Access your local network using Wireguard VPN and Algo (2024)

If you need to access your home network from somewhere other than your home, the traditional way to do that is using a VPN. However, most VPN tutorials send all of your traffic through your home network. I only wanted to reach the devices in my home network, and not send all my traffic through the VPN. So if that's what you're looking for, this is the tutorial for you.

We'll be using algo for this. Algo is a install script that sets up a WireGuard VPN server. WireGuard is a new-ish VPN program that is meant to be easier to use and faster than traditional VPN servers. It also makes it easy to only send certain IP addresses through the VPN instead of all internet traffic.

You'll need these things:

  • A dedicated home internet connection, where you are the only one using your IP address. This is still common, but if your provider uses DS-Lite or CGNAT or some other form of shared IP address, this won't work, you'll need to get a server and use that. I'm not sure of a generic way to find this out, sorry.
  • A computer running an up-to-date version of Ubuntu. At the time of writing, that's 18.04 and 19.10. Check the algo docs if you're reading this far into the future to see supported versions. Note: if you're using a Raspberry Pi or similar ARM computer, you'll need to use Ubuntu 19.10.
  • A way to get a root shell on the aforementioned computer. This can be either via SSH from a different computer or through the terminal on the computer you're using.
  • A list of devices that will be connecting to the VPN from outside your network.
  • A way to forward ports from your router to the computer.
  • A few hours on a cloudy weekend afternoon with good focus music and a cup of tea (other types of beverages are allowed).

Since we're all using a local computer with Ubuntu, we can shorten the algo install docs somewhat.

Get system and Python requirements

  • Get a root shell. sudo su should work if you freshly installed Ubuntu and you're the only user. You might have to enter your password.
  • Make sure your system has some required things installed: apt install git qrencode wget openssh-server python3-virtualenv.
  • Clone the repo and change into the repo directory: git clone && cd algo.
  • Install a python virtual environment to isolate the install: python3 -m virtualenv --python="$(command -v python3)" .env && source .env/bin/activate.
  • Install the algo dependencies: python3 -m pip install -U pip virtualenv && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Open config.cfg in your favorite editor. If you don't have a favorite editor, I suggest nano: nano config.cfg.

Edit algo config

  • Edit the list of users: and add the list of devices you gathered when I told you to above. BE SURE TO KEEP THE INDENTATION THE SAME: 2 spaces, NOT a tab.
  • Change ipsec_enabled to false.
  • Find the BetweenClients_DROP and change false to true.
  • (Optional) Sometimes you'll have a firewall that drops connections after a while. To get around that, find wireguard_PersistentKeepAlive and set it to 25 (Not a magic number, it's actually WireGuard's recommended setting).
  • Save and close the file. If you're using nano, that's Ctrl+X, then Y, then hit Enter. If you're using vim, it's :x.

Install algo

  • Run ./algo. There's several options to choose from, make sure you choose the "Install to existing Ubuntu server" on the "What provider would you like to use?" prompt.
  • We're going to remove the DNS settings for Wireguard later on, so don't bother setting them up here.
  • The IP address options are a little confusing. The first one is the local IP address, you leave that as localhost. For the "Enter the public IP address of your server", you can find your public IP address using wget -qO - You can also use a dyndns provider if you want.
  • The rest of the prompts can be left as their default value.
  • The install should complete successfully. If it doesn't, research the error you got and try again until it does.
  • Take a break, you're almost there. Do some pushups, get some water, take a short jog, and then come back.

Set up devices

  • Run exit to drop back into your user shell, then sudo cp -r /root/algo/configs . and sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) -R configs. This moves the configs to your home directory and makes them accessible to you without special privileges.
  • cd into the configs directory. You should see your public IP address as a folder (or the dyndns hostname if you went that route). cd into that, and then into the wireguard directory. There will be a .conf and .png file for each user you specified in config.cfg way back in the beginning.
  • Edit each of the conf files. In the [Interface] section, remove the DNS= line if there is one. In the [Peer] section, change AllowedIPs to the IPv4 and IPv6 subnet of the Address of the [Interface] section.
  • If that isn't clear, you're taking the first value in the Address= line (the default is 10.19.49.x/24, where x is unique to each client). Change the x to a 0, and put that in the AllowedIPs= line, erasing whatever value is currently in there. So if you have Address=, you copy and replace the values in AllowedIPs with, so the entire line is AllowedIPs=
  • Do the same for the IPv6 subnet, replacing the number after the :: with a 0.
  • See pictures below if you're having trouble.

Configure WireGuard for local network

Sorry this section can't be bullet points, the pictures and code get all wonky.

If you want to access computers connected to your local network but not connected to the VPN, find your local subnet. The easiest way is to run ip a. If you're connecting wirelessly, there should be a interfacethat starts with a w and an IP address associated with that. If you're connected via ethernet, it will be the interface beginning with e. Here's mine as an example (it's using a wireless connection): Access your local network using Wireguard VPN and Algo (1)

Copy the IP address that's in the place of the one circled (squared?) in that picture, open up a terminal and run python3 and then enter the lines prefixed with >>>, substituting your IP address for my example:

>>> import ipaddress>>> ipaddress.ip_network("", False) IPv4Network('')

The string in the IPv4Network that is returned is the subnet you need to use.

If you like pictures, you started with something similar to this: Access your local network using Wireguard VPN and Algo (2)

and you end with something like this: Access your local network using Wireguard VPN and Algo (3)

Port forward the WireGuard port

You need to port forward UDP port 51820 to the computer running algo. Unfortunately, there's not a generic way to do this, so you'll need to research how to forward ports on your specific router.

Distribute the configuration files

For desktops and laptops, you can ssh into the computer and copy+paste the configuration. For phones and tablets, the WireGuard app can read a QR code. Algo created one for us, but it isn't valid anymore since we changed the configs. To get the configuration on your phone or tablet, run qrencode -t ansiutf8 -r x.conf, replacing x.conf with the name of the configuration file. The QR code will display in your terminal and you can scan it. If your terminal doesn't support UTF8, run qrencode -t png -r x.conf -o x.png and download x.png to your local computer to display.

IP address conflicts

If you have a common local subnet ( or are the most common), it's likely you'll eventually end up on another network that shares the same local subnet, which might prevent you from accessing the local subnet over WireGuard. If you don't need to access any of the local IPs on that network (make sure your DNS isn't using it), there's a few ways to fix it. First, if your ISP and router support IPv6, you can find the IPv6 subnet range just like you found the IPv4 subnet range a few sections up, and add that to your AllowedIPs= line. Then you can connect to your home devices via IPv6. Second, you can connect all the devices to WireGuard so they're all accessible via the WireGuard IP address range. If neither of those are a possibility, the last option is making the IP address rules more specific. I'm not going to show you here, but read up on CIDR ranges (the /24 is the CIDR range I have in my example) and how UNIX/Linux systems route packets, and you may be able to make a more specific route.


Algo sets up the iptables firewall to block all ports except the necessary ones for Wireguard. So if you're running some other program that listens on a port, you'll need to go in and add a firewall rule to allow that port.

Thanks for reading this! If you liked it, please share it with places that will also like it. If you are so inclined, you can buy me a Ko-Fi (other ways to donate are available as well). If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me in various ways, and I'll do my best to help you out. Follow me at or subscribe to my RSS feed to be notified of future posts and hear my thoughts.

Access your local network using Wireguard VPN and Algo (2024)


How to access local network with WireGuard? ›

How to visit WireGuard client LAN side from Server
  1. Go to the VPN Dashboard of the Server. Click the icon and enter the custom rule page. ...
  2. Go to the WireGuard Server you will see the client IP (Gateway) in Profiles and click the modify icon. Click Set More. ...
  3. Download the configuration.

How do I access local network resources while using VPN? ›

Accessing Local Network Resources While Using VPN
  1. Step 1: Open “Network and Sharing Center” ...
  2. Step 2: In the window that appears, select “Change Adapter Settings” ...
  3. Step 3: A window should appear showing all of your network connections. ...
  4. Step 4: Select the “Networking” Tab.
Mar 31, 2015

How do I use WireGuard VPN on my router? ›

Configure WireGuard VPN on the router.

Go to VPN -->Wireguard--> Wireguard, click Add and fill in the following parameters: Name: test. MTU: 1420 (Default is 1420, no need to modify) Listen Port: 51820 (The default port is 51820, which can be modified)

What does WireGuard mean in VPN? ›

WireGuard® is a fast and modern VPN protocol that uses advanced cryptography. It's simpler and more versatile than IPsec and OpenVPN, making it suitable for a wide range of uses.

How do I allow access to my local network? ›

At any time, you can allow or revoke an app's access to the local network: In Settings, go to Privacy & Security* > Local Network to see a list of every app that requested access.

How do I connect to a local network device? ›

There are two ways to connect a device to the LAN: Ethernet and WiFi. Ethernet, or a wired connection, requires an Ethernet cable to physically plug in to the router or switch. If a device can't connect via WiFi or the signal is spotty, a wired connection will provide solid access to the network.

How do I access my network through VPN? ›

For Windows: Go to Control Panels > Network and Sharing > Create a New Connection, then choose VPN and enter the IP address.

Why can't I access the local network when connected to a VPN? ›

Most common issue I see when trying to access a drive over a VPN is if the drive is set by name instead of IP address and the DNS server is not set up for the VPN addresses. Second most common is that the VPN VLAN does not have access to the VLAN the server\NAS is on.

How can I access my local network remotely? ›

How to access home network remotely [3 ways]
  1. Use remote desktop software.
  2. Set up a local VPN server.
  3. Configure a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) host.
Jan 30, 2024

Does private Internet access use WireGuard? ›

PIA VPN automatically uses WireGuard® and you can switch between WireGuard® and OpenVPN in our app.

Which router supports WireGuard VPN? ›

What Are The Best WireGuard-Supporting Wi-Fi Routers?
  • Mesh Routers. $284.99.
  • TP-Link BE19000 Archer BE800 Wi-Fi 7 FlashRouter. $689.99 Regular Price $799.99.
  • Asus ROG Rapture GT6 Mesh FlashRouter. $514.99 Regular Price $599.99.

Is WireGuard free? ›

WireGuard is a communication protocol and free and open-source software that implements encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs), and was designed with the goals of ease of use, high speed performance, and low attack surface.

Should I allow WireGuard? ›

Is WireGuard secure? WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

What is the difference between VPN and WireGuard? ›

The biggest notable differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN are speed and security. While WireGuard is generally faster, OpenVPN provides heavier security. The differences between these two protocols are also what make up their defining features.

Does WireGuard hide IP? ›

As explained above WireGuard does not allocate a dynamic IP address to the VPN user. And, it indefinitely stores user IP addresses on the VPN server until the server reboots. So, there is no anonymity and privacy in WireGuard.

How do I access a server on a local network? ›

What are the steps to access a server on a local network?
  1. Open a web browser on your device.
  2. Enter the server's IP address and port number in the address bar, separated by a colon. For example, "192.168. 1.100:80".
  3. Press Enter to connect to the server.

How do I access a private network using VPN? ›

  1. If you haven't already, add a VPN.
  2. Open your device's Settings app.
  3. Tap Network & internet. VPN. ...
  4. Next to the VPN you want to change, tap Settings .
  5. Turn Always-on VPN on or off. If you've set up a VPN through an app, you won't have the always-on option.
  6. If needed, tap Save.

How do I expose a port to a local network? ›

How to open a port on the firewall
  1. Click on Start then on Control Panel.
  2. Click on Windows Firewall and then click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Right click on Inbound Rules then on New Rule:
  4. Select Port and click on Next:
  5. Enter a specific local port (e.g. 8080) and click on Next:
  6. Click on Next:
  7. Name the rule and click on Finish:
Jun 16, 2023


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