Paths of the Voidwalker [Multicross/Hiatus] (2024)

[X] [Hunt] Attack the base on Sanctum.

Just because they called it a garden world, it didn't mean it was a picnic.

To paraphrase Pax's vocabulary, it was cold as hell out here.

The planet's most known feature, besides rich mineral deposits, were the constant, freezing ice storms that covered most of the surface that, as a side note, also had a large percentage of ice capes coverage. The only habitable, by reasonable standards, strip of land was at the equator where, despite a dry and windy climate, a natural, plant-based life was allowed to evolve. Local animals weren't a thing and they probably wouldn't for decades to come, but nobody was too sad about the fact that they didn't have to deal with hostile predators disrupting their mining operations. Surviving the frozen landscapes, seeing that a lot of minerals were covered by the sheets of ice, was hazardous enough on its own.

All of Sanctum's civilized settlements were at the equator. However, due to the prevalent and necessary practise of 'ice cracking', every mining company worth their damn had established facilities, some staffed only at certain portions of the year, away from the safe lands, wherever there were the largest deposits. The architecture of these mining complexes was all the same. Combining that with the fact that they were mostly embedded at the bottoms of mountainous regions and there were constant storms, it created almost a perfect set of circ*mstances for hiding a stationary asset.

It made a lot of sense why the Broker was using the planet for their own needs.

Coincidentally, it also prevented Blackwatch from acquiring solid intel on the enemy location, things like the interior blueprints or secret passageways, but Attlja was going to prevail anyways.

He had to.

[Rolling for the enemy force composition, threat level and alertness…]
[One Mag 1/Normal Threat 1 and one Mag 2/Normal Threat 5 units were securing the outer perimeter.]
[The amount of enemies at the inner perimeter remained unclear at that point in time.]
[Attlja's leading an assault: 21 + 20 (Skill) + 20 (Specialization) + 20 (Advantage) = 81]
[Rolling for the enemy initial reaction…]

And he did... Even if he would later see a room for improvement--but considering what he had and whom he faced, it was good enough. No plan survives contact with the enemy, after all.

A quick, but careful scouting was conducted shortly after their arrival. Following that, the idea for a rapid assault through the main entrance, which wasn't that much clear either, was promptly discarded when it became known that their adversaries deployed several booby traps and concealed autoguns. The Vaulter didn't doubt that he would be able to pull this off, but he actually believed in achieving something more than a bloody, pyrrhic victory. He did, however, get a different idea. They weren't really visible, but the Blackwatch agents noticed two landing pads near the entrance--that could be in the way of a hypothetical avalanche. Attlja promptly sent a team to plant explosive charges near the top, to create a nasty surprise for any reinforcements, while the rest of them kept looking for an alternative way.

They managed to stumble upon one a few hours later. There was a system of natural caves that spread nearby and, after some scanning, it turned out that there was a spot that could be used to break through the icy rock and into the Broker's base. Obviously, it wasn't going to be quiet. A portion of that natural obstacle was drilled through, somehow done inconspicuously enough to avoid an alarm, but the last part had to be done the hard way--with a loud bang and guns blazing. The charges were set and they paved the way in.

The interior was pretty much what Tenekech expected from an underground, secret base that was run by a malevolent organization. Dimly lit, pale white, claustrophobic corridors created a multi-level maze, broken up at points with tactically placed checkpoints and leading to however many rooms there were. The Vaulter didn't have much time to inspect the design, mostly because they broke through near a chokepoint--and the enemy soldiers, clad in black-and-white armors, reacted quickly, turning their emplaced, heavy weaponry, and filling the proverbial wave of kinetic slugs at Blackwatch.

It wasn't even designed to hold any attacker for a prolonged period of time, Attlja needed only a moment to figure out a plan how to blast the position apart without too many casualties. The Broker's agents were a sacrificial cannon fodder in this case, meant only for bleeding out their enemy as much as they could before annihilation--they achieved around a dozen injuries against Tenekech's teams. All were patched up and ready to go, just in time for Blackwatch to cut off some of the troops that tried to regroup with the inner perimeter.

[Mag 1/Normal Threat 1 unit was exterminated. Mag 2/Normal Threat 5 unit suffered heavy damage while retreating deeper inside and got reduced to Mag 1/Normal Threat 2.]
[The inner perimeter, on its own, had two Mag 2/Normal Threat 3 units, assisted by a massive, reptilian-like, close combat-focused specialist. Mental contamination was confirmed.]
[Enemy reinforcements were called in and incoming, but they were bringing only a single Mag 2/Normal Threat 3 unit that had no idea about the trap. The unit was destroyed by an avalanche.]
[Meanwhile, the Broker's units were putting up a fierce resistance due to some, probably, psionic-based aura affecting their minds. Rolling for their performance...]
[Reptilian specialist: 46 + 25 (Threat) = 71]
[Outer perimeter remnants: 53 + 5 (Mag) + 6 (Threat) = 64]
[Inner perimeter units #1: 1 + 0 (bonuses negated due to Crit Fail) = 1 and #2: 69 + 10 (Mag) + 6 (Threat) = 85]
[Now, as to Blackwatch forces, how Attlja handled this danger and lead his troops: 71 + 20 (Skill) + 20 (Specialization) + 10 (Advantage) = 121]
[Experienced cell direct combat: 52 + 10 (Cell) + 15 (Advantage) = 77]
[Veteran cells direct combat #1: 73 + 15 (Cell) + 15 (Advantage) = 103 and #2: 58 + 15 + 15 = 88]
[Overall, Blackwatch units suffered only mild casualties, no fatalities, while they had managed to completely curbstomp their enemy and raze the facility to the ground.]

Apart from the initial breach, Attlja has ensured that his troops wouldn't get ambushed like that as long as he led them on this mission.

The Booker's agents weren't exactly pushovers, especially seeing that some kind of esoteric influence was driving them even deeper into relentless determination and insane zealotry. Tenekech wasn't a psionic, but he could swear that he was hearing a low, creepy, droning sound every time silence reigned after a finished firefight--when the bodies of their enemies and their weapons were cooling down… Every support psionic that his teams had confirmed the same feeling which meant two things. One, mandatory psychic screening after the mission. Two, the source of it had to be somewhere on the base and, preferably, it had to be destroyed. Attlja made an educated guess that they were going to find it by encountering the largest enemy concentration. He confirmed that a short while later.

Still, the individual fierceness of the Broker's agents didn't help them much against the superior tactics employed by Attlja and his operatives. He knew how to leverage his strengths and how to exploit openings. He had enough firepower to blast open another flanking route if needed. He didn't have to act recklessly or sacrifice some of his soldiers--nobody was going to save the enemy he was facing. The sole transport with reinforcements, along with its inhabitants, became buried under tons of rock and snow. Not having to worry about a pincer maneuver was beneficial for Attlja's clarity of thought.

Even when a massive, reptilian-like, heavily armored alien entered the fray with a guttural roar, wielding a shotgun in one hand and large battleaxe in another, it wasn't enough to shift the tide of battle. Attlja was sure that anybody lucky enough to get within melee range would be slaughtered, but the solution was simple--limit the enemy's movement. As the closest Blackwatch agents dodged out of the way, others laid down suppressive fire on the incoming juggernaut, chipping down his kinetic shields, and threw several explosives in his path. It turned out that yes, raging berserker or not, uneven terrain was a bitch to deal with.

Corrupted mind or not, the reptilian was disabled and captured in hopes that Blackwatch psionics would be able to rip something useful out of his mind.

It also didn't take long to find the source of this uneasy feeling that emanated throughout the facility. Sitting inside a central, sealed chamber, the dark as night device resembled a monolith. From what Attlja could gather from a brief observation, there was some kind of a liquid metal that moved inside the structure. There was a moment of curiosity, but it died down as soon as Blackwatch agents started reporting audio-visual hallucinations. Tenekech's troops took their captive and whatever information they managed to download from the present databases. How much of that would be useful, only time would tell.

The rest was buried beneath a mountain.

[X] [Hack] Figure out why the AI is interested in Eden Prime.

Jack gave one last look to the assembled machinery around him.

His eyes glanced at the lines of code and scripts he made, a last second search for any glaring mistakes that could put his life--and that of his allies-in jeopardy.

He took a long, deep breath, steeling his nerves--

--And began another incursion, deeper into the bowels of the malicious AI.

[Avoiding detection: 6 + 20 (Skill) + 20 (Specialization) + 10 (Advantage) = 56. Required roll: 80]

The hacker rationalized that, while asking for trouble either way, trying to stare at the core of an intelligent, murderous machine was a step too far that probably wouldn't bring any long term benefits. He didn't see a reason why their enemy couldn't move its critical infrastructure in case of an attack or successful infiltration… Which was why he went for a lower hanging fruit, after he and Blackwatch did every possible preparation…

But the moment he executed the first commands, there was a sinking feeling in his stomach that grew with each passing second. If he was dealing with a stupid or inexperienced security contractor, he would already know if an alarm was raised or not--they reacted quickly and visibly when they were spooked… But here, he was dealing with a smart adversary and there would be no convenient information that he was made.

Jack could swear the room became five times hotter during these few seconds.

He started sweating, nervously looking at the terminals as his programs dug for the targeted information and also trying to spot an increased activity in the networks. This uncertainty was suffocating.


Maybe he would be lucky…

Or maybe his gut feeling, that kept him from prison so far, was right once again.

He knew one thing--the moment he got the data, he wasn't going to waste a second peeking at it, it was going straight into a prepared encryption program and then sent away.

Come on, don't panic, just a few more seconds, he kept thinking as the last steps of his hacking were being executed. The visible traffic started increasing on the planetary networks.

He managed to warn Booker and a moment later the extracted data arrived into his hands. Without missing a beat, he processed, packaged and transmitted it out of the system.

[AI scrambling the comms: 78 + 30 (Threat) + 10 (Advantage) = 118]
[JJ being fast enough: 95 + 20 (Skill) + 20 (Specialization) + 10 (Advantage) = 145]
[Rolling for the incoming quick reaction force…]

It was probably matter of miliseconds, but Jack didn't f*cking care. He did it. The package went through and, no matter what happened here, it would reach the rest of Blackwatch.

Somehow, that knowledge didn't do much to lower his pulse. His heart hammered in his chest and he was barely able to acknowledge what was happening around him. Good thing that Booker knew how to shout if needed and brought Jack back into the game--the remaining agents already grabbed their, and his, stuff and prepared to set ablaze to anything else. They weren't going to leave any evidence that could point back towards their organization. The hacker wasn't paying much attention to what they were doing.

His focus was solely on surviving.

As they started their brisk march through the industrial areas, he was told to keep close to the agent in front of him. He treated this operative like his personal lifeline.

[Evacuating now: 23 + 15 (Cell) + 20 (Advantage) = 58]
[Enemy pursuit incoming: 25 + 5 (Mag) + 20 (Threat) = 50]

He vaguely noticed the change to his surroundings as the team escorted him through various shortcuts, he even heard a portion of a public service announcement about a major police operation being underway, but he still mostly heard the hammering beat of his heart. Maybe it was for the better--at the very least, he didn't hear the sounds of security troops rushing into the area or gunships patrolling the skies…

And speaking of which, at some point they had entered an underground garage where the Booker's team prepared a gateway car that, if everything worked out fine, was going to bring them to an extraction zone. The van--JJ guessed they had to get something big enough to fit all of them in--didn't look fancy and that was good, blending in with the surroundings was paramount. The hacker just hoped the Blackwatch team somehow acquired a version that was slightly more bulletproof and faster than the usual, civilian models.

As they were leaving the immediate premises, there was one moment when JJ thought they were goners.

A single gunship was flying from the opposite direction, hastily rushing towards their former base of operations that was now a burning pile of scrap…

Jack held his breath, as did many other agents, his entire body went rigid and mentally prayed that the pilot will have no reason to be suspicious of their vehicle.

A moment felt like an eternity, but it finally passed--the gunship flew by and they weren't harassed by any other security forces for the rest of their journey.

They had reached the extraction zone and left the planet's surface about an hour later.

When Jack finally had a chance to crash down, he slept for fourteen hours straight.

[X] [Infiltration] Start from the bottom.

Higher risk, higher reward path has been chosen.

Calculating distance.

Analyzing the ground surface and the danger of landslide.

Danger minimal.

Disturbance felt, but teleporting directly in one go is possible.

Theory: it won't work the same way in the opposite direction. Irrelevant.

Teleporting now…

Arrival at the preselected destination within the acceptable margin of error.


Warning: esoteric radiation confirmed. Identification… Error. Lack of data. Emergency databanks unlocked. Searching. Comparing the patterns.


Mind-related phenomena used by the Intelligence, dubbed by many mortal races as 'indoctrination'.

Other types of radiation detected, caused by the damage done to the facility, but none pose a significant threat to this operator. Proceeding with the mission.

Current theory: this cave area housed a capital-sized ship belonging to the Intelligence. Ship dormant until recently, but with the indoctrination taking its toll on the local archeological teams. Unknown how much damage was done before the facility was scrapped. Unknown what was the role of the other factions taking part in this event. Any human survivors are marked as low priority due to their probable mental contamination.

Current information confirms that Sidon housed a research facility. Research possibly derived from the Intelligence, marked as contaminated and dangerous.

Human survivors are, at this point in time, not automatically marked as hostile, but caution is advised.

Seek Blue Suns survivors or intact databanks.

Proceeding onwards…

[Rolling for the possibility of survivors, intact information and the number of enemy forces…]
[Teleporting inspector sneaking through and analyzing clues: 7 + 30 (Skil) + 37]

Inspecting the bodies, causes of death and signs of combat…

Confirmed that the staff at the lower levels turned against one another, probably shortly before the main attack occurred. Most of the machinery and terminals are destroyed.

Checking… Warning…

Blood patterns do not match the remaining bodies or body parts. Some are missing.

Checking for the altered technology signatures or the Intelligence conversion devices…

Possibility exists.

Warning: the source of the Shroud disturbance most likely present in the lower levels. The source may be a moving being. The disturbance may have other effects. Stay vigilant.

Proceeding onwards…

Faint sounds of a gunfight are detected. A surviving terminal is found. Downloading the available map layouts of the facility. Security center found. Moving towards the survivors…

Enemies detected.

[Assassins' slicing and dicing: 82 + 30 (Skill) + 30 (Specialization) = 142]
[Mindless masses: 18 + 35 (Mag) + 5 (Threat) = 58]
[Kovar getting closer to the source: 12 + 30 (Skill) + 30 (Specialization) = 72]
[Advanced units protecting the main target: 5 + 10 (Mag) + 20 (Threat) = 35]
[Putting the abomination down: 43 + 30 (Skill) + 30 (Specialization) = 103]
[The tormented, synthetic psionic: 23 + 40 (Threat) = 63]

Husks detected. Lack of mechanical spires detected. Slower conversion method used.

Evidence found.

Dangerous in huge numbers, but otherwise mindless. The disturbance seems to be affecting them. Erratic changes in movement. Theory: seeking a target through the Shroud?

No psionics detected in the husks.

Analyzing the numbers, formations, layout of the rooms and corridors, looking for time efficiency. Weak points found. Available weapons sufficient for the task. Silent method utilized.

Husks do not possess kinetic shields. Dust-infused blade weaponry carves through the cybernetically-altered flesh with ease. Decapitation is confirmed to be the most efficient.

Proceeding without further delay…


Survivors barricaded inside the security center, currently under siege by--

--Detecting a different energy signature. Synthetic units. Displacement indicates securing the perimeter. Theory: waiting in ambush for any survivors that could reinforce this place.

Attempt insufficient against this operator.

An opportunity for a strealth assassination found. Machine soldiers possess a similar weakness against decapitation. Kinetic shields are present, but they do not pose an issue.

Analysis… There are graphical markings on the frame. Comparing them with the available databases… Match found. Faction confirmed: 12 Red Code.

Addendum: the placement of robot-sentinels and the strength of disturbance indicate the source is very close. The source is marked as a priority threat.

Eliminating another dozen of these robot-sentinels. Concealment maintained.

Visual range with the source achieved…

Theory: the source was achieved by taking an organic matter, especially the kind that comes from psionics, and converting it to a certain degree before putting it together with a warmech of some kind. Looks like a patchworked job. This creation may be new, driven by the losses sustained by the attacking force. The mech body probably belonged to one of the heavier units used by the 12 Red Code faction. Unknown how much awareness the organic portion of this abomination has, but the disturbance in the Shroud is the direct result of whipping the psionics power into frenzy through constant suffering.

Elimination confirmed as priority. Heavy armor, but there are exposed spots. Flickering, unreliable kinetic shield. Possibility of a psionic-based shield existing.

Other forces are attempting to break through. The survivors will have to hold out.

Heavier ordnance used as a first measure… Explosions wreck a kinetic shield and put a heavy strain on a psionic barrier. The abomination becomes unstable.

Rushing forward to utilize this opening, targeting lower limbs first…

Two slashes needed for each leg. One for creating a crack, second one for piercing through.

The abomination falls down--a violent wave goes through the Shroud, other enemy units are beginning to react to the source being in danger.

Analysis, a simple decapitation may not be sufficient… Making a swing to create an opening in the organic flesh, successful. Explosives are taken out and armed.

They are pushed by this operative through a created opening, to rip apart the abomination from the inside. The enemy forces are rushing towards the source.

Rapidly moving backwards to escape the blast radius and avoid encirclement…

The explosion is enough. A death-scream echoes through the Shroud, confirming the abominations' termination. This operator withstands its effects. Husks do not.

Mopping up the remaining 12 Red Code units in the immediate vicinity takes a few more minutes.

Attempting to establish contact with the survivors...

[Getting information from the organics: 80 + 30 (Skill) = 110]
[Getting information from the devices: 59 + 30 (Skill) = 89]

Attempt successful.

The ones that are barely coherent are marked for termination due to a significant mental contamination.

The local staff has died. Survivors belong to the Blue Suns. Questions are asked. Answers are delivered. Prospects for the future are presented.

Backgrounds will have to be checked, but the compatible survivors may find a better future in Blackwatch. Suggestions will be made to the overseers.

Intact records are also found and preserved.

No further issues need to be resolved at this time.

Beginning the process of exfiltration with the acquired resources…

A/N: I am starting a roleplaying session very soon so I am just posting this and running away Paths of the Voidwalker [Multicross/Hiatus] (1)

I will answer any questions at a later time.


Paths of the Voidwalker [Multicross/Hiatus] (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.