with silver trees with a large silver backdrop on which the Guild seal was displayed. After a delicious smorgassboard supper, Mrs. Walter Burger, president, welcomed guests and presented the Silver Tea offerings to Mrs. Ruprecht which she, in . turn, gratefully acknowledged. The ~<'cording by Dr. Kretzmann and the Chapel Choir introduced the program, followed by a most interest­ing talk by Dean Margaretta Tangermann of the University. Mrs. Elmer Huge acted as toastmistress and also accompanied the community singing.


The 25th Anniversary celebration of the Shawano Guild was held at the St. James Lutheran School hall. Arrangements were made through Miss Sarah Mielke, member, and former high school teacher to present a one act play given by ·members of the Junior Class. The recording was }:>layed and de­licious dessert and coffee was served·. at beautifully decorated tables. The outstanding ·feature of the table where the officers were seated was a candelabra containing 25 . candles flanked by a floral piece of white lilies and carnations.

* * * GARY

The Gary Chapter celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Guild at Trinity Lutheran Church. The re­cording was played and a good attendance was re­ported. Excellent publicity with large headlines was given the chapter's observance in the daily Gary Post Tribune.


The Cleveland Chapter's Silver Anniversary cele­bration was held at the Lutheran High School Audi­torium on April 13, at 1 : 00 p.m. The program was opened by a "Remembrance" scene depicted by the Reverend and Mrs. C. Schuette, and the .guests were welcomed by Mrs. N. ' Gillr.s, Chapter president. Mrs. H. W. Bart.els, 'past-natioi1al president was pre­sented with an -orchid. The program consisted of piano selections, v~cal solos, and several skits, includ­ing "Women of the Bible", "Famous Women of His­tory", "Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party", "Twilight Years", and a Speaking choir. Participating in the program were students of Lutheran High, Miss Eleanor Krenz, Mrs. Norma Luekens, Mr. John Schaefer, Mrs. Fred Finger, Mrs. Paul Koenig, Mrs. A. Hahn, Mrs. W. Mather, Mrs. E. Sensel, Mrs. C. E. Hansen, Mrs. W. Zorn, Miss Eileen Ludemann, and several alumni including Miss Mary Arbeiter, Miss Rose Marie Harms, Mrs. Gary Jabs, Mrs. Ed­gar Krause, Mrs. Paul MuelleT, Mrs. Karl Schefft.

Page Six

After the program cookies, sandwiches, coffee and tea were served · with Mrs. H. Bartels, Mrs. Norman Bishop, Mrs. E. Snyder, and Mrs. Norman Gilles pouring.


The Chicago Chapter very graciously arranged the observ~nce of the Silver Anniversary by conducting two Silver Teas, one of the South Side at Zion Lu­theran Church on Sunday, April 15th, and one on the north side at Grace Lutheran Church on April 2nd. The South Side anniversary program included an address by the Reverend Carl L. Abel, and musical selections by Laurel Joyce Tamm, Soprano, Stephen Sadlek, Baritone, Carlyle Abel, Organist, and Robert Wessberg, Vibraharpist. The centerpiece of baby Iris and white candles centered the table. and tiny puffs filled with chicken salad, plus petit fours were served with the tea and coffee. The north side ob­servance at Grace Church consisted of greetings by Dr. 0. A. Geiselman, with violin· selections by Lor­raine Basso, and selections by the Grace Church Chil­dren's choir under the direction of Mr. Paul Bou­mann. Mrs. A. A. Taube, national past-president and Mrs. Louis Menking presided at the tea table which was decorated with pink glads and carnations, with two large square pink dancles. Finger sandwiches and homemade cookies were served.

Comment: The editor is awar1 of the fact that most of the Chapters have already observed the Silver Anniversary in some manner, and that there are many still to follow. However, those events reported in this issue of the Bulletin are the only ones of which we have received detailed information at the time of printing.

I IN MEMORIAM I University officials and thousands of former students

of Valparaiso mourned the death of Mrs. E. Alsie Larson, executive secretary of the Valparaiso Univer­sity Alumni Association. Alsie, the wife of Dr. Ray­mond Larson, professor in chemistry, died unexpected­ly of a heart attack on February 22nd. For many years Alsie was in charge of housing for the national Guild convention and will be remembered by her ef­ficient and devoted service to the Guild and to the University at large.

First New England On April 22nd the First New England Chapter held

a Post-Lenten concert of sacred music given by the choirs of five Lutheran churches in the area of Greenwich, Connecticut. The program delighted the audience and proved to be a successful project for the Guild. ·


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WAUSAU, WISCONSIN The members of the Wausau Chapter sponsored a

concert by the University Choir under the direction of Dr. H einrich Fleischer. It was reported that the Guild members furnished very excellent meals for the group and also housed them. They had sung the night before in M erill, where the members there provided similar services.


During the fall months the three chapters listed above held Student procurement rallies. Students from the high schools and eighth grades were invited to attend and the women of the Guilds fu1 nished lunch following the program. Mr. D on Heckler of the Universit )', together with several Valpo students, presented a panel discussion type program with a question and answer period producing lively pa r­ticipation.

* * * MONROE, MICHIGAN Members of the Monroe Chapter, with the help of

willing assistants, spent a busy week a t the County Fair last August. The women served meals from 6: 30 a.m. until midnight. The homemade pies were donated by members. A large sign " Monroe Chapter Valparaiso Guild" is placed across the front of the tent and can be seen from a great distance. The project means a great amount of work, but proves to be intensely interesting. It is also a service to the communi ty and i~ grea tly app~cciated by County-fair Board members and the many who attend this an­nual event.

MEALS ARE SERVED in this tent by the members of the Monroe County Chapter during the annual County Fair in August.

Mny, 1966

MRS. ROBERT VIRTUE, Martha Kietzmann and Vir­ginia Oesens of the Toledo Chapter examining one of the dolls shown in the Hobby Night

TOLEDO, OHIO On M arch 20th, the Toledo chapter of the Val­

paraiso Guild held a Hobby Night. Included in some of the collections were old-fashioned dolls, glass­ware and china collectior.s.


The 20th anniversary of Sheboygan Chapter was observed in the Lakeside Room of the Y.M.C.A. dur­the month of November. Mrs. J. Arthur Koss, chap­ter president, introduced charter members of the chap­ter. A brass quartet consisting of Thomas Dekanich, Allan J urss, Wayne Nehrlich and Elroy Voss of T rinity School Band played several selections. Two piano solos were g iven by Mrs. Em. Malkow. The first secreta ry of the chapter, Mrs. Hugo Gessner, read the minutes of the first meeting which was held at St. Mark's Church parlors, 'l nd the original roll of members was called. Mrs. E. W. Schultz, first presi­dent of the Sheboygan chapter, and also the first national president, came from Milwaukee for this observa nce. In her "Reminiscences" she recounted blithely the struggles of the infant organization. She highlighted her story with interesting anecdotes and spoke of the generosity and interest shown by thou­sands of people toward Valparaiso University. Miss Anne Brauer of Valparaiso University spoke on her experiences abroad while in the service of the Synod­ical Planning Council, and also the Sta te Department.

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She urged the members to continue their support of Valpo and to srnd boys and gi rls to this U niversity which w<::s started "as a venture of fai th and has now been crowned with success." Officers of the She­boygan chapter are Mrs. J . Arthur Koss, president, Mrs. Edgar Voss, vice-president, Mrs. Harvey Schuchardt, secretary, and Mrs. Oscar Bahr, treasurer. T he tabks were decorated with bronze chrysanthe­mums, gold and brown tapers, pine greens and a cornucopia of fruit. Miniature anniversary cakes were decorated with the numeral "20" . Mrs. Victor Schulz was chairma n of the committee.


From Mrs. Carl Schroeder, president o f the Evans­ville chapter. comes the report of a h ighly successful student rally held in J anuary. Slides of the campus

STUDENTS AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA attending a Guild sponsored co*ke-Party.

were shown, talks by Valpo alumni and square danc­ing made up an l'VC'ni ng of entertainment and fun. Rdrcshments servrd during the evening helped to ma ke a successful party. I t was felt that this Guild­sponsored party acquainted the prospective students wi th the values of a Valparaiso University Christian education and it is hoped that many fu ture students were ga ined from it.


T he women of the Shawano Chap ter again spon­sored an Easter breakfast. This is fast becoming a tradition in the community and the people eagerly look forward to attending this breakfast in the interim between the many services on Easter morning. T his year the tables were attractively decorated with dis plays of miniature Easter bonnets, adorn ing gaily decorated women's heads made from used flash bulbs and set in a base of styrofoam.

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STUDY GRANTS A WARDED A Fulbr igh t study grant has been awarded to Thora

M. M oul ton, p rofessor in fo reign languages. Miss Moulton wi ll study at the U niversity of Tuebingen, T uebi ngen, Germany.

Dr. Walter F. Ade, Professor in Foreign Languages. is curren t],· studying in Germany o n a Fulbright award.

Prof. Robert W. Bertram of the depar tmen t of Ph ilosophy has been named recipien t of the Dan­forth Foundation T eacher Study grant fo r 1956. Prof. Bertram was one of 62 men and women from the U nited States selected for the gran t from 400 nominations p rovided by deans of accred ited collcgcs. This grant provides a full year's leave of absence and will enable Prof. Bertram to complete work on his doctoral d issertation.

Prof. Wilmar Bern thal, Assistant Professor 111

Business and Economics has received a gran t from the Ford Foundation for another year of stud y at India na Universi ty. H e wi ll receive his deg ree as Doctor of Business Admin istration at the completion of his studies.

Mr. Lester Lange, Professor in Math and Physics has been gran ted a fellowship for two yC'ars of study at Notre Dame University, where he wi ll stud y for his Ph.D.

D r. Lenore R ickels, a formrr member of t he DC'­par tment of History at Va lparaiso UnivC'rsity has been se lcetcd by the Board o f Foreign Scholarships to re­ceive an award to par tic ipa te in the Interna tional Educational Exchange Program under the Fulbrigh t Act. She will continue her studies for post-doctora l research in Cultural H istory at the U ni versity of Bologna, Bologna, I taly.

FIELD SECRETARIES The terms of severa l fie ld secretar ies havr come to

a n end du r ing the year 1955-56 and others have found they arc no longer able to serve. Consequent­ly Mrs. C larence Westermeier of Southern Ind iana and Mrs. William H aeseler of New York have ended their per iod of service. and Mrs. Karl Bliese of Northern Illinois and Mrs. E. Russel Buehl of Ohio arc unable to continue their positions. WC' wish to thank these women most si ncerely for the many hours of service and love they have dedicated to the cause of Guild expansion and to the University at large. We have valued thei r assistance a nd know the Lord has b lessed their labors. We hope they will continue their active servicr. in other capacities in G~uild work.

We should like to announce that Mrs. L . G. Leonard will serve as field secretary in Southern In­diana, Mrs. E. W. Schroeter for New York, Mrs. Lester Wegner fo r Wisconsin, and M rs. E. W. Schmalz fo r Minnesota. We welcome these women in to our G uild Admi nistrative family and pray that their work will p rove successful in this important field of expansion and promotion. Their pictures appear elsewhere in this issue of the Bulletin.


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"One of the most thrilling buildings in America" were the words used by the R ev. A. R. Kretzmann to describe the new $950,000 Valparaiso Universit y Chapel.

Speaking to the assembled Guild Women's execu­tive board, Dr. Kretzmann, special consultant and an a uthority on Christian arch itecture, detailed the con­templated structure which will dominate East Campus in a "monumental man ner."

lmprC'ssivc both in size and design, the Chapel will total a length of 340 · feet, 40 more ' than a football fie ld and will tower more than eight stories above the rampus. The width and heighth will correspond proportionately to the length. A 65 foot width has been blueprinted with the height reaching 85 feet in the nave and ten feN higher in the chancel. By way of comparison, the Chapel will be 100 feet longer tha n the University of Chicago's R ockefeller C hapel and will be 15 feet g reater in width and 13 fee t higher in the chancel.

Employing a rnmbination of bo·h con!cr.iporary and traditional lines, the Chapel will "symbolize the spirit and philosophy of the school," according to Pres. 0. P. Kretzmann. It has been designed to meet the needs of the university as a place of worship as well as an auditorium wherein musical, dramatic and other cu ltural productions may be presented.

Physically, the building will be of stone construc­tion with glass comprising the a reas between the louvered wall sections a nd additional glass used as a background for the chancel. H owever, only the glass in the chancel will be visible. The altar will be raised a total of seven feet above the level of the floor to l'nable all 2000 sea ted there a view of it. A system of staggered side balconies a long with a larger audience balcony in the nar~hex and a choir and orchestra bal­con,· above that \\lill increase the seating capaci ty to more than 3 100. The Chapel will not conta in a baseml·nt but will employ a horseshoe tunnel under­neath which will be used as a cloak room and will lend itself to the formation of academic processions as wl'll. A unique and intcre;ting featu re will be a nar­row balcony suspended high above the audience upon which the $70,000 organ will be located.

Dr. A. R. Kretzmann stated that one of the greatest problems- that of acoustics-has already been over­come. The drawings were submitted to the labora­tories of Massachusetts Institute of T echnology and the results have been incorporated into the pla ns.

May, 1956

Editor' s note : This art icle by Loren K orie, Valpo student, appeared in the M arch I , 1956 Torch, fol­

low ing the February Executive Board M eeting of the Guild.

Externa lly. a 95 foo t, free-standing cross will domi­nate the building. It will be set from six to ten feet from the chancel wall so tha t its shadow will be sil­houetted against it. To the side will be the bell tower which will initially contain a set of bC'lls. It is hoped that these can be supplemented la ter with a complete ca rillon, which will be a gift from the V. U. Guild commemorating their Silver Anniversary.

Situated beneath the great cross and below the chancel will be a smaller chapel which will have a warm and personal atmosphere, Dr. Kretzmann stated. This chapel, to be financed by the Guild Women, will scat 460 by utilizing the overflow portions along the sides. This chapel will be lighted 24 hours a day in orde r that students may worship a t any time in private devotions.

Final plans will be submitted May 12 to the Board of Trustees by the architect, C harles Sta hde of Charles Edward Stahde and Associa tes, C hicago, and bids will be accepted shortly thcreaftt·r. It is hoped that construction will get underway in late summer fo r the estimated one-year project. ·

More than 90 university chapels were studied be­fore planning was begun, according to Dr. K retzman n, and none of these was "expressive of the life o f a campus centering around the life of God" and so Valpo's Chapel will be uniquely d istinctive.

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The Seymour Chapter of the Guild presented a Christmas Musicale to a capacity. audience on the afternoon of December 4th in Immanuel Lutheran Church. Participating in the service was the Rev. V. A. Mack, pastor of Immanuel, the choir of Re­deemer Lutheran Church, the Immanuel Senior choir and children's choir of the Lutheran school, Mrs. Henry Pottschmidt, soloist, and Mrs. David Heidloff, organist. Mrs. V. A. Mack, and Waldo Tagatz, teacher in Immanuel School, presented a tableau of Mary and Joseph at the manger during the singing of "Oh Holy Night".

Mrs.· L. G. Leonard, wife of the pastor of Re­deemer Church, was chairman of the committee ar­ranging the Musicale. Punch and cookies were served to the members of the choirs following the Musicale by the members of the Seymour Chapter which in­cludes women from both Immanuel and Redeemer Churches.


The newly-organized Dearborn chapter presented its first annual Christmas Candlelight Musicale on Sund~y, December 4th at 5 o'clock at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Helen Metzer, soprano, and Justin Schwartz, organist were the soloists assisted by the Senior choir of Emmanuel church. The Rever­end J. M. Gagern was the liturgist. A tea followed the program at which Mrs. Harry Eberline, past president of the national guild, and Mrs. Harold Guetschow, president of the local Guild, presided. They were assisted by Mrs. H. F. Hensick and Mrs .. John Gagern.


Approximately 250 persons gathered at St. John's Lutheran Church in Holgate on December 11th to hear the Christmas story told in song. Mrs. John Barnes was the organist and also dir_ector of the Children's Choir. Mr. Reuben Feld, soloist and Mrs. Helen .Schlueter and Mrs. Madelin Meyer sang a duet, followed by organ selections by Miss Susanna Miller. A men's octet sang several numbers, and the Reverend Howard Georg was the liturgist. Later the families enjoyed an old-fashioned Christmas supper. The tiny tots participated in "Decorating a tree with red stockings for Valpo.''

Page Ten


Featured musicians at the musicale sponsored by the Toledo Chapter and held. at Memorial Lutheran Church were Charles Turley, tenor; Mrs. Florence Fisher Miller, violinist, and Charlotte Engelke, organ­ist. Mrs. Glenn Roberts was chairman of the church decorations, Mrs. Alfred Heidtman was program chairman, and Miss Kietzmann presided at the tea table with Mrs. Richard Keim, Mrs. Fred Nordsiek and Mrs. Clarence Albers.


The Christmas Musical presented by the Saginaw Chapter was given at 7: 30, December 4th at Beth­lehem Church. Herbert Gotsch acted as organist and the Reverend Lorenz Speckman served as liturgist. The Holy Cross senior choir under the direction of Erwin Meyer sang several selections; George Loesel, 90loist, was accompanied by Lorenze H. Loesel. The Trinity choir under the direction of James Menke was assisted by Mrs. Thomas Qualamn, soloist. Mrs. Arliss Woodward and Mrs. Jack Young were accom­panied by Miss Margaret Riethmeiser. Program co­chairmen were ·Mrs. Arnold Salttner and Mrs. Francis Rossowand, arrangements were in charge of Mrs. W. H. Brechtelsbauer and Mrs. Alfred Klein.

* * * December 11th at St. Andrew's Church in Pitts­

burgh, the Guild Chapter presented its annual Christmas Pageant and Musicale. The progam was under the direction of Miss Lois Werner, alumna of Valpo, who also served as pianist. Participating choirs and groups were the Pittsburgh Lutheran Chorus, directed by Mr. Carl Schmidt, the Bethany Girls' Group, Pilgrim Junior Choir, Men's Choir and group from First Trinity, Faith Women's Choir; and the following soloists, Mrs. Ernest Duwell, Mr. Robert Luley, accompanied by Mr. Paul Manke, Mrs. Ralph Plautz, Nancy Bernauer, and Clair and Chuck Kova~h. The Narrator was Jean Angerman, the Or­ganist, Mrs. Elmer Doege, and the liturgist The Rev­erend Augusut Brunn. The program was titled ''The Christmas Gospel" and "Carols and Customs of Other Lands" with appropriate scenes for each presenta­tion. A Christmas Tea an~ social hour followed the program in the parish hall._.


Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (12)

MICHIGAN The Michigan State Unit met on October 26 at

Epiphany Lutheran Church in Detroit where the De­troit Chapter amply provided for the comfort and entertainment of the 200 guests attending. The ladies of Epiphany Church served coffee and rolls before the opening of the sessions as well as a delicious noon luncheon.

Dr. A. T. Bernthal conducted the opening devo­tion in which he encouraged us to continue "abound­ing in the works of the Lord" since we have His promise that if we continue in the faith we know that our "labors arc not in vain in the Lord," and though we sometimes cannot see the direct results of our efforts we know that our names are written in the Book of Life.

Mrs. Fred Jens, State President again displayed her efficient chairmanship qualities in conducting the business sessions so that there was more than enough time to hear reports from each of the chapter presi­dents, from our State Field Secretary and two guest speakers, and adjourn at 3: 30, giving even those who had traveled eonsiderbale distances to reach home in the early evening.

Mrs. Louis G. Heinecke, Field Secretary, was able to report the organizing of four new chapters since our 1954 convention as the first fruits of our Expan­sion Program which Mrs. J ens covered in a panel dis­cussion at the last National Guild meeting. These new chapters are located in Dearborn, Oakland County, St. Clair County and in the East Thumb area.

Further inspiration was supplied by the two guest speakers: Miss Anne Brauer spoke on "The Values of Christian Higher Education" and Mrs. E. H. Ruorechr

MICHIGAN STATE UNIT OFFICERS-Mrs. Fred Jens, President; Mrs. L. Heinecke, Field Secretary; Mrs. LeRoy Lutz, State Treasurer; Mrs. Robert George, Secretary.

Mny, 1956

brought us news from the campus. H er progress re­port on the study of construction plans for the Chapel prompted a resolution instructing the Executive Board to appraise the proper authorities of our State Fund to furnish a window in the Prayer Chapel in memory of Dr. 0. C. Kreinheder, and encouraging the chapters to add to this fund wherever possible.

Adjournment with the Lord's Prayer spoken in unison was a fitting doxology for being permitted to see and hear tangible proofs of our labors as prom­ised in the sermonette text of the opening devotion.

Office rs:



Mrs. Fred Jens, Lapeer ... . ... .. . .... President Mrs. William Kuschell, St. Joseph .. Vice-President Mrs. Robert George, Saginaw .. . ...... Secretary Mrs. LeRoy Lutz, Flint .............. Treasurer

* * * OHIO

Pastor Martin Ilse opened the devotions held at Our Redeemer Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, for the I 0th annual convention of the Ohio Sta te Unit.

Mrs. Paul Uffman, president of the chapter, wel-

BANQUET HELD at Our Redeemer Church, Cincin­nati, Ohio for the Oh io State Unit Convention.

corned the guests and Mrs. F.W.G. Muller, State Unit president conducted the business session wh ich began at two in the afternoon followed by a luncheon in the church parlors.

The treasurer, Mrs. D. Wetterman gave her report with the auditing committee chairman, Mrs. Blumen­schein reporting the books to be correct. A letter from the field secretary, Mrs. Buehl stated that four prospects were being con tacted m Ohio for new chapters.

Mrs. Mueller gave an account of her activities as State president. Mrs. Drews, the national president, spoke about the growth of the Guild and commented

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on the enthusiastic support the women give to the work of the Guild and to the University. She com­mented that small things make great things possible, just as land and sea were made by grains vf sand and drops of water, so the Guild 's dream is taking shape in the buildings and furnishings on the Valpa­raiso campus.

Mrs. Ruprecht, Executive Secretary, emphasized the value of training women students for active leadership in the work of the Church and its activi­ties. She state<l that Valparn iso is now the largest Lu theran University in the country. She reported on the large enrollment, the new build ings and other in­teresting items from the University and the Guild.

It was agreed in open forum that the chapters in the Eastern States, or any others whose boundaries arc not included in the Ohio borders, will not further­more be a part of the Ohio State Unit, tho an invi­tation will be extended to them to attend the conven­tions and they arc welcome to participate. Those who now send State Unit dues, may discontinue th is prac­tice if they are far removed from the Unit, and can then send the addi tional money directly to the nation­al treasurer if the chapter so wishes.

An interesting bus tour of the city followed the afternoon sessions, and the banquet in the evening was attended by approximately 105 women. M iss Grace Eisele served as toastmistress, Mrs. Henry Eg­gerd ing, Mrs. R. Soik(', and Mrs. Ed. Eggerding were soloists, and M rs. C. Eschenbach, the "Lady in Rhyme" entertai ned with clever original poems. Miss Anne Brauer of Valparaiso was the speaker for the evening-she recounted her travels to the Holy Land giving a pic ture of Jerusa lem, a nd reporting on the works of mercy ca rried on in Palestine b~· the Lu­therans.

Pastor Ilse closed this stimula:ing d::iy wi th prayer. It was announced the 1956 convention wou ld be held in T oledo on O ctober 10, 1956. Officers of the Ohio S tate Unit are:

Mrs. F. W. G. Mueller, Napoleon ...... President Mrs. Alfred Heid tmann, Toledo .. Vice President Mrs. Wa lter Mayer, M ar )•sville ........ Secretary Mrs. D. W. Wetterman, Columbus . .. ... Treasurer


The 10th annual Convention was held on October 11 , 1955 in St. J ohn 's Church, M er ri ll, Wisconsin.

An organ prelude b y Mrs. W. F. Ludwig opened the service, fo llowed by a solo by Miss Lillian Fleischfresscr who sang "The Lord's Prayer" . Pastor W. F. Ludwig of St. J ohn's Church conducted the opening devotions.

Mrs. Oscar A. R einke, State President, extended greetings and Miss Viola Krueger, Convention chai r­man welcomed the guests. She spoke of the wonder­ful cooperation of all the Merrill members and said that no chapter need ever be hesi tant abou t taking on a State Unit convention.

Page T welve

OFFICERS OF THE WISCONSIN STATE UNIT: Miss Margaret Tille r, Wausau, Secretary; Mrs. Oscar Reinke, Appleton, President; Mrs . Herman Gehrke, Shawano, v ice-pres ide nt; Mrs. George Sievers, Antigo, Treasurer; Mrs. E. H. Ruprecht (standing) national Ex. Secy.

Mrs. George Sievers, treasurer gave her report, and Mrs. A. F. Fergin, chairman of the auditing com­mittee reported the books to be correct.

Chapter presidents gave reports of the work car­ried on in the individual chapters. An attendance o f 150 was approximated.

In the report of Mrs. Ruprecht, national Executive Secretary, she gave pertinent facts and information about the progress of the University and the Guild at large. She stated two new men's dormitories arr now occupied and that plans for the new Chapel arc well underwa)'. She u~ged that each chapter par­ti cipate in the observance of the Guild's 25th anni­versary by conducting a Silver T ea during the month of April- the monies collected at this time arc to b .. used toward the purchase of a carillon for the new Chapel. The women of the Sta te Unit p l1·LlgC'd full support of the Silver T ea celebration.

MARKERS SUCH AS THESE showed convention mem­bers the location of St. John's Church in Merrill.


Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (14)

" \1Entrr~ai~.mrnt during thr luncheon featured . cmorrrs ' consisting of ninr sccnf's each dcpi.:ting

short sk<·tclu·s of the cnterta inrn1 ·n t a t the p · • c: rf'VIOUS

nrnc_ conven tio ns. Since this was the Unit's "Tin· · .\ nnrvC'rsary thr d<'corations · d · . . were Carne out m a most. rnter~stlnl{ fashion, with flowers ;rnd favor~ madr ~f ti n . 1 h e crnterp ieces on thr tables consisted of t in flowrrs arranged into wh ite pine boughs down thP h:ng th of th(· tables.

Dr. Luther K ol'pke dd d h . h a resse t e afternoon session Wit the tOJ)iC' ""(-h U · · c mverslly Moves Forward ... Ht• stressed the fact tha t ti U · . . . . le n1vcrs1ty 1s ven· closeh· knit w11h thr ch h H . d 1 · · . . . u re . r st.Hr t lat the pu rposr of a C..hrrst1an educa tion is to tra in people to fit into th e -.·cular way to life by taking Christinn principles into life and business.

Pastor Ko hn of Trinity Church cond ucted thl' closing devotions. There were many expressions of :1dn1iration nnd gratitude to the committees and 1m·111bers who made th is conven tion so successful. Officns arc: Oscar Reinkr. Appleton ... .. .. . . . P resident YI rs. H erma n Gehrke, Shawano .... Vier-President Miss Margare t Tiller, W ausau ......... Secre tary Mrs. George Sievl'rs, Antigo . .. . .... . . Treasurer

l NDl .'\NA

The Ind ia na Sta tr Unit met at St. Paul's Chu rch, South B1·nd for its tenth annua l meeting. Coffee cakr anti roffre prf'crdl'd thr morni ng devotiona l ses­sions which were' conducted by the R everend E. W . Br odC'rs. A trio rnmposed of Miss J ane Bukovnic, :Vlrs. Lorrn Km·pp, and M rs. K . Priebe accompanied b y Miss Anrnndn Fischrnan n sang " Sl· nd Forth Thy Spirit" ". A dPlic ious luncheon served in the dining room of the parish hall. and d l'corated beautifully with fa ll flowers, nnd IC'aves in the Va lpo colors was fol lowrd by a short program. Mrs. William Essig, chapter prl'sident of the Mishawnka-South Bend group gr<'t'trd the guests and R obert Sh amo, a V nlpo studen t and son of on<' of the members, enterta ined with st·vrra l voca l solos. Miss Louisl' N icolay gave a most rnjoyabk pn•st·nw tion of I ndia na M emoirs.

"Mr:.. C . R . Heidbrink, who had been present a t the orga nization of this chapter, was t!1e speaker hr the aftt'rnoon. She sppk•· of the school now havi ng the largl'st l'nroll ment in the· history of th e University and o f h ow the school has grown in acreage and buildings.

Miss I rma Lange, State Un it presid ent, presided at thr business sessions in the afternoon . Mrs. E . V . Bartholomew served as convention ch airman. Officers arc:

Mrs. Willi am Stri nfcldt, LaPortr ..... .. President Mrs. Paul Src hausen, Valparaiso .. Vice-President M iss Maril• Knoke, Seymou r .. . ..... .. Secretary Mrs. F . H . Koenneman, Ft. Wnyne .... T rc'1su rcr

* * * Mny, 1956

OFFICERS AT FEBRUARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEET­ING-Standing l. to R.: Mrs. E. H. Ruprecht, Ex­e cutive Secretary; Mrs . Louis Jacobs, Northern Indiana fie ld secretary; Mrs. Walter Kraus, Na­tiona l treasu rer; Mrs. Roy Frank, nationa l 1st v ice-p res ident; Mrs. L. G. Leonard , Southe rn In­dia na field secreta ry; Mrs. Fred Homa n n, Centra l Illinois fie ld secretary; Mrs. Lester Wegner, Wis­consin fie ld secretary. Seated L. to R.: Mrs. E. W. Schroeter, New York field secreta ry; Mrs . Frank Schumm, natio na l secretary; Mrs. William Drews, na tional presid e nt; Mrs . W. E. Schma lz, Minnesota fie ld secreta ry .

ILLI OIS-MISSOUR I The I 0th anniversnry m•·eting of the Illinois­

M issou ri U nit was hrld in Redeemer Church. R ock­ford , Ill inois. with the inspirationa l addn·ss given by the Rt'Vl'rend E. Bcvc rsdor f, usi ng the convention theme " Your labor is not in vnin in the Lord.""

Mrs. L. Seeberg introduced the officers present and the members were wl'lcomt'd by Mrs. E. W. Mit­telstadt. I n the address by Mrs. Schmt'ling, State Unit president, she welcomed three new chapters, Peoria, Bloomington, and Quad-City, a lso givi ng n report on her activit ies during th e year.

M rs. Ruprech t, Executive Secretary, urg1·d the members to cont inue an enthusiast ic- approach to Guild work and suggestt'd the 111cmbers rcrnll wha t great things in the Guild lrns dont' to lw lp b uild th (• Uni vcrsi t ~ p rogram. She rcpOrtl'cl on nnivities on the campus and strcsfed the observ:rncc of tlH' Gui ld"s 25th a nniversa ry durini; tlw month of April, 1956.

During the noon luncheon D r. A. R. Kretzmann of St. Luk1-'s C hurch in C hicago showt'd his slides on Palestine and the Ho lv L ::"JJ Th~ pi<t:m•; and h is comments were ou tstanding and will lo ng be re­membered by the group.

The a fternoon sessions includt'd reports by tht• chapter presidents, and the invitation for the 1956 convention extended by D ecatur was aCCl'ptcd; whih· Dundee will entertain the group in 1957. Officers a re:

M rs. Wm. Schmeling, Rockford .. .... President M rs. Pa ul K rentz, Aurora .. . ... . . Vice-President Mrs. E. L. Schmidt, Elgin ....... .... . Secreta ry Miss Vivian Kossmann, Chicago ...... Treasurer

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ANTIGO CHAPTER Mrs. Barbara Summ ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Gustave Winter ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Emma Berglin ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mr. Fred Smith ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mr. Fred Hafemeister ........... · · · · · · · Mr. Herman Hackbarth ......... · · · · · · · · Mr. Wm. Brandt ............... · · · · · · · · Mii's. John Matteson ............ · . · · · · · ·

APPLETON CHAPTER Mrs. Anna Pautz ............. ~ ..... · · · · Mrs. Wm. F. Kelm ............ ·. ·· · · · · · Mrs. Anna Pautz ................ · · · · · ·

AURORA CHAPTER Mr. Wm. Schmalzriedt ............. · ·; · ·

BAY CITY CHAPTER Mr. Wm. C. Bellinger ............ · · · · · · · Mrs. Wm. Hasso Sr. . ............. · · · · · · Mrs. Martha Boehm ............. · · · · · · · Miss Marie Mueller .............. • · · · · ·

BELOIT CHAPTER Mrs. Edna Barnowsky ................. . Mrs. Edna Barnowsky ............... · · . Mrs. August Rubach .................. . Mr. Carl Lcvihn ................... · .. . Mr. Henry Riepl .................... · · ·

BERRIEN COUNTY Frank R. Domaske ..•...................

BUFFALO CHAPTER Mr. Paul G. Schmandt ................. .

CHICAGO CHAPTER Mrs. Elva Roediger ................... . Miss Anna Thurow ................... . Margaret Taylor ....•.................. Mr. S. Rudolph Davidson ............... . Mrs. Otto Hirsch ..................... . Mrs. Louisa Mayer ........ • ........... .

CHICAGO WEST SUB. Mrs. Fred Marquardt .................. .

CLEVELAND CHAPTER Mrs. Elvira Nienhuser ................. . Mrs. Karl Strassemeyer ................ . Mr. Theo. Meyer (Detroit, Mich.) ...... . Mr. Herman A. Polack ................ .

CLINTONVILLE Miss Freda Klemm .................... .

COLUMBUS, INDIANA Mr. Robert Fushelbergcr ............... . Mrs. Ed. Fiesbeck •.....................

DECATUR, ILL. CHAPTER Mrs. Gustav Lou ...............•.......

DECATUR, INDIANA CHAPTER Mr. Hugh K. Engle ................... .

DETROIT, MICH. CHAPTER Mrs. Emma Sonneman ................. . Dora Staples ......................... . Jonathon Otte .......... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. H. Roetz ........................ . Mrs. Anna Arndt ...................... . Mrs. Frank Selle ...................... .

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2.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 2.00

5.00 7.00 5.00


1.00 2.00 4.00 2.00

14.00 1.00

26.00 1.00 1.00



10.00 15.00 3.00 5.00

11.00 5.00


5.00 5.00 5.00



3.00 5.00



5.00 3.00

15.00 10.00 5.00


DUNDEE CHAPTER Anna Buhrow · · · · · • · · · · · · · · • · · · • · • · · · · · The Rev. Sylvester •. · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · •

ELGIN CHAPTER Johnny Lee Gerber ..•...•.............. Herman Naatz · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

FLINT CHAPTER . Mrs. Theo. Andres (Valparaiso, Ind.) · · · · ·

FORT WAYNE CHAPTER Rev. Herbert Koe~linger · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · • Mrs. Ferd. Bradtm1ller · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mr. Ed. Eicks .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •

MAUMEE VALLEY CHAPTER Mr. Fred Panning · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Edwin Fitzenrieter · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

LANCASTER, OHIO Henrietta Winegarden ...... • · · · · · · · · · · · Jonathan Otte (Detroit) ........ · · · · · · · · Lancaster, Ohio ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Emil F. Schultz ........ • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Anna Boers .......... · . · . · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Mathilda Mueller ............ · . · · · ·

INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Emmaus .......... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wanatah, Ind. St. Johns ...... · ... · · · · · · Walter Boeswecker ............ · · · · · · · · · Mr. Frank Janick .........• ·. · · · · · · · · · · Mrs. Chas. Woempner ..•......... · . • · · ·

LANSING CHAPTER Mrs. Walter Patenge ..•......... • · · • · • ·

LAPEER-HADLEY CHAPTER Mrs. Carl Bliss ............... · · · · · · · · • Mrs. Anna Schroeder ................ · · · Mr. Leonard Viet ..•................. · · Mrs. Leona Hagemaster ................ . Mrs. Mary Broecker •••................. Mrs. Rudolph Hoeft ••.......•....•....• Mrs. Harley Cramton •...•...•..•...•...

LOGANSPORT CHAPTER Mrs. Elsie Spott .........•..•••.••..... Mrs. Richard Hazel ................... . Mrs. Marion Gilbertson ................ . Mrs. Margaret Smith .................. . Mrs. Lola Becker ...................... .

LORAIN COUNTY CHAPTER Mrs. Bertha Donnelly ..••............... Miss Bertha Reinking •.................. Mrs. Elena Benson .................... . Mrs. Anna Hunger •....................

MATTOON CHAPTER Mrs. Mae Schilling .................... .

MILWAUKEE CHAPTER Mrs. Edna Marquardt ................. . Mrs. Fred Maas ...................... . Mr. Fred Benkert •..................... Mrs. Ernest Kluge ..................... . Mrs. B. Frantz ........................ . Mrs. Mathilda D. Esser ................ . Mrs. Paul Tegge ...................... . Mrs. Albert Baerwald .................. .

MILWAUKEE EVE. CHAPTER Mrs. Bertha Rosenthal ................. .


7.00 5.00

2.00 2.00


2.00 5.00 5.00

8.00 5.00

7.00 5.00

10.00 10.00 15.00 2.00

5.00 5.00 2.00

10.00 2.00


3.00 10.50 5.00 1.00

36.00 3.00 2.00

5.00 5.00 5.00

10.00 15.00

5.00 5.00

10.50 5.00


25.00 25.00

7.50 2.00 5.00 5.00

10.00 12.00


Mrs. G. A. Grosche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Mrs. Minnie Jehnke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Mrs. Harry Knannlein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 W. A. Kuespcrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Mrs. Hattie Ruff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Miss Bertha Reinking .................. 23.00 Mrs. Chas. Reinking .................... 25.00 M:rs. Emma Schmidt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00


Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (16)

Mrs. Mary Jahnke ..........•.......... Mrs. Mathilda Meier .................. . Mr. Paul Mcissler ..................... . Mrs. Mary Jahnke .................... . Mrs. Tillie Ort ....................... . Mrs. Mary Schroeder .................. .

MONROE CHAPTER Mrs. Gus. Finzel ..................•... · Mrs. Elizabeth Heinsbcrg .............. . Mr. Arthur Hoppert ..............•..... Mr. Henry Pschock .................... . Mrs. Irvin Bcrnstach ....•....•......... Mrs. Ilda Durocher ................... . Mrs. Walter E. Bauer (Valparaiso) .•....• Mrs. Walter E. Bauer ................. . Mr. La V crn Blanke ........•...... , ... .

MINNEAPOLIS CHAPTER Mrs. Robert Ryan ..................... .

MOUNT CLEMENS CHAPTER Mrs. Drews Mother .............•....... Mr. A. Rauschclbach •.................. Mr. Robert Havel ..................... .

NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Wm. Martin Thcer ........••.........•. Mrs. Martha Detering ................. . Mrs. Ada Shipdeb Schmidt ............•.

OLEAN CHAPTER Mrs. Florence Ford ...............•..•.. Mrs. Christine Schussele ................ . David C. Alger •...•...•.............•. Howard C. Ford .....•................. Milo Thompson ....................... .

OSHKOSH CHAPTER Mrs. Lydia Bodemer ..••...•..•........ Mrs. A. J. Pietz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

OAKLAND COUNTY CHAPTER Mrs. Geo. Gary ••••....•..•............

PITTSBURGH CHAPTER Mrs. Freda Harms ............•........ Mrs. E. C. Deinert ..................... .

PORT HOPE - EAST THUMB CHAPTER Mr. Carl Friedrich ......•.............. Mrs. Emma Sauder .................... .

REEDSBURG CHAPTER Mrs. Dara Schewe .................... . Harold Von Der Ohe .· .•................

ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHAPTER Wilhelmina MahlHausen ......•...•.•.•. Mrs. Ottilie Spendler .....•.•.........•.

ROCKFORD - ST. PAUL CHAPTER Mrs. Albert Sr. • .........••............ Mrs. Amanda Johnston ...........•...... Mrs. J. F. Boerger Sr. . ...........•.....

SAGINAW CHAPTER Martin Jacobs · ......................... . Mrs. Minnie Dvbay •••................. Mark Nuechterlt!in .........•........... Mrs. Frieda Flood •...•...••............ Miss Deanna Proux •.................... Mrs. Emil Kumbier ....•.•............. Mrs. Julius Gartley Sr. . .....•.••.•...... Mrs. Lena Feusse ...........••.........

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER Ellis Hooper .............•............. Mrs. Esther Roeder Cooper •......••••..

May, 1956

58.00 6.00 8.00

10.00 2.00 2.00

7.00 20.00 5.00 2.00

10.00 1.00

28.00 5.00 5.00


2.00 1.00 5.00

10.00 10.00 10.00

17.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

5.00 10.00


5.00 35.00

2.00 5.00

10.00 7.00

2.00 5.00

5.00 3.00 4.00

1.55 4.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 5.00


2.5C 10.00

Mrs. Lena Sochoeche • • . • • • • • • • . • • • . . • . . 10.00 Mrs. Eleanor Bohlmann . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . 10.00

SHA WANO CHAPTER Mrs. Chas. Eberline . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . • . • . 15.00 Mr. F. A. J aeckel . . . . . . • • • . . . • . . . . • . . . . 15.00 Mrs. James Lemke . . • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . • . 7 .00 Mrs. Amelia. ~rcnner ......... ·• • • . • . • . . . . • 5.00 Mrs. Orin Jorgens ...••........•.•...•. 10.00 Mrrs. Martha Rather . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . 10.00 Mrs. Clara Schroeter • • . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . 10.00 Mrs. Hattie Reichel • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 17 .00 Mrs. Helen Steinke • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • • 2.00 Mrs. Ella Frocnning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • 5.00 Mr. Fred Schumacher . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . 43.00 Douglas Murphy . . . . • . • . • . • • . • . . . . • . . . • 1.00 Mrs. Alice Lillie . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 72.00 Mrs. Theresa Zastrow . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 1.00

SHEBOYGAN CHAPTER Mr. Wm. Siebert •••...........•••.•••• Mrs. Hcnrry Fritz •.....•........••....• Mrs. Ione Gerber ...••..........•.•.•.• Mrs. Chas. Voss •..•..........•.....•.. Mr. Tom Schills •.......••••.••......•• Mrs. Arthur Peik •••................... Mr. Aug. Moeller ••.......•....•.....•• Mr. Allen Melger .•..•..••.•. _. ........ .


5.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00

Mrs. Andrew Ott . . . • . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . • 3.00 Mrs. Dorothy Haney ........ ·. . . . . . . . . . . 8.00

UNION CHAPTER Mac. Dellinger • . . . . • • . • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . 1 7 .00 Paul Micsder . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 3.00

VALPARAISO CHAPTER Elizabeth Canon • • • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Mrs. A. C. LoveKamp (Jacksonville, Ill.) . . 5.00 Mrs. Albert LovcKamp • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Rev. Paul J. Seltz • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Dr. Henry Poncher • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Mr. Joseph Leja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Mrs. Annie Ries .......................• 5.00 Mr. Andrew Schnack (Quincv, Ill.) ..... 18.81 Mr. E. G. Steinke ......... : . • • • . . • . . . . . 5.00 Mrs. Katherine Wehling . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Mrs. N. M. Anson •...................• 10.00 Mrs. Geo. Lille (Shawano, Wis.) • . . . . • . . 33.50 Mrs. A. L. Gilbertson . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Mrs. Theo. Andres • . . . . . . . • • • . • . • . . . • . 26.00 Mrs. Mclissinc Bichsel . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 Mrs. E. Alsie Larson . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.50 Mrs. E. Alsie Larson . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 25.00

( Mem. Fund New Chapel) Karl Edward Kurth . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 2.00 Mrs. Clara (W. E. Bauer) •......•.....• 82.00

VAN WERT CHAPTER Mrs. Leo. Ross . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . • • . . . 5.00 Mr. Arthur Kruse • . . . . . . . . • • . • • • • • • • . . . 5.00

WARREN CHAPTER Mr. M. Weiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • 5.00

WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAPTER Mrs. Minna Biedermann . . . . . . • . . . . . . • • • 10.00

WITTENBERG CHAPTER Mrs. Geo. Lille (Shawano, Wis.) ......... 10.00 Geo. Blacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 10.50

Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00

TOTAL ••.•••......••••••....••. 1,905.11

Page Fifteen

Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 5-1956 May, 1956 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.